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Thoughts on recent movies


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
Right? They have to make every female action lead do that stupid fuckin scissor throat grab. Also for no reason at all, they'll roll over the guys back land next to him and hit him. Gives me douche chills. I mean all stage fighting is fairly over the top, but man they make the female moves just dumbfuckery. Makes me wanna punch myself in the dick. They coulda just made Black Widow for example really clever, deceptive, making use of her environment and objects and shit. Instead of a flip kicking idiot.
Right? She has fucking 100.000W tasers on her wirsts. Why not use them? Or use seduction, like a proper widow.
I doubt Scarlett's size 5s (who are probably smelling of Baby Johnson's oil and have glittering nails all the time) would do any damage to a 300 pound henchman lol
The Sarah Conner and Ripley style of "badass chick" was cool also yep, cause they never frigging practically broke the fourth wall with acting up how tough and cool they were. Those actresses were playing make believe like a proper actor, and were in it mentally, doing what they had to in order to survive vibe.
Sarah was badass...but she used everything at her disposal (quickness, weapons, wit, surprise, aggression, deception) to compensate for her lack of raw strength (as it should be).
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Staff member
May 27, 2018
Funny rant on it from Chris D'Elia who has been #metooed for trying to get laid fairly straight up:


Of course we know the answer. to direct vs being a pussy, but this same comic would probably douche on us PUA of course. He's super LMS. A comic so probably has shit game/goes dancing monkey.

Interesting take on the backlash to all this shit though. This guy was on a sitcom with Whitney Cummings of all PC comics. Hell they were 'good friends" and she threw him under the bus and quit associating with him when the mob came.

Be funny if the West Elm Caleb guy was actually being flaked on :), he's just late all the time and they leave before he gets there.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 11, 2021
Fellas, I came across a GEM today. I was at my grandma's house when I couldn't help but tune into the TV, since I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Lecturer: "When a woman says no, it does not mean that the game is over. It means that the game has started! And my program will teach you how to break through a woman's artificial resistance and bring her to her desired state of consent... We're gonna get into that right after we break for lunch."

For context, the show that was playing was Chicago PD. The cops were investigating a date rape case, and one of their primary suspects was a pickup coach. The most grizzled and hard-nosed officer of the bunch went to investigate at his seminar, which was a pretty faithful parody of the 21 Convention tbh... anyhow, the lecturer, a scrawny ginger-haired white guy, was speaking to a room full of middle aged guys who looked like they would've been more at home at a country club. The cop, Vought, played the nice guy angle to get more information, and of course the lecturer took the opportunity to brag about how he banged a 20 year old girl in the most sleazy and cringe way possible. The cop concluded he wasn't the rapist, but at the briefing they decried his work as dangerous and predatory ("even if he didn't rape her himself, he's training an army of assaulters and abusers!").

The kicker? The episode is titled "Last Minute Resistance".

This isn't the first time in semi-recent memory that I've seen the pickup community referenced so directly. There was a pretty decent Black Mirror episode, White Christmas, where Jon Hamm (of Mad Men fame) plays the role of a pickup coach who guides his client through a seduction in real time with the aid of advanced tech. He ends up getting arrested after his client was poisoned to death by his date, and he is forced to take an extra-judicial plea deal in which he must use his technological prowess and charm to catch a suspected murderer. He succeeds, but is nevertheless punished heavily for his work as a pickup coach: for his involvement in his client's death and his potential danger to society, he is "blocked" by the rest of humanity. Literally.

I wonder how much attention the pickup community at large will receive from the media moving forward. Red pill dogma is fairly mainstream now, so I won't be surprised if I see more stuff like this...

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Fellas, I came across a GEM today. I was at my grandma's house when I couldn't help but tune into the TV, since I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

For context, the show that was playing was Chicago PD. The cops were investigating a date rape case, and one of their primary suspects was a pickup coach. The most grizzled and hard-nosed officer of the bunch went to investigate at his seminar, which was a pretty faithful parody of the 21 Convention tbh... anyhow, the lecturer, a scrawny ginger-haired white guy, was speaking to a room full of middle aged guys who looked like they would've been more at home at a country club. The cop, Vought, played the nice guy angle to get more information, and of course the lecturer took the opportunity to brag about how he banged a 20 year old girl in the most sleazy and cringe way possible. The cop concluded he wasn't the rapist, but at the briefing they decried his work as dangerous and predatory ("even if he didn't rape her himself, he's training an army of assaulters and abusers!").

The kicker? The episode is titled "Last Minute Resistance".

This isn't the first time in semi-recent memory that I've seen the pickup community referenced so directly. There was a pretty decent Black Mirror episode, White Christmas, where Jon Hamm (of Mad Men fame) plays the role of a pickup coach who guides his client through a seduction in real time with the aid of advanced tech. He ends up getting arrested after his client was poisoned to death by his date, and he is forced to take an extra-judicial plea deal in which he must use his technological prowess and charm to catch a suspected murderer. He succeeds, but is nevertheless punished heavily for his work as a pickup coach: for his involvement in his client's death and his potential danger to society, he is "blocked" by the rest of humanity. Literally.

I wonder how much attention the pickup community at large will receive from the media moving forward. Red pill dogma is fairly mainstream now, so I won't be surprised if I see more stuff like this...
It was referenced back in Hollywood movies and shows back in the early 2000s too, always in a negative light.

PUA stuff could arrive at the doorstep of every male in America tomorrow and 90% would write it off as “rape stuff.” That’s one reason why it will never be mainstream.

Back around 2008 -2012 PUA stuff was very popular with Hollywood writers (tho most won’t ever admit it) because they constantly got invited out to big celebrity parties but would always lose the women to the actors and producers. They looked to seduction material to try and get an advantage.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 11, 2021
@Warped Mindless: PUA stuff could arrive at the doorstep of every male in America tomorrow and 90% would write it off as “rape stuff.” That’s one reason why it will never be mainstream.

Bhet... I was too young to recognize these things back then, but now that you mentioned it I'll be sure to keep an eye out for it when I find myself watching anything from that decade.

Also, on a side note your comment made me realize that I was too quick to lump together redpill content and pickup content. Redpill content seems to be all over the place now (she's not yours just your turn, AWALT, alpha / beta / sigma / theta apple pi, etc), whereas the only widely known PUA concepts are still just misunderstood holdovers from the Mystery Method, i.e peacocking and negging. In any case the former is more palatable, since you can just swallow a pill (whether it be red or a Prozac) and seethe rather than swallowing your pride and getting in the field...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 16, 2015
We’re in an era of empowerment with highly volatile shifting of gender norms and sexuality. The “oppressed” whether that be women, gays, or whomever, have the most sway over the media. And truthfully that’s what’s most important now when it comes to what the ordinary person will be exposed to. I just think movie producers are catering to the biggest market right now. People who wouldn’t mind seeing a minority in an empowered state.
Movie producers obviously have to follow some rules from certain parts of the establishment. Usually at the behest of the elite professional victim types who build tons of influence and frequent the social/racial equity industry, media field, and academic humanities field and so on. Just like the US military establishment holds sway over the movie industry and you will see tons of action movies hyping up american soldiers.

My speculation is that these instances are happening not because they are serving a mass market demand, but serving demands or trying to garner favors and funding from specific elite groups in society such as the aforementioned ones(military, professional victim industry, etc.) who want their sociopolitical agenda inserted into movies for mass market consumption.

The only changes in the mass market that would dictate that such virtue signaling is necessary for financial consideration would be one that actually is more related to a minority, a very loud and complaining minority that has seen a surge in the past decade . That is The Law of Asymmetric Returns.

The article posted above talks about other minorities(not specifically minorities in the American sense of definition - I am not either by the way) and not the professional victim types we are talking about, but the principle and the lesson derived from it are the same.

Simply put, influential professional victim types will complain loudly to media and the movie industry about a movie either lacking the 'moral clarity' of social/racial equity or including something they consider immoral like old fashioned masculine type of heroes, or that there are too many White people in a movie while the mass market in general will not. This would risk bad reviews from media types who also tend to have these views or are sycophants to these people, or would risk funding and collaboration for the movie producers future projects.

This leads to movie producers having sociopolitical considerations that they would otherwise not. There is more risk in not following along with the wishes of these specific people than the low chance in the mass market expressing outrage over these demands being followed.

Also, consider the fact that most of the social circles that movie producers spend time in include some of these professional victim types or are at the very least are largely influenced by them. Probably wouldn't want to piss off people you will be spending time with right? Maybe if most of the movie industry wasn't centered around hollywood or hollywood funding we might see a less extreme trend, but otherwise until that changes we will continue on the one we are on where a minority that expresses outrage and concern towards certain representations in films will dictate what is represented in these mass market films.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
We just live in a world of adult children at this point. We need hard times to build people's character and force people to grow up again. Hopefully this comes soon.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
Back around 2008 -2012 PUA stuff was very popular with Hollywood writers (tho most won’t ever admit it) because they constantly got invited out to big celebrity parties but would always lose the women to the actors and producers. They looked to seduction material to try and get an advantage.
Recently I've watched The Ugly Truth with Gerard Butler.

The first half is hilarious!!! He plays a TV show host who takes phone calls live and talks about relationships from a seducer's perspective. All the points he makes in the movie are extremely valid! I was shocked they didn't cut that out in the final version, because they are not refuted at all by any of the female characters! Quite the opposite in fact, because in the script the girls are treated like....real women (shocker) who abuse chick-logic to justify their foul behaviors towards relationships (which means, they use no logic at all).

Sadly the last half is just a collection of unfunny gags fishing for easy laughs, plus the dated "it was just a phase because he was heart broken, deep down he is a good romantic guy". The nail in the coffin was when he falls in love with the super controlling drama queen who has absolutely nothing in common with him.

A good movie though.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
I though Closer was cool. Clive Owens makes Jude Law seem like a massive pussy.

Bertoluccis movies are great and seductive. Last Tango in Paris, The Dreamers (if you're in for some incest), The Conformist or my latest favourite Stealing Beauty. This movie has such a great insight into young girl exploring her sexuality and not to say how hot Liv Tyler was. Unearthly.

Just watched Ben-Hur in pieces. Was left with 20min and coincidentally just had that much time while waiting for an online class. Mistake. The ending was too emotional for me, I logged into the class with holding myself back from crying over Jesus having to die to make a point for humanity haha


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
A few recent classics I've been watching I can recommend:
  • District B13 - great French action film from the 90s
  • Full Metal Jacket - brilliant Stanley Kubrick portrayal of 'nam
  • La Piscine - great French film about a man who keeps submitting to his whims like Camus' Meursault in L'Étranger
  • Le Trou - great French prison escape flick
  • Nightmare Alley (1947) - a brilliant classic about the power of high-level charisma/manipulation
  • Big Jake, Hondo, and Stagecoach - John Wayne, need I say more? Watch how he talks, how he walks, everything. His frame is unbreakable, like Howard Roarke in The Fountainhead
  • Stargate - awesome sci-fi blend of pyramids and aliens
  • Point Break - amazing Patrick Swayze picture, watch again the power of charisma in action
  • To Kill A Mockingbird - great lesson in American history
  • Woman In The Dunes - crazy Japanese flick, absolutely worth a watch


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Here are some classic movie recommendations.

High Noon
Possibly the best Western ever made, because of an immaculately conceived storyline with no gaping holes or inconsistencies, despite an unexpectedly positive denouement. Short, slightly less than 1.5 hours, with one of Gary Cooper’s best performances.

Loves of a Blonde
One of Milos Forman’s first films, tells the story of a Czech concert pianist’s dalliances. A refreshingly honest look at a failed and a successful seduction, portraying life in mid-1960s USSR Czechoslovakia. Subtle and hilarious humor permeates the telling of the tale, which also shines a nonjudgmental light on human nature.

Children of Paradise
A gem made during Vichy occupied France in 1943 by a French Jew, no less, this 3-hour picture retells the lives of theater actors and brigands in 1820s France, centered around the sultry courtesan Garance, played by the inimitable Arletty, and her suitors, Baptiste Debureau, Frederick Lemaitre, Pierre-François Lacenaire, and Edouard de Monteray.

Lawrence of Arabia
Be sure to watch the Director's Cut digitally restored version, released a few years ago, running at almost 4 hours. Peter O'Toole gives a fine performance as T. E. Lawrence, but so do Alec Guinness as Prince Faisal, Omar Sharif as Sherif Karish, and especially Anthony Quinn as Auda abu Tayi. A romping epic which, if you're willing to ignore the blatant British propaganda, is worth sitting through as you'll be feasted with fantastic desert crossings and skirmishes.

A Dracula like you've never seen before, this silent film shows us a shy and subdued Count, awkward in his movements, for whom you feel pity, as it is clear he is cursed but that there was (and still is?) some good in the man, despite his hungers.

Funny Games
I recommend the German version, released in 1998, not the American one, from 2008. In this movie the German director, Michael Haneke, is poking his finger at what he already felt, 20 years ago, were the potential perils of an excessively PC culture. In the movie he is playing non-stop games with you though, which can get a little unnerving towards the end.

Shot Caller
While this movie may not have gotten huge distribution or notoriety, it sports great acting and a very well-told story. It shows how a picture-perfect life can be derailed because of one single mistake and shows a man's descent into the at first impression lawless world of prison gang killings.

To Live and Die in L.A.
A great 80's crime caper-action crossover with a charismatic lead William L. Peterson LA cop who is addicted to taking risks, with the one and only Willem Dafoe as the counterfeit-moneymaking bad guy.

A crudely realistic look at a brilliant cynical young adult artfully played by David Thewlis, who goes around seducing girls and engaging in philosophical rants in early 1990s London.

Apocalypse Now
The Redux 3.5-hour digitally-remastered version is the one I saw. Visually stunning, emotionally jarring, about the futility of war, with a breathtaking performance from Marlon Brando as the morally bankrupt American General-cum-savage.

On the Waterfront
Brando carries this 1950s film where you can see his naturalistic/realistic style marking a transition from the overtly melodramatic performances which were until then the norm.

A Streetcar Named Desire
Another brilliant early Brando film worth watching.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Matthew Broderick's best role, this is a day in the life of an emotionally and psychologically healthy high school senior, who enjoys bringing good energy to those around him. A pleasure to watch his funny and oft daredevil-like antics.

A young Martin Sheen macks on a late-teenage beaut in a small town in the Midwest, and after confronting her father they go off on an adventure. The wide shots of the US's vast unblemished nature 'scapes make this a sumptuous treat.

Days of Heaven
Terrence Malick's second film after Badlands, this is his best. Perfect acting from a young Richard Gere, as well as the narrator girl Linda Manz. The story of a nefarious love triangle, set in early 20th century rural America. Visually the movie immerses you to a great extent.

The Square
A Swedish comedy released in 2017 also looks at the perhaps excessive indulgence in PC in that Scandinavian country. This statement is made through the story of a Contemporary Art Museum Director and the theft of his cellphone which he suffers at the start.

On the Western front, I'd add Shane, The Searchers, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Man who Shot Liberty Valance, Unforgiven, The Wild Bunch, Once Upon a Time in the West, and The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly. I also recently watched The Great Silence, very very good.

The Untouchables, about Al Capone, is also great.

If you want male role models, Bullitt with Steve McQueen, the archetypal stoic lead, is worth a watch.

There's also The French Connection (Gene Hackman) and the original Italian Job.

Hands of Stone is about a boxer.

The inspiration for American Pie, this 1981 high school flick is set in 1954, and once again offers up a candid view of the realities of those hormone-filled years we all go through. The movie was a ton of fun to watch, with great acting, which is surprising considering the hard time it has been given by critics!

Not a blockbuster by any means, but this was an engrossing sci-fi tale with an unexpected The Usual Suspects-like twist at the end, and showcasing one of Dennis Quaid's better roles.

Citizen Kane
A very well told Barry Lindon-style rise and fall story, Kane takes us through a young man's quest to obtain great power, before his ego leads him to isolation and disappointment.

Rebel Without a Cause
A freshly honest look at how men were becoming domesticated, as James Dean's relationship with his father shows, already in the 1950s, the movie, even though it is a high school story, depicts an unexpectedly mature and responsible bunch!

I was a huge admirer of Franz Kafka's literary oeuvre as a troubled teenager, and this is the best movie you will find attempting to weave some of the material from his stories with his own biography. A masterful title role played by Jeremy Irons, it also has the Soderbergh touch.

Stellar action takes Harrison Ford deep into an Amish community to protect a child witness to a ruthless murder. There is sexual tension between Ford and a sexy Amish girl.

Top-notch John Grisham-style courtroom drama/thriller with Harrison Ford as the title role.

The Fugitive
The very finest action movie with Harrison Ford at the helm I have seen, and possibly one of the finest, alongside the Bourne Trilogy, of all time.

A sprawling epic story of a Texas cattle rancher, with James Dean playing a rival who strikes oil and becomes hugely rich but with unresolved internal issues which complicate matters.

One of the few crime capers I have seen in which morals do not enter, this early Michael Mann picture shines a light on the workings of the underworld of grifters.

Rebel in the Rye
A more recent movie but which was worth watching, taking us through J. D. Salinger's creative process. Having read The Catcher in the Rye in my younger days, it was interesting to learn more about the famously reclusive author. Probably the last picture we'll see with Kevin Spacey.

Drugstore Cowboy
One of Matt Dillon's earlier projects, tells the story of him and a gang of followers as they go around pilfering morphine and other drugs from pharmacies. Again, a non-judgmental perspective, with an ending you don't anticipate. I don't know that Matt Dillon has done anything as good since.

The Experiment
Watch the German version of the movie which came out in 2001. Gets under your skin - a very interesting look at how our surroundings and situation can influence our behavior.

An intimate look at Hitler's last days.

The Lives of Others
German story about the East German Soviet-controlled police and its spy activity. It has now been revealed that it spent more resources and employed more operatives than were spent by the Nazis during the entire Third Reich.

The Wave
A school experiment for the students to see what fascism is like, this is another take on how tribal human beings instinctively are.

A couple of days ago I watched Sunday in New York with a young and attractive Jane Fonda. This is a great movie for game. Observe and emulate the behaviors of the male lead, who seduces her during the day, meeting her in a bus. With some dominance, he leads her to a restaurant to sit at a table with him and immediately sets the sexual frame. Later, when he's at her apartment, watch him work social proof (seeing other girls) and set chase frames (she is the one who keeps talking about sex, not him).

Spring Break is also a lot of fun. Funny how so much that was acceptable in 1983 would today be considered sexual assault...

Caddyshack was hilarious. Chevy Chase, a young Bill Murray, and Rodney Dangerfield. You'll LOL a lot, unless you don't like American slapstick.
You sir, have good taste in movies. While I haven't seen all of the ones you listed I have seen most and you have somehow managed to list multiple personal favorites that no one I meet seems to have seen. Frantic! Bro, such an underrated gem. Those early Malick films, Naked. For real


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
I would recommend getting a Criterion Channel subscription over any mainstream streaming platforms. You'll get all sorts of classics and genre defining movies. As well as off the beaten path hidden gems. Yes there is an element of wokeness to their curation but they are more interested in preserving the tradition of cinema than pushing an agenda and their selection ranges across all cultures, times, and perspectives.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Recently I've watched The Ugly Truth with Gerard Butler.

The first half is hilarious!!! He plays a TV show host who takes phone calls live and talks about relationships from a seducer's perspective. All the points he makes in the movie are extremely valid! I was shocked they didn't cut that out in the final version, because they are not refuted at all by any of the female characters! Quite the opposite in fact, because in the script the girls are treated like....real women (shocker) who abuse chick-logic to justify their foul behaviors towards relationships (which means, they use no logic at all).

Sadly the last half is just a collection of unfunny gags fishing for easy laughs, plus the dated "it was just a phase because he was heart broken, deep down he is a good romantic guy". The nail in the coffin was when he falls in love with the super controlling drama queen who has absolutely nothing in common with him.

A good movie though.
Is in the recommended movies in my book... is based on Tom leykis radio figure, yes the end they have to make it Hollywood like.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
I saw Ben-Hur yesterday. It was pretty great.
Stanley Kubricks Spartacus solid as well. Was over shadowed by Ben-Hur which was released a year earlier, but a sweeping epic in it's own right


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Like, there was a great, really fun bro movie called The Grounds I saw recently. It never even went to the theaters but it was just a great, fun comedy about a couple of guys helping each other out with life and the chicks. That was not a Hollywood film... more like "Hollywood adjacent."
Watched this last night and really dug it. Far from mind blowing, which is fine because it doesn't aim to be. Really just hit a sweet spot and made me appreciate the male friendships I have had in life. Also made me realize I need to go to a pool party, stat! Would love to see more non-pretentious movies like this that are just about men living life. Super refreshing


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Yeah, I saw The Batman and thought the photography and the soundtrack were great, as well as the acting. A bit slow-paced, but worth watching overall. Despite the PC crap ("white privilege" yarns, black people everywhere, men are rapist pigs, etc.), what saved it was that the dynamic between Batman and Catwoman was still man-to-woman.

Another movie I don't know if I added to the list, but that I remembered since the lead actor died yesterday, was Body Heat with William Hurt. Epic noir that shows how a guy who lets his carnal instincts overwhelm his psyche can be led astray by a cold, shrewd babe.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 18, 2019
Yeah, I saw The Batman and thought the photography and the soundtrack were great, as well as the acting. A bit slow-paced, but worth watching overall. Despite the PC crap ("white privilege" yarns, black people everywhere, men are rapist pigs, etc.), what saved it was that the dynamic between Batman and Catwoman was still man-to-woman.
See that’s the thing, even otherwise good movies will have eye roll inducing PC talking points in them these days. Since I’m used to watching older media, I have zero tolerance for any of that nonsense. When I want my Batman fix, I turn to Nolan’s The Dark Knight.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 13, 2015
Anyone here has seen The Batman?
I liked it overall, but that Catwoman "white privilege" line gave me severe farting desires :rolleyes:
I have. It was boring as shit.