Breaking Bad is utterly brilliant no matter your age. Ozymandias remains the most powerful episode of TV I have ever seen.
This was my thought process while watching BB the first time:
Season 1: Excellent TV
Season 2: One of the best modern shows
Season 3: The best modern show
Season 4: The best show of all time
Season 5: Better than Season 4
The Sopranos is the only show I would say is on BB's level, though shows like Mad Men, Better Call Saul, Fargo Season 1, True Detective Season 1, and Game of Thrones Seasons 1-4 are very close.
Haven't seen The Wire or Succession, but based on their acclaim I bet they are way up there too.
Despite Hollywood being in an abysmal state, we seem to be in/coming down from a golden age of television.