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Three Favorite Animals Game (2010)


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Originally posted in the first Girls Chase Forum on Friday, 2 July 2010

Posted this forever ago on theApproach forum (I think), but here it is for good measure.

Credit some guy on mASF like four years ago. This never really caught on, despite being easy to remember, quick to perform, and remarkably effective and accurate. It's basically one of the few "routines" that I use (that was developed by someone else. I certainly have my own personal routines that I use time and again).

It goes like this: you ask her her three (3) favorite animals, and ask her to describe their characteristics. I use an example so they don't go trying to say, "Pig: pink. Curly tail. Hooves," because that's useless for this game. So:

You: Let's play a game real quick. It's called the "Three Favorite Animals Game". It's going to tell me all about your personality... you'll like it. It's fun.​

Girl: OK.​

You: I'm going to ask you your favorite animals, and I'll ask you to describe some characteristics of each of them. For instance, a cat might be sneaky and intelligent. So, what's your #1 MOST favorite animal?​

Girl: Tiger.​

You: OK, cool. And how would you describe a tiger?​

Girl: Ummm... a tiger is strong. And powerful. And blends in well with its surroundings.​

You: Neat. Those are good. And what's your #2 MOST favorite animal?​

The way it sorts out is this:

  • First animal is how she wants others to see her
  • Second animal is how others ACTUALLY see her
  • Third animal is the way she actually is

99% of the time, this is spot on. Only girls who are complete weirdos think it's wrong... I have no idea why. But you don't want to hook up with weirdos anyway.

Timing tips: use this when you're already hooked and she wants to keep talking to you. Avoid using this when you haven't reached that point yet, or when the interaction is dying down -- either one of those and it feels like a ploy to keep talking to her (and thus, tryhard).

Still, fun, decent way to get to know some intimate details about a girl's personality, and if you don't have time for the Cube (the other "routine" I use on occasion), this one will get the job done.



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey Jim,

The best reference on the Cube is the original book on it here:

The Cube: Keep the Secret

by Annie Gottlieb and Slobodan Pesic. You set the tone with asking three questions:

  • Are you intelligent?
  • Are you intuitive?
  • Do you have a good imagination?

The reason you do this is to get buy-in - there's nothing worse than playing a game with someone and having them stop you halfway through to tell you they can't do it. So don't bother unless she can agree to go along with all three questions.

Next you tell her to close her eyes and imagine she's moving through a desert landscape. All she sees is the sand in front of her, and the sky above. Then, as she's moving through the desert, up ahead she sees a cube. Describe the cube: how big is it, what color is it, what's it made out of? Can she see through it, or it is solid?

After she's finished describing the cube, tell her to add a ladder to the picture: where is it, what's it made up of, and how many rungs does it have? What kind of condition is it in? What's it's position to the cube?

Next, have her add a horse to the scene. Where's the horse, what kind of horse is it, what color is its hair, what is it doing, etc.?

Now, add a storm to the picture. Where is the storm and what is it doing?

Finally, add some flowers to the picture. Describe them: where are they, how many of them are there, and what do they look like?

It works like this:

  • The cube is her
  • The ladder is her social support network (friends, family, etc.)
  • The horse is her lover
  • The storm is problems in her life
  • The flowers are her dreams

For cube, interpret the feel of the material as her personality - you can ask for her to tell you what she thinks it means. Generally speaking if the material is, say, steel, then she's pretty tough; if it's ice, she's pretty cold; if it's made of greenery, she's a nature lover and natural person. If you can see through it, she's easy to read; if you can't, she's cagey and tough to get a read on. If it's levitating above the ground, she's a dream with her feet off the ground (this is pretty common). And colors mean different things - brief run down from what I remember:

  • Red is passion, sensuality, love, lust and aggression - she's a very passionate person
  • Orange is power - she's a powerful person
  • Yellow is cheerful - she's a happy person
  • Green is growth - she's a growth-oriented person
  • Blue is calm and communication - she's calm and good at communicating
  • Brown is earthy and stable - she's firm, practical, and stable
  • Black is mysterious - she's a mystery, and anything can come out of her and anything can go back in

Ladder's interesting, as that tells you about her friends and family. If the ladder's under the cube, that means she's supported by her network; if the ladder's on top of the cube, she feels like she's the one doing the supporting. If it's on the side, that's just normal, unless she has the floating cube and the ladder is extending from the cube to the earth; in that case, her network is what grounds her and keeps her real. Material it's made out of tells you how strong her network is, generally; fresh new wood is good, steel means she has a strong network; if the wood is decaying, that means her network with her friends and family is too, and the number of rungs tells you roughly how many people are in her network.

The horse is her lover, and often its coat or hair color will match her ideal type's (if you're doing it with a girl who's in love with you, you'll typically find the horse has the same color hair as you). Often girls will describe the horse as keeping the cube safe (they want a man to keep them safe), though sometimes they'll say the cube is protecting the horse and the horse is inside or under the cube (they want to save a man), or that the horse is kind of just doing its own thing (they want some guy who'll have his own life). Sometimes there's no horse, or the horse is far away, which means they're having trouble imagining a man in their lives.

The storm is simple - the closer it is to the cube, the closer the problems in her life are to her. The farther away it is, the farther away they are. If it's striking the cube with lightning bolts or hurricane winds, she's going through some pretty tough stuff right now. If it's getting nearer, she has problems on the horizon; if it's receding, her problems are in the past; if it's just staying put, problems aren't really something she's dealing with right now.

Finally, flowers are her dreams. The more of them there are and the bigger they are, the more dreams she has and the more well-nurtured they are. Occasionally you'll find girls with brown and dead flowers, which usually means they've given up dreaming. Kind of sad.

Anyway, that's a quick run down on the cube, at least as I play it. Everyone does it a little bit different.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 9, 2012
This is great. Both the cube and animals game seem like great deep-diving technique to add to the arsenal!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
A third game you could play would be the 5 questions game. This one is quite annoying.

Friend: Okay I want to show you a game.. if you lose then you have to go pickup that hostess in the red dress.
Me: I want her to come over here, our waitress is going to bring her anyways.
Friend: It's easy dude, I'll just ask 5 questions, and you have to respond to me with a lie otherwise I win and you lose. If you win I'll buy you a drink.
Me: Alright, fine.
Friend: So say I asked.. What's your name? And then you answer..
Me: Eric... SHIT.


I am really grateful to recieve information from experienced people and i hope that this post will help others as well !


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
Same example,

Where you from?
Tell me 3 things you like most about Germany?


Jan 20, 2013
I happened to meet a girl from our class and I was kinda much interested in having some fun with her, so I played the 3-animals game and also the cube with her. I went all in during our first meet because I personally had no interest in talking to her anytime later. Plus it was a great opportunity to practice them! So when she was asking all about me, I told her, "Hey! I know something more interesting then this!" and began with the 3-animal game which went very well! After that i messed up quiet a bit but I was very surprised when she said,"Hey! You are nothing like I earlier thought you would be! Talking to you is so interesting! We should talk much often!" Never expected that on my first try!
Thank you soo much Chase!!!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 28, 2013
Just tried this and it is spot on... Wow. I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO TRY THESE GAMES AND USE THEM!!! Also, if youguys have more, I'd like to know.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 29, 2013
That is awesome!

I always wanted to try out the Cube, but it seemed there was so much crap to remember, and also seemed to have potential to come off a little weird/creepy.

I think this is perfect since it is short, it is easy to remember and comes off more as something innocent and fun to do. Besides there is a good chance someone might have already done the cube on her since it came from the old school PUA people.

But for the example, I would choose something besides a cat since they might want to pick, but don't cause you used it already. I was thinking Koala Bear and say the description is lazy and slow. Then you can tease her that you know she wouldn't pick something like that. Or maybe choose another animal where the description would make her laugh. Just a thought.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 14, 2013
This is great stuff , i will try 3 animal game and Cube with my sisters , because i know most of the stuff in their life. I will also try it with my male friends , just for the sake of the game


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 19, 2013
Both are really cool for deep diving, and it has inspired me to come up with something: what if you want to use this type of "game" to set a sexual frame?

It's a modification to the Cube game. The point of the game is to turn her responses into sexual interpretations. Modify this however you want.

1. Tell her to imagine herself in a cool, beautiful desert, where it's just soft golden sand and clear blue sky as far as her eyes can see.
For some reason, this feels like the best setting for this. I thought about a more sensual place like a beach, but that makes me think about the waves, the sharp shells in the sand, the smell, etc. Make sure you at least insert the word "beautiful" in there so she doesn't get all depressed visualizing a barren desert with a skeleton of a cow or something on the cracked ground.

2. It's the same thing as the original Cube game, but remove the storm and the flower(s). Instead:

3. Tell her that there is white fluid inside the cube. Tell her to visualize how much of the cube is filled with it.

4. Explain the cube, the ladder, and the horse as in the original game.

5. Interpret the white fluid in a sexual way. Ask her how much white fluid is inside.
- If she says there is a lot, then tell her the white liquid represents her sexuality. Having a lot of it means that she is a sexual being who enjoys sex, thinks quite often about sex, and probably even enjoys kinky sex. More white fluid means the more she enjoys sex and the kinkier she enjoys it.
- If she says there isn't much, then tell her the white liquid represents her innocence and purity. It means that she is growing out of the innocent "Disney princess" or "daddy's little girl" image and becoming a mature, sexual being who enjoys sex, thinks quite often about sex, and probably even enjoys kinky sex. Less white fluid means that more of her innocence and purity are gone, and the more she enjoys sex and the kinkier she enjoys it.

Have fun =p


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 7, 2013
Chase said:
Hey Jim,

The best reference on the Cube is the original book on it here:

The Cube: Keep the Secret

by Annie Gottlieb and Slobodan Pesic. You set the tone with asking three questions:

  • Are you intelligent?
  • Are you intuitive?
  • Do you have a good imagination?

The reason you do this is to get buy-in - there's nothing worse than playing a game with someone and having them stop you halfway through to tell you they can't do it. So don't bother unless she can agree to go along with all three questions.

Next you tell her to close her eyes and imagine she's moving through a desert landscape. All she sees is the sand in front of her, and the sky above. Then, as she's moving through the desert, up ahead she sees a cube. Describe the cube: how big is it, what color is it, what's it made out of? Can she see through it, or it is solid?

After she's finished describing the cube, tell her to add a ladder to the picture: where is it, what's it made up of, and how many rungs does it have? What kind of condition is it in? What's it's position to the cube?

Next, have her add a horse to the scene. Where's the horse, what kind of horse is it, what color is its hair, what is it doing, etc.?

Now, add a storm to the picture. Where is the storm and what is it doing?

Finally, add some flowers to the picture. Describe them: where are they, how many of them are there, and what do they look like?

It works like this:

  • The cube is her
  • The ladder is her social support network (friends, family, etc.)
  • The horse is her lover
  • The storm is problems in her life
  • The flowers are her dreams

For cube, interpret the feel of the material as her personality - you can ask for her to tell you what she thinks it means. Generally speaking if the material is, say, steel, then she's pretty tough; if it's ice, she's pretty cold; if it's made of greenery, she's a nature lover and natural person. If you can see through it, she's easy to read; if you can't, she's cagey and tough to get a read on. If it's levitating above the ground, she's a dream with her feet off the ground (this is pretty common). And colors mean different things - brief run down from what I remember:

  • Red is passion, sensuality, love, lust and aggression - she's a very passionate person
  • Orange is power - she's a powerful person
  • Yellow is cheerful - she's a happy person
  • Green is growth - she's a growth-oriented person
  • Blue is calm and communication - she's calm and good at communicating
  • Brown is earthy and stable - she's firm, practical, and stable
  • Black is mysterious - she's a mystery, and anything can come out of her and anything can go back in

Ladder's interesting, as that tells you about her friends and family. If the ladder's under the cube, that means she's supported by her network; if the ladder's on top of the cube, she feels like she's the one doing the supporting. If it's on the side, that's just normal, unless she has the floating cube and the ladder is extending from the cube to the earth; in that case, her network is what grounds her and keeps her real. Material it's made out of tells you how strong her network is, generally; fresh new wood is good, steel means she has a strong network; if the wood is decaying, that means her network with her friends and family is too, and the number of rungs tells you roughly how many people are in her network.

The horse is her lover, and often its coat or hair color will match her ideal type's (if you're doing it with a girl who's in love with you, you'll typically find the horse has the same color hair as you). Often girls will describe the horse as keeping the cube safe (they want a man to keep them safe), though sometimes they'll say the cube is protecting the horse and the horse is inside or under the cube (they want to save a man), or that the horse is kind of just doing its own thing (they want some guy who'll have his own life). Sometimes there's no horse, or the horse is far away, which means they're having trouble imagining a man in their lives.

The storm is simple - the closer it is to the cube, the closer the problems in her life are to her. The farther away it is, the farther away they are. If it's striking the cube with lightning bolts or hurricane winds, she's going through some pretty tough stuff right now. If it's getting nearer, she has problems on the horizon; if it's receding, her problems are in the past; if it's just staying put, problems aren't really something she's dealing with right now.

Finally, flowers are her dreams. The more of them there are and the bigger they are, the more dreams she has and the more well-nurtured they are. Occasionally you'll find girls with brown and dead flowers, which usually means they've given up dreaming. Kind of sad.

Anyway, that's a quick run down on the cube, at least as I play it. Everyone does it a little bit different.


I like the cube game too, very easy to get into Deep diving, the cool thing :it start as funny game and you end up in a deep conversation.
If we consider your model of attraction presented in the book , Attainability-Value-Investement, could the cube get used in it, in more that deep diving way?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
Tried both games last night with a couple people and they came off surprisingly accurate, the cube game will take a bit to memorize what each specific thing means but the animal one is fast and easy. Definitely a keeper!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 12, 2014
Saw this, going to give it a try. Works as a nice bump as well since I have seen a couple posts about deep diving troubles.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 7, 2021
Just getting back into things and had completely forgotten about this question and it used to be a favorite of mine (old username was Whizzy forever ago). Thanks for the awesome reminder!!

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
WOW this one is an Oldie Goldie...

Reminds me of back in college when I was nominated for a Mr. "Girls Dorm" contest. One of their questions was "If you were an animal what would you be?" I ended up winning it by likening myself to a bull elk with a harem of females who I defended against all who would challenge me. I think I painted a pretty good picture with words where they saw themselves as being attractive and worthy of protection.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Lol my teacher in school told us this, apparently is some "psychology" test of sorts, dunno if it makes sense, I remember my animals were like elephant, giraffe and snake, so I'm a snake, apparently (she told us to THINK about three animals, though, not to say our favorite animals...)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
I asked about girls favorite animals last year in daygame and online.

Common answers included dogs and cats.

Girls who liked dogs described them as loyal.

Girls who like cats described them as independent.

There were a range of other answers as well. Girls with cluster b traits were more likely to describe a random fucking animal as their favorite - like a "peacock strutting around in the prison yard." One lady described hers as a shark. wow! she must be aggressive I thought. Nope. She named the shark because "it's so misunderstood."

I think ya'll can see the possibilities when the 3 animals game is used in tandem with thin man's 3 archetypes, SUBS, PPP and OCP. Would be pretty cool to hear any insights on this combo.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
I asked about girls favorite animals last year in daygame and online.

Common answers included dogs and cats.

Girls who liked dogs described them as loyal.

Girls who like cats described them as independent.

There were a range of other answers as well. Girls with cluster b traits were more likely to describe a random fucking animal as their favorite - like a "peacock strutting around in the prison yard." One lady described hers as a shark. wow! she must be aggressive I thought. Nope. She named the shark because "it's so misunderstood."

I think ya'll can see the possibilities when the 3 animals game is used in tandem with thin man's 3 archetypes, SUBS, PPP and OCP. Would be pretty cool to hear any insights on this combo.

For sure! When you start diving into what people value and why, and why they feel so attached to different things you can learn a lot about a person

I've had people tell me they were most like different kinds of birds (some like eagles/falcons and others like hummingbirds). They all centered around breaking free and flying away because they had a lot going on in their lives.

Usually it's the guys that want to be more like birds of prey whereas the women wanted to be a little more delicate, but not always. As far as the women were concerned, that just told me that I had to provide them with a fun escape and we'd end up in the bedroom. They fell under the "Arousal" category of what Chase's SAC system. At least, the two that I'm talking about specifically that I didn't fuck it up with lol

Honestly, asking why like an annoying third grader (if done tactfully) will help you learn a lot about people. But when you do it under the guise of asking about animals, or what you identify with or what you think someone else will identify best with, it allows people to feel free and safe enough to project their stuff onto whatever you're asking.

Example; you get to talking about favorite animals and they mention they really like dogs. You can do a little preamble with something like: oh yeah, dogs are great because they're fluffy and always happy to see you. A lot of times the other person will agree with you and then tell you their reasoning, which one time I was told about how they're always there for you even in the dark times.

Thanks to that I understood that a very specific moment, or even moments flashed through their mind and I was able to help that person kind of let go of some bad emotions in their lives

Anyways, just my 2 cents that I wanted to elaborate on. But yeah, basically this is kind of like a projection type thing where because it feels like it's a game, or almost not truly a part of you, you can make other people feel safe enough to open up whereas otherwise they wouldn't. Fun stuff!
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