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Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
I’ve given up on IG personally. Seems like it can work for extended-SC college hookups but I’m not really doing that level of intensity rn. I’m still interested in hearing if you’ve found a way to make that method work on IG tho :)

Hey @Surveyor, I stumbled on a product some ago which claimed you could use IG to consistently get girls.

I purchased it out of curiosity but never really applied it because it explicitly stated that:

1) It was designed to attract money/status conscious girls (eg. take pics of you in expensive places with expensive looking clothes)

2) You need to unlock levels on Instagram (most girls will ignore your DM if you have less subscribers than she does)

3) It’s ridiculously time consuming.

So… not really my cup of tea but it seemed possible to do.

I shared more details in these threads:
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake