Are you guys having success with sexual openers?
On sexual openers:
That's a thread by Drexel. He does a pretty good job of explaining how you would go about making a conversation sexual over Tinder.
Just a reminder though...building a sexual frame offline is much easier than doing it online. The goal of Tinder is to get the girl out. Nothing else. Everything else can be done 10x more effectively in person.
I'm torn whether it's a good idea to deep dive even a little since it would differentiate though is wayyy more effective at making her feel connected while in person, plus it's moving sort of slow since Tinder's done some decent screening already.
On the contrary. Some deep diving is
necessary. Remember, what is a women's biggest fear when meeting a guy offline? That he's a creep who's gonna kidnap her in his tinted van and do god knows what. This is a very unrealistic fear, but online still has a slight stigma, so it exists. Because of this, you must have at least a little bit of a connection with her.
In fact, all I do is open and deep dive. 1 topic. My "system" for getting girls off Tinder is very simple. And I've tried everything under the sun. So far, this has worked best.
1. Opener
2. Ask her how the online world's been treating her and relate to her answer. (if she asks wbu, you can say you've had some "interesting" or "exciting" experiances this subtly implies that you may have met and even had success with girls off Tinder, thereby achieving mild preselection.)
3. "So tell me about yourself. What kinds of things are you passionate about". (This is essentially deep diving...and it works, as long as you don't do it for very long)
4. Relate to her answer and ask ONE follow up question.
5. Relate to her answer to your follow up question and say "Btw, wanna go out for drinks/coffee/ice cream/whatever date you're planning? I feel like text isnt a very good way of getting to know each other." (That last sentence is A. a reason for her to go out with you...psychologically speaking, if you give people a reason ANY reason for doing something, they are more likely to comply. B. So far, you've been pretty boring. The only amazing thing is your pictures. This subtly implies w.o supplication that the reason you're so boring is cause its text, not because that's how you would be IRL.)
6. After she says yes, ask her what day would work for her and plan out logistics etc.
7. Leave your #. I don't even ask for hers. I just leave it that way there's no pressure. So far, every girl has texted me hers.
As you can see, there's nothing sexual, no teasing, no flirting. And believe me I've tried
all the flirting/teasing you can imagine, and it was at best harmless. At worst, it made it take longer to get out, thereaby increasing the chances that she change her mind.
Remember, text is very impersonal. There's nothing you can do over text to form too strong an impression on her. As a result,
90% of Tinder is your pictures. If you still have bad pics, you will have almost 0% success no matter what you write. I know because I've been on both ends of the spectrum. I've had good pics and wrote aweful messages, and bad pics and wrote great messages. And the former has gotten me 16 dates in 4 months while living in a small town. The latter got me 1 date in a big city in two years
Having said that, I hear Colt's System is good. And in his webinars, he does say he creates sexual frames. I've never seen it because my success with Tinder is pretty good atm. But if you want to learn from someone who's truly mastered it, I would suggest investing in it.