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LR-  Tired reserved VERY cute girl....


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Have other girls I'm seeing but keep posting about this one because she is really cute and exactly my type but seems to be one of the most difficult I've had. This is the 4/5th time Ive met this girl and the 2nd time shes come directly to my place for dinner....

She came over and she was SO tired (its the years taking their toll - shes 25) and she literally just lay down on my bed even though Id planned to go out with her. Then she also tells me she's hungry - shed been out all day since 9am - not the best girl to work with - broken goods I said .

SO I started to escalate then -but she was resisting again - resistance... So we went out - just next door the wine bar was closed so had to go to a cheap pub - lol NOT her scene, but didnt want to go far away and then have to come back again. Had a drink, came back made food, looked at pictures in bed escalated all the way to her being naked and me naked then I had a problem - she was being SO passive - - she was exhausted but still not sure if that is an excuse.

- this is more passive resistance though - its almost like she's expecting me to inject ALL of the passion while she just lays back and enjoys the ride! - am I just spoilt by having really horny girls without condoms (on pill)? - it just wasn't exciting me enough (but she's really hot!) her being so passive meant when I went to insert I wasn't really ready to put a condom on (should have anyway), I put it at her entrance and she was like - "you don't have a condom on"- so yeh that just got me even less ready. We went though the same thing a few times got her to give me oral (once she gave me a hand job when I put her hand on it - that actually worked but I changed position too early and I hadn't got her wet enough) and then I gave her oral (nice clean shaven) but I think we were both just too tired (and maybe a bit drunk) by then. I got a bad stomach ache that night so got up a few times in the night which kept her up - not good she didn't feel that great and rested the next morning - damage limitation?

(the last time she came over I fingered her she was SO WET and she told me she came that first time - she wasn't anywhere near as wet this time though - she said she was tired)....SO overall I could have totally closed but she just wasn't helpful enough - Anyone else had this problem of already having a super horny girl without a condom which means that a passive one just isn't that exciting? Its REALLY annoying because looks wise, type wise and personality wise she is perfect!. It might also be the first time effect.

So its starting to get a bit dull with her coming around to my place and shes busy next weekend fri/sat eve - ------ - any ideas what I should do with her instead? - been thinking a burlesque evening might be good that is quite close by.....


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
I think your next step is to communicate your desires in bed. Ask her what she likes and tell her what you like. This is what I do with all my girls, usually during the first time we have sex, I also base what I'm doing on reactions. If I think she came or was close I always ask, "Did you cum?" This way I know if I was close and I know exactly what I did to get her there.

I also voice what I want, like head. I love getting blowjobs, just laying back and enjoying the feeling. I could literally lay in bed all day getting one.

I think if you want her to be wild and horny you will have to bring it out of her, frame it in a way that it's what you both want and she should let go show you her inner woman.

I also think rewarding for bad behavior is not good. With my last main FB I would basically punish her if she wasn't doing what I liked. She doesn't give me head I stop escalating, if she takes initiative I would reward her with more pleasure. Pretty simple, just like dating in the beginning, be the leader and control the sex. Obivously the first time is more difficult to do this because you could send her into auto rejection, but I think you've escalated far enough to start making requests and rewarding/punishing.

Lastly do wahtever you want man, if you want to go to that event do it. If you want her to come over and fuck then do that lol. As long as you assume it 100% I'm sure she will be fine with whatever.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Tyme2k said:
I think if you want her to be wild and horny you will have to bring it out of her, frame it in a way that it's what you both want and she should let go show you her inner woman.

I also think rewarding for bad behaviour is not good. With my last main FB I would basically punish her if she wasn't doing what I liked. She doesn't give me head I stop escalating, if she takes initiative I would reward her with more pleasure. Pretty simple, just like dating in the beginning, be the leader and control the sex. Obviously the first time is more difficult to do this because you could send her into auto rejection, but I think you've escalated far enough to start making requests and rewarding/punishing.

Lastly do whatever you want man, if you want to go to that event do it. If you want her to come over and fuck then do that lol. As long as you assume it 100% I'm sure she will be fine with whatever.

Yes I mentioned to her that I need her to show me more of her real self - I told her to stop hiding her tiger... we had a talk and she said she would try - weirdly she said she had not been letting go because she was scared of me, my aggressiveness - its odd because she's quite experienced and generally girls like it when I'm super passionate/aggressive - so I'm not sure this is actually true.

I do want her to come over and fuck - but problem is her coming to my place to eat is getting a bit old as something fun to do - i think its good to have something other than sex to do is a good idea....


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
I do want her to come over and fuck - but problem is her coming to my place to eat is getting a bit old as something fun to do - i think its good to have something other than sex to do is a good idea....

Go somewhere else and fuck? Idk with my most recent FB all she wanted to do was come to my place, some times though I would take her in my car or her parents house.. Never really got "old" maybe routine.. I do remember her saying one time we didn't have to do anything, she was fine just hanging out at my place.

Dates are good though we would sometimes did that, I personally like the BF/GF dating type stuff. 8 years in LTR's kinda engraved the good feelings from date nights as a part of me. If you like it do it if not don't, that's all I'm saying.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
how to help her to let her tiger out?

Tyme2k said:
I do want her to come over and fuck - but problem is her coming to my place to eat is getting a bit old as something fun to do - i think its good to have something other than sex to do is a good idea....

Go somewhere else and fuck? Idk with my most recent FB all she wanted to do was come to my place, some times though I would take her in my car or her parents house.. Never really got "old" maybe routine.. I do remember her saying one time we didn't have to do anything, she was fine just hanging out at my place.

Dates are good though we would sometimes did that, I personally like the BF/GF dating type stuff. 8 years in LTR's kinda engraved the good feelings from date nights as a part of me. If you like it do it if not don't, that's all I'm saying.
I think its a good thing to do fun and varied stuff with a girl - keeps things fresh - AS LONG AS you end up fucking at the end!

My question is - any advice on freeing the girls tiger? I know she is a bad girl underneath and Ive basically been telling her I know it for a while now - but she hasnt been showing it - she says because until last time she didnt know me enough - but that seems sorted now - maybe I just need to go out with her.

Btw you get drunk with girls you're already having sex with? been thinking that might help her relax


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Let's see, I enjoy getting them to do what I want in bed. I tell them unapologetically what I want, no stutter, no hesitation. Let me think recent...

My last main FB was very sexual, we went on a nice trip to Reno where there was a Jacuzzi in the room. We drank one night and she was trying to stick it in her butt. Unfortunately the water creates a ton of friction and it wouldn't go easily in. I think she figured the opposite. We fucked for hours as I usually do, which I think is what makes girls want to give me anything I want. I make sure to please THEM and then make demands. They pretty much have to say yes at that point.

My most recent lay text me last night "Mmm...I'll do anything you like.." we are meeting tomorrow with plans to fuck literally ALL day. This is after only banging her once, well one session it was at least 3 times I'd have to check my LR, maybe 4 idk..

If they seem tense and not relaxing I make sure I start usually by saying something like, "you're so wet," 'your clit is so swollen for me," ill rub and when I feel her clit, pressure on then off then more on and i go something "mmmmmm" and bite her neck. Then I fuck the shit out of them, when I see them hold back I stare in their eyes and say "I want to hear you," "you like that," "let it out."

You need her in the moment and make her truly understand it's OK. Every girl is different in this aspect and most are self conscious. There was a video RSD Tyler(Owen) made that he described a way he gets difficult girls to cum. He will Force them to be in the moment by telling them to close their eye, then he says you're a trailer trash whore that works at wal-mart, you have nothing going for you except this dick inside and the only thing you care about is letting go a feeling this orgasm. I'm not recommending you use this exact wording I think it will take powerful polarity to pull off, but this is a good analogy of the head space she might need to be in to let go.

PS I did do anal with my FB on valentines day and came. Me- "I just came" Her- "In my ASS?" I also always finish in her mouth cause this is what I like.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
I'd like to add I don't like drunk sex, I find my performance is substantially better when I'm sober. I also find the girl has more energy also. Buzzed for her might help her loosen up, but just like night game, you will have a false sense of state and relaxation that is nothing compared to being sober and completely immersed in the moment.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Tyme2k said:
Let's see, I enjoy getting them to do what I want in bed. I tell them unapologetically what I want, no stutter, no hesitation.

Yes this is good, although since we havent even had sex once properly yet it might be a bit early to go all out.
Tyme2k said:
My last main FB was very sexual, we went on a nice trip to Reno where there was a Jacuzzi in the room. We drank one night and she was trying to stick it in her butt. Unfortunately the water creates a ton of friction and it wouldn't go easily in. I think she figured the opposite. We fucked for hours as I usually do, which I think is what makes girls want to give me anything I want. I make sure to please THEM and then make demands. They pretty much have to say yes at that point.
Have to admit I think anal is good (actually I did it just on sunday with the other girl in the parking lot, it was her first time and because she's so submissive she just trusted me and went with it!) - I think its the psychological aspect of it being so "bad" which makes the girl really let go from then on - of she's acted like a "slut" this much already (I mean this in a good way btw!) then pretty much anything is on the table from then on! So yeh it means they can really relax and let the inner slut out. Yes I think having long sex is a great idea - I used to with my ex but haven't done it in ages with the new girls, need to get back on that!

Tyme2k said:
If they seem tense and not relaxing I make sure I start usually by saying something like, "you're so wet," 'your clit is so swollen for me," ill rub and when I feel her clit, pressure on then off then more on and i go something "mmmmmm" and bite her neck. Then I fuck the shit out of them, when I see them hold back I stare in their eyes and say "I want to hear you," "you like that," "let it out."
I say these exact same things! but usually during sex, only problem is I share a flat so my flat mates can hear it if she let s it out too much! - I just need to turn the music up I suppose....Good idea just rubbing the clit at first - I think I've been in too much of a rush to get to fucking her that ive been rushing into sticking fingers in and then rushing that - the first time she came over I did focus more on the clit and then she was so wet she came within minutes of fingering her - and she really was as wet as Ive ever felt a girl!
Tyme2k said:
You need her in the moment and make her truly understand it's OK. Every girl is different in this aspect and most are self conscious. There was a video RSD Tyler(Owen) made that he described a way he gets difficult girls to cum. He will Force them to be in the moment by telling them to close their eye, then he says you're a trailer trash whore that works at wal-mart, you have nothing going for you except this dick inside and the only thing you care about is letting go a feeling this orgasm. I'm not recommending you use this exact wording I think it will take powerful polarity to pull off, but this is a good analogy of the head space she might need to be in to let go.
Wow I actually use this on all girls eventually - I think all girls want to act llike a slut in bed - let it out - I just use dirty talk at the right super horny moments and it sticks - then they usually get to love it - can you link the video? - obviously not the first time though, I build up from "bad/naughty girl"
Tyme2k said:
PS I did do anal with my FB on valentines day and came. Me- "I just came" Her- "In my ASS?" I also always finish in her mouth cause this is what I like.
Yeh its safer to come in the ass anyway, and again it puts them in that dirty frame of mind - that can really make them associate being bad and naughty with you which is GOOD. I'm just wondering whether there might be some girls that culturally might be opposed to swallowing - I'm debating about whether I should do it the first time with her (in her mouth) because culturally she is very reserved and might have some internal frames that need to be overcome for this first - maybe the first time is too early? I'll prob do it anyway though as long as she has come hard, dont like finishing in the condom

I see what youre saying about being drunk - I am certainly not as good when I am so I agree with you there - I think youre probably right about the girl not actually being as turned on aswell - its half plastic - ah one exception is for the first time anal - I think it can really relax a girl and get her to go with the flow a bit more and then they will be more open to it when they are sober - Ive found this works really well (as long as YOU know what you're doing and don't muck it up!) - Id almost call it a top tip...
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Tyme2k said:
this guy is hilarious! lol, its not the right video though.... I totally agree with what he's saying here its good how he pushes the envelope - basically that most girls at 24 say have had more sex, more slutty sex, harder sex and more intense sex with much more experienced guys than most guys have - since they've already been at their prime and they've used that. Its good he pushes it - I think this finally removed the last few shreds of the curtain that were still infront of my eyes - of course the girls are all talking about what crazy dirty sex they are having - and at a young age the stuff the guys talk about is probably kids play in comparison!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
I think the vid you should watch was released around that time, I want to say it was at night cause I remember the flash on the camera glaring off his forehead LOL.. I could be wrong though I've watched 90% of all his vids..


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Tyme2k said:
I think the vid you should watch was released around that time, I want to say it was at night cause I remember the flash on the camera glaring off his forehead LOL.. I could be wrong though I've watched 90% of all his vids..
Couldn't find it... Anyway met her again and made the classic mistake of taking her home too late - I have done this SO OFTEN I go out with them and do so much fun stuff it gets late so they basically fall asleep when they get back to my place! I tire girls out! I was literally fingering her while we were out in the bar and she was SUPER horny (I had opened a two set of REALLY hot girls while she was in the toilet and she saw them talking to me - was good - also she saw a text from a girl "friend" I have that was saying she missed me which allowed us to relate on having opposite sex friends that like us) - I thought it would be good to leave but she was really enjoying the view so I let her hang - she was like "relax" so I was like "whatever". But by the time we got back she had a stomach ache (gave her aspirin but took a while) and was literally falling asleep - I got her naked but she was just really unresponsive again and actually falling asleep.

Ahhhh in one way I don't really care because I get sex elsewhere but I am getting frustrated because I know if I'm not closing her then it leaves the door open for others to do so far more easily - its not sealed!

I don't know what there is left for me to do other than take her back as soon as the film ends on friday and pound her senseless - then maybe after that she will be more active and not so passive. Ideally I would like to take her in the cinema (done this with 3 girls already) but I think she may be a little resistant and I need to play the less needy card with her hard after so many failed escalations? right?

We had a good open close talk while naked and massaging each other - it seems she is genuinely scared I will hurt her while having sex! Because I've built myself into this sexual aggressive passionate animal (the idea was to turn girls on) I think I may have turned it up a bit much for this girl (which is odd because she is quite experienced - if a little sexually unaware - I think she doesn't touch herself in her own time- not good). I need to keep it a little more controlled until she is really really on...