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To fuck or not to fuck

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
First of all sorry for necroing this thread but it's interesting for me hehe

Imagine for one second five hot girls you've met. Imagine if these five were all on your phone and wanted your cock. You wouldn't be sending messages to other girls trying to take care of their feelings, you'd be like 'whatever, I'll make a joke and ask her out, who cares I've already got all these others'.
I really like the imagery, I think when I was doing the best with girls that was exactly my mindset, of course it was easier then when I actually was getting decent results to back it up (like that wasn't that far from the truth), instead of now when I'm just trying to bone some girl to forget my ex lol. Will keep this on my mind.

The fact that you felt compelled to add "But of course I want absolute comfort for you" is apologetic/smoothing over and should never be done in conjunction with asking for compliance (which should come from a confident, positive frame).
So in general I suppose you don't wanna ever be apologetic, right? Since you wanna be moving things forward, you're always kinda asking for compliance in a way or another. If you really need to apologize to a girl, do you do it and just chill, then(like pulling back a bit)? Like you would do when let's say she doesn't comply with a request?

Okay guy I don't what the fuck happened she liked my message of comfort on WhatsApp and then said she wants to meet on wed
Cool that you kinda winged it and it still worked out. I deff had some very sexual text convos with girls in the past, but those girls I would say are rare, most will just bow out when you start sexualizing stuff via text (if you didn't had yet at least), because it's the easier/safer thing to do.