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Tools to find sexy voice?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 12, 2024
I've often veen told my voice is marvelous, but unrefined. It is a deep bass. With some effort, I could have a good singing voice. I am sometimes asked to say stuff like, "Allstate. Are you in good hands?" (If you know the commercial, you can get the idea). I have always been praised in speech, debate, and class presentations for vocal delivery. I have even been able to command authority by lowering my tone while projecting without sounding angry (I once shut down an insistent army recruiter with a firm 'No thank you.')

However, I hate the sound of my own voice and struggle to recognize it. I always sound so monotonous to myself and some recordings sound like mumbling even if the recorder understood me in the moment. On rare occasions, I am told I sound angry. I seem to sometimes scare shy girls on approach but intrigue confident women. One time in high school, we had to record ourselves and my voice projected onto the recording of all classmates despite it not being particularly loud. It just... travels and it takes some conscious effort to not project it.

I am working to develop my sexy voice and have a good set of tools (pencil under my tongue, honey, speaking other languages, adjusting my throat, etc). But is there an app I could use, or someone I can call or talk to to get good feedback for the right sexy voice?

Again, my problem is I can't reasonably self-moniter here and have a degree of imposter's syndrome. I also don't exactly believe my mom (a former choir girl) or my friends will give me the right feedback about this.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
- read the post...
- sample movies with guys with sexy voice is about changing up the voice/voice inflections
- you can even fake your voice for dramatic effect.
if you do hormones (such as trt) that will change your voice.... Pwf is a good example

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