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Transitions  Transitions into demonstrating SNL traits


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Here's a little something to help some of you guys take your game to the next level.

When gaming, one of the things I do post hook is try to demonstrate as many traits of my self that are conductive to Single Night Lays. I simply name them SNL traits. These can be showing her how you have high standards (won't just sleep with just any girl. and you won't just make any girl you're girlfriend. She's gotta work for it), talking about thrilling sex adventures I've had, talking about what I like doing in bed with girls (which girls also like i.e. teasing the fuck outta them with foreplay, being dominant, lasting long, etc), an being nonjudgemental around sex.

Now to demonstrate these SNL traits very easily, what I've done is created universal transitions that can work on every girl. So that you can talk about these in all of your seductions. Having these transitions in your pocket, allows you to bring them out anytime you want, so that you don't have to rely on the girl talking about something semi related so that you can go into your gambits.

So I created this thread to talk about the process I went through in creating my transitions to demonstrating my SNL traits. And walk you through one of mine.

First you want to write down the SNL trait you want to demonstrate:

Here I want to demonstrate that I have high standards and have an deep understanding about male/female relationships.

Next create the pathway to get you to talk about that what you want to communicate. (a go to is to ask a girl a question you want her to ask in return).

so here I'll ask "when was the last time you were in a relationship? (here you should be asking yourself, what can I ask her that will create the context that will allow me to ask this question to all girls smoothly. To me that was: "so where's your boyfriend tonight?") so that I'll get the question back in return. I'll go over how to make sure you get this question back later in the post.

Now that you've created the context to demonstrate your SNL trait (here that I have high standards and have a deep knowledge about male/female relationships) write down something that shows you possess this trait.

Now read it over and over. correcting mistakes along the way. Then when you feel comfortable with it, what you'll want to do is read it aloud. first while looking at your text. what you'll find is that by talking aloud you’ll naturally find ways of phrasing things better ("hmm actually that sounds better/smoother") vs trying to memorize it from just writing it down. believe me if you're one of those guys who likes to drink when you game, you will have no problem remembering these gambits. once you've practiced these memorization techniques. Speaking as someone who drinks, has a pretty shit memory and can talk about a million things that i’ve memorized while pretty tipsy.

After correcting those mistakes, you'll want to now record yourself, saying the gambit without looking at the words. Here in addition to also finding ways of phrasing things even better, you will also find areas where you utilize non-verbal tactics like pregnant pauses, calculated smiles, (0:50-1:00)
to create favorable reactions in her. and notice areas where you can add additional questions that you may ask her that you didn't notice when originally writing down your gambit. As these come up, stop recording. add them to the original pathway. and record again. Do this until it the gambit looks like something that you would actually say to a girl. in the way that you normally talk to people.

Now after recording yourself say the gambit without any mistakes. It is memorized. Move on to creating another gambit that lets you transition to demonstrate another SNL trait. And practice these any time you want to solidify them into your memory.

Here is this particular gambit. Transitioning to demonstrate I have high standards and a deep understanding of male/female relationships

so where’s your boyfriend tonight?
her: i don’t have one
oh when was the last time you were in a relationship?
her: blah blah blah
what happened? did you break up with him? was he shit in bed?
her: blah blah blah
damn thats too bad [smiling as I turn away. This creates that 'how do I get his attention back - since its hard to think on her feet she will take the easy route and just ask him the same question in return. Which is the effect I'm trying to create here)
me? oh I’ve actually never been in a relationship” while smiling to trigger that 'why is he smiling' reaction)
her: really? I don't believe you. why not?


ummm Honestly I just don’t feel like I've found the right girl for that. Like the closest girl was actually very hot tho. I have a photo of her on my phone actually (start looking through phone for the photo). It’s just that I get bored very easily and I'm like always searching for more you know. [now showing her the photo] sorry its the only photo i have of her (it's a naked photo of her) I mean like you. you move on from a guy once you feel like its boring too right? (you have high standards too right?) when things get like too predictable you know whats gonna happen. its the same ole same old. and when he no longer make you feel the way you felt when you first met them. back when everything was so new and exciting and you actually used to look forward to spending time with him. so now its like you've kind of just like mentally zone out "I don’t love him anymore" and you start looking for someone new.

then we vibe on this for a bit before moving on to demonstrating another SNL trait.

Hope this was helpful. And motivates some of you guys to create your own transitions to demonstrating your SNL traits :)
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 3, 2019
And here I was having difficulty on finding things to talk about... This is excellent Velasco. Thanks a lot.

What are some of the other SNL qualities?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Appreciate the props @M_Ronin

At the beginning of the post I listed a few of them. I'll repost them here:

  • You have high standards
  • You've had thrilling sex adventures
  • You know how to fuck
  • You dont judge girls for liking sex
Revealing anything about yourself that is conductive to getting fast sex would be classified as an SNL trait.

I'm working right now, but I'll reveal another gambit of mine in a bit (and break it down so that you know the how and why I chose my words and particular actions). To give you inspiration/some direction. Stay tuned :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 23, 2019
I like this, reminds me of old school MM and "switches".

Just recently while working out a sex talk routine I noted:

Key Frames Set: I like to please my lover, I like to eat pussy (with conditions sexy and clean), I can take or leave sex, I will walk away from sex that isn't enthusiastic

As a list of points I want to make while telling the story.

So similar, but instead I'm starting with a story and seeing how it can be used to show SNL traits.

One question though, is it possible that showing the girl a naked picture of the last girl you almost dated might be negative for discretion? Like there is a portion of girls that will connect "He shows a random person the nudes from the last girl" -> "He'll show any nudes or sex pictures videos of me to a random person" -> "He'll talk about sex with me to a random person".


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 23, 2019
  • You have high standards
  • You've had thrilling sex adventures
  • You know how to fuck
  • You dont judge girls for liking sex

Do you have a comprehensive list?

I'd say wanting enthusiastic sex falls under standards.

Know how to fuck entails pleasing your lover, and certain sex acts (general sexual prizing)

And, as implied from my question above, do you feel being discrete should be included? And what else, if anything?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019

what’s usually the type of guy you go for? or actually is there a type of guy who you’d never go for?

(Its not neccesary to ask the first question. But I like to make my calculated gambits look as organic as as possible. Switching from the false question to the real question I wanted to ask her is how I accomplish that here)

It’s not racists or anything. you just have a type and there’s nothing wrong with that.
(Here I set the precedent that it's ok to say things other girls may be too scared of revealing because they'll think its racist/mean by reframing it as she just has a type she likes and there's nothing wrong with that).

Like would you ever date a indian guy. what about short guys? (Of course girls will fuck you if you know what your doing even if you are these two things. But on paper, these are two that also seem to yield "no" responses. Also I'm giving her the option (short) I want to talk about next) oh why not.
I actually like short girls a lot. you know why? You can do a lot more positions with them. Like what do you think my favorite sex position is. Knowing that I like short girls. i wanna see if you can guess right.
Here she'll guess. And then I'll reveal what it is and what I like about it. Then...
What about you what’s your favorite position? what is it that you like about X? (Make her invest)

I then show enthusiasm for her favorite position (doesn't matter which position she tells me). It's always produces the same effect in me which is that the problem with that position is that it always makes me want to cum really fast. I say this so that I'll ask her:


Have you ever experienced that before? a guy lasting 30 seconds (to get a funny story from her. Every girls has a minuteman story. But even if she doesn't, it's not a big deal).
Interesting. what I find that helps me is being in the moment. slowing down. being with someone who you have good chemistry with. Wanting to slowing work your way around their body. Kissing around. Seeing where the sensitive spots in her body are.
(Alllll this is said in a slow sensual voice while making bedroom eye contact)
Her neck. Her ears. collarbone. her ribs. underneath her soft tits. her stomach. her thighs. that delicate area around her pussy. (Not neccesary but for each body part you list, you can point to them with your index and middle finger together) helps ease you into the moment. and makes the experience that much more pleasurable? right? (Dont kiss her here! Even if her face shows she wants it. And she will lol)

After this you have a lot of options: 1. Ask her when's the last time she had sex and was it good for investment. 2. Lead her to the dance floor (omg this is my fucking song. Come on!) so that you can physically escalate on her 3. If you see her giving you the fuck me eyes. Fuck it. Stop stimulating her and lead her out ASAP with a "you wanna get outta here?"
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
is it possible that showing the girl a naked picture of the last girl you almost dated might be negative for discretion? Like there is a portion of girls that will connect "He shows a random person the nudes from the last girl" -> "He'll show any nudes or sex pictures videos of me to a random person" -> "He'll talk about sex with me to a random person

Its definitely possible for her to come to that conclusion. But I haven't recieived a negative reaction from showing girls that pic. I've recieived compliments "wow she's beautiful" and shit like "do you keep photos of all the girls you sleep with". In addition to setting the frame that I'm capable of getting girls of this calibur to let me photograph them nude, I do it for fuckboi points as well. Sacrificing the discretion frame in the process. Then again, by setting the frame that I am a secret society member, which ALL girls are a part of, I'm not really sacrificing discretion. Because I'm just sharing a photo with another member. You can understand if I shared that photo with her in front of her male friends/orbiters, how it would really destroy the discretion frame.

And, as implied from my question above, do you feel being discrete should be included

Id say being discreet falls under/goes hand in hand with the "you dont judge girls for liking sex" trait. Showing that you know girls will be judged for talking/expressing interest in all things sex by outsiders. You already understand the importance in being discreet/low key. Which I talk about in my non judgemental gambit.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 23, 2019
Its definitely possible for her to come to that conclusion. But I haven't recieived a negative reaction from showing girls that pic. I've recieived compliments "wow she's beautiful" and shit like "do you keep photos of all the girls you sleep with". In addition to setting the frame that I'm capable of getting girls of this calibur to let me photograph them nude, I do it for fuckboi points as well. Sacrificing the discretion frame in the process. Then again, by setting the frame that I am a secret society member, which ALL girls are a part of, I'm not really sacrificing discretion. Because I'm just sharing a photo with another member. You can understand if I shared that photo with her in front of her male friends/orbiters, how it would really destroy the discretion frame.

I feel like that second one, "do you keep photos of all the girls you sleep with" could potentially have negative implications.

Probably less so if the nude picture you show her is clearly posed and artistic.

I also agree it's much less discreet around non-secret society members.

But the rest, is kind of an equivocation. And like you said "fuckboi points" might be something you're going for (and congruent to your persona). So it might not be an altogether bad thing.

I would probably avoid that one thing in particular though, the nude picture, although I fully appreciate how that might turn the girl on.

Id say being discreet falls under/goes hand in hand with the "you dont judge girls for liking sex" trait. Showing that you know girls will be judged for talking/expressing interest in all things sex by outsiders. You already understand the importance in being discreet/low key. Which I talk about in my non judgemental gambit.

I don't agree it falls under, but could agree "goes hand in hand" with, as I see them as two separate things.

Saying "you don't judge girls", but know that "others judge girls", and in order to protect them keep quiet, are connected but not the same.

You can be sexually liberated, not care what girls do, but not be aware of the need to keep the secrets or be good at doing so.

Personally I'll add it as an independent "SNL switch".