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Vietnamese Rumpelstiltskin


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014


Her: Vietnamese, Long brown hair, glasses, cute face, kind of mid body-wise

How we met: Street stop. At first she thought I was an influencer and thought she was being recorded on youtube so I told her that while I do have a face for media, I’m not an influencer. I was flirting and bantering with her right from the get go and she was also asking me some stuff. We also found out we went to the same school so that probably helped with connection.

Date Structure: Met outside the subway, walked over to a cafe, went to a pizza joint for a slice, ate back at my apt.

My focus on this date was to banter and flirt more because that’s something Dante had pointed out to me as a big missing ingredient in my interactions to work on. And also I realized that from the last date this was severely lacking and would be a good idea.

First Venue​

I texted her to meet me outside the subway stop, and when she arrived, I greeted her with a hug and told her she looked great. She said I looked great too, and things felt on from the get-go. As we walked to the café I started with just standard how was your day questions but that actually seemed to tank the vibe a little. When we got there, the place was crowded, and we ended up sitting across from each other at a small table. The setup wasn’t ideal—loud, cramped, and with someone sitting just a few inches away—but for some reason, it didn’t matter. It felt like we were in our own little bubble, and I wasn’t self-conscious about people listening in.

The walk had been fine, but as soon as we sat down at the cafe (across from each other), there was a moment of awkward silence where we just looked at each other and were like "So...." I decided to break it by introducing the questions game. She immediately lit up, saying she loved it and referenced the “36 Questions to Love,” which she plays with friends. I clarified that my version was different and explained the rules. We started asking each other questions, and this time I was always looking for opportunities to flirt and tease. Thing is I’ve been working this into my approaches a lot so it was quite easy to do it on the date, especially because she was really down and also because she was the type who got aroused by them a lot.

At one point, her hand was resting on the table, so I started touching it occasionally to emphasize points. She seemed comfortable, so I tested things further by asking for her hands, and saying okay lemme test you: “what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done” (Sinn’s hand test) We held hands across the table and she was flustered in a good way but told me about how she was hiking in a bunch of different cities.

Then I was getting a little horny so I was flirting with her more and occasionally touching her hand. At one point she was like “ohhh stop!” and touched my hand back. so I figured it was super on by then.

After a while, she suggested we grab lunch since neither of us had eaten. When we left, I offered my arm and she was holding my hand. On the way to the pizza place I pointed out my apartment in passing as we continued to walk.

Second Venue + Pull​

At the pizza place, there wasn’t any seating, so I suggested we take the pizza back to my place. She was totally down. Once there, I gave her a quick tour, and we sat close together while eating. I kept things flirty with some roleplay about her being a sugar mama and me being a trophy husband, which she played along with. I wanted to escalate kind of slowly because at the cafe she had mentioned a previous date where the guy was way too aggressive and it freaked her out and she walked out. (I responded to that saying that yeah after a while you also value an emotional connection on top of a physical connection)

So as we were sitting at my kitchen table, I would be flirting with her more but also testing her comfort to kissing by having us try each others pizza slices and just doing light incidental touches

After eating, I suggested watching something, so I put on an episode of Love, Death & Robots. We sat on my ‘couch’. I had my arm around her and She snuggled up against me almost immediately, resting her head on my shoulder. At some point she put her arm on my chest. When the video buffered, we started making out, and at some point grabbed her hand and took her to the bed (which was right next to the ‘couch’)

She was clear about not wanting to have sex, and I reassured her I was fine with that” Yeah of course baby we’re not gonna have sex”. When we were on my bed I had her take her clothes off “so that we can get comfortable” she kept the panties and bra on, but she would get soo turned on when I kissed her neck or her chest that eventually I just told her to take her bra off (it was an athletic bra lol otherwise I would’ve just unfastened it) Then squeezed her butt, which turned her on even more and started fingering her from the back to eventually get her panties off.

At some point I asked her what her favorite sex position was and that’s when she told me she was a virgin.

I would’ve considered the whole “just the tip” stuff because she had no issues with me rubbing my dick on her pussy and getting on top of her and dry pounding her but since she was a virgin I was like “Eh I’ll probably just give it a few dates to seal the deal”. And putting more than one finger for her was a little painful. So I figure I would be in for a long and painful deflowering session and she also had to leave at 5.

Had her suck my dick a little bit (yep definitely a virgin)

It seemed she wasn’t soo opposed to having sex but her hang-up was “I’m nervous about it” so while she was saying “no sex no sex”, I feel like I probably could have done some prodding and eliciting to reassure her about whatever it was that made her nervous. But I didn’t the any eliciting. And she also gave the objection of “we just met”.

Oh— and she told that she had actually given me a fake name and still playfully refused to give me her real name…

What I did well​

  • Flirting and having fun
  • TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH (mainly the hand holding) and actually going for it.
  • I kind of stumbled upon this logistics set up as I went along which ended up working nicely. Having a ‘pre-pull’ spot that sounds innocuous but where going back to your place is the natural choice has been the most consistent way to pull for me. EG going to a grocery store to buy wine (which means you have to go back to your place) or getting pizza at a corner shop pizzeria means taking it up to your apt to eat is the natural choice. Otherwise, I have to find a way to inject in the conversation "Oh btw lets go back to my place to do XYZ" which has not worked as well for many reasons but this will require more field testing.

What I could do better​

  • Discussed this with @Devilicious and @Kvothe and they suggested trying to figure out what her hang-up was with the sex
  • Dev had a good suggestion here to phrase this with “What is it that’s standing between us?”, like instead of going the logical pace n’ lead route, go the passionate emotional route
  • Got a lot of feedback from @StrayDog on the verbals and timing of each of the bounce venues.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Amazing stuff dude! Great to see you making progress like this.

I can relate to the kino way since this is a cornerstone of my style. Personally from reading this I got the impression she was down for the L.

Are you guys still in touch and if so do you think it will still happen?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Amazing stuff dude! Great to see you making progress like this.

I can relate to the kino way since this is a cornerstone of my style. Personally from reading this I got the impression she was down for the L.

Are you guys still in touch and if so do you think it will still happen?
Thanks ❤️❤️❤️

Yeah she's responsive over text so will see if I can set something up for next weekend. She works crazy hours so I don't think I'll be able to see her during the week
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Okay so update on this girl. We eventually ended up having sex but it's kinda painful for her

We've been seeing each other pretty much every week until I went off to my jaunt.

On the second date she suggested a wine bar and I went along with it because I figure three bounces is always a better idea than trying to invite her straight over so I just went with her suggestion and it turns out the only reason she suggested the wine bar was that I had mentioned that I like wine. I actually don't even drink that much but she had remembered that on our first date and so she suggested that and then it was pretty much on from the get-go again.

Then we walked back to my place after we got food and wine and we're cuddling in bed and immediately she asked me if she can sleep over so I was like of course.

It turns out she was on her period. So we've still been to just did the same stuff as before. I reassured her that 'you know it's fine like my bed sheets are red anyways we can play around it's not a big deal'

So we played around but I still wasn't able to get past fingering because she's really self-conscious about the blood.

And then on the third date Dante recommended that I give her an ultimatum which I don't think would have been really necessary because it was a virgin and all and I would have laid her anyway but I do think there's some benefits to banging her sooner than the timetable that she had thought of.

So anyway on this third date basically what I told her was it was a watered-down form of the ultimatum that Dante recommended but essentially what I told her was "yeah I'm just not the kind of guy that will wait until marriage to have sex or wait 5 years to have sex"

And she laughed at that she's like "yeah yeah I know of course, me neither and also I'm not even going to be in the country in five years"

so and I was like yeah.

But that allowed her to open up a lot more and then I just reassured her a lot and she admitted that " you know the first date we went so fast I was like shocked because I never do this and I couldn't even tell anybody about it because it was so fast."

And yeah and so one thing that really helped was when I reassured her saying yeah it's crazy how fast we connected right? and I and I'm really happy that we connected so deeply I really like this.

Essentially that warmed her up and then a little while later I went for the kill again and this time however she was down for me to insert the tip but if I tried to go any further it was too painful. So I was basically just thrusting in and out with the tip. I guess technically this counts in a lay but that week I also gave her some dilators because I think the problem that she was experiencing is called vaginismus. And basically her pussy is too tight and penetration is painful and it's usually some underlying sexual trauma so I gave her those dilators to practice with.

And then on our fourth date I was able to go a little deeper but it's still too painful if I went to full length but yeah I was essentially thrusting mid-length for me.

And then she also told me on her fourth date that her original plan was that we would have sex on the fifth date instead of sooner like we did because she read somewhere online that the fifth date was the best idea or something like that....

Here Dante explained that even if you do get the lay eventually, it's not advisable because if you're doing it on her arbitrary timetable, she still has the frame. So that's why even if you know you'll eventually bang her, it still makes more sense to go for it asap