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Virgin (15 Months)

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Met July 2023.

She came over 5 times in the last 3 months, including today.

Past 1 month texting:


Her: Are you free on Thursday?

Me: Hi (her name)! I have (redacted) unfortunately. When are you next free?

Her: My only off next week is Thursday, how about tomorrow 6pm?

Me: Can't tomorrow, but Monday or Tuesday would work

Her: I can't, I'm working Monday to Wednesday, how about after this week Monday? 16th

Me: Sure, that works! Let's do it

Her:Ok see you, 😘
If I'm not this tired, I would go to your house, see the girl you are with today just like the other girl 😉

Her: Good morning! See you later 😘

Me:Good! Have a great day

Her: Thank you ☺️, have a great day too

Me: How's 6:30 or 7?

Her: Not 6?

Me: Nope still finishing up

6:30 then

Her: Good morning, how was it last night?slept well?

Me: You were at the door fully dressed. It seemed in the blink of an eye. A second before you were with me. Glad you came back in to say goodbye

Her: Sounds like a poem, it was too short but I caught myself sleeping so I had to go. Thank you for being a gentleman 😘

Her: I miss you

Me: What do you miss

Her: You, your lips and hair.

Me: Come put your lips and hands on me

Her: Sadly I can't, I'm working 😩
You have (redacted) on Thursday right?

Me: Hey!! Yes tonight
When are you free next?
Come by early morning after work sometime if it comes to that

Her: I can come by after work on the 5th, I have to take a shower and eat at your place though😉


So 8am, usual makeout, cuddles, finger has an easier time finally, micro progression over months.

Got half insert, still finished. Still soreness. Her most common verbal objection was always worried if she ever got a serious relationship, he wouldn't like that she is not a virgin. If anything, I saved him headaches honestly.

She said she wants to find a book that will help her learn how to move her hips. And she was resistant at first to neck kisses because she has church tomorrow.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Met July 2023.

She came over 5 times in the last 3 months, including today.

So finally popped that cherry after a year+ huh?

You played the long game with this one, @Francis!

She said she wants to find a book that will help her learn how to move her hips. And she was resistant at first to neck kisses because she has church tomorrow.

Man, you'd better find her a video on that.

Who learns how to move her hips from a book? :ROFLMAO:

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
So finally popped that cherry after a year+ huh?

You played the long game with this one, @Francis!

Man, you'd better find her a video on that.

Who learns how to move her hips from a book? :ROFLMAO:


Ha to be honest, she long gamed me pretty well. In my best David Attenborough voice... Here, we observe the female has secured attachment of the male through physical bonding... further engendering her long-term security and comfort... Let's watch as we observe now the launching mechanism seen more commonly in the orb-weaving spider...

She really did seem excessively tight, but I wonder how much was real pain and what was a withholding strategy. I was mostly just outcome independent and enjoyed it, since all we've ever done is hang in bed since the second date. I told her she left her hair clip and she said she'll get it next time and to not give it to one of my other girls. I have inadvertently hurt a good handful of girls now, so am trying to set good expectations here.

Something she said made me think she was hinting at borrowing My Secret Garden lol I think she just has no idea what sex is going to be like.

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
To our resident virgin expert @Ambiance could I ask you - how long until soreness typically goes away? Not like the good sore that your average girl enjoys, but the initial getting-over-the-hump soreness. Hoping just like 2-3 times? If it's that vs. like 7-10 that will totally change how I go about reaching out to plan etc.

I don't see her much. There was one more after this first lay half penetrated before tonight, which was the first time I actually got all the way in and could give it to her hard. She has still not started really relaxing yet, so she's still clenching her legs and not fully letting go mentally.


As always, here are transcripts for the lurkers, unregistered viewers yet to sign up etc.

Because yes, you can fuck a girl with a Jesus fish on her car who knows you are seeing a bunch of other girls before she goes to a church seminar in the morning.


You can do it too! Thanks @Chase !


Her (sends pic, trying to find me on Facebook): looks like you

Me: How's it feel?

Her: I felt the soreness last night but it's gone now. I didn't feel any sting

Me: Good! I'm glad you feel good

Her: How's your look a like?

Me: How's your optometrist?

Her: What optometrist? Wrong girl sir 😒

Me: You need a new one to get those eyes checked

Her: What for, I read it clearly

Me: The lookalike

Her: Ooh, isn't that you?

Her: I went to that job fair with only one resume😅

Her: Remind me to take a picture of you the next time I see you.

Her: I miss you

Her: How come you don't text me?

Me: Swamped with work! I tend to disconnect fully at times. You'll have to come in person!

Her: I'm miserable

Me: Too cold out?

Her: That too but because I'm trying not to text back

Me: Sounds like you need a hug

Her: Hug only please

Me: Haha last time it was "you should have put it all the way in"

Me: I am going to stop believing anything you say!

Her: What? No, I want a hug later

Me: is your name even (her name)?

Her: is your name even Francis?

Me: No it's (her name)

Her: Identify theft!

Me: When are you free to steal it back

Her: Later today, you can't say no. I need it back

Me: Ok come today. Steal a kiss too

Her: Nah, your name sounds better

Her: What time are you home?

Me: About an hour

Me: I am so exhausted. Help me nap!

Her: Snuggle would be good.

Her: Did you eat?

Me: Yes thanks!


She has never once shown up without some type of gift, typically just a coffee or snack. Usually I wouldn't deny investment but was in that moment inhaling a shawarma.

I leave the door cracked open and lay down in bed.

She comes in with a little plant because I killed the last two she brought me.

We spend 2.5 hours in bed. She keeps getting sore and peed like three or four times because she read online to do that after sex.

Then she mentions how I once told her I would fuck her standing up (probably months ago. I forget ever saying that but think I meant against the counter).

She also asks if a "quickie" means having sex quick lol

So I hoist her up and fuck her in midair (she's really tiny). I'm out of shape so take her to the couch and finally cum. It was like a minute or two and I say that was a quickie. She says that was not quick (lol bless her heart).


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 6, 2025
my first girlfriend in highschool was incredibly tight as well. Couldn't even fit a finger in.

I believe she had vagisimus, where due to unconcious muscle contractions, the vaginal walls become compressed.

I tried many things over the months I was with her, and while she progressively loosened, nothing else came close to breathing exercises.

I was guiding her through the breathing while i was on top of her, and on the exhale, i would slowly enter her. I did this for like 30 minutes and after that it was like she never had vagisimus to begin with.

I think some girls just hold tension in that area and need deep relaxation to let go