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FR+  VolleyGirl


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Early Monday evening, a young girl of 24 (as I later learned) is waiting on the sidewalk to meet arriving passengers from a bus. The woman is in hotpants (I've seen her on three occasions now, and she never wears anything else!) and the setting sun is accentuating the toned, slender curves of her delightful long legs. At 5'11" tall, she almost matches my own height. She has medium-brown, wavy hair that cascades over her shoulders and ample breasts, feminine hips, a mouth that makes me able to think of only one thing, and eyes to die for.

A woman of uninteresting appearance stands speaking to the 24-year-old girl. I stand very close by, not facing her, in contrapposto, making sure the girl notices me. We'll call her VolleyGirl... apparently she's a volleyball player, as befits her stature. She is holding a small dog in her arms.

I'm wishing the older woman will go away. Providence humors me in the form of a large, fierce hound which saunters by on a leash. The human at the other end of the leash struggles to restrain the creature as it howls terrifyingly in the direction of its smaller cousin in VolleyGirl's arms. To my astonishment, her little dog gives as good as he gets, barking back at the larger beast with gusto.

When the furore has died down, I remark to VolleyGirl that the only reason her dog retaliated in kind was that both dogs were restrained. If left to run free, dominance would have been established instantly, and not in her little pet's favor.

The other woman leaves off, to my relief, and VolleyGirl and I continue conversation unhindered. Lengthy conversation is inadvisable however as the bus may arrive at any time. Also, I check whether she will be here again and she says only Thursday which is not a day I expect to be in that location. She is slightly taken aback when I ask her on a date within less than five minutes, but I number-close her without incident and she appears delighted.

Note: "going direct" is unnecessary at this point and could cause embarrassment or suspicion of indiscretion owing to the number of other people about. The number close is unsubtle enough by itself. This is actually witnessed by a sexy mid-30s lady, there for the same purpose, who will reappear later (and hopefully in another FR some day soon).

I text VolleyGirl an icebreaker around 10 PM, get a reply in about 30 minutes. Tuesday (next day) I leave her a voicemail around noon asking her when she is available for the date. She calls Wednesday afternoon, when I am in meetings, and leaves a voicemail to say that the weekend would be fine any time; I should pick a day and let her know. I make two suggestions by text Wednesday evening; she picks one Thursday morning and I go with it. Saturday 4 PM.

Contrary to my expectation, I am obliged to return to the location Thursday evening, which is undesirable, but I have no choice. I confidently greet VolleyGirl, make no mention of the pending date, tease her a little, and then pretty much ignore her.

Instead, I engage in conversation the sexy mid-30s lady I mentioned earlier, who is today in a short blue dress and heels, and looking positively orgasmic. While flirting hard (telling her the mosquitoes can't be blamed for not being able to resist her legs) and touching a little, I don't actually escalate or number-close, since I am not entirely clear about the lady's status: she is wearing nothing on her left hand but a jeweled ring on her right, which considering she is American born and bred, means nothing obvious to me. As the mom is flirting with me, VolleyGirl goes past, smiles at me and tells me goodbye. Preselection in both directions. Marvelous.

Later Thursday evening, VolleyGirl texts me to confirm the date location. I reply and mention that it was nice to see her again. Incredibly, Friday afternoon she texts me again saying it was nice seeing me too. This is totally gratuitous and makes me think I should try to F-close (unfortunately I was unsuccessful in that, this time).

Friday the sexy mom writes me an email, having looked up my address on my organization's site, making her interest pretty obvious. Assuming I get a date, details of the chase-framing that took place over that medium will be shared in the appropriate field report. Meanwhile suffice it to say we exchanged numbers and switched to text.

I do not bother with an anti-flaking text for VolleyGirl; this is pointless considering the amount of effort she's already put in. Saturday 4 PM I text her from the café to let her know I've grabbed a table in back; she texts back, calls me for help parking, and shows up barely 10 minutes late.

The conversation in the café itself is uneventful; the cute waitress, who has been perfectly delightful to me while I have been waiting alone, turns catty as soon as VolleyGirl appears (amusingly, VolleyGirl doesn't notice this and remarks later on the excellence of the service). We have a glass of wine each, nothing else. Hilariously, VolleyGirl is asked for ID. In spite of having taken out quite a few girls 10-15 years younger than me, having one of them carded on a date is a first-time experience for me (I have had it happen within relationships though). I pay. Her parking is validated for 2 hours only so this is a perfect opportunity to bounce her.

Thus around 6 PM I find myself sitting in her car; she won't be bounced to my house, so I direct her to some free parking in a nearby tony neighborhood and we walk arm-in-arm to a park that is deserted at this time on a Saturday evening, with all the residents eating out downtown, yet perfectly lovely with the sun streaming through the foliage and onto the hilly, verdant ground. We take a seat on a swing-set.

I kiss her within less than five minutes. The ensuing "actions versus words" battle is hilarious to witness. She enjoys the kiss, doesn't pull away at all, yet after I break off she says she's not sure this is right for her, I'm a little too old "to be introduced to her parents". I tell her to slow down, no one's talking about anything like that, suggest she just enjoy the moment. Also I tease her about maybe not being mature enough for me. We kiss again.

Somehow she mentions a friend with lesbian tendencies and I ask her if she's ever had a lesbian experience. Interestingly, she tells me that she once made out with another girl "to practice our kissing technique". This is such an obvious gift. I ask to find out how she's been making progress since then, kiss her again for longer this time, then break off and tell her she needs more practice (hilarity ensues).

She asks how many women I've had sex with, and I tell her that I don't discuss that matter with ladies I don't know too well. This leads her to immediately assume the number is very high (it isn't). She makes an estimate in the forties or fifties and I refuse to comment. Desired result achieved :)

Throughout this discussion I have increased touch compliance, placing her arm around me, and my hands on her legs, belly, brushing her breasts, and at one point slipping my hand under her top to touch her belly directly (she has an "outie" navel which is a new experience for me). I also lift her hair off of her neck and kiss her there near the ear.

Somehow she has gotten it into her head that I am more of a bad-boy than I really am. She complains of a weak previous boyfriend who told her he loved her and cheated, and I assure her I will never make any promises of exclusivity so she need not worry about shattered expectations.

Nonetheless she keeps saying she wants commitment and "not to be disrespected" and I explain to her that guys who offer up commitment early on usually do so in a desperate attempt to land a girl given that their other options are limited. She gives a counterexample of her father who has remained eternally faithful to her mom in spite, apparently, of numerous offers of romantic involvement from other, more attractive (in her own words) women. I am not sure what the refutation is to this argument, so I let it ride, but I feel fairly sure there is some youthful naïvété lurking somewhere there, whether it be concerning her view of men, her father's true motivations, or even his real actions.

During this period I attempt to invite her home using the pretext of a book of pictures of English villages (in which she has expressed an interest) but she declines.

She wants to see some volleyball courts in the city, being a more recent arrival than I, so I take her to the nearby park where these are set up, which incidentally has almost 200 acres of very varied scenery where we spend the next couple hours. On the way there, she actually tells me: "Dating older men is so much more interesting". Aside from a lot of kissing, I attempt to bring her home again to see a movie in which we both share an interest, but my offer is politely declined ("not today"). I show her some areas she hasn't seen and we get some privacy for a little fun escalation, but not in earnest.

In all, I attempt to pull VolleyGirl probably a half-dozen times, and we kiss more times than I can count. She drops me back to my car after finally refusing to go home with me, around 8 PM, after spending four very enjoyable hours in each other's company; prior to our farewells, she says some very warm words concerning my treatment of her and appears thrilled by the whole experience.

She evidently has a fair amount of time on her hands, and I'd be happy to see her again.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
contrapposto- Heartiste is rubbing off you Marty. Less kissing next time, more rubbing that pussy. Oh, and play off the repented "bad boy" rep ur getting from girls, it makes you more irresistable to them. Sleep with the sexy 30's girl if you can, some after sex pheromones will attract more women to you and make you more indifferent to the outcome thus more sexy to women also; like Heartiste so passionately preaches.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Marty said:
When the furore has died down, I remark to VolleyGirl that the only reason her dog retaliated in kind was that both dogs were restrained. If left to run free, dominance would have been established instantly, and not in her little pet's favor.

Goes to show it really doesn't matter how you "open" and that there isn't a "best way to open any set. I think a lot of guys get hung up on the best opener and wonder if they should go direct or situational. What I've found is the best openers are the natural one's when you say whatever you're thinking like you did here.

Marty said:
She is slightly taken aback when I ask her on a date within less than five minutes, but I number-close her without incident and she appears delighted.
pimpin :)

Marty said:
I text VolleyGirl an icebreaker around 10 PM, get a reply in about 30 minutes. Tuesday (next day) I leave her a voicemail around noon asking her when she is available for the date. She calls Wednesday afternoon, when I am in meetings, and leaves a voicemail to say that the weekend would be fine any time; I should pick a day and let her know. I make two suggestions by text Wednesday evening; she picks one Thursday morning and I go with it. Saturday 4 PM.
This is pretty cool that she's that interested with only 5 minutes of conversation, you must have had her hooked via fundamentals pretty good for her to invest so heavily.

Marty said:
Friday the sexy mom writes me an email, having looked up my address on my organization's site, making her interest pretty obvious. Assuming I get a date, details of the chase-framing that took place over that medium will be shared in the appropriate field report. Meanwhile suffice it to say we exchanged numbers and switched to text.
Gangster, you got preselection and through group think you got this other woman to chase you... that's pretty freaking cool Marty!

Marty said:
Somehow she has gotten it into her head that I am more of a bad-boy than I really am. She complains of a weak previous boyfriend who told her he loved her and cheated, and I assure her I will never make any promises of exclusivity so she need not worry about shattered expectations.

Awesome on the badboy response (though idk if that's what your necessarily going for at your age but it seems pretty sweet to me)... not so hot on the reservations about whatever it was yall were headed towards. She really got out of the moment here and started thinking into the future pretty well... makes me wonder if she wanted you as a potential boyfriend (not saying you were put in that category but just in general... she did say "introduce you to parents"... ugh!)

It seems to me Marty that all these dates you go on end up fucking up and not wanting to get bounced to an escalation location after you kiss them. You know as well as me I'm no expert but I think you should experiment with not kissing women on dates unless you get to a escalation location. Think about it if you just kept the emotional momentum going until you got home and then started escalating in the moment things are going to be much more likely to "just happen". Whereas if you're in the park and start kissing and she knows there's no chance of yall having sex there she thinks "oh shit if I go home with him I know for sure we'll have sex! Must not be a slut!".

Anyway you're gaining some serious progression Marty! Keep it pimpin pimpin ;).

Oh and keep us updated on the older sexy lady as it sounds like that could potentially be an easy lay given that women of that age go after what they want, and clearly that's you.
