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FR++  Want to test your skills on past girls? Here's why NOT!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Hey guys, Garrett here.

I have a story to tell that may benefit you, so sit back, relax and enjoy the fact that I'm possibly saving you some of your valuable time! Firstly, I once asked Chase, "Is it worth going back to the girls you knew from the past, once you finally "get women?" Chase said no, (for obvious reasons I know now) but I was stubborn and decided to test this out anyways, as you should when skeptical. Here's what happened...

So I had my ex come with me today to go on an "adventure". Basically, I took her to a local mall (one to help with preselection for this auto-rejection girl I blew it with who goes there often), but my primary goal was to just hangout and get a women's perspective on what would look good on me, clothing wise.

Anyways, I went to the store Guess which Chase mentioned, and man that store is amazing for peacocking/standing out! They have cool jackets on the back clearance racks, I'm going back to buy a few, even the dress shirts are cool, not many people are ballsy enough to pull off unique fashion/improve their fashion sense like that, you should have a look ;).

Ok so back to the story. The girl I was with, I went back and forth with a lot in the past, then after reading Chase's stuff, I developed abundance so I feel 0 nervousness/need to impress this girl, which is what you SHOULD feel if you want to get anywhere with a girl because if you are nervous, you won't look as confident. Thow yourself into situations that make you feel awkward enough times and it feels like nothing, less emotional attachment.

So after we went to the mall for a bit, I took her back to my place. Before I get to the meat of what happened, I'll explain a bit about what happened before...

While at the mall, I was moving slowly, dressed well (with scarf for peacocking), talking slower, deeper voice, spezzatura, putting out less effort/talking less, using peripheral/angled eye contact, sexy smiles and everything. After applying what Chase said from his posts, man were my results different! This girl was doing everything for me, holding my stuff, doing all the work, while I was being a King and doing whatever I wanted without being a dick (we went to a few girl stores, but I teased her about not being too long), most of the time she was investing in me, which was good for spezzatura.

Now, the part you've all been waiting for (at least if you got this far ;) ). We drove home, I took her to my room, grabbed her within like 5 minutes, made out with her, and I did like a manhandle kiss and stopped and stared her between the eyes before things got hot and heavy. I went for her bra, and she resisted. I was persistent, I would stop and a minute later keep going back. That's when it got weird....

After doing that for a while, I got bored (I was mixing up the kissing but just got bored of her), wasn't in the mood so I got her off me and we just talked as friends the rest of the time. She's the type of girl who would get with you if you just stay around and hangout; time I can't afford to waste, especially on someone who doesn't offer the right value/challenge. She convinced me "There's NO WAY a guy would have sex with me in one day, I personally am against it and I want to get to know him over time (weeks/months)."

Now you may be thinking, "Wow dude you screwed up, you should have connected/deep dived more!" I'd be the first to realize/admit it, but because I had past emotional ties to this girl, she has baggage (she's young and confused), etc. I came to the realization that Chase was right. I was about to take off her bra then she asked me, "Are you seeing any other girls? That's when I glared back and said, "I'm not looking for a relationship with anyone, I'm too busy these days." After that we kissed a bit, then she said, "I'm not like most girls, I'm not interested in hooking up, I want a relationship."

The thing is, when you've been with a girl before, there seems to be more objection to doing anything sexual, specifically if the girl doesn't really want/need it to it be with you.

In addition, it's A LOT of effort to pull something like that off with someone who's your ex, in particular. Had I have met her that day, then took her out and connected to her then slept with her, it probably would have been a hell of a lot easier. My mistake you ask? Screening/framing. I should have realized this girl isn't like most girls out there. I mean, I could have probably slept with her if we just met (don't trust what women say), but even still, you have that 99% of girls who will do it, this one was like that 1%. There may be attraction there, but this girl is different than most, like you WON'T get auto-rejected with her, you could wait 10 months, text her all day, and she'd LOVE that, she fits society's mold and any nice guy could get with her (kinda desperate). At the same time, I probably could have gotten her with more persistence/better framing, I just wasn't horny/turned on at all to do those things...

So in conclusion guys, don't get with girls in your past, especially ex's. I had no intention of doing anything sexual with her tonight, but I figured "what the heck, if I take care of her emotions, in return I'll get some data points." It was a bit of a dick move because I wasn't feeling it as much as I thought, but I took care of her emotions after. In relation to sleeping with her, I wasn't setting sexual/chase frames as often as I would have with a girl I was more interested in. If you haven't seen a girl in a while, and she's not like this girl who would wait forever for you (boring/no challenge), then yeah you'll have a smoother, more tense/fun time bedding her, no doubt. In fact, I'll go as far as saying don't bother going back after girls in general, it's usually a waste of time/energy. Time that can be used to improve your game with hotter/BETTER girls. If you do go back though, it's better if you didn't have strong ties to her in the past because girls remember stuff months later and it potentially makes things more complicated. Make sure enough time has elapsed (I recommend 6 months minimum), make sure you don't have strong emotional attachment to her, then make a stunning come back and be her surprise dream guy ;)

Any comments, ideas, or suggestions would be appreciated!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Re: Want to test your skills on past girls? Here's why NOT!

Ah man, I see where you're coming from, but you could've got it without dealing with the baggage, she's likely got plenty of guys to take care of that if she's good-looking. The odds are stacked against you here, but with a clean shot to get her talking about something deep that you haven't talked about before, and getting her hyped about sex with you enough so that it was impulse with a more sensual kiss, it would have been a done deal. But all of that would apply a lot more to a harder-to-get girl. You have a good feel for the game definitely, but don't get too cocky, you might find yourself in another rough spot with auto-rejection. I agree with your conclusion though, just don't worry about the old girls, they'll fall into place another time, once their ready.

Take it easy, and use a rubber if you don't want dem kids!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Re: Want to test your skills on past girls? Here's why NOT!

iancasablanco said:
Ah man, I see where you're coming from, but you could've got it without dealing with the baggage, she's likely got plenty of guys to take care of that if she's good-looking. The odds are stacked against you here, but with a clean shot to get her talking about something deep that you haven't talked about before, and getting her hyped about sex with you enough so that it was impulse with a more sensual kiss, it would have been a done deal. But all of that would apply a lot more to a harder-to-get girl. You have a good feel for the game definitely, but don't get too cocky, you might find yourself in another rough spot with auto-rejection. I agree with your conclusion though, just don't worry about the old girls, they'll fall into place another time, once their ready.

Take it easy, and use a rubber if you don't want dem kids!

Hey man, thanks for the feedback!

I think you're right, I could have slept with her. I wasn't really trying though because it was a last minute type deal, there wasn't much interest, and it was a family party (my parents occasionally would barge in). So frustrating for young guys with poor logistics! I think if it was a girl who I just met, that would be more attractive. Reason being, you don't know them and there's likely moresexual tension and it's funner to get someone you think is beautiful off the street and in bed. When you get a girl home with you who is no challenge, you'll probably get bored too. Chase's teachings made me have complete abundance without even having many girls in my life, and it's made me picky about who I want to escalate with. It's good to throw yourself into experiences, provided you make sure you don't hurt the girl!



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Re: FR++:Want to test your skills on past girls? Here's why

Hey Garrett,

Added a "FR++:" to the report so people reading the board know what it's about.

Garrett said:
The thing is, when you've been with a girl before, there seems to be more objection to doing anything sexual, specifically if the girl doesn't really want/need it to it be with you.

When you've had a serious relationship and the girl ended it after not having her demands met, yeah. She'll essentially use sex as a bargaining chip to get what she wants. This is especially true when the two of you dated for a long time and the passion has already faded... if there's not much excitement about the two of you getting together again (and it sounds like there wasn't, on either side of the table), women will tend to be a lot more logical here, and a lot less impulsive and emotional.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Re: FR++:Want to test your skills on past girls? Here's why

Chase said:
Hey Garrett,

Added a "FR++:" to the report so people reading the board know what it's about.

Garrett said:
The thing is, when you've been with a girl before, there seems to be more objection to doing anything sexual, specifically if the girl doesn't really want/need it to it be with you.

When you've had a serious relationship and the girl ended it after not having her demands met, yeah. She'll essentially use sex as a bargaining chip to get what she wants. This is especially true when the two of you dated for a long time and the passion has already faded... if there's not much excitement about the two of you getting together again (and it sounds like there wasn't, on either side of the table), women will tend to be a lot more logical here, and a lot less impulsive and emotional.


Thanks for the input everyone! Chase, if you'd like, have a look at my post in regards to spezzatura/offering value. Perhaps you could relate to the ideas presented? Also, if you could email me the fundamentals ebook it would be greatly appreciated :).



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012
Re: FR++:Want to test your skills on past girls? Here's why


Yeah man actively trying to get back with exes is just a no no in my book. As for ANY girl in your past though...that can actually work a lot of times, but only if they were just a friend, or you screwed up with them in a non major way (say, you didn't move fast enough as opposed to planning a date with her, blowing her off, and fucking another girl instead). Its pretty easy to tell which girls from your past could have potential benefits and which should be avoided altogether. Exes who want to get back in a relationship with you should fall VERY firmly in the latter category unless you really love them.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake