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Transitions  "We don't know eachother"



So I went to a party last night, and I met three women. Long story short, I made out with two of them and the other lied about being single.

Over the span of the night, each girl said something like "We don't know eachother" or "you don't know me." With the one who lied about being single, she said that when I went in for a kiss. With the other two, I asked them about the rest of the their night, and asked if they wanted to go back to my place. They both replied "We barely know eachother!"

Does anyone know a good response to this to ease their worries? I usually say, "of course I know you! You're _________, you study________, and you can't live without_______!" But that hasn't really been working. PS I didn't get laid that night, I only succeeded in getting their numbers.



Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
There is only a portion of the female population who will hookup upon a first meeting. In my experience they will be more aggressive and you might feel like you have to catch up in the escalation. I really think the majority of my SNL's had that in mind at the moment we first met. You can sense the attraction from them.

Remember, attractive women know that nearly every guy wants to take them home,at a function unless it is a platonic work or family event.

In the case of your two numbers, now you are going to have to start from scratch outside of meeting them the first time and rebuild/build upon some attraction and commonalities, before you escalate physically.

There are good articles on here on timing and wording the pull. Search 'em.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake