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Openers  Wearing headphones for daygame

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
This is something I've been experimenting with the past few days as I recently bought a pair of really nice Bose headphones, and I notice a really different reaction from girls when I approach them with my headphones on.

What I do is, I'm going about my day listening to music when I spot a girl I'd like to approach. I walk slightly ahead of her, then turn and wave a hand in front of her and give a big smile. Usually she will stop. I then take off my headphones, say "Hi" (taking my time to milk the tension a little as @alexlaguma described in his journal - great little tactic that), then open with a direct non-looks-based compliment (or if she's particularly stunning, a plain direct compliment).

Out of 20 or so approaches, I've not had a single girl ignore me or not stop. That's a small sample size obviously so I'm going to keep testing, but so far the results seem promising.

I think it achieves a few things:
- Disarms her fears about you being a weirdo/salesman (a guy wearing headphones like that surely isn't a rapist, right?)
- Creates intrigue - it obviously looks like you were just going about your day when you decided to approach her
- Gives her one clue about you: that you are musical. So far I haven't had a girl ask what music I'm listening to, but if you happen to approach a musical girl it could instantly create similarity.

If you're into daygame, give it a try next time and let me know what you think gents.

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
Should mention the obvious bonus that listening to your favorite music puts you in a relaxed state of mind. This no doubt has an effect on your vibe when opening.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Hmm interesting! Definitely takes you out of the "peddler, beggar, or salesman" category. Maybe I should get myself some nice headphones for xmas!
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 16, 2024
I love technical outer game tweaks like that, that net big results. Bookmarked.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Hmm interesting! Definitely takes you out of the "peddler, beggar, or salesman" category. Maybe I should get myself some nice headphones for xmas!
Yes, i wear headphones 24/7 i recommend the skullcandy brand, but most of the post is causation correlation, it can backfire cause you at times get into the youtube podcast or music that at times delay a bit the approach or get distracted.... I personally have success and reached same gunwitch conclusion when you are having a conversation on phone with headphones then open odds higher, when you are singing then open same thing... And yes direct works good in day game, nor as good in night game...
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Mar 8, 2025
I guess for some works for some doesn't.

For me I get too distracted by the music. On the contrary, when not wearing headphones I pay much more attentions to surroundings and to my senses.


Mar 8, 2025
I thought it was obvious that you shouldn't be actually listening to music. Just wear them around your neck.

I actually understood both having them on or around your neck, but thanks for clarifying.

The assumption is that by showing that you have headphones on you are not some kind of weirdo, but an ordinary human being who is going on his everyday life.

Can't the same be said e.g. by carrying a shopping bag from the mall?

Personally I wouldn't bother creating a persona to not make myself appear like a player. I've read somewhere that doing street game with your coffee cup makes you look like a player. Don't people walk with coffee on a nice sunny day out or when shopping? The outter game rabbit hole doesn't end really.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 16, 2024
Can't the same be said e.g. by carrying a shopping bag from the mall?
Sure, but shopping bag == uncool.

Headphones == cool and relatable.

Plus, shopping bag takes up one of your hands.

This really shouldn't be a debate, if so many senior forum members are reporting it works, their word should be enough.

Better yet, why don't you go out and try it than report back with the results?

Personally, I found that light blue headphones work better for me than all black, although that is hard to measure. But I just think that the light blue color makes me slightly more approachable.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 16, 2024
Interesting observation
I think it has to do with color psychology and your general overall look, but I might be reading into it too much/overthinking it.

If you need more edge - go with black.

If you want to soften your look further - light blue.

Tbh, it is really hard to measure and say that I got better reactions because of the headphone color, I might have just been better on that day, met more green girls etc. I think I need a larger sample to be 100% sure.

iceberg slim

Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 18, 2024
Nice. My problem with music is that sometimes it prevents me from doing an approach. I'll be into a song, see a girl I want to approach, but the energy required to switch from "enjoying music" mode to "approach" mode prevents me from actually doing the approach. So lately I've been trying not to mix music listening with approaching. Not a problem for you?