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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 6, 2019
Thursday October 17th:

I've decided to see how well I can fare with Mystery's newbie challenge, after finding out about it.

I was initially thinking of setting a simple maintenance goal of 5-10 approaches per week, but then I heard Mystery recommends 48 approaches per week for a newbies first 2-3 months of game. He calculates this as 3 approaches per hour, 4 hours per night of game = 12 approaches per night, with 4 nights of game per week.

This would be 16 hours of gaming per week, which is quite a bit no doubt.

I've decided to take on the 48 approaches/week for as long as I deem it necessary. Maybe I will dial it back over time if it's too hard, but I will still find a number that I'm comfortable with to consistently hit as a bare minimum for hopefully the rest of my life. I'm tired of not being consistent in my social skills, just as I've taken similar commitments recently to be consistent in the gym and in progressing my business.

In order to hit the 48 approach per week mark, I'm going to have to train myself to do quick "walking by" openers in order to warm up over time and kick the rust off my game until I can actually hook sets.

This is actually a style openers that RSD Luke recommends, with basically giving the girls a quick compliment while walking by, and then if they are receptive, turning back towards them and saying "wow you guys are actually friendly".

This is a style I used to run quite a bit, so it's where I'm comfortable in right now.

However, I've also been researching other openers, and been building up a document to categorize and test various openers, even if I think they are stupid. I also eventually will begin creating random openers through my own brainstorming, to see if I can develop my own canned routine set... as I have a few strategies I'm working on.

Synopsis of Night:

Tonight I went out alone again in Austin TX. In my last report, I forgot to mention that I ran into some old friends and wings of mine, so that was a bit of comfort last time that made opening a bit easier. Although, I didn't really wing well with them, and only did like 1 or 2 sets with a wing. I did talk to them quite a bit, and made the venue much more comfortable and friendly

Tonight, however, I was 100% alone.

In order to keep up with my 48 approaches per week pace, I needed to do 7 opens tonight. That is the only reason I went out, to meet that goal, as I'm still rusty in my social confidence, so I'm setting the bar low to just hit my number and be satisfied with that alone.

I take the long route to get to the bars.... and in doing so, it was helpful. The long route allowed me to do some vocal warmups on the way, which helps build my confidence/expressiveness.

It's weird as hell, but when going out alone like this, it really helps me to practice yelling while in public as one of those gay "social freedom" exercises. It makes me feel more comfortable in a public environment, like I'm safe.

During the long walk, I thought multiple times about just going home, but my approach goal kept me just wanting to at least check things out.

I finally get to one set of bars, and they look kinda dead, so I go to Dirty 6th Street to try to see if street game is any decent on Thursday nights.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I remember that Thursday nights are actually the best time to go to Dirty 6th because it's not overcrowded, and more of a college night.... good to know that some of my knowledge is still relevant haha.

Dirty 6th is where I first developed my game, so it is a place where I'm somewhat comfortable. Still opening on the street can be a little awkward as well. It's really just the initial approach usually requires more energy/dominance to get people's attention. It's a lot of walking sets as well.

Funny, that I'm reading the mystery method recently and in it mystery say that "walking sets are extremely hard to open". I've been trained to open walking sets, so I wouldn't say they are "extremely hard".... just requires a different style. It's definitely a little harder though.

Anyways, Dirty 6th was pretty great. I got there around 12:30AM so I only had about 1.5 hours to do these approaches. I noticed some decently hot girls as I was walking there, but I didn't have the balls to open yet lol. Then, as I take a lap in the main street area, I notice an enemy of mine who I had a business falling out with. This puts me in my head a bit, as I had no idea he even went out, but thankfully I don't think he noticed me, and I don't see him for the rest of the night.

At this point though, I'm pretty in my head, and thinking "man this is crazy. I'm out here alone, and should just go home".

I even thought "man, maybe this approach goal is too hard... I should just make my goal to simply stand in a bar for 30 minutes instead..."

Then I have another thought "nah. I made it all the way fucking here. Let's just get these 7 opens really fast and be done."

To me, the time deadline I've imposed on myself that I need the 7 approaches done before 2AM is pretty motivating...

So, I finally get a lay up of an open... a stumbling drunk cute girl by herself walking towards me. I drop a quick opener - can't even remember what it was, and was instantly rejected, she was on the phone anyhow...

But, for being alone, this was a huge win to even just say something to a girl... going from 0->1 on my opens is great progress and motivated me.

Over the next 1.5 hours, I found myself looking for sets to open, and then finding bullshit reasons to not open... it was definitely an internal battle of sorts, and I found that I had slow myself down a bit. Slow down my walking pace, slow down my thoughts and ease into the moment.

This is definitely where meditation can help, as being in a meditative state while gaming is very helpful.

I also recognized at a certain point that I felt that the environment was "on top" of me, when I needed to be "on top" of it.

I finally was able to string together a few more quick opens.

In the Mystery Method, he says that it takes about 3 approaches to reach a very basic level of being socially warmed up. I actually found this to be true. As I hit 3 approaches, I felt a bit more comfortable doing approaches.

I continued, with nothing to write home about. I think my 6th approach was the only one that came close to hooking. That was actually a walking set that I noticed on a side street, and walked ahead of. Then I turned my head while walking ahead of them, and said "hey I have catch an uber, but I just wanted to ask - are you from new york?"

Girls: yes we are!
Chris: what part?
Girls: Brooklyn
Chris: You ?? YOU'RE from Brooklyn. No way
Girls: Yeah I am... ? (was a little awkward feeling like I was implying she wasn't "cool enough" or something)
Chris: Cool. I used to live in Manhattan (a lie by me)
Girls: Brooklyn is way cooler, manhattan sucks (and put an "L" handshape on their forehead)

It fizzled out hard at that point... but this was one of the better interactions.

Right after this I hit my 7th approach at 1:50AM, and man oh man... this was RELIEVING !

I felt so relieved from achieving my goal, and this put me in a fun mindset, where now I just wanted to do more approaches for my own fun/self amusement !!!

Which, is fascinating... that there is such a difference between approaches under pressure and approaches for fun/to mess with people - I should definitely think of ways to embody this even more.

I was able to get 3 additional approaches in.

The final set was the most interesting, a hot young blonde chick from LA, that was in a 4 set with 1 guy 3 girls. It's a little hard for me to explain what happened, but it was my best (and longest) set of the night by far. I tried to disqualify a lot, and hold frame, and I noticed that my overall game had been improving just because I was able to tie a few things together during this set. I didn't really get proper logistics or try to seed a pull/venue change (it was like 2:00AM). But overall was an awesome set to end on, and it really was the cherry on top of all the social momentum I built.

Overall, the night was fascinating to me, as I had to build up my confidence all alone on a lonely street... and it sucked ass at first... the first approaches I always feel such resistance/AA... but this is usually how it goes when my game is rusty.

I've never been able to consistently push through AA, it's something that for me always comes and goes with the social momentum/confidence I build. That's why this is a big point of focus for my 48 approaches/week habit, since I want to be able to consistently approach even when I feel AA. Consistency in opening + hooking is really my current focus. I want to properly dial these in since in the past I always skipped ahead.

I want to systematically build my game from the ground up, even if it takes me a year to get consistent at approaching + hooking, I'm willing to put in that work!

What went well ?
1. Made it out on a Thursday night
2. Surpassed my 7 opens goal with 10 total opens in the night !
3. successfully opened a walking set
4. opened + hooked hot blonde chick
5. used H in set
6. Pushed through to get the initial opens despite AA
7. Remembered how to ease into the night and melt into the environment/interactions
8. did vocal exercises on the way out
9. Went into 2 bars as well (was kinda scared to do so lol)
10. Lifted today (maybe helped with confidence ? idk)
11. Continued building a map type document of openers

What didn't go well ?
1. Got out late at 12:30AM - this is too late for me to get the approaches done and get home at a reasonable time
2. Felt scared to open mixed sets still/talk to dudes
3. Stayed out too late! I'm probably going to feel like shit tomorrow AM
4. Struggled with AA quite a bit, was being quite a pussy

What will I do differently next time ?
1. Prep for going out earlier... figure out how to be ready to go
2. Again, read more about tying the opening and hooking together, and how to keep an interaction going... I guess leading from hooking to venue changing ?
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you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 6, 2019
I have not been doing a good job keeping up with my approaches goal at all.

I'm in Miami currently, and honestly don't have a clue what I'm doing out here right now. I've just been exploring the different areas. The airbnb I'm staying at is definitely not in the best area for someone rusty at cold approach. It's pretty far up north.

On Tuesday Oct 29th, I did finally go out again and mustered up 7 approaches, which were all half-assed, quick openers, without even trying to hook. But, this is how I warm up and learn how to consistently build social momentum.

I went out to South Beach, and it was kinda meh - all walking sets, but I somehow still got all those opens in, which I felt good about at least maintaining some momentum. I'm a bit pissed that I forgot to write a FR as that would've maybe helped me increase my momentum a bit more so.

Thursday October 31st Halloween:

Tonight I found myself trying to get my approaches in again, in the Lincoln mall area. Around 10PM there was a shitload of people in Lincoln mall (it's an outdoor mall area). I was honestly just trying to get to a starbucks, but I felt pretty in my head. I then came out again around midnight, and tried to get in my opens.

There are so many miami girls dressed up in fucking thongs with their asses hanging out. It's kinda insane. Nice to see at least. For whatever reason, I can't muster up any confidence to open. It's less crowded than before, which is definitely better because gives some more space to open. But honestly... I'm feeling a bit anxious probably due to drinking espresso... that stuff never seems to vibe well with social situations. I'm much better off slamming like 5 green teas back to back lol.

Anyways, with it being halloween, it's a bit awkward since I'm not wearing a costume. Not to mention being alone is making it hard as well. It's not that being alone means gaming this environment is impossible. I'm sure I would have struggled with a wing as well...

It's just a bullshit excuse tbh.

But, anyways, I was feeling anxious at first, and just not really knowing what I'm doing in this city. In Austin, even being alone I felt comfortable enough to make some opens. Here in Miami I just freeze up. It's probably because the sets seem less open to being talked to... and half of them seem like they only speak Spanish, which im not too good at... like tonight at lincoln road mall it was mostly walking sets, however was a lot of couples and mixed sets, which made it a bit odd. Still, I realized that I could've just said something as simple as "hey I like your costume".

And eventually at 1AM I finally say this to 1 average older girl who was by herself. This felt good to do one, but little did I know at the time that was going to be my only open attempt of the night.

I then walked all the way to fucking south beach and it was DEAD AF. Like honestly scary how dead it was... and I'm not sure why since it's halloween. Again, I don't fully understand miami nightlife. That's where I could benefit from a strong wing or even just chatting up people to get a better map.

So by the time I walk back to lincoln rd mall it's getting later to like 1:40AM. And I'm honestly just feeling tired/drained... which isn't shocking since this is late for me... but also odd since I go from espresso anxious to drained... it's an odd thing.

I do find that the nightclub Mr. Jones is still a popular place, with a lot of hot girls going in and out. I observe it for a bit and the promoters/bouncers, and it's interesting to see how they interact with the girls. It definitely seems like a great job for a normal dude. I have tons of openings to talk to all sorts of girls. Old girls, black girls, hot girls, etc... and I'm not sure why but I just can't align with the congruence to open ANY of them.

It's not the most surprising thing because to me the environment is challenging... but there is no excuse to not do my little simple opens.... maybe it's just going to be a bit for me to learn the city areas and get comfortable to do approaches here. I feel like if I was in Austin, I would've been able to do it... but who knows. I could've done more vocal warm ups maybe and that would've helped ?

But forreal I need to take the pressure off... I'm just disappointed in myself and that's why I'm writing this FR to gain some semblance of a benefit from this night. Because right now I feel like a loser. Like my game skills are so weak and that all those years of practice got fd by my girlfriend. I need to build a social circle and come to terms with myself a bit more. Maybe a wing would be helpful in the short term, and then I can resume going out alone.

Overall my situation with my girlfriend is just dragging me down. In Austin I felt way better mentally, and that tied into setting me up for a better cold approach night.

What went well ?
1. at least I tried to go out
2. got to see a lot of nice miami asses in thongs
3. did 1 shitty opener 1 > 0
4. Learned where Mr Jones is
5. Learned that South beach sucks ass most of the time
6. Learned that lincoln road mall is decent at times

What didn't go well ?
1. felt off and in my head the whole night
2. I know openers but I don't know how to actually get myself to go up and say them
3. Street environment and moving sets was too difficult for me
4. Miami as a city is intimidating
5. Saw so many hot girls, some of which were sitting ducks that I didn't even say a single goddamn word to. Certainly could've fucked one of them if I actually had game and identity

What will I do differently next time ?
1. need to watch much more content about opening and building confidence to open when solo. I should rewatch more infields
2. need to develop an actual pregame routine... something to prime me to actually be good at opening
3. need to make sure to not "mark my night as done" until I've actually called an uber
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 6, 2019
Friday November 1st:

I got myself out again tonight, deciding to check out the Wynwood area, as that is a place I had gamed before.

I was meaning to add an edit to my last FR, but I might as well just mention it here... I realized part of the reason I was struggling hard to open and feeling tired/demotivated was because I didn't take this supplement that I had been taking more days.

I took the supplement this time, and just felt a lot more normal. I'm not saying this supplement makes me amazing at game or anything lol, but just gives a bit more energy and clearly my body/mind was used to having that energy.

I've made a note of this now, and this falls in line with the meta-preparation of game for me... so I'm happy that I became aware of it on a low stakes night !

Synopsis of Night:

So I arrive to Wynwood, after my girlfriend started causing drama on my Uber ride. I realize that this puts me into a fear state, when I had been feeling good/optimistic before that. I immediately think "OK I'm just going to pop out for like 20 minutes, and then head home, even if I don't get any opens in". I even set a stopwatch on my phone to track how long I'm out.

I find this style of approach useful as a micro-habit... My current goal is still to do 48 approaches per week, as prescribed by Mystery's "newbie challenge". And depending how this goes over the next 2 months, I may decide to make it a life long habit, especially since the career I'm pursuing kinda involves something similar to cold approach, so building a baseline of opening confidence and abilities is important to me and my overall confidence and success.

In fact, I've always struggled with opening and AA, as most guys say, the AA never truly goes away. I think this is kinda bullshit, and that there must be mental patterns to reliably get rid of any actual AA, and the remaining AA is easily brushed away.

But, of course in the current moment, I still have AA. Since I'm alone, I have little interest in going inside a bar/club, even though Wynwood has many. I notice that the girls in Wynwood are definitely not as hot as the ones standing outside Mr. Jones from the prior night. I assume this means that the hottest Miami girls are going to the top-tier clubs rather than bars. Perhaps I will eventually need a bit of social circle game to get access to these clubs, but for now my main focus is building up approach confidence, and the last thing I want is a 3 hour set that goes nowhere lol.

Especially with having a girlfriend, I want to be able to just be grounded in my own confidence to approach. My girlfriend mentioned to me that "I always ask you to go out, and you never want to, but now you want to go out alone/with other friends ??" This is the type of shit test that I was expecting... and of course it is more challenging to me in my current mindset than I would've predicted 2 weeks ago. I must admit, it pisses me off that I don't have the social abilities to take my girlfriend out with me, and still approach + meet people. But, ironically, this is due to me having a girlfriend.

Of course, it's my responsibility and my fault. I allowed my game and social skills + social confidence to degrade. That was my choice, and I'm now viewing things differently. I also allowed my health and fitness to degrade a bit as well. So, overall I have just been fucking up. But, now I have a new approach and see a good path + system for me to build long term habits, so I'm ready to change and transform.

Now, like I said, I'm out in Wynwood and I'm in my head worried about my girlfriend's shit test. Yet I walk around a bit to familiarize myself with the area. Quickly I orient myself a bit, and start to remember a few of the bars I've been to here, as well as remember gaming here while Owen was coaching a bootcamp during an RSD Winter Summit. Seeing those street corners again is interesting.

I've developed a decent system for going out alone. I just bring out a phone with all apps blocked except for a few. Also only a few people have this number so it's not distracting with texts etc. One of those apps is Kindle.

Since I don't really feel like opening right this second, I instead open up the Enneagram book that @Chase recommended to me, as I had been reading it a little bit on the uber ride. I start jumping around it a bit and reading it on my phone while walking. I actually find this phone to be a decent reading experience once I adjusted the font size to be smaller. I'm reading and walking, and this puts me into a bit of a trance state where I'm not in my head "trying" to muster up the courage to approach, but instead grounded in the reading activity. I randomly look up while reading and make eye contact with a girl passing by and just instantly say "Hey how's it going".

Of course, I'm not pushing for an interaction really, so she keeps walking, but the eye contact + smoothly delivered words is surprising to me because I didn't plan it out or anything lol. It just randomly popped out of me.

Anyways, continuing the night, I struggle to get more opens for a bit, until I adopt a new mindset/approach. I basically start meditating while walking around. Focusing on my breathing and trying to practice non-attachment from the environment. This actually helps a lot and allows me to "relax into" the environment as Owen taught me to do on a bootcamp long ago. One thing that really helped me was disassociating from my thoughts, words and actions....

I'm able to build a little confidence and start being more forward/entitled with my opens, showing just a small glimpse of the charisma I used to have. Nothing hooks, and I don't try to make anything hook so that's not surprising.

I end the night with 9 opens in an hour all occurring on the streets of Wynwood.

I'm pretty happy about this, since that's a lot more than the day before and I got sparks of how I will keep up this habit and soon be able to hook more sets and have more fun interacting with people.

That's a big thing I noticed tonight, is that I'm struggling to think of how to enjoy socializing with random people, which I know is something that Julien used to preach a lot.... like on his bootcamps he would have certain guys only allowed to talk to ugly and old girls, and teach them to learn how to have fun in those sets, and then this translates into having more fun with the hot girls rather than taking it so seriously ? I should prob rewatch some of Julien's courses...

What went well ?
1. Made it out despite GF drama
2. Did 9 opens, besting the prior night by quite a bit
3. got the 9 opens done in a hour, which was pretty time efficient, compared to spending 2+ hours and not getting approaches in
4. The meditation strategy of relaxing into the environment was helpful. I want to learn how to do this more consistently
5. Got to check out wynwood, familiarizing myself with more miami environments
6. A few of the opens the girls were somewhat receptive which could've lead to hooking easily if I just followed up on the opener.
7. Felt more comfortable in the Wynwood environment for whatever reason. It felt more like an environment where approaches can naturally happen

What didn't go well ?
1. Drama with my GF had me feeling uneasy, yet I was able to push through this
2. Didn't try to stack openers or hook any set
3. Going out alone is still confusing to me. I really need to learn how to make friends/alliances while out. I'm not sure if I need to re-evaluate my branding/"identity" in order to present myself to others in a way that is conducive to them wanting to "be friends" with me or view me as a valuable person to connect with ?
4. Voice felt weak due to not doing any vocal warm ups, but I was able to fix this a bit by doing some yelling social freedom exercises while walking around

What will I do differently next time ?
1. Do a proper vocal warm up
2. Check out a different miami neighborhood for more variety
3. Watch some of Julien course and focus on vibe/mindset since clearly something is off when going alone
4. Try to contact a wing ?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 6, 2019
Sunday February 16th:

Finally got myself out again, after having all my October/November momentum destroyed due to betaization from my girlfriend and the holidays messing with my routine and needs....

I've been feeling quite odd as of lately... it feels like having a monogamous relationship has "frozen" my sex drive and much of my happiness. I think of not too long ago when i had many girls I was in touch with, and getting a girlfriend, I stopped maintaining these girls... Of course there are ways I could have stayed in touch as a friend, and it's not my girlfriend's fault... it was due to laziness on my part and the mindset of "well I have a girlfriend so I don't need to be in touch with other girls". Not wanting to maintain female friends while having a girlfriend is rooted in fear of constant frame tests beating me down.

This is pretty much the definition of betaization... and it's avoidable if you take serious precautions.. as chase mentioned in my other thread I do think personality plays a role.

I've always had weak boundaries, and I still struggle with people pleasing in certain contexts... it's like a fear of have of setting a firm boundary, and having standards. Hell, "setting" the boundary is more than just communicating it... you need an actual strategy of what to do when the person crosses it. And that's why cohabitation is so frustrating because it removes the power of the soft next.

Anyways, a lot of disjointed thoughts that maybe ill tie neatly together later on. All I can say is that I'm very disappointed with my standards in terms of friendships, social contacts/network, and ability to freely socialize. Maintaining relationships is something I've always struggled to balance. Of course, I like the idea of having friends... but when push comes to shove, I can't be bothered with the responsibilities of being friends. I don't have the time/energy to "just hang" with someone.. it's simply too draining to me as an introvert. I feel like I have way too many goals and interests.

All of this context was bubbling in my mind the last couple weeks, and I finally felt like it would be a good idea for me to resume my approach habit... I convinced myself that Sunday ~7PM was a good time to check out a few of the Austin bar neighborhoods that I used to frequent.

Synopsis of Night:

I head to West 6th first, and all the main bars are completely dead... There are a few smaller bars that have SOME activity, but since I'm solo I'm feeling a bit of resistance to entering a small environment...

I realize that if I had been going out regularly and doing consistent approaches, I wouldn't feel this resistance as much and it might feel more natural to head inside a bar feeling "entitled" to take up space on my mission. I do realize now that this is a frame control issue... if I'm going to go out alone on sparse nights, I need to practice holding the frame of SOME REASON for being out alone... I know that I don't need to justify/explain why im there but at the same time I kinda do... I think this is where gaming with a wing/pivot would be useful for me.

And that's what I thought on this night... "man this would be easier with a wing"... except now I'm recognizing that the PUA community doesn't exist in Austin like it used to... and... maybe that's for the best. Maybe this is the chance for me to start going out with legit pivots INSTEAD of wings who are "pua-aware". Part of me is thinking that I shouldn't try to maintain connection with any pua community, and instead just do my own thing...

Another part of me thinks the pua community still has some value and that I should be able to compartmentalize...

I go check out rainey st, and that area is fd. The bars are super dead for the most part and it's just super dead... it has a really weird vibe since they are just building tons of huge condo highrises there but it feels like the neighborhood lacks any soul.

Anyhow, I progress to dirty 6th, and these bars are more friendly... I end up stepping inside 1 bar briefly... and there is nothing happening really...

I see a couple bars that have people, but not really much in terms of girls. On a sparse night like this, it's definitely a more advanced/challenging setup... which at my current social momentum, it's just not reasonable for me to handle.

I need some layups. Easy opens, easy hooks, just to reawaken the pua parts of my brain. As I'm headed back, I do one very quick passing compliment to a girl on the street and she responds pretty well.

The main thing I learned from this is that I need to stop letting fridays and saturdays pass me by without going out. Those are the primetime nights and I need the practice and social momentum from those nights to carry me into weaker/sparser nights/days.

I should at a minimum be going out on friday/saturday, and then also finding a good day game spot for thurs and/or sunday... I've got to figure out the right places to go in Austin, or I just need to move to Miami or LA.

The good news is, SXSW is coming up in Austin very soon, so I'll have a great practice environment. I'm happy I went out this night, since the lack of targets kinda pissed me off and makes me realize how much more disciplined I have to be to be ready to go out on friday and saturday.

Again, I'm still a bit lost on if I should seek out wings... so ill think about that. I guess if I found a good wing who meshes well with me, that would be cool.

I'm considering a challenge to go out for 30 min 4x per week.

What went well ?
1. Made it out !
2. Went out solo :)
3. Checked out 3 neighborhoods
4. did 1 open

What didn't go well ?
1. Cold af
2. Not target rich environments at all
3. My AA and resistance sucked ass
4. Scared to step into tiny bars
5. saw a 2 set in a bar sitting that I could have opened but I resisted entering the bar

What will I do differently next time ?
1. Go out on the primetime nights of friday and saturday
2. Do some warmup drills ?
3. stand inside a bar for 30 min if street game isn't good at all
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