@flatron here is an example of an nlp pattern. i use this one all the time and it's awesome. i often send it in texts. girls think it's hillarious. it's by swinggcat
You remind me of Bugsy. (Let the girl ask, “Who is Bugsy?”)
Bugsy was my bunny rabbit when I was a kid. I loved him to
death. My baby sister wanted a pet of her own. But my mom told her that
she was too young. So one day while I was at school, she snapped
Bugsy’s neck.
My mom decided to replace the dead bunny, hoping I wouldn’t notice.
The first thing I did when I got home from school was play with Bugsy.
He looked different. His silky white fur turned grey and mangy. His plump
little body looked supermodel thin. I picked Bugsy up to cuddle with him
and he bit me. My eyes welled up with tears and I carped, “Mom, what
happened to Bugsy?”
She explained, “Sometimes you get old, life is a bitch.