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What's More Important - Compatibility or Results? [Video]

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
From what I've seen in the world of dating and dating advice, there are two camps of thought when it comes to dating as a whole.

One side sees dating as a journey to find those you're compatible with. If something "doesn't work out" or if you and her don't get along well, it was a compatibility issue. You two weren't "right for each other."

The other camp are the results-based guys. They see pickup and relationships as achievements. Either you "win," because you sleep with her or get her as a girlfriend and keep her for X amount of time...or you don't.

In this video, I dive very deep into the underlying principles of each camp, the benefits and downsides to both camps, and how one can solve the paradox of whether dating is a game or a journey of finding those you were meant to be with.

Also, I share a pretty funny story from a while back (though at the time of the recording, it was fresh, so you can see how I process not-so-great dates).

Full Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V193L_5uy2E

Hector Castillo

Oh and I know, the camera angle is wonky. Oh well :D

Big Daddy

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 26, 2013
Great video. I like how it's so easier to "get" anecdotes over video.

Since you already brushed on the subject on this one and the subject is one that lends itself way more to video than text, could you make a video on how to bring up sex during dates?

EDIT: Oh, and one quick question, more out of curiosity. How would you say girls react when they meet you knowing you're a dating coach vs not knowing? Any difference? You get more shit?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
Overall good video.

Couple points though:

1. When you talk about Results: See Nacho, porn star. This guy is banging bunch of hot chicks, one after another. He has lots of results. I have no idea what's his count, I'm guessing thousand(s). Is he more successful than seducer who got laid 500 times? If so, I would sort of disagree. It's simply sport fuck, there is no emotional connection. Sport fuck (to get results) is not that difficult. Here we can debate here whether sport fuck without any emotional connection is really that good, you may have better orgasm experience if you simply jerk off...

2. You said you are 8.5 and she was 6 (something like that). If that were the case, she would have been all over you and pretty much would have jumped in your bed. She would have (maybe she will) contact you and beg you to fuck her, assuming that there were good vibes at first place. So I kind of disagree here, in her eyes you were not 8.5 at all (which doesn't mean that you are not a cool guy, just not that cool in her eyes). I'm guessing, in her eyes you are probably 6, somewhere at her level, maybe slightly higher. That's just your BIG Ego talking, but based on what you said you didn't really generate much attraction at all with this girl. IF you generated true attraction she would have been more proactive, more excited, e.g. she would have brought sex on her own, she would have been all over you...

3. Bring buddhism into conversation with girl... LOL. WHY??? LOL. Most don't want to know that you 'ate all the wisdom', unless you already have 2 feet of gray curly beard and 6 decades behind you. I'm guessing that this was rather awkward in her eyes...

Don't take it as criticism bro, not at all, just saying... I am (again) only guessing, she probably saw you just as a bulshitter, another PUA, that is probably the main reason why she wasn't really excited...

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013

I usually save my direct sexual game for 1 on 1 coaching. It's one of those unique things that I save the details of for special occasions. Perhaps in the future I'll do a whole product on it, but for now, it's a bit secret sauce :) Had a lot of clients benefit directly from it, too.

On the dating coach thing, it's a mixed bag. It obviously hurts attainability but also boosts attraction since gals know you're always on the prowl, even if indirectly, since you're constantly decoding women (whereas if a guy shows no signs of hunting in a relationship, she might wonder if he's lost his touch, etc). Though it can also cause drama. I've certainly slept with girls who know about it. I actually recently told my girlfriend and she even knows about the website, etc. We'll see if it hurts my attainability in the long-run :) A fun experiment.


Sport fuck (to get results) is not that difficult.

How many lays do you have?

If that were the case, she would have been all over you and pretty much would have jumped in your bed.

I think you missed the entire discussion about attainability. I went over it in the video. If the "6 will always chase the 8 hard" angle was true, then why have so many of my good-looking, charming, hot friends sometimes bombed with sub-par girls?

Attainability, among other things.

I'm going to be honest here, and this IS a criticism, I think the reason why you tend to be so anti-PUA, as in you disagree with mechanizing the process of seduction, is because you simply don't understand it. There are fundamental concepts that are covered in Game Theory 101 like attainability/value that you seem to be forgetting. And, unfortunately, because you misunderstand the basics of game theory, you tend to go on these large philosophical rants where you try to give some grand, revolutionary "no game is best game" or some other pseudo-natural framework, but the entire groundwork of your anti-game criticism is strawman argument. You don't even know what you're criticizing, as evidenced by the fact that you completely missed the "attainability is why she auto-rejected" part of my video.

Bring buddhism into conversation with girl... LOL. WHY??? LOL

I've brought up buddhism to many of my lays. For fucks sake I have a Sanskrit tattoo from the Pali Canon, and girls always ask about it, so it's going to come up. I run the "wise but goofy professor" vibe a lot. Actually writing an article on this.

Don't take it as criticism bro,

First sign that someone is criticizing you is they preface it with "I'm not crticizing you." Yes, you were, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with criticizing me. Just get better at it and be honest about it.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
"the reason why you tend to be so anti-PUA, as in you disagree with mechanizing the process of seduction”

Interesting, because I was just thinking about the first part of this sentence. I'm talking a lot about bullshit that is associated with picking up girls, about insincerity.

It’s difficult to explain it because all we can see online is only text, unless you of course put video online. As we know, communication is mainly non-verbal, based on body language, so what is written doesn’t many times expresses the whole point. So first, I want to be clear, I do not criticize you for simple reason: I don't care what people do and I'm way beyond the point of judging people. Whether you are PUA or Buddhist I don't really care, I'll look at you in exactly the same way...

I should have maybe included that you have good way expressing yourself, good communication skills, which is also important. You are also good looking as far as I can say, you have a good voice. You look taller (just guessing). So that combination itself is already attractive to women. Your video was overall say 90-95% good material for PUA, and I simply mentioned some of the stuff that I tent to disagree with.


But to make my point, let's go back to the bullshit. For example, I look at your video and I see lots of BS. Again, don't take it personally because I'm talking about PUA in general, not about specific person.

Imagine for a sec that you have couple good friends who are married, and they have 1-3 children. They go to work every day, 5-6 days a week. Maybe they work in warehouse, as mechanics, cops, drivers, firefighters, waitress, whatever the jobs are out there. They get home tired, they work jobs they don't necessary love but they do it to they can afford house, feed their children, pay for their school, maybe go for a vacation once a year. This is not just handful of guys, this is majority of working Americans, these are guys who create backbone of our society, those are guys who keep our society functioning... Most of these guys don't know anything about PUA, GC, seduction... I could be wrong but I'm guessing that 80% are clueless, 10% know something by reading here and there, and the rest 10% know more...

What do you think majority of these guys think about PUA? I'll tell you what I think, I don't have such family but it wouldn't take me much to beat the shit out of such PUA should he even talk to my girl or wife...

For example, Buddhism. What do you know about Buddhism? Unless you lived it 10+ years you know sh*t. Maybe you read couple books, maybe listened to some proclaimed Buddhist, maybe you did some cool meditations here and there, maybe you read something about Nirvana. But that is not real Buddhism. True Buddhist for example withdraws from the world. He serves people for nothing, maybe for food. He practices good moral character. He meditates couple hours every day. He follows strict rules, including rules concerning opposite sex. He gives out desires of material world (including women, rather mainly women). He gives out his Ego. He even gives out his pretty clothes and wears simple robe.

There is a big difference between knowing the path and walking the path. The knowledge itself might be exciting, cool, but actually living that kind of lifestyle is totally different story. If you want to be a real Buddhist, drop everything including women and go to live into some Buddhist monastery for 10-15 years, then come back and talk about Buddhism...

That's what I'm saying, about lots of BS, about faking, and that's why that LOL above. You are not Buddhist; if you think you are you are just bullshitting yourself. The reality is that you are chasing girls in a clever way, you are trying to make money by selling your knowledge, you are practicing daily your desire for women, you are drowning in your Ego. You don't really care about which women you sleep with either, you just do it for fun. You want to increase the number of women you slept with, not drop it. There is not much about moral behavior in your actions at all, for example, you don't mind snitching a girl from another guy. There is no way you can give up this materialistic world. In other words, what you are doing is the exact opposite of Buddhist teaching...

So when I see somebody trying to talk about Buddhism to some silly girl, all I can say LOL... You are swimming in your own BS Hector, and you don't even see it... If I can see through it, there are many girls who see through it as well, sometimes it literally takes seconds...


"First sign that someone is criticizing you is they preface it with "I'm not criticizing you."

Nah, that is what you have from psychology books, which is another chapter. In reality, some people can be just honest, some people simply and honestly say what they mean. Just to make it clear, I know a lot about Buddhism as well but I don't live that lifestyle, I am Not a Buddhist myself...

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
What do you think majority of these guys think about PUA? I'll tell you what I think, I don't have such family but it wouldn't take me much to beat the shit out of such PUA should he even talk to my girl or wife...

They chose their life. They chose to get married, have kids, have a shitty job, and be clueless about women. If they want to get mad that I took time to learn how to fuck bitches, they can eat a dick. I grew up poor. Not starving poor, but pretty poor, and also no fatherly influence. I put in the work. They're weak because they chose to be. So if they want to get mad at me for taking their bitch, they have nothing and no one to blame but themselves.

For example, Buddhism. What do you know about Buddhism? Unless you lived it 10+ years you know sh*t. Maybe you read couple books, maybe listened to some proclaimed Buddhist, maybe you did some cool meditations here and there, maybe you read something about Nirvana. But that is not real Buddhism

I'm a gods-damned Sakadāgāmin. I've seen the 6th jhana for fucks suck, so put some respekt on my name!

I joke. Well, not about my achievements, but about asking you for any semblance of respect. Your basic grasp of social skills tells me that you're the keyboard jockey I always suspected you of being.

But seriously, you have no fucking clue what in the hell you are talking about, with respect to PUA and Buddhism. Have you read ANY of the Pali Canon? Tons of examples of people attaining Nibbana quickly, because they were genuine and honest.

Nirvana isn't some shit that says, "Oh okay, well you followed the Vinaya for 10 years, wore a robe, didn't put your dick in anything, okay now you get Enlightenment!" You just exemplifyed that you don't understand the first basic understanding that comes with Stream Entry and that is that rites and rituals mean jack shit.

Buddhism isn't about morality. It's not about being a good person. It is about ONE THING AND ONE THING ONLY. Did you know that the Buddha converted a serial killer and then that guy became an Arahant (enlightened being) almost instantly after becoming a monk?

"Both formerly and now, monks, I declare only stress and the cessation of stress" -Majjima Nikaya, 22

Nibbana, the end of stress, is the one and only goal of Buddhism. This is the closest thing we have to the Buddha's words, so if you deny that this is from the Buddha's mouth, then everything and anything that you consider "Buddhism" is suspect, since these are the oldest recordings we have of his words (just in case you try some "well, how do we know he said that!" bullshit).

If the Pali Canon is suspect, then there is no true Dhamma. It's lost and thus this discussion is useless.

But if it is genuine, then I destroyed every criticism you just made. There's the Buddha pointing out that Nibbana and only Nibbana matters. Ethics are only in service of Nibbana.

You must and can ONLY respond to this. If you do not directly and concretely counter-argue the quote I just cited, you lose this argument (inb4 some irrelevant wall of fucking text where you use dime-store psychology to evade my argument).



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
What do you think majority of these guys think about PUA? I'll tell you what I think, I don't have such family but it wouldn't take me much to beat the shit out of such PUA should he even talk to my girl or wife...

Couldn't help but respond to this one.


1) Actually had an interesting conversation with some friends on this very topic; why the fuck would you be so defensive that somebody like me is talking to your wife or girlfriend? You'd only respond that way because you see either guy's as threats to you which lends itself to being insecure.

2) "Beat the shit out of." Generally, the dogs with that much bark have no bite. Plus, the majority of PUAs that I know are invested in some martial art; I know Hector has taken up boxing, and possibly some other stuff. Chase has studied Krav Maga. I'm a 5th degree black belt in a hybrid/cross-form of Karate that incorporates Jiu-Jitsu, Aikido, and Kali. So, even if I were talking to your wife or girlfriend I highly doubt you'd be able to beat the shit out of me.

3) You really do seem ignorant of a lot of things. I've long thought that you're a keyboard jockey (mostly because of how you respond and argue, it lends itself to KJing rather than legitimate experience) and at the very least you're an average Joe who gets laid once in a blue moon and uses that to reinforce your personal ideas on things.

It's pretty funny to watch a pit-bull and chihuahua go at it; all the while the chihuahua isn't even aware of how small his stature is.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
So many things to reply to, I don't even know where to start, never mind that I know that it is pointless anyway

"They chose their life. They chose to get married, have kids, have a shitty job"
>>>> Well, it is not like they sit home for months and thinking how to get a shitty jobs as you say. Those shitty jobs as you call it create the back bone of the entire society - drivers, cops, construction workers, you name it. Without them the whole society would be living in jungle. Many of these guys don't have high IQ to do as they want with their lives. Maybe they are 18-22 years old, naive, dumb and clueless, they have 2 beers and they fuck a girl they like without any PUA skills. She gets pregnant and there you go, maybe not everybody is an asshole to cleverly escape the consequences. Maybe some accept the responsibility of having family, I don't know anymore - is that good or bad? Again, I don't know what's the percentage, but I'm guessing 70-80 percent.

They are weak you say? I don't think so. Some are but not all. Many of them are solid men. They care. Go see couple cops, firefighters, or truck drivers. They may not have black belts but tell me they are all weak men.

You also talk about no fatherly influence. That is also what I am talking about, because children without fathers usually have lots of problems (in comparison to children who grew up in stable family). I am lucky I am from good family. I was raised in environment of very low crime, no drugs, no prostitution, good education. I was raised in environment where honesty was still appreciated and where family (mom and dad) were norm. Again, when you look around it is not so. Lots of single moms, lots if children raised without fathers. Lots of crime. Lots of drugs. Lots of broken families.

I'm a gods-damned Sakadāgāmin. I've seen the 6th jhana for fucks suck, so put some respekt on my name!
>>>> BS. There is no way true Buddhists behave this way, believe what you want.
I've read lots of books from many authors related to eastern philosophies, not just Buddhism but for example also yoga (Jnana, Bhakti, Radja, Karma), mysticism and Hinduism; just to name a few authors or books: Osho, Swami Vivekananda, bunch of books about Ramakrishna's teaching, Bhagavad Gita, and some 20 books about Mahajana Buddhism and mysticism from European authors. Those I've read probably 5x if not more because there was a time when I wanted to become one. All these books have lots of common.

You are not even close because you do the exact opposite. For example 'cravings' (for women, money, fame,...) produces further karma, karma is the cause of further rebirths. You may believe what you want, but the reality is that you are chasing hundreds of girls, you are chasing better live, you are chasing more money, and you are full of Egoism - this only intensify your further cravings, you are not decreasing it in any way. True liberation starts when you understand this cravings and start working on removing it, which on practical level simply means stop chasing girls, stop chasing money and stop chasing great life. It means giving up Egoism. Once the cravings decreases and is finally gone, that's Nirvana. This doesn't happen in couple years, it takes intensive practice. If we can accept that Buddhism is real, there are many reincarnations we go through, even Buddha went through tens of them. There are yogis who claim they have been reincarnated tens of times, if not more, and that is while living somewhere in caves in Tibet. So we are talking about multiple life times of intensive effort to achieve real Nirvana.

Those are basic things that everybody who pay attention to Buddhism knows. That's why many monks gave up in this materialistic life (chasing girls and money) and go to some monastery to practice simple lives, to serve others, to pray and meditate hours every day, year after year...

Are you saying that you are banging bunch of girls, constantly figuring out how to bang even more, that you are working to make lots of $$$ and great life - and at the same time you are some kind of Buddhist? You are full of it, and don't even see it... Go see Dalaj Lama, ask him how he lives his life, tell me if it is even remote to yours. He is a Buddhist, no? Or RE-read the basic stuff about Buddhism. Again, I am not a Buddhist nor practicing Buddhism, but at least I don't BS myself either.


why the fuck would you be so defensive that somebody like me is talking to your wife or girlfriend? You'd only respond that way because you see either guy's as threats to you which lends itself to being insecure.

Say that you decide to have a great family one day, 2 kids. You want to raise them as a great dad, you want to do the best for them (like most of the guys). You find a great woman, great looks, from great family. Do you think marriage is some walk in rose garden? Marriage has good benefits but also disadvantages. Sometimes it sucks. Sometimes you love her, other times you get each other's on nerves. Another times you are just friends, all you want to is jerk off because you are tired of seeing the same pussy over and over. Or have a beer or two because you are tired of family life. But that doesn't mean that you don't love her, you do, she is still great wive. You may manage the relationship for a while, but then you'll get tired too. Kids are great and cute, but are also screaming and yelling, making mess. Your wife will not always be cute and sweet girl, she has her own problems, she gets upset, depressed, pissed, tired of kids. If she is pretty, she also likes many other guys, especially if they show interest in her...

This is real life of millions of people.

Simple question: Do you care if somebody, your PUA friend fucks woman that you love? How about your neighbor with pretty hair cut? What if your wife have threesome with your friends, behind your back, and you just find out by coincidence? I know that there are couples who don't care, who swing and still have a good marriage. But I do care, meaning it is unacceptable to me that somebody else would fuck my GF/Wife. Do you care?

BTW, PUA are not the only guys who practice martial arts

The whole point I am making is that there is lots of BS in seduction and PUA. Lots of deception, like the Buddhism above. Maybe I am old school, I believe that Men should be Men. Strong, solid, stable, honest. But that's just me. The girl from the video above... Well, there are bunch of girls just like that in my own life. Girls inviting me to her birthday party, just me and her; married women, actually pretty good looking, inviting me to their house. I girl stopping me on the street out of nowhere, asking for water, going with me to my place with me not even trying to do anything. 10 minutes or less, no PUA/Seduction. Girls literally begging me to fuck them. Girls sending me emails and messages, I swear 3-4 every single week, for the first year, begging me to come back and fuck therm. Women considering divorce because of me, that even without me sleeping with them or trying to seduce them in any way. Average Joe. Okay :)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
Oh, this is gonna be fun.


A funny thing happens when you actually become competent at something and that's figuring out who isn't. It's not like the things you're saying are wrong for the Average Joe but I, and fellow posters, don't fall into that category. Every single argument you make is exactly the same - it's always a hypothetical situation where you manipulate EVERY variable to suit your purpose.

If I'm talking to your wife/girlfriend and you acknowledge me as a threat, you've just validated my presence to your wife/girlfriend - she's going to wonder why you're so threatened by me and you're showcasing that I'm a much better option than you. Thanks for helping me to fuck your chick.

The more you post the more you expose just how little you actually know. You literally have zero experience being around high quality men who know how to run their relationships properly. Really seems like you see this general trend in the Average Joe population and assume there is no way out and you're dead fucking wrong. It's not even worth it to argue with you anymore, especially after this post because you're actually not at a high enough level that you can understand what somebody like me or Hector says.

As for all the women in your life chomping at the bit to bow down, kiss your feet, and suck your dick. Congratulations. Let me know when you have a girlfriend/wife, though, because I'd love to meet her ;)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
Honestly I don't even know why are you posting this...?

First of all, no worries about my GF or wives. Situations I describe are not hypothetical, I'm not sure where or how you came up to that conclusion, it doesn't make sense. On the other hand, if you expect some names, pictures or addresses, that just won't happen.

You being a potential treat to my GF or wife is not what I am talking about, you are misinterpreting in on another level. I'm talking more in general about society as whole - there are millions of regular guys, married with children. Call them Joes if you want to, but know that looking down on somebody doesn't really make you better person. They may not have the best jobs but they do what they can. Hopefully they DO have a job at first place. I don't know where you live but this is not some hypothetical situation, these are real people, real families, real millions of guys. Many of them believe in family values, honesty, being faithful and so on.

Should you want my answer though: IF you think at the same time that I am scared that some Buddhist with 7th black belt in Karate is going to intimidate me by talking to my wife or GF you are very much mistaken. I will beat the shit out of PUA because I pretty much made up my mind about PUA. She will not wonder why am I so threatened by some PUA either, in contrary, she will wonder why do I waste my time on somebody like that...

"zero experience being around high quality men who know how to run their relationships properly."
>>>> This is exactly what I am talking about. Bullshit. If you have a GF (or wife) and yet still fucking bunch of girls around, what kind of relationship are you even talking about? What are you managing? The relationship is very poor, you sleep around and she sleeps around as well, unless she is dumb and doesn't know she is in some form of open relationship, which I highly doubt

That was a reason why I asked you the question above, I'm simply just curious how do you see YOUR FAMILY, two people raising couple children together. How do you see it? Monogamous relationship? Open one? Not living together at all? Being faithful to each other? Honestly I don't care, I know people do different things, people live in open relationships and are perfectly fine with that. And I also know people who live in strict monogamous relationships as well.

Think about society as a whole for a sec, just hypothetically as you say. How do we want to live? How do we want our children to live? Are we (PUA) really better than those 'average Joe's' out there? What's better for the kids, some form of traditional family where two partners raise them, or bunch of single moms who can't find their dad's because they misteriously disappeared? What's better, safe society with no drugs and low crime, or the other way? Just a thought...


Dude, you are talking about high quality guys. I'll tell you what high quality guys are - guys who shut up, go to work, make money and bring it home to feed family without whining and complaining. Wife respect him because she knows she has a real man at home. I just said it above, I GREW up in such environment, my dad was just like that. He never managed relationship, he never had a black belt, he never read anything about Buddhism, yet mom was always faithful to him. Do you really think you are giving me some great lectures about quality guys...? Really? Richard, you don't have to have black belts, be a Buddhist with 500 lays next to your great relationship to be a quality guy... QUALITY is maybe something totally different...

As a matter of fact, if you are a real quality guy you don't even have to manage any relationships at all, especially if you find quality girl. The girl manages it herself because she respect you for who you are, and not for what you are pretend to be... She knows she has a guy with real high VALUE, that is why she do it, and that is why guy with real high value doesn't really have to do much about managing the relationship. She will do anything to keep him because she understand what value he has. That is something you guys don't understand because you've never experienced it at first place... You guys didn't experience it but I did because I am from different country... I know quality girls exist, and I know they love quality guys who don't even know nothing about Buddhism and who never practiced any martial arts...

Me acknowledging you as threat... Hm, Richard, you can really do better than that, you are a smart guy..

Either way, as I said this is pointless. Two or three guys arguing on the internet who's going to fuck the other one's girlfriend and wife, or who's got harder dick, that is just conversation on High school level, IMO we could do better than that...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013

Again, you're showcasing just how ignorant you actually are. You've contradicted yourself so many times in this thread, and a few of your frames crash in opposition. On top of that, you're making a lot of assumptions about what I'm saying and then arguing against those things instead of the things I'm actually saying.

It's pretty tough for me to walk away when I see someone acting idiotic but I'm going to have to because I don't see us ever seeing eye to eye on anything. You literally don't have the "real" knowledge it takes to have this conversation so I'm just going to leave you be to your personal views and I hope things work out. There's so much "wrong" that there isn't even a cohesive place to start in arguing against you - there's just mountains and mountains of your personal views that you consistently attempt to reinforce. A lot of your views are "technically" correct but they're only half-truths or half the picture and there doesn't seem to be a way to get you to understand the other half.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 31, 2017

It sounds like the thesis of most of your posts is the following:

1) Go to the gym and lift weights, because manly men can lift heavy objects
2) Don't complain and do some blue collar job, because that's what manly men do
3) PUA are evil because they steal girlfriends from "Real men" (those that lift weights and have blue collar jobs)

Guess what; I know a LOT of people who have cheated or been cheated on, and not a single one of the offenders was a PUA! It was the asshole down the street, or a hot co-worker, or the guy she/he met at a bar and got too drunk with, or the one time foreign fling while traveling abroad. As it turns out, normal humans cheat on each other and make stupid decisions all the time, without the benefit of any kind of advanced social training. Infidelity is not a disease caused by having superior skills with women, nor are PUA the cause of an astronomical divorce rate.

If your goal in life is to be average than you have a plethora of options to choose from as role models. If your goal is to be average, then you are right in saying none of this PUA stuff matters. Going to the gym and working hard is going to be good enough for an average guy to have an average life in the Western world. If you don't want a black belt, or an intelligent and beautiful wife, or millions of dollars in your bank account, then you probably don't need to put in any special effort or thought into running your life; going to the gym and working hard will be enough. For most of us on these forums though, the goal is NOT to be average. Your dad sounds like a great guy, real salt of the earth, raised a good family. My dad is like that too. At the end of the day, my dad really lucked out to meet my mom. I don't think he ever had a serious girlfriend before my mom, and while they've managed to stay together for 30+ years and have an amazing family, they are one of the few couples in my immediate family that can say that. I don't intend to rely on luck to get me to the woman and relationship that I desire in my life; I want the blackbelt, and the choice of women, and the bank account that my dad never had.

How many girls have you slept with so far this year? We already know you won't answer this, because you dodge all the questions that Hector and Richard are asking you about your results, so I'll tell you my answer instead. I've slept with 8 different girls since January because of the skills I've learned here. And now, assuming that she keeps passing my screening tests, I'm going to take home the one I like the best out of all of them to be my girlfriend in a monogamous relationship. Not because I have to, or because she is my only option, but because I CHOOSE to. She's an awesome girl that so far has checked all of the boxes for what I want in a relationship and is an order of magnitude more attractive and amazing than the kind of girl I could have landed several years ago. The "Average Joe" doesn't have that kind of choice. Maybe he gets lucky and ends up with a family like yours, or like mine, but more likely than not he ends up in a mediocre relationship with a mediocre girl.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
Hm, I appreciate how you are lecturing me, but thanks, no advise was requested. I don't need to know what is "quality" man, I already know it for years. I don't need to seduce women either with some BS, all I need is simple honesty: This is who I am, this is what I do. I call it natural charm. Call it idiotic or average Joe, but I woudn't be surprised at all if I generate greater attraction than you guys. Maybe once you put couple more years under your PUA belt, you'll realize that most of PUA is also BS. That you guys are just repeating lots of stuff that is available online for years, I named it already couple of times. So if you think you have some "real" knowledge that I can learn, think twice, there were guys who were posting blogs about this stuff back in 2000. Just a thought.

Still, you never explained how do you see yourself as a (potential) father of family. Not that I care how you live your life, I'm only curious whether you even think about things like that. It could happen, maybe you'll have one day two grown up girls at the ages 16-20, so I am simply curious how would you see some cool PUA that moves from one girl to another while he's fucking your daughter. How would you 'manage' when your daughter gets pregnant, while she's in love with some cool PUA guy - who is suddenly nowhere to be found...

I don't have daughter but I'll tell you what I would do - I would beat the shit out of guy like that. I already have a plan, it would happen like this: First I would smile nicely and wait till he smiles back. Then I would say something funny, to further lose up the tension. Once he relaxes, and maybe returns joke, my fist would landed on his jaw. Then while he is falling to the ground he would feel a kick or two. Then depending on his reaction, I would chose another course of action. I'm very relaxed and fast. I am trained. I had balls to fight karate guys in their 30's-40's when I was 17. I have 200+ pounds, I can lift 400 pounds off the ground. I am probably smarter too, the only thing I would worry about is not to break his jaw, so I would probably just slap him.

I would not want a daugher who is single mom and raising kid on her own. Call me average Joe but I would give her very hard time if she brought home guy I don't approve.

I mean, am I that bad or idiotic for asking simple question...? There are millions of dads just like that out there...



1) Go to the gym and lift weights, because manly men can lift heavy objects
>>>> Partially true. Going to fitness and lifting weights have many benefits. As far as PUA/Seduction, it increases for example testosterone levels and muscle mass, which by itself is attractive. It also increases your health and fitness, and it also train your mind indirectly (e.g. you have to be focused, determined, persistant, goal oriented,...). Again, that is just plain commmon sense - healthy, fit and muscular guy is simply way more attractive that weak and/or fat guy. It is really no brainers - there is nothing to understand on it, the important thing is to DO it. That is all I'm saying, analyze it any way you want... Behaving in manly way also increases attraction for one simple reason: Girls are not attracted to weak pussies. Girls are attracted to men who do manly stuff, such as lifting weights (but also other things).
So indeed, you should lift heavier weights. It just gives you natural advantage because most guys simply don't...

2) Don't complain and do some blue collar job, because that's what manly men do
>>>> Not really sure if you read my coment(s) at all. Blue color jobs are very important for our society. As I wrote above, without e.g. truckers we wouldn't have access to gas, cars, groceries, water, stores and so forth. Without cops we wouldn't have basic security in our society: people would be stealing, killing, kidnapping, you name it. Without construction workers we wouldn't have houses, roads, bridges, stores. We would be living in jungle, or very primitive society. Let me ask you a question: Would you like to live in such society where there are no blue color jobs? I wouldn't. I'm not insane.

3) PUA are evil because they steal girlfriends from "Real men" (those that lift weights and have blue collar jobs)
>>>> Not exactly, unless you are trying to be sarcastic. Not everybody can be mysterious traveler. Or CEO. Or lawyer. Or businessman who makes millions. Many guys have to do blue color jobs. As above, these jobs are quite important for our society to function. Do I want to do it? Nope. But I respect guys who do, many times they have no other choice. As above, there are probably not many guys sitting home for months and planning how to get a job that they don't exactly love.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 4, 2017
I don't have daughter but I'll tell you what I would do - I would beat the shit out of guy like that. I already have a plan, it would happen like this: First I would smile nicely and wait till he smiles back. Then I would say something funny, to further lose up the tension. Once he relaxes, and maybe returns joke, my fist would landed on his jaw. Then while he is falling to the ground he would feel a kick or two. Then depending on his reaction, I would chose another course of action. I'm very relaxed and fast. I am trained. I had balls to fight karate guys in their 30's-40's when I was 17. I have 200+ pounds, I can lift 400 pounds off the ground. I am probably smarter too, the only thing I would worry about is not to break his jaw, so I would probably just slap him.

you've got serious issues... xD


Everything you're talking about Chase addresses in his article, "What is Masculinity(or: Are You Man Enough?"

And he talks about rule based and core based masculinity. Rule based masculinity is what you are talking about. What society teaches as masculine. Like taking care of your family, holding a job, being stoic in face of danger, etc.

But it isn't true masculinity because you are just following the rules for being masculine. Hence, "core" based masculinity. Which comes from... your core. It is about what you believe in, your convictions. The real you.

Not about what society told you is masculine, which is exactly what you're touting.

You're telling people here to be an average joe essentially. Why? There are enough of them out there who are already following the rules for being considered a man. Yet they really aren't truly masculine. Average joes don't get what they want, they settle.

Average joes and anes are important for society. But remember, the scientists, the inventors, the geniuses, they are the ones who advance society. Average Joes simply keep it alive.

P.S: There's nothing wrong with having a blue collar job, or being a trucker, or even being monogamous. The problem lies in whether you settled, or if it is something you truly want to be doing. You can guess what the answer to that is for the average joes.

Big Daddy

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 26, 2013
Hector Castillo said:

I usually save my direct sexual game for 1 on 1 coaching. It's one of those unique things that I save the details of for special occasions. Perhaps in the future I'll do a whole product on it, but for now, it's a bit secret sauce :) Had a lot of clients benefit directly from it, too..

Fair enough.

Maybe just some broad points so I don't keep looking a chump every time I try to bring it up during dates then?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
I know masculinity is attractive. I see masculine guys attract lots of women (definitelly more than feminine guys). I can't judge myself but I believe I am quite masculine as well, and I do generate lots of attraction.

Masculinity is not just lifting weights. I'm not saying that you should aim for blue color job either. I'm saying that there are millions of guys who do these jobs for whatever reason. I'm saying that these jobs are very important to keep our society functioning. We (society) would be nowhere without these jobs. Do I work blue color jobs? I did in the past, but I no longer do it. It is hard. It sucks. I didn't like it. I prefer to flip pages of books or type on keyboards. But I'm not going to say that these guys are average Joes, they are probably tougher and more musculine than college/white color guys, and then most guys here as well...

Just imagine for a sec you are a cop. Nice uniform, wearing a weapon every day, practicing. You get home after 12 hour shift, tired, you put TV on. What you hear is that some bum shot a cop. He didn't really know him, he just shot him because he didn't like cops. Imagine somebody shot your good friend, your buddy who you had many beers with, who you work side by side for couple years, who you talked with about hot girls. Imagine some drunk guy, 250 pounds pulls a knife on you, and you have to decide in less than second whether to shoot him dead or not. Imagine somebody shoots at you out of nowhere, whether he misses or not you'll probably remember it for the rest of your life...

Those are TOUGH MF JOBS! If somebody calls these guys 'average Joes' he is just a fool. No need to take it personally but seriously, think about it for a sec. These guys put their lives on the line for you and me, for everybody else, and if all you can think about whether they are "men enough" to keep their wives or not, whether your dick is harder then theirs. You think you are somehow more masculine then they are. YOU ARE A FOOL, just a child...

BS! You live off off their back and don't even have the decency to appreciate what they do, all you think is about how to put your dick into their wives or daughers, you think you are somehow better than they are... And that's also what I am saying, you simply have no idea, you are just full of yourself...

We could talk for hours, it is pointless. But do answer the question, at least to yourself: What would you do as a (potential) father if your daughters were 16-20 and were sleeping with PUA, who is moving from girl to girl? Who impregnates her and disappears...?

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
Maybe just some broad points so I don't keep looking a chump every time I try to bring it up during dates then?

Be sexy when you talk about it. Seem curious like you want to understand how she sees sex, if you're talking about it generally, like it's a topic. Or, if you're just throwing it out there, be passionate, but also chill about it. Paradoxical, I know, but it's gotta be entertaining for her to hear you're telling her what you want to do to her and she has to "feel" it or it's just gonna be crass and creepy.

That's the heart of it. The details cost $$ :p


I think we've successfully outed you. I can feel the tide. Confirmed keyboard jockey. Also, you seem incapable of responding to a direct quote from the scriptures of the religion you profess to know more about than me. It was literally one fucking quote and you couldn't respond to it directly. Either you're retarded or...

No, you're just retarded.

Poor wittle Chihuahua. But I'm happy I can out you as the fraud you are so that no one will ask for advice from you or take your advice seriously. You don't care about educating anyone in the sexual or social arts, you just want to white-knight and posture.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
I told you very clearly about Buddhism. What you do and what Buddhists do are two different things. You are not a Buddhist, you don't even understand the basic of Buddhism. Don't believe me, just open some Buddhist book and read.

Or let me say it this way if you have such hard time understanding: When somebody beats the crap out of you on the street with your own black belt and there is nobody to stop the fight because it is not fair - who are you goning to call? I know, you will call the dumb white knight, the stupid cop who is not "man enough"... Indeed, that is just brilliant logic...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 31, 2017
I think Drck secretly really likes your video Hector, and he wants to make sure it stays bumped to the top of the forum ;)

That's what this is really about


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
Richard said:
What do you think majority of these guys think about PUA? I'll tell you what I think, I don't have such family but it wouldn't take me much to beat the shit out of such PUA should he even talk to my girl or wife...

Couldn't help but respond to this one.


1) Actually had an interesting conversation with some friends on this very topic; why the fuck would you be so defensive that somebody like me is talking to your wife or girlfriend? You'd only respond that way because you see either guy's as threats to you which lends itself to being insecure.

2) "Beat the shit out of." Generally, the dogs with that much bark have no bite. Plus, the majority of PUAs that I know are invested in some martial art; I know Hector has taken up boxing, and possibly some other stuff. Chase has studied Krav Maga. I'm a 5th degree black belt in a hybrid/cross-form of Karate that incorporates Jiu-Jitsu, Aikido, and Kali. So, even if I were talking to your wife or girlfriend I highly doubt you'd be able to beat the shit out of me.


It may be coming from a place of insecurity or not, but the point remains, if average joe fights someone for hitting on his girlfriend... I mean if the PUA is talking to the woman and then the boyfriend comes over and the PUA keeps touching her trying to make something happen, a fair percent of average joes might get phsyical? But if the PUA then leaves 'sorry bro didn't realise she was taken' I dunno if most guys would start a fight over that? I'm trying to work out what Drck means by 'PUA chatting up his girlfriend' eg whats the scenario/context.

If average joe does beat up PUA for talking to his girlfriend, did Hector write in an article if I remember correctly something about if you beat up a guy the woman will get wet for you in that moment, the conquerer? So if average joe beats up a PUA, average joe is the conquerer, and the woman stays with him, even if it was out of insecurity?

I do remember Richard saying that something about 'your ability to give her pleasure supercedes all else' but at the same time, from a practical point of view, if a guy beats up/kills another man, the conquerer wins in that moment? But then, that doesn't happen as often as you would think?