So many things to reply to, I don't even know where to start, never mind that I know that it is pointless anyway
"They chose their life. They chose to get married, have kids, have a shitty job"
>>>> Well, it is not like they sit home for months and thinking how to get a shitty jobs as you say. Those shitty jobs as you call it create the back bone of the entire society - drivers, cops, construction workers, you name it. Without them the whole society would be living in jungle. Many of these guys don't have high IQ to do as they want with their lives. Maybe they are 18-22 years old, naive, dumb and clueless, they have 2 beers and they fuck a girl they like without any PUA skills. She gets pregnant and there you go, maybe not everybody is an asshole to cleverly escape the consequences. Maybe some accept the responsibility of having family, I don't know anymore - is that good or bad? Again, I don't know what's the percentage, but I'm guessing 70-80 percent.
They are weak you say? I don't think so. Some are but not all. Many of them are solid men. They care. Go see couple cops, firefighters, or truck drivers. They may not have black belts but tell me they are all weak men.
You also talk about no fatherly influence. That is also what I am talking about, because children without fathers usually have lots of problems (in comparison to children who grew up in stable family). I am lucky I am from good family. I was raised in environment of very low crime, no drugs, no prostitution, good education. I was raised in environment where honesty was still appreciated and where family (mom and dad) were norm. Again, when you look around it is not so. Lots of single moms, lots if children raised without fathers. Lots of crime. Lots of drugs. Lots of broken families.
I'm a gods-damned Sakadāgāmin. I've seen the 6th jhana for fucks suck, so put some respekt on my name!
>>>> BS. There is no way true Buddhists behave this way, believe what you want.
I've read lots of books from many authors related to eastern philosophies, not just Buddhism but for example also yoga (Jnana, Bhakti, Radja, Karma), mysticism and Hinduism; just to name a few authors or books: Osho, Swami Vivekananda, bunch of books about Ramakrishna's teaching, Bhagavad Gita, and some 20 books about Mahajana Buddhism and mysticism from European authors. Those I've read probably 5x if not more because there was a time when I wanted to become one. All these books have lots of common.
You are not even close because you do the exact opposite. For example 'cravings' (for women, money, fame,...) produces further karma, karma is the cause of further rebirths. You may believe what you want, but the reality is that you are chasing hundreds of girls, you are chasing better live, you are chasing more money, and you are full of Egoism - this only intensify your further cravings, you are not decreasing it in any way. True liberation starts when you understand this cravings and start working on removing it, which on practical level simply means stop chasing girls, stop chasing money and stop chasing great life. It means giving up Egoism. Once the cravings decreases and is finally gone, that's Nirvana. This doesn't happen in couple years, it takes intensive practice. If we can accept that Buddhism is real, there are many reincarnations we go through, even Buddha went through tens of them. There are yogis who claim they have been reincarnated tens of times, if not more, and that is while living somewhere in caves in Tibet. So we are talking about multiple life times of intensive effort to achieve real Nirvana.
Those are basic things that everybody who pay attention to Buddhism knows. That's why many monks gave up in this materialistic life (chasing girls and money) and go to some monastery to practice simple lives, to serve others, to pray and meditate hours every day, year after year...
Are you saying that you are banging bunch of girls, constantly figuring out how to bang even more, that you are working to make lots of $$$ and great life - and at the same time you are some kind of Buddhist? You are full of it, and don't even see it... Go see Dalaj Lama, ask him how he lives his life, tell me if it is even remote to yours. He is a Buddhist, no? Or RE-read the basic stuff about Buddhism. Again, I am not a Buddhist nor practicing Buddhism, but at least I don't BS myself either.
why the fuck would you be so defensive that somebody like me is talking to your wife or girlfriend? You'd only respond that way because you see either guy's as threats to you which lends itself to being insecure.
Say that you decide to have a great family one day, 2 kids. You want to raise them as a great dad, you want to do the best for them (like most of the guys). You find a great woman, great looks, from great family. Do you think marriage is some walk in rose garden? Marriage has good benefits but also disadvantages. Sometimes it sucks. Sometimes you love her, other times you get each other's on nerves. Another times you are just friends, all you want to is jerk off because you are tired of seeing the same pussy over and over. Or have a beer or two because you are tired of family life. But that doesn't mean that you don't love her, you do, she is still great wive. You may manage the relationship for a while, but then you'll get tired too. Kids are great and cute, but are also screaming and yelling, making mess. Your wife will not always be cute and sweet girl, she has her own problems, she gets upset, depressed, pissed, tired of kids. If she is pretty, she also likes many other guys, especially if they show interest in her...
This is real life of millions of people.
Simple question: Do you care if somebody, your PUA friend fucks woman that you love? How about your neighbor with pretty hair cut? What if your wife have threesome with your friends, behind your back, and you just find out by coincidence? I know that there are couples who don't care, who swing and still have a good marriage. But I do care, meaning it is unacceptable to me that somebody else would fuck my GF/Wife. Do you care?
BTW, PUA are not the only guys who practice martial arts
The whole point I am making is that there is lots of BS in seduction and PUA. Lots of deception, like the Buddhism above. Maybe I am old school, I believe that Men should be Men. Strong, solid, stable, honest. But that's just me. The girl from the video above... Well, there are bunch of girls just like that in my own life. Girls inviting me to her birthday party, just me and her; married women, actually pretty good looking, inviting me to their house. I girl stopping me on the street out of nowhere, asking for water, going with me to my place with me not even trying to do anything. 10 minutes or less, no PUA/Seduction. Girls literally begging me to fuck them. Girls sending me emails and messages, I swear 3-4 every single week, for the first year, begging me to come back and fuck therm. Women considering divorce because of me, that even without me sleeping with them or trying to seduce them in any way. Average Joe. Okay