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What's More Important - Compatibility or Results? [Video]


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
It's more complex.

For example, quality girl will also care about slut shaming. She is out with Guy A (her actual BF) and Guy B (PUA) comes and tries to talk to her. Any sane quality girl will tell him to fuck off. I mean she can talk to him, which is not a big deal, but once he start hitting on her she will pull back and stay aside her BF. The simple reason is that her BF can tell all of his and her friends, and families, that she is a slut because she behaved like one - and that is something quality girl won't accept. She MAY want to do it if the PUA is sexy, but she won't.

At the same time, her BF also has to have a value though. If his value is low, the PUA may succeed because he may represent higher value than her BF. She may for example take a number from the PUA and respond to his message the next day, then go for a date with him while at the same time she'll work on dumping her current BF. On the other hand, if value of her BF is high(er), meaning that she considers him as real BF and not just cover to repel annoying guys, there is no way the PUA can take her away from him, at least not in a short period of time. In this case it would take persistent effort from the PUA over longer period of time to take away his girl.

So high value guy (her BF) can be actually quite comfortable that no PUA will take away his girl. Low value guy will be anxious, nervous, he may flip and start fight. Which, as Richard correctly described, is a sign of insecurity.

However, things are not as simple either. I, for example, would beat up shit out of PUA anyway. It is not because insecurity, but because I can see through all the PUA BS. That was my point which Richard missed.

I actually believe that other guys should do that as well (pick up the fight), not because of being insecure but but because from position of strength. You have to respect yourself as a man, and you have to respect the girl you are with. You don't let anyone take what's yours, whether it is girl, car, house or anything else. You fight, you stand your ground. That is power. At the same time, a guy who tries to take your girl away (PUA) is not really representing high value. He appears as a weak guy who doesn't respect you and your relationship, that is why he goes after your girl. He deserves to be beaten. It is actually him who is rather insecure, which you don't hear from the big boys here. They are perhaps used to take girls away from weak or immature guys, but they have never encountered real man.

There is more to it, but good enough. It is like when you go to fitness, you start with some light weight, you exercise for 1-2 years and you build some muscle. Maybe you do your bench or squat with 250 pounds. Maybe you dead lift 300 or 400 pounds. Suddenly you realize that you are the best in your fitness, so you decide to be a trainer. Maybe you do some training course and start teaching others how to lift weight. You believe you are great. But, don't fool yourself. There are guys out there who are better than you, stronger, faster, more determined. They warm up with 250 pounds. They dead lift 500, 700 pounds, every week, if not more. They lift more than you, to them you are a joke with pretty diploma. You'd have to work very hard for the next couple of years to call them equal...


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
I've warned Drck about his posting and asked him to tone it down.

Just in general, for anyone using forums (not just Drck), if you are going to challenge senior members, important to either a.) build your credibility up first, or b.) make strongly credible arguments.

Even if you are confident you're right, if your primary argument consists of broadbrush advice that could be copy + pasted from another website (like somewhere in the manosphere)... and you haven't otherwise established your credibility by sharing anecdotes, giving guys actionable tech they go out and use to good result, or generally demonstrating yourself over time to be a reliable source of good, usable, effective information... you will look like a keyboard jockey to most observers.

If you don't want to look like a keyboard jockey, then think about what other people require of you to take your advice seriously. Then give that to them.

Drck, you have a lot of good content to share, and have a good theoretical grasp of male-female dynamics. However sometimes it seems a little 30,000 foot... seems like key nuances are missing. Guys would trust your advice a lot more if you could show them you got the details as well, not only the big picture.

e.g., the "8.5 vs 6" argument... at a high level, it's absolutely true a less cute girl is more likely to be all over you than a more cute girl is. At the detail level though, women destroy every boundary set and expectation men try to construct for them. The beautiful girl throws herself at you, while the mediocre girl hangs back. People aren't theory, and they often violate the rules you expect them to play by.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take