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Transitions  When she is refusing advances of escalations try this...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
so the girl refuse your advances lets say you are escalating and she lets you but she refuse to kiss you or she refuse _______ Fill in the blank on isolation... (could be via verbally or BODY language wise (like tilting head when you are going to kiss her couple of times)

So the advice that most follow (from 60 yoc) is to say: "i do not want you to do anything you are not comfortable with"

^ this is fine, but is limited, what i do is i expand and continue with
"I don't want girls to do anything they are not comfortable with, I do not want to have to SELL HER or CONVINCE HER, to want to _______ I want her to WANT IT, DESIRE IT (extra: "and more importantly, feels allowed to desire it"), that is the only way I want it, nothing is forced and because she have to, I want her to think to herself, this guy is sexy, i am turn on, there is something about him, i want it, i will not take anything else other than that, is not worth it to me, if she don't want it, i don't want it either and i lose attraction".... This was an edit to a point wrote up by teevester that i missed and some other stuff he added (look at his response on the why)...

This has to be said in a very deep low seductive voice...
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
What happens if she throws an objection after you say that??

"The thing is we have been friends for so long", "I just don't see us that way", "I am confused"


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
she refuse to kiss you or she refuse _______ Fill in the blank on isolation...
I don't remember the last girl that refused to kiss me, that I did not pull.

Usually I save kisses for when its pretty obvious I wont be rejected a kiss (A2 (female to male interest) is through the roof).

Same applies for fucking (go for the kill when I know she won't reject me).


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
What happens if she throws an objection after you say that??

"The thing is we have been friends for so long", "I just don't see us that way", "I am confused"

^ i can not give you an answer of a speculation of a technique that you have not tried or tested, she is unlikely to say that if you say what i am telling you to say.....

This is to be said to girls that are invested and have clearly show interest before a major escalation refusal...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I don't remember the last girl that refused to kiss me, that I did not pull.

Usually I save kisses for when its pretty obvious I wont be rejected a kiss (A2 (female to male interest) is through the roof).

Same applies for fucking (go for the kill when I know she won't reject me).

Then you eventually will experience it, after you are with more women...(usually women married, bf or talking to someone you happen to know)
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Then you eventually will experience it, after you are with more women...
I've never pulled a girl that refused to kiss me. Means I've experienced it (I went for it (the kiss) and they rejected it -> did whatever else (joke around/act like it didn't bother me (one step forward, two steps back etc) but didn't end up pulling them.

So what I do now (higher percentage than your miscalculating how into you she is) is I go for the kiss when I know she won't reject me. Usually when I'm at the place where I'm gonna fuck her. Same for sex. I go for it when I know she won't reject me (this is after I spent years miscalculating where she's at in terms of arousal).

I see your edited response. and yes I agree. for taken girls, kissing is too intimate. they just want to get fucked without the kissing. But if that is the case, then there is no point in using this "I'm not trying to convince you" technique. Just bad compliance if you keep trying get that kiss (is that what your really after?).


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
^ i can not give you an answer of a speculation of a technique that you have not tried or tested, she is unlikely to say that if you say what i am telling you to say.....

This is to be said to girls that are invested and have clearly show interest before a major escalation refusal...

Yeah, I’ve done things like these and got these objections before...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
"The thing is we have been friends for so long", "I just don't see us that way", "I am confused"
Intentions were not clear before going for the kiss. She legit thought you wanted to be her friend, so it looks incongruent. There is no confusion about your intentions, when talking about sex with girls (sharing perspectives / asking questions about their sex life = I'm not trying be your friend).


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
So the advice that most follow (from 60 yoc) is to say: "i do not want you to do anything you are not comfortable with"

It is actually from Ross Jeffries.

^ this is fine, but is limited, what i do is i expand and continue with "I don't want you to do anything you are not comfortable with, i do not want to have to SELL YOU or CONVINCE YOU, to want to _______ (fill in the blank either give me a kiss, bj, sex), I want you to WANT IT, DESIRE IT, that is the only way i want it, nothing force and because you have to, i want you to think to yourself, this guy is sexy, i am turn on, there is something about him, i want it, i will not take anything else other than that, is not worth it to me, if you don't want it, i don't want it either and i lose attraction" This has to be said in a very deep low seductive voice...

This is great stuff. And I use a similar version, although I tend to prefer to talk about the girl in third person.

For instance:

"I don't want girls to do anything they are not comfortable with, I do not want to have to SELL HER or CONVINCE HER, to want to _______ I want her to WANT IT, DESIRE IT (extra: "and more importantly, feels allowed to desire it"), that is the only way I want it, nothing is forced and because she have to, I want her to think to yourself, this guy is sexy, i am turn on, there is something about him, i want it, i will not take anything else other than that, is not worth it to me, if she doesn't want it, she doesn't it either and i lose attraction"

There are numerous benefits to opting for this:
-No point are you trying to come off as trying to "convince" or talk in a way that communicates that you are even trying to have sex with her, which dodges the chances of validating her (a resisting girl, is often a girl in validation seeking mode).
- By using a third person, you communicate all the goody, while you also from your position as universal (i.e. applying to every girl) which gives it more firepower.
- You do not seem (as) reactive - i.e. that your move is a REACTION to her resistance.

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
It is actually from Ross Jeffries.

This is great stuff. And I use a similar version, although I tend to prefer to talk about the girl in third person.

For instance:

"I don't want girls to do anything they are not comfortable with, I do not want to have to SELL HER or CONVINCE HER, to want to _______ I want her to WANT IT, DESIRE IT (extra: "and more importantly, feel allowed to desire it"), that is the only way I want it, nothing is forced and because she have to, I want her to think to yourself, this guy is sexy, i am turn on, there is something about him, i want it, i will not take anything else other than that, is not worth it to me, if you don't want it, i don't want it either and i lose attraction"

There are numerous benefits to opting for this:
-No point are you trying to come off as trying to "convince" or talk in a way that communicates that you are even trying to have sex with her, which dodges the chances of validating her (a resisting girl, is often a girl in validation seeking mode).
- By using a third person, you communicate all the goody, while you also from your position as universal (i.e. applying to every girl) which gives it more firepower.
- You do not seem (as) reactive - i.e. that your move is a REACTION to her resistance.


Yeah! i actually think i say it like this, in third person (good catch)... Way more effective, cause shows pre-selection...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Yeah! i actually think i say it like this, in third person (good catch)... Way more effective, cause shows pre-selection...

That too.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 15, 2020
What happens if she throws an objection after you say that??

"The thing is we have been friends for so long", "I just don't see us that way", "I am confused"

Yeah, I’ve done things like these and got these objections before...

It's probably cause you spent too much time in rapport with the girl. She is genuinely confused, or wants to be friends or doesn't see you that way.

In my personal experience, it's very tricky when a girl would rather be your friend than a lover but is clearly showing interest. What I do in such situations is outframe her. What I've done and worked for me was something like "Her: We've been friends for so long. Me: Right? Haven't you been waiting for this to happen for so long already? *kiss her neck* *be playful*" "Her: I don't see us that way. Me: So you see us as more, got it. *be playful*" "Her: I am confused. Me: About? *kiss* Her: What you're doing. Me: *kiss* What do you mean? (I'm just confusing her more)"

To be honest, it's better to have not gotten yourself in that situation in the first place cause if she really thinks you guys are good friends she'll persist very hard. Only solution then is to completely cut contact and move on. (There's also the chance she chases, but you gotta do everything right when she does)

Here's an article going on chase framing in more detail (https://www.girlschase.com/content/tactics-tuesdays-how-force-frame-someone)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I've never pulled a girl that refused to kiss me. Means I've experienced it (I went for it (the kiss) and they rejected it -> did whatever else (joke around/act like it didn't bother me (one step forward, two steps back etc) but didn't end up pulling them.

So what I do now (higher percentage than your miscalculating how into you she is) is I go for the kiss when I know she won't reject me. Usually when I'm at the place where I'm gonna fuck her. Same for sex. I go for it when I know she won't reject me (this is after I spent years miscalculating where she's at in terms of arousal).

I see your edited response. and yes I agree. for taken girls, kissing is too intimate. they just want to get fucked without the kissing. But if that is the case, then there is no point in using this "I'm not trying to convince you" technique. Just bad compliance if you keep trying get that kiss (is that what your really after?).
Kissing was just a sample of an escalation, eventually it may happen to you as you keep interacting with women, there are many ways to handle this is just one that happened to me this weekend with a girl. Fitness model that was on a date with a high status guy i knew, and me and her had to go back to his apartment to pick up her keys and she was giving me resistance and out of the blue I said this stuff...

I also kind of kissed on the dance floor and she let me touch everything
I need to edit sometimes when writing from cell...
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