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Where to go from here?


Dec 7, 2012
To cut a long story short:

I've managed to hook up with a girl on 3 separate occasions- this was after a series of short texts/online chat and having a few drinks together....


But I'd actually like her to be my GF... At the moment it seems like we're physically attracted and we seem to get on well but I tend to keep her coming back for more by almost being a bit mean to her! Thing is, it's not how I really am/want to be but it seems to get me places......

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
Hey Luckyhands,

Sounds like you are having things under control. Just don't fall into that trap of "Chasing the girl".

Keep her on her toes, and let her do the chasing. Allow the relationship to happen naturally, and trust me... it will sooner than you expect it.

The key is to wait for her to make the first hint or when she is finally pushing you for a commitment. That is when you will hit the jackpot.

Patience is a virtue.



Dec 7, 2012
Cheers guys. It's hard to completely understand her mind
The positive signs:
I've laid her
She's told her friends( so we know she's not embarrassed!)
She always comes back to mine after a night, even when it would be easier for her to go back with her friends/to her parents' house

The signs that make me unsure:
Can sometimes not text back
The day after is always quite awkward/unpredictable. Sometimes I'll get texts straight away saying how hung over she is/if I nanny to meet up. Sometimes I'll not hear anything for days/week. Possibly made worse by the fact that I'm a stubborn bastard and don't want to text her first....not unless its been a good week or more!

....she's definitely the hottest girl I've ever laid!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
You have definitely got her in the bag.

I can think of a few reason why she is acting the way she is:

1) She is happy of you being her secret (or not so secret) lover, and she does not / or is not ready to move on to the next stage.

2) She may also be dating and sleeping with other guys, therefore not fully giving you the 100% attention.

3) Hearing how gorgeous she is from you, you can always assume that she knows that herself too. She knows that she is beautiful, and she knows that she can get other guys, she probably have tons of other guys chasing her now too. So it wouldn't be surprising if she also knew how to play the game. She may be playing hard to get, in which case, trying to make you do the chasing.

Which is why if you just stick with your original game, wait for things to happen, let her do the chasing, and don't fall into her trap. You will do fine.

She has already selected you out of the many to sleep with, so it wouldn't take long for her to fall in love with you, and sooner or later she will want to completely possess you.
