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Fashion  Which Clothing Do You Think Is The Best?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2018
Space, my post wasn't an absolute statement, like, "If you wear rocker clothes you'll only attract rocker chicks" but moreso it'll probably be easier. Just like, you can attract blonde bimbos being a skinny nerdy guy (some of them will be into you), but it'll be easier if you're tanned and jacked. Or another example, it's easier to attract vegan girls if you're vegan, but it's not an absolute.

It's moreso building on commonalities that makes it easier. Wearing rocker clothes gives commonalities between the two of you at a first glance. I will agree that my post did sound like I was talking in absolutes though, fair point. :)
I got a Friendly Warning by the mod team that they find my writing style too pedantic and logical. Okay. I wanted to clarify the way I see styles and personalities anyway to keep the ball rolling with Skills in my thread. I hope I make more sense to you guys now. :)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 11, 2019


Dec 25, 2019
It’s completely context dependent...to me this question is like sitting at a canvas and asking “What is the best thing to paint?”

It is how you tell people who you are and how you get to pick which character you want to play in the movie of life.

I honestly like having a lot of clothes and picking stuff that matches how I feel that day.

But some days I am very carefree and happy, and want to share a smile with a girl, others I went too hard at the gym and nothing would make me happier than a good fight, any kind of conflict is like a drug to me.

So some days I wear sneakers and a Hoodie with bright colors, others I will wear boots and black jeans and a tight tshirt and look edgier and more confrontational.

I definitely get attention from different girls on different days.

and I travel too, and some things go over in some places and others in others.


Nov 19, 2019
What is the best car?
Where are you most likely to drive that car?

I am no fashion-guru, but having clothes that fit and are clean is a huge plus.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2016
really depends on the kinds of girls you're going for and where you live, lol....

Look that best works for me is fashionable sneakers coordinated with a fitted blazer of the same color, skinny dark jeans, and a light t-shirt. I also wear a fair bit of jewerly on my neck and hands. The end result is a "clean but edgy" look that looks pretty hot, if I say so myself.


In another thread you posted
"I was wearing the clothes that get me the most looks from women: red collar shirt half unbuttoned, tucked in with a blazer over it, dark jeans and Chelsea boots, along with straighter hair and some jewelry."

That was a few years ago. Did that get your best results back then with that outfit, or was that outfit only the best at receiving IOI from women and not good for results, and that's why you changed it up a bit? Or did you change it up a bit anyway more recently, and got even better results?