Please don't thread spam,
Who is thread spamming? Girl is a not a virgin several times over and men have to memorize these seduction techniques and fundamentals to have sex with her when she is older and uglier from the 1st time she gave it up.
Thats like dealership asking $100,000 more for a 2012 Mercedes that’s had a lot of miles on it than a 2022 Mercedes with 0 miles on it.
this site is for constructive stuff about seducing women, not a place to have your black pill assumptions debunked. If a guy seems like he is going to listen and learn, a bit of that can be tolerated, but using the forum as a way to vent or argue pointlessly is not tolerated.
Am I not saying the truth?
Studying these fundamentals are great. Putting massive efforts in these seductions techniques are great. I’m just saying men are doing it for non-virgins. I don’t see it as venting, I see it as the truth.
In short, Girls Chase is for anyone who wants to learn how to seduce women. Most of what I know I learned from here, putting it into practice, testing and adapting it. What have you learned? What have you tried and tested? What were your results? How did you try to improve? You don't sound like you've tried much. There are hundreds of fantastic articles going into depth on every aspect of becoming a skilled seducer.
OK that’s great. I’m learning stuff by reading these articles.
But to tell truth, it seems like a lot a lot a lot of theory.
So you had a traumatic experience at 14 being the nice guy and finding your crush was already hooking up with a stud. Is that going to define your life? Or are you going to become the guy that women want? Most of us have had bad teenage experiences knowing nothing about women and how to interest them. I lost my virginity at 19. Most of my teenage years were spent in a haze of social anxiety and complete confusion when it came to women.
You take one statement and blow it up to fit your own narrative.
I never said I had a traumatic experience at 14. I never said she was my crush. I said she lost her virginity at a very young age.
You assumption that a guy at 30 can only hook up with Alpha Stud's 'sloppy seconds' is nonsense. Do you have so little life experience that you've never seen a younger woman with an older man? Or are you intent on finding a virgin? Is that the new Black Pill ideal - virginity or nothing! Reject any girl who doesn't have a hymen, and berate the ones that don't until they repent!
Any girl past, let’s say 15 in North America is likely not a virgin, If its not sloppy seconds, then what is it, freshly based goods? You are getting bogged down on semantics.
I‘ve seen younger women with older men, and I don’t intend to find a virgin.
All I saying is, for the 10,000 great articles Girls Chase has; that teach men how to seduce and be a great lover of women, it’s for men getting women who have already slept with several Aloha Dogs when they were younger and hotter.
Now whether that’s good or bad or right or wrong, not for me to say.
I don't want to hear any more assumptions. What I want to hear is about what you've done, what you've tried, the things you've done to work on yourself, your social skills, your presentation and fundamentals, the approaches you've done and how they went, and what exactly you want to learn from here. If you're not going to do that, please don't hide behind your black pill philosophy and try to start debates, this is not the 'manosphere', it's not twitter, it's not any of that, it's a place to listen and learn how to become good with women.
Don’t know what the hell black pill is but ok:
- 3 days ago an older lady friend texted me and said she had a girl for me, Gave her name and number and said girl was expecting me to contact her. Texted her twice to go for a coffee, no response. Didn’t wait the “specified” days Girls Chase told me to wait between texts. Maybe that was my downfall.
- Years ago had a girlfriend of several years, she wanted to get married. Told her has to sign a prenup. she didn’t go for it. Instead she taped me to take me to court. Maybe you shouldn’t ask 30+ year old non virgin girls to sign prenups.
- I asked a girl out and she said “sure, but you can’t touch me anytime during the date.” Maybe I was too bitter.
- I asked another girl out she said “you are not 6’1, no thanks,”
- I asked another girl out, her bf wanted to fly over to her City to beat me up
- I asked another girl out, she said “she has no time to waste, she needs a ring fast.”
In terms of me; the money is OK, the look is OK, the game is OK, the car is good, the clothes is OK - could be better, the height is not good; it’s not 6’1
Now I’ve also slept with some hot women and dated Maxim models, these are just the most recent events. Where I am living it’s also difficult to find available, decent looking, educated, single girls with 0 kids