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Who is Girls Chase for?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 22, 2022
In my City, any young girl, who has any type of look to her, is immediately taken by the genetically blessed guy, or the Alpha Dog. Or the girl has had multiple sex partners because of her look and sexiness. I recall when in high school the hottest blonde girl in school came to my house to work on math project, she told me she lost her virginity at 14 to the coolest, sexiest, tallest guy who also 14.

So I’m wondering, who all these thousands and thousands of articles for? They are not for the Alpha Dogs, they know what to do. They are not for the Naturals, they know what to do. So that would make these articles for the Beta Suckers who had trouble getting women in high school and in their 20s. Now let’s a guy finds Girls Chase online and reads and reads and reads and memorizes fundamentals and becomes the sexiest guy at 30. Now he his awesome, but the hot girl he’s looking for,, or any girl he’s looking for, has already slept with 10 Alpha Men.

So ideally this site, all this work to get the fundamentals down, all thie work to be attractive, is to get someone sloppy seconds? Instead of doing all the work to memorize all the “fundamentals”, I would almost tell a girl, in 2022, where feminism is ripe and women are encouraged to sleep around, “honey, you are not virgin, you got 10 seconds to take off your clothes or get out my freaking face.”

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
Which City is that?

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
North American City.

Do tell!

I've toured around North America during my 2 year university exchange.

Picked up a few chicks and you'd be surprised how genetically ungifted I am ;)

Curious what that infamous City is!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Girlschase is for you.

:/ not much more to it.

Whether you hope to get some game to get by or become world class like a couple guys here it's here for you and for prices WAY cheap for the life changing experience and material you can work on.

You have to go outside and meet chicks though and live as the main dish...this site is supplementary to you living a fulfilling life.

Now let’s a guy finds Girls Chase online and reads and reads and reads and memorizes fundamentals and becomes the sexiest guy at 30. Now he his awesome, but the hot girl he’s looking for,, or any girl he’s looking for, has already slept with 10 Alpha Men.
You're not gonna read or memorize your way into pussy alone...only nerds think that way haha. Gotta go outside atleast and level up to social nerd, then so on and so on until you become a nerd winning at this shit.

I'd say a good article for you would be

There's no reason you'd have that many assumptions if you were humbled, open to learn, and truly out there testing.

Also so many things written in your op that have been discussed 1000s of times over anyone who hope to approach you productively in a corner...they're thinking "Oh lord...another one. What do I even address in this?" or "Nope".

Nothing personal it's just how it is man.

I'll strike at the heart and say if you're seriously 49 then you're halfway to 100 and, from my understanding, you have about 2 more decades where you're healthy on average (at least in the west). Already the choices you've made are creeping up on your mind and body like never before.

Time to get to work man.

1. Has your process helped you so far?

2. What are you gonna do with the answer to that last question?

3. Is Girlschase for you anywhere in your plan or process?


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
In my City, any young girl, who has any type of look to her, is immediately taken by the genetically blessed guy, or the Alpha Dog. Or the girl has had multiple sex partners because of her look and sexiness. I recall when in high school the hottest blonde girl in school came to my house to work on math project, she told me she lost her virginity at 14 to the coolest, sexiest, tallest guy who also 14.

So I’m wondering, who all these thousands and thousands of articles for? They are not for the Alpha Dogs, they know what to do. They are not for the Naturals, they know what to do. So that would make these articles for the Beta Suckers who had trouble getting women in high school and in their 20s. Now let’s a guy finds Girls Chase online and reads and reads and reads and memorizes fundamentals and becomes the sexiest guy at 30. Now he his awesome, but the hot girl he’s looking for,, or any girl he’s looking for, has already slept with 10 Alpha Men.

So ideally this site, all this work to get the fundamentals down, all thie work to be attractive, is to get someone sloppy seconds? Instead of doing all the work to memorize all the “fundamentals”, I would almost tell a girl, in 2022, where feminism is ripe and women are encouraged to sleep around, “honey, you are not virgin, you got 10 seconds to take off your clothes or get out my freaking face.”


Please don't thread spam, this site is for constructive stuff about seducing women, not a place to have your black pill assumptions debunked. If a guy seems like he is going to listen and learn, a bit of that can be tolerated, but using the forum as a way to vent or argue pointlessly is not tolerated.

In short, Girls Chase is for anyone who wants to learn how to seduce women. Most of what I know I learned from here, putting it into practice, testing and adapting it. What have you learned? What have you tried and tested? What were your results? How did you try to improve? You don't sound like you've tried much. There are hundreds of fantastic articles going into depth on every aspect of becoming a skilled seducer.

So you had a traumatic experience at 14 being the nice guy and finding your crush was already hooking up with a stud. Is that going to define your life? Or are you going to become the guy that women want? Most of us have had bad teenage experiences knowing nothing about women and how to interest them. I lost my virginity at 19. Most of my teenage years were spent in a haze of social anxiety and complete confusion when it came to women.

You assumption that a guy at 30 can only hook up with Alpha Stud's 'sloppy seconds' is nonsense. Do you have so little life experience that you've never seen a younger woman with an older man? Or are you intent on finding a virgin? Is that the new Black Pill ideal - virginity or nothing! Reject any girl who doesn't have a hymen, and berate the ones that don't until they repent!

I don't want to hear any more assumptions. What I want to hear is about what you've done, what you've tried, the things you've done to work on yourself, your social skills, your presentation and fundamentals, the approaches you've done and how they went, and what exactly you want to learn from here. If you're not going to do that, please don't hide behind your black pill philosophy and try to start debates, this is not the 'manosphere', it's not twitter, it's not any of that, it's a place to listen and learn how to become good with women.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 1, 2021
In my City, any young girl, who has any type of look to her, is immediately taken by the genetically blessed guy, or the Alpha Dog. Or the girl has had multiple sex partners because of her look and sexiness. I recall when in high school the hottest blonde girl in school came to my house to work on math project, she told me she lost her virginity at 14 to the coolest, sexiest, tallest guy who also 14.

So I’m wondering, who all these thousands and thousands of articles for? They are not for the Alpha Dogs, they know what to do. They are not for the Naturals, they know what to do. So that would make these articles for the Beta Suckers who had trouble getting women in high school and in their 20s. Now let’s a guy finds Girls Chase online and reads and reads and reads and memorizes fundamentals and becomes the sexiest guy at 30. Now he his awesome, but the hot girl he’s looking for,, or any girl he’s looking for, has already slept with 10 Alpha Men.

So ideally this site, all this work to get the fundamentals down, all thie work to be attractive, is to get someone sloppy seconds? Instead of doing all the work to memorize all the “fundamentals”, I would almost tell a girl, in 2022, where feminism is ripe and women are encouraged to sleep around, “honey, you are not virgin, you got 10 seconds to take off your clothes or get out my freaking face.”


Even if you ignore the other advice in this thread about limiting beliefs, it comes down to one simple question: do you want to get laid more?

If so, Girls Chase is for you.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Even if you ignore the other advice in this thread about limiting beliefs, it comes down to one simple question: do you want to get laid more?

If so, Girls Chase is for you.
Came in here to say pretty much this. It's so simple too lol

As far as getting sloppy seconds goes, don't date 30+ year old women. Guys have it so absolutely rough early on but the good news for us is that we can more easily date younger and younger (as long as they're legal of course)

Hell, like 2 months ago I ran into a smoke show at Walmart. She was 26 I think. Been dating a guy in his 50's for 7 years!

Ended up talking to her for like 15 minutes waiting on the line because I thought it was so cool


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Instead of doing all the work to memorize all the “fundamentals”, I would almost tell a girl, in 2022, where feminism is ripe and women are encouraged to sleep around, “honey, you are not virgin, you got 10 seconds to take off your clothes or get out my freaking face.”


That is going to work exactly 0.01% of the time but please go ahead and try it.
It will be an educational experience.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 22, 2022
Please don't thread spam,

Who is thread spamming? Girl is a not a virgin several times over and men have to memorize these seduction techniques and fundamentals to have sex with her when she is older and uglier from the 1st time she gave it up.

Thats like dealership asking $100,000 more for a 2012 Mercedes that’s had a lot of miles on it than a 2022 Mercedes with 0 miles on it.

this site is for constructive stuff about seducing women, not a place to have your black pill assumptions debunked. If a guy seems like he is going to listen and learn, a bit of that can be tolerated, but using the forum as a way to vent or argue pointlessly is not tolerated.

Am I not saying the truth?

Studying these fundamentals are great. Putting massive efforts in these seductions techniques are great. I’m just saying men are doing it for non-virgins. I don’t see it as venting, I see it as the truth.

In short, Girls Chase is for anyone who wants to learn how to seduce women. Most of what I know I learned from here, putting it into practice, testing and adapting it. What have you learned? What have you tried and tested? What were your results? How did you try to improve? You don't sound like you've tried much. There are hundreds of fantastic articles going into depth on every aspect of becoming a skilled seducer.

OK that’s great. I’m learning stuff by reading these articles.

But to tell truth, it seems like a lot a lot a lot of theory.

So you had a traumatic experience at 14 being the nice guy and finding your crush was already hooking up with a stud. Is that going to define your life? Or are you going to become the guy that women want? Most of us have had bad teenage experiences knowing nothing about women and how to interest them. I lost my virginity at 19. Most of my teenage years were spent in a haze of social anxiety and complete confusion when it came to women.

You take one statement and blow it up to fit your own narrative.

I never said I had a traumatic experience at 14. I never said she was my crush. I said she lost her virginity at a very young age.

You assumption that a guy at 30 can only hook up with Alpha Stud's 'sloppy seconds' is nonsense. Do you have so little life experience that you've never seen a younger woman with an older man? Or are you intent on finding a virgin? Is that the new Black Pill ideal - virginity or nothing! Reject any girl who doesn't have a hymen, and berate the ones that don't until they repent!

Any girl past, let’s say 15 in North America is likely not a virgin, If its not sloppy seconds, then what is it, freshly based goods? You are getting bogged down on semantics.

I‘ve seen younger women with older men, and I don’t intend to find a virgin.

All I saying is, for the 10,000 great articles Girls Chase has; that teach men how to seduce and be a great lover of women, it’s for men getting women who have already slept with several Aloha Dogs when they were younger and hotter.

Now whether that’s good or bad or right or wrong, not for me to say.

I don't want to hear any more assumptions. What I want to hear is about what you've done, what you've tried, the things you've done to work on yourself, your social skills, your presentation and fundamentals, the approaches you've done and how they went, and what exactly you want to learn from here. If you're not going to do that, please don't hide behind your black pill philosophy and try to start debates, this is not the 'manosphere', it's not twitter, it's not any of that, it's a place to listen and learn how to become good with women.

Don’t know what the hell black pill is but ok:

- 3 days ago an older lady friend texted me and said she had a girl for me, Gave her name and number and said girl was expecting me to contact her. Texted her twice to go for a coffee, no response. Didn’t wait the “specified” days Girls Chase told me to wait between texts. Maybe that was my downfall.

- Years ago had a girlfriend of several years, she wanted to get married. Told her has to sign a prenup. she didn’t go for it. Instead she taped me to take me to court. Maybe you shouldn’t ask 30+ year old non virgin girls to sign prenups.

- I asked a girl out and she said “sure, but you can’t touch me anytime during the date.” Maybe I was too bitter.

- I asked another girl out she said “you are not 6’1, no thanks,”

- I asked another girl out, her bf wanted to fly over to her City to beat me up

- I asked another girl out, she said “she has no time to waste, she needs a ring fast.”

In terms of me; the money is OK, the look is OK, the game is OK, the car is good, the clothes is OK - could be better, the height is not good; it’s not 6’1

Now I’ve also slept with some hot women and dated Maxim models, these are just the most recent events. Where I am living it’s also difficult to find available, decent looking, educated, single girls with 0 kids

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Oh boy...

Listen man, I'm just going to say you're either trolling or got a whole lotta internal work to do


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
Now I’ve also slept with some hot women and dated Maxim models, these are just the most recent events. Where I am living it’s also difficult to find available, decent looking, educated, single girls with 0 kids

Sounds like you’re dealing with a location problem if you were dating models and hot women.

Didn’t wait the “specified” days Girls Chase told me to wait between texts. Maybe that was my downfall.
Where is this advice? Doesnt sound like Gc advice.

- 3 days ago an older lady friend texted me and said she had a girl for me, Gave her name and number and said girl was expecting me to contact her. Texted her twice to go for a coffee, no response. Didn’t wait the “specified” days Girls Chase told me to wait between texts. Maybe that was my downfall.

- Years ago had a girlfriend of several years, she wanted to get married. Told her has to sign a prenup. she didn’t go for it. Instead she taped me to take me to court. Maybe you shouldn’t ask 30+ year old non virgin girls to sign prenups.

- I asked a girl out and she said “sure, but you can’t touch me anytime during the date.” Maybe I was too bitter.

- I asked another girl out she said “you are not 6’1, no thanks,”

- I asked another girl out, her bf wanted to fly over to her City to beat me up

- I asked another girl out, she said “she has no time to waste, she needs a ring fast.”

In terms of me; the money is OK, the look is OK, the game is OK, the car is good, the clothes is OK - could be better, the height is not good; it’s not 6’1
all these sound uncalibrated (meaning there was probably a better way to handle it), this site is the place to learn how to get desired results instead of these rejections.

BTW, we need more details than just “I asked her out” in order to give helpful advice. Context is key in game.

I don’t get your issue with non-virgins, but man, skys the limit with game. If you got the skills, you’ll be able to find your unicorn. But you’ll have to get good with women by meeting and dating regular non virgin girls in the process, and during that process you’ll probably find out virgin/non-virgin isn’t really a good metric to measure a girl’s value anyway.

What I think would do you good, is addressing your hangups and negative views on women and the dating market. Have you read the article on Madonna/Whore complex?

also here’s a good starting point: https://www.girlschase.com/start-here
Last edited:


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Who is thread spamming? Girl is a not a virgin several times over and men have to memorize these seduction techniques and fundamentals to have sex with her when she is older and uglier from the 1st time she gave it up.

Thats like dealership asking $100,000 more for a 2012 Mercedes that’s had a lot of miles on it than a 2022 Mercedes with 0 miles on it.

Am I not saying the truth?

Studying these fundamentals are great. Putting massive efforts in these seductions techniques are great. I’m just saying men are doing it for non-virgins. I don’t see it as venting, I see it as the truth.

OK that’s great. I’m learning stuff by reading these articles.

But to tell truth, it seems like a lot a lot a lot of theory.

You take one statement and blow it up to fit your own narrative.

I never said I had a traumatic experience at 14. I never said she was my crush. I said she lost her virginity at a very young age.

Any girl past, let’s say 15 in North America is likely not a virgin, If its not sloppy seconds, then what is it, freshly based goods? You are getting bogged down on semantics.

I‘ve seen younger women with older men, and I don’t intend to find a virgin.

All I saying is, for the 10,000 great articles Girls Chase has; that teach men how to seduce and be a great lover of women, it’s for men getting women who have already slept with several Aloha Dogs when they were younger and hotter.

Now whether that’s good or bad or right or wrong, not for me to say.

Don’t know what the hell black pill is but ok:

- 3 days ago an older lady friend texted me and said she had a girl for me, Gave her name and number and said girl was expecting me to contact her. Texted her twice to go for a coffee, no response. Didn’t wait the “specified” days Girls Chase told me to wait between texts. Maybe that was my downfall.

- Years ago had a girlfriend of several years, she wanted to get married. Told her has to sign a prenup. she didn’t go for it. Instead she taped me to take me to court. Maybe you shouldn’t ask 30+ year old non virgin girls to sign prenups.

- I asked a girl out and she said “sure, but you can’t touch me anytime during the date.” Maybe I was too bitter.

- I asked another girl out she said “you are not 6’1, no thanks,”

- I asked another girl out, her bf wanted to fly over to her City to beat me up

- I asked another girl out, she said “she has no time to waste, she needs a ring fast.”

In terms of me; the money is OK, the look is OK, the game is OK, the car is good, the clothes is OK - could be better, the height is not good; it’s not 6’1

Now I’ve also slept with some hot women and dated Maxim models, these are just the most recent events. Where I am living it’s also difficult to find available, decent looking, educated, single girls with 0 kids

So you do want a virgin, and anything else is sloppy seconds.

Well you do have your work cut out, living in the Western world. That'll be very hard to find. Nobody on here is saying that finding a hot virgin and wifing her up is easy in this day and age.

Most guys aren't looking for virgins, and seduction is not just for acquiring virgins, so you'll find this forum a little bit off topic for your particular interest. Maybe that answers your question a bit?

Look I get it. You're a guy who has got to middle age or thereabouts, with a decent job and decent money, and now you are wondering where all the virgins are at, and finding that some football jock in her chemistry class already took every girl's virginity when she was 14. Maybe there were some lucky nerds in there too, but point being it's gone. Well my friend, all I can say is, I feel for you. I don't know why you've come specifically here to talk about it, nobody said the western world had virgins any more. That's probably a topic for another forum? But there's no point questioning this site because it doesn't cater to guys looking for virgins, that was never promised.

From everything you've said, it sounds like you are a solid guy, but you have issues with self-confidence, frame control and dominance in general. That can be fixed if you want to. Self development is never easy, but always on the table for those who can accept the pain. And it won't solve all your problems overnight, but your life will be exponentially better, and have far more meaning, when you know you are everything you could be, or close to it. And women will certainly treat you differently.

Here is my suggestion to you: work on your game, your fundamentals, your social capabilities and frame control, keep sleeping with women and advancing your enterprises, and study the problem of finding that special virgin woman in great depth while your latest conquest is sleeping it off in your bed. It's a difficult problem that many men face in this day and age, for which there is no clear answer - the same way that every age has difficult problems that men spend a lifetime trying to solve - but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the journey?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
So you do want a virgin, and anything else is sloppy seconds.


Look I get it. You're a guy who has got to middle age or thereabouts, with a decent job and decent money, and now you are wondering where all the virgins are at, and finding that some football jock in her chemistry class already took every girl's virginity when she was 14. Maybe there were some lucky nerds in there too, but point being it's gone. Well my friend, all I can say is, I feel for you. I don't know why you've come specifically here to talk about it, nobody said the western world had virgins any more. That's probably a topic for another forum? But there's no point questioning this site because it doesn't cater to guys looking for virgins, that was never promised.

I would check out the posts by user @girlsfollow. He was a college guy who specialized in taking girls' virginities:

girlsfollow's Field Reports

girlsfollow's Relationship Posts

You won't find many maidens post-university. There are still (media representations aside) plenty of girls who still retain their virginities until year 2 or 3 of college, but they're pretty much all deflowered by graduation. So I would focus on university girls if busting hymens is the goal here.

Now let’s a guy finds Girls Chase online and reads and reads and reads and memorizes fundamentals and becomes the sexiest guy at 30. Now he his awesome, but the hot girl he’s looking for,, or any girl he’s looking for, has already slept with 10 Alpha Men.

So ideally this site, all this work to get the fundamentals down, all thie work to be attractive, is to get someone sloppy seconds?

Why is a guy who went to the trouble of making himself that sexy going for 30 year olds?

I'm a 40 year old man and 30 year old women seem old as hell to me. Rumor has it they're all married with children by that age... or should be... I don't really interact with them much so I can't say for sure.

I think you probably need to read these articles:

Alternate suggestion: get your kill count up.

Men tend to be most insecure about women's numbers when those women have more notches than they do. Get yours up over hers and you will find you're able to approach the issue of female notch counts with far more dispassion.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
Bro, it's quite simple. Girlschase is perfect for guys like you

Who is thread spamming? Girl is a not a virgin several times over and men have to memorize these seduction techniques and fundamentals to have sex with her when she is older and uglier from the 1st time she gave it up.

Thats like dealership asking $100,000 more for a 2012 Mercedes that’s had a lot of miles on it than a 2022 Mercedes with 0 miles on it.

Who said you have to fuck girls that are older? You're projecting here buddy

If you don't like older women then stop complaining and just focus on younger girls. It's your dick and you can stick it in whatever age range of pussy you desire

Am I not saying the truth?

Studying these fundamentals are great. Putting massive efforts in these seductions techniques are great. I’m just saying men are doing it for non-virgins. I don’t see it as venting, I see it as the truth.

Why do want a virgin so bad? They suck in bed, require training, and can still leave you for other men when they get bored of you and become more curious about exploring their sexuality

Getting a virgin is overrated

OK that’s great. I’m learning stuff by reading these articles.

But to tell truth, it seems like a lot a lot a lot of theory.


You read some articles then go apply massive action in the field, until those techniques become second nature

You need to play the game to be able to win and reading will only get you so far

Any girl past, let’s say 15 in North America is likely not a virgin, If its not sloppy seconds, then what is it, freshly based goods? You are getting bogged down on semantics.

I‘ve seen younger women with older men, and I don’t intend to find a virgin.

If you don't intend on finding a virgin then what is all this talk about sloppy seconds?

You want to get laid but then look down on girls that like to get laid too. That makes absolutely no sense, and dropping your judgmental attitude might actually make it easier for you to score more poon more consistently

All I saying is, for the 10,000 great articles Girls Chase has; that teach men how to seduce and be a great lover of women, it’s for men getting women who have already slept with several Alpha Dogs when they were younger and hotter.

Now whether that’s good or bad or right or wrong, not for me to say.

Ah! I see

So what you're saying is that you feel insecure that those men in her past are potentially better than you.

Look, in the grand scheme of things none of that shit even matters. Because when you become that top notch guy, you really would not care about any of that.

Deep down you will know you are her best option, and if she doesn't see it then she's more than welcome to go find that mythical Alpha Male out there somewhere.

While you'll be busy fucking girls that still see you as the best they can get

Don’t know what the hell black pill is but ok:

- 3 days ago an older lady friend texted me and said she had a girl for me, Gave her name and number and said girl was expecting me to contact her. Texted her twice to go for a coffee, no response. Didn’t wait the “specified” days Girls Chase told me to wait between texts. Maybe that was my downfall.

- Years ago had a girlfriend of several years, she wanted to get married. Told her has to sign a prenup. she didn’t go for it. Instead she taped me to take me to court. Maybe you shouldn’t ask 30+ year old non virgin girls to sign prenups.

- I asked a girl out and she said “sure, but you can’t touch me anytime during the date.” Maybe I was too bitter.

- I asked another girl out she said “you are not 6’1, no thanks,”

- I asked another girl out, her bf wanted to fly over to her City to beat me up

- I asked another girl out, she said “she has no time to waste, she needs a ring fast.”

Oh wow. You got rejected a few times... boohooo

Welcome to the club

When dealing with women no matter how smooth and sexy you become some girls will reject you. Get used to it

But the better you get, the less frequent you'll get harsh rejections

In terms of me; the money is OK, the look is OK, the game is OK, the car is good, the clothes is OK - could be better, the height is not good; it’s not 6’1

Now I’ve also slept with some hot women and dated Maxim models, these are just the most recent events. Where I am living it’s also difficult to find available, decent looking, educated, single girls with 0 kids

I got a solution for you. Move to a location were you have more access to women that match and surpass your attraction threshold. Then read and apply some of Girlschase articles to get them

You will most definitely suck in the beginning but if you commit to improving your game it will improve over the long haul

Good Luck


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Why the focus on virgins? They suck in bed and get clingy.

Virgin for obvious reasons are not good in bed, but the gen z virgins don't get clingy like pass generations, also with this generations you can meet and bang virgins ons even from online....



Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 22, 2022
Bro, it's quite simple. Girlschase is perfect for guys like you

Guys like me? If you mean guys who want to make love to girls who are under 28, not divorced, no kids, and haven’t been defiled by the tall Alpha Dog 742 times, then yes, guys like me.

Who said you have to fuck girls that are older? You're projecting here buddy

If you don't like older women then stop complaining and just focus on younger girls. It's your dick and you can stick it in whatever age range of pussy you desire

Dont have to but it’s not that easy to have sex with hot young girls. I’m my experience they want the tall Alpha Dogs.

Why do want a virgin so bad? They suck in bed, require training, and can still leave you for other men when they get bored of you and become more curious about exploring their sexuality

Getting a virgin is overrated

Doesn’t have to be a virgin, it just has to be a certain age and under,

Cannot spend time and money on anything older, ugly, fat, or menopausal.


You read some articles then go apply massive action in the field, until those techniques become second nature

You need to play the game to be able to win and reading will only get you so far


If you don't intend on finding a virgin then what is all this talk about sloppy seconds?

These articles should be for guys wanting to find virgin girls and / or under 30 girls.

I mean if a guys needs Girls Chase articles to have sex with any woman over 29, he has big big problems.

You want to get laid but then look down on girls that like to get laid too. That makes absolutely no sense, and dropping your judgmental attitude might actually make it easier for you to score more poon more consistently

Every father wants their son to be a player and good with women, but wants there daughter to be innocent and pure. That’s life, there are double standards.

So what you're saying is that you feel insecure that those men in her past are potentially better than you.


Im saying those men in her past, when she was much younger and hotter, did not have to spend money, time, and effort to have sex. Now, when the girl is older, uglier, and used up, she more expects “more” from the new guys.

A girl, at 23, has sex with the 6’1 Alpha Dog after 2 dates.

Same girl, at 33, will make the guy wait and spend money on her before having sex. Her “sexual best” is at 33 for some reason.

Who is the sucker?

Look, in the grand scheme of things none of that shit even matters. Because when you become that top notch guy, you really would not care about any of that.

I am a top notch guy, just not tall enough.