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Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
I am a top notch guy, just not tall enough.
The way you present yourself online says otherwise. Your mindset is extremely negative and you seem insanely fixated on one thing that you can't change about yourself so that you can lean on that as a crutch

It may have been in your other thread but I gave a breakdown of how I lost our to a stripper because of the dominance hierarchy of the place. I'm better looking than either son of that place, I have more personal charisma going for me, I'm taller, I have a better body

But they're the owners sons so they automatically have more status and dominance than I do

You're not losing out on women because of being short. You're losing out on women because you aren't very dominant

If you're extremely short then sure, there are some women who will write you off right away. But you can overcome even that with them with status and dominance, charisma, game and fundamentals

Then if course there are the women who don't care as much about height. And they are out there. Those should be even easier

Life seems extremely unfair to you right now. You want women to like you, but you don't even come across as all that positive of a human being. You bring negative energy

Just like how you don't want to date a girl who is 300 pounds, most women don't want to date someone stuck in victim mentality

You have standards and that's okay. It's encouraged! But women are passively telling you that you don't qualify for them and it's not because of your height (for most of them)

And it's the exact story for a woman who has 3 kids by 3 guys who weighs 300 pounds. She can't even afford an entry ticket to try to get with you. She doesn't meet your baseline, entry-level qualifications


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
Im saying those men in her past, when she was much younger and hotter, did not have to spend money, time, and effort to have sex. Now, when the girl is older, uglier, and used up, she more expects “more” from the new guys.

A girl, at 23, has sex with the 6’1 Alpha Dog after 2 dates.

Same girl, at 33, will make the guy wait and spend money on her before having sex. Her “sexual best” is at 33 for some reason.

Who is the sucker?

I am a top notch guy, just not tall enough.
So what exactly is your intention in this thread? Are you just wanting to express your views about how and why you are not able to attract the women you desire? Are you just wanting to express that the women you desire don't actually exist? Are you wanting to try new approaches towards seduction and looking for perspectives that motivate you to try new approaches? Are you wanting to argue that the information and mindsets of girls chase and its forum members are inaccurate? or that the material here only works on non virgin women (Which is not true and also in MHO you are way too fixated on this virgin thing. to each their own though) Or maybe you have some other intention. It is kind of unclear.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
Guys like me? If you mean guys who want to make love to girls who are under 28, not divorced, no kids, and haven’t been defiled by the tall Alpha Dog 742 times, then yes, guys like me.


Don't have to but it’s not that easy to have sex with hot young girls. I’m my experience they want the tall Alpha Dogs.

Then you have no experience. You would be surprised about some of the guys those young hot girls have fucked. You only know about the Alpha Dogs because they view them as trophies and they are the ones they are comfortable bragging about to the public

Doesn’t have to be a virgin, it just has to be a certain age and under,


Cannot spend time and money on anything older, ugly, fat, or menopausal.

Bro stop it. There are some women that actually look hotter in their 30s than they did when they were in their 20s.

The age thing is just a preference

These articles should be for guys wanting to find virgin girls and / or under 30 girls.

I mean if a guys needs Girls Chase articles to have sex with any woman over 29, he has big big problems.

What? you literally just said...

"Don't have to but it’s not that easy to have sex with hot young girls. I’m my experience they want the tall Alpha Dogs""

Can you please make up your mind

Hot young girls are too hard, and Hot older women are undesirable because they have been ran through.

You're right you are on the wrong site, You might do better being on OnlyFans or Pornhub if your looking for a way to improve your sex life because you're living in a fantasyland with unrealistic expectations

Every father wants their son to be a player and good with women, but wants there daughter to be innocent and pure. That’s life, there are double standards.

Speak for yourself

I'll teach my sons how to get a sex life they feel comfortable with, but give them realistic expectations about what they can get from women in the long term

And I'll teach my daughters how to look good and sell purity to suckers like you to improve her chances of getting wifed up. Then encourage her to pop out some kids then divorce your ass later so she can enjoy herself sexually with guys she finds sexually attractive... or probably do it behind your back while y'all are still married


Im saying those men in her past, when she was much younger and hotter, did not have to spend money, time, and effort to have sex. Now, when the girl is older, uglier, and used up, she more expects “more” from the new guys.

A girl, at 23, has sex with the 6’1 Alpha Dog after 2 dates.

Same girl, at 33, will make the guy wait and spend money on her before having sex. Her “sexual best” is at 33 for some reason.

Who is the sucker?

This is true to some extent, but let me tell a secret....

Women never change, only their marketing does

Read the above over and over again until it clicks

I am a top notch guy, just not tall enough.

I'm sorry bro.... but clearly you're not top notch.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
I am a top notch guy, just not tall enough.

Nah. Your beliefs say otherwise.

Not trying to beat you down but how can you call yourself top notch if you have problems laying the girls you want?

A little humility would be useful if you’re looking to learn.
If you came to preach, though…


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Guys like me? If you mean guys who want to make love to girls who are under 28, not divorced, no kids, and haven’t been defiled by the tall Alpha Dog 742 times, then yes, guys like me.

Dont have to but it’s not that easy to have sex with hot young girls. I’m my experience they want the tall Alpha Dogs.

Doesn’t have to be a virgin, it just has to be a certain age and under,

Cannot spend time and money on anything older, ugly, fat, or menopausal.


These articles should be for guys wanting to find virgin girls and / or under 30 girls.

I mean if a guys needs Girls Chase articles to have sex with any woman over 29, he has big big problems.

Every father wants their son to be a player and good with women, but wants there daughter to be innocent and pure. That’s life, there are double standards.


Im saying those men in her past, when she was much younger and hotter, did not have to spend money, time, and effort to have sex. Now, when the girl is older, uglier, and used up, she more expects “more” from the new guys.

A girl, at 23, has sex with the 6’1 Alpha Dog after 2 dates.

Same girl, at 33, will make the guy wait and spend money on her before having sex. Her “sexual best” is at 33 for some reason.

Who is the sucker?

I am a top notch guy, just not tall enough.

My friend, the world is more flexible than you think. But your thinking is limiting you.

You know why the younger girls aren't interested? Because they want to have fun, they are full of enthusiasm and curiosity and energy. For them life is new and beautiful, and they can have it all.

On the other hand, for you, the world is bleak, and limited, and constricted.

Do you not see a clash there? If you were a religious man, would you not be repulsed by irreligious things? If you were a happy man, would you not be repulsed by misery? If you were an open minded man, would you not be repulsed by narrow minded thinking? If you were a rich man, would you not be repulsed by someone who bitterly suffered in poverty?

Seduction is not a purely physical act. It is also a penetration of the woman's psychology by the man. She opens herself to him to feel his life energy coursing through her, his joie de vivre, to be for a moment the focal point of the desires and ambitions of a man with an exceptional affinity for life. This is affirming for a woman in ways you can't even imagine.

You have a little life experience, you have some money. But what has it all amounted to? Where is your destiny, your hero's journey? To where is the trajectory of your life? What makes you get up out of bed in the morning and move with unstoppable force?

Think of it like this: men are like rockets that launch across the sky and into space. The ones that burn fiercely, accelerating constantly, pointed with unrelenting focus at their goals far out into the universe, women become obsessed with, they are moved to place themselves in the path of these rockets so they can steal that energy as it runs through their body, and be captured by it and taken where it goes. But the ones that burn weakly and falteringly, that move waveringly and give off signs of being internally damaged with the bitter, foul smoke that comes out of them, or the ones that look shiny and impressive but are docile and go nowhere, she evaluates them all as being insufficient, and on a path to nowhere.

Do you know why you got condescending remarks from women? Because they can easily sense your bitterness and fragility, and since women are not in the business of berating weak men (since that might cause them to explode in rage), they become passive aggressive and bitchy. That's OK, she's a woman.

Do you know why you get condescending remarks from men, like 'you just need more height'? Because they sense your bitterness and fragility, and despise it. They see themselves as strong, tough, and successful, and are repulsed by men who are weak, bitter, and fragile. They protect themselves from the poisonous, contagious effects of a degenerate mindset by re-affirming their own specific advantages.

Most short guys do not fail specifically because they are short. They fail because their physical limitations grossly inhibit their mentality, they allow it to produce cancerous bitterness, anxiety and resentment in place of self-confidence, humility, and courage. You can see desperation in the way they move, the way they talk, the way they constantly beg the world to evaluate them (and receive less than satisfactory answers). They are receptive, not effusive. They are too close to the precipice to entertain the idea of being playful. They have too little riches to be humble. They are already suffering too much to open themselves to a painful learning experience, so instead of life being able to teach them, they fight bitterly with it in a losing battle, or try to capitulate to it in an effort to manipulate it. Instead of transcending their limitations, they throw themselves against them in vain, since it is the last thing (or so they think) that they can do.

It is no wonder that they find their life so difficult to navigate - because the world can only offer them two things: knocking them back, or offering them charity and pity. They do not allow the world to offer them anything else. A girl cannot be herself with him, because being herself threatens to be more than he can handle, or damage his ego, or to provoke a violent reaction in him. Men cannot be themselves with him, because he will end up trying to fight them and getting kicked out, or he is submissive and his presence is an affront to their values. Those who are rich cannot enjoy being rich with him, those who are lucky cannot enjoy being lucky with him. There is a barrier between him and everyone that can only be crossed by charity and pity - and what man ever benefited from charity and pity? He is a man living by a thread, and the pressure of his efforts to keep the judgement of the world at bay wear on everyone (most of all on himself).

And how could a young girl - a girl who wants to be loved by the gods, to absorb the best experiences that life has to offer, to find someone who can show her the most beautiful, fun and pleasurable things of life - how can she possibly find what she's looking for in someone like that?

If you are short, the only thing someone should think, as they enjoy your presence, your grace, your generosity, your strength of will and character - even your enemies, as they furiously try to find chinks in your armor and put you down - is, 'truly this is a man whose body does not do justice to the length, breadth and beauty of his mind. The gods must be testing him for something special'.

Because everyone knows, deep down, that life can be extraordinarily hard, that gifts can be taken away in an instant or made to mean nothing, that every man is terrifyingly weak in the face of what life can throw against him if it so chooses, and that in the end, everyone will perish, and the only thing that remains will be the effect that they had on the world and the people in it. The man who perceives the one true battle that really matters when it is won, the one battle that is under his complete control and sets himself up for as much success as possible in it, will always be respected and loved by people coming at life from any range of different angles.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
@Musicman your posts reek of limiting beliefs and a bitter, negative weltanschauung.

No sense trying to debate your nonsensical claims. GirlsChase is presently probably the best source of essential knowledge about male-female dynamics on the internet.

As for virgins, sure tight pussy is hard to beat. You don't have to take her ass when it's that tight. Even with a condom, it feels great in there. OTOH virgin sex (and sex after hymen-popping with the same girl) can be quite vanilla. If you want a romp, I don't recommend a virgin.