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Women are mastering the art of making men their bitch


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 5, 2020
We need another word for bitch, cuck and simp because a lot of men nowadays are way beneath that level. It is really starting to bother me how men nowadays are willingly allowing themselves to get cooned by women, the only thing that bothers me is how oblivious these men are. They literally are being lead to their own slaughterhouse and are completely unaware.

I stumbled upon this trending post on ig: http://instagr.am/p/CFiLVsXjT-S/
To summarize, the link leads to a trending ig post where a women explains that she is in a poly relationship and has a husband and a "boyfriend". She has 2 kids with her "husband". I did some quick digging and found out that she has been broadcasting to the world that her husband is a unemployed stay at home dad and that shes the only women he has ever been with, which is nobodies business, shes just trying to betalize him. More digging and its clear that this man is pretty much getting cucked. I never seen a man being made a bitch at such cringe levels. I believe that a level of DISCRETION and RESPECT is required to maintain a healthy poly-amorous relationship and she clearly has no respect for this poor man.

These stories are becoming more and more common, its very concering. I am also witnessing a lot of situations where respectable men are being cheated on and are cooned into accepting that it was their fault they got cheated on. Men's gullible levels are at an all time high nowadays, wtf is going on? We need to start an anti-gullible training camp for men because a alarming amount are clueless.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2019
My brother, knowledge is power and my love for the game(pickup) will live forever more.

Pickup is a natural game: every man is a pickup artist but I guess the game showed me that when you're in scarcity mode you'll be caught up in trance(which is the woman's frame).

My first relationship I fucked up big time but i guess that's what made an African guy google stuff about women and I found GC.

I went on YouTube and did some more digging. Oh holy! was Paul Janka a pua who was counting 132lays as at that time. I wanted to really achieve this magnificent sexual feat.

The fact that I've learnt is that women come with a pre-programmed mind about the game while Men don't seem to have a clue what's happening in the game. Some are really brow-beaten or remain or even agree to such wuss ideas that women bring up. :cool:

All I can say is: my inner self feels confident living this life as a result of persisting through the game. I'm understanding game the more I practice and experiment things.

Nothing is a surprise, anymore. Life is a spiritual journey expect to see the unseen. That's all I can say. :confused:
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
All I can offer is a screenshot of what I think.

Women today are self aware to a certain level that they will never ever be Men.

Instead of accepting that she is a women, she decides to settle for a "lesser" "purpose" and gets the approval from her tribe. Instagram is her tribe approval. The perception of.

Because women's next causality variable is tribe.
While men's next causality variable is feel and states (women)

I want Girlschase member to ponder. That's GAWD stuff that I just noted.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Damn she thicc and the good kind of thic too. Too bad she's a thot who's not a good wife


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
They are poly and she is paying the bills.... she is just going public for the only fans. We had a girl like this on nextasf lovergirl she had 5 dudes