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LR  Your C*CK is so much Bigger than my Boyfriends


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 7, 2014
Before I start this lay report, I would like to say a big thanks to Chase and the rest of the team at GirlsChase. I stumbled upon this website about 8 months ago and I have since seen a great deal of success with women than I ever have in my life. Anyways, I just joined the fourms a few days ago and I thought it would be worth posting one of my lays that I had about 4 months ago. ( since following GIRLSCHASE)

To begin, I went out one night with my buddy to a nightclub and we were trying to pick up some girls by hitting the dance floor. While we were on the dance floor there was a girl that was eyeing me down and when I saw this, I know she wanted me. Eventually, the girl was dancing right next to me and I ended up grabbing her hand and dancing with her. (spinning her around, grinding, etc.). Through this time, we exchanged names quickly but I couldn't really talk to her much because the nightclub was so loud! Anyways after about 10-15 minutes of dancing with her, I told her I had to go find my buddy (I couldn't take the dancing anymore, I was sweating balls lol). And I asked for # before I left and she gave it to me. I texted her later that night saying it was nice meeting her and gave her my name. She responded back with nice meeting you too.

At this point, I wasn't sure if I was gonna text her again but after a few days I did. We sent a few messages back and forth, I was just bantering and building a bit of rapport, as well as trying to get to know her, since I had a very little conversation with her at the club. I don't have the exact texts anymore but they were along the lines of where do you go to school, where do you work, etc. And at the end of texting, I suggested we meet up for drinks one night and she agreed. I never ended up setting a date up, I just left it at that. Anyways, the weekend rolled around, and I messaged her if she was going out and she said no not this weekend. So i left it at that and I decided i'd try again the weekend after.

Anyways, she had ended up messaging me a few days later, after the weekend was over. I remember these texts:

Her: Hey, are you going out Friday? :)
Me: Hey, i'm not sure yet, thinking about it but i'll let ya know later in the week.
Her: Okay, sounds good.

At this point, I know she wanted me, she was chasing hard now. So I waited till Thursday and I messaged her saying that I was going out.

Me: Hey XYZ, you still going out tomorrow?
Her: Ya I am, hbu?
Me: Ya my friends want to go out tomorrow, so I think I am gonna join them.
Her: Where are you going?
Me: Not sure yet, where ever my friends want to go. hbu?
Her: I'm going to XYZ, let me know where your going.
Me: okay sounds good.

So at this point, I knew it was worth it to go out but I didn't want to make it look like I was going out just to meet her. So I told her my friends wanted to go out and that was the reason I was going out. Anyways, the next day night rolled around and she messaged me asking where I was going. Here are the texts.

Her: Hey, do you know where you going?
Me: Ya I think to XYZ (the place she was going to).
Her: When are you going?
Me: Not sure yet, I am still pregaming lol. hbu?
Her: Soon lol. Hurry up, we have been pregaming for 3 hours already!
Me: 3 hours? That's how long I last in bed ;)
Her: That's what I like to hear ;) (At this point, when she said this, I knew it was just about in the bag haha!)
Me: let me know when ur leaving lol.
Her: were leaving now.. when are u leaving?
Me: Soon
Her: Okay
Her: Hurry up!
Me: on the way

So I ended up meeting her at same night club we met at it. After, being in the nightclub for a few minutes, I ended up finding her and she grabbed me and took me to the dance floor. I could tell she was drunk lol. She was grinding me really hard haha. After about 10 minutes, she eventually she grabbed my cock on the dance floor and I was thinking okay it's time go. I said to her...

Me: Are you ready to get out of here?
Her: No not yet and smiled at me
Me: Okay, let me know when.

We kept dancing for the next hour and half off and on. I ended up buying her a drink and i made some small talk with her, made out with her a bit, etc. Eventually, half way through the night she grabbed me and said "let's go get some air". I said "okay". We go outside and she says to me...

Her: Do you have a girlfriend? (shes says that after I made out with her in the bar lol)
Me: No i don't
Her: You don't?
Me: No, I don't have a girlfriend.
Her: Do you know XYZ, XYZ, XYZ? (she starts naming random people that I have heard but don't necessarily know)
Me: I said no I don't (I just denied knowing any of these people that she mentioned. I know she was testing me in a way)
Her: Are you sure?
Me: Ya, I haven't heard of any of them.
Her: Okay, I have a boyfriend.
Me: Okay. (i said with an expression, like i don't care)
Her: Does that bug you?
Me: No, I don't care, you can do what you want.
(conversation stops for a minute or two, as she starts talking to her friend)
Her: Okay, I think your hot, but you need to be more aggressive. (where did this come from, I was surprised?)
Me: I need to be more aggressive?
Her: Ya your not being aggressive enough, like you want me.
Me: Oh I am very aggressive (said with a smirk on my face)
(conversation pauses again, she talks to her a friend for a minute again)
Her: Okay, let's go dance again (she grabs my hand pulls me to the D floor)

After another 20 minutes of dancing, she says to me....

Her: Do you have a hotel room?
Me: I said no I don't.
Her: Where do you live?
Me: I live near XYZ with my friends. About 5 minutes away.
Her: Mhmmmm, okay. Ill come home with you, but my friend is coming with me.
Me: I said that's fine. (I know she wasn't leaving her friend because she was basically with us the whole night)

So we end up leaving the club after 2AM, and we grab a cab and go back to my buddies place. Both of my buddies went back home, one with a girl, so I knew it was gonna be a good night ;).

We get back to my buddies place, I take the friend downstairs grab her a drink and get my buddy to keep her company while i take my girl upstairs into the empty bedroom. I take my girl upstairs, don't waste anytime. I get straight to business. I fucking rail her for about 30 minutes (I don't know what was wrong with me but I kept going soft every so often. I know at the time I was getting a lot of sex from another girl, so maybe that's why?? but never had this happens to me before) Anyways, she was screaming like an animal. She was saying some pretty graphic things that I will never forget it haha. It makes the lay that much better. As I was fucking her, she was yelling "OMG, RDAWG!" "Your cock is so big" "It's so much bigger than my boyfriends" "OMG!" "It's so BIG". In my head, I was laughing my head off. One of my favorite lays ever, just because of her screaming and yelling that line haha! And we nearly broke the bed lmao!

After sex, she said your so hot, you have an amazing body and I would definitely do this with you again! In response, I said sounds good, maybe we can do it again sometime lol. (I continued to laugh in my head cuz I knew she had a boyfriend and it was surreal lol). I walked her out, said good night and basically cut her off after this. I didn't want this to continue for anything more than one night because of the boyfriend and I wasn't interested in a relationship with her at all.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this lay report and feedback would be much appreciated. The only part that concerned was the aggressive thing because I have heard this before from other people. Not sure how I came off like that? Also, with going soft multiple times, as this happened to anyone else before?

Probably my favorite lays thus far cuz of the boyfriend thing and her yelling like an animal ;)

- RDawg


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 7, 2014
Thanks Ned, I appreciate the feedback. Good point on deflecting the questions, that is something I will work on for next time. Also, I think one of my weak points is being Alpha, the way I appear is ALPHA but my personality not necessarily. I feel I need to learn how to take control of situations like this and call the shots when it's time. Looking back, maybe I could of pulled this girl earlier if I was the calling the shots. Also, I agree with you on the power struggle part. When I look back it, she did mention something about "she get's what she wants" type of thing. Again, something I need to work on and thanks for the advice! Much appreciated!

- Rdawg


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
You got really lucky with this lay in.my opinion. She wanted you badly, I never get situations like this. If I mess up once I never see the girl again. So so not expect this every time. Here is where I see your faults. You got her number with no rapport at the club and a response.... you could have had her at your place the next morning. That it went that long with the texting you did straight up, your lucky she liked you that much.

Texting, always make your intentions clear right away, keep it simple. You led it on way too long.

3 hours thats how libg I last. Good thats what I like to hear. Basically you qualified yourself to her. This is a very bad havbit ti get into. You should have her qualifying to you.

Bro she grabbed your cock, how much more of a sign do you need then to get her to walj away with her. And nore aggressive thing she wanted to be a girl, but she had to lead the whole interaction. She wanted to play hard to get, but couldnt because you were not confident enough. Like no I'm not ready to leave yet? Common let's arty last get some fresh air. She complies walks away with you these are tests woman throw and you failed every single one of her tests miserably. However its good because until someone points it out its hard to see. Re read everything and see what happened see if you can point out where you went wrong. Do you have a girlfriend. Again she wanted you to ask her in my situation if you didnt put any names on who was talking I would have guessed she was the dude and you the girl she lead thebwhole interaction. You got laid she wanted you that badly. You got lucky. But keep up the good the reading and practicing my friend you will get there. I was once in.your spot


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
What's up Rdawg enjoyed your report but i have to agree with maximus on this one for the fact i'm surprised this played out so well in yall's favor.

I can understand why she told you to be more agressive. if i weren't on my phone i'd point out specifically where you could have probably lead rather than follow and hit some escalation windows harder.

when she started chasing you via text you could have told her to go to club xyz and make her invest to come see you. as opposed to meeting up with her. and also gotten her to meet up with you alone.

you could have led her onto the dance floor initially on the date and when she grabbed your dick tell her to follow you outside for some air and then go escalate and fuck her in an alleyway or car.

Lots of options you could have done but letting her call the shots and lead is weak as fuck. be commanding and do what YOU want and let her sit back and enjoy the emotional roller coaster .

Like seriously you must have done something slick to make her invest so hard to make her chase so hard. i know if I would've led like you were id still be a virgin homie lol.

Not takin anything away from you sounds like your doing a lot of good things as well (i.e. not really giving a fuck about her) and i want to see some more reports as I'm sure i can learn something from you.

keep it pimpin



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 7, 2014

Yes, I agree with you Maximus, I believe there are many things I could have done better. Looking back, I failed many of her tests and she basically led most of the interaction (leading me to the dance floor, asking me to go outside etc). I really just sat back and didn’t do much, now that I see it. (Thanks for pointing this out). This isn’t my first lay that went like this though. I had another lay about 2 months ago and it went somewhat similar to this. I’ll probably post that lay eventually and hopefully you can provide some more feedback to me.




Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 7, 2014
Mr. Rob

Glad you enjoyed the post! I definitely could have hit some escalation windows harder (especially when she grabbed my cock). Something I lack is leading and commanding, and this is something just in general that I struggle with (not just with women). I can’t say that I did anything slick, but I am a very attractive guy and I think this made her chase me super hard? Anyways, thanks for the feedback again brother! I’m going to write 2 more lays up that I have had since this when. I hope you enjoy those as well and can provide some more feedback.


- Rdawg


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Well unless we can see you we don't know if she our you are attractive and then everyone has different tastes. Not important why she chased you she wanted you, you got her, your fundamentals must have been good.

We can't really help you with the leading and commanding. Coming from being in that situation it took nee five years to move past it. However the simple version of out, stop being afraid of FAILURE. When you go through this situation ask yourself this.

Do you want her?
1) have you made her comfortable enough around you?
2) is she attracted to you?
3) is the rapper good?

Cool pull her home. Is she giving you some cute test and resistance? Smile at her, understand she is just trying to show you she has standards. If she gives resistance take a step back find out why, and either fix her doubts and move forward our move to a different place and keep building compliance along with deep diving. Every time I get frustrated with them giving resistance I remember the multiple cases of guys beating and raping woman and I smile take it slow and remember that she is just nervous and it boosts my ego that I drive this girls emotions crazy.

If you are not attracted enough to her. Walk away and don't lead get along. Don't HURT woman.

It gets easier just work on that and only that, everyone you catch yourself backing down top a woman saying no. Shake you're head and be like common. For example today.

Flight attendant sits a couple rows up,

Me"I don't have cooties, cone sir back here and talk"
Her"oh the wind is blowing I dont want to mess up my hair"
Me"oh I love the wind, ill just move to that side"
Her"ok, :)"

I made it sound like I wanted to be ibn the wind and I was working by talking to her and getting the wind, she came back and say with me. That was a really simple example, but I led the interaction, she came to me because I wanted her too. This is your homework, go out build compliance and dominate the situation. If you want it find a way for out to happen, if they don't comply why would you want to be around someone who won't work with you? Move on to the next dont chase a person
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
RDawg said:
Mr. Rob

Glad you enjoyed the post! I definitely could have hit some escalation windows harder (especially when she grabbed my cock). Something I lack is leading and commanding, and this is something just in general that I struggle with (not just with women). I can’t say that I did anything slick, but I am a very attractive guy and I think this made her chase me super hard? Anyways, thanks for the feedback again brother! I’m going to write 2 more lays up that I have had since this when. I hope you enjoy those as well and can provide some more feedback.


- Rdawg

I'm going to take a guess and say that you probably don't want to impose on people and want to be nice (perhaps want people to not dislike you)?

Either way when learning to lead dominantly is very sexy and it's really fun to do (you feel like a gangster).

Here's a quick example of commanding and dominant leadership... skip to 7:34 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x1DmdRiVy0

Don't be shy to go after what you (and she) wants. Women love being led dominantly it's something you have to learn if you want to step your game to the next level.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
I agree with mr rob.... it is so much fun. The woman.find it fun to, that vibe you get when you try pulling a girl and she tries to resist but then gives in... its just so powerful and fun.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 7, 2014

Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated! I see where your coming from now, especially with the example you gave me. I will definitely work on leading and dominating situations like this for next time.


- Rdawg


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 7, 2014
Mr. Rob

I live in a small city, where the population is less than 250,000 and I have realized it's not the greatest for picking up women. Every time I go out, it's the same people, same crowd, etc. Sometimes, I find myself trying to pick up the same girls over and over again that might of put me in auto rejection before or something. So, I usually do not like imposing on people because of this (I don't like hurting my social value). I find if someone dislikes me, then a whole group will and so on and so on and this can hurt my chances with other women. With that being said, there is still plenty of women in my city that I can pick up but I find it best when not everyone knows each other. So typically, I need to screen really hard sometimes. I plan on moving to a big city next year after I finish up my undergrad, so I hope to experience more.

Also, I watched the video, I thought it had a lot of good points and I see what he means by leading.

And I agree with you I can't be shy, I use to be a lot worse but I have improved over the years.


- Rdawg


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
RDawg said:
I live in a small city, where the population is less than 250,000 and I have realized it's not the greatest for picking up women. Every time I go out, it's the same people, same crowd, etc.
Yeah I feel you on that one I live in a small city as well (100,000 or less) and it's a bit annoying after a while having to deal with the whole reputation and whatnot. Still to this day I always feel as if I need to look over my shoulder to make sure no one I know sees me cold approaching in daygame.

I don't have much of a choice so I just decided to just say fuck it and not let my so called "reputation" stand between me and a girl having an amazing time... So far I've only approached like 10 girls (or less) twice (and one 3 times lol) and still continue to meet new girls all the time.

RDawg said:
I find if someone dislikes me, then a whole group will and so on and so on and this can hurt my chances with other women.
I may be wrong but I think this is a myth that your ego is trying to get you to believe, and even if they did I don't think women are going to dislike you just because you said "hi" to a girl.
It's also pretty easy to reframe things (assuming your socially calibrated) and patch things up if you open riskily and things go south.

Say you grab a girls wrist and pull her into you and open with "who the fuck are you?" said with sexy eye contact and she freaks just frame it as you having fun and her not being "cool" enough to hang and then start over and have a "normal" conversation.

I know my ego tries to tell me that all the time but I just ignore it and so far so good. I've even had some girls that I've approached twice become attracted to me the second time around.

Lastly as far as your "leading issues" go along with your reputation management, I'd recommend waiting until a girl is hooked and when shes hooked then lead dominantly and burn it to the ground till you either scare her away or fuck her. This way your not suffering a potential rep hit before knowing a girl is into you.

I'd like to bet that your results would increase if you did so, but I'm not an expert here so take this with a grain of salt as I'm trying to figure this stuff out as much as the next average chode trying to upgrade himself sexually/socially.

Keep it pimpin,



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 7, 2014

Ya if I didn't give a fuck (like you said), I believe I would have more success but a lot of people liking me and disliking me. And this is one of the downfalls of living in a smaller city.

No your right, a group wouldn't dislike me if I said hi to one the girls or approached them. The point I was trying to make is if I sleep or try to pull a decently looking girl (fail or succeed), it will probably ruin my chances with a whole lot of other girls (especially since everyone knows each other). I would then be labeled as that "guy". Anyways, in the end, I think not giving a fuck about this would be better and it would help me get more lays. However, my reputation would take a hit possibly.

And I agree with you on the leading. That's what I have been working on recently.


- Rdawg