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You're Seated On Bench With A Girl

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
...and you want to kiss her.

Maybe during a date.

What's your move?


Do some sex talk (already did some light sex talk during the date, so can go a bit more explicit)

Hand on her thigh.

Get my face close to her slowly.

Then go for it.

I'd say it works 7/10 times.

Curious about you guys!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2021
I skip kissing a girl on the first date until she's isolated.

Let's say it's a second-date scenario where it's implied that sex is about to happen for the first time. Maybe we met near the sex location and are sitting on a bench sipping coffee.

Our faces are so close to each other. I see her reciprocating my sexual state and taking deep breaths, speaking slowly, almost lost in the moment.

I would now whisper things into her ear such as 'I'm going to make you mine' or something similar depending on the girl and how I want her in my life.

She's in peak sexual state now and turns her face towards me, our lips inches apart.

This is where I go in for a kiss if I choose to do it before isolation.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
...and you want to kiss her.

Maybe during a date.

What's your move?


Do some sex talk (already did some light sex talk during the date, so can go a bit more explicit)

Hand on her thigh.

Get my face close to her slowly.

Then go for it.

I'd say it works 7/10 times.

Curious about you guys!

I don't often go for a kiss on the date but generally my approach for kissing is:

- Lower my voice tone to a sort of murmur
- Start glancing at her lips, neck, etc, give myself a hardon
- If she's finding it a bit hard to relax and get into it I'll usually play with her hair a bit, tell her what I like about her hair/earrings/smell/whatever

Then I just gradually get closer and keep slowing things down until I start to feel her body opening up.