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"Time is not created equally whatsoever. Everything is expedited the higher status u become

Chicks fall in love with you faster, deals close faster, u skip lines, preferential treatment across the board

Years get crunched into days the more powerful you are

Takes a normie a year of dating to lock down a chick-takes 5 minutes at a coffee shop to a dude at the top of his game. One is warping time, one isn’t"
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Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
At the top,it feels like a waste of your time having to "work" on a girl
Writing new articles for GC. I usually write them in bulk, submitting like 16 articles at the same time. This time around I am writing 23 out of 25 posts on sex talk. It includes new gambits (really good ones - easy to pull off and efficient) as well as posts on calibration and trouble shooting (handlings tests). Going to be a big year for sex talk lovers!
How do I delete my account. I read I have to message a moderator. I don't know who that would be? I don't care about losing my account or anything associated with.
Hey Alex, it seems I am in a similar situation to you. I was a dating coach in my early twenties and I'm looking to get back into day and night game with wings now that I'm single. Send me a whatsapp on +447943 917749 if you want to meet up (y)
Beating around the bush will lose you girls

You've got to know what you want with her from the moment you spot her

And how to get there

Don't mind these two and you'll find yourself in places(zones?) you don't want

You may get lucky sometime(s) but Lady Luck won't be smiling at you forever

You have to learn how to make your own luck

Those two will help you.Afreakinglot
Hey boss, just was going through your post. Killer stuff. I’m in West Palm Beach as well.

Would love to connect with you for coaching and possibly getting some help going out together.

Let me know if that’s something you may be open to
SAC will get girls chasing you more than blowing money on them will ever do

Better yet,it's genuine when they do
Hey bro, sorry I was sick and busy. Are you still up for virtual wing?
Bro why talk on email? Feels very formal. How about discord or something?
I don't do discord, it's not my thing. Email me and I'll share my number, we can just text or do whatsapp
Girls behave a lot more different around you when you're different - whether cool, chill,sexy,or edgy

In fact you may notice that her personality when around you is different from that which she embodies when she's around her friends

(May be big a difference or small)


Been noticing this more and more over the years .

Bet there are some here who have noticed it too.
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
Will be down to hear your thoughts on this🤔

And wow if she's usually bitchy/arrogant she becomes girly and feminine around me

Or if she's the kind to throw others under the bus ,she wouldn't dare do that to you

Personality is indeed malleable
Tactics and tech will make you feel like you have a superpower when you first use them and they land consistently on the girls you use them on

But what do you do when nothing's going your way?

What do you do when it seems like "you lost it"?

What do you do when you fuck it up big time you feel ashamed of yourself?

Well, nothing will keep you going like having the right mindset(s)
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Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
And in a field where you aren't guaranteed of success,you'd rather quit than stick at it(exceptions exist ofc)

Learn the right mindset though and you'll see how far you can go (as long as you want it bad enough)

When you can make peace with the fact that not everything will always be in your control you're on your way there
Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
Learn to be unfazed,to keep your calm,to be outcome independent,to think yourself as just some guy,not to take rejection personally...need I go on?


And you'll be amazed when fuck ups just roll off your shoulders...fuck ups that'll have blown up in other people's faces
Spyce D
Spyce D
What do you do when you fuck it up big time

That's the main thing ....
Good game doesn't guarantee you'll get all chicks

You can run picture -perfect seductions and still not get that chick you've your sights on.

It ups your chances of getting the girls you meet than the average man though.

And you can do it more consistently than the average man ever can.

Don't beat yourself up just because you couldn't get Sexy Seraphina.

That's just the game.
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Chad Tyrone
Chad Tyrone
Some girls won't like you no matter how out-of-this-world you are.

Go meet those who will and don't let that bother you
Comfort is key not only when you have her in the seduction location but also throughout the seduction -from the moment you meet her till the close

Most people have their defenses up with strangers

A good seducer aims to lower these defenses if he's to get her

If you get good at building comfort,nigh every one you meet will be at ease with you