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How do you get the absolute stunners?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
In essence coping mechanisms are
If you think ONLY “absolute stunners” are hanging in these places you have been fooled what you see on Instagram.

I have seen some very plain women on yachts, hanging pool side at mansions, getting free bottles at VIP parties, etc.

- I didn't say "every girl who gets invited is a ten". Plenty of sixes get invites if they dress slutty enough.
- I said every girl who's a ten gets invites to things. That's literally the opposite.

Like if I say "All germans are europeans", why would someone respond "that's not true, i know europeans who aren't german.

"But I know rich guys who aren't into 10s" -> And? That's literally "I know europeans who aren't german".

Invites to things: (listing a dozen examples, only one of which is rich guy stuff)

Everyone picked one thing on the list and hyper-focused on it creating absurd strawmen.

I never said get everything on the list. But if a girl is getting zero invites for ANY of the things (rich guy parties being just one of a dozen examples, there's more)... that says something about her being a "ten"...
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Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
I’ll add a controversial one, do NoFap and semen retention for even better results.
Curious, do you find that this actually helps with game?

Sometimes I find myself more confident on dry spells, but other times it makes me more anxious. I know there are some guys out there who are religious about nofap, but I'm still undecided whether slapping the meat once in a while is actually as harmful as they say...
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Do you think girls are so dumb that they don't know that offers of money from strange men come with strings attached?

It's pretty clear that your reference points come from girls who have self selected into those environments to begin with, and you believe it is a universal part of girls nature to leverage their looks for personal gain at every opportunity.

There are all kinds of reasons why women never go anywhere near that stuff:

- She grew up in a close-knit family/community where that stuff was frowned upon
- Her wealthy family takes care of all her needs, and she doesn't need to do anything she doesn't want to do for money
- She idealizes the idea of a woman who succeeds in life and changes the world not because of how she looks but who she is
- She's introverted, nerdy, or otherwise immersed in something intellectually or emotionally stimulating that has nothing to do with her looks
- She's had bad experiences with guys trying to take advantage of her, and doesn't go to places where that might happen again
- etc

I'll wager I could find a dozen beauties at your local university campus who'd never done modelling in their lives. But then again I wonder if they would be the sort of women you have in mind.
100% agree.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
Curious, do you find that this actually helps with game?

Sometimes I find myself more confident on dry spells, but other times it makes me more anxious. I know there are some guys out there who are religious about nofap, but I'm still undecided whether slapping the meat once in a while is actually as harmful as they say...

It’s going to be different for everyone, but yes I notice a huge difference. Probably because I use it way too much.

If you want some more info, check out yourbrainonporn.com

You can find tons of anecdotes about guys getting more attention from women, more dates, better game, etc.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

@Chase While I get the part about taste... here's the thing...

- Yes, my 9 might not be John's 9, and vice versa, I get that
- However, there are all types of looks in (non-sexual) modelling

When some dude shows his "9", and people say "that girl could never make a living off of her looks, so she's not a 9", the common excuse is "but not every guy is into fashion model look". That's a red herring. There's lingerie modelling, there's swimsuit modelling, there's fitness modelling, there's e-commerce clothes modelling, etc. And then there's also hostess gigs, bottle service girl (and like a 1000 other things where you get paid based on your looks, without having to get sexual).

I started writing a response, but figured it fit better as an article:



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024

"Are the world’s hottest women working as models, actresses, & influencers? Are they only accessible to high status, wealthy men?"

That's a strawman though.

"both that commercial models and millionaires’ female party guests are all (or even largely) stunners, and that women who aren’t commercial models or millionaire party guests are not."

I literally never said that. This is that "so you're saying all Europeans are German" thing I referenced above.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 28, 2021
started writing a response, but figured it fit better as an article:
Damned, @Chase you're a writing machine. To complete this long article in such a short period of time, it is a feat.

Bob Z

Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 7, 2024
I think what @bgwh was saying wasn't that all the hottest women do those types of things (model, act, influence, etc.) but that they have the opportunity to utilize their looks for money if they so choose to - which Chase mentioned in the article in regards to all the most beautiful women being aggressively pursued by rich guys (a really great/useful article btw.) It is worded in a misleading way - so I understand why everyone seemed to interpret it how they did.

The far more controversial thing he said was:
I've honestly never seen anyone get stunners without being a male stunner himself, or perusing status/influence to do so.
I would definitely disagree with this on based on my personal experience. All the best looking girls i've known well enough to be able to follow their dating history have generally dated solid, likeable, usually slightly above average looking guys who were liked and well-respected. I've seen these girls date below average guys too on occasion.

Granted these relationships all seem to come from social circle (does this qualify as status?) - but I think that says more about how few guys in the whole damn world are actively cold approach day gaming than anything negative about cold approach itself. I take @Chase's word for it that cold approach is king as he's rigorously tested everything.

I mean I don't know a single guy in real life who does this - my friends respect cold approach but also consider me quite eccentric for it.

I do have one friend who told me he used to game a ton when he was a teenager living in big city (dude also slept with a ton of girls our freshman year in college) but converted to a serial monogamist down the road.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
While there are different types of nines... all of them can make a ton of easy money off of their looks. If a girl has never modelled or made a lot of money being invited to appear in adverts, commercials, just be a door girl at an event (etc), she's not really a 9+ (of any type). If she's not getting invited to yachts and private parties with rich and or famous guys, she's not a 9 (of any type), because obviously rich/famous guys have different tastes too, so do club promoters and DJs. If she's not getting invited backstage by anyone, or asked to sit at the celebrity/millionaires table in the clubs, she's not 9+ (of anyone's type of 9)
Just to remind you what you said. Those are some very tight constraints of what's a 9+.

When I was 20, I dated a girl for a short while who was a perfect 10 for me at the time. I approached her in a club. That girl never did any of the things you listed. Simply because she was too young, she was maybe 18 or 19. Also, the place we lived didn't have all that many millionaires or yachts. And no DJ-booth culture either. In the DJ-booths of the clubs we went to, there was room for the DJ and maybe one more person at best, but usually only the DJ was there.

In my 30s, I had a girlfriend for 3.5 years who at least when I met her, was a 10 for me as well. That one I met online. She came from a rather humble background, and worked a blue collar job. This girl never modelled, made money appearing in adverts, partied in yachts or with famous guys, nor got invited backstage or sat a millionaires table, either. So by your definition she is at best an 8. But not by mine.

Anyway, this thread has completely derailed into an ego-battle over subjective tastes. Why would I care who some DJ or some yacht owner finds hot?

To get a stunner, approach stunners. Not rocket science.

(Not saying i'm getting any right now, but I have in the past and I'm relatively confident I will again.)
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024

I just reread my own original comment that you're replying to. It's sitting right there in your quote as evidence that you're replying to it.

Dating coaches on YouTube get told by commenters "that girl could never make a living off of her looks, so she's not a 9".

And I agree with those commenters calling out fake nines. I did not say that a girl needs to make money with her looks in order to be a nine. But she could if she wanted to.

There are literally a 1000 ways to make a living off of your looks, modelling is just one of them, and fashion modelling is a small subset of that. My original comment says that. The one you're quoting and replying to.


The other comment you're representing uses the OR combination in my statement. I say either x OR y OR z, but everyone her acts like I said AND. Besides I clarified in further comments.

If I am so wrong, why does everyone have to misrepresent what I say?
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Just to remind you what you said. Those are some very tight constraints of what's a 9+.

When I was 20, I dated a girl for a short while who was a perfect 10 for me at the time. I approached her in a club. That girl never did any of the things you listed. Simply because she was too young, she was maybe 18 or 19. Also, the place we lived didn't have all that many millionaires or yachts. And no DJ-booth culture either. In the DJ-booths of the clubs we went to, there was room for the DJ and maybe one more person at best, but usually only the DJ was there.

In my 30s, I had a girlfriend for 3.5 years who at least when I met her, was a 10 for me as well. That one I met online. She came from a rather humble background, and worked a blue collar job. This girl never modelled, made money appearing in adverts, partied in yachts or with famous guys, nor got invited backstage or sat a millionaires table, either. So by your definition she is at best an 8. But not by mine.

Anyway, this thread has completely derailed into an ego-battle over subjective tastes. Why would I care who some DJ or some yacht owner finds hot?

To get a stunner, approach stunners. Not rocket science.

(Not saying i'm getting any right now, but I have in the past and I'm relatively confident I will again.)
Wtf, where did I say you should care what a yacht owner finds hot?

As bob z clarified above I NEVER SAID that a girl has to have done modelling. I said she could (make a living off of it) if she wanted to.

As for the other examoles I listed they were listed in an OR fashion. I did not list them combining them with AND.

I'm surprised how bob z is the only person who read the words I actually said.

Edit: just read Chases article and it turns out we agree.

"Some of the girls I have had as girlfriends have been approached numerous times to model – and turned that down. In one case, one of them did model a bit, decided she did not like it, and declined further offers/requests. In general my girlfriends have all been courted by various wealthy men. "

This is literally what I was saying.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
I think what @bgwh was saying wasn't that all the hottest women do those types of things (model, act, influence, etc.) but that they have the opportunity to utilize their looks for money if they so choose to - which Chase mentioned in the article in regards to all the most beautiful women being aggressively pursued by rich guys (a really great/useful article btw.) It is worded in a misleading way - so I understand why everyone seemed to interpret it how they did.

The far more controversial thing he said was:

I would definitely disagree with this on based on my personal experience. All the best looking girls i've known well enough to be able to follow their dating history have generally dated solid, likeable, usually slightly above average looking guys who were liked and well-respected. I've seen these girls date below average guys too on occasion.

Granted these relationships all seem to come from social circle (does this qualify as status?) - but I think that says more about how few guys in the whole damn world are actively cold approach day gaming than anything negative about cold approach itself. I take @Chase's word for it that cold approach is king as he's rigorously tested everything.

I mean I don't know a single guy in real life who does this - my friends respect cold approach but also consider me quite eccentric for it.

I do have one friend who told me he used to game a ton when he was a teenager living in big city (dude also slept with a ton of girls our freshman year in college) but converted to a serial monogamist down the road.
I didn't say that a guy must have status AND be a male model. I never made claims about such.

Only that Ive never SEEN a guy consistently date tens without either looks OR status.

We always hear of the mythical ugly guy with no status who bangs one ten after the other. If you've seen him, great. I haven't seen him.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Wtf, where did I say you should care what a yacht owner finds hot?
Where did I say you said that? I didn't :) just a comment on my part.

As bob z clarified above I NEVER SAID that a girl has to have done modelling. I said she could (make a living off of it) if she wanted to.

"If a girl has never modelled or made a lot of money being invited to appear in adverts, commercials, just be a door girl at an event (etc), she's not really a 9+"

quote from you

As for the other examoles I listed they were listed in an OR fashion. I did not list them combining them with AND.
Fair enough, but some 10s never did ANY of the stuff listed.

Now if you say she can be a 10 if she COULD be a model, then that's different and I would agree to it.

Anyway, we're just nitpicking here. I think I get your point.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Where did I say you said that? I didn't :) just a comment on my part.

"If a girl has never modelled or made a lot of money being invited to appear in adverts, commercials, just be a door girl at an event (etc), she's not really a 9+"

quote from you

Fair enough, but some 10s never did ANY of the stuff listed.

Now if you say she can be a 10 if she COULD be a model, then that's different and I would agree to it.

Anyway, we're just nitpicking here. I think I get your point.

"If a girl has never modelled or made a lot of money being invited to appear in adverts, commercials, just be a door girl at an event (etc), she's not really a 9+"

Do you not see the OR and the ETC in that sentence? The etc is reffering to the previous list and context of there being a bunch of things, all in an OR fashion. The etc replaces me typing out the entire previous comment. And besides, I clarified it in the follow-up replies, 100% clarified with 100% precision.

I mean what kind of 10 is she that she never got ANY of those offers or things? She never got asked to stand at the door of an event, was never offered anything based on her looks, but she's a 10?
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
"If a girl has never modelled or made a lot of money being invited to appear in adverts, commercials, just be a door girl at an event (etc), she's not really a 9+"

Do you not see the OR and the ETC in that sentence? The etc is reffering to the previous list and context of there being a bunch of things, all in an OR fashion.
Dude. If everyone misunderstands what you wrote, maybe the problem is not everyone, but what you wrote.

Are we really going to debate what your "etc" means? "made a lot of money doing x, y, z etc" still means she has to have made a lot of money from something. My ex never made a lot of money with anything, she had a low salary and that was it. And she was still smoking hot. When we went clubbing and I went to the bathroom, when I returned there was ALMOST ALWAYS some guy hitting on her.

Anyway, I'm out, this is becoming ridiculous.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Dude. If everyone misunderstands what you wrote, maybe the problem is not everyone, but what you wrote.

Are we really going to debate what your "etc" means? "made a lot of money doing x, y, z etc" still means she has to have made a lot of money from something. My ex never made a lot of money with anything, she had a low salary and that was it. And she was still smoking hot.

Anyway, I'm out, this is becoming ridiculous.
Ok so this entire emotional barrage in this thread was based on me not being super clear on one sentence out of hundreds and ignoring the 15 clarifications?

Ok fine, that one post was poorly worded, so it's my fault... EXCEPT I clarified it right after. It's pretty obvious guys have an emotional bias to misinterpret my point, because they did so EVEN after I clarified in exceptionally clear, super precise terms.

Btw I stand by the point in that one

Is it possible a girl HAS NEVER EVER accepted a single high paying gig based on her looks and she's a 10? Theoretically? Yes.

But if you consistently meet "tens" who've never accepted an easy chunk of good money for their looks, are you sure they're really tens?
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
Just to add something here.

We are all in this forum and seduction in general to improve ourselves, with a goal to get with the girls we mostly want.

I don't think that anyone around would believe they can get high caliber girls consistently by just being below average in general.

I mean what would they even do in a self-improvement oriented space like this, if they believed they don't really need to improve to get what they want?

The only question I see then is basically what kind of value you need to have in excess to be able to get the hottest girls consistently.

And I believe that this is a mix of types of value that appeal to women universally and types of value that appeal to certain kinds of women.

Owen from RSD used to have an interesting story. He was supposedly dating a stunner and they took a trip together to a vacation spot. There the local broke waiter went to take an order from them and Owen's girlfriend asked him what he is doing in his life. The waiter answered in broken English something along the lines of "Partying, working, living my life!" in the most charismatic way you can imagine. And Owen said he could clearly see his girl get very excited and interested in this broke loser guy while he was sitting there next to her as a 25 year old self made millionaire.

Now excuse me if I don't remember all the details of the story exactly, but I think the main message was conveyed. Could this guy potentially make this millionaire's stunner cheat although he was a loser? Seems he could. We don't know if he was some extremely handsome chad of course, but I don't think that was Owen's main concern.

The point I want to make in the end is this though: This guy was not a loser. Because if you are really living your purpose and you are at peace with your life, you are surely not a loser and you will end up attracting high caliber girls.

Maybe this guy could never date full time the Playboy mansion type hotties Owen liked, but he could surely bang them when they got there for vacation, while he could also date some other highly attractive girls that liked partying around the beach.

For the first kind of women ( Playboy hotties ) he would appeal to the types of value all women respond to and for the second to the extra types of value these specific ones appreciate ( beach party goers ).

And the thing is yes, he could not be the fat, awkward kid, walking with his head down, mumbling his words and bossed around by the owner, if he wanted to pull these things off.

But he could do it by being a respected guy living life in his own terms and as he himself said, enjoying it.

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
This entire infatuation with “what is a 10!” Is kinda odd to me.

You see a woman…

Do you find her attractive? If so go approach. Does it really matter if she’s a “7” a “8” or a “9.614532?”

Figure out what kind of women you like.

Figure out where those women can often be found at. Like girls who look like Avril Lavigne? Hit up skate parks, shopping malls, music stores, and concerts.

Like dolled up types? Find you a nice street that has several salons and women’s clothing stores.

Work on your fundamentals and develop yourself until you truly are not intimidated by a girl simply because she makes your dick excited. She’s hot! So what? If you don’t feel you have way more value to add to her life than her looks alone add to yours…. You have work to do. Women who are used to impressing everyone can feel when her looks truly have no power over you and she will be intrigued… especially if you aren’t some model looking man yourself.

Go approach these women!

Keep a journal on here so we can give you advice and subscribe to the blog because I’m pretty sure Chase and crew have a damn article for everything you could possibly encounter or wonder about a lot this point!

Don’t over complicate things gents.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
This entire infatuation with “what is a 10!” Is kinda odd to me.

You see a woman…

Do you find her attractive? If so go approach. Does it really matter if she’s a “7” a “8” or a “9.614532?”

Figure out what kind of women you like.

Figure out where those women can often be found at. Like girls who look like Avril Lavigne? Hit up skate parks, shopping malls, music stores, and concerts.

Like dolled up types? Find you a nice street that has several salons and women’s clothing stores.

Work on your fundamentals and develop yourself until you truly are not intimidated by a girl simply because she makes your dick excited. She’s hot! So what? If you don’t feel you have way more value to add to her life than her looks alone add to yours…. You have work to do. Women who are used to impressing everyone can feel when her looks truly have no power over you and she will be intrigued… especially if you aren’t some model looking man yourself.

Go approach these women!

Keep a journal on here so we can give you advice and subscribe to the blog because I’m pretty sure Chase and crew have a damn article for everything you could possibly encounter or wonder about a lot this point!

Don’t over complicate things gents.

totally agree. One way to NOT get stunners, is to split hairs over shit like this LOL


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
This entire infatuation with “what is a 10!” Is kinda odd to me.

You see a woman…

Do you find her attractive? If so go approach. Does it really matter if she’s a “7” a “8” or a “9.614532?”

Figure out what kind of women you like.

Figure out where those women can often be found at. Like girls who look like Avril Lavigne? Hit up skate parks, shopping malls, music stores, and concerts.

Like dolled up types? Find you a nice street that has several salons and women’s clothing stores.

Work on your fundamentals and develop yourself until you truly are not intimidated by a girl simply because she makes your dick excited. She’s hot! So what? If you don’t feel you have way more value to add to her life than her looks alone add to yours…. You have work to do. Women who are used to impressing everyone can feel when her looks truly have no power over you and she will be intrigued… especially if you aren’t some model looking man yourself.

Go approach these women!

Keep a journal on here so we can give you advice and subscribe to the blog because I’m pretty sure Chase and crew have a damn article for everything you could possibly encounter or wonder about a lot this point!

Don’t over complicate things gents.
I don't have an issue with that, you're being consistent.

If you are saying that 9/10 is entirely subjective, just do the same as with sevens, then that's fine, because you're keeping it consistent.

Here's what chase said and I was trying to say:

"Some of the girls I have had as girlfriends have been approached numerous times to model – and turned that down. In one case, one of them did model a bit, decided she did not like it, and declined further offers/requests. In general my girlfriends have *all * been courted by various wealthy men. "

Turns out we agree. This is what I was trying to say and Chase admits it. If you believe you've dated a series of stunners, my opinion is that your experience should match that of Chase.

Again, I respect the worldview where the only difference between tens and sevens is personal taste. But I personally lean more toward it not being 100% subjective. And I also claim that if you're "constantly dating one ten after the other" and they never experience these offers and experiences Chase illustrated, you might want to consider this point, that's all.
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