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How do you get the absolute stunners?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
I know you won't.



One of my exes looks just like the blonde. Haven't dated a girl like the brunette yet, I keep going back to the blondes...

Are these your personal 10s? I have no idea. Would I take these two over the pics you showed me? Yes, hands down. Not an attack, just stating my personal preference.

Bro, why the agro?

My advice was based on looking back on which girls I was most attracted to in my own personal history, in other words, how I got with my own personal top 5 historically.

Honestly both of you guys seem just upset for no reason. You're splitting hairs, wasting time and energy on something STUPID.

How do you get hot girls? One way (and I'd say an effective way) is by putting in the work laid out here on the forum and GC articles. Follow that advice is how I figured this shit out and many other men here.

Are you worried you're getting duped by marketing tactics and it won't work, wasting time and energy? Go out and fucking try it. You're just making excuses to not take action.

Or what is this really about?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
Generally people tend to look better in motion than they do in still frames
Wait how exactly does this work? It's an honest question, since I have found dating profiles of girls I know in real life and my experience is that it could go both ways. Some profiles felt meh to me but the girl was very attractive in real life, while others felt pretty cute, while in real life I wouldn't even think of her sexually.

And it has a lot to do with what I said in my previous post, that when she starts moving and talking a lot of things change and not always for the best.

For a real life example, I'll take the girl from Austen's video, the one with the white top he closed. On the thumbnail I felt she was quite attractive indeed, but then I saw their interaction and she seemed pretty plain to me.

After that, I listened to her voice and she became a bit more attractive again. I'm not even thinking this stuff, it's a purely unconscious reaction that shows how fluid attraction can be when it comes to moving from an image to real life.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Here's one of Austen Summers where he gets a quick number from a good looking girl where, surprise surprise, he doesn't actually blur her face out.

Not sure if the whole point of that video is just about getting over approach anxiety, but it's not a great example of an approach.

- Lots of questions off the bat
- Defensive/fidgety body language, she's clearly way more comfortable than him
- Very little eye contact
- No tension or rapport
- Underdoing the qualifying at first, then overdoing the fake qualifying thing ("fill out the form" ... ?) without any qualifying on real things he likes
- No seeding the date
- Her excitement steadily waned, and she basically blew out at the end

He did open her well though, and she seemed pretty excited at first. But this number's pretty unlikely to go anywhere.

As far as your need to see proof of guys getting 'stunners' like the photoshoot models you posted (in case you didn't realize, hot girls don't go walking around the local mall pouting and posing like they are on some kind of eternal photoshoot), here's my suggestion: look at the current quality of girls you can get off cold approach, and think about what you can do to get the next level of quality (maybe 0.5 ahead on your rating scale? Or however you like to think about it). And keep doing that until you have the quality of girl you want.

That'll be a lot more useful to you than floating around the internet sifting through all the bs and hoping someone will make you a believer.

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
In field footage in general, either that or just dude's posting receipts like showing their girlfriends. More of an old school thing like those RSD videos. I think Tyler and the bunch still release them. "The faces are blurred" wasn't always a thing, and even with it you can still tell what they look like. Todd had a bunch, along with all those youtubers.

They don't always blur the face out, they say that they're doing it for privacy reasons but that's nonsense. Here's one of Austen Summers where he gets a quick number from a good looking girl where, surprise surprise, he doesn't actually blur her face out.

But it's just like a 10 second interaction and getting a number. Basically the exact same thing that the OP of this thread is talking about that leads to nowhere. In most of the videos even with blurred out faces you can still tell they're not hot. I don't see anything that looks like a genuine pull where the girls are legit attractive. Either with the girls they end up with or what they're showing in their products.
So your evidence that PUA guys don’t get hot women is to post a video of a dude with shit game?

I’m not sure what your point is?

That’s like me saying it’s impossible to jump high enough to dunk a basketball and posting a video of some dude who sucks at basketball failing to dunk a ball as my proof.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Cool, so we've gone from "these girls are barely 8s" to "these girls are so hot they're not even realistic". How convenient. You honestly never see girls this hot in person? Generally people tend to look better in motion than they do in still frames. Even with filters and whatever, imo hot girls look better in video and real life than some suped up picture. Yeah, girls who are a 6 can fake being a 8 or 9 in pictures but it's not like girls who are an 8 or a 9 don't actually exist in the real world. After all the decades the pua industry has been around for you'd expect there to at least be a decent amount of clips where so called game gurus are picking up girls who are generally thought of as hot rather than just average to above average. I see hotter girls every day I go outside all the time that are better looking than what I've seen in pua clips.
I agree, I see them everytime I leave the house, but never seen them in the 20 years I've known about pua or in the 15 years theyve been posting video receipts. You'd expect to see some.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Do we get to take the women and apply photoshop, filters, perfect lighting, perfect makeup, and other edits to their pics before posting them so they can be like the fictitious pics you posted?

It’s like a strawman: Doll up a woman using every trick in the books (photoshop, filters, etc) and then complain that no one gets “women like these!” Those women don’t look like that either lol.

Social circle? So if you get into social circles that have hot women in them do you automatically get these women? Like does every girl in that social circle get to fuck the stunners in that circle? Or maybe the guys in these social circle needs some sort of strategy to get these women to want to fuck them… maybe kinda like game?

Rich guys? I know a lot of rich guys (I’m a business consultant) and most of them aren’t fucking stunners unless they pay for it.

Celebs? I mean, lots of male celebs with with non stunner GFs. But like, who’s fucking the super hot celebrity women? I’ll give you this one, it’s mostly other celebs in their social circle because it’s pretty hard to cold approach celebrity women due to 1) How rare they are 2) Their bodyguards don’t like random men coming up to them. But how do these stunner celebs decide what male celebs to fuck? Maybe the ones with better game?

Male models? Now we have to be careful with this one. Most “male models” are decent looking dudes with photoshop, lighting, makeup (yes for men too), etc just like most female models.
You're doing the "so you're saying Europeans are German eh" thing again. Of course you ALSO need game to consistently pull stunners. If you only have a high-status social circle and looks, but no game then you only occasionally get a stunner, it's more of "getting lucky" rather than something consistent.

Same thing if you're doing "only game" (traditional pickup) though. You don't see guys consistently pulling stunners without also having something else on top of game.
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
All right guys, looks like we've all got to start wearing body cameras 24/7 to record all our social interactions and post that all online and publicly out the women we are chatting up and bedding so @bgwh and @Water_Polo can be convinced it is possible for dudes to chat and pick up stunners.




Anyway, this debate has progressed to the point where it's nothing but dumb opinions and conjecture.

If you think it's impossible to get a stunner by going up and talking to her, then that is fine. Go test out whatever way you think is more effective. Andrew Tate has a whole university program you can join. He will teach you to be just like him. Dan Blizerian probably has something. Then you can bang chicks like they do.

If you think it might be within the realm of possibility to get a stunner by going up and talking to her, but the stuff you are trying is not working, then test the material that is on the site and post some field reports of your approaches on stunners so we can help you diagnose what went wrong and GET HER INTO BED.

Anyone who is struggling here, I would like to see at least a handful of field reports from him on his approaches on stunners over the next month or two. bgwh, you say you're seeing them every time you step outside the house, so that shouldn't be hard for you.

If your approach is not working to put these girls into your bed, let's see some field reports so we can see what you are doing, what you are saying, and where that is going off the rails.

I will just add this: if a guy is getting laid, but he is consistently failing with girls past a certain caliber, and he is getting frustrated, he needs to be writing field reports.

There are about 1,000,000 and 1 different things you can be doing wrong, and if you are refusing to tell us what you are doing, and instead asking for someone to just magically know what your specific problem is, it doesn't work, and it just going to piss everyone off.

You can either read the material and find the solution for yourself (or multiple potential solutions and test that out).

Or you can post a field report and get help from the community (or hire a coach if you're super serious about fixing it ASAP).

Nobody can magically diagnose why you aren't pulling the girls you want with zero details on what you are doing or not doing.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
@Water_Polo can be convinced it is possible for dudes to chat and pick up stunners.
I don't know about the other poster, but I know it's possible, since I've done it. Nobody mentioned anything about whether it's possible.

The discussion (at least on my end), is that other factors (other than game) are being severely underplayed by those who sell game as a panacea. The OP was asking about getting stunners consistently, systematically, not occasionally. I banged plenty of stunners from social circle with zero game. It wasn't consistent though. Just like it's not consistent for guys who only have game going for them. I've seen plenty of guys bang stunners from pickup. More like the occasional "I got lucky and got a stunner" thing.

The only guys I've seen consistently bang stunners are guys who did game + something else, never just game.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

I don't know about the other poster, but I know it's possible, since I've done it. Nobody mentioned anything about whether it's possible.

The discussion (at least on my end), is that other factors (other than game) are being severely underplayed by those who sell game as a panacea. The OP was asking about getting stunners consistently, systematically, not occasionally. I banged plenty of stunners from social circle with zero game. It wasn't consistent though. Just like it's not consistent for guys who only have game going for them. I've seen plenty of guys bang stunners from pickup, but never consistently, it was like one stunner after 12 mids.

The only guys I've seen consistently bang stunners are guys who did game + something else, never just game.

Well yeah, dude, if we're talking legit stunners, we're talking extreme outliers in terms of beauty. Several standard deviations. It's 0.15% of the female population.

These are women who are more likely to be in LTRs than the average woman, and 80% of women on average are in LTRs at any given time. So you are talking less than a fifth of a fifteenth of a percent that both looks that good and happens to be available.

They are just never going to make up the totality of your seduction diet. No guy in no walk of life gets stunners all the time. No influencer, no social circle guy, no billionaire, no PUA, no nobody is banging 100% stunners or 75% stunners or even 50% stunners.

If he is good, he is banging a bunch of cute girls, some hot girls, and then some stunners.

There is nowhere that stunners congregate (guys will sometimes think there is, but that is the cheerleader effect talking). You are always going to be dealing with pools of women where many are cute, some are hot, and occasionally you will find stunners.

I guess in theory a guy could be so picky that he refused to date any girl who wasn't breathtaking. But generally speaking once guys get too picky, their ability to talk to girls and close them up rust over from lack of use, then not only are they skipping the cute and hot girls, but they can't close the stunners, either.

This is just the reality of the game.

Outlier girls are outliers.

You can learn to bed them more reliably when you do manage to meet them and get something going with them. You can have them as girlfriends. But no guy is going out and banging a new 10 every single weekend. Or if he is, he's doing something I have never heard of or witnessed, online or off (various times over the years I have heard guys claim they bang 'nothing but stunners', but then if you actually see their girls you discover these are just men with what might politely be called 'extremely flexible definitions' of what constitutes a 'stunner'. The reality is, < 1/5 of 0.15% -- these girls will not constitute the majority of any guy's seduction diet unless he a.) rarely gets laid and b.) just happens to be incredibly lucky those few rare times that he does).

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 25, 2024
Are these your personal 10s? I have no idea. Would I take these two over the pics you showed me? Yes, hands down. Not an attack, just stating my personal preference.

Bro, why the agro?
You're in luck, those girls aren't going to be DM'd by Drake any time soon. They're both 5s to me but I suppose that is part of the subjectivity. It's worth mentioning though that part of this is just brain chemisty. One of the most common side effects of anti-depressent drugs is losing attraction to one's partner. That is, people tend to get higher standards the more mentally healthier they are. Probably why there are so many chubby chasers, milf, gilf, and tranny lovers out there now. Nothing personal bro, the agro is just natural high t.

Not even going to read the rest of the responses in this thread. Not saying you can't pull stunners with cold approach or game, I just think it's a terrible approach to playing things at a high level.

Peace bros, take care and have fun.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024

Well yeah, dude, if we're talking legit stunners, we're talking extreme outliers in terms of beauty. Several standard deviations. It's 0.15% of the female population.

These are women who are more likely to be in LTRs than the average woman, and 80% of women on average are in LTRs at any given time. So you are talking less than a fifth of a fifteenth of a percent that both looks that good and happens to be available.

They are just never going to make up the totality of your seduction diet. No guy in no walk of life gets stunners all the time. No influencer, no social circle guy, no billionaire, no PUA, no nobody is banging 100% stunners or 75% stunners or even 50% stunners.

If he is good, he is banging a bunch of cute girls, some hot girls, and then some stunners.

There is nowhere that stunners congregate (guys will sometimes think there is, but that is the cheerleader effect talking). You are always going to be dealing with pools of women where many are cute, some are hot, and occasionally you will find stunners.

I guess in theory a guy could be so picky that he refused to date any girl who wasn't breathtaking. But generally speaking once guys get too picky, their ability to talk to girls and close them up rust over from lack of use, then not only are they skipping the cute and hot girls, but they can't close the stunners, either.

This is just the reality of the game.

Outlier girls are outliers.

You can learn to bed them more reliably when you do manage to meet them and get something going with them. You can have them as girlfriends. But no guy is going out and banging a new 10 every single weekend. Or if he is, he's doing something I have never heard of or witnessed, online or off (various times over the years I have heard guys claim they bang 'nothing but stunners', but then if you actually see their girls you discover these are just men with what might politely be called 'extremely flexible definitions' of what constitutes a 'stunner'. The reality is, < 1/5 of 0.15% -- these girls will not constitute the majority of any guy's seduction diet unless he a.) rarely gets laid and b.) just happens to be incredibly lucky those few rare times that he does).

Love the cheerleader effect article. Just finished reading it. Very nice.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
This is just the reality of the game.

Outlier girls are outliers.
I totally agree with this, and it's exactly how I was thinking about it, that these stunners would eventually be a small percentage of the girls you meet and sleep with.

The only question I have regarding it is how does someone go about reaching absolute abundance, when he knows that statistically he will be meeting very few women of the same caliber as the stunner he has in front of him.

Because as you said, it's not that these stunners congregate somewhere, so it's pretty random where and when you meet them. So what tends to happen to me is that I will meet a girl that is a stunner in my eyes, and I will start feeling a "who knows when I come across a girl like her again". I understand they are a minority, so this reinforces my fear that I won't get that many chances with them, and I have to be at my best when I meet them.

Is there a mindset shift that has to happen? Maybe you realise that if you keep going out you will meet some of them per year, so it's not a big issue if you screw up with few, or you start feeling that even if she is a stunner maybe you won't click well, have good chemistry and you start caring about that more?

I don't mind picking up and sleeping with any women that excite me sexually, so I am following the lowering your standards advice. That said, I do feel that I would like to be in longer term relationships with girls close to stunners for me at least.

Not that it's the only prerequisite for a relationship, but if she is not there beauty wise, it doesn't really excite me to pursue something much more and get exclusive. But the issue is that if I happen to meet them I feel some extra pressure to do things right, and it surely doesn't come off as me being abundant.

And the thing is, how can you be if you statistically know that you won't get many chances with girls like them? Could it be that it is more about doing things technically correct game wise, to showcase non-neediness, outcome independence and abundance mentality, even though you know that the world itself is not really abundant in available stunners?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
So what tends to happen to me is that I will meet a girl that is a stunner in my eyes, and I will start feeling a "who knows when I come across a girl like her again". I understand they are a minority, so this reinforces my fear that I won't get that many chances with them, and I have to be at my best when I meet them.

Is there a mindset shift that has to happen?

Simply put, if you take action on opportunities when they present themselves, and do your best to relax and trust yourself that you’ll be fine independent of the outcome, and that you’ll have more opportunities in the future.

In a way, just don’t make it a big deal, but do something about it. And be willing to fuck up. Go for it, don't hold back. And yet be ready to fall flat on your face and dust yourself off.

As for mindset, It’s kind of a spiritual journey. Trusting yourself and the universe, this goes for life in general. Learning to trust yourself and trust the world around you, while not be naive. That you can get what, but you might have some lessons to learn along the way, and that’s okay.

Overthinking it and comparing yourself to others has been a detriment to this. It’s possible to be content, while also ambitious. Loving the process and accepting the challenges.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012

Oops, seems like I accidentally posted a link I was considering sharing. It’s relevant anyway, a picture of a girl I consider a 10 with her average looking husband.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 2, 2022
Wow... this thread has gone in all directions lol. Though, i'd prefer we focus on topic cause this right here is something most guys want: "A strategy to bang girls consistently"

But first... I'd like to make 2 points then a solution so we can gain the most out of this discussion.


- I've come to realize that beauty is mostly subjective. Both girls @Wick posted and the ones @Water_Polo posted... while attractive are certainly not 10s to me. Mostly 7s and 8s. This is because i love curvy women. Think latinas. Back then, I couldn't wrap my head around guys that like slim thin women. I thought they were crazy to pass on curvy with fat asses and big boobs.

Soon, i realized there are many women that like this slim women. In fact, there's a guy on twitter that calls himself "the king of cold approach" And claims to have cracked the code. He's based in europe. I checked out his stuff and he seems pretty good. He's always in field and gets laid regularly. But when I went to his telegram to see his girls, I was surprised that it's filled with the typical slim looking eastern european women.

I thought he was crazy for calling them 9s or 10s. Then I realized men have varying preferences. The girls are attractive but way too slim to be called 9s and 10s.

So this me just saying beauty is really subjective. However, I do understand why this issue always comes up. PUA A claims he bangs stunners and can teach guys how to bang stunners. Then PUA B sees his girls and says they're not stunners. PUA B goes and lays his own version "stunners" And PUA A thinks he's crazy for calling them that lol.

Take for example John Anthony Lifestyle/Jmulv( put aside what you feel about him for a second). His wife is hot and quite attractive. One of the most attractive I've seen among PUA mains. I'd give her an 8(you can check her out and see if you agree). He thinks he's bagged a 9.5. Someone might see her and rate her a 7. Making the whole thing subjective.

To end this I think whatever rating you give someone, majority of guys in abundance shouldnt rate her too lowly. For example, if someone gives a girl 10..... And out of 100 guys with abundance, 80-90 of them thinks she's a 5 then something is wrong somewhere. However, if that same number think she's a 7.5 or an 8... we can simply break it down to preference because the difference isn't as much as a 5


I love @Chase point that true stunners are a few and by default most men wont have their lays made up of stunners. How about hot girls tho? I feel there's more than enough to go round and have true abundance.

And the fact that hot girls and stunners aren't simply gathering somewhere, what's an effective strategy for maximizing the odds (besides approaching the hottest girls you see of course) Are their social events that increase your odds? Or is going with instagram a better option?

----- SOLUTION-----

Just so we can have a practical solution or take away from this... I think it's best if everyone works with what what they consider hot or stunning. No point debating on which girl is actually stunning or not cause it will never end. We'll just end up running around girls. I mean, @Water_Polo posted more than 6 pics and only one I'd consider stunning. So this whole stunning or not is largely pointles

So better questions are; If you bang hot girls and/or stunners consistently...(Just go with what you REALLY consider hot/stunning)

- What's your strategy like? Do you rely mostly on game? Or do things like status and looksmaxxing play a sizable role

- How often do you meet these girls? once a week? regularly?

- Where do you tend to meet them? social circle? parties? events?

- If you're TEam Game, what aspects do you feel are the biggest needle movers? how different are these girls from the cute and normal attractive girls- do they test more? what aspect of game do they tend to appreciate more? what's your vibe and mindset with these girls? what patterns and techniques do you see recurring in your successful lays? And which have the biggest impacts? Heck, you can even suggest articles or courses too etc. And any other thing you feel you might add

- If you feel status plays a significant and sizable role in consistency.... what's your strategy to display status? Or how do you go about combing it with game?

Whatever people answer, we just test it out and see which works best. This is better than running around arguing how best to determine which girl is a stunner or not. Best, if anyone that feels he gets stunners or hot girls consistently explains their strategy/model without people arguing if the girl is a stunner.

The ultimate goal after all is to test things and see how effective and consistent it is


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Take for example John Anthony Lifestyle/Jmulv( put aside what you feel about him for a second). His wife is hot and quite attractive. One of the most attractive I've seen among PUA mains. I'd give her an 8(you can check her out and see if you agree). He thinks he's bagged a 9.5. Someone might see her and rate her a 7. Making the whole thing subjective.
Ironically it was John Anthony I was thinking of when I was making my comments. While his main chick (wifey) is hot (also 8 by my personal taste, but I can totally accept how she might be a 9.5 for a lot guys, I can see it)...

My main issue with him is when he brags, he shows pics and says "And look at all the models I'm banging", and then shows a slide shows all consissting of sixes. Even allowing for taste, nobody would call them "models" or stunners or nines.

Again, his main chick is an 8-9.5 (based on taste), but everything else he has shown has been sixes, yet he keeps bashing everyone, and bragging how he bangs the hottest chicks. Whilst showing sixes and calling them "models".

This is better than running around arguing how best to determine which girl is a stunner or not. Best, if anyone that feels he gets stunners or hot girls consistently explains their strategy/model without people arguing if the girl is a stunner.

The ultimate goal after all is to test things and see how effective and consistent it is

On the topic of arguing what is a stunner

I don't know about others, for me this is relevant because of coping mechanisms in the brain. Personally when I was low status I was referring to certain girls as 10s. Then I got access to hotter girls, and suddenly I perceived them as 8s... Then later those same girls went down to "6s".

Having some way of checking if you might be lying to yourself to feel good about your level can be useful. Again, we can allow for taste (like jmulv's chick being 8-9.5 based on taste). But when you see guys reffering to a girl as a ten, and nobody else on the planet would give her more than a seven, that's a bit taking it too far.

I love Chase point that true stunners are a few and by default most men wont have their lays made up of stunners. How about hot girls tho? I feel there's more than enough to go round and have true abundance.

I think that's what most people mean by consistently banging stunners consistently. I don't think anyone means bang a new 10 every day, which is not feasible just due to statistics.

Most people mean consistently bang 8.5+, which is actually possible, and also whilst having the most optimal situation with actual 9s and 10s. Meaning that you have the best conversion rate when you do meet them, and actually identify places where they're more likely to be found.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 2, 2022
Ironically it was John Anthony I was thinking of when I was making my comments. While his main chick (wifey) is hot (also 8 by my personal taste, but I can totally accept how she might be a 9.5 for a lot guys, I can see it)...

My main issue with him is when he brags, he shows pics and says "And look at all the models I'm banging", and then shows a slide shows all consissting of sixes. Even allowing for taste, nobody would call them "models" or stunners or nines.

Again, his main chick is an 8-9.5 (based on taste), but everything else he has shown has been sixes, yet he keeps bashing everyone, and bragging how he bangs the hottest chicks. Whilst showing sixes and calling them "models".

On the topic of arguing what is a stunner

I don't know about others, but for me this is relevant because of coping mechanisms in the brain. Personally when I was low status I was referring to certain girls as 10s. Then I got access to hotter girls, and suddenly I perceived them as 8s... Then later those same girls went down to "6s".

Having some way of checking if you might be lying to yourself to feel good about your level can be useful.
I just read this article by @Chase. And I agree with him. Most of the women aren't more than 8. But there are guys that will consider them 9s or 10s

I get your point. On a personal level, it's helpful to be honest with yourself and making sure you're not coping. But such debates won't be helpful much in this discussion. For example, extremely hard for me to consider slim/thin girls like the ones in the article as 10s. I prefer curvy big boobs, fat ass latinas/women

So generally better off, letting people work with what they like then testing out their strategies for effectiveness and consistency


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
I just read this article by @Chase. And I agree with him. Most of the women aren't more than 8. But there are guys that will consider them 9s or 10s

I get your point. On a personal level, it's helpful to be honest with yourself and making sure you're not coping. But such debates won't be helpful much in this discussion. For example, extremely hard for me to consider slim/thin girls like the ones in the article as 10s. I prefer curvy big boobs, fat ass latinas/women

So generally better off, letting people work with what they like then testing out their strategies for effectiveness and consistency
Even if you allow for curves, the taste variance is still just 2 points. The hottest curvy girls on the planet will be a 10 to guys like you, but none of us will call them less than an 8 (those of us into the skinny look). This is because in order for a girl to be a 10, she needs some universals like perfect hip to waist ratio, perfect symmetry, feminine digits, features, perfect skin. If a girl has everything perfect on the universals she's at worst an 8 by anyone's taste.

If a guy is claiming to bang 10s, but he's getting bombarded with comments that they're fives, that's not a matter of taste, that's him coping. Same with other indicators of coping... if you think she's a 10, but she's not getting inundated with 10-like offers, it means nobody else finds her a 10, you might be coping.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 2, 2022
Even if you allow for curves, the taste variance is still just 2 points. The hottest curvy girls on the planet will be a 10 to guys like you, but none of us will call them less than an 8 (those of us into the skinny look). This is because in order for a girl to be a 10, she needs some universals like perfect hip to waist ratio, perfect symmetry, feminine digits, features, perfect skin. If a girl has everything perfect on the universals she's at worst an 8 by anyone's taste.

If a guy is claiming to bang 10s, but he's getting bombarded with comments that they're fives, that's not a matter of taste, that's him coping. Same with other indicators of coping... if you think she's a 10, but she's not getting inundated with 10-like offers, it means nobody else finds her a 10, you might be coping.
All of these is largely irrelevant.

You're more interested in debating than learning. I'm more interested in strategies that guys who smash hot girls consistently use.

If you're one of those feel free to share. If you're not one of those then this conversation is over.

All your talk about coping is stuff I largely agree with but they do not benefit this thread. So don't bother replying telling me about coping or whatever. Not interested in that.

If you bang hot girls consistently, explain what and how you go about it. If you don't, no point derailing the thread with your "coping mechanism" speech. It's largely pointless


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
All of these is largely irrelevant.

You're more interested in debating than learning. I'm more interested in strategies that guys who smash hot girls consistently use.

If you're one of those feel free to share. If you're not one of those then this conversation is over.

All your talk about coping is stuff I largely agree with but they do not benefit this thread. So don't bother replying telling me about coping or whatever. Not interested in that.

If you bang hot girls consistently, explain what and how you go about it. If you don't, no point derailing the thread with your "coping mechanism" speech. It's largely pointless
Dude, you made an argument about X at me directly, but then you're like "stop talking about x". If you don't want me to respond on topic x, don't quote me, make an argument about x, and then "forbid me" from responding.

Anyway, I'm out because this is obviously a touchy subject for a lot of people, and there's an obvious double standard. People for the "it's all subjective and no way to even get a range" viewpoint aren't told to shut up and that they're derailing, but those seeking some way to define things are. So I will stop responding as the "it's 100% subjective" majority has the power. I'm out, have fun.
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