I wasn't talking high volume spammy day game - was more talking low volume daygame like streetgame in less crowded more neighborhoody areas (like by college campus) or grocery store approaches or beach approaches. That type of thing. Maybe those type of approaches are different odds from each other idk.
Are street stops considered low odds openers inherently? This isn't something I'd heard before. I always heard daygame is king for quality while nightlife is best for efficiency/fun/quick sex. Like if I am walking across from girl on side street around campus area and smile and wave then make direct opener do you consider that the type of low odd high volume daygame that you say nobody you know does?
Volume game in this discussion refers to approaching every single attractive chick you see anywhere regardless of the odds or circumstances, it's not about whether the location has a high volume of foot traffic.
Yes, by its very nature street game is volume game because most girls are not the easy sets. They're walking and trying to get somewhere.
You could walk around the streets for hours trying to procur AIs and limit yourself to only easy high-success sets, but it means you will have to purposefully not approach most hot girls. That kind of defeats the purpose for most guys into street game. They want to at least try with every hot girl they see regardless of the odds. This is why by its very nature it leads to a low odds, volume strategy.
Now that only applies if you go out with the specific intent "to daygame". Alternatively you might never go out with the intent to daygame and only approach easy sets that just happen organically throughout your life when you leave the house for other reasons. This has a higher success rate. You might end up approaching 2 a week, but they'll be high success rate.
Stores are a bit easier to get higher success rates, because you can take the time to procur an AI and they're not always in a hurry. Grocery stores are in-between, sometimes chicks are in a hurry to grab one thing and run out. Btw, one of the top fantasies for women is to be picked up in a grocery story.
Campuses? I don't see why the odds would be a lot higher, unless you're popular on campus and people know of you, otherwise should be similar to street game.
SEE, it's not the location ITSELF that makes for higher odds.
It's more about whether it allows for things like procurring AIs, pre-opening or building social proof to increase your odds.
The reason some guys can get much better rates in nighttime isn't because night-time is inherently higher-odds. If you treated it like streetgame you might even do worse. The reason some people can get higher rates in a nightclub is because if you're smart you can build social proof, demonstrate pre-selection, become a regular at the place and have people recognize you (etc etc). It's those things that allow for a much better ratio, not the location itself.
The trouble with something like street-game is that if it's a fast moving set and you approach from behind, catching up to her. None of those things are possible. How are you going to pre-open, demonstrate preselection or be recognized as "the regular" on that street (lol).
Something like a beach or a store allows for a bit more of those things. So again, it's about those things increasing odds, not the location per-se. The part where location comes in is that it is easier to achieve those in some locations than others.