Nowadays numbers. When I lived in Italy and aimed at tourists, it would almost only be SDLdo you have a full time job? Average of one check every 2.5 days - are you mainly going for SDLs or do you take numbers?
Nowadays numbers. When I lived in Italy and aimed at tourists, it would almost only be SDLdo you have a full time job? Average of one check every 2.5 days - are you mainly going for SDLs or do you take numbers?
Absolutely agree with you. Gotta keep pushing on those fucking streets.So it's not about sex, or about sex with a huge number of girls... even just a kiss can do it... even a text message can do it. But the new girl has to really thrill you. You have to really like her... as much or more as the one-itis.
Thanks man. It’s always a pleasure to read your post.Honestly I'm inspired by how hard you're going at this. I never did more than 5-10 approaches per day and never went more than 3 times a week. But a hard push like you're doing is great one-itis remedy.
Yeah? I'm just reading my old archives again, I don't think I ever got more than 3-5 numbers a day. But in a few weeks that adds up to like 25 new digits in the phone and suddenly you have a date every free night of the week. Or two dates a night to prevent flake issues.still remember your posts in which you shared you’d go out on an afternoon and get 10 numbers. Those were a big inspiration for me at the time and I was like ‘ how can he do that ?
That's such a good point. I've definitely developed a bit of an inner game block where I've been feeling guilty about going out to game. I can't even fathom these days how much time I took to pound the pavement back in the day.To me nothing is more important than mental health, strength and social skills - and these things mpact your business and your friendship more than anything else, so what better way to invest one’ s time ?
Yeah I had that too after a while. A girl rejects and instead of feeling bad, the mind goes "wow this girl has no idea."I’m also becoming somewhat invulnerable to rejection which has always been a huge goal of mine and am very curious to where I can take this.
Yes. There was a time when I told guys, abundance is basically the cure all. If you just play way higher numbers, everything else will sort itself out. Confidence goes up, vibe improves, even outer game stuff handles itself as you intuitively always do and say the right things.The big lesson for me here is that more women is always the answer.
Should build up momentum in other ways first.
Yeah I agree. What I like to do after periods of less intense activity is to hire a coach to force me to approach every girl. It just speeds things up.Even just a few months without game and AA would come back. But then a couple of weeks of going out and it's gone again.
Exactly. When you got quantity handled everything else improves even if you stop analyzing and reading. Because that work of analyzing will be done by your subconscious .There was a time when I told guys, abundance is basically the cure all. If you just play way higher numbers, everything else will sort itself out. Confidence goes up, vibe improves, even outer game stuff handles itself as you intuitively always do and say the right things.
Of course. If and only if you have a keen social sense ( you’re a pretty cool or even super cool guy ) quantity is all that matters. As chase once said ‘ attraction is either there or it isn’t ‘would just add one caveat, this is only true for guys who have their vibe in the right place. There's some guys going around hitting on literally thousands of sets with direct openers and not getting nearly anything.
Thanks brother. means a lot since your articles have been a big inspiration for meEnjoying your posts here, good stuff.
Well put.Quantity beats quality and it leads to it.
Personally, I'm more of the green light - yellow light - red light persuasion, as opposed to the binary "attracted / not attracted". I wrote about this a bit here, was a big insight for me one day.As chase once said ‘ attraction is either there or it isn’t ‘
Have you read my stuff about "managing expectations" vs. "managing emotions"? I think it's in my relationship series in my signature.This is a big sticking point I’m going through and am starting to get a handle on.
Select the relationship candidate well ( avoid instable crazy girls ) for relationships.
And also next time you choose a girlfriend invest very little.
Also keep in mind you want to calibrate this. If she's proven herself, you want to stop holding back too much or she'll get so insecure that it'll turn you off and you start losing all attraction for her. That can become a serious problem too.I’m a strong guy but in all of my past relationships have never done that much actively to minimize my investment in the girl and maximize hers in you.
It's a good question man. I think both men and women are hardwired to cheat. For women that's usually the case during her ovulation. There's a bunch of interesting books I could recommend on the subject.I’m also curious of your take @Karea Ricardus D. on women’s fidelity
Not something I have much experience with... most the time I was spinning too many plates to worry about them being faithful, I didn't really care. I was always using condoms though.and in general on unilateral monogamy.
Appreciate all of your takes as always.On the few occasions when I fell in love and wanted them to be faithful, I didn't mind normal monogamy either. Sometimes I realized later that having sexual freedom without ending the relationship would be nice but by then the frames were obviously totally fucked.
The apartment Looks like a bachelor pad and it gets the job done for banging chicks so that ain’t that bad![]()
I disagree with @ProblemSolving i loved my little apt. It was the easiest to pull one in the home nothing but a bed... my go to frame is i am a minimalist and i rent the other part of the house... i am over 45 and i was dating all types of girls even successful.... however my apt was really cool, clean and comfortable... women use it as a gateaway, escape, their words not mine.... 0 issues, i use to love watching movies on the laptop with them i would put the laptop on the bed and spoon me in the back... retation as i sound like a broken record comes down to the 3 fuck rule 0 and i mean 0 to do with place to live..Appreciate all of your takes as always.
On a side note,and this question is for about everyone who loves analyzing stuff, do you think that if you have a business that’s growing, quite a bit of value overall, you can lose girls as potential girlfriends because of your not so cool apartment ?
I am doing pretty fucking well financially and have different sorts of value that can be considered good for a boyfriend candidate ( which I always make sure to display subtly and mainly after I banged the girl ). But I am wondering wether my apartment that isn’t the coolest might lose me potential girlfriends. Or does it simply protect you from gold diggers ?
The apartment Looks like a bachelor pad and it gets the job done for banging chicks so that ain’t that bad
Keep in mind I’m 30 and make more money than about 90% of the people in my country so … money isn’t the issue and my lifestyle is cool.
I also always make sure I tell girls I am aware the apartment sucks and that my goal is to change it asap.
I’m just not sure this apartment thing is losing me potential girlfriends or simply protecting me from gold diggers.
I would guess the apartment isn’t an issue because most of the girls I fuck I can potentially keep.
I know it’s an issue - as my personality and lifestyle might be as well - whenever I want to retain girls that are over 35.
Before u guys ask, I kind of like older girls during these time in my life where (at least for now ) children aren’t a goal.
curious of your take guys!
This has always been my take too. Especially if it’s clear that you’re aware that your apartment isn’t ‘ amazing ‘ you just have other places where you like to put your money in.retation as i sound like a broken record comes down to the 3 fuck rule 0 and i mean 0 to do with place to live..
In that case I’d just go watch the game in a bar or a cafe with him or simply meet him not at his place which is what I do anyway ( I don’t like being home and in general, indoor time is always minimized for I feel it does not help mental health )He might be the best guy in the world, but you still won't want to hang out at his place for very long.
Yeah but she stayed anyway. Over 40’ s girls might be the exception to the your apartment doesn’t matter rule however. But I’d bet that much likely they’ll stay if your frame is solid.Aaaaahh, I can finally be comfortable in this place."
she sometimes ‘ says ‘ she wants to be free
but then she fucks with me and tells me she likes me a lot etc.
Since I have split with this chick she went on tinder, and doing some party.
I guess the ultimatum might not work
I guess the ultimatum might not work - most of you will say ‘ she is the one who needs to ask for the relationship, you will look desperate ‘
to which I answer, really ?
because i tucked 18 girls since we split and I feel like if i fucked 1800 girls I would still be putting the ultimatum
I am a good looking, pretty wealthy, good with words playboy (with a heart I’d add )
Thx brother for the detailed answer.TLDR: By rushing to get her sexual commitment, you're reducing your chances of getting what you want.
The choice is yours but 99% of the top guys here will tell you an ultimatum is not a good idea. While (no-disrespect intended) the less experienced guys would vouch for ultimatums.
Long Answer:
Of course she does... She's just come out a divorce, come on man we've discussed this already
This is a good sign, means what you're doing is working. Don't read into it too much though, it's just how she feels in that moment and just as easily her emotions can change the other way. Keep being chill and let her suck herself in.
Again no surprise she wants to be single links to the original point above...Her actions & words are being consistent but you're hanging on to when she says she likes you a lot because you're focusing on what you want to see and not what's actually there
100% won't. At best she'll go along with it temporarily before feeling suffocated and ending things with you or at worse she'll fuck other guys and just not tell you. The middle ground believe it or not is she dumps you.
Speaking from experience where a current FB told me she ended it with a guy who said she couldn't see her if she was fucking other guys.
With girls fresh from breakups you get them by attrition. Other guys (like you're doing now) ask for too much too soon and you end up being the solid guy who's left.
The difference in a way a girl has treated me when she pushed for commitment vs me has been night and day. Give her the gift of feeling like she "earnt you".
You have oneitus so the number of girls you've slept with is irrelevant. For whatever reason you struggle to find and keep a girl like this around which is why you're so hung up on this one. Fix that root issue before throwing ultimatums to this girl.
Guys advised you to get a rotation and all you've done is slept with more girls. Retain x2 more girls her caliber & see if you feel the same way
Let me ask you this... Would a guy who fits your description be trying to lock a 40 yr old woman down to be sexually exclusive to him OR would girls be begging to be sexually exclusive to him?
That will guide you to how you should act.
With girls frame is everything. Her perceptions of you are based on her actions. I've hooked up with girls who thought I was a player when I'd been in a drought and girls who thought I was needy when I was running 4+ girl rotations. She's acting this way because of how you're acting.
I go in more detail in my calibration post
My prediction is you won't listen because your emotions will get in the way *shrugs* (I've been there)
Yes. Rather then a month or two be prepared for it to take 6-12 months.So basically the only solution here is keep fucking her, let her do her party and tinder and see what happens in a month or two ?
would you ask about how her nights went / is she seeing other people, or not at all ?
Yeah… will hopefully be last timeGood luck with it all we all get hit with oneitus now and again... All that matters is how you act in spite of it
yeah… reading this makes me think I would rather disappear. Still haven’t chosen yet but might really to do that.Yes. Rather then a month or two be prepared for it to take 6-12 months.