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2014 In The Mirror and The Future


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 7, 2014
2016 was a interesting year. There was good things, bad things, but overall looking at my accomplishments from previous years, I felt this was a bit of a down year.

Lay Count

Lays: 21 (total of 52, Banged a cute girl on New Year's, which I'll count towards 2017). 4 more lays than the year before)
LR-'s= 0?
Kisses and fingerbangs: Lots. Lots. Lots. Had a lot more fuck ups this year then any other year I must say.

Top 5 Accomplishments
1. Build up a small but decent following on my site.
2. First year actually making a profit on my site and coaching
3. Become an improved speaker and presenter
4. Sleep with 21 girls, which is the most of any other year.
5. Finished up my course work for school

Top 5 Lessons

1. Answering a comment or question someone asks you can go a long way in helping you down the road.
2. If you put you're mind to something, you can achieve almost whatever you want
3. Surround yourself with people who have similar goals as you.
4. Make sure to be able to explain something when called upon. Basically know you're shit.
5. Threesomes aren't easy to get and the opportunities are very low.

Goals for 2016
1. Get that DAM THREESOME lol (came super fucking close with 2 cute asian girls in Vegas, but my friends kinda cockblocked me and I fucked up a bit too)
2. Focus more on getting higher quality girls (meh... might of had a few more quality girls, but also slept with a few that I'm NOT proud of)
3. Work on building and potentially releasing an Training EBOOK (Did start one and got about 20 or so pages done, but then I scratched it for the meantime)
4. NETWORK and hopefully get some really nice connections that might turn into a job I like (Did a bit of networking, but it didn't really lead anywhere)
5. Continue working on the blog (Stayed very consistent with this until the end of November and then got kinda busy with other things and really have had a delay on that)

Goals for 2017
1. Finish my Master's degree (completed all my course work, just got get my thesis out of the way)
2. Continue growing my online audience and income.
3. Cut down BIG TIME on partying and drinking (2016 was a crazy year and I partied way too much. Blew so much money and looking back at things it really took away from my productivity. Too many hangovers and just unhealthy days)
4. Focus more on getting higher quality girls and lays (Need to really buckle down on this. Didn't focus on this as much as I should have. I believe I need to focus on developing a more versatile gaming style and gaming in new scenarios)
5. Get that fucking threesome!

Hoping 2017 can be a bit of a rebound :)

- Rdawg


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Ayee forgot about this!

Lay Count
3, could've been more but girls on their period sucks. Not that I care, but I respect their decision if they put their foot down.

Lr-'s: 1, gonna turn it into a lay hopefully this week.
Kisses: again, I never remember these

Dates: dates are weird to define for me these days because it's hard to tell the difference between me going on a date and two friends hanging out and making out.

Top 5 accomplishments
1) got my first lay with no help.
2) decided I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in kitchens and started soul searching, which was a hard step for me.
3)I eradicated by needy vibe and changed the way I game completely. I started doing less and its definitely working.
4)deadlifted 385 for a 1RM
5)I stopped being scared of my feelings and use them to amplify my game.

Top 5 Lessons
1)Just because you're good at it doesn't mean it'll make you happy.
2) The fact that I think I'm an attractive guy and I'm with the girl is the best game I can spit
3) Don't be afraid to speak your mind
4) Honesty gets you further than anything
5) you don't have to try so hard to be effective. Working harder isn't working smarter.

Goals for 2017
1) Work on no game game. Have a cyclical pattern of learning concepts and applying them and then forgetting them.
2) consistent stream of income
3) deadlift 405, squat 335, bench 275
4) start to learn how to lower your value. With the game I'm trying to learn my value is gonna be too high at times and I need to lower it.
5) read 30 books.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014
Pulling this one in a rush.

Lay Count 2016
New Lays: 22 (Full sexual intercourse)
Lifetime Lay count: 43
LR- (BJ, sucking boobs etc...): 3
Total dates 2015: 49

Top Accomplishments
1. June 2016: 4 LRs within a week
2. Tribal Elder status
3. Rotation of up to 4 girls (peak in October 2016)

2016 Goals review
1. Leave Qatar and establish myself in Asia: postponed (unexpected career development in my current company). Maybe 2018.
2. Work towards being self employed: on going due diligence to start my holding company
4. 10 new lays. Objective later upgraded to 20 lays (May 2016 in my journal). Got 22.
5. Learn to structure and manage fulfilling relationships in my own terms. Largely achieved but more to learn.

Top learnings
1. Power of Frame Control
2. Manage the Harem
3. Wise use of attention withdrawal
4. Calibration

Goals for 2017
1. 15 new lays
2. Finalize my holding company
3. Refocus on fundamentals
4. Develop and learn from new relationships - in my own terms

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
Lay Count 2016
New Lays: 14 (Full sexual intercourse), 9 more than 2015.
Lifetime Lay count: 40
LR- (BJ, sucking boobs etc...): a lot...
Total dates 2015: 100-150?

Top Accomplishments
1. Early Sept 2016: 3 LRs and 1 LR- in 3 days.
2. Late August to Early December, 10 LRs (~3 per month).
3. Several club and bar pulls (some were LR-)
4. "Sexy Douchebag" sexual and confident vibe.
5. Breezy persistence at home, breezy attitude.
6. Maintained sexual frequency at 3-7 nights a week for 8 months.
7. Even past a relationship "end," women kept coming back.

2016 Goals review
1. Establish myself in Asia - postponed.
2. Increase Arousal with women - mostly accomplished.
3. 10 new lays. Objective later upgraded to 15-20 lays. Got 14.
4. Learned to be breezy and go with the flow, not goal focused on sex.

Top learnings
1. I do best when I focus on having fun and feeling a woman, instead of sex.
2. Killer instinct is key.
3. State control is the most powerful tool.
4. Calibration.

Goals for 2017
1. 45 new lays.
2. Higher quality women, 8+ only, new demographics.
3. Lead and choose from my gut feel, spiritual connection.
4. Bulletproof confidence and self esteem, emotional control.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 8, 2014
Lay Count 2016

New Lays: 8
Lifetime Lay count: 27
Total dates 2015: Had dates with 35 new girls

Top Accomplishments

1. Finally got over my porn/masturbation addiction to the point where I no longer feel the need to watch porn or masturbate
2. Finally got back to being able to cum during sex after more than 6 years of not being able to. And now when I have sex I cum every time
3. Fucked two attractive blondes, something which I rarely experienced before but now is feeling more natural, both first date sex experiences
4. Fucked a girl in the toilet. It was in a hostel so had no bedroom to take her to so proceeded to fuck her in the toilet. Great experience.
5. Getting more natural with my seductions. Now when I pull a girl back to mine, I do it when I feel that I'm at the peak of a conversation with a girl and am hitting escalation windows which shows i've come a lot way from before when I'd think to myself "I must take her back to mine after we've been at the venue for an hour and a half" which was too mechanical and didn't work as well.
6. Improved my tinder pictures and getting better results. Had my first tinder lay at the end of 2016.
7. Finally did some travelling. Went to Prague, Bratislava, Budapest and Hungary over the course of 10 days. Got laid twice in that time frame which was great. Travelling experience was amazing though and will do more in 2017.
8. Finally sorted out my hair by getting a good sexual haircut. My stylist is amazing and will be sticking with him from now on.
9. Improved my voice a little as it's a lot deeper than before. Still got work to do and looking to improve more on it in 2017.
10. Improved my fashion/style. Got v neck shirts, bomber jackets, sneakers which is an improvement on what I had before.
11. My focal dystonia is a little better than before. I can play super slow now with no dystonia symptoms. Just got to work my way back up to speed now whilst keeping the dystonia symptoms at a zero.

2016 Goals review

1. Fuck more girls this year than last year. Failed with this one, but only because I took a break from pickup from late April to early October
2. Go on dates with more new girls than last year. Failed again, but only just. For same reasons as above.
3. Have a threesome. Failed. No worries, threesomes aren't easy, will try again this year.
4. Improve my sex skills to give girls harder orgasms and more amazing sex than ever before. Yes I feel I'm getting better in bed
5. Experiment in bed more. This one I can tick off aswell. Bought a vibrator and used it during sex. Need to experiment a lot more in 2017 though.
6. Fuck a stripper/pole dancer. Fail
7. Fuck a girl on a beach. Fail
8. Improve my night game skills so that I can have one night stands more frequently than ever before. Didn't try hard enough. Need to do better on this in 2017
9. Take my fashion style to another level. Definitely achieved this one. Increased the size of my wardrobe and got more stylish clothes now. Bomber jackets, v shaped shirts, white sneakers.
10. Improve my body even more, look more ripped. Failed but only because I got discouraged. Realised at the end of 2016 that I'd been working out wrong. Made it one of my prime goals to get ripped in 2017 and I WILL get there.

Top learnings

1. Porn and masturbation is bad for you. Totally destroys your sex drive and messes up with the way your brain is wired. Pussy should be your only way of sexual release
2. You will get over your porn/masturbation addiction if you stick at it. For me it took me more than 6 years, not because the process usually takes that long but because I didn't stick at it long enough. I got over it in 2016 because that was the year where I decided "no more porn, no more masturbation, girls will be my only way to reboot my dick". Do this and you WILL get over it. For me it took me about 2 months until i felt that I was REALLY back to normal but everyone is different so could take you a little longer a little less long. But shouldn't take you more than 3 months.
3. Travelling is one of the best ways to get laid. I went travelling to Prague, Bratislava, Budapest and Vienna in November 2016 and it hit me how EASY it is to get laid when you're travelling. 2 lays in 10 days. Because you're the sexy, exotic traveller it makes you more appealing than most of the guys she encounters throughout her day but also because she knows it's a case of now or never. You might not be around tomorrow so she knows her chances with you are limited. So my advice is go travelling (makes you more cultured, broadens and opens your mind, makes you experience multiple cultures, makes you appreciate your situation/life more, gives you more life experiences etc) and while you're at it do street cold approaches, hit up on tinder and you'll see how easy it is to get laid while you're travelling. Provided your fundamentals, vibe and game is on point of course ;-)
4. Invest in buying a couple of salt rock lamps and a stereo system to play some sexy music. That way when you pull a girl back to yours, your bedroom is all set for a super smooth seduction. This I did at the end of 2016 and immediately I've seen the positive results that come as a result. Since then I've pulled 2 girls back to mine and on both occasions we had sex, with absolutely no last minute resistance beforehand. Also make sure that you put the rock salt lamps on and turn on the music BEFORE you leave to go out. That way when she comes back to yours and instantly walks into the room, everything is already on, and it makes everything more natural, giving a very seductive and sexual atmosphere. This works a lot better than coming back to yours and you being like "hey give me a second to turn these lights and music on". The latter is too try hard and could work against you, making her think that it's all an act and quite fake and quite cheesy. Whereas if she walks in and everything is already on, it will instantly put sex in her mind due to the sexual surroundings and effect given off by the lighting and music. It will put sex in her mind and get her very aroused. She will feel that it's not an act and that you wake up and go to sleep with this aura of sexiness all around you CONSTANTLY. That will make her FAR more turned on and will make LMR far more unlikely. Also you could invest in some erotic art work or an erotic statue of a couple having sex and put it somewhere around your place. All this will imprint sex in her mind even more and get her very turned on. I currently have 2 rock salt lamps, with a statue of a couple having sex lying on the speakers right behind the lamps. And I have thievery corporation - Saudade playing on repeat . This all works a treat. However I think Sade or The Weeknd would work great as well.

Goals for 2017

Fuck more girls in 2017 than I fucked in 2015 and 2016 put together: 18.
Get back in the gym and build a great muscular physique. My problem last time was I didn't do enough of less reps, heavier weight, so will be doing more of that this time.
Get my RGT guitar teaching diploma
Get over my focal dystonia and finally get back to being able to play guitar like I used to (had this problem since september 2013)
Carry on improving my fashion style/dress
More same day lays. Barely tried and know that this could be what rockets my results to the next level.
Get better at sexualising the conversation
Work on developing a much sexier voice
Develop a sexier walk.
Carry on improving my tinder pictures
Keep on improving my skills when it comes to sex, experiment more. Give girls harder orgasms than before
Do more travelling. Germany, Holland, Belgium, Greece, Croatia, Ibiza. Russia would be great as well
Do more reading, so many books I want to read and get through. Romance/erotica novels, pickup theory/tech, history, philosophy, biographies etc

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
Grand Pooba said:
Lay Count 2016
New Lays: 14 (Full sexual intercourse), 9 more than 2015.
Lifetime Lay count: 40
LR- (BJ, sucking boobs etc...): a lot...
Total dates 2015: 100-150?

Top Accomplishments
1. Early Sept 2016: 3 LRs and 1 LR- in 3 days.
2. Late August to Early December, 10 LRs (~3 per month).
3. Several club and bar pulls (some were LR-)
4. "Sexy Douchebag" sexual and confident vibe.
5. Breezy persistence at home, breezy attitude.
6. Maintained sexual frequency at 3-7 nights a week for 8 months.
7. Even past a relationship "end," women kept coming back.

2016 Goals review
1. Establish myself in Asia - postponed.
2. Increase Arousal with women - mostly accomplished.
3. 10 new lays. Objective later upgraded to 15-20 lays. Got 14.
4. Learned to be breezy and go with the flow, not goal focused on sex.

Top learnings
1. I do best when I focus on having fun and feeling a woman, instead of sex.
2. Killer instinct is key.
3. State control is the most powerful tool.
4. Calibration.

Goals for 2017
1. 45 new lays.
2. Higher quality women, 8+ only, new demographics.
3. Lead and choose from my gut feel, spiritual connection.
4. Bulletproof confidence and self esteem, emotional control.

Lay Count 2017
New Lays: 18 (Full sexual intercourse), 4 more than 2016.
Lifetime Lay count: 58
LR- (BJ, sucking boobs etc...): very few, it either went all the way or it didn't happen at all, this year.
Total dates 2015: Estimated 40-50.

Top Accomplishments
1. Multiple threesomes and group sex sessions this year - I estimate 20 or so.
2. Late June to Early August, ~10 LRs
3. Got into the BDSM and Kink scene.
4. Found a very committed mentor, received extensive coaching in texting.
5. Fixed two huge sticking points - texting, and LMR desire resistance busting caused by faulty mindsets.

2017 Goals review
1. 45 new lays, later changed to 20-25. I got 18, really fell off after August due to work transitions.
2. Higher quality women, 8+ only, new demographics. Definitely got new demographics in women, girls were 6-8's overall.
3. Lead and choose from my gut feel, spiritual connection. I built up my gut instincts, trusted them more, and became more attuned to social dynamics.
4. Bulletproof confidence and self esteem, emotional control. Overall higher confidence and self esteem, more emotional control. It's a work in progress.

Top learnings
1. The Desire LMR Buster - tell a girl how much you like her and enjoy time with her, if she expresses ASD.
2. Once women have decided to go home with you (or follow your lead and show sexual desire), they've determined you're a strong man and want to sleep with you.
3. Women are more afraid of a guy not liking them than the other way around. If a guy can't back up his interest with sex, even bad sex, then she'll autoreject harshly.
4. Queen theory - every girl wants to feel like she's #1.

Goals for 2018
1. 25 new lays - get to 85 total.
2. Build regular cold approaching into my routine again.
3. High quality women, 8+ only, met through cold approach and night game.
4. Get really good at night game and day/night SDLs/SNLs.
5. Learn how to pull smoothly and efficiently, consistently. Pulling is my current sticking point.
6. Frame more sexual encounters, use my knowledge in BDSM and Kink.
7. Bulletproof confidence and self esteem.
8. Kill any drive to seek validation from women, especially new women, and external validation in general.
9. Find and date two girlfriend-quality women.
10. Fix all my ED, Performance Anxiety, and Stress Related mental issues when it comes to sex. Learn to focus on my pleasure every single time.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Jake D. said:
Ayee forgot about this!

Lay Count
3, could've been more but girls on their period sucks. Not that I care, but I respect their decision if they put their foot down.

Lr-'s: 1, gonna turn it into a lay hopefully this week.
Kisses: again, I never remember these

Dates: dates are weird to define for me these days because it's hard to tell the difference between me going on a date and two friends hanging out and making out.

Top 5 accomplishments
1) got my first lay with no help.
2) decided I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in kitchens and started soul searching, which was a hard step for me.
3)I eradicated by needy vibe and changed the way I game completely. I started doing less and its definitely working.
4)deadlifted 385 for a 1RM
5)I stopped being scared of my feelings and use them to amplify my game.

Top 5 Lessons
1)Just because you're good at it doesn't mean it'll make you happy.
2) The fact that I think I'm an attractive guy and I'm with the girl is the best game I can spit
3) Don't be afraid to speak your mind
4) Honesty gets you further than anything
5) you don't have to try so hard to be effective. Working harder isn't working smarter.

Goals for 2017
1) Work on no game game. Have a cyclical pattern of learning concepts and applying them and then forgetting them.
2) consistent stream of income
3) deadlift 405, squat 335, bench 275
4) start to learn how to lower your value. With the game I'm trying to learn my value is gonna be too high at times and I need to lower it.
5) read 30 books.



Lay Count

4 more sitting at 7 now. Every year its increasing :)
Lr-: Not nearly enough haha.
Kisses: not nearly enough as well shit.
Dates: Not enough man.

Top 5 accomplishments
1) First Relationship and learned some of the things I do and do not want out of girls.
2) Got a job that makes me happy and is enjoyable
3) Created Friendships and cut a few people off that didn't make the cut, as well as making friends that are socially adept.
4) Had a perfect date that I'll frame all my dates from
5) Read a lot of books, not as many as I'd like but still a good amount

Top lessons:
-If A girl isn't right for you don't try and fix her
-game can be easy or really hard, depending on what you make it
-always be ready for the unexpected
-don't waste time not going for what you want
-Try and pull because you never know

1) Bring in people to my friend group I can learn from and who are better than me.
2) Read 30 books. Got to 10 but that's pretty bad.
3) Start A clothing business
4) Fuck 10 girls
5) Get My own place.

Going for all of this shit this year. Gonna be how I direct my life.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
Happy new year, I hope you guys had a good year and doing well.

Lays: 1
LR-: 2, one I got to a girl's home, one a girl came to my home.
Dates: around 10

Top 5 Accomplishments:
1. Lose my virginity
2. Briefly work at a top company
3. Make a small global income
4. Gain 12 lbs
5. Visibly better social skills

Top 5 Lessons:
1. If a belief is true, I'd execute it rather than talking about it
2. What other people think is important. Some of the time
3. Some girls chase very hard. Not many, but they exist
4. Sometimes I feel like shit and girls still want to talk with me. Fundamentals > my feelings
5. Do something everyday, however small it is

Goals for 2018:
1. 10 lays
2. Girlfriend-quality girls
3. Getting a job in USA with worker visa.
4. More global income, by a business in my country and/or freelancing.
5. Gain another 12 lbs, cutting body fat to 10%.
6. Fighting skills, e.g. Krav Maga, boxing


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Throwing myself in here, too.

Lay Count 2017
New Lays: 15, 7 more than 2016.
Lifetime Lay count: 28
LR- (BJ, sucking boobs etc...): 3
Total dates 2017: Estimated: 10-15

Top Accomplishments
1. Nearly doubled my lifetime lay count this year
2. 6 lays from Nov-Dec
3. Spoke at a large conference, critically acclaimed as a top 3 segment
4. Gained 2 internships, 3 research labs (4 of which I still have)
5. Comfortable with being out alone when I need to be

2017 Goals review

~Didn't have any, other than mentioned above~

Top learnings
1. Most things holding you back are in your head
2. You don't need mastery for a day game InstaLay
3. Self-Interest lies behind all motivations
4. Potential is extremely powerful (for better or for worse)

Goals for 2018
1. 22 new lays - for a 50 total
2. Make day-game cold approach a regular thing
3. Forge a frame of steel through self-love and maitenance
4. 4.0 GPA for final semester
5. Kick the GRE's ass
6. Drinking only 2 nights a week, max, during school year (conquer FOMO)
7. Read a book a week
8. Pull a girlfriend-quality woman
9. Stop feeding behaviors that grow external validation
10. Gain 15 lbs of muscle (sitting at 165, 6'1" right now)
11. Threesome!!

See you guys on the other side.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Lay Count 2017
New Lays: 2
Lifetime Count: 2
LR-: 1
Total Dates 2017: 5-10

Top Accomplishments
1. Started going out and approaching actively
2. Lose my virginity
3. Go on insta-date
4. Move to a new city and secure a well paying job
5. Making conversation fun and being physical during dates

Top Learnings
1. Girls don’t bite
2. A bad approach is not the end of you
3. Girls like me
4. Being physical is fun
5. Going after girls is addictive

Goals for 2018
1. Go on 5-10 dates during my last semester of college
2. 3-7 new lays after moving
3. Get cold approach to be a regular part of my schedule in both college and once I move
4. Work on fundamentals
Last edited:


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014
I'm a little late on this one, but here we go!

Lay Count 2017
New Lays: 9 (Full sexual intercourse)
Lifetime Lay count: 55 (as of march 2018)
LR- (BJ, sucking boobs etc...): 2
Total dates 2017: 15. Note: one of these 2017 first date ended up in my bed in 2018 and counts towards 2018. Lol.

2017 Goals review
1. 15 new lays: got 9. There were many unexpected developments in 2017 that drew my attention away from seduction - one of them was an annoying skin problem which had me spend my nights scratching myself for 6 months. Nightmarish. Fortunately this annoying episode is finished.
2. Finalize my holding company: not done, but at least I have now a very clear idea of the legal structure and jurisdiction to use. Just need to get hold on a business lawyer.
3. Refocus on fundamentals: did a very good job here! dropped 6 kgs of fat, built 4 kgs of lean muscle, started working out on strength training 3 times a week. I enhanced my dressing style, added a pair of mexican boots and a white jacket to my wardrobe.
4. Develop and learn from new relationships - in my own terms. Yes I did a good job here too. There has been this extremely eye opening experience: The Inseminator Request. Plus, I have an ongoing thing with the third girl from my Triple hit in Nairobi. She's a 9 in my book (my top, since the perfect 10 doesn't exist), high self esteem good girl, lawyer and model. It is holding good so far in spite of the long distance.

Top Accomplishments
1. Built my Instagram (almost 1000 followers today) - and got 3 lays from it
2. One long distance girlfriend and a local pool of "friends with benefits"
3. Resumed working out seriously after many years.
4. Improved the way I frame myself as sexual man

Top learnings
1. In the end, we men are nothing but tools to women's greater purpose of creating and nurturing life.
2. Never make her feel 100 pct sure she has you.
3. If you're going to embrace women in your life, you would better start growing some nerves of steel.
4. "Not bad for a man of my age". No complacency. There is always more you can do.

Goals for 2018
1. 8 new lays. I'm no longer interested in laycount per se, but want to achieve a minimum of 8 to "keep the hand". Already 3 so far in 2018.
2. Strength training: aiming for an additional 4 kgs of lean muscle with no addition of body fat. That would put my "Fat Free BMI" at 21.5.
3. Start my blog. It will be the continuation of the Journal I was keeping here. I already have a few possible names for it.
4. Develop and learn from new relationships. On going goal from 2017.


Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
You guys are amazing. I remember when I first made this thread.

Lay Count

Lays: no idea. Maybe 7 or 8? I had a super slow year, because I was working on my book.

LR-s: 2 (one I couldn't get it up with cuz I was starting to date my now-girlfriend. this hot ass 8.5 blonde literally showed up at my door naked under her hoodie and wanted to fuck before she left town, but I dug the girl I was seeing so much I could only eat her pussy and get some sucky sucky. Other girl was a virgin and couldn't crack her cept for pussy eating and cumming on her tits)

Kisses and fingerbangs: no idea

Dates: idk like 5 unique dates? Had a lot with my now girlfriend, since she was a virgin and super conservative/beautiful, but no biggie.

My Goals of 2015/2016/2017 Completed/In Progress

- Finished my college book
- Am financially independent as of like right now (new stuff coming soon from GC)
- Moved to Spain for 6 months then Romania (luckily avoided London. The politics there is cancer)
- Am dating a beautiful, high value girl and aside from some slight problems and on a clear path to absolute abundance
- Have continued my meditations and made progress towards enlightenment (I'm currently at stage 2/4, according to the Buddhist texts)

Goals for 2018

- Clear credit card debt (which now should take about 4 or 5 months if I bust my ass, but the available money is there now)
- Finish two short stories, one romance novel, and one more GC book (or I could replace romance novels with a 2nd GC book)
- Grow my Instagram/GC Insta to 1,000 followers
- Grow GC Youtube channel to 5,000 subscribers

As you can see, it's all work based. My journey with women will never stop, but I've settled the pickup game (with improvements always to be had) and am rounding out the relationship game. Pretty much monkmode at the moment.

To the future, which may never come ;)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 7, 2014
Very Late to the party here, but awesome to see this thread is still going. Remember Hector making this years ago!

Lay Count

Lays: 6 (this was a massive drop from the year before in which I had a total of 21)
LR-'s: 0? Not sure on this one
Kisses and fingers bangs: Other than the girls I banged.. maybe 2 or 3?
Dates: 6 or 7?

Top 5 Lessons
1. If you want something go for it (Gary Vaynerchuk has really resonated with me recently) and don't bitch
2. The importance of quality and knowing your stuff
3. Being specific with how you define things
4. The importance of being a critical thinker
5. No one really gives a fuck about what you do or what you have to say

Goals for 2017
1. Finish my Master's degree (Actually just finished this a few weeks ago)
2. Continue growing my online audience and income. (Have been growing steadily and small income is starting to come in)
3. Cut down BIG TIME on partying and drinking (Completely cut down on this especially after the summer. Was almost MIA from this scene, which was nice)
4. Focus more on getting higher quality girls and lays (Mehhh.. all my kills were decent looking women.. wouldn't really say this was achieved)
5. Get that fucking threesome! (Negative to this. Had one solid opportunity that almost presented itself at the beginning of the year, but never fell through)

Goals for 2018
1. Finish my Master's degree (Just recently finished)
2. Make Some Solid $$$
3. Continue growing my online audience and income. (Last month has been the best month to date so far in terms of income and growing my presence)
4. Release my first ebook
5. Get back in the Game a bit (I've yet to have a new kill this year... had a few LR-'s and repeat kills, but nothing new)

Overall, looking back at things it wasn't exactly a great year, but I'll admit I did learn a lot. My schooling took much longer than expected and it at one point took over a bit of my life. I cut down on partying completely, jumped around with 2 girlfriends over the year of 2017 (hence, lack of new kills), and most recently ended things with the one at the beginning of 2018. I know it's May 2018, and I expect things to really pick up now considering I just finished school.

Cheers to the rest of 2018 fellas!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
*exits cryopod*

Lay Count 2018
New Lays: 19, which is 4 more than last year.
Lifetime Lay Count: 47 (Fuck yea!)
LR- (BJ, sucking boobs, etc...): 2
Total dates 2018: 16

Top Accomplishments
1. I'm currently banging two highly motivated, older, beautiful blonde women - which I originally seduced back to back (the quality of all my lays were higher).
2. Two months that had 4 lays (Sept & November).
3. Got my Bachelor's Degree.
4. Developed my own research project and co-authored on two projects.
5. I've never been this confident in my life.

2018 Goals review
1. 22 lays in a year was a pretty high goal - I'm definitely okay with getting 19.
2. I did not make day game regular whatsoever but I did have some successful approaches, dates, and lays from it.
3. I've forged a much, much stronger frame than I had last year. I still "relapse" sometimes, but I generally don't give a fuck about what you think about me.
4. Made the Dean's List, but didn't get the 4.0 GPA.
5. Scored pretty damn high on the GRE.
6. My drinking was NOT EVEN CLOSE to moderate or 2 days a week. I utterly failed on this, which is partly why I'm taking January off.
7. My reading was not close to a book a week either, and I spent much more time on Youtube and listening to podcasts.
8. Pulled 3 girlfriend quality women, not just 1 (; (Pumpkin, Koala, and Venice).
9. I have stopped a lot of my behaviors that feed external validation but still have some tendencies like social media and high value men/women who's feedback I try to learn from. I've been counseling myself along with the mediation as of recent and it's helping tremendously.
10. I put on a good amount of muscle and my body is much better. I'm stronger. But I only gained 3 lbs total, so idk what of that is muscle and how much fat I lost.
11. Didn't get the threesome despite 3 opportunities.

So I hit 4 of those goals. Not fucking bad. Shoot for the stars, land on the moon.

Top Learnings
1. "See me, and you, we ain't that different"
2. You are responsible for your own feelings and existential outcomes.
3. Every action you take, and every thought you have has a consequence.
4. Focusing on nothing but selfish gains will never make you happy.
5. I'm not a big deal.
6. Everyone just wants to be understood.

Goals For 2019
1. 23 New Lays for a total of 70.
2. Fuck a 10.
3. Manage at least 3 ongoing, emotional relationships for at least 3 months.
4. Get into graduate school.
5. Get promoted to a bartender.
6. Save at least $10,000.
7. Hit 180 lbs on the scale.
8. Take up a form of self defense (Krav Maga or Muay Thai).
9. Write 15 songs.
10. Develop a dance / rap routine and perform it at a community event.
11. Read 20 books.
12. THREESOME (this will be the year).

2019, I'm gonna fuck your shit up >:)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
walking in.

New lay: 1
Total lay count: 2
LR-: None
Dates: Around 10

Top Accomplishments
1. A day game lay
2. Having multiple sources of income so if one goes down, I don't die
3. Gain another 12 lbs (167 as this morning), arms 20% bigger, raise my curls to 90 lbs from 65 lbs from last years, other exercise I raised about 20-30%

Top Lessons
1. Talking with everyone like a natural helps a lot.
2. When I screwed up, instead of sulking, I tried my best to win. Even if I don't get the girl I can get the skill (cold-approach only).
3. It's ok to fail from over-providing good feelings.
4. How you ask isn't important as how you persist (cold-approach only).

The major theme of this year will be specialization. I already knew what kind of girls I'll specialize in. Thus
1. Play tennis and go to intermediate level
2. Become a respected member of a volunteering group
3. Get 10 dates from beach pickup
4. Get 10 dates from library pickup
And of course, generic skills:
5. Cut body fat to 15%
6. Beat a guy in boxing
7. Sing 5 English songs
8. 5 lays
9. A FB
10. Have my own product with some income.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
2018 Stats

LR: 4
LR-: 4
FR+: 4
Dates: 18ish
Lifetime lay count: 10

Top Accomplishments

1. My first ever big breakthrough came in early november. Prior to this breakthrough i was inconsistently getting dates, and was only able to bang a girl every few months. After november, i can now get a date whenever i want and fuck 1-2 girls a month.
2. I completed the 60 day daygame challenge, where i approached at least 1 woman for 60 days straight
3. I spent a lot of time at the gym and got ripped

Top Lessons

1. Rooting in Daygame
2. Reframing
3. Female non-receptiveness is the male non approach
4. Putting girls in the submissive frame
5. The Timeline Technique
6. Swinggcat Qualification
7. False Disqualification
8. Open Loops
9. Relationship screening
10. BHRR
11. Using women's tactics against them
12. Verbal escalation
13. Hypothetical situations

2019 Goals

1. minimum 24 lays
2. minimum 1000 approaches
3. move to lima, peru
4. fully optimize my dating profile pictures
5. incorporate more structure into my game
6. achieve the cro-magnon man rank on the forum

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012
Grand Pooba said:
Grand Pooba said:
Lay Count 2016
New Lays: 14 (Full sexual intercourse), 9 more than 2015.
Lifetime Lay count: 40
LR- (BJ, sucking boobs etc...): a lot...
Total dates 2015: 100-150?

Top Accomplishments
1. Early Sept 2016: 3 LRs and 1 LR- in 3 days.
2. Late August to Early December, 10 LRs (~3 per month).
3. Several club and bar pulls (some were LR-)
4. "Sexy Douchebag" sexual and confident vibe.
5. Breezy persistence at home, breezy attitude.
6. Maintained sexual frequency at 3-7 nights a week for 8 months.
7. Even past a relationship "end," women kept coming back.

2016 Goals review
1. Establish myself in Asia - postponed.
2. Increase Arousal with women - mostly accomplished.
3. 10 new lays. Objective later upgraded to 15-20 lays. Got 14.
4. Learned to be breezy and go with the flow, not goal focused on sex.

Top learnings
1. I do best when I focus on having fun and feeling a woman, instead of sex.
2. Killer instinct is key.
3. State control is the most powerful tool.
4. Calibration.

Goals for 2017
1. 45 new lays.
2. Higher quality women, 8+ only, new demographics.
3. Lead and choose from my gut feel, spiritual connection.
4. Bulletproof confidence and self esteem, emotional control.

Lay Count 2017
New Lays: 18 (Full sexual intercourse), 4 more than 2016.
Lifetime Lay count: 58
LR- (BJ, sucking boobs etc...): very few, it either went all the way or it didn't happen at all, this year.
Total dates 2015: Estimated 40-50.

Top Accomplishments
1. Multiple threesomes and group sex sessions this year - I estimate 20 or so.
2. Late June to Early August, ~10 LRs
3. Got into the BDSM and Kink scene.
4. Found a very committed mentor, received extensive coaching in texting.
5. Fixed two huge sticking points - texting, and LMR desire resistance busting caused by faulty mindsets.

2017 Goals review
1. 45 new lays, later changed to 20-25. I got 18, really fell off after August due to work transitions.
2. Higher quality women, 8+ only, new demographics. Definitely got new demographics in women, girls were 6-8's overall.
3. Lead and choose from my gut feel, spiritual connection. I built up my gut instincts, trusted them more, and became more attuned to social dynamics.
4. Bulletproof confidence and self esteem, emotional control. Overall higher confidence and self esteem, more emotional control. It's a work in progress.

Top learnings
1. The Desire LMR Buster - tell a girl how much you like her and enjoy time with her, if she expresses ASD.
2. Once women have decided to go home with you (or follow your lead and show sexual desire), they've determined you're a strong man and want to sleep with you.
3. Women are more afraid of a guy not liking them than the other way around. If a guy can't back up his interest with sex, even bad sex, then she'll autoreject harshly.
4. Queen theory - every girl wants to feel like she's #1.

Goals for 2018
1. 25 new lays - get to 85 total.
2. Build regular cold approaching into my routine again.
3. High quality women, 8+ only, met through cold approach and night game.
4. Get really good at night game and day/night SDLs/SNLs.
5. Learn how to pull smoothly and efficiently, consistently. Pulling is my current sticking point.
6. Frame more sexual encounters, use my knowledge in BDSM and Kink.
7. Bulletproof confidence and self esteem.
8. Kill any drive to seek validation from women, especially new women, and external validation in general.
9. Find and date two girlfriend-quality women.
10. Fix all my ED, Performance Anxiety, and Stress Related mental issues when it comes to sex. Learn to focus on my pleasure every single time.

Lay Count 2018
New Lays: 11 (Full sexual intercourse), 7 less than 2017.
Lifetime Lay count: 69
LR- (BJ, sucking boobs etc...): ~4
Total dates 2018: Estimated 20-25.

Top Accomplishments
1. Became a more attractive and sexy man in every way, women give way more IOIs on a daily basis.
2. A lot of 2018 was about non-women things - I established myself as an independent business owner.
3. Lots of great encounters in mid to late 2018 - fast 15-20 min meet to pulls, and hotter girls.
4. Used more sex talk.
5. Way more assholey and aggressive.

2018 Goals review
1. 25 new lays - get to 85 total. - Got 11; my dating life was zero for all of early 2018 until I changed cities and fixed my logistics in mid May. So that, plus focus on non-women endeavors and depression explains this drop.
2. Build regular cold approaching into my routine again. - Off and on; will be a daily focus in 2019.
3. High quality women, 8+ only, met through cold approach and night game. - Quality went up for sure, doing 7's and 8's consistently now, still need to break into 9's and 10's. Only met through cold approach and night game, I dropped online/app game completely and it has paid off.
4. Get really good at night game and day/night SDLs/SNLs. - In progress, better with day game.
5. Learn how to pull smoothly and efficiently, consistently. Pulling is my current sticking point. - Pulls have been better but I have to improve my calibration.
6. Frame more sexual encounters, use my knowledge in BDSM and Kink. - I need to apply more sex talk.
7. Bulletproof confidence and self esteem. - In progress, 2019 will be the year.
8. Kill any drive to seek validation from women, especially new women, and external validation in general.
9. Find and date two girlfriend-quality women. - Did not accomplish.
10. Fix all my ED, Performance Anxiety, and Stress Related mental issues when it comes to sex. Learn to focus on my pleasure every single time. - I made some inroads to deal with this in 2018, but it remains a huge issue that is affecting my sex life and all my successful seductions. This remains a massive, massive sticking point, and it won't be in 2019. What I've learned is that I really need to control my porn use and balance my mental state. I also have to become more comfortable with women.

Top learnings
1. To get girls, I must approach regularly. That's the only path to getting laid regularly. If I stop approaching, I won't get laid. This means I also must control my porn use and drinking.
2. Take the opportunities I have as soon as they show up - don't become fixated on a single girl when another wants me more. There were several times in 2018 where my original target was trying to pass me to her friend who was more interested, and I failed to see those signs - and missed both girls.
3. Ruining the mystery of the interaction during sex or after sex - like by telling her where I see this going - will destroy the seduction. I have to manage attainability, mystery, and my neediness at first sex.
4. Don't commit to someone I don't see myself being with long term - breaking up with them then becomes a painful and dangerous ordeal.
5. Absolutely always stick my penis in a girl at the first escalation - I don't even need to make her cum, I just need to make sure my penis gets inside her. That will increase the odds of her seeing me again by 90%.

Goals for 2019
1. 30-35 new lays - get over 100 total.
2. I always cold approach several girls every single day, always go for numbers and instant dates. I close on 50% or more of the women I approach; I fuck 25% of them.
3. Date and fuck 8+ women only, met through cold approach and night game.
4. Always use sex talk on dates and meets, and get really good at making girls super horny.
5. Always pull girls consistently, 75% of all dates and SDMs.
6. Frame more sexual encounters, use my knowledge in BDSM and Kink.
7. Bulletproof confidence and self esteem.
8. Become internally comfortable and sexually comfortable with women - and focus on my own pleasure.
9. Find and date two girlfriend-quality women.
10. Regularly add new girls as FB lovers (and create a good system for this)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014
Lay Count 2018
Dates: 17
New Lays (Full Sexual Intercourse): 11
Lifetime Laycount: 63 (or 72 inclusive of partial sex)

Top Accomplishments
1. Upped my fundamentals at least one notch, much more masculine
2. Intermediate level in weightlifting (deadlift 130kg for 3 reps, squats > 100 kg for 5 reps, rows 75kg for 5 reps)
3. Finally launched my blog
4. Got into sexy photography with my most beautiful conquests
5. Some incredibly sexy times during my travels

Top learnings
1. It is all a function of the time you spend on it. Less time, less results. More time, more results. It is difficult to keep 3 main activities besides job, i.e. blogging, weightlifting, getting girls. Prioritizing time becomes important.
2. Becoming more picky with girls also means getting less sex. There are less 8+ girls around, than 6+ girls. I may have to open up my standards again.
3. Relationships is the realm of women. Let them do the work for it.
4. Better fundamentals, more masculine and muscular, but less attainable.
5. The importance of having the right seduction frame from the very beginning. I learned it (again) with this girl that I met from the professional network. The initial frame was strictly around business. It took ages to shift the frame to dating.

2018 Goals review
Seppuku said:
Goals for 2018
1. 8 new lays. I'm no longer interested in laycount per se, but want to achieve a minimum of 8 to "keep the hand". Already 3 so far in 2018.
2. Strength training: aiming for an additional 4 kgs of lean muscle with no addition of body fat. That would put my "Fat Free BMI" at 21.5.
3. Start my blog. It will be the continuation of the Journal I was keeping here. I already have a few possible names for it.
4. Develop and learn from new relationships. On going goal from 2017.
8 new lays: Got 11 without much effort.
Strength training: I probably added close to 6 kg of lean muscle, to below 18pct body fat.
Blog: launched.
New relationships: On this one I am behind. There was this ongoing thing with miss K which is now ended. Besides that I didn't get anything worth mentioning.

Goals for 2019
1. New lays: at least 10
2. Work on my attainability. Need to tone down my edge.
3. Need to increase focus on getting girls in Doha
4. Achieve balance between job, kids, activities and girls
5. 20 new posts on my seduction blog.
6. Launch my business blog
7. Reaching 15 pct body fat or below
8. Increase all my lifts
9. Travel to new cities. Eastern Europe?
10. Propose a guest post to GC

I will come up with a more detailed set of goals and objectives on my journal here.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 17, 2015
Lay Count 2018:
- 9 new lays - 8 of these came in the first 6ish months and only 1 in the last 6ish months because changed focus to almost 100% work. Slow year in general.
- total lay count - 69
- LR- at least 4 - had some LMR problems this year.

Top Accomplishments:
1) Location indépendant job!
2) Tried freelancing for a while and negotiated some great rates, made some mistakes, and learned a lot.
3) Most lays came from first dates - had always struggle with this in past.
4) continued mastering job and forging career for freedom and profit opportunities.
5) steady worked out and had the healthiest year of my life probably. Eat only organic, keto, intermittent fast. Could have been more consistent on lifting, but given it was more of a background focus, I consider it an accomplishment to not have stopped lifting, and did improve max squats and deadlifts.

2018 learnings and review
1) It takes me a long time to recover from a relationship. Took me nearly all year to start getting my libido to full force and mentally away from my ex to where I felt really free with new women and back to my old self. But super proud that I wasn't sad and quickly got new lays when the relationship ended.
2) still finding that hotter and younger girls continue to get easier as I get older.
3) I get almost as much satisfaction from work as I do from women. This has never been true in my life until this year.
4) My emotions are the most stable they've ever been. This is great as I feel very zen and happy, but the underlying anxiety that has propelled a lot of my social/dating life in the past is gone and I have to compel myself to take more action from a logical perspective, which has been a bit more challenging. At the end of the day I still want hot chicks and sex, but I feel a lower drive to get them, so I need to figure out motivation for that. Ironically, I think the underlying feeling of content helps me in game and makes me more grounded and attractive overall.

2019 goals:
1) get some fuck buddies. Didn't see most girls from 2018 more than 3 times. Shouldn't be a hard goal at all, but find myself wanting more company now so im putting this on here. Didn't really feel desire to keep anyone around in 2018 primarily because I just wasn't fully over my ex and I always struggle with balance. I achieve best results when I focus on one thing at a time. That was work for a lot of this year.
2) Move cities, travel Europe, and buy an RV. 2019 for me is about broadening my horizons geographically and taking full advantage of location independence.
3) 10 new lays. Not going for the record here, just consistent sex with new women, roughly 1 a month with keeping a good returning customer rate. Feel my quality is already generally pretty good, not looking for GF type girl so upping quality not too big of deal for me. But I'd also like to be open to fucking more types of women and keeping standards low for better momentum. lol weird goal, but I feel its mentally important to not be too picky. Be able to find beauty in most chicks.
4) Launch some online blog for my work along with some tutorials for some passive income opportunities.

Ultimately I still want to continue my primary focus on work into 2019. I don't think this will be a big year in dating for me and thats totally ok. I find myself to be continually getting better so not too worried about it, when I feel like slaying again and putting up lots of numbers, I feel the skills are as good as they've ever been. I hope to have more balance though this year and not go for months without sex to focus on work like I did in 2018. Also very excited about travel. I am not sure how that will play in with women because I will be traveling and working and work will still be time consuming. Anyway, it should be a very exciting year in my life. Can't wait until next year to see how we all progress.
