Lay Count (2024-2025)
New Lays: 18
Lifetime Count: Lost Count, I would guess somewhere in the 130-140 range
Total dates 2024: Oof. Idk Probably like 10-15?
Top accomplishments (seduction)
1. Lost and rebuilt a FB / MLTR pipeline 3 times (that shit is harder than I though to maintain and the lessons are valuable)
2. Fucked two different 9's (brunette, voluptuous, very pretty and very feminine)
3. Fucked new 3 girls 36-48 hrs apart from the first hello to the last goodbye
4. Both vacations to my hometown ended in lays (my system is locked in and down for that)
5. Inserted myself in two different social circles as a great fuck
Top accomplishments (life)
1. Found a career path I'm genuinely passionate about that doesn't have me sucking corporate dick
2. Held a decent job for over a year (lol -doesn't sound like much but I legitimately started from nothing in a hyper competitive city. I've had 6 different incomes since moving here)
3. Got in the best shape and physique of my life, HUGE improvement in fundamentals
4. After hitting a new rock bottom from the struggles of leaving my hometown, emotionally got back up again and again to find stability. My self-efficacy is at an all time high
5. Found a strong sense of identity and deep confidence in who I am as a person. I carry myself a lot differently
6. Paid off a shit town of debt and learned to improve my financial discipline (compared to my mid-twenties)
Seduction Goals (2025)
1. Bag a 9 from day game
2. EITHER get 3 MLTR's of 8+ quality OR bag and keep 1 OLTR for a longer relationship
3. Navigate to a upper echelon social circle with naturals who I actually like
4. Manage my reputation to burn 0 bridges while I continue to expand socially
5. Cold approach threesome with 2 8+ quality girls
Life Goals (2025)
1. Pay off ALL my debt
2. Invest 50K in crypto
3. Become an official (on paper) partner at my startup
4. Manage a team a of sales reps at my startup
5. Achieve an income that lets me rent my own place (have no roommates be an achievable goal in 2026 based on income)
This year was honestly a tough one. I fucked up in so many ways, I succeeded in so many ways, it's been a HUGE learning experience both about myself, life, and human nature. I feel so lucky to know that I survived when others didn't, and that I had communities, friends, and family that were there for me when I needed it.
As men we have to rely on ourselves, radically, even if that means jumping into the toughest waters and learning how to swim. And sometimes you ought to just do it if you really want to get great at swimming.
Stay up my brothas, see you on the other side.