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Socializing  2021 in review and the state of seduction as we enter 2022


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
and getting into frame wars with another men on Internet

Yea man.

I see parents getting attacked on TikTok for even the most random of shit.

Beyond ridiculous.
We are in a social decay. It all started in the 90s though where my father complain that he "felt left out".



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Good Post and matches a lot of what I'm seeing in London, UK too.

TLDR: The start of the seduction has got slightly harder but the end part of the seduction part has gotten easier.

LifeHack: Not enough people talk about this. Even in "hard" markets e.g. metropolitan cities there are "easy" girls e.g. au-pairs, tourists, uni students. Rather than going for Ukrainian ice queens who're getting flown out to Dubai by Sheikhs why not get a pretty new to your city student?

Honestly don't know why this isn't mentioned enough but hey. Each to their own.

Getting New Girls

1. Online - has definitely got harder. Way to succeed is paid multiple apps, good pictures or niche down e.g. BDSM scene or hit up girls who have the same music taste as you/you can tell like "your look". For me this tends to be white girls who like hip hop or afrobeat *shrugs*

If I was Asian I'd hone in on white girls who like K-Pop, Latina - focus on girls who like Reggaeton. List is endless just needs creativity. This can be applied to night game venues too.

2. Nightgame - Has stayed the same if you go to the right places. It's compulsory to go to bars/clubs with good ratios e.g. downtown places with bottle service/promoters etc. If you can't do that going to "girly" cocktail bars (think made for instagram with lots of pink, flowers on the wall to take pictures) has the same effect. Just make sure it's not over the top as you can potentially stick out in a bad way. It's a balancing act.

3. Daygame - Has stayed the same. Just as effective as before but you run into more girls with boyfriends post covid coupling up and the world being an uncertain place

Retaining Girls

Has gotten easier. Girls seem to push for commitment quicker but will funnily enough stick around longer than before if you don't fully offer it. Had multiple girls between 20/21 that were casual FB's for 12 months+ with very little drama or push back.

Think this is due to low level competition which I'll expand below


Men have sadly deteriorated. Many factors for this outside the scope of this post but in general most men aren't even trying and out of the ones who are, even fewer actually know what they're doing.

As skills said this is great for people with good game but a grind for everyone else.

Random society observations

> The West has gotten "softer". There are pros and cons to this. As a 1st gen immigrant I find it interesting to watch.

> Self-help, exercise and growth is in fashion. Long may it continue to be honest this is a positive thing in my book.

> Young girls are more left wing political and "apparently" won't date right wing guys. This is a massive shit test at best and not really a big deal. I just say all politicians are liars and that I don't mind paying taxes to help people out. 99% time it doesn't come up in conversation as I'm focusing on more fun topics.

> People are living in online bubbles. For men with little experience red pill, black pill whatever pill is getting more toxic. I even find myself going down the black hole and I have great reference points. That area of the internet should be avoided like the plague after getting the key takeways:

Work on your fundamentals/game, understand she can leave whenever. That's literally all they say in many different forms.

> People have by and large remained the same. Go outside and you'll see average looking guys with pretty women (which apparently doesn't happen according the "pill side of the internet"), people are friendly at bars as long as you look presentable and

99% of people are just trying to get by and be happy. We're a niche set of people and it's easy to forget that.
Clubs are not the same lol, at least in usa, come on, anyways you hit it right and the main point is harder the initial seduction once on 50 times easier.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
- The player is a dying breed... I see the "naturals" that were really good couple of years back, not even coming out, locking in women, or just disappearing
I think this has been a trend for quite a while now, it's rare to even see cool "player" type of characters on shows anymore, I've been only watching classic anime stuff and old movies and it's funny how Japanese cartoon characters can act more manly than 99% of the male characters in shows/mainstream movies nowadays lmao

Again the numbers meet to lay ratios have gone to total shit from all type of cold approach (i don't care what joe blow guru said, what i say is the bible take it to the bank, I am out there every weekend i see what is going on, i will give you some actual solutions later)...
- Clubs and night venues gone to shit..- All bottle services, is design to total separate "bottle service" with "general population" what this is causing a death in my opinion of the larger clubs i used to recommend due to volume, this is pointless now again multiple clubs is better.....
From my recent experiences I actually think it's easier than ever to get laid from night game, assuming there's actually some night life open in your location... I'm in Brazil though, so I get that the US is totally different, but women are thirsty for some action with a sexy stranger, and night clubs and bars are great for meeting girls like that.

- If you don't have a follow up method (for me texting) good luck getting laid all the time with ons, ons are becoming harder and harder, dtf not comming out (again i can care less what joe blow guru said, field test for yourself nd i am not talking halloween or _____ special event when women came out)...
Very true, even girls that seemed dtf had logistic problems I couldn't solve in the moment, for the most part, so having solid follow up game (I wouldn't even say i'ts mostly text game, it's more like "raising your floor" so you actually meet the girl afterwards and she treats you like the sexy guy you were in person).

Is there actually any evidence of this? I'm skeptical.
I think it just became more like the norm simply because most people are locked up in their houses and don't feel like going out to live a decent single life... Like people just became accomodated, and since people value people like them (similarity), this became the norm, and there for the "social acceptable" (I mean, it always was for the most part, but now it's even worse, I think). It's no biggie though, being a single player lone wolf type of guy will actually make you stand out even more now, and likely spike girls attraction even harder.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 13, 2021
Another thing, from what I m seeing, with the sift towards self development, meditation, awareness, people tend to get wiser. TedX, all kinds of motivational videos, develop people s mentality to the point that "this is the new black".

What I think would be the best move is to learn some conversation skills, like @Bismarck said. @Chase mentioned Rethorics. So you're one step ahead the majority.

The Hallo Effect is still present. One who looks good tends get better experiences from others.

Narcisists people who can control themselves still run the social circles.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2021
Regarding cold approach in London vs. US vs. Brazil vs. etc.

It's not surprising to me that some places could have become easier while some have become harder.

You basically can't make projections about countries without direct on-the-ground intel: the pandemic has created large gaps in "ease" of sexual marketplaces that have totally destroyed all pre-pandemic info about these locations.

What I'm saying applies to the US as I haven't been out of the country since just before the pandemic. I have, however, been to and gamed in about 15 different US cities since March 2020 and all have followed the same general trend of cold approach getting harder, to varying degrees of course.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
I've definitely noticed women getting flakier and flakier... not sure what that's about.

I'm in Austin, TX right now and there are definitely some beautiful women here but the biggest challenge I've seen with daygame here is volume since the city is so spread out and venues are so hit or miss.

How is California right now? Anyone there and can confirm or deny?

I was thinking about going to Miami but the population size there is pretty low and it sounds like every PUA and their brother is there gaming right now.

@Beck Bass - What part of Brazil are you in? Are things open down there?


Feb 3, 2020
I've definitely noticed women getting flakier and flakier... not sure what that's about.

I'm in Austin, TX right now and there are definitely some beautiful women here but the biggest challenge I've seen with daygame here is volume since the city is so spread out and venues are so hit or miss.

How is California right now? Anyone there and can confirm or deny?

I was thinking about going to Miami but the population size there is pretty low and it sounds like every PUA and their brother is there gaming right now.

@Beck Bass - What part of Brazil are you in? Are things open down there?

I went by Lincoln Road last December on a Saturday for daygame and didn't notice any guys approaching.

Maybe one can get 7 approaches per hour (not being super picky) approaching young women based on my rough math while walking about.

South Florida in general is similarly spread out (you have to drive everywhere).


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
I went by Lincoln Road last December on a Saturday for daygame and didn't notice any guys approaching.

Maybe one can get 7 approaches per hour (not being super picky) approaching young women based on my rough math while walking about.

South Florida in general is similarly spread out (you have to drive everywhere).

Sounds like it might be worth it then. It doesn't seem like there are a whole lot of good options at the moment of places to go.

Maybe I'll head out that way in February.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I don't want to make this political.

That movie 'Idiocracy'. I haven't watch the movie and watch the trailer. But this is what I'm seeing.

Is this you guys? I'm Asian and I guess I be moving to Japan and be a pornstar since the world is burning anyway. HAHAHA


Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
@Beck Bass - What part of Brazil are you in? Are things open down there?
Yep, for now they are. I live in the south, in a capital city. Technically you still have to use masks in some places but most population is vaccinated and the clubs and bars are open and running just like normal. A lot of the public street Carnival events got cancelled because of COVID, but people still enjoying their time at the beaches and the night life is very much alive. I do fear that after Carnival this Omicron shit is gonna make things close again but I hope not


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I think this has been a trend for quite a while now, it's rare to even see cool "player" type of characters on shows anymore, I've been only watching classic anime stuff and old movies and it's funny how Japanese cartoon characters can act more manly than 99% of the male characters in shows/mainstream movies nowadays lmao

From my recent experiences I actually think it's easier than ever to get laid from night game, assuming there's actually some night life open in your location... I'm in Brazil though, so I get that the US is totally different, but women are thirsty for some action with a sexy stranger, and night clubs and bars are great for meeting girls like that.

Very true, even girls that seemed dtf had logistic problems I couldn't solve in the moment, for the most part, so having solid follow up game (I wouldn't even say i'ts mostly text game, it's more like "raising your floor" so you actually meet the girl afterwards and she treats you like the sexy guy you were in person).

I think it just became more like the norm simply because most people are locked up in their houses and don't feel like going out to live a decent single life... Like people just became accomodated, and since people value people like them (similarity), this became the norm, and there for the "social acceptable" (I mean, it always was for the most part, but now it's even worse, I think). It's no biggie though, being a single player lone wolf type of guy will actually make you stand out even more now, and likely spike girls attraction even harder.
Did you read that I included moving to Brazil In the solutions, the dudes I know from Brazil here don't even go out they gave up...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I've definitely noticed women getting flakier and flakier... not sure what that's about.

I'm in Austin, TX right now and there are definitely some beautiful women here but the biggest challenge I've seen with daygame here is volume since the city is so spread out and venues are so hit or miss.

How is California right now? Anyone there and can confirm or deny?

I was thinking about going to Miami but the population size there is pretty low and it sounds like every PUA and their brother is there gaming right now.

@Beck Bass - What part of Brazil are you in? Are things open down there?
How is Miami population size low Miami is over crowded???


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I went by Lincoln Road last December on a Saturday for daygame and didn't notice any guys approaching.

Maybe one can get 7 approaches per hour (not being super picky) approaching young women based on my rough math while walking about.

South Florida in general is similarly spread out (you have to drive everywhere).
Correct Lincoln road best day game I mentioned that multiple times


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Clubs are not the same lol, at least in usa, come on, anyways you hit it right and the main point is harder the initial seduction once on 50 times easier.

I did add the caveat of “the right places”. Yes nightlife has gone down overall but good spots have stayed the same if not increased slightly as they take people from places that shut down.

Mixed the observation & solution with that point.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I did add the caveat of “the right places”. Yes nightlife has gone down overall but good spots have stayed the same if not increased slightly as they take people from places that shut down.

Mixed the observation & solution with that point.
Were I am we didn't get the shut downs like that....


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 3, 2020
Yep, for now they are. I live in the south, in a capital city. Technically you still have to use masks in some places but most population is vaccinated and the clubs and bars are open and running just like normal. A lot of the public street Carnival events got cancelled because of COVID, but people still enjoying their time at the beaches and the night life is very much alive. I do fear that after Carnival this Omicron shit is gonna make things close again but I hope not

Are you in Porto Alegre?

I was thinking of going that direction in 2019 but ended up in Poland with a girlfriend.

How is Miami population size low Miami is over crowded???

I mean for daygaming... I've always looked at cities that have at least 1 million population size or more when daygaming, if I'm going to be there for awhile. Otherwise you run into the same girls pretty quickly.

According to Google... Miami has 454,279 people in it, which would be considered small, to me, for daygame. I'm sure it's overpopulated, like most places are these days... but that's relative to the structure, width, and design of the city... which I think most cities I've been to are designed for less people than there are, at this point, in them.

If it is really easy to run into a lot of potential approaches in a day there, it's worth checking out, since I probably won't be there for more than a month anyway (unless it turns out to be really good).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Are you in Porto Alegre?

I was thinking of going that direction in 2019 but ended up in Poland with a girlfriend.

I mean for daygaming... I've always looked at cities that have at least 1 million population size or more when daygaming, if I'm going to be there for awhile. Otherwise you run into the same girls pretty quickly.

According to Google... Miami has 454,279 people in it, which would be considered small, to me, for daygame. I'm sure it's overpopulated, like most places are these days... but that's relative to the structure, width, and design of the city... which I think most cities I've been to are designed for less people than there are, at this point, in them.

If it is really easy to run into a lot of potential approaches in a day there, it's worth checking out, since I probably won't be there for more than a month anyway (unless it turns out to be really good).
I will admit that the dudes I know from online who game in Miami have run into the same girls on occasion. It's happened maybe a dozen or two where they reapproached the same girl although i'm not sure if mostly from night or daygame. Usually the girls didn't care. I think the lincoln road miami beach area has more tourists there so if that's something that crosses your mind you could be in that vicinity more.

One of the dudes reapproached this girl he banged and didn't recognize initially and the girl said "you literally had sex with me this week!" LOL


Feb 3, 2020
I will admit that the dudes I know from online who game in Miami have run into the same girls on occasion. It's happened maybe a dozen or two where they reapproached the same girl although i'm not sure if mostly from night or daygame. Usually the girls didn't care. I think the lincoln road miami beach area has more tourists there so if that's something that crosses your mind you could be in that vicinity more.

One of the dudes reapproached this girl he banged and didn't recognize initially and the girl said "you literally had sex with me this week!" LOL

Lincoln Road I did notice what seemed to be a lot of tourists to add to Starboy's notes here.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2021

Meteoric rise in app usage = less and less socially acceptable to meet strangers in a romantic context via cold approach.

Pandemic restrictions = people have gotten used to being inside, even with restrictions lifted. I was in San Francisco for one week in early November, it was a ghost town. Typical routine of an above average girl - work from home for 8 hours, order food delivery, watch Netflix. No going outside. If they do, always to private events/parties, hanging with their pandemic bubble.

Masks - no more needed to say here. Even in Miami outdoor shopping malls, 20-30% of girls wearing masks outside.


Less venues in general, tons of places closed due to the pandemic

Way less people out in general

If girls do go out they know a promoter or get table service

Lots of venues charging cover to make up for lost money, you can no longer so easily game the door

Wow, that sounds awful.

This pandemic might have been the final nail in the coffin for "Game" and Pickup in general. I think society was headed in that direction with heavy online usage, but the pandemic just accelerated that. At some point, people won't even exist outside of their home, and a few select destinations (usually with friends).