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A Hunter's Journey

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
We went out and it was fun... But we went to the usual club and it was like no game.
There were hot girls, even a few beautiful-ish (not a single like 7/7 but a few 6/7s, or almost that) but none of us felt like approaching...
I mean, we are rusty, but there's deff a weird vibe there right now, my bro agrees. I'm not coming back to this club until I get sucess elsewhere.
My girl was chill though with me going out to game with him, she even allowed me to make out with other girls, she was just like "don't take any contact info, no messages on your phone, Beck!", and I was like "well, I can always tell him to take their contact for me lmao", she laughed a bit. I'm super happy with her, but since we're moving in together next year, I wanna enjoy the little extra freedom I have right now.

Was reading another Nassim Taleb's book and got this realization that many times we feel like we're at a plateau, making no progress, we're slowly searching for a way forward, and once we have one, even if it takes quite a while, the rewards likely will be worth it. Since seduction and mating in general is a area where if you have a small advantage, like skill, game, really, above most people, you will have exponential rewards (more than average people), I feel this was something I needed to read. Even if seduction doesn't feel that fruitful atm, I'm gonna keep putting effort into it, and hopefully I'll have some breakthrough eventually, like this threesome I've been wanting for quite a while.

Gonna probably keep on going out with my buddy, but clubs in general are kinda shit atm, also towards the end of the year, most girls don't even go out that much, many go travel with family to the beach and shit. That said, there's some crazy hoes on special occasions, like Xmas and new years Eve parties, so gonna keep my eyes open for that. Overall though mostly just gonna work on my LTR and making my girl cum and stuff like that.


Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
We went out again, but to that other club Ace likes going to.
My friend went like crazy and made out with like 4 chicks, 2 of them he approached and they weren't quite biting at first, but then they caved when the approached again. Actually the first one he approached I was sure would kiss him but then they didn't, maybe he was going with super direct caveman "game" (like let's just make out?!?) and the girl was a bit startled. Anyway, he was on fire! He just had got a nice haircut and facial hair from the barber, he's a bit of an athlete and has nice posture, so girls were all over him.
Even Ace made out with some girl that that friend from Sao Paulo's Carnival approached for him or something, he was also doing well with the ladies, overall good times!

I saw some cute girls, but I just wasn't quite feeling like approaching any of them.
There was this younger cute girl dancing like crazy, I was going to approach her, but she wasn't throwing any AIs, and she looked too excited dancing, and was with a dude (that I assumed was gay, but wasn't sure), so I hesitated a bit.
My buddy asked me if I wanted him to approach any girl for me, I was like, I don't even feel like approaching anyone atm, so what do I have to lose (other than some face? lmao). So I told him to approach that girl for me. He talked to the dude with her, and he was a gay friend, and then she just came in telling me her name, and we made out. It was kinda intense, but I wasn't feeling much, like not even close to getting hard, she did have a nice body though. But her face wasn't that impressive, she really had an sexy outfit and lots of make up, but she wasn't really my type, still, I would do her easily lol.

She asked me for my IG, I was like, I don't have one. I was also paying more attention to her face, and maybe she thought I didn't like her that much, I mean, I would bang her, but I don't wanna get in trouble with my girl, and this girl was kinda meh, you know.
Later her friend came to my friend and said she didn't quite wanted to make out with her again just yet, I was thinking of reapproaching her, but I don't think I made it that clear to get a "free rejection" out of the blue lol (maybe my friend approached them again though, no idea).
Lots of girls were throwing me AIs, and there was this two set that started laughing slyly a me and my buddy passed them by on the stairs, as I was going to leave. I told him this, but only the girl in the red dress was really any attractive, and I wasn't really feeling like approaching, I was really tired... My buddy asked me, will you really leave? You don't wanna kiss this girl? And I was like I'm too tired man. And he was like " too tired to kiss a girl?!?", and I was like whatever lol.

I wasn't quite dressed my best, I didn't even expect to go out Saturday, but it turned out the way it did. The club was also playing only reggaeton tunes, there's some fine girls in those nights, but honestly none really that stunning, and I don't like the music that much, so it was hard to stay there for too long. But it was fun seeing my buddies have a great time, and it was nice kissing that girl as well.

My girl asked me if I kissed any girls in the club, I was like, only this one, but I had credit! She was like, ok, but once we're living together, no more of that, I was like, ok, but I dunno. To be fair, I don't even feel like approaching other girls, but it still it's fun to go crazy with the boys, let's see how things go (I also think it's gonna be a while until we live together)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 15, 2023
hunters journey, makes sense, because for all time, and likely all eternity, men will have to be the hunters if we want to have a woman, or have women in our lives, whether we like it or not.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Last Friday me and Naruto-kun (let's call my main wing now that he's back, can't remember if he had a handle before) went to the usual club, the one I swore I wouldn't go before getting results elsewhere (I madeout with a chick my buddy approached on that other club, so whatever). We actually considered pretty much every other option we had, but it seemed like our best shot.

Fridays lately here are very dead, night life wise, but as we approach the club there's a decent line. Good thing we actually decided to go, we were actually chilling on his car and he started getting cold feet, I was like, if he doesn't go, I think I'll just head home, but my girl was travelling, so I wouldn't sleep with her regardless, so I told him we should just do it.

We get in and there's bunch of girls, hooray! Quite a few hotties. We take a while to warm up, but I'm feeling good that night, almost getting over the fact that last time I was there by myself I got called to talk outside because of my uncallibrated approach.

Anyway, this beautiful girl starts looking at me, and her group standing close to us. My friend eventually tells me she's into me, that he thought she was looking at him at first, but she wouldn't answer his eye contact. I go and approach, really casually. I ask her name, what she does, and all that, she a bit skittish at first, but then starts investing, leaning a bit closer. I'm not quite sure what to talk about next, so I ask her her age, and somehow this makes things weird... She doesn't wanna tell me her age, she asks mine, I tell her I'm 53 (which I'm not ofc), then she laughs and tell me she's not young, then I tell her, "But you don't seem like you're...", and I take a while to finish, and she finishes it for me: "old". I'm like, oh shit, maybe she's sensitive about that, but it didn't seem like such a big deal to me. Anyway it gets a bit chaotic and she and her friends move, I'm like, oh, I'll just reapproach her later, but I didn't get another chance that night (I saw her dancing, but she was in the middle of a bunch of people, it was quite packed).

My friend asks me what happened and tells me he was sure we were going to make out, I tell him I was sure too, but things just fizzed out somehow. Then that little nice approach I made inspires my buddy to go crazy and approach a bunch of girls, I think he makes out with like 2, one of them actually turns out had a boyfriend (but was also making out with some other guy that came in with her lmao). Naruto tells then me and my girl have and open-ish relationship, that sometimes she lets me get with other girls, she asks me about it a bit but convo dies shortly (she engrossed with the other guy and my buddy is chasing her, I tell him "stop simping!", he tells me she's too hot, she's like cute plain white girl, would bang, but only with her dressed up/eith makeup lol).

There another chick dancing like crazy, quite a hot body, then she starts like staring at me from behind, I'm like cool, whatever, I can dance with you, eventually my buddy is like approach approach, I try ti approach her with a lingering touch, but she just ignores it (or doesn't feel it, but I think she noticed) and moves with her friends, me and my buddy both go like wtf. Anyway she dances more near me later and looks to me a bit, but I'm just enjoying seem her dancing, like damn. Eventually some random tall dude that was like "grinding" that night (he pretty much approached he whole club and got rejected very often) goes in, seem to have a friendly chat with her and then make out, me and Naruto laugh.

Oh, I also saw a friend from uni I didn't see for a long time that night, good times! Just feeling like I still got it already feels me with joy, like both those girls, arguably the hottest face and the hottest body in the club seemed into me, and I almost made out with them, but I wasn't like totally feeling it. Still, I managed to approach, and that inspired my buddy (we actually had a bit of a approach competition going on, old skool style) to approach, so that was great.

Next day I have some fun with my girl, she seems eager to please me somehow, she knows I was there because we share the credit card lol, but I didn't talk about it, and she didn't ask, so whatever. We're solving a few things with our new homebase, soon we should be living together, so yeah, not sure I'll be able to practice like that anymore then, but I'll figure something out!

Godspeed yall
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