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A Hunter's Journey

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Women don't have a lot of time to waste and even if she loves you, her biology is going to push her towards a man that can help her reproduce and keep her secure
Yeah ofc, she's gonna be 28 by the end of the year (I'm almost 27), I knew that was a pressure building for a while, but she seemed chill for the most part... Lately she was pulling back a bit though, I think a good part of that is that friend that was leaving and probably talked a bunch of shit about me, made her think, for sure.

Similar to having a Queen that you build with and concubines that you only play with.

Because being open for more than 2 years with no sign of future security will make almost any woman eject. Or you can talk her into getting a legit provider while you are her lover on the side

Just saying you may need to be creative and open minded in order to keep this relationship going longer into the future
Yeah, my plan from the start was more of a queen thing, but she's still resistant to the idea, for the most part...
I get her as well, I mostly game on clubs and the best club in town is this club she used to go to and her friends sometimes go to as well, she doesn't want other people seeing me with other girls (I do my best to keep it on the down low but it's complicated when she lives in the same city I live in and it's this little egg).
We do have an Arctic Monkeys concert to attend in November together though, let's see how she's feeling then.

For now I wanna focus on going balls to the wall with my game, I wanna go crazy approaching out there, maybe even get some daygame in, something I didn't ever focus on.


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
My take? You are 26 and entering your prime.
As long as you keep taking care of yourself, you have at least 20+ years in that prime.
Not the time to settle down for sure.
No single girl is ever gonna be enough in that phase, as amazing as she is, just because you are not emotionally there yet.
Getting serious with a woman demands a lot more than good sex and frame...it's a battle of resilience.

Not only you gotta find the right fit, but you also have to build a stoic wall that even the strongest feminine waves cannot break.
Because she is gonna test you. Hard. Especially if she loves you.
And you have to be that same guy 100% of the time you are around her.
This takes time for us guys to get used to, plus a lot of our daily energy.

Yeah, break-ups suck.
But it's better to tell hard truths, get them upset, and gain their respect, than to lie and let the problem grow.
This is the right way to let the door open for when she comes back (because she will...you guys are gonna fuck again in the future, just watch).

I'd take 2-3 weeks to de-load and absorb the blow (going from couple to single takes time to adjust).
Fucking lots of chicks to get over her, just because you can, probably gonna make you feel hollow inside.
Been there, done that.

What you could've done better:
- taking more time adjusting the open frame and details of the open-relationship before introducing family into the equation;
- having the talk with her about who you are and where you guys stood. This is important to reinforce the frame of the relationship and let her know you never going to change.
The frame steps:
1) us vs the world mentality,
2) we are in this together,
3) nobody is gonna know, secret society (this one I know you realize you blew with the club outings, bc you clearly put her reputation on the line)
4) other chicks are just for fun/biology,
5) you are my queen and I see a future with you, etc,etc

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Well said @POB, gotta go hard this month to just forget really, being on a sort of vacation right now also gives me a shitton of time to game, I want to take my game to the next level this year. I'm sure we'll fuck again but I don't wanna hurt her more, at the same time it's tough because I find it will be hard to find a girl that is as good of a match for me as she is. But, as you said, I'm in my prime, and I know it, compromising right now is only gonna make me regret later.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020

This month I'll have a lot of free time so I'll focus on gaming harder than ever.
I pretty much only pickup girls from night game, but I've been wanting to branch into daygame for quite a while, so I'll try to get at least some basic daygame going.
I'll also use online as a secondary funnel and to find "leads" for other forms of game (more deets below)


The usual, I'll keep on hitting the clubs that I know work, and try finding some new venues as well. Mr. P seems excited to pickup girls at the moment, so he'll probably be my wing. I'll quit wasting my time on social-ish outings with Ace and some other dudes that won't approach. I will go out solo as well, as some of the hottest girls I picked up were in solo outings.

There's also some university parties I know are good for pulling chicks. Younger hot girls in general are super flaky, but the last one I went to I almost got a blowie behind a tree lol. Me and Mr. P are going to a big halloween one, hope it will be fun.


I'll create a new Tinder account around rush time, I'll check other apps as well. My plan is to use online as a very secondary way of getting laid, maybe some cuteish horny easy girls, if those happen to appear (back in the day it wasn't that uncommon, but it seems online only gets harder and harder). Not sure if Hinge is a thing here on Brazil but I'll check it out, also Bumble (though I dislike this one, personally lol).

One thing I tried once and kinda worked was following on IG the hot young girls that don't even answer on apps and seeing where they go. It felt a bit stalker-ish, but a very hot girl gave me some hard AIs when I appeared on a club she posted she was going to. My plan is mostly just seeing what's cooking with those younger hotties, what clubs/bar/parties (and even other places during the day) they go to, and adjust the venues I go to based on the intel.


That's the toughest, for sure. I was always a creature of the night and my game is very direct and physical, I'm not into talking a whole lot. That said, I'm mostly unafraid of approaching strangers and my fundamentals are in check, so if I overcome my AA and get some practice on some chill venues, maybe I can make it work.

Yesterday I went to the grocers around 4:30 PM and there were some real beauties there, one even gave me some AIs, but she was on the line and there was some old lady between us, I couldn't find an excuse to go talk to her. I need to learn some simple indirect game and find some good venues for it.

I'll check Google Maps to find some good venues for daygame and do some scouting on my own, I got some time on my hands for that now. Hopefully I'll be able to bed some cutie from daygame soon (or at least get over my AA and get some decent approaches in). If anyone has tips for daygame, send me!

Aaaaand that's it for now... Excited for this month!
I was also thinking of going back to the gym, as Ace invited me to train with him, on a gym very close to my appartment, but I'm thinking maybe it's better I exercise on my own at home and the park nearby, which would be better for picking up girls, I think (way more chill environ than the gym, but I have zero experience gaming on both, so dunno).
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
So today I went to the grocers around the same time, and not a single cute girl around, really... There was a funny older guy, though, that started making some small talk with me on the line, after there was an announcement about a car on the speakers.
I also went walking to get a haircut on the morning, and noticed that the street I live in is one of the best in terms of talent of women. Indeed, when I was going to the grocery store (and back home), there were some fine girls on the street, but I didn't think of approaching any (I guess there's even more on rush hour, around 6PM, but they maybe in a bit of a rush as well, dunno).

After that I went to the park, felt like I needed some exercise, went skating on my longboard a bit. A few cuties around running, but I have no idea how to open lol... Also there was one girl that started laying down on a blanket to chill and get some sunlight as I passed her by, she looked at me, I was like, this is some sort of movie moment here, should have approached, but I was too in my mind. After a while I pass her again, but she's laying down and maybe even has her eyes closed (she had sunglasses), I think it's better I don't disturb... But it's more like I don't know exactly how to open her. I'm skating around and thinking of a way, I pass her by a last time, but she still very much just chilling there isolated.
I was thinking about indirect openers to use while skating, at first I was like I'm just gonna ask her if she has some water to give me, then I thought more and I was like this is stupid, why don't I just go and drink some at the fountain ahead when I'm skating fast? Also she probably didn't have any and I had no idea what to say next, terrible opener (in my head lmao). I think I thought something else a bit better but still no big improvements. Maybe I just need to get out of my head and do some dumb approaches to get rid of AA a bit, I guess I still lack the cajones to just go and do it for now. I also feel like it would be easier if I knew some good generic indirect openers, gotta research that.

The hot girl from the club hadn't texted back, but I was on Whatsapp and saw her online, so I said fuck it and just sent a little "hiii". She was like, "hiii", but then didn't answer anything anymore. I have no idea how to recover from that shit, I mean, I got her number without really suggesting we would have a date, she texted me after I left asking if I was there (maybe she was horny and hoping to be pulled). To be fair I jumped the gun a bit just asking her how she was and if she wanted to go on a date with me on the first messages after that (what do I care how she is? Why am I asking she if wants to and not simply assuming, since she was so into me at the club?), I guess I was a bit afraid of going for something riskier, or taking more time, since this girl seemed a bit flaky, I was like let's lay it all down on the table and hope she bites, but she didn't, ofc.
Maybe I ask her for her IG or something? No idea how that's gonna help lmao, maybe if she sees the photo of my hot ex there she'll be curious, dunno. Maybe she really doesn't answer WhatsApp that much or is really busy atm and nothing can help, really, me trying stuff may just look desperate. I feel like a rookie sometimes with certain hot girls.
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Friday Mr. P and a friend of ours went with me to some heavy metal show (more like some meme TV rock shit but I digress). It was a lot of fun, though it had like one or two hotties there and not much opportunity to approach.
After the show ended, around midnight, we hit the usual club. Cute-ish girls but nothing too espectacular, Mr. P actually kinda got approached by the hottie I wanted to bang, so I lost a bit of my will to approach, the other girls were not quite my style (our other friend also drank quite a bit and was approaching like crazy). To be fair I also drank too much and felt a bit out of my element, but I was still happy to see the boys having fun.

Saturday afternoon we go to some German-ish place that sells beer and is having some Oktoberfest related event, we drink some nice stuff. After that we go to our friends appartment and have some wine, Mr. P me and Ace (and some other friends). We then head again to the same club lol, the funny big lesbian bartender greets us like "Huh so are you guys alive?" (refering to how much we drank last night).

I right away see some gay friend of a girl I made out before, really cool guy, greets me and basically throws me one of his cute friends. Short girl, nice ass, cute face (Mr. P actually was saying she was very good looking but I can't quite remember). What I do remember is she was wild, horny af, grabs my hands and squeezes them against her own butt and neck, frenches me super hard while biting me almost the whole time. I know once she stops that's gonna be it but I still have some fun. I grab her number just for the hell of it but she never answers my icebreaker (or saves my number).

After that I can't quite remember how I approached this girl, I was like flowing, feeling the power or my testosterone. We drank a bit but not much, my head is clear, I remember I was having a great time at the club. Anyway this girl is some bleached blonde hottie, but her face is not quite my style (great body though). We make out and it's good, I try grabbing her number, but I only noticed she mispelled her name completely and the number after I see that I sent my usual icebreaker to some random old lady lmao. I'm always asking them girl what they are doing after the club (ABC), but those girls are quite boring, sleeping seems to be the standard answer.

The boys are also going crazy as well, even Ace found some hipster hottie with a emo bang, very much his style, and is eating her face there, beautiful. Mr. P approached and made out with some many girls he kinda lost count, he's got 5 IGs from his efforts to show for though, one of them very hot indeed. I'm wearing a button down t-shirt, I usually don't use those much, but Ace and Mr. P always use them to go out, so I thought I would give it a try. Mr. P in particular start opening his as the night goes on, I have mine quite open by the end of the night, feeling wild.

The last one I approach is a bit chubby (I mean she's not fat, but she's also not quite that thin...), but her face is pretty adorable, specially with make up. We have some tame make out (I'm trying not to give this one too much as the others were kinda trolling me at this point lmao), I ask her for what she's doing later and she's boring as well, but when I say oh maybe some other day, she agrees (to a date). I get her IG and follow her, she follows me back but then sends me a "WTF dude" marking my photo with my (now ex) girlfriend, I just send her a "lmao my ex", she's like ooh ok, I was scared here already. She shortly after leaves, I'm like ok this one might be solid, then Asian girl appears and wants to abuse me, I'm like, shit I'm tired, bye, I jet.

The really hot girl from last time (the "breakup girl") actually answered me a bit on Whatsapp and gave me her IG, now we be texting a bit there, she actually is treating me like a normal human being. Still no date in sight, but I'll work something out. There's also some random hipster girl I matched with in Bumble (Tinder's been a shitshow for the most part, only solid one was some girl my friend introduced to us like 2 years ago, and I had to superlike her, but she lives really far away, logistics are terrible as I don't have the car of the patience for girls that live in farm town). Bumble girl was texting me back and forth a lot on Saturday, so before we ran out of shit to talk about, I got her IG, shoulda gone for a date proposal but I was lazy and busy with my friends. Anyway I'm now off to work with those 3 (4?) decent leads to get something going, chances are I bang one (or more) soon.

We also go out Sunday (hours ago lol), some hiphop club was open playing reggaeton, very little people there at first but the club almost gets filled after a while, surprising stuff. I see two prime targets but one is really tall, and some other random dudes start interacting with her, so I focus my attention on the shorter one. She gives me some AIs and keeps on looking at me, but I guess I take too long, she's like mad when I approach, waves me off and shit. Mr. P is surprised because he saw all the AIs she gave me and even encouraged me to approach. Anyway there's like 2 other girls I wanna approach, one is a very delicious athletic feminine little thing, another is kinda of a hipster emo bleached cutie, but this one disappears soon (I think she left), and the other I think it's with some gay friend and some ugly friends, but she seems too ingrossed in her big group and it just feels like too much work (I don't see an opening really). Mr. P was super tired, so we decide to jet. It's cool though because this club shows a lot of potential, if things look this good on a Sunday night, Friday and Saturday should be dope dope.

Zero progress in daygame, still to do an approach. Hopefully now with more momentum from night game and all I manage to find my balls and approach a hottie during the week, will be focusing more on getting those hoes on dates though, I need some new pussy noooow.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Yesterday I did those exams you do when you get off your job to know you're not fucked up because of it, doctor is a super cute Asian girl, sexy voice, I eat her with my eyes while she inspects me and she seems to be enjoying it, but I chicken on asking her for her number.
On my way there on the elevator I remember those videos I've been watching on GirlsChase TV about approaching everywhere and momentum and everything. To try and build some social momentum, I just say to the random 40/50 yo lady on the elevator "terrible wheater, huh?". She answers enthusiastically, she seems happy to be talking to someone. Great, did not expect it to go this well! I also give some money to some beggar on the streets, guy seems like a cool person, I wish him the best and leave. Will try keep on being social with strangers when I can, hopefully this leads me to approaching some cuties I wouldn't (and I also learn to make some smooth indirect convo).

At night we go to the bar near "the club", it's raining a lot and I'm all wet, but girls seem to be even more into wet hair me. Some random girl on the line to the bathroom let's me go first, then I tell her she should go, we are in this back and fourth for a bit, then she just grabs me by my arm and takes me to the bathroom! I tell her, "so you wanna drag me to the bathroom, huh?", she seems a bit too shy for this though (she's also like a 4/7, barely bangable, so I'm like, whatever). I drink some and eat a burger with Ace, he's talking about his work, saying he also wanna quit (maybe I'm not such a great influence on my friends) and about our recent success on them clubs. Mr. P joins us and we are talking a bunch of shit, fun times.

We then decide to see what's cooking on the club nearby. I had a feeling things weren't going to go great, because it's raining a lot recently and it's Tuesday, though it's holiday here in Brazil today. We get in and it's a bit of a sausage fest, some gay stuff is going on, I'm sure, but there's a few cuties. Mr. P and I stop the only decent approachable girl, I let him go, because whatever, my mood is not that great to start with, also I'm focusing on banging that blonde from my breakup. It takes a while and quite a lot of talking, but they starting making out and he gets her IG, I think she passes me by while he's not around and gives me some AIs, but I'm not gonna backstab Mr. P...
Anyway he talked about us going to this other "brazilian country" (think Michel Telo) club, it's a bit more expensive, but lots of hotties there (though I mostly dislike the music). Today I wake up and watch the stories of some Tinder hotties I follow in IG, they were all there... Shit, should have gone, but Ace was leaving early and almost dragged us there, gotta ditch him earlier next time or something lol

About my leads, the chubby from the club last time told me my photo with my ex on IG was a "red flag", I was almost telling her, well, great, coz' I'm a commie anyway, I told her whatever woman that's your opinion, I'm not deleting a photo because you're unconfortable that my ex is hotter than you (without that last part ofc), she's like well ok then, bye, I'm like cool meeting you, you're kinda cute. The other girls also come ask me if I have a girl, I'm like, well, I had a girl :( , they are chill. The girl from Bumble, let's call her HBHipster, agrees that we should go out, I told her "we gotta go out", as a statement, trying to be more assertive with my texting.

With the bleached blondie, let's call her HBMoon, though, she's answering a message an hour, I'm almost like, this bitch be playing games, let me play better. I guess when she saw the photo with my girl her curiosity peaked, because since then she's been answering more and being open to meet up, but still kinda giving me shit. I also asked where she lived, and when I told her I lived on some more expensive part of town, she started sending me some goldseeker-ish messages, telling me she lives too far away (it's not) and I gotta pick her up with my car, which I don't have lol. Mr. P was with me and he told me "I can be your chauffeur, for this one", I told her, I'll send my chauffeur to pick you up, how about that? She send me some excited emojis, this bitch is the worst. My plan is just getting her in person, I'm sure we'll fuck and then I can put her on place lmao, if she still just golddigging like a cheap hoe, I can always next her, but I planned on keeping her as my little fucktoy, this girl is seriously delicious. Let's see if I can get her out today.

EDIT: messaged her today and she only replied to my "good morning" sticker at 2PM lol. I talked about "my chauffeur picking her up", maybe she thinks I'm playing games with her as well. I'll figure out how to get her out, somehow. She says she's a jack & coke type of girl, and I love whisky, so maybe I can get her straight to my appartment if I play my cards right.

I'm also going out with Mr. P's friend tonight to the usual club, Wednesdays are kinda shit, but at least the music is rock, sometimes there are some cute emo chicks there, hope I can pull one tonight (and that Asian girl leaves me alone for once lmao, maybe I fuck her just so she stops being so annoying).
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
My drive to pickup girls has been on a big decline.

Truth is, I go to clubs and girls just seem way too closed off. This used to be the place where I thrived, but I guess the whole political tension surrounding the elections here in Brazil been making girls act even more weird than usual, specially at the "alternative" clubs we go to.
Also it seems everytime a hot girl is around me and I'm going to approach, another girl, as hot as her or even hotter, appears out of the blue and starts giving me AIs. My horniness ends up paralyzing me because I wanna bang both and can't decide. I've been trying no fap but honestly I think I'm just hyperssexual, it seems if I don't have a wank (or some hard sex) for more than a day I'll be crazy for pussy, trying not to fap or think sexual things it seems only makes me more sexual, on a level where it starts affecting my game.

Me and my ex fucked last Sunday, to be real I got kinda mad two days before and sent her a bunch of messages like "if you don't want me then let me go for real", because everytime I was trying to go out and approach girls she was on the back of my mind. She was texting me some stuff and I was texting her as well, I guess I'm afraid I'll lose her, which is just kinda sad, I mean, she's dope, but whatever is best should happen by the end of the day. I do feel I'm kinda tired of pickup, I feel like it's a huge effort and by the end of the day most of what I get nowadays is mediocre sex and maybe some girl that's cool and eventually wants something more serious with me but ultimately ends up with some other dude that gives her that. I wanted it to be this like magical escape in that I'm the sexy guy that gives them the night of their life, but most girls here seem such prudes that it feels like an uphill battle to have some fun with them.
I was texting my ex this week and she sent me something like "my psychologist said we shouldn't talk until the day of the concert", the one we are going together in a bit more than a week. I mean she's right but I kinda just wanna say fuck it, you know? Last week when she agreed to meet me on Sunday I got all confident all of sudden, Saturday I made out and got more sexual with two girls, one a friend of a friend and another some random girl on the street near the club (I didn't approach any girls on the club, though...). Maybe I'm too invested in her and her validation or something, again, just bad, but I kinda can't help it at the moment.

To be honest I guess I'm just rusty. Yesterday I "approached" a girl, I mean, I walked up to her, and touched her upper arm, I rested my hand there for a little time, but she just kinda recoiled, she was giving me lots of AI and stuff, dressed pretty provocatively as well, great big tits and beatiful face, but I guess I just expected more from her. After that I think I kinda autorejected, I mean, she sorta rejected me, but she kept looking at my direction and throwing AIs the whole rest of the night. Maybe my approach could have been better, I kinda approached from the back, but at the same time the dancefloor was packed and it was hard to approach girls in the first place.
There was also this girl dressed as Medusa, very sexy face, nice body, I asked her name, she gave it to me, later I went to talk to her and she was kinda receptive, but her cute-ish friend was like "oh you again talking to us?", their faces were very familiar but I for real couldn't remember approaching them before lmao, I guess I go too much to this shitty club. Anyway her friend was clearly jealous, but it was just the two of them and some occasional gay friends, it was very hard for me to break through this. Mr. P was there but he wasn't coming to help me, in fact it his birthday, but he's been really slow on approaching girls. I didn't want to abandon him but even him now seems to be dragging me down a bit. At the same time though, the last times I went out by myself were sad times lol, I'm feeling kinda old to be hitting on these young girls on clubs, also I feel tired kinda quick. Yesterday I stayed until it closed, just to prove I still could, big waste of time, but whatever.

I feel like I'm in this vicious cycle where I need to bang other girls to forget her, but to bang other girls I need to kinda be over her already, at least to a certain point, so I can go all in, give it all of me, you know. The last girl I approached where I felt I was giving it all was HBMoon, but she stopped answering, numbers from girls from clubs are low odds anyway, I pushed as far as I could probably because of scarcity, I mean, it's been more than a month and she was the only girl I really wanted to approach, like a 100%.

Tonight we are going to a big university party, hopefully it's full of hotties, last time it was, but I was with my girl. In general girls are super easy to make out and get sexual with on these, though I'm also feeling like I'm getting older and kinda tired of these as well. I think I've been a bit overanalytical of my game since I've been rusty and trying to get over it, but tonight I'll try to just relax and be my "natural player" self, just try to have fun.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
My drive to pickup girls has been on a big decline.

Truth is, I go to clubs and girls just seem way too closed off. This used to be the place where I thrived, but I guess the whole political tension surrounding the elections here in Brazil been making girls act even more weird than usual, specially at the "alternative" clubs we go to.
Also it seems everytime a hot girl is around me and I'm going to approach, another girl, as hot as her or even hotter, appears out of the blue and starts giving me AIs. My horniness ends up paralyzing me because I wanna bang both and can't decide. I've been trying no fap but honestly I think I'm just hyperssexual, it seems if I don't have a wank (or some hard sex) for more than a day I'll be crazy for pussy, trying not to fap or think sexual things it seems only makes me more sexual, on a level where it starts affecting my game.

Me and my ex fucked last Sunday, to be real I got kinda mad two days before and sent her a bunch of messages like "if you don't want me then let me go for real", because everytime I was trying to go out and approach girls she was on the back of my mind. She was texting me some stuff and I was texting her as well, I guess I'm afraid I'll lose her, which is just kinda sad, I mean, she's dope, but whatever is best should happen by the end of the day. I do feel I'm kinda tired of pickup, I feel like it's a huge effort and by the end of the day most of what I get nowadays is mediocre sex and maybe some girl that's cool and eventually wants something more serious with me but ultimately ends up with some other dude that gives her that. I wanted it to be this like magical escape in that I'm the sexy guy that gives them the night of their life, but most girls here seem such prudes that it feels like an uphill battle to have some fun with them.
I was texting my ex this week and she sent me something like "my psychologist said we shouldn't talk until the day of the concert", the one we are going together in a bit more than a week. I mean she's right but I kinda just wanna say fuck it, you know? Last week when she agreed to meet me on Sunday I got all confident all of sudden, Saturday I made out and got more sexual with two girls, one a friend of a friend and another some random girl on the street near the club (I didn't approach any girls on the club, though...). Maybe I'm too invested in her and her validation or something, again, just bad, but I kinda can't help it at the moment.

To be honest I guess I'm just rusty. Yesterday I "approached" a girl, I mean, I walked up to her, and touched her upper arm, I rested my hand there for a little time, but she just kinda recoiled, she was giving me lots of AI and stuff, dressed pretty provocatively as well, great big tits and beatiful face, but I guess I just expected more from her. After that I think I kinda autorejected, I mean, she sorta rejected me, but she kept looking at my direction and throwing AIs the whole rest of the night. Maybe my approach could have been better, I kinda approached from the back, but at the same time the dancefloor was packed and it was hard to approach girls in the first place.
There was also this girl dressed as Medusa, very sexy face, nice body, I asked her name, she gave it to me, later I went to talk to her and she was kinda receptive, but her cute-ish friend was like "oh you again talking to us?", their faces were very familiar but I for real couldn't remember approaching them before lmao, I guess I go too much to this shitty club. Anyway her friend was clearly jealous, but it was just the two of them and some occasional gay friends, it was very hard for me to break through this. Mr. P was there but he wasn't coming to help me, in fact it his birthday, but he's been really slow on approaching girls. I didn't want to abandon him but even him now seems to be dragging me down a bit. At the same time though, the last times I went out by myself were sad times lol, I'm feeling kinda old to be hitting on these young girls on clubs, also I feel tired kinda quick. Yesterday I stayed until it closed, just to prove I still could, big waste of time, but whatever.

I feel like I'm in this vicious cycle where I need to bang other girls to forget her, but to bang other girls I need to kinda be over her already, at least to a certain point, so I can go all in, give it all of me, you know. The last girl I approached where I felt I was giving it all was HBMoon, but she stopped answering, numbers from girls from clubs are low odds anyway, I pushed as far as I could probably because of scarcity, I mean, it's been more than a month and she was the only girl I really wanted to approach, like a 100%.

Tonight we are going to a big university party, hopefully it's full of hotties, last time it was, but I was with my girl. In general girls are super easy to make out and get sexual with on these, though I'm also feeling like I'm getting older and kinda tired of these as well. I think I've been a bit overanalytical of my game since I've been rusty and trying to get over it, but tonight I'll try to just relax and be my "natural player" self, just try to have fun.
lol! you sound like me after break ups, you are in a mourning period and grieving, this is totally normal, you will be like this for couple of months maybe up to a year..... this is post break up rationalizations........Please review this post:

p.s. dude cut all contact with ex ALL, so you can move on properly...

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Nothing happened much this week so far, but I'll go out Friday and Saturday, trying to avoid the usual club.

Saturday I made out and got more sexual with two girls, one a friend of a friend and another some random girl on the street near the club
I texted HBStreet, this girl actually was putting her tits out for me when people on the street weren't looking lol, I licked it. I saw her last week before going to the club but she just kinda disappeared, I texted her but she didn't answer, now she said she went home with her sister and slept. She says this week her parents are visiting her but next week we can go out, sounds like a plan. She's kinda average but cute, also fun, wouldn't mind fucking her brains out.

Also there's this girl, friend of Mr. P, that was on his birthday, now she's taking a class with me Mr. P is as well (I suppose they are taking the same classes as they take the same course on uni). This girl looks fiiiiine. Mr. P says when "she was single", he asked her out and they were going, but he couldn't make it for some reason and after that she got back with her ex.
That said, first time I see her in class, I just eyefuck her as she entering the room, she kinda just goes away into the other side, I'm like oops (there were like 3 cute girls sitting around me already, this class must have 5 girl tops, Computer Science for you). After the class though, I go talk to Mr. P, and he introduces this girl to me... I'm like damn the girl I was eyefucking lmao (I guess the fucking wasn't super consensual though lol), I get a bit embarassed, didn't expect to have to talk to her. Anyway shortly after I leave, she leaves with Mr. P as they have another class, I don't sense anything from her in terms of attraction.

On Mr. P's birthday at the bar though, I'm there having a good time talking to my friends, one is the ex of one of my best friends, and her friend the other girl I kissed the week before that, then Mr. P's friend appears... Let's call her HBGipsy. She talks to a lot of people and my friend's ex is... hitting on her? Anyway, I just play it cool, she's looking fiiine with her hair on some Asian style bum and a sexy navy blue dress, matching my navy blue button-down shirt. Eventually she's having some icecream, and we start talking, she tells me how deliiicious it is and invites me to taste it, then she grabs a spoon and feeds it to me? I'm a bit stunned because I didn't expect the random compliance, also my ex would feed me stuff like that, so there's that. Anyway there's a bit of flirting there, but everyone wants to hit at her, so I play it cool again.

This week on class she arrives at the normal time, Mr. P is always very late, I think this time he didn't even made it to this class. They have some other class later, and this is already my last class, so after class I pretend I'm leaving slowly and then turn to her direction, she kinda comes to talk to me, I go and greet her (she did like an eyebrow flash when she arrived to me, but sat across the room, again). She's super friendly, maybe even a bit flirty, we go outside and talk to some people she knows. We are apparently waiting for Mr. P, people say they wanna eat pizza, there's some good pizza near uni apparently. Mr. P is really late because he had a meeting at work, so it's just the two of us for now... I use this time to deep dive a bit, she tells me she wants to move to Australia, she says her sister is going with her boyfriend and she's thinking of going next year (I notice she doesn't metion anything about her boyfriend, though she talks about her sister's). There's some touching, actually she's the one kinda initiating it, it's raining and she gives me the umbrella, I hold it, then she kinda puts her hand/arm around it, I think she actually holds my arm for a while... We go to her car, she seems a bit nervous, not sure if I should have escalated harder there, but some of this touch happened after the car ride, so bear that in mind. Anyway, I'm feeling great, but still there's the boyfriend thingy there in my mind. Anyway we eat, at this point I just socialize with everyone, it's me, her, Mr. P and some guy friend of them, we eat, pay and leave. Then when we go to the car, she grabs the umbrella again, Mr. P just kinda goes ahead on the light rain to the car, I open the umbrella and she grabs my arm, we go to the car, I ask her "well what about Mr. P?", she says, "well, I guess he doesn't need it", I'm like, sorry bro lol but I'm stealing this hoe.
Anyway, after that we go back to uni for their class, I jet.

I'm gonna be seeing her twice a week on uni at night, and she has this big window where she doesn't have a class, so I could be doing a loooot of stuff with her later there (she was even asking me what could she be doing in uni with this time, when the two of us were alone in her car... I was almost like, well, we could have some fun on the backseat lmao). The problem is, Mr. P is GONNA cockblock me, 100%. He tried to go out with her, I mentioned her this week on some outing, and he was like, "get out, she's mine!", the girls there were like "well she's the one that chooses", but I mean, he's her friend, they have all classes together, she possibly still has a boyfriend (or maybe Mr. P... made that up? lol), even if she doesn't give a fuck because she's going to Australia next year without him. Mr. P is a great friend, and without his help, I won't be able to get anywhere with this girl. I'm starting to think my only chance was when we were together alone on the car, though I think that might happen again, Mr. P usually is late for classes, the problem is, how late...
Anyway, gonna play my cards as best as I can, this girl is seriously fine.

There's also the concert with my ex next week, I know I should cut contact completely, but at this point, it unavoidable, I'm sure there's gonna be a talk like "are we really doing this?", possibly some sex, but I've made my peace with splitting up at this point. At the same time though, I'm not even sure I would resist if she wanted to get back together, the problem is I don't think I want a commited serious relationship right now, anyway, I rather not think about her or any of that until the day comes.
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
My ex texted me yesterday after a week of no contact to ask me if I can find someone else to go to the concert with, as she doesn't want "another goodbye". She also sent me a text message letter in the same vein of the one I sent her, telling me she never stopped to think about it before, but she gave in too much in our relationship, that I never wanted anything serious, but she pushed for it and accepted things she never should had because she wanted to be with me, that our relationship wasn't healthy and needed to end.

It was kinda like a slap in the face, I guess deep down inside I hoped we would be back together. It's like opening that Schrodinger box and seeing that the cat that had 99.99999% chance of being dead is indeed very much dead, and feeling it's cold corpse.

Anyway, that's exactly what I need to move on, I think. I was still feeling kinda shit yesterday, wanting to just sink into my matress and give into grief and depression, but something inside of me was like "it's Saturday, stop being a bitch, you have the whole week to grief. Let's hunt."

I went out solo, around 9PM, them bois had dates and lazyness to atend to, I've been longing to feel the thrill of the hunt alone again for a while. I go to the bar near the usual club and grab a drink. I'm considering visiting some new hunting grounds, but the other club nearby seems a bit empty, and I know the usual club it's always packed at Saturdays. I also see some cuties entering earlier to pay less there, ok, I'll do the same.

I get there and there's almost none, just a few groups that arrived earlier. I look for opportunities to open, but none seems to even notice me. I sit there alone on the smoking area feeling this weird loneliness. I look up to the clear dark sky, a few lonely stars shining, the full moon in full display there, I feel my blood pumping harder.

I enter the dancefloor towards the bar, then the lesbian bartender that was actting weird last time greets me, shaking my hand. I ask for a drink and she suggests another that's two for one, she says she can gimme a bigger "glass" (all plastic shit there lol) with the two, I accept. Her gesture was really cool tbh, maybe she felt I was feeling a bit down.
I go to the bathroom and look myself in the mirror, tight black pants, some cool Adidas shoes, a stilish white t-shirt with some Japanese gibberish, that I picked up dozens of girls with, my trusty leather jacket. I look like a boss. Even if I'm feeling kinda down, my posture is great overall, my hair looks better than usual, my beard is well trimmed.
I'm like, those hoes should be gagging in this huge dick. How come I'm having so much trouble approaching and hooking girls? Then I remember the cool gesture of the lesbian bartender, the one that made me mad last time, but now I feel strangely cool towards. I also remember @Hector Papi Castillo words, if you're high value, you just gotta be nice to people.

It all makes sense suddenly. I've been trying too hard lately. Too hard to come across as high value, to get every edge I can get to get girls, because I feel rusty, because I haven't pulled in ages. My value clearly isn't the problem, my attainability is. I've been trying so hard girls feel I'm out of reach. Even when I do go in, they must feel I must have some other dark motive or something lol. My motto for the night is "be nice". I try to give people value in every corner, to make everyone's night slightly better.

It soon starts paying off. I'm on the dancefloor dancing by myself, near a few group of girls. Then two crazy hotties start getting real low in front of me, their asses are amazing, their vibe is energizing. I start getting looser and dancing harder, some very beautiful girls in another group start dancing harder as well and throwing AIs at me. I'm feeling like a boss, but like a cool, likeable boss, everyone likes me.

Soon there's another hottie very near me giving me harder AIs. I stare at her a bit, but I'm kinda divided, there's that taller beautiful girl from the other group nearby giving me AIs, generally I'm not into taller girls, but this girl is seriously... just beautiful, I think. I wanna throw a lot of my cream all over her face. But the other girl closer is eyefucking me kinda hard. I get a bit closer, as I get to her side, she starts assaulting me. She grabs me by my neck and frenches me violently. I try to play it cool and leave her wanting more, but she seems to be a bit intoxicated, she just keeps coming hard for the kiss, feels good. I talk about going over to my place, she says it's her mom's birthday, indeed, her mom is there dancing with some hipster stilish dude that looks a bit gay lmao

I get her IG, I reactivated mine and posted a story with a pic of the moon, it looked great. Eventually I feel she wants some space, I tell her I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Eventually I see her assaulting some other dude, I'm super chill, she clearly wants to get as much fun as she can tonight, she told me she lived far away. I go to the smoking area to chill a bit, as the dancefloor gets more and more hectic and packed.

I walk around a bit, then I hear two girls talking about jack. I can't even remember what they were talking about, but I notice their body language looking open and I hear something I can interject, so I just come in from the side asking something, they answer right away, I'm in. I discover they are from the very south of the country, they are here just for the concert, the one my ex wanted me to find someone else to go with. Just perfect.
One is a 20yo little blondie, looking innocent af, the other a 26yo brunette, shorter hair. We talk more and it's clear the brunette is trying to get in my pants, I'm thinking kinda like, let's have a threesome. I talk about just recently breaking up, brunette starts like "well, since I likely won't ever see you again, I guess I should confess... I cheated on all my exes". Then she goes on as to why she did it, they were jerks, sexist pigs, another one was some beta chump she didn't even remember why she was with, that type of crap. I don't send any judgement and say, well, sounds like they had it coming.

We go inside, dance, brunette starts getting low and pulling me in, she then says something like "well, I don't waaaanna have to...", looking to her friend. At this point I'm almost dry humping her, I kinda grab her hair in the back of her neck, and ask her on a very dominant voice "don't wanna have to what?!?", we start making out viciously. She starts rubbing herself in me, which reminds me now that I was kinda fingering the first girl over her panties (she was wearing a dress). Again we get very sexual, but I'm having trouble getting a hard on, I drank too much early in the night, I must say, so I'm a bit dehidrated. I ask her where they are staying and talk about taking her (actually it was more like them, but she looks at me weird, I then correct it to her, she's like oh ok) to my appartment later, she's like "well we'll see". Then they go to the bathroom, but I can't find them anymore after that.

Dang I didn't take her contact, whatever, I guess her saying "I think I'll never see me again" made me go kinda yolo. I search for some other hotties, but the beautiful tall girl and her cutes friends are nowhere to be seem, it's almost 4AM and I don't feel like chasing that brunette too much, she was fun, but not really that beautiful.
I go home, but I'm feeling like a champ.
It's like I finally figured out my biggest sticking point, just get more attainable, and the floody gates of pussy will open.

For next time I'll focus on drinking very little to nothing, I'll also cut out masturbation as much as I can, so I get harder faster easier. I also need to work on AA a bit, tall girl was very clearly giving me hard AIs, but I chickened a bit, opting for another hot girl that was easier. Anyway, I feel like I'm back now, and I feel thankful to my ex for setting me free, in a sense.

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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020

Sooo, yeah, I got back with my ex. Again. Big mistake. That's why I've been out of the forums for quite a while, I guess just pure shame, I knew I shouldn't, but I needed it. Actually we didn't quite break up yet, but I guess I made up my mind about it.

So a bit after the events of my last post (like a week or so) I got kinda crazy and contacted my ex. She told me her condition to get back would be "100% me", like a 100% commited relationship. I must say, October was a tough month, I couldn't stop thinking about her, my game was crap for pretty much the entire month, other than that last outing. On top of that, I had just left my shitty job, with nothing to do other than think about her (or try to get over her, which I did, with little to no effect). I was kinda high (on weed) on that Arctic Monkeys show and the concert was quite shit, Alex seemed like he didn't want to be there, pretty much. I immediatly compared to the Gorillaz concert earlier on the year on that same place I went with my girl and Tunny man, that was amazing, and my dumb brain was like "oh, if I was with her, this concert wouldn't be so bad" (which is not untrue, but also kinda lame). I was also having some weird thoughts about life, like it doesn't freaking matter what I do, because life doesn't have much of a point anyway, so I might as well go back to her and have some kids or something, whatever.
Of course this is the dumbest shit ever, but the way we got back together was actually quite cool and romantic, I met her and she was really happy I finally gave in. I guess deep down inside I was curious how long could I stay loyal in a commited relationship, if I could make it work, so basically I just went for it.
Annnd yeah, the same problems come back to haunt me. I just feel I want to bang other girls. Her sex drive is way lower than mine. We have some kinda unsatisfatory sex for me, and I feel she does it just to please me, sometimes almost as some kind of lame duty.

Then yesterday everything comes crashing down, in a sense. We are going to the usual club with my friends for a New Year Eve party. We all meet on a friend's apartment, we drink before. Mr. P is being cool as usual, as well as Ace. My girl is looking fine af, with a white little dress that makes her look like a Greek goddess or something, with her sexy makeup. We have a good time.
I just installed Instagram again, as the host was telling me he texted me to invite me on IG but I never replied (Ace told me he invited me).
And it was that Asian girl's birthday recently, the one I banged in my appartment, then my girl found her hair strand. And of course I sent her a "happy birthday cutey whatever whatever", all miss spelled because I was drunk and didn't care that much.

We then went to the club, quite early, because we bought those cheap tickets to get in early. We drank some cheap sparkling wine, everyone was having a great time, actually me and Mr. P drank a bit too much, he bought everyone a round of shot, tipical of him, then I had another tequila one with him, for our tradition, but both of us had drank quite a bunch. I then had to buy him some water, he was almost puking, so I was a little stressed, just a little, but also a bit drunk. Then, out of the blue, my girl saw the message I sent Asian girl. I can't remember exactly how it happened (I don't remember much as I just drank more than I should), to be real I have a bad habit of thinking out loud, blame it on me being alone at home most of the time. Maybe I read something on IG and this propted my girl to look at my phone, but anyway, she looked at the message, which to me was a bit of a privacy breach I don't quite tolerate with girl(friend)s. And then she started flipping out, like why was I calling her "cutey", why was I messaging her at all, "giving her false hopes", yada yada. To be fair she had a bit of a point, but I thought she was completely overreacting and having a weird jealousy episode, and I still think that. Anyway we leave shortly after, I think. Then I remember her still giving me crap and causing a bunch of drama in front of her car, as we walked towards it to leave (she left it on an empty street between the club and our friend's apartment), I just got kinda mad and told her it wasn't easy for me, that I was struggling with our sex issues and everything, but still I was loyal to her, and she was being unfair (probably not with those words or that coherently), that there was nothing with that girl, but then I start crying out of the blue? Like tears running down my eyes, out of frustration/sadness, quite embaracing to remember. I thought it happened in the club and was fearful my friends saw me breaking down like that, but now I remember it was outside near her car, so only her saw that moment. Then I think she kinda pulled back quite a bit, she just entered the car, I did the same, and she drove us to my apartment in silence.

We slept, and things were really weird in the morning. I remember being clear on my mind that her reacting like that and eavesdropping(?) on my phone was unacceptable, I guess she was just acting weird, not sure if her being down was on me basically admitting things were tough and we were kinda done or going that way, or she was still mad with the stupid innocent messages I sent (to be real with you all, I still feel a bit sorry for Asian girl, I just wanted to cheer her up, I never had the intent of having anything sexual/romantic with her again, but oh well).
Anyway I still had breakfast with her, trying to pretend nothing happened, then I jerked off as she moaned in my ear, something not so uncommon, as she rarely ever wanted to have actual sex (penetrative) with me (I had licked her body and pussy before that morning, but I asked her if she wanted more and she was like nope, she told me she was feeling down, I mean, it makes sense). I came and then felt incredibly hollow, like what's the point of that, she's not having fun, I'm feeling bad for cumming(?). I asked her before if she enjoyed making me cum, but this time she just went silent (before she would say yes). Right afterwards my parents texted me to go have lunch with them, I asked my girl if she wanted to go, but ofc she said nope, it was just weird, I asked her if she wanted to stay with me and cook lunch, but she said I better go to my parents, as she wanted to go home as well.

Sex with her was always tough, I think she has some trauma around penetrative sex, she told me we would never do anal, which kinda made me die inside, as with my ex it was an act of intimacy and extreme kinkiness (even if I never enjoyed the feel of it, physically). But like the one day of the month she was up for it, she would generally be super kinky and sexy, and it would be great (though she never even came close to cumming, which would make me feel kinda bad, as I loved making girls cum with my cock). She was also very beautiful and personally, for me, a 7/7 phisically, though she's a bit thinner than the girls I usually for for (I like thicc girls, love them tights). So it was very tough for me to want to fuck her so hard and cum all over her and she having such a lack of interest for sex in general, many times engaging in it seemly just to make me happy. She did say she of course enjoyed sex with me, in her own way (I guess mostly for intimacy more than anything). So yeah, there was this weird shame around sex for me, which was a big deal breaker for me, but I still wanted it to work so bad, I tried and tried again.
Also her personality matched mine like a glove. She's probably smarter than most girls, knows quite a bit of English as she travelled around the world, very reserved, witty girl. She talked a bit too soft sometimes and made it hard for me to hear her, but I also make that mistake sometimes (I take that over a girl screaming in my ear anytime of the day). Her voice also personally for me was very sexy, because it reminded me of that Asian girl with a great booty that I had a crush on school. So yeah, I was just almost a 100% into her, other than the problems with sex (and her being a tad too shy, like sometimes I wanted her to dance for me and be a little more open and expressive, but she was always a bit too reserved).

But yeah, lately I was feeling more and more like going back to her was a mistake, that I did out of loneliness and scarcity (even if I had a lot of shots with girls when we got back together). In fact, maybe a lot of that shakiness in our relationship lately has been because of this, because there were so many "open threads" with girls I didn't quite bang but was in the process of going to do that it weighted on me feeling satisfied with her (I mean, I really wasn't, but that sure didn't help). We are also from very different backgrounds, even if our personalities are very similar: she always had money to travel abroad because of her father, and went to expensive private schools, while my parents never had money to spare (we never legit felt real hunger, but our parents struggled to provide for me and my sister early on, often having help from my niece or my grandparents, sometimes all we had in the fridge was margerine and rice, tough times). Maybe this is why me and my sister became such go getters, me mostly with seduction, but her with work, priding herself on being financially independent on her early 20s even if she's a very beautiful woman. Anyway, my girl always has this things with food where she won't eat a lof of stuff, like raw tomatos and onion, olives and stuff like that (which many times worked just fine, as I would eat that stuff), and she often would make remarks like "ooh I wish someday you'll be rich and I won't have to work", or how she told me she wanted a very expensive ring when we were to get engaged (to which I mostly responded with a laugh and telling her something like "you know I'm not a provider, don't you?"). And as far as helping other people, I mean there's a lot of homeless people in our town, and I try and help when I can, but she often would dismiss them. Yesterday for example she told me to lift the window of the car as some beggar guy approached us, like I try to at least aknowledge these people and talk to them, at least say hi, but she was too worried about herself and maybe her car to care about any of that (the guy clearly seemed harmless, but maybe she lacks the street savy I have from frequenting some lowlife parts of town late at night). She told me once she felt bad for like the native women that beg for money on the streets and wanted to help, but I never saw her actually helping anyone. So yeah, I started feeling bad because around her, I just behaved like her, and it didn't felt truly me (I'm not even judging her morally, she's free to act as she feel right, but us being different meant we dealt different with a lot of situations like that, and often I would give into her way). With my ex, for example, I once put some food we had made and there was a lot of excess after we ate on some cheap plastic pots and distributed it to homeless people around downtown the next day (my ex had a nice apartment there, but there's a concentration of homeless people around there). She supported me and told me I was a nice person, that she wanted to be more like me, while, with my girl, I never felt she would be able to do something like that (or even support me much if I did, but maybe I'm just being overly judgy).

Anyway, I just started feeling like I was giving in too much and we were too different for this to work. I wanted to give her (us, really) at least another month to see how things would go, since I put her throught so much, and I was the one to propose a real, 100% commited relationship (and us going back), but yesterday and today proved it can't work, not right now, not in the way we are going. I'm feeling like she's a friend more than anything, on a commited romantic relationship, and that feeling is just weird. Our sex just makes me feel bad, I miss so much doing anything with a girl that isn't kissing and feeling good because of it...

I want to be her friend, I really like her, hell, I love this girl, I just don't think I'm really for a LTR.
I want to take a break, to not get anything any serious with a girl for this whole year at least, probably (we'll see how I feel down the year).
I left my last relationship, with the girl I lost my V-card to, and got right into this one, with my girl, very slowly, almost not wanting to do it, but I eventually budged anyway. I guess I wanted to try, but now I know that right now, I can't possibly have anything serious with a girl. Feels like a bunch of stupid, obvious mistakes, but I had to do it anyway to learn from it.

I feel very grateful for everything that she did for me, and I seriously still want to be her friend (I mean, at this, point, we are pretty much this, which might make this very hard, emotionally, to work). I still don't know how to break this up, I want to be a man and see her face to face, to tell her everything I need to say, but maybe it's best we avoid seeing each other again... I have no idea.
All I know is we are done.
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020

Hey fellas, so I wanted to go back and look at this year last year, from my perspective, of course, my year of 2022. I think I posted a bunch of stuff here on the forums and it was really nice getting in touch with some fellow seducers, sharing ideas and such, so hopefully someone finds this interesting. I also need to set some goals for this next year that's starting today, so let's do it!

So year starts with me excited about seduction. Last year (2021) I broke up with my girl mid December because I just wasn't feeling ready for a relationship (and our usual sex problems), then I went clubbing hard and managed to pull HBRocker (on the first day of 2022!) and HBOcean, eventually. Things are kinda slow in January, but early February I managed to pull HBTall and that random girl from Tinder (ugh, whatever). Sex with the Tinder girl was quite terrible, resulting in her leaving abruptly as I just pushed too hard/kinky for a one night stand with a "country girl", and HBTall was a dope girl, but basically I felt used as a sexual object as she just used my cock to cum twice (she sure liked it, though ;). So overall sex with new girls was being pretty mediocre, if not straight up weird. That said, a bit before that I fucked HBBootylicious twice, so this girl could have easily turned into a decent fuck buddy (though her reaction when I texted her when I got back with my ex was quite over the top, maybe had hopes we would date or something).

Anyway, I go out to hunt at the usual spot, with some crazy momentum behind me, lots of hots birds there, and who do I see? Oh yeah, my ex, looking fine as fuck (even dancing sensually, something she almost never does). So of course I feel like I didn't quite gave her my best shot and yeah, we get back together (of course her suggesting we could have a threesome and overall casualness were a big part on blindsighting me). That's a bit before Carnival, the big party of carnal sins, so yeah, a bit of a wasted opportunity (lots of potential lays lost, for sure), but it felt right at the time, and I don't regret it.

Then I get into that whole "threesome seeking" plot, meeting Asian girl and eventually fucking her, after that "free pass" my girl gave me on my trip to that other city with my friends. My girl said she wouldn't mind, but of course it affected her, when she found out (blame it on me being stupid and not cleaning my couch properly). When she finds out I made out with some other random hot blondie at the club (as I confess to her, I'm a really bad lier and just rather not) at the start of October, we break up again, with some passionate breaking up sex to top it.

Then October I made out and almost got to sex with a bunch of girls, but no pussy, still thinking too much about my ex. That concert we were supposed to go together but now I had to go alone just sucks, I'm needy, so I go back to her (in a sense, I was curious if I wanted/could have a 100% commited LTR). It's good for a little while, then old problems are all back again. Then we have this silly fight New Year's Eve, and here we go again...

So yeah, 6 new lays, would say now actually that with half the girls the sex was pretty good, and the other were... uh... experience.
All around not terrible, in retrospect. Also I spent most of the year with my girl. I really love this girl, but maybe it's best were friends, after all. I wanted to go to Japan with her and some other stuff, but I'm not sure we'll be able to do this, specially if she finds some new dude (I think she was on a relationship of sorts the year before we met, also there's this old friend of hers that she had a thing with, that she might go back to... so yeah, odds are she'll be with someone else soon).

I feel I'm pretty well versed at night game at this point, if I go out twice a week I can probably get a lay a week, if I'm "in shape" and clubs aren't totally crap (some parts of the year are kinda bad for night game, but still there's always some place that's an exception or something). I wanted to branch out more and get into daygame, but I spent most of the year with my girl, so that surely limited my development (also after almost 10 years of night game it feels like a big effort).

For this next year I wanna get tons of lays and go crazy, I really wanna go back to being that crazy fuckboy that nailed that blondie on Carnival before the pandemic. I also think I need to take quite some time from any time of more serious relationship with girls, as those 4 last years I was in 2 almost 2 years long each open-ish relationships, that were great for what they were, but kinda needed to end (I still don't know what the situation with my girl will be, I'll figure that out later today).

In terms of fundamentals, I gotta hit the gym again, I turned into a potato sack this year... I mean, I still look like a boss, but I'm overweight, that's for sure. Also I could develop some more muscle (or just define mine better), that would make girls go from "OMG he's so handsome" on first impression to "I wanna fuck him so bad right away". Though I'm running a bit into attainability issues (maybe more like... compatibility issues?), I'll try to be cooler and nicer to people overall.
I'll also start taking some medication to make my hair grow, both of my grandparents were bald, and entrances are starting to show... Still looking like a boss though, so no big worries, for now. Posture is a recurring issue because of my work on a computer, I'll keep an eye for that and try to improve it daily, more like minimize the damage my work causes to it.

Speaking of work, I left my old shitty job on the end of September, and been living off my savings since then. I was focusing on finishing uni since I'm fucking over it but it's gonna take a little while still, so I'm trying to find a job again. I sent my resume like crazy on LinkedIn but most jobs here in Brazil are pretty crap these days (my old job was annoying but I managed to save a lot of money in a few months, so pay was decent), I also started dabbling with freelancing. I created my account by the end of the year on Upwork and already landed a little job, if I can get a few of those a month I could pay my bills, no problem. The idea that I control what I do with my time and what types of jobs I take is very encouraging, but I'm still to see if it works, no idea. Anyway I still have money for this month, and I'll keep on sending them resumays, so if I find a decent company wanting an LTR with me, I won't turn it away.
Feels kinda bad having spent all this money that I saved for my trip with my girl to Japan, but I really needed this time for myself...

I also had quite some psychedelic experiences this last year, taking some shrooms and heavy doses of weed... Some trips were great, others kinda dark, but all in all enlightnening. I think I have a much more rational, practical view of life now, even though I feel I'm also way more creative, being able to see better solutions and caring for the well being of everybody involved without getting too caught up in preconcieved notions of morality... I do feel like I should step back from drugs quite a bit though, to be more productive and enjoy life, as in remembering stuff and all. Overdosing, specially in alcohol, made me forget many things, in fact that fight with my girl in New Years Eve was in part because we were so drunk. Also smoking is absolutely terrible for lung health, obviously, so I should dial back on that (being clubbing all the time sure didn't help last year). Also my parents found out I did weed this year, and their reaction wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be (I have to thank my uncle a bit for being there and say it's no big deal, as he also took some drugs when he was younger).

So yeah, this new year I wanna be healthier, bang more hotties and take control of my financial life, ideally with some very flexible job (if this freelance stuff works out for it's gonna be great). Looking forward to it!

Godspeed yall
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
So I was out Saturday with them boys.... and got nothing. I managed to approach a girl, though, but it was weird.
Mr. P, Ace and me went to this pizza place (that ended up being more expensive than I imagined) and after that we went to a club that had Bralizian music playing, like old samba and shit like that. I like myself some bossa nova, but in general I'm not a big fan of music from here, though going to clubs for so long made "funk" from Rio bareable to me, and I even started enjoying some other stuff...
Anyway, I was really enjoying the music in an unusual way for me... Everyone was dancing, and there was this beautiful brunette dancing to this old cool samba near us, I was getting closer and she was kinda looking at me, I was dancing closer and closer, enjoying myself, the atmosfere of the club, having a great time... I was almost approaching her, very phisically, but then...

Mr. P comes in, really abruptly. Like, from fucking nowhere, he came in, between me and the girl and approached her, like he just jumped into her... But his approach was too "rigid" or something, soon I saw he giving his phone to her, probably to get her IG... I was like man, if you gonna swoop on my girl at least get something, like try to touch her or some shit, getting her IG?!? FFS

I was mad. Also, the day before, we went out (just me and Ace) and we were going to the usual club, but decided not to as we were in front of it, the weather was terrible, cold and rainy, and it seemed like it was very empty (apparently Mr. P was there later and said it was really shit). So I was hungry to at least approach some girl. I was thinking about having tangible goals before going out, like when I did back in the day when I "was learning" (still am, ofc), like approach X girls or you can't leave and stuff like that.
So I approached her a bit before Mr. P left her. He was still kinda close, and after Ace told me he said "woah what a friend" or something like that, when he saw me approaching her (though apparently he was kinda kidding). Anyway I talk to the girl but my vibe is a bit off. Her face also is cute but she looks a bit older than I thought lol, her body was still very hot, but my vibe was very off, indeed I just started laughing for some reason when she said she couldn't hear what I said. I don't know man, Mr. P really threw me off. I get that he wasn't having the greatest time (he said he hated that type of music), but approaching a girl with this little intent out of the blue is not gonna fix anything (I commend him for trying though, I'm very rusty myself and need to get approaching somehow, and this is why I approached her after him).

After a while Mr. P left, he said he wouldn't be there long anyways (one of the reasons I got mad he approached the girl I was into, like you're leaving but you gotta fuck up my game before that? lol). There was this hot blonde (bleached probably) dancing super excited, but I couldn't approach her after my vibe went to shit (she was really deep in her group). There was also this ugly hoe that kept rubbing herself in me and trying to talk to me, but I really wasn't into her. I used her a bit to create a bit of preselection with the girl we approached (she was looking at me after that), but some random guy came in saying "yo tell your friend to watch himself" (Ace). After that ugly hoe came again and the guy came again to me, this time threatening me personally: "let's go outside man"! I put my hand on his shoulder and said "man, I really don't know what you're saying", with a vibe like "I don't wanna fight, but if you're down, I'll crush you" (he ofc chickened, I was taller than him, though he was kinda big/fat). Anyway all this crap got me tired and my vibe was completely off, I saw Ace with some cute short girl (he was really drunk and approaching like crazy lol), so I thought I wouldn't interrupt and left.

Yesterday I went to grocers unusually late (almost 2PM) to get some food for lunch, and there were some fiiiine young girls out there. Man, I really need to get into daygame. I think I'm gonna leave around this time today and walk around until I grow some balls to talk to some girl. There was also some cute emo girl with colorful hair that gave me some AIs as I was going to my parents yesterday, and some athletic girl on her bike that morning that stopped near me on the park because it was lightly raining (and gave me some AIs as well)...

As far as money/work goes, I've been bombarding people with my resumay but it seems like none cares. Freelancing stuff is not going that well, the jobs I get people barely respond, I also had to tell some guy to fuck off because he was basically treating me like his little employee without paying me a single penny. Practicing daygame is also gonna be good because I don't have that much money to spare on clubs and bars and shit like that, so even more reasons to get that started... No idea in terms of technique, though, my game was always way to physical and direct, that just doesn't look like it's gonna translate easily into daygame... Anyway, let's see if I can grow some cajones and just do it!


Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
I went out today after writing last post, the goal was mostly just scouting around my appartment for good daygame locations.
First place I thought of going to was the mall near the park here. I made my way there passing by the long street I live in, but no hunnies today. Maybe a big difference between 1:45 and 2:15 PM (women at lunch from work, maybe)? The weather was even worse today, so yeah, I guess most places are justified to be really vacant.

I arrive at the mall, and there's a few cuties there... But they all seem to be underage, or at least under 20. It's school vacation now after all, and I guess adolescent girls like chilling at the mall instead of being bored at home. It did surprise me though that there was a bunch of people on the mall on a random Tuesday afternoon, but again, shitty wheather + school vacation, makes some sense.

Then I said, ok, let's go to the park nearby, since it's near the mall. But the park was very much empty, shitty wheather, also 3PM it's probably not the time you see most people there anyway, at the morning it's way better. I guess I'll exercise there daily in the morning from now on.

Then I get back to my appartment, but I decide to go to some other mall that's kinda near, more towards downtown and really upscale... So I walk and walk, but then I realize I typed the wrong name on Maps, and I'm going to a mall that's now closed 🤦‍♂️. There's some interesting shops around there though where I could see some hoties byuing stuff, but they were mostly empty today, at that time.

I then decide to head home, but I need some stuff, so I stop at a nearby grocers I generally avoid, because it mostly sells stuff for higher prices, has more imported goods... but also some cute posh girls. First I see is really tall, on some confy clothes, not really my type, but she's deff bangable, I guess some guys would even find her pretty. She gives me a little AI, but then keeps on picking up her stuff and disappears.
Next I'm looking for some ham but I can't find it, then some milfy in some casual sportish clothes stops near me at the refrigerator, and kinda looks at me as she's picking up stuff... I try to find an excuse to stay around, but I don't really know what to say (I really need to be more creative, maybe spend sometime crafting random openers? lol). She has a lot of stuff on her shopping cart, maybe she's really a milf and is buying stuff for her family... I end up fucking off to where the damn ham actually is after a little while.
Then I see some hipster girl with curly hair, there's some uglyish girl along with her, maybe her (girl)friend? But she's the one giving me the hardest AIs, she even slows down a lot and eyefucks me a bit, then goes on and looks a me again later. I'm really confused because I was just looking for the damn ham and I wasn't expecting any of that lmao, also the ugly girl near her is throwing me off. This grocery store is kinda small and really open, like the shelves are not that tall, you can pretty much see everyone moving around it, so it's making me a bit extra selfconcious about what I'm doing (and amplifying my AA).
Anyway I get what I need and I'm going to pay, but then I see this (bleached) blonde hottie... At least I think she must be hot, because I only saw her from behind so far. I pretend I need to grab some more stuff and spend a little more time, just to see her face, and well, I thought she was hotter, but she's cute. I was going to pay and, well, I realize she's right behind me... But I can't really think of a way to approach her in the line, specially when she's behind me. It's also my turn to pay now, so good bye cuttie.
I guess next time I'll just find a way to approach her casually from the side, even if I can't see her face. If she's ugly, well, at least I'm being social and fucking approaching, and if she's hot and biting, oooh boy. Me trying to see her face only tilted me more lol (also I think she kinda saw what I did and was then expecting me to say something at the line, but I couldn't think of anything... Now I think I could have commented on her hair, it was really cool and sure was what made pay attention to her in the first place, I guess my brain just goes kinda dead sometimes around girls... Maybe it just works better at night or something).

Anyway I'll be trying to head out later tomorrow to scout a bit more, closer to rush hour, when women are hopefully getting off work and there's more talent around. Weather here is being a bitch, really, it's supposed to be fucking summer but it's kinda cold and rainy in a shitty way, hopefully it gets better soon. I'll try to picture myself doing some approaches and hopefully get one soon, I don't wanna put too much pressure on myself but at the same time I really wanna do it, so let's see.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Ok so a pulled a girl last night. A girl I met back when I was with my other ex, I ended up never bedding her because the day I was going to, I just straight up told my ex I was leaving to meet some other girl, and she had like a panic attack.
Anyway we barely had sex. I couldn't get properly hard. There are many reasons to blame, but biggest one I think is I just wasn't that much into her, like she wasn't even that sexy. She was kinda chubby, her moan was sexy, but she wouldn't even moan, also her body really didn't turn me on. Like my other ex was chubby, but she was sexy, in some way, but this girl, I mean, she wasn't even that fat, I just didn't like her body.
Also I drank a lot, blame it on being the birthday of a really cool friend of Mr. P, guy is young and has game, so I had to drink with him. I actually approached and made out with a hottie on the first venue we were, but it was really empty (I approached one of the 6 girls in the only group other than us in there lol). There were some people coming later but we decided to go to the usual club, where I met this girl I pulled. There was also this other guy from uni that was there on Wednesday that had to pay me a jager shot, nice guy, I'll pay him one back someday. But yeah, pulling was super straight forward, we made out and she was rubbing herself in me in the dancefloor. I told her to leave and she said that she wanted to stay "to the end", I was like bitch I'm leaving soon, with you or some other girl (without the bitch ofc). I already wasn't getting that hard there, but I figured I would be able to once I saw her naked. Apparently I was wrong.
There was this other hot girl giving me loads of AIs, but I was dancing with this chick, so I was like whatever, I just wanna pull a girl, prove myself that I can, that type of stupid crap you say to yourself when you're rusty. I saw her leaving though, and the other girl was giving me that "I wanna stay" shit, so I went and approached her as she left, but she said she was leaving tomorrow morning, that she wasn't from here. I was like ok, fuck it, I wanted to pull her actually, but I wasn't feeling the power of turning this girl on and completely reversing this stuff in like the 3 minutes it would take her Uber to arrive, meanwhile her friends could be cockblocking me (plus me having to leave the club when there's another girl I'm almost pulling there). So that was that.
After "sex" (more like two failed tries) me and the girl spoke a lot. Her friend followed me on IG back in the day and she said she hated me, because I hit on her when we met. I was like, is it my fault your friend is hot (and she brought her hot friends to meet me)? She said, yeah, she's pretty, and she doesn't believe it, yada yada yada. I kinda blamed the erection thing on my ex, but honestly like fuck it, I guess I started talking about my ex because I was talking about how I deleted my IG and all that stuff. She commented on a lump I have on my back, I told her jokingly it was cancer, that she should tell her friend she should hurry up, she was like oh she hates you, I was like she just wants to choke on my D (with other words, again). We talked a bit about my exes and crap, she said I should fake it until I make it, and stop talking about my ex, I was like whatever I just said because I couldn't get hard and I don't wanna blame you lmao.
As she was leaving, she commented something about me not even getting her number, I then told her to tap it on my phone, she did, I texted to let me know when she arrived home, and she did, but I don't plan on seeing her again. I'm kinda mad because I feel so bad I pulled this girl that I'm not even into just to prove I can still pull girls. As there was barely any sex or will on my part to pull this girl for her, I won't even write a LR, doesn't make sense, right? I wrote all that here, anyway.

So now I'm like fuck it man, I just gotta go for it. I don't give a crap anymore, all this selfhelp crap of "small wins" and "taking it slow" are just bs, I can pull hot girls and I know it, I just gotta do it. I feel like waking up my inner rockstar now. Talking to this girl was actually cool, like she's a cool girl and she reminded me of how crazy I was, like when I told her I was on an open relationship when I met her, and she said "oh you posted a pic of us together on your IG and you were with another girl? You're insane". Like yeah I'm batshit, I don't give a fuck, I told my ex to her face I was going to fuck other girl and gave her a panic attack (ok this is terrible and toxic, but you get it). I've been playing too tame too long. I gotta be true to myself, because life is too short, I wanna do crazy shit, fuck a bunch of hot hoes, not give a fuck. I was watching some videos of Liam Gallagher and the dude say some rad stuff, I think he's a good model for my new me, in terms of attitude (at least the one he shows people interviewing him).
Another thing I remembered now is I was mostly getting soft because of the condom. I'm really not used to using condoms anymore, and I told her that, she was like "oh disease yada yada", but I think that kinda made her respect me more. Like I was getting soft because of the condom, not her. I think I'm going with that Chase angle of "I don't care about sex with condoms", I mean, I can use it if the girl is really hot and I just want to eventually fuck her without it, but I don't give a fuck anymore, I want raw sex, I wanna pull out and cum all over these hoes. I don't care


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Ok so a pulled a girl last night. A girl I met back when I was with my other ex, I ended up never bedding her because the day I was going to, I just straight up told my ex I was leaving to meet some other girl, and she had like a panic attack.
Anyway we barely had sex. I couldn't get properly hard. There are many reasons to blame, but biggest one I think is I just wasn't that much into her, like she wasn't even that sexy. She was kinda chubby, her moan was sexy, but she wouldn't even moan, also her body really didn't turn me on. Like my other ex was chubby, but she was sexy, in some way, but this girl, I mean, she wasn't even that fat, I just didn't like her body.
Also I drank a lot, blame it on being the birthday of a really cool friend of Mr. P, guy is young and has game, so I had to drink with him. I actually approached and made out with a hottie on the first venue we were, but it was really empty (I approached one of the 6 girls in the only group other than us in there lol). There were some people coming later but we decided to go to the usual club, where I met this girl I pulled. There was also this other guy from uni that was there on Wednesday that had to pay me a jager shot, nice guy, I'll pay him one back someday. But yeah, pulling was super straight forward, we made out and she was rubbing herself in me in the dancefloor. I told her to leave and she said that she wanted to stay "to the end", I was like bitch I'm leaving soon, with you or some other girl (without the bitch ofc). I already wasn't getting that hard there, but I figured I would be able to once I saw her naked. Apparently I was wrong.
There was this other hot girl giving me loads of AIs, but I was dancing with this chick, so I was like whatever, I just wanna pull a girl, prove myself that I can, that type of stupid crap you say to yourself when you're rusty. I saw her leaving though, and the other girl was giving me that "I wanna stay" shit, so I went and approached her as she left, but she said she was leaving tomorrow morning, that she wasn't from here. I was like ok, fuck it, I wanted to pull her actually, but I wasn't feeling the power of turning this girl on and completely reversing this stuff in like the 3 minutes it would take her Uber to arrive, meanwhile her friends could be cockblocking me (plus me having to leave the club when there's another girl I'm almost pulling there). So that was that.
After "sex" (more like two failed tries) me and the girl spoke a lot. Her friend followed me on IG back in the day and she said she hated me, because I hit on her when we met. I was like, is it my fault your friend is hot (and she brought her hot friends to meet me)? She said, yeah, she's pretty, and she doesn't believe it, yada yada yada. I kinda blamed the erection thing on my ex, but honestly like fuck it, I guess I started talking about my ex because I was talking about how I deleted my IG and all that stuff. She commented on a lump I have on my back, I told her jokingly it was cancer, that she should tell her friend she should hurry up, she was like oh she hates you, I was like she just wants to choke on my D (with other words, again). We talked a bit about my exes and crap, she said I should fake it until I make it, and stop talking about my ex, I was like whatever I just said because I couldn't get hard and I don't wanna blame you lmao.
As she was leaving, she commented something about me not even getting her number, I then told her to tap it on my phone, she did, I texted to let me know when she arrived home, and she did, but I don't plan on seeing her again. I'm kinda mad because I feel so bad I pulled this girl that I'm not even into just to prove I can still pull girls. As there was barely any sex or will on my part to pull this girl for her, I won't even write a LR, doesn't make sense, right? I wrote all that here, anyway.

So now I'm like fuck it man, I just gotta go for it. I don't give a crap anymore, all this selfhelp crap of "small wins" and "taking it slow" are just bs, I can pull hot girls and I know it, I just gotta do it. I feel like waking up my inner rockstar now. Talking to this girl was actually cool, like she's a cool girl and she reminded me of how crazy I was, like when I told her I was on an open relationship when I met her, and she said "oh you posted a pic of us together on your IG and you were with another girl? You're insane". Like yeah I'm batshit, I don't give a fuck, I told my ex to her face I was going to fuck other girl and gave her a panic attack (ok this is terrible and toxic, but you get it). I've been playing too tame too long. I gotta be true to myself, because life is too short, I wanna do crazy shit, fuck a bunch of hot hoes, not give a fuck. I was watching some videos of Liam Gallagher and the dude say some rad stuff, I think he's a good model for my new me, in terms of attitude (at least the one he shows people interviewing him).
Another thing I remembered now is I was mostly getting soft because of the condom. I'm really not used to using condoms anymore, and I told her that, she was like "oh disease yada yada", but I think that kinda made her respect me more. Like I was getting soft because of the condom, not her. I think I'm going with that Chase angle of "I don't care about sex with condoms", I mean, I can use it if the girl is really hot and I just want to eventually fuck her without it, but I don't give a fuck anymore, I want raw sex, I wanna pull out and cum all over these hoes. I don't care
I’m confused, are you back together with your ex but in an open relationship?

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
I’m confused, are you back together with your ex but in an open relationship?
Nope, I first met that girl I pulled back with my other ex, when I was 23 (I'm 27 now). That was my first girl, not my last ex, with who I also spent 2 years (I know, it's confusing lol, I guess 2 years is kinda the limit for not commiting to a girl). I'm not back with my ex and I don't think I'll ever be


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Nope, I first met that girl I pulled back with my other ex, when I was 23 (I'm 27 now). That was my first girl, not my last ex, with who I also spent 2 years (I know, it's confusing lol, I guess 2 years is kinda the limit for not commiting to a girl). I'm not back with my ex and I don't think I'll ever be
I just straight up told my ex I was leaving to meet some other girl, and she had like a panic attack.
This sentence is just concerning me, I wouldn’t want my ex to feel that way. If you can, maybe establish boundaries with her so she knows that the door of your past relationship with her has permanently closed.

I’d need more details to give better advice, maybe you already tried that
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
This sentence is just concerning me, I wouldn’t want my ex to feel that way. If you can, maybe establish boundaries with her so she knows that the door of your past relationship with her has permanently closed.

I’d need more details to give better advice, maybe you already tried that
No need for concern. This happened more than 3 years ago, I was young and dumb, didn't meant to her her like that, but I knew no better.
2 years ago, back when I was meeting my last ex, the one I just broke up with, I made clear I couldn't have anything serious with her, then left her alone for like 6 months. After that we became friends again (we actually fucked once while I was going out with my last girl), I guess, I mean, we text and stuff, she actually gave me some cool advice about my girl and my aversion to LTRs. She's now almost married to some other guy so that's that. I'm happy if she's happy