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- Mar 9, 2020
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So, after me and beauty from Tinder broke up, I was kinda like "man, I still like this girl, ending like this isn't right". So I asked her if she wanted to hang out, "just as friends" (she was the one to break up because she wanted a serious relationship), and she accepted, to my surprise. We went out and she wouldn't let me kiss her at first, but seemed to be really into me still. The second time, I just went for the kiss, and she didn't resist at all, later we went to my appartment and fucked, after sex she was like "you never even asked me to be your girlfriend", and I jokingly asked her then, and she was like, "nope, I can't accept that right after sex lol". But then we pretty much had a serious relationship until half of December now.
I ended up telling her I "needed to talk to her" and told her I couldn't be her bf anymore because I really didn't want anything serious right now (I also talked about sex, that I had too big of sex drive and she had a low one, so this was always a problem for us, the last times we fucked I felt very empty and wondering what was the point anymore).
Other than the sex (and me being a player/fuckboy and not wanting anything serious atm), I thought we were a legitimate great match, I had a great time together with her and she was a wonderful woman, hence why I tried to make it work for so long. I wished her a happy Christmas yesterday and she wished me the same and told me I was still her "best gift from 2021" (I honestly think the same about her, I guess I'm glad about how I managed our relationship and that things ended on good terms, I wish her the best and legit want her to be happy, it just doesn't make much sense for us to be together now).
So first week after our breakup I'm still kinda down, but honestly I was already predicting that things eventually were come an end. On our last week together I got sick, so I had more time to think about it, I also went out with a friend and he talked about how he wanted to hit the clubs and make out with some cutties, and now is a great time for that, since clubs are finally back at it around here. I was thinking I wanted at the very least to be single by Carnival to go crazy and pull some random hotties, but I though why drag this on and hurt her even more, so I decided to end it. By the next Friday, I think, I went out with my friends to some club we used to go before Corona, me, this friend I talked the week before. a common friend of us to and the twin brother of my last wing (my last wing, that got me the random lay from the friend of his Tinder date, moved to another city to get in a serious relationship with a girl from Tinder that he knew for like 4 weeks. Talk about crazy!).
We get there and it there's not a whole lot of people, but with time the club gets packed, which surprised me. Generally, by this time of the year, specially near Christmas and the New Year, the night life kinda dies down around here, but I guess people really miss being able to go to a club and get crazy. I drink a bit, maybe even a little too much, since there's some nice drinks there, but I don't mind getting a bit of Dutch courage, as I'm rusty af. I'm checking out the talent there and there's some fine girls, but the night barely started, so I feel like waiting a bit. I go to the bathroom and, as I come back, I see the twin brother guy making out with a random chick, and I'm like "dammmn, beat me to the punch". He goes again and approaches another girl, but he gets rejected. I'm inspired by his drive already and I'm like, I better show then who's the player around here, so I approach a very beautiful girl and we make out.
This approach was actually quite funny, because her friend, a guy, was kinda eyefucking me when I looked near them. At first I didn't know if she was his gf and he was mad I was looking at her, but I wasn't really eyefucking her that hard, so I figured he was gay or something, and after a while this seemed more likely in my head, by how he was actting. I just walked towards him and asked him "Are you gay?" and he said he was, then I think he asked if I was interested in he or his friend, the girl. Then I proceed to talk to her, there was very little resistance, I think she was kinda horny already, she was a good kisser. Later, I got her number, but it turns out she lives very far away, almost out of our city, so it's unlikely I'll be able to make a date work, specially since I don't have a car (she's also out of the city until the end of January, so only then I would be able to make something happen anyway. I guess I'll try, but I don't expect much).
This night I was kinda chickening out still, so I only approached another girl, but she said she had a boyfriend. It was very awkward, actually, twin boy told me this girl behind us was into me, I went very fast to approach, but it turns out she was part of a group that had another girl that looked more like my type and actually had given me some AIs, so I think her friend liked me and I FUed by approaching her instead. Anyway, I had fun this night, it felt great to be back, and it took my mind off of the whole breakup stuff for a bit.
Yesterday I got home from my gramma after Christmas dinner/lunch (ate like a pig, I almost felt like I could roll lol), but not eating much the rest of the day made me feel like a normal person again lol. I was chilling at my appartment with nothing to do, so I was like, man, I wanna go out and approach some hotties, and that's what I did (solo, I even invited my friends but I figured they wouldn't come). At first I was afraid the clubs would be empty, since around that time of the year things tend to die down (last time I was at that specific club by the end of the year, they even gave me a free pass to use another night, since the club was so empty it was almost sad lol). The whole city was very much empty at night, but as I got to the bohemian part of town. I already could hear music and people chattering, so i felt more at ease.
There was a big line at this club, that plays some weird stuff like 2000s indie rock and Brazilian emo bands from that time (along with the usual pop stuff). The two guys and girl in front of me in the line are drinking some beer, one of them breaks a bottle in the ground accidentally, some shards almost hits me, then they offer me one beer, it's kinda warm but whatever. At first we're kinda weird, but we enter the club and they turn out to be cool people, they say they are all designers, one of them seems to be gay, the other two are a couple (the guy keeps on telling her to kiss him, and she get's a bit touchy with me, which I found a bit weird, but she really wasn't that hot or my type at all, also they are cool people overall and welcomed me in their group). I'm in the smoking area outside with them chilling, since there's not a whole lot of people in the club yet, apparentely they have some girlfriends that didn't made it inside yet.
I go to the bathroom and on my way back, I didn't see any of them, I didn't know if they like ghosted me or I just got lost, but I'm like, whatever. I go to the dancefloor and there's some hotties looking fine and giving me some AIs, but it's still like barely 11 PM, so I'm like let's wait a bit to make my first play. Then, I see the friend of one of the girls that seemed like game start making out with some guy and she getting out her phone and looking kinda out of place, so I'm like, it's my cue. I approach her right away, I ask her name and start my usual bs of not answering girls questions properly to get them kinda mad and kinda wondering who the fuck I am, other than some sexy stranger. Meanwhile, I'm getting very close physically and eyefucking her, we then kiss very passionately, she's a bit chubby (maybe I'm exagerating, she's just not that thin), but she has a GREEEAT ass and beautiful blue eyes and freckles, my type for sure. We then bid farewell and I find my friends from the line, they wanna go smoke againnn, but there's a hot chubby girl with huuuge tits there looking like an easy picking, I approach her slowly, she's very horny, I can tell, in a few seconds she's grabbing my dick and shit. I'm like, I'ma try to pull this bitch right now, I go very direct and ask her what she's doing after this, she says, ok, I'll be real now, I'm on MD(MA) and I wanna make out with like 4 other guys here, but you're hot, so later, if I text you, let's fuck, would you go for it? I'm like, hell yeah, I don't care as long as we fuck, so I grab her number and send her that classic icebreaker and leave.
I think I get lost from my friends again and I approach a hottie on the dancefloor, this girl has a fit body and a cute face, her ass was delicious and she was a good kisser, but she was a bit skeptical of my approach at first. I ask her what she's doing after and she tells me she's with her cousin and has to be back with him, I try to get her number but she refuses to give it to me, I'm like, ok, at least you won't give your number and then not answer or give me shit, she tell me "see you later", but I didn't really see her anymore.
At this point, it's the end of the night, the MD girl answered my text, but she says she wants to be there until closing time, like 5 AM, she's on drugs, of course, so it's not like she's gonna sleep soon anyway, and my back hurts already, I woke up at like 8 AM on my gramma, so I wanna get the fuck out. I text her for her to text me later when she leaves, maybe even call me, and I chill a bit with my friend from the line before leaving. Then, out of the blue, the first girl I made out with it's there with her friend, and I also had a strong feeling I could pull her back when we kissed, so I go in again. We make out super hard, she's like carving her nails on my neck and shit like that, I'm grabbing her ass really hard, sometimes she stops me, specially when it's my left hand. I ask her why is that, she tell me "I don't want anyone to see this, other than you
", we keep on making out super hard, I'm afraid this will fuck up the lay, but I can't help it, I haven't had fun kissing a random girl this much for like 3 years or something. By the end, she says she gotta go, I grab her number and tell her we gonna meet up this week, I asked her before if she wanted to see my "card collection" back at my appartment, but she said she couldn't tonight, but she would be down some other day.
So I leave the club feeling a bit like a champ, with two leads that could become lays, though I think junky girl it's not gonna come. I texted her that I was leaving and she didn't even see the message an hour after, so I'm like, I'm going to sleep, fuck this, but I text her to call me if she's still down and shit, I put my alarm to ring a bit before 5AM lol, as if it was gonna matter much. 5AM I send her a heeey. as she still didn't text anything, she asks me where I am, as if I haven't told her I left already (maybe she thought I was going some other place? Dunno). Anyway she says she wants some afterparty, and also that she has a friend with her, some cute small redhead that was there with her, she asks me if I have a friend for her, all my friends are sleeping at their homes and far away (my old wing would be game if he was still around but well, he isn't anymore). Then I do the only thing I could have done, I think, and suggest they both come to my appartment and have a threesome... She's like "eehh... some other day we hang out". I'm horny as fuck and mad at this hoe, but honestly she was mostly cool with me, so I'ma try to fuck her still anyway, also, I suspect she's the friend of blondie of Carnival that was with her and that I touched the boobs of back in the day... Maybe her friend told her about the good dick and this is why she was so aggressive? I thought I had seem her before, but it really only clicked for me back at home, I'm still not sure, but if she gives me shit to meet up I'm gonna ask for sure.
As for the other girl, were texting and she seems very much into me, but she's gonna travel soon, so I gotta smash that cat before she goes, ie this week, but I feel like it's happening, for sure. Quite funny that after almost two years in a bit of a "pickup desert", I go out twice and I'm close to two new lays already, before the year ends, even. Anyway, I'm feeling unstoppable once again, and now that I have my own place, I wanna get that D train going, I wanna smash new girls every week, and go crazy now that's summer here and girls seem very open. Next time I'll tell you more about how my endeavours into the night are going, but until then, see ya
So, after me and beauty from Tinder broke up, I was kinda like "man, I still like this girl, ending like this isn't right". So I asked her if she wanted to hang out, "just as friends" (she was the one to break up because she wanted a serious relationship), and she accepted, to my surprise. We went out and she wouldn't let me kiss her at first, but seemed to be really into me still. The second time, I just went for the kiss, and she didn't resist at all, later we went to my appartment and fucked, after sex she was like "you never even asked me to be your girlfriend", and I jokingly asked her then, and she was like, "nope, I can't accept that right after sex lol". But then we pretty much had a serious relationship until half of December now.
I ended up telling her I "needed to talk to her" and told her I couldn't be her bf anymore because I really didn't want anything serious right now (I also talked about sex, that I had too big of sex drive and she had a low one, so this was always a problem for us, the last times we fucked I felt very empty and wondering what was the point anymore).
Other than the sex (and me being a player/fuckboy and not wanting anything serious atm), I thought we were a legitimate great match, I had a great time together with her and she was a wonderful woman, hence why I tried to make it work for so long. I wished her a happy Christmas yesterday and she wished me the same and told me I was still her "best gift from 2021" (I honestly think the same about her, I guess I'm glad about how I managed our relationship and that things ended on good terms, I wish her the best and legit want her to be happy, it just doesn't make much sense for us to be together now).
So first week after our breakup I'm still kinda down, but honestly I was already predicting that things eventually were come an end. On our last week together I got sick, so I had more time to think about it, I also went out with a friend and he talked about how he wanted to hit the clubs and make out with some cutties, and now is a great time for that, since clubs are finally back at it around here. I was thinking I wanted at the very least to be single by Carnival to go crazy and pull some random hotties, but I though why drag this on and hurt her even more, so I decided to end it. By the next Friday, I think, I went out with my friends to some club we used to go before Corona, me, this friend I talked the week before. a common friend of us to and the twin brother of my last wing (my last wing, that got me the random lay from the friend of his Tinder date, moved to another city to get in a serious relationship with a girl from Tinder that he knew for like 4 weeks. Talk about crazy!).
We get there and it there's not a whole lot of people, but with time the club gets packed, which surprised me. Generally, by this time of the year, specially near Christmas and the New Year, the night life kinda dies down around here, but I guess people really miss being able to go to a club and get crazy. I drink a bit, maybe even a little too much, since there's some nice drinks there, but I don't mind getting a bit of Dutch courage, as I'm rusty af. I'm checking out the talent there and there's some fine girls, but the night barely started, so I feel like waiting a bit. I go to the bathroom and, as I come back, I see the twin brother guy making out with a random chick, and I'm like "dammmn, beat me to the punch". He goes again and approaches another girl, but he gets rejected. I'm inspired by his drive already and I'm like, I better show then who's the player around here, so I approach a very beautiful girl and we make out.
This approach was actually quite funny, because her friend, a guy, was kinda eyefucking me when I looked near them. At first I didn't know if she was his gf and he was mad I was looking at her, but I wasn't really eyefucking her that hard, so I figured he was gay or something, and after a while this seemed more likely in my head, by how he was actting. I just walked towards him and asked him "Are you gay?" and he said he was, then I think he asked if I was interested in he or his friend, the girl. Then I proceed to talk to her, there was very little resistance, I think she was kinda horny already, she was a good kisser. Later, I got her number, but it turns out she lives very far away, almost out of our city, so it's unlikely I'll be able to make a date work, specially since I don't have a car (she's also out of the city until the end of January, so only then I would be able to make something happen anyway. I guess I'll try, but I don't expect much).
This night I was kinda chickening out still, so I only approached another girl, but she said she had a boyfriend. It was very awkward, actually, twin boy told me this girl behind us was into me, I went very fast to approach, but it turns out she was part of a group that had another girl that looked more like my type and actually had given me some AIs, so I think her friend liked me and I FUed by approaching her instead. Anyway, I had fun this night, it felt great to be back, and it took my mind off of the whole breakup stuff for a bit.
Yesterday I got home from my gramma after Christmas dinner/lunch (ate like a pig, I almost felt like I could roll lol), but not eating much the rest of the day made me feel like a normal person again lol. I was chilling at my appartment with nothing to do, so I was like, man, I wanna go out and approach some hotties, and that's what I did (solo, I even invited my friends but I figured they wouldn't come). At first I was afraid the clubs would be empty, since around that time of the year things tend to die down (last time I was at that specific club by the end of the year, they even gave me a free pass to use another night, since the club was so empty it was almost sad lol). The whole city was very much empty at night, but as I got to the bohemian part of town. I already could hear music and people chattering, so i felt more at ease.
There was a big line at this club, that plays some weird stuff like 2000s indie rock and Brazilian emo bands from that time (along with the usual pop stuff). The two guys and girl in front of me in the line are drinking some beer, one of them breaks a bottle in the ground accidentally, some shards almost hits me, then they offer me one beer, it's kinda warm but whatever. At first we're kinda weird, but we enter the club and they turn out to be cool people, they say they are all designers, one of them seems to be gay, the other two are a couple (the guy keeps on telling her to kiss him, and she get's a bit touchy with me, which I found a bit weird, but she really wasn't that hot or my type at all, also they are cool people overall and welcomed me in their group). I'm in the smoking area outside with them chilling, since there's not a whole lot of people in the club yet, apparentely they have some girlfriends that didn't made it inside yet.
I go to the bathroom and on my way back, I didn't see any of them, I didn't know if they like ghosted me or I just got lost, but I'm like, whatever. I go to the dancefloor and there's some hotties looking fine and giving me some AIs, but it's still like barely 11 PM, so I'm like let's wait a bit to make my first play. Then, I see the friend of one of the girls that seemed like game start making out with some guy and she getting out her phone and looking kinda out of place, so I'm like, it's my cue. I approach her right away, I ask her name and start my usual bs of not answering girls questions properly to get them kinda mad and kinda wondering who the fuck I am, other than some sexy stranger. Meanwhile, I'm getting very close physically and eyefucking her, we then kiss very passionately, she's a bit chubby (maybe I'm exagerating, she's just not that thin), but she has a GREEEAT ass and beautiful blue eyes and freckles, my type for sure. We then bid farewell and I find my friends from the line, they wanna go smoke againnn, but there's a hot chubby girl with huuuge tits there looking like an easy picking, I approach her slowly, she's very horny, I can tell, in a few seconds she's grabbing my dick and shit. I'm like, I'ma try to pull this bitch right now, I go very direct and ask her what she's doing after this, she says, ok, I'll be real now, I'm on MD(MA) and I wanna make out with like 4 other guys here, but you're hot, so later, if I text you, let's fuck, would you go for it? I'm like, hell yeah, I don't care as long as we fuck, so I grab her number and send her that classic icebreaker and leave.
I think I get lost from my friends again and I approach a hottie on the dancefloor, this girl has a fit body and a cute face, her ass was delicious and she was a good kisser, but she was a bit skeptical of my approach at first. I ask her what she's doing after and she tells me she's with her cousin and has to be back with him, I try to get her number but she refuses to give it to me, I'm like, ok, at least you won't give your number and then not answer or give me shit, she tell me "see you later", but I didn't really see her anymore.
At this point, it's the end of the night, the MD girl answered my text, but she says she wants to be there until closing time, like 5 AM, she's on drugs, of course, so it's not like she's gonna sleep soon anyway, and my back hurts already, I woke up at like 8 AM on my gramma, so I wanna get the fuck out. I text her for her to text me later when she leaves, maybe even call me, and I chill a bit with my friend from the line before leaving. Then, out of the blue, the first girl I made out with it's there with her friend, and I also had a strong feeling I could pull her back when we kissed, so I go in again. We make out super hard, she's like carving her nails on my neck and shit like that, I'm grabbing her ass really hard, sometimes she stops me, specially when it's my left hand. I ask her why is that, she tell me "I don't want anyone to see this, other than you
So I leave the club feeling a bit like a champ, with two leads that could become lays, though I think junky girl it's not gonna come. I texted her that I was leaving and she didn't even see the message an hour after, so I'm like, I'm going to sleep, fuck this, but I text her to call me if she's still down and shit, I put my alarm to ring a bit before 5AM lol, as if it was gonna matter much. 5AM I send her a heeey. as she still didn't text anything, she asks me where I am, as if I haven't told her I left already (maybe she thought I was going some other place? Dunno). Anyway she says she wants some afterparty, and also that she has a friend with her, some cute small redhead that was there with her, she asks me if I have a friend for her, all my friends are sleeping at their homes and far away (my old wing would be game if he was still around but well, he isn't anymore). Then I do the only thing I could have done, I think, and suggest they both come to my appartment and have a threesome... She's like "eehh... some other day we hang out". I'm horny as fuck and mad at this hoe, but honestly she was mostly cool with me, so I'ma try to fuck her still anyway, also, I suspect she's the friend of blondie of Carnival that was with her and that I touched the boobs of back in the day... Maybe her friend told her about the good dick and this is why she was so aggressive? I thought I had seem her before, but it really only clicked for me back at home, I'm still not sure, but if she gives me shit to meet up I'm gonna ask for sure.
As for the other girl, were texting and she seems very much into me, but she's gonna travel soon, so I gotta smash that cat before she goes, ie this week, but I feel like it's happening, for sure. Quite funny that after almost two years in a bit of a "pickup desert", I go out twice and I'm close to two new lays already, before the year ends, even. Anyway, I'm feeling unstoppable once again, and now that I have my own place, I wanna get that D train going, I wanna smash new girls every week, and go crazy now that's summer here and girls seem very open. Next time I'll tell you more about how my endeavours into the night are going, but until then, see ya
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