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A Hunter's Journey

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020

So, after me and beauty from Tinder broke up, I was kinda like "man, I still like this girl, ending like this isn't right". So I asked her if she wanted to hang out, "just as friends" (she was the one to break up because she wanted a serious relationship), and she accepted, to my surprise. We went out and she wouldn't let me kiss her at first, but seemed to be really into me still. The second time, I just went for the kiss, and she didn't resist at all, later we went to my appartment and fucked, after sex she was like "you never even asked me to be your girlfriend", and I jokingly asked her then, and she was like, "nope, I can't accept that right after sex lol". But then we pretty much had a serious relationship until half of December now.
I ended up telling her I "needed to talk to her" and told her I couldn't be her bf anymore because I really didn't want anything serious right now (I also talked about sex, that I had too big of sex drive and she had a low one, so this was always a problem for us, the last times we fucked I felt very empty and wondering what was the point anymore).
Other than the sex (and me being a player/fuckboy and not wanting anything serious atm), I thought we were a legitimate great match, I had a great time together with her and she was a wonderful woman, hence why I tried to make it work for so long. I wished her a happy Christmas yesterday and she wished me the same and told me I was still her "best gift from 2021" (I honestly think the same about her, I guess I'm glad about how I managed our relationship and that things ended on good terms, I wish her the best and legit want her to be happy, it just doesn't make much sense for us to be together now).

So first week after our breakup I'm still kinda down, but honestly I was already predicting that things eventually were come an end. On our last week together I got sick, so I had more time to think about it, I also went out with a friend and he talked about how he wanted to hit the clubs and make out with some cutties, and now is a great time for that, since clubs are finally back at it around here. I was thinking I wanted at the very least to be single by Carnival to go crazy and pull some random hotties, but I though why drag this on and hurt her even more, so I decided to end it. By the next Friday, I think, I went out with my friends to some club we used to go before Corona, me, this friend I talked the week before. a common friend of us to and the twin brother of my last wing (my last wing, that got me the random lay from the friend of his Tinder date, moved to another city to get in a serious relationship with a girl from Tinder that he knew for like 4 weeks. Talk about crazy!).

We get there and it there's not a whole lot of people, but with time the club gets packed, which surprised me. Generally, by this time of the year, specially near Christmas and the New Year, the night life kinda dies down around here, but I guess people really miss being able to go to a club and get crazy. I drink a bit, maybe even a little too much, since there's some nice drinks there, but I don't mind getting a bit of Dutch courage, as I'm rusty af. I'm checking out the talent there and there's some fine girls, but the night barely started, so I feel like waiting a bit. I go to the bathroom and, as I come back, I see the twin brother guy making out with a random chick, and I'm like "dammmn, beat me to the punch". He goes again and approaches another girl, but he gets rejected. I'm inspired by his drive already and I'm like, I better show then who's the player around here, so I approach a very beautiful girl and we make out.

This approach was actually quite funny, because her friend, a guy, was kinda eyefucking me when I looked near them. At first I didn't know if she was his gf and he was mad I was looking at her, but I wasn't really eyefucking her that hard, so I figured he was gay or something, and after a while this seemed more likely in my head, by how he was actting. I just walked towards him and asked him "Are you gay?" and he said he was, then I think he asked if I was interested in he or his friend, the girl. Then I proceed to talk to her, there was very little resistance, I think she was kinda horny already, she was a good kisser. Later, I got her number, but it turns out she lives very far away, almost out of our city, so it's unlikely I'll be able to make a date work, specially since I don't have a car (she's also out of the city until the end of January, so only then I would be able to make something happen anyway. I guess I'll try, but I don't expect much).

This night I was kinda chickening out still, so I only approached another girl, but she said she had a boyfriend. It was very awkward, actually, twin boy told me this girl behind us was into me, I went very fast to approach, but it turns out she was part of a group that had another girl that looked more like my type and actually had given me some AIs, so I think her friend liked me and I FUed by approaching her instead. Anyway, I had fun this night, it felt great to be back, and it took my mind off of the whole breakup stuff for a bit.

Yesterday I got home from my gramma after Christmas dinner/lunch (ate like a pig, I almost felt like I could roll lol), but not eating much the rest of the day made me feel like a normal person again lol. I was chilling at my appartment with nothing to do, so I was like, man, I wanna go out and approach some hotties, and that's what I did (solo, I even invited my friends but I figured they wouldn't come). At first I was afraid the clubs would be empty, since around that time of the year things tend to die down (last time I was at that specific club by the end of the year, they even gave me a free pass to use another night, since the club was so empty it was almost sad lol). The whole city was very much empty at night, but as I got to the bohemian part of town. I already could hear music and people chattering, so i felt more at ease.

There was a big line at this club, that plays some weird stuff like 2000s indie rock and Brazilian emo bands from that time (along with the usual pop stuff). The two guys and girl in front of me in the line are drinking some beer, one of them breaks a bottle in the ground accidentally, some shards almost hits me, then they offer me one beer, it's kinda warm but whatever. At first we're kinda weird, but we enter the club and they turn out to be cool people, they say they are all designers, one of them seems to be gay, the other two are a couple (the guy keeps on telling her to kiss him, and she get's a bit touchy with me, which I found a bit weird, but she really wasn't that hot or my type at all, also they are cool people overall and welcomed me in their group). I'm in the smoking area outside with them chilling, since there's not a whole lot of people in the club yet, apparentely they have some girlfriends that didn't made it inside yet.

I go to the bathroom and on my way back, I didn't see any of them, I didn't know if they like ghosted me or I just got lost, but I'm like, whatever. I go to the dancefloor and there's some hotties looking fine and giving me some AIs, but it's still like barely 11 PM, so I'm like let's wait a bit to make my first play. Then, I see the friend of one of the girls that seemed like game start making out with some guy and she getting out her phone and looking kinda out of place, so I'm like, it's my cue. I approach her right away, I ask her name and start my usual bs of not answering girls questions properly to get them kinda mad and kinda wondering who the fuck I am, other than some sexy stranger. Meanwhile, I'm getting very close physically and eyefucking her, we then kiss very passionately, she's a bit chubby (maybe I'm exagerating, she's just not that thin), but she has a GREEEAT ass and beautiful blue eyes and freckles, my type for sure. We then bid farewell and I find my friends from the line, they wanna go smoke againnn, but there's a hot chubby girl with huuuge tits there looking like an easy picking, I approach her slowly, she's very horny, I can tell, in a few seconds she's grabbing my dick and shit. I'm like, I'ma try to pull this bitch right now, I go very direct and ask her what she's doing after this, she says, ok, I'll be real now, I'm on MD(MA) and I wanna make out with like 4 other guys here, but you're hot, so later, if I text you, let's fuck, would you go for it? I'm like, hell yeah, I don't care as long as we fuck, so I grab her number and send her that classic icebreaker and leave.

I think I get lost from my friends again and I approach a hottie on the dancefloor, this girl has a fit body and a cute face, her ass was delicious and she was a good kisser, but she was a bit skeptical of my approach at first. I ask her what she's doing after and she tells me she's with her cousin and has to be back with him, I try to get her number but she refuses to give it to me, I'm like, ok, at least you won't give your number and then not answer or give me shit, she tell me "see you later", but I didn't really see her anymore.
At this point, it's the end of the night, the MD girl answered my text, but she says she wants to be there until closing time, like 5 AM, she's on drugs, of course, so it's not like she's gonna sleep soon anyway, and my back hurts already, I woke up at like 8 AM on my gramma, so I wanna get the fuck out. I text her for her to text me later when she leaves, maybe even call me, and I chill a bit with my friend from the line before leaving. Then, out of the blue, the first girl I made out with it's there with her friend, and I also had a strong feeling I could pull her back when we kissed, so I go in again. We make out super hard, she's like carving her nails on my neck and shit like that, I'm grabbing her ass really hard, sometimes she stops me, specially when it's my left hand. I ask her why is that, she tell me "I don't want anyone to see this, other than you ;)", we keep on making out super hard, I'm afraid this will fuck up the lay, but I can't help it, I haven't had fun kissing a random girl this much for like 3 years or something. By the end, she says she gotta go, I grab her number and tell her we gonna meet up this week, I asked her before if she wanted to see my "card collection" back at my appartment, but she said she couldn't tonight, but she would be down some other day.

So I leave the club feeling a bit like a champ, with two leads that could become lays, though I think junky girl it's not gonna come. I texted her that I was leaving and she didn't even see the message an hour after, so I'm like, I'm going to sleep, fuck this, but I text her to call me if she's still down and shit, I put my alarm to ring a bit before 5AM lol, as if it was gonna matter much. 5AM I send her a heeey. as she still didn't text anything, she asks me where I am, as if I haven't told her I left already (maybe she thought I was going some other place? Dunno). Anyway she says she wants some afterparty, and also that she has a friend with her, some cute small redhead that was there with her, she asks me if I have a friend for her, all my friends are sleeping at their homes and far away (my old wing would be game if he was still around but well, he isn't anymore). Then I do the only thing I could have done, I think, and suggest they both come to my appartment and have a threesome... She's like "eehh... some other day we hang out". I'm horny as fuck and mad at this hoe, but honestly she was mostly cool with me, so I'ma try to fuck her still anyway, also, I suspect she's the friend of blondie of Carnival that was with her and that I touched the boobs of back in the day... Maybe her friend told her about the good dick and this is why she was so aggressive? I thought I had seem her before, but it really only clicked for me back at home, I'm still not sure, but if she gives me shit to meet up I'm gonna ask for sure.

As for the other girl, were texting and she seems very much into me, but she's gonna travel soon, so I gotta smash that cat before she goes, ie this week, but I feel like it's happening, for sure. Quite funny that after almost two years in a bit of a "pickup desert", I go out twice and I'm close to two new lays already, before the year ends, even. Anyway, I'm feeling unstoppable once again, and now that I have my own place, I wanna get that D train going, I wanna smash new girls every week, and go crazy now that's summer here and girls seem very open. Next time I'll tell you more about how my endeavours into the night are going, but until then, see ya ;)
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Ok I'm tired of chapters and I feel like writing more frequently on the forums, mostly on this journal (though I'll be writing some lay reports soon... hopefully hehe)... So there it goes!

Today I hit the gym again, been trying to get into shape, the last months in my relationship I was really lazy but also busy with her and some uni stuff, so I ended up just quitting the gym for like two months, after three months of constant workout, I was feeling good, but now I'm pretty much back to square one... I wanna lose like 10 pounds and get a bit of extra upper body strength going. Honestly, I'm pretty happy with my body overall, other than the little belly I accumulated, specially during quarantine.

The gym was very empty, but I made some small talk with the girl that works on the reception, as usual, last time she took off her mask for a little and was very flirty, but today she was more chill. There's a little asian girl that looks ok, the others are mostly (veery) chubby and not really attractive girls, I suppose the hotties don't go by the end of the year because none is there to see them lol. There a girl that's very ripped, every fucking day I went she was there, I think she works out everyday pretty much, kudos to her (she's a bit of an inspiration for me, though she's not really my type, she's taller and thinner, I like me some shorter, thicker girls).

Out of the blue, though, a wild delicious ass in a tight shiny orange(-ish?) spandex appears, thiccc tights, looking fine as hell, so I'm excited. I try to get her attention lowkey with body language but to no evail, she then goes to another part of the gym do squats or something. I'm using a machine and I think of going right after her to do some abs nearby, but I think it would be too obvious and maybe creep her out, she didn't even seem to notice me, so I do another machine and then go. I get there and do my abs, she's looking fine but I can't seem to get her attention, really, she on her phone when she's not exercising, so I finish my abs and leave.
After like 20 minutes, I'm almost finishing all my sets and going home, then randomly I pass her by, she looks straight into my eyes, seems like she's smiling (we have our masks on as it's mandatory on the gym still), I see that her face is also very cute, what I can see of it, anyway, she's toootally my type, now I'm trying to make up exercises to keep myself there, but then she disappears out of the blue, again, so I decide to leave.
Next time I see her I'm deff gonna at least try to eyefuck her very hard, if anyone has any tips for gym pickup please let me know!

As for the other girl, were texting and she seems very much into me, but she's gonna travel soon, so I gotta smash that cat before she goes, ie this week, but I feel like it's happening, for sure.
I do have a date with this girl tomorrow (lets call her HBOcean), initially she seemed excited to see me, then she disappeared for a little bit, then she said she was sick (apparently the other girl is too, and I was coughing yesterday, maybe someone at the club had flu? Geez...), but she wrote that she was feeling better and we could have a date tomorrow, but it had to be by the day, because she's gonna be travelling soon or something... So I was like, ok, great, we can have a picnic in the park (there's a park very near my appartment and I know it inside out, so logistics are great there) or a coffee, but she suggested some other parks far away, that I don't even know, so I was like, lets do coffee date then, she agreed, let's see how it goes. She said we would "talk and get to know each other" (sent her something like I hope you're looking good tomorrow to see how she reacted), I'll try to pull but I won't really push it, she's quite young and a bit shy, I'll likely need another date to close, but I'm chill.

The other girl (HBKnockers? lol) is also sick, she said she slept the whole day yesterday and her whole body was hurting, she was afraid it was the new COVID thing... But said she would be going to the doctor (getting some MRI? wtf) because she wants to go out New Year's Eve. This girl is nuts... But she's also very sweet. I sent her some dick shaped medicine meme and told her it was for after she was feeling better, she laughed and seemed down. In fact, I've been texting this girls in a really chill, nice way, and they've been responding really well. Anyway, I hope to see this girl next week or maaaybe Saturday, this one I think is closer to the pipe, but she refused a threesome in the weekend, so dunno, really.

My friends also wanna go to this club we used to go all the time back in the day tomorrow, I was there around my birthday and you still had to use masks and shit but now the laws changed so let's see how it goes... I hope I don't see my X though, she used to go there as well and I still have feelings for her, dunno how I would react if I saw her there. But hopefully I get more leads or even a straight up lay there hehe (if things go really well with HBOcean potentially I could have a double lay tomorrow lmao, who knows?).

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Yesterday I went to the club with my boys, after getting sucked dry by HBOcean. I felt like my testosterone was probably at an all time low, this girl made me cum two times in a row, I didn't have time to sleep afterwards, I came the second time around 7PM and we hit the club 10PM...
Anyway, after HBOcean left, I changed clothes, got ready to jet, ate some hamburger I made, swallowed a dose of whiskey to get the show going and got out. The twin of my old wing would give me a ride on his motorbike, I waited for him, them we met our friend at grocery store near the club, we bought some white wine and shared it, we were one hour earlier, in front of the club, watching the talent pass us by. As 10PM neared, we could see a few groups of hotties getting in line, there were more women than men, so we were excited.

The club opens, so we get in line, we enter shortly, there's very few people inside, but there's some nice music playing. I buy my friend a drink as I promised I would because he payed for the wine and get one for myself, we share with twin boy as he's always broke, poor guy (I used to be like that all the time lol). He doesn't drink much, though, and he doesn't have much AA, as well, he's kinda extroverted and good looking, has a bit of a Jesus vibe going on with the long hair and facial hair now, our other friend is very stilish but quite shy, he almost never approaches girls, I always try to get him in a better mood to approach and maybe get him some freebie but it's hard.

I takes a while for people to get on the dancefloor, we are some of the first dancing there, I feel like there's no way I'll get hard tonight, so I don't think I'll be approach many girls, but some cuties start appearing and I start changing my mind... I go get another drink, we drink and dance and the party it's kinda fun, then twin boy says he gonna try his luck, he goes in and starts making out with a girl, for quite a while, he gets back and we cheer, he says she was like a personal 10/10 for him. Then I'm like, ok, maybe I should get going as well, though i feel dead down there lmao

I approach I think two girls, both go kinda the same, I get in, use some lingering touch, the girls take a while to react, they turn, we start talking, but I can sense that they aren't feeling it, so I'm leaving already. It's really chill though, I kiss the girls goodbye and return to the boys. I tell twin boy about the point system I had with his brother when we used to go out to get us to approach, 1 point for approaching, if you make out with the girl, you get 3 instead, I think he approached another girl but nothing came of it, so he was leading 4 to 2.

The dancefloor started getting really packed and we didn't see any good sets available to approach, so I suggested we go to the smoking area, see what's going on. We get there and our other friend ask me if I have any cigars with me, I don't, as I only smoke when out, from other people, so now I wanna go and see if I can get cigarretes from randoms just for giggles. I see a group of three girls, two of them bleached blondes, they weren't that hot but they sure were trying, so I wanted to see what they had to say. I approach the shorter blonde, that seems a bit older, she tells me "she gay" lol, her male gay friends say that first, so I get a bit confused, but then she says she has a girlfriend, so I'm like, ok, kiss her goodbye and go to my friends. Not even a minute after, she comes back, saying she's gay, but her brunette friend isn't. I go there and make out with her, she's like a 4/7, very average, but whatever, at lest she was a good kisser, but she's with this weird convo saying she only wanted to make out with someone tonight, I was ok, great, I notice they're smoking, so I ask her for a cigarrete, she gives me one, I smoke a bit, then leave and give it to my friend that asked (at this point he already had sent me a message asking for one lmao).

We go to the dancefloor again, we dance more, twin boy approaches some more, makes out with another, gets a few rejections, but he's chill, guy's a natural, I think I approach another girl but nada, there's some really fit pretty tanned brunette twerking like crazy in front of us, both me and twin boy wanna approach, but she just seems too into her convo with her friend and into dancing to even pay any mind. It's getting later and we are getting tired, so we go smoke some more.

Twin boy see fit girl there (actually, I think what really triggered us to go out was she leaving the dancefloor lmao) and sits near her, but facing away from her I get in front of him, so I can see if she gives me any IoIs, but she's too chill, she and her friend talk to a random guy, but it doesnt seem like he's getting any as well. I'm like, fuck this, then I notice a really pretty, slim, delicious brunette with really light skin is sat there with her friend, a little space on her side. I go there and sit immediatly. I saw this girl on the dancefloor before, she gave me some AIs but then she would just run away with her friend lol, I knew something was going on.

I get in close, and she imediatly turns to me, she has a bit of a tired look on her face, and her eyes are like... Really bloodshot, like red. her pupils are super dillated, so I ask her about it, she answers:
"Is that the first thing you say to a girl?"
"Oh, sorry, but you don't look so well. Are you fine, do you need anything?"

She tells me she had candy, our conversation is really dragging itself at this point, so I think of ejecting, but she keeps staring my eyes, I can't tell if it's because she's just drugged or she really is into me, maybe both, so I use one of the tatoos on her arm to touch her (she has like more than 10 at least, she's has a sexy rocker look going on with her tats and little black leather/rubber? boots), as I say some dumb comment about her tat, like "ooh those are plants? lol" and they were like leaves. I see she reacts well to my touch, so I just put my hand on her tigh to see how it goes, she seems to like it, so I start getting closer and whispering on her ear, she says she can't kiss me, because of her lipstick (some darker red that looks really good on her), then I whisper on her ear "oh well, but I can kiss you ;)", then I kiss and suck her neck really lightly and sexily, slowww, she gets goozebumps lol, I point out to her, then she kinda just starts making out with me.

I'm covered in her lipstick, my hands on her smooth tights (I think I said something about it when I touched it, I was going really sexual on her), so I ask if she has plans for later, she asks me where the afterparty at, I tell her at my appartment, but then she says she can't, she needs to stay with her friend, so tell her to give me her number, I ask her if she's free Saturday, she says that she is, so I say we should hang out then. I send her an icebreaker soon, as she leaves to the dancefloor with her friend, and she answers it, so so far, so good.

We also go back to the dancefloor, now the best tunes are playing, people are dancing like crazy, twin boy makes out with another, not so cute this time, we start getting tired, I see that there not any girls left I wanna approach, I just wanna delight myself on that sweet girl, lets call her HBRocker, but it's unlikely to happen now, so I just kiss her goodbye (with a hard make out again and some ass squeezing, as always) and leave, twin boy gives a ride home and that's it.

I'll be trying to go out with HBRocker Saturday, hope it pans out, will send her a message tonight to see if we can see each other tomorrow, I reaaaally wanna fuck this girl, she's really my type, hopefully LR coming soon!
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
So it was Friday again and, of course, I had to go out. I had messaged the guys at our group at Thursday and they said they couldn't go today, most of them at least, Jesus boy (twin boy) seemed like he was down, though. On Friday's afternoon our other wing said he would be by some hip new place drinking some wine, so I said I was going there. On my way, I found a friend I hadn't seem in a long time, with his girlfriend, really cool to meet them, this kid is younger than me and is finishing a master's degree on a prestigious uni here in Brazil, he's probably the smartest person I know, on top of being a really cool and charismatic guy, his girlfriend is also really cool.

Anyway I get there and my friend is drinking some nice wine, the waitress offers me a glass to drink, I take it and enjoy the wine with him. We talk about random shit, he tells me there's a new club that reopened in the bohemian part of town, we take some photos because this place looks boogie and cool, I put one of them on Tinder. Now, I told myself I wouldn't get on Tinder ever again, but I was bored in the middle of the week and redownloaded, made a really "fuck it" profile like "I'm not looking for anything serious" on my description, I didn't even had good photos for it but whatever, it's not like I expect anything anyway. I matched with a hot young girl that had it written she was in an open relationship on her description, but I think I came a bit too strong on the first message, she unmatched lol. I also matched with some Turkish(not sure) girl that had it written she didn't speak Portuguese and wanted someone to talk in English, she's kinda cute, so let see if something happens (just going out with some chick from another country and praticing my English would be cool already).

Jesus boy says he's gonna be on his way, we wait for him and drink the whole bottle, we order some gyozas (this place has some thai food as well), they taste nice. Eventually the third man arrives, but it's 8:30 PM already, our other friend leaves at 9, he lives with his family and they are really scared of COVID (the cases have been surging a bit around here lately), so he leaves me and Jesus boy to hunt on our own, telling us next week we should go to this new club. Me and Jesus boy leave to find some club that hopefully is game, I must say that today, things aren't looking too great, it's cold enough I wear my stylish black jeans and leather jacker combo (it's like 10º C in middle of summer), weather is kinda rainy/wet, a lot of the hotties are on the beach...

We have quite a few choices as far as clubs goes, in the more bohemian part of town there was already like 4 good ones, though one is very gay, so we've been avoiding this one, but now there's this new one that our friend talked about, that is more of a bar with a dancefloor, so I dunno how good it would be, and he wanna go there next week, so I tell Jesus boy we probably should stick to the other ones for now... There's a cool hip-hop one on the other part of town, and the one where I met HBRocker, but we were in front of it before it was opening, and it seemed very empty, so we decided to go in the direction of the other ones.

In the end we ended up parking his bike near the club were I met HBOcean and HBKnockers, there's a good line there and some cuties, so we decide to go in, it's 10PM. Thinking of it now, there we're quite a lot of men in the line, but we don't think too much of it, girls generally arrive later, since they are, you know, girls, and it's not like we can know if the other clubs were doing better (this day doesn't look too great to go clubbing, but being at home sleeping doesn't seem any better). We get in and there's very few people on the dancefloor, some workers there are with a stair trying to remove a disco ball on the ceiling that looked unstable, weird shit lol. We go upstairs and there's more girls there, but most of them seem like they are with their man... So we try to dance and have a good time regardless.

We drink a bit and there's some girls going crazy dancing there, we watch, one of them clearly drank too much, but she looks delicious in her tight little black dress, she's getting her ass so low on the floor eventually she ends up falling lol, pantie shot. Around 11PM the club start getting more packed, nothing crazy like the other day I was there, but there's more women now and some look like they are single... I see from upstairs a two-set with a tall redhead with a fat ass, and her brunette friend, I ask Jesus boy which one he prefers, he tells me brunette, from what he can see from up there, I tell him we gotta approach before 11:30 to get things going (else we just gonna be there watching, laaame).

So we get down and do our move eventually, actually I'm the only one approaching, from up close, the brunette girl is legit ugly lol, poor girl. The redhead has a super average face, like a 4/7?, but I love me a fat ass, and she's dancing like crazy, so maybe she's good on the pipe? I start talking to her, but she's already like, "man, we're old, how old do you think I am?", I tell her like 20 just to fuck with her, I know she's closer to 30, she tells me she 28, I'm like so what, I'm almost that age as well (this club has a lot of younger kids, hence her whole drama), she tells me "oh I'm just here to dance tonight, I didn't even drink anything, maybe later, ok?", I'm like, whatever, you're too average for me to even bother.

Then Jesus boy starts swinging as well, he approaches I think two cute girls, but they have boyfriends, already expected, I suppose, but then we see a group of 5 girls that just arrived, pretty much all of them looks hot and approacheable, so we're like, damn, that's what we have been waiting for. There's a bleached blonde girl with an interesting face (she's really cute but her nose is a bit... big, dunno, but it works in her face, somehow), she's dancing like crazy, and Jesus boy has to approach her. Actually, it was a really cool approach of him, he kinda just kept dancing with them and the girls seemed cool with it, then he kinda introduced me, and we all kept dancing together.

We're like at the center of the dancefloor and the center of attention in the club, really, after our group started dancing there, a bunch of other people started coming down to the dancefloor as well, some trying to interact with the girls and us. As for the girls, there's 2 of them that I think are veeery hot, like my type, one is a fair skinned, thin, has light brown hair and a beautiful face, and is dancing like crazy, clearly drunk, and the other is a tanned brunette with like a perfect body, her face is really pretty as well, both are giving me IoIs, so I'm a bit thorn... The darker skinned girl looks hotter, but also a bit less approacheable, she actually reminds me of one of the hottest girls I've ever approached, the one that almost made me jizz on my pants licking my ear lmao, the other one looks easier to approach, but her friends are all over each other all the time, like it was hard to find an opening...

Until the light skinned girl said something about smoking, I asked her if she had cigars with her, she said she had a vape, she asked me if I wanted to smoke, I said sure, she asked the others but they wanted to keep on dancing, so she went upstairs to the smoking area, and I followed suit. Now I'm like, hell yeah, isolated the girl easy peasy and didn't even have to choose between the girls, dream scenario, right? I start talking to her, we vape and talk random shit, I ask her about her cool tattoos to get touch going, she seems receptive, she tells me about how she's gonna go to India soon to study yoga or something, I start getting closer, things are going well, I feel like one more minute and we should be making out, then out of the blue... Her blue-eyed, not-so-hot, friend comes in, and starts fucking up our thing, like hard. She gets there and tells me that she has a boyfriend, my girl clearly seems to shift a bit her attitude towards me, I learn now that this swooping annoying chick actually is a lesbian, I'm like, you're just jelly of your friend. I talk a bit more to my girl, she tells me she loves her man, so I'm like, ok, I'm not gonna mess with that, besides, the other chick already ruined the whole mood... Anyway, it's cool to see that her friends seeing me isolating her and knew shit could go down, like either they knew she was attracted to me or that I'm a sexy lover type of guy, hence they gotta save the drunk chick from cucking her bf.

I think the other girls and my wing come to us, now everyone is in the smoking area, I shift my attention more to the tanned brunette. She takes out some "natural" (here we call them something like "haystack", because farmers smoke them) cigarettes, I ask if I can have one, she gives me, we smoke and talk a bit, she tells me she's from a bit more south from there, I tell her my mom is from the same state, but from the countryside, she tells me she's 22 (aparently she's the older in the group, the other girls are like 19 and 20) and studies to be a vet in a posh private uni here. She also tells me she's into weed, then ask people if they wanna meet and smoke some, she tells me she knows a drug dealer that can get her pretty much anything, I'm like, that's dope. She gives me her phone with Instagram open, for me to type my handle, but I tell her I deleted it recently, but I tell her she can have my number, if she wants, then I enter my details there and save my name with the club name in the end and a heart (s2), I thought she would laugh, but she doesn't give me any reaction, we just keep talking as normal. I'm trying to get closer and touch her, but it's hard, her friends keep on interrupting, and there's this whole group dynamic going on.

We get back to the dancefloor, bleached blonde girl is dancing like crazy, I give her some attention and she seems to like it, but something doesn't feel too right about it, later I learn she also had a boyfriend, Jesus boy approached her and didn't told me right away, so i was a bit in the dark. I think he also approached the lesbian girl, and obviously got turned down. The tanned brunette was talking about some hot girls she wanted to make out with upstairs, so I suppose she is bi, she also talked about all those guys that were texting her and whatnot, I was a bit put off by this, like she's so hot already, like there was an ugly black girl there that kept going into our group and dancing with her, telling her how hot she was, that it was unbeliavable or something (saying she wasn't lesbian lol, she just found her beautiful, and she really was like a 7/7), but still she felt the need to be saying those weird things, maybe me isolating her other friend triggered some insecurity in her, dunno, maybe I should have fixed my attainability somehow, but it didn't feel like a big problem...

I think it's not even 2AM and the girl I first isolated is leaving, she hugs everyone and kiss them goodbye, when it's my turn we hug for a bit longer and I tell her it was great to meet her, she smiles and waits near us for her ride home. Thinking now, I guess I tried to play too much jealousy plots against poor 7/7 tanned hot girl, but in my defence, she really didn't seem very interested, maybe she's a bit shy/reserved and I mistook that, I guess it had been a long time since such a hot girl was there for me, within my reach, and I tried too hard, got a bit insecure... I guess I came across as a bit cold and I flirted too much with her other friends, and I ended up never truly making a real move on her. We're dancing more closely, and I thought of going in, but then Jesus boy approached her... And got a nope again. He said she was nice to him, but things got a bit weird, as he got rejected by most of the girls in the group, so we left a bit for some air in the smoking area.

We came back and danced near the girls, then we saw the tanned hottie going out to make out with some average dude, I think I heard she saying its was very "so so" to lesbian mother hen, she was kinda looking at me and giving me IoIs, still, but my mood was really down... I was also getting tired, I'm not quite the early 20s me that could party until 6AM or something, now if I last until 3AM, that's a lot already, and honestly, most girls you have a chance to pull or at least get a number to hang out later will be way before that, so what's the point. We danced a bit more, I was eyefucking bleached blonde and tanned girl, but eventually I just wanted to leave, so me and Jesus boy say good bye to those girls. When I hugged the hot tanned girl, we held each other for a bit longer, my body just kinda naturally fit in hers, it felt really nice, but in a bittersweet way, because I didn't manage to really make a move on her. Later I though I should have at least told her to message me about the weed stuff, dunno if it would have made any difference, I would love to think that she will message me, but I think there's no chance, really.

So yesterday was a bit of a bummer, I guess it was good we got out and approached, but Jesus boy was approaching just for the sake of approaching, it seemed like, his beard was a bit too big, maybe this didn't help, also we were in this whole "friendly" vibe that I'm not such a big fan of... Like maybe if he didn't approach them and danced near them, I would have approached tanned hot girl and made something sexual happen. Either way, I can't blame him, I was the one that invited him and that got in a bit of shitty mood, I'm thinking maybe going out in just two is a bad idea, when I used to go clubbing with just his brother, often one would do really well, and the other get in a shit mood. I think going solo or in bigger groups (where you can leave and come back later) is better, when I go with just one friend, there's that pressure to be cool with the other guy and not leave him alone, which obviously makes you lose good opportunities. Either way, I hope this cold shitty weather goes away soon, hopefully tonight I can go out and it's better, we'll see (I also still have to smash HBOcean and HBKnockers, so maybe I'll focus on those and leave clubbing for next week).
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Saturday I was going out to the clubs, but I thought of recontacting the girls from last week first. It seems HBOcean is back in town, but I sent her a really sexual, a bit uncalibrated text and she hasn't answered since... I figured I would play riskier since last time she only did oral, also she gives me the vibe that maybe she'll get clingy fast and I don't want to hurt the girl too much afterwards, therefore I wanted it to be clear I'm not in for long term. I'll try to contact her again after some days, dunno if she autorejected completely already.

Anyway, the other girl, HBKnockers, said her quarantine was over (she recently caught COVID), and invited me herself right away to go out with her friends Saturday night. I though I would rather go clubbing and meet her some other day alone, but I had a feeling she wouldn't go for it, she was in drugs when she met me, it's only natural she wants to meet me in the safety of her friends first. So I went there, it was a little bar close to my appartment, younger college people there drinking and talking loudly. She's wearing a red blouse and black pants, she's sexy chubby, huuge tits and a fat ass as well, a bit tall, her face is super cute and she talks in a sexy, excited young girl way. She's there with an attractive (bleached?) blonde girl and two guys, one of them clearly very gay, the other turns out it's the boyfriend of the other girl.

So it's a bit awkward at first, she tells me she didn't even remember me since she was so high last time, asks me how we met and shit like that, but says it was cool that she gave me her contact and we met afterwards. I thought she remembered I was the guy that boned her blonde friend last time, and that I already had my hands on those huge tits before, but it seems she doesn't know jack, so I don't feel like telling her, at least not yet, maybe she won't want to fuck a guy her friend fucked? She keeps on telling me to talk to her, ask her questions, I'm trying to talk to her, but honestly I feel really out of my element here with her friends and the loud music and people talking. I go grab some beer, I hear they convo, interact a bit, now I'm a bit more in the group, she tells us she's not drinking, so she's gonna order some soda or something, I tell her I'm going with her get more beer. She asks me what I wanna talk about in the line, I tell her something like, "this type of convo", I get in really close to her face and eyefuck her, we kiss, she's a good kisser, specially when not in drugs.

Then we come back, and she tells me how she ended up going to a motel with some random people after the club, that they had crazy sex toys and shit like that, I'm unfazed, but I'm like, why the fuck is she telling me this, does she want some kind of reaction? We played some games like "never have I ever" and she tells she did many sexual things, no idea again wtf is the point. Either way, this is just the beginning of the weirdness, the real kicker comes when she talks about why she's not drinking: apparently, she went to some "spiritualism" center (some mish mash of Christianism with believing in reincarnation and spirits, like from dead people, popular here in Brazil, specially with weird posh new age people), and she got through a "spiritual surgery", no shit, I've watched a scene from an anime that's based on Brazil called Michiko to Hatchin where a character is one of the so called "spiritual surgeons", in the anime he makes no money because everyone in the city knows he's a scammer, but people in real life believe in this shit... Go figure (tried searching for this scene alone on the internet but couldn't find it, I was totally remembering it in my head as she was telling me and had to hold in my laugh lmao).

Then she said that she couldn't eat a bunch of stuff, like read meat, couldn't drink (or use drugs), and couldn't... have sex! Yep, the girl that was just talking about sex this whole time and all the shit she did last year, now was telling me she wouldn't have sex. At this point, I'm almost dumbfounded, I think my face couldn't hide it much, I was almost laughing, but I kept my cool, for the most part lol. She tells her friend they should go out next week, "when she'll be able to drink", so I suppose this is only for a week? I'm like, I'll try to pull anyway, there's no way this girl is serious. But then some friend of her gay friend wants to talk to her, make ammends, apparently they hated each other because HBKnockers hooked up with her ex or something, and she leaves to talk to this girl... For like more than an hour...

I'm there talking to her friends, they are legit cool people, the straight(?) guy even tell me about his job on a startup and that they are hiring programmers, that he can send them my CV if I want to. The gay guy wants to give his A-hole to the bartender, he keeps butterflying out of our table, so I don't talk much to him, but he's clearly into me. I also get the sense that the girlfriend is a bit into me, later they were talking about monogamous relationships and HBKnockers tell them they should "open up they relationship", the girl gives a little laugh and looks at me a bit, they were also talking about going to a motel, all of us, tonight, make some crazy shit... But HBKnockers is not down, she's "spiritually healed" now, she also says those places have "bad energy" (I've been there with her friend and my X and felt no such "energy" lmao), but then says they can go another week...
Either way, I start getting a bit tired, they wanna go to a club dance, a gay club, because her friend really wants to get his A-hole stuffed that night, they say they are going to her friend's appartment get some candy and change, and then they are going, I tell them I'm tired and I'm going home, she asked me before if I wanted to go, but I was tired, and, if I went, chances I would try to pull some other hoe, and then God knows what else happens, so I decide to go home. She says when can meet again next week, same thing she told me at the club, not a lie, but now I'm thinking if it's even worth it, I just wanted my face drown on some huge tits, not to listen to some 22yo posh girl telling me about all the gossip of her friend group... At this point I'm almost like, hey, do you remember that friend of yours that I fucked? Go ask her how much she came, and stop wasting our fucking time... ¬¬

So I wake up today and I'm a bit bummed out, but then HBRocker sends me a pic of her ass... Beauutifulll, too bad this girl is in another city, otherwise I would be asap smacking that butt. I tell her that this way I'm gonna have to go there meet her sooner, she seems excited.
My X also texts me, I texted her wishing a happy new year, she responded in a warm way, I also texted her when I ate the rest of the shrooms we had together (telling her how little I felt), than today she says she made some tea with it and finally got high (when we did shrooms together, I got a bit, but she got nada). I don't know if I should keep on texting her, I would love for us to be friends, she's dope, but sexually we don't work that well, and I always wanna fuck her when I see her, she's just too adorable...

I hate Tinder, but the Turkish girl I matched with is responding to me, I suggested we meet, she says it would be lovely, but she's sick now. Apparently she's here until the end of the month, so I'll try to make something happen. I also matched with a cute brunette, looks a bit like HBRocker tbh, at least on her photos, she was very receptive to my texting and borderline called me awesome lol, I said she should go out and suggested some night this week, let's see how it goes. It's funny because I try to use my super likes on the super hot girls, but those almost never answer, I was in doubt for this one girl, 'cause she looked fine but her photos weren't thaaat great, but I was like, fuck it, and we matched pretty fast because of the super like, she was also very receptive, gonna try putting a bit more effort in picking girls that seems less like attwhores and more like actaully cute irl even if their photos aren't that great (mine aren't as well lol)

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
This week I didn't had shit to do at work, so I was experimenting with Tinder... I know I should be getting over my AA and trying to daygame, but I'm a lazy fuck, I also can't be leaving without knowing if they will give me some activity, so I'm still a bit stuck at home. Anyway, I found some third party seller that lets you buy premium stuff for a week... The thing is, you have a boost a week, if you buy every week, and even 4 or 5 of those still way cheaper than Tinder Plus, so it's way better by itself (boost on a good time and you get more matches than a whole week). On top of that, there was some bug happening that allowed me infinite super likes... My friends, I think I might have "superliked" more than 300 girls, I got 30 matches in less than a day off that alone, plus, it seems girls respond kinda warmly when you superlike them, one was like "thank you for the superlike :)", we started flirting off of that. But most of them aren't that hot (just barely bangable), some are in other cities already (a lot of girls were on vacation here apparently). One of them is super hot though, think white Ariana Grande, some sexy bikini photos, perfect butt and face... She just answered me now, let's pray I smash this stunner, she seems like my dream girl, really lmao
The bug stopped working in a day though, so no idea if they caught on to what's going on (can't imagine any guy buying more than 300 super likes lmao), I just went crazy with it really, because I thought if they are gonna find out, they are gonna find out, I might as well use it to the max while I can, I'll see if I can replicate the bug again.

At night, I was mostly going to the gym, one of the teachers there was telling me to mind my posture, ouch. I thought I had improved that a lot, but it seems I often forget about it and go back to bad form (working in front of a computer all day doesn't help)... Gotta be focusing on that from now on. Indeed, yesterday I went out with my friends and I was trying to keep my posture as great as possible. We ate some burgers and talked shit, the wife of one of my best friends told me her friend I met long ago told her she was into me, when I met this girl I hit on her but she didn't seemed interested, my friend told me I was being too direct (what can I do), but she says she really enjoyed our convos on Instagram (back when I had it), we bonded over stoicism and some other philosophical stuff, she's a psychologist. Basically now that she lives in an other city far away she wants my D because not only am I hot but I'm smart as fuck as well lol, but she's not thaat hot, so I'm chill, if she comes over, maybe.

Afterwards we went to a little bar near one of my favorite clubs here, the one where I met HBRocker. We drink a bit of beer, our other two friends leave, so it's just me and my friend's wife (he wasn't there), she tells me to go near this group that has a cute blonde so i can hit at her lol (she knows me well), she then ask me if I want her to get us talking to them, I'm like, why not. She comes in and introduces herself, she's from the northeast of Brazil, so she's very extroverted and talkative (people here in the South tend to be more closed off), apparently blondie just came back from Germany, my friend talks a bit about languages with her (they both speak German and French, I neither lmao), then tells them a story about when she went to Paris, her storytelling is really compelling, I can learn a lot from her. Anyway, to me, it seems blondie is into the guy that was in their group (there was another girl there too and both kept touching him), she's cute, but I'm not feeling it, when we leave my friend tell me the guy was gay, I was like, dunno (chances are, if he was, he would be into me lol, not to brag, but he also got a bit territorial when I came in, I felt).

After that, she leaves, but I'm like, man, this is my last day in the city this week (I'm going to the beach today to stay at my parents house for the weekend, enjoy the sun and the see), so I'm gonna go to this club, even if I'm there alone dancing lol. I get in, there's like 2 girls inside lmao, there's two gay dudes at the VIP, one of them keeps staring at me, I stare back, because I'm not gonna let anyone be staring at me and win, and I win, of course, he's like trying to get me to kiss him, I tell him I'm straight and it's not gonna happen, but keep on staring him just to fuck with him lol. Some girls start appearing, some crazy chick alone starts dancing with random people one by one, I get close and she dances with me, she smells gooood, so I tell her that, she kinda just moves on to dance crazily with the next person.
I then try to approach an Asian girl in a group with a guy and 3 other girls, the guy seems gay, I approach, she gets startled like crazy, she almost jumps lol, I try calming her but at this point she's turned away from me talking to her friends, I just kinda look at them like "wtf", I start talking to one of the girls, she's kinda cute, tall brunette in law school, but I don't feel like it's game... I try to approach her again later, but they kinda just box me out lol... Ouch. I kinda tried to approach another very cute chick that came in later, she was with two guys, that I assumed were gay, but as I came in close she made some really weird eye contact with me, I knew I would get some awkward rejection just from that, so I just kinda turn around and leave.

Somehow I start talking to the crazy girl that was dancing, I think she was talking to the gay dudes earlier and I went there to see what was cooking, she tells me she's lesbian, that she makes out with some female bouncer there that looks like a guy lol, the gay guys leave and we are seated at the VIP talking about her 10 year old son and stuff like that, nothing sexual, but we have a cool conversation. After that I feel like checking out the smoking area, I didn't even know if there would be people there or if it would be open, it turns out most poeople are actually there, specially the hot girls. Then I see a chick I know from uni that's a promoter of this club, she's there with her borefriend, turns out she's "lesbian, other than with him", and they like having sex with girls, she was telling me they bang 10 new girls a months, I'm like, that's bullshit, they are trying to talk this young girl into their scheme, but she seems skitish... I'm trying to do math in my head, but for them to pull girls like this, they probably should be going out every night pretty much and talking a lot to those girls... Like they have no fucking life if that's what they really do. Anyway, she tells me those girls are horny and wanna make out with a guy like me, I would totally kiss two of them, one is specially hot, but they start talking... And honestly, you would have to try harder to find girls that seemed dumber or more shallow than this two to me lol. Ok, they are pretty young (the hotter one was 20 and apparently I was the only one that could guess correctly, she thinks everyone thinks she's older because of her titties, oh well), so it's expected, but I can't take this convo anymore, specially afdter talking to crazy dancing girl, that was a cool, educated 31yo, it was like comparing water with wine.

I leave their group uncerimoniously (there was a chubby asian guy there in the group that told me he's the owner of a donut-selling franchise I really like, poor guy was there stuck just listening them dumb hoes the whole time), I go to some very average looking chicks smoking and ask for a cigarrete, they comply, one of them is staring me hard and puts her hand on my tight already... I'm like, ok, pull time baby, the mother hen on my other side is a bit annoying though, she keeps on talking about video games, then afterwards she tells me she's a stripper/pole dancer or something (this chick is legit chubby lol), she tells a story about her boy toy that she made cum on a swing club with her fingers down his Ahole... Eventually they wanna go dance, I'm like, ok, I'm in, as we are leaving, two guys start talking to us, apparently they were a bit sad I alone had 3 girls for myself, and wanted some, we just leave lol
Now, as we get near the dancefloor, they want do tequila shots, I'm like, nah, I'm chill, but the girls are there complying and shit, mother hen asks me if I want too, I'm like ok, then this mother fricking bitch takes my paper thing where they put what we ordered to charge later, and puts all 4 tequila shots there, for me to pay! I only notice later, though the bartender kinda looks at me and asks her again we she orders, should have asked me, since you're charging me! I'm kinda mad, not because of the money, I don't give much of a fuck, but being decieved by an uglyish hoe doesn't feel any good.

So now I'm mad, so I might as well steal their friend away, we start making out hard on the dancefloor, she's a good kisser, though her face could be cuter lol, I drag her into the VIP, that's now very empty (the whole club kinda is, most people left, it seems), I sit and grab her and put her sat on my lap, we keep on making out hard, my right hand grabbing her hair, my left hand on her tights and going into her pussy, she stops me when I'm there, so I stop a bit, but naturally it starts going there again. This chick has some of the smoothest skin I ever touched, seriously, I feel I wanna fuck her just passing my hand through her arms, so I tell her we should leave, she's thinking, she says, she needs time to decide. She then tells me she didn't shave, and she wants oral, I tell her I don't give a fuck and I can make her cum with oral, she says she can't today because of her friends, I tell her her friend is a bitch for putting all the shots on my tab, that I'm gonna find her online and do some messed up stuff to her phone (she knows I work in IT), she tells me I don't even know her name (it's true lol, in fact her toxic little friend was giving me crap about it), I'm like, whatever, fuck her, she tells me she can pay for it, I tell her it's no biggie, she then tells me we should go out on the weekend, I tell her I'm leaving to the beach, she tells me let's do it in February then, because she's leaving to another city soon, I tell her, I might as well delete your number then (I took it when we started making out harder), she then asks me if I'm free Monday, that she's gonna be leaving by the night, but we can hang out from morning to afternoon or something, I'm like, I'm working, but honestly, I'm not doing a whole lot, she's like, ok, Monday then, and don't flake on me! I send her another message after my icebreaker, ask her if it was deal today, she answers "yep, and don't dare flaking on me!". So now I think I'll be boinking this hoe Monday morning, gonna unleash all my rage against her skanky friend on her throat lmao.

Not bad for a random Thursday! (though I did end up spending double thanks to her freaking skanky friend, gonna keep my guard up now against those wanna be pros type of sluts, haven't seem an annoying one like this in a long time)
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Spent the weekend on the house my parents rented on some nice beach around here. I took the bus Friday night while chatting up some cuties from Tinder, then there was no internet as we are going to the middle of nowhere lol, so I just listened to some tunes on my phone. There was a young, beautiful girl in the bus with a cool tattoo, but she sat far away from me, so no chance for us to talk at all. Some other cute-ish, more average girl with her boyfriend kept looking at me when she could, I think he noticed and got a bit mad lol

I had a great time with my family, really enjoyed the sun and the sea, felt like something like a spiritual need. I used to go to the beach when young all the time on school vacation and took it for granted, nowadays is rare that I have the time (and $) to go and have a good time. There was also a swimming pool there, I never learned how to swim before, but I was floating really easily there, so I tried a bit and eventually I was swimming, it was really cool. I got so excited with swimming and playing (ball) games with my bro and sis at the beach now I can't barely walk, my legs hurt (my upper body skin also, got too exposed to the sun, that was really strong this weekend, at least I got a good tan :)

As far as women and seduction goes, that was a bit of a downturn, there wasn't a whole lot of hot chicks on the beach, so I didn't even feel tempted to approach, other than one girl. This girl was there with a woman and a man, which I assumed were her parents, but I'm still not sure, she seemed like she was in her early 20s or late teens, brunette, tanned (ofc, but her skin wasn't too pale, like my sis, that gets like red when she gets sun), nice medium natural tits, nice butt. Indeed, she went to the sea one time with the other woman and kept taking little waves with the side of her butt, while kinda looking in my direction and smiling... I almost got hard there, but I was with my little bro in the water, so things were a bit awkward, I was trying to make sure I was interacting with him and taking care of him so he didn't do anything dumb, while also flirting/enjoying the girl take some sea on her ass lol. I though about approaching but I had no idea other than going super direct, there wasn't much of a context or reason for me to talk to her, and I still didn't know if the woman was her mom, I was thinking she might be an older friend and I might get her mad treating her like she's her mother lol, so in the end I didn't do anything, felt kinda bad, because we left the beach earlier, and I could see her standing up a little from her chair and she seemed a little bummed out.

I was hoping to sleep with the girl from Thursday from the club but she told me her flight to the other city had it's time changed, to earlier, so she couldn't do it today (Monday), I tried to get us to meet around midnight, but, honestly I'm glad she couldn't make it, because in the end me and my family had more than an hour of delay to arrive home because of traffic, so it wouldn't work out anyway. She said we should hang out after she comes back, in February, I was like, ok sure, but I hope I'll have better hoes to fuck by then lol (I might fit her in some random time anyway just because of how SMOOOOTH her skin is though lmao).

The hottie from Tinder, let's call her HBAriana, takes a good time to answer, but seems to be complying so far, better than all the hotter girls I matched with before. I suggested we hang out and got her number, let's see how it goes. Other than her, I'm not very excited about those girls from Tinder, there's a few that are cute enough and maybe I'll hang out with some soon, worse case scenario I use them for preselection lol, like I used that girl to help me laying blondie from last Carnival (Carnival is coming soon and I'm excited for it, hopefully COVID won't fuck things up, though I'm afraid clubs might close or go back to stupid restrictions again after it, so let's seize the night while we can ;)

Overall it was dope to take some time off on the beach, I listened to a lot of music and had lots of ideas (I'm back to playing bass and I was thinking of forming a band, get those groupies going ;). I took shrooms before with my X, and I felt a bit numb and had mild "visions" while closing my eyes, but last time I took more alone I didn't feel a thing, other than a mild numbness, and I thought that was it, but I'm feeling more creative lately, which apparently is the main long term effect of it. Dunno if I'm tripping and I just feel better for finally getting more results off of night game (winner's effect?), but I legit feel more creative, like when talking to girls (and doing other things, of course), also I feel more relaxed, the girl from Tinder was taking her time to respond, and back then I would be like "fuck this hoe" and next her in my head, but now I'm chill, like the best I can do is X, so let's do X and not worry about it (may also just be my experience kicking in, as I'm not the almost virgin 23 year old that was desperate to bone any good-enough girl lol)
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
I got a bit burned from all the sun from the weekend at the beach, so I couldn't quite hit the gym until today (maybe I could have tried yesterday but I'll be honest, I was feeling pretty lazy). Today I measured my weight, though, and somehow I lost 2kg (4 pounds?) just from not eating like a fucking dinosaur, since past week lol. Gotta get my diet together if I wanna get leaner (though I dunno if I care that much).
Generally Wednesday is the best day in terms of "female talent" at the gym, but today there wasn't a single super hot girl, and even the decent ones were quite rare of a sight. On a good note though, the new receptionist there started chatting with me as I was having trouble getting in with my digitals, she was looking quite cute, she told me "she would let me in, no biggie", then asked me to answer some survey they send on email, I'm like ok, I ask her name, she gives it to me, she was calling me by my nickname that the other receptionist uses (though we barely ever talked before). Gonna try flirting with her next time (this time I flirted a bit with the other one again, just staring at her as I was gonna ask for a plastic cup, that I always do, she was like "TELL ME WHAT YOU NEEEEED!", getting a bit shy lol)

Been talking to one of the girls on Tinder about this reality show everyone goes crazy about here in Brazil, I don't even like it, but by the beginning of the year, it's the talk among most younger girls, so I've been watching it just for the hell of it. She's kinda short and cute, hope we can go out soon. I messaged HBAriana on Monday asking for her schedule, after she added my number (like 24h after I told her to), I waited and waited and no response, so today I sent some dumb skeleton meme that says that I'm still waiting for her response. At this point, I have no faith this will go anywhere, if anyone has any experience getting those flaky flashy Tinder hotties to go on a date, leave a suggestion.

I also talked to HBOcean, yesterday she was like, "oh, I don't want anything casual, dunno if I wanna go to your appartment", I'm like, girl, I enjoy your company, but I don't want anything serious (I mean, I just told her on our date I just came out of a LTR). Dunno if I'll fuck her, honestly, seems like too much of headache for me to even care about it at this point, but she said we could go out again next week, I think she's afraid she's just a sex toy to me or something (which would be the only role for her on my book if she keeps being this boring, really).

I was thinking of writing a night (club) game guide, I read many guys here saying "night game is dead" and whatnot, but I've been having some decent-ish success with it, I figured I would write down my process and try to follow it to the letter, and go correting it as test it and it improves. Initially, it would be just for me, and maybe some close friends, that say they wanna learn (wanting and actually doing it is very different, as we know very well here). but if (more like when) I get decent success with it, I could end up posting it here. I know in many places night clubs and bars are kinda closed or very limited, so it would be cool to have an updated guide when things are back at full force, right (being hopeful it actually will lol)?
Will try to write something today before going out, I'm thinking of going to my usual club, apparently they playing some indie rock on Wednesdays, maybe I find some hottie like HBRocker there today... At the very least, even if the club is kinda empty, I think I'll have more ideas on what to write about, being in the environ...

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Sooo last night was... how do I put it... some... hot garbage.
Ok, maybe not thaaat terrible, but... still...

I was gonna start writing the whole night game guide stuff, but the club was almost opening, so I went there.
It was very empty. Like veeery empty, the guys in front of me were like "do we even wanna enter?" but it was also pretty early in the night, so whatever. I grab a bit of beer and go to the smoking area, there's pretty much only dudes there, but more people are arriving. I ask for a cigarrete, but I get ignored by pretty much everyone there lmao (I should stop smoking in clubs, I mean, I never do it outside, my dad's parents smoked like two chimneys, and they both had some serious lung related diseases, hence why I never buy them myself, but getting them from other people, specially cool people, seems to be a cool social challenge).

I drink my beer and enjoy it's bitter taste, looking at the sky and the walls around the club... Then out of the blue, two cute, very young, emo chicks sit by my side, that was empty. I kinda just stare at the prettier one and ask if she's got any cigars, she gives me from her "boyfriend", then starts talking to me, showing pics of her cats and stuff like that. She says she smokes since she was 13, and she has to stop, I'm like, "either you stop with the cigar, or it stops you", dunno if she liked hearing that lol, but I'm not gonna bullshit her. Anyway, she tells the group she's on an open relationship (first she was calling some girl that's in some other state saying she's her gf and she misses her), that she kisses people that she finds "cute" or connect with, I'm like, hey, that could be me (but seriously, I'm thinking this girls are too young for me, she's 20, the other 19, dressed with little cat ears, there also some random dudes on the group that are their age kinda hitting at them, dunno dafuq is going on, really).

I decide to go to the dancefloor, apparently it was "Arctic Monkeys" night, but I'm there for like 3 hours, and they play like 5 of their songs lol, the rest is some random alternative/indie rock stuff. The emo girls are dancing like crazy, the party is kinda fun, but there's not a whole lot of cute chicks to approach. I notice there's two pretty girls in a group of 5, with one guy (same shit as last time I was there), that seems gay, but I find no opening to approach (maybe I was just chickening because of the bad experience with this type of group last time, but I was really trying to find one of them more isolated, and they wouldn't break circle, like ever).

For some fucking reason, I decide to send my X the music that's playing there, I think she's the only girl I know that likes Yeah Yeah Yeahs, she answers kinda excited, I knew she used to go there and have some fun, in fact her friend invited her to go there, to this rock night, while we where together, going to sleep on some Wednesday... She tells me she almost went there today, I'm like, oh, that's too bad, though if you were here, I don't know if I would be able to hold myself (as in like, kissing her), she's like, don't go there next week, I write her I can't promise her that, kidding, then tell her, ok, if you come here, message me first, so I don't come as well, she's like, ok, I'm like, :(

There's a woman looking at me a bit too much, but she's with a dude with a bit of a protective body language, I assumed it was her boyfriend/fiance, but eventually he leaves for a bit, and she still looking at me... I'm like, let's go find out wtf is going on fast, before I get into a fight or something lol. I get in, touch her arm without looking at her, from the side, and talk on her ear: "was that your husband?", she's like "noope, that's my brother, though I'm in a relationship", I'm like, oh, ok, (with a like "that's too bad" vibe), pleasure meeting you anyway, you're very pretty, and leave.

Then I notice a very cute girl, short brunette, beautiful face, nice body, and she's kinda looking in my direction.... I eyefuck her a bit, she keeps on playing with her hair and shit... Her friend has some highlights on her short hair, she's also kinda looking at me and giving me some IoIs, she a bit Asian... In fact, she looks quite a bit like someone I know... But at this point, dunno really. I keep on dancing, and they keep on kinda looking in my direction and dancing in a kinda flirty way, but it's a bit weird, so I decide, I'm going in. I get there, and the girl with the highlights is like... I know you, don't I? I'm like, I think I know you too... I tell her: are you my "X name"s friend? She's like, yuup, I'm like, oooh shit (that's almost literally what I said lmao)

I dance a bit around them, but I don't know dafuq I'm supposed to do now... Honestly I kinda wanted to ask her how my X's doing, and stuff like that, but we're on the dancefloor, it's very loud. I still think the other girl is veery foxy, and I wouldn't mind kissing highlights girl as well, but I mean, my X is a bit of a prude, deep down (even if she likes saying she has gay friends and is open minded and whatnot, she herself is very conservative, when it comes down to sex), and I get the feeling her friends are similar, though I also had the feeling two of her friends, at least, were kinda into me (one being highlights girl, right there), but I don't wanna hurt my X feelings, if anything happened, it had to be a bit of a secret...

I excuse myself to the bathroom, saying I'll come back (and thinking I'll get the hell away lol), but I meet my redhead friend from uni with her boyfriend, the same that were there last week, again they are on their scheme to get a theesome with some random chick, this time is a short redhead... I stick around for a while to see if I can learn anything, but it seems they are kinda giving up, their traget goes elsewhere (she's in some group, and she seems quite popular), the dude is talking to some random people, and his gf to some other random group... I'm like, whatever.
We are now in the smoking area, and somehow highlights girl and her foxy friend are sat there, they are talking to some random girl, seemed lesbian, kinda masculine, to me. I try talking to the group on the other side and, goddammit, I have to ask for a cigarette again (this night has been a bit stressful, plus it's so easy to meet people using this as an excuse), but he doesn't have one, so he asks... Highlights girl, of fucking course, I'm like, no, there's no need, I'm chill (they didn't even have any, I think)... Things get even more awkward somehow, so I leave to the dancefloor.

There, I find the woman that was looking at me earlier, she still looking at me, and she's alone, I approach again: where's your brother? She tells me he's getting some drinks, she offers me hers, but it's gin, I dislike the taste of it, very much. I ask her age, she tells me she's 30, and she's married, I tell her she looks younger (though I can tell she's no 20yo, of course). She says she's from another state, that she and her husband have some tourism agency there, she's here staying at a friend's. She also goes on about how her husband is busy all the time, and stuff like that, I ask her why would she marry so young, she's like, oh, I wasn't even quite sure if I wanted to get married, for my family it was more of a business transaction, sometimes I wonder... Some stuff like that.
Then she asks me for my Instagram, I tell her I deleted it, but she can have my number, if she wants to, so she can text me when she's here. She's like, ok, I put my number in (she had the wrong area code there already for some reason, dunno why she typed that) and my name, but as I'm typing on my phone, who do I see? Of course, it's highlights girl. I was talking with this woman about the whole situation, like what's the chance I wanna approach a girl and she's with my X's friend, maybe the preselection helped her see me as more attractive and chase me a bit, but I can't even remember what happened earlier, tbh.

While I was at the line to get a beer, highlights girl is in front of me, her foxy friend notices me, but she doesn't, by accident I happen to see her phone, and the first person she's messaging, is, of course, my X, I could recognize her face from a mile away. I wonder what type of shit she's texting my X, I really don't wanna hurt her, but now they just saw me giving my number to this woman, that I didn't even do anything with (that's probably not what it seemed like, though), so I'm like, I'm kinda fucked anyway, I dance around them for a bit, since they were just there watching me chat this other chick... I'm looking for opportunities to approach away from them, but there's not much game there today, honestly, foxy friend is my number one pick, and maybe highlights girl is a close second.. This is not gonna end well.

Some tall guy starts hitting on highlights girl, she's a bit dismissive, but also giving him some attention, dunno what's really going on, he leaves, so I'm chill. At first, I was like, I'm gonna dismiss this guy since the girls don't seem to like him, so maybe I can save some face with them and help them or something, but he seemed like a cool guy, plus maybe if he makes out with her, I get to isolate foxy lady and make something happen (this girl really is my type... and the fact that she was looking so much at me, maybe just because her friend was talking about me being her friend's X, got me reaally titillated). Then he approaches her again, they start talking... I get a bit closer to the foxy girl, ask her name... Then she just kinda looks at highlights girl, she's like fuming, she tells me like "she's also a friend of "my X's name". DON'T do IT", almost begging, in a kinda disgusted way. I'm like, wtf, all I can say is like "I... wouldn't".
Of course I wanted to make out with her friend (and even her), but I was just talking to her friend. Also, I know she's not a close friend of my X, like I know all the people that are really close to her, if anything, she knows this girl from clubbing with highlights girl, but it doesn't seem like she's going out a whole lot (I hope she's doing ok), so chances are, she's didn't even met this girl, yet. Anyway, I don't know what I was thinking, I guess in my head I just had this fantasy of having an open relationship with my X (I mean, I still love and respect her, as much as I can, is just that sex was really lacking, for me) and fucking all her friends, but that's a bit messed up, I think, to say the least lmao (and let's be real, not happening)

But I swear I didn't mean any harm. If anything, me and foxy girl would make out (and hopefully more) away from anyone we know, we would keep this our little secret, and everyone is happy, but in the end I just left home feeling shitty and kinda guilty, thinking about my breakup with my X, once again, of how much I like her, how much I miss her, how much I wish things could just work out for us... Oh well.
My X just texted me like I can't believe you hitted on "foxy girl", I don't even know what to tell her...
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 13, 2021
Today I measured my weight, though, and somehow I lost 2kg (4 pounds?) just from not eating like a fucking dinosaur, since past week lol. Gotta get my diet together if I wanna get leaner
Staying leaner helps with the facial aesthetics more. Idk if it's coincidence or not, but my best times are when I m leaner than usual.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Staying leaner helps with the facial aesthetics more. Idk if it's coincidence or not, but my best times are when I m leaner than usual.
Yep, my friend's wife always compliment me when I'm leaner, telling me my face looks better and stuff like that

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Friday night I went out with the boys and got my first pull from a club in quite a while, so the next day I'm feeling like a total boss (my D still hurting a bit from the rough sex lol). I meet up with some friends on a little hip bar near my house early eve, they are not going out that night, but I thought it would be good to warm socially already, plus they are really cool people. I'm talking to my friends and a bunch of hotties on the bar are looking at me, giving me some AIs, I almost go and approach, but I was chilling with my friends, didn't want to disrupt that.

Later I'm going out with Jesus boy, we now have an WhatsApp group for us "single guys on the prowl", it's me, Jesus boy, Mr. P, his friend from last night, and our other wing, that was there with me on that first bar, but says he won't be able to go out tonight because of family stuff. I make him swear he's gonna go next weekend, he laughs and promisses, he told me he wanted to go out and get approaching, but he's quite shy and generally doesn't approach girls, I hope we change that soon, he's a cool stilish dude.

I leave to my appartment to wait for Jesus boy, but he text me saying he found some woman fallen into a random street and was calling an ambulance, typical Jesus stuff, be saving random people like that hehe. Eventually, he helps the woman get to the hospital, we arrive like an hour later at the club, but it's still quite early (though almost everybody is there already, few people come in later). We go to this club where I met HBOcean, they are playing mostly just rock today, I was a bit bummed out in the beginning, because how do you even dance to rock? Girls don't tend to get too crazy dancing with it. But the more I think about it, the better it seems, girls are not too focused on being dancing and showing off their bodies, and the girls there all have a similar musical taste to mine, since I like rock a lot. There are a bunch of hotties there, though there are your typical ugly ass hoes that like rock as well lol, but I was surprised by the hot girls that were there enjoying the music, I wonder if I should try harder to get a band together and get some hot groupies easy lol.

I was also surprised by how girls were reacting to me, I mean, I know I'm some hot seducer, but it felt like every single girl there was giving me IoIs and trying to get my attention, even the skittish bartender girl was eyefucking me and looking down a bit. Me and Jesus boy were in the middle of the dancefloor laughing a lot and having a good time. I guess paying more attention to my posture after the teacher at the gym called my attention is paying off a lot, I was also high from getting laid that same morning, if think girls can smell that on your confidence.

I guess as a consequence of all that, I got a bit of AA out of the blue, suddenly I was the coolest guy in the club, all the girls were looking at me, so my idiotic mind was like "if you approach and get rejected, they will think you're actually lame, and you lose all this", as if just getting attention from girls amounts to anything, and getting a little no from a girl is gonna change how much of a boss I am. Thankfully, two girls that just arrived make me excited again, one is taller and has a beauutiful face, the other is shorter, but has a great ass/tights, also has a sexy face, pink-ish shorter hair, me and Jesus boy almost start howling there lmao. I ask him which one he prefers, he says both are freaking hot, so it doesn't matter, I agree, though I'm more into the shorter, thicker girls, so I already have my target in mind.

I take a good while to approach, AA still hurting me a bit, but those two girls are also leaving and coming back to the dancefloor every 15 minutes or something, dunno why the fuck were they going to the bathroom so much lol. Somehow taller girl starts talking to some tall Asian guy, Jesus boy told me she actually approached him lol, she must be some anime or K-Pop fan, I figured. Shorter girl is looking a bit left off, Asian guy talks a bit to her, I think, I better approach soon, what if this motherfucker pulls both? I would want to kick myself in the nuts afterwards lol

They leave again, then some random cutie there that starts screaming when her favorite song starts playing, I scream too, just for a laugh, I don't even know this song, the girl turns to us and starts dancing near us, very excited, we pretend we totally LOVE this song, I can see the other girls around grtting flirtier towards us because of that preselection (we were getting a bit tired before that and things were geyting a bit stale). Then shorter girl comes back, Jesus boy somehow hears her name, I think she got approached by some guy there, that got nada, he gives me her name, the ultimate weapon I needed to fuck with this girl. I eyefuck her a lot while her friend talks to Asian guy, she talks a bit to her friend, then they just change where they are dancing, I thought she left, then I look to my right... And this girl is almost dancing on me lol, talk about being discreet. I dance near her, Asian guy has another Asian friend that's near her, I don't give a crap, buddy, gonna steal "your" girl, sorry, we get closer, she laughs a bit, then I think they leave again... I'm like, fuck my life (though I'm still laughing and having a good time hehe).

Finally, I see her alone, somehow, I suppose she was putting some effort in throwing herself at the shark here, I go in:
"Hey, HBGreen, this is your name, isn't it?", asking in a kinda autorative way
"Yep, that's my name", getting a bit shy and playing with her hair
"I think you look great... If you don't mind, can I ask you how old are you?"
She says something, but the music is loud, I think I hear her say 18. I tell her to repeat it, she does, but I still don't understand. I ask her, in her ear:

"Oh, I though you said 18, sorry lol"
"How old are you?"
"How old do you think I am?"
"Huh, you're older, like 26+"
I pretend I'm a bit shocked, though honestly most girls guess I'm around their age
"I mean, your beard gives it away, young guys don't have it", she says

Then we talk some random gibberish, I use my trick of pretending I don't hear what she says properly to get her investing more, talking closer and louder, repeating herself, stuff like that, meanwhile I work my kino magic on her. She gets a bit mad and says:
"How does someone even keeps a conversation with you? lol"
I take this as a sign to stop the bs, I already got her invested enough, I'm close to her, she's responding well, so it's time to go for the close:
"It's kinda loud in here, don'tchu wanna go talk up there (at the smoking area)?"
"Huuuh, I wanna stay here, ok?"
"Ok, no biggie"

She asks my name, I tell her "now you wanna know my name, like 5 minutes after we're talking already?", she laughs, I get her to guess it, she's terrible at it, I tease her about it, touching her a bit. I'm eyefucking her very strongly, she's starting to crack a bit... Then she just says:

"I know what you want..."
"Oh, what do I want, then?"
"You want a kiss, am I right?", thirsty face
"I don't want just a kiss..."
"Oh, ok then", and she pretends she's gonna leave, I hold her with my hands. I eyefuck her even more, I go in and smell her neck, she smells good, I tell her:
"You smell kinda good..."
"You smell KINDA GOOD"
"Kinda good? lol"

Then she pretends she's a bit offended and is trying to leave again, I just eyefuck her, my hands are around her already.
Then they just kinda go up to her hair... Then she just blurts out:

"Just kiss me already, goddammit!"

I start laughing my ass off, I'm enjoying torturing this girl. I get closer, she leans in for the kiss, I pull back a bit... She's like, ok, I'm leaving, and starts pretending to leave again... I tell her, ok, come here, then I just grab her and give her a little peck on the lips, kinda fast, unexpected. She then gets closer for a full on make out, I hold her back a bit, she gets mad again, but then I just kinda manhandle her and french her really hard, she's a good kisser. Her breath tastes like mint, then I notice she has some chewing gum while we are kissing, dunno how the fuck it's in her mouth while we are making out. I'm cutting the kisses a bit short, I can tell she's thirsty for more, I try grabbing her ass and tights, but she keeps moving my hands, but as I cut back the kisses, eventually I have my hand squeezing her ass. She then tells me:
"Listen, I gotta go find my friend, give me a last kiss"
"What are you doing afterwards?"
"My friend is staying at my house, sorry"
"Ok, do you wanna hang out some day then? Gimme your number"

She pretends to think a bit about it, then she's like, ok. I type her name and ask her if it's right, she corrects me, I hand my phone for her to put on her number, she comes in for the kiss, I grab her ass, we make out a bit hard, but I cut it a bit short again, she takes my hand off her ass, as I'm leaving, I give her two little slaps on the butt from an angle most people can't see, and we part our ways. I send her an icebreaker right after, let's see if I can fuck HBGreen, it's been a while I got a girl that was my type this much (maybe HBRocker... But she lives in another town), short, fat ass, thiccc tights, beautiful face, pale skin, colored short hair, green eyes, talks like a little annoying brat, but seems like a lot of fun.

Afterwards, I don't see her anymore, there are some cool songs playing, there's like a crazy mosh on the middle of the dancefloor lmao, me and Jesus boy get crazy there. There's a group with two beaaautiful thin girls, there's two guys with them, but one has like a long weird earring, I assume they were gay. And, by the end of the night, they were really eyefucking us, there's also some thick hot goth girl there that I thought about approaching before, and she just joins their group, so now I'm like, which girl do I even approach? I fear a bit that HBGreen gonna see me making out with some other girl, and will get mad and autoreject, so in the end I chicken and don't go, I'm super tired and my feet hurts from bouncing like an idiot to punk-ish songs, so we jet. I probably should have approached anyway, I had so much momentum there, and those girls were super fine, but they weren't quite my type as HBGreen, and I legit couldn't choose between them (maybe I could have gone for a threesome? lol). Either way, that was a fun night, HBGreen was, to me, the hottest girl in the club, so it felt great to approach and make out with her, hopefully we'll go out soon and I'll smash that ass ;)

Apparently tomorrow I have a date with HBOcean on a bar nearby, she's a bit skittish, dunno if I'll get laid, but I doubt she'll be able to resist me on my current super saiyan form lmao
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
This week went by really fast, I fucked HBOcean on Monday, finally, starting out the week strong. I was looking for a drummer, since now I'm really enjoying playing bass again, so I figured I would make a band and maybe get some extra pussy lol (money would be cool too ofc). I printed some cool flyers and... posters(?) and spread it around downtown in music schools and music instrument stores. It was actually really cool, I was a bit nervous at first asking people if they could help me, like putting the poster on their wall and giving my fliers, but the first lady I asked at some music school was really cool with me, so this gave me some extra gas to visit places (a few weren't super receptive, so I'm glad I went there first, had a good feeling about this place, was also the closest to my appartment lol). Anyway I thought none would reach out, but yesterday some drummer replied, looks like a cool guy (though he seems more like a metalhead than I am), we gonna play together next week, hopefully.

After Monday, though, it was really slow, I chatted some girls from Tinder, I actually matched a girl I really wanted to fuck while I was with HBOcean lol, we were talking but she couldn't meet up during the week since she's soooo busy, said she was free Saturday afternoon, but then sent me a message saying she was awake up to 6AM yesterday... Some other girl said she was going out with her friends and I should join then, then told me they cancelled... So I'm like, fuck those Tinder hoes... But then we go out at Friday and, who do we meet? One of the hottest Tinder hoes, there in the flesh lol

Yesterday I sent a message on our group asking what was cooking, Jesus boy and Mr. P are excited to go out, I try putting our name on some promoter list for this club where I met HBOcean, but promoter answers saying the "list was full already". We get there, and the place is freaking empty lol, we arrived quite early, still, most of the few people getting in are men, great, a list for a sausage party, it seems, our promoter friend had going on. Evetually some cuties show up, but still there's only a few attractive girls, we dancing and probably looking like the coolest group in the club, then... The lights go out! lol

We are chatting in the middle of the darkness, like, let's leave and not pay, that's out chance lmao, the bartenders start distributing some cheap shots for people to stay there, I was like, there was already few girls here, now that there's not even electricity here, and it should take a while to come back, no more girls will get in anyway, but the electricity comes back in a few minutes. More hotties start coming in, there's some lame pop songs playing, but we having a good time, then Mr. P meets some of his friends, the ones that were in the "Mexican" shot bar last time... And his X.

He already had warned us maybe his X would show up today, I'm like, why would we come here then? I already wanted to go to the other club where I met HBRocker because I thought it was cheaper and there were more "pullable" girls there, but whatever. Jesus boy approaches some girl that said jokingly "none belongs to none" close to us while the lights were out, and was eyefucking me. He gets rejected, put I later go talk to them, as the girl still eyefucking me, I ask her why she rejected Jesus boy, she tells me she actually wanted Mr. P, I tell her to wait and go back to him, he goes and makes out with her, her X weren't there yet, I think. The friend of this girl is annoying me about my mask, that is on my neck, like some stylish cowboy scarf lol, most girls find it cool, but this one was like "take this out, it's terrible! Girls hate this type of stuff", I get her number, for some fucking reason, I think we're supposed to get ice cream together, I texted her today and she came with that weird mask talk again, crazy bitch.

Either way, not many girls for me to approach there after that, there's none at the smoking area, so no opportunity to go for some slower verbal game, I feel like bouncing to the other club, but I'm a bit short on money, so I think it through a bit... Then Mr. P starts getting weird there as his X is dancing and talking to this friends from last time, I go talk to him, he agrees on leaving, of course, and even thanks me, I tell him it's no biggie, I would leave if my X were there as well (apparently she was the one girl he really liked and she cheated on him, after 7 years...). Jesus boy is also short on money, I tell him I'll pay for him, since he always gives me a ride, we bounce.

We get to the other club, is raining, me and Mr. P arrived in our Uber and we wait for Jesus boy, on his bike, then we all get in, somehow we pay even more than in the other club to get in, rip my money lol. We get there and there's way more hot girls, shoulda gone there in the first place. There's some elevated "platform" in the middle of the dancefloor, some hot girls are shaking their asses like crazy there, Jesus boy climbs there and dance with them, Mr. P joins them... Then I see in the corner some really hot, thin girl with light brown hair, a solid 7/7 in my book, I've seen this girl on Tinder before, Mr. P tells me he made out with her once, I ask him if her name is what I think it is, he confirms it.

I approach her later, using her name: "HB?", she's like, "do you know me?", I tell her, "how could you have forgotten about me" (never met her lol), she seems a bit confused, but I think she's into me. I tell her Mr. P is really feeling gloomy today, because of his X, that she could help him (at this point, dunno why I'm trying to approach for him, maybe I'm just fucking with her, but I felt bad for Mr. P, though he said himself I could holla at her, no biggie), she tells me she doesn't care, it's not her problem, I tell her, "wow, you're like that then?", then call her an "asshole", laughing (in Portuguese, it kinda sounds like I'm saying she has a big ass lmao), she tells me she's with this guy by her side, I look at him, and he's like a 5/7, I'm a 7/7, c'moooon, but I'm tired, and out of the blue, the girl I pulled last Friday there sends me a message, 2AM, I'm like, I'm gonna have some sex, fuck this biiitch, I greet her guy with a bit of smirk, I'm feeling like swooping, but I'm really tired, so I just leave and have some wild sex with the girl from last week at her place...

Hopefully today I'm gonna fuck some new pussy or at least get some decent leads, still it was cool to see this girl, I really want to fuck her someday hehe. Either way, I'll keep on rocking (I'm feeling like I give 10 times less fucks right now, having crazy sex with some hoes every week really turns you into a different man, I'm liking it, like that interaction with the last girl, I was way more aggressive than I usually would have been, and I think she was reacting well, maybe if I just escalated instead of talking about Mr. P... lol)
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Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Last weekend was craaaaaay...

After fucking that random girl from Tinder Thursday, and the tall girl from the my favorite club on Friday, me and the boys go back to it on Saturday. First we met up at our asian friend's appartment, to share some nice wine and cheese. It's me, Stylez (that leaves early because his family still afraid of COVID, though he hit the club just the other night with us and made out with a random girl lol), asian friend and one of my best friends from uni, that's leaving the city, after breaking up with his wife. It's kinda melancholic because he's the last of my early friends from uni to leave the city (the one that was my wing back on uni parties and clubs years ago is working at a cruise, and the other is Jesus boy brother, that left to another city to live with his new girl). We are having agreat time, though, and soon Jesus boy arrives, and we invite Mr. P, and he joins us later too (it's cool to see everybody together, my social cricle expanding and stuff).

We are drinking some Negronis and Cuba Libres I'm mixing, and we order some pizza as well. When it's 10PM, I tell the boys we should go soon to the club, and 10:30 everyone is leaving, pretty much, since our host had some work to do Sunday morning (lawyers...). Me, Jesus boy and Mr. P go walking to the club, and my friend that is leaving the city joins us, since it's in the direction of his (old) house. He tells me he's gonna visit us, and we part, it's kinda sad, but it's life, after all. There's a gigantic line outside but we enter the club pretty shortly, thanks to me putting our names on my promoter friend's list.

It's 11PM and we are inside, there club is already packed, there's more women than men... And most of them are prrretty hot, we are like, hell yeah, my testosterone is driving me crazy, I can't even choose a single girl to approach, since there are so many. My promoter friend come in out of nowhere and pinch my lips, making a pout, then greets me and the boys (I think she thought Jesus boy was his bro lol), we talk a bit. I can tell that having this hot redhead being all flirty with me is making girls around me give me some hard AI's already, one of them is a very hot pale brunnete that I matched with on Tinder and was there some other night, but wasn't too excited to meet me, back then... We dance a bit, Mr. P apparently had a girl waiting for him outside, so he leaves the club quite early, but before he leaves... I see a bit of a ghost or something, I think I'm tripping, hallucinating, whatever... But as we are dancing, a bit later, Mr. P comes to me, looking to some girls behind us and says:
"Isn't this girl..."
"Yuuup, it's my ex..."

And there she is, looking fine as hell, I could recognize that ass shaking from miles away... She has those little black heels on (her feet are really small and sexy, and her legs look fit af when she's using heels, I already wanna lick them), some sexy white shorts/skirt/whatever, and some "college girl" cropped t-shirt, she's looking mighty fine... I didn't expect to see her that night, at all, I'm shaken. Later, I go grab some drink, and on the line, there she is, in front of me, with her friend, that yelled at me last time, I wait for her friend to leave, and I approach her:
"Hey how are you..."
"I'm fine"
She looks pretty chill and kinda into me still.
"I just wanted to apologize for last time, it was a bit unnecessary..."
"It's cool, I forgive you"

She leaves and goes to her friends. I go back to Jesus boy, Mr. P soon leaves, I don't wanna approach any girl near her, out of respect, so I try going to the other side of the dancefloor. There, Jesus boy tells me he already has a target in mind, he waits a bit, but as soon as some people behind us move a bit, he goes in, not even a minute after, he's eating this girl's face, great job bro! I'm happy for him, but still thinking about my X, all that went wrong, all that I wished I had done instead... But there is some girl looking fine as hell in front of me, twerking her fit ass, I'm going to approach her, but some guy I met earlier, from another night were me and my ex had split up, goes and approaches her first... He tells me she's only there to dance, she doesn't want any guy, and I think, yeah, any guy like you, anyway, lol, but I stay there a bit and she really doesn't seem like much game, whatever. I look at Jesus boy, he still eating this girls face, then I look at my ex... and some guy is there, all over her, I can't even tell if they are making out or what, I just pass her by and give her a look from the the side of my eye...

I'm not even entitled to feel jealous, I was the one that broke up, I was the one that chose to be single because I wanted to mingle with other girls, but seeing her there, looking this fine... It was just too much. Jesus boy soon finds me, we talk a bit, then we go back to the dancefloor, trying to avoid her... But I can't, really. I keep looking at her, now alone, and I wanna go there and kiss her whole body, Jesus boy has to hold me back a bit. I try approaching other girls, but I can't shake the feeling that I have to go and talk to her and see what happens, that I got tell her everything that's on my mind. I don't see her anymore, and somehow my stupid mind thinks "that's it, the other guy pulled her, move the fuck on, dude", but I'm not in the mood to approach any other girl, really. I go look for her, don't find her, then Jesus boy tells me she's there at the same place lol, I go back there and rest my hand on her, she takes a while to look at me:

"Hey, can we talk?"
She looks at me kinda intriged and says:
"Yeah, do you wanna go outside?"

I say yes, she grabs my hand and we go to the smoking area. We sit and talk a bit, I'm eyefucking her like I wanna flip her insides out, I can't quite remember everything we talked about, but basically she was mad that I broke up with her because "she wouldn't suck my D every morning" lol, and that I approached her friend, though she said her mom told her she's got to remember I was single (her mom is a big fan of me, ofc), I told her I broke up with her because I felt like I wasn't good enough for her, that I everything I did to her (sexualy) didn't seem to have any effect on her, but that I regretted actually not trying too hard to make her confortable and to please her (which is all true)... From there we started getting well together again, some of the highlights were when she said "We can kiss and it doesn't need to mean anything", looking super horny at me (and I ate her face, of course), and when she said "Anal is not happening, but maybe we could have a threesome...", and I was like, "A threesome? Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" lmao
We must have been there like a whole hour there, talking a bunch about getting back together, and making out hard, she was sitting at my lap and I was super hard, at one point, harder than I have been with any girl I met recently... I took that as a bit of sign. I asked her if she wanted to go out the other day (Sunday, yesterday), she said she had to think about it the next day, when she was sober. i also kept asking her if she wanted to sleep at my place, she kept saying no, but she was smiling and looking tempted, so I knew I was veeery on.

After that, she left, she told me all her friends had left already, I went with Jesus boy, since he was waiting for me this whole time, though he made out with another girl (he was having a great night apparently too). I ended up making out with some random girl, I mean, for all I knew it was my last night single, people there were talking about sexual preferences, and her hotter blonde friend flat out said I was her type and she would kiss me, I tried to get her to sit by my side, but she was skittish (she told me she saw me making out with my ex), I was also very tired and thinking about my girl, so I didn't push it, it was 4AM already. Shortly after, we left, the hot pale brunette was on the line to leave in front of us, and she eyefucked me a bit, but she looked sad (if my ex wasn't there, maybe I would have pulled her, at least tried lol), the girl that said would kiss me was also leaving and I waved her and her friends good bye, she seemed a bit sad too, like she wanted me to try harder to get her.

Anyway, yesterday I went out with my ex, we ended up back together... I'm having a great time with her, and feeling like I'm finally on a relationship on my terms, though she wants me to be exclusive to her, so, sadly, I won't be posting LRs here anytime soon (unless it's from a threesome lol, hope to get one soon). I also feel a bit sad because only now me and the boys were starting to go out hunting together and having a great time, I was trying to teach them the ropes, though I think maybe I can still go out with them (maybe my girl can be my wing for us to pull some hottie for a threesome, that would be off the charts lmao). I'm a happy man right now, though, and I think that without this time away from each other, where I showed to myself I could get other women, I wouldn't be able to be the man that I can be for her now, so I'm thankful for it. Looking forward to those threesomes ;D


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 13, 2021
Seems like cuffing season didn't end for GC guys.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Crazy that you're (back) in a relo now as well! Enjoy and looking forward to reading that threesome report, lol

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Crazy that you're (back) in a relo now as well! Enjoy and looking forward to reading that threesome report, lol
Will be writing one soon, hopefully...
But I'm very happy with her now, she's the type of girl I wanna make long term plans with... If I also get to seduce and fuck other women with her, all the better lmao
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
So I got back together with my ex, Valentines day I bought her 2 red roses (so I can say I bought her "roses" on the plural lmao), we went out to a hip chic bar and had a few drinks, she was really happy. I'm really broke right now, since I left my old job without much of a warning, and all I'll get is the parcial salary of my new job (it's almost my entire old salary though since I'll be making more $).

Anyway, I didn't see my girl the whole week after Monday since I'm having presencial classes on uni at night (last few disciplines left, soon I'll jet, can't take it anymore tbh), and on Friday, I went out with Stylez for a few drinks in the bar near my favorite club. I only had some beer (IPA) as I'm pretty much counting pennies this end of the month, but Stylez rarely goes out with them boyz, and he was excited to hit the club... My girl already told me she couldn't see me Friday because of her work (she's really overworked on February), so I was like, hmmm, maybe I should go and try finding us a threesome or something lol.

We go in and I only pay to enter, Stylez got us a few drinks, he was being a bro. That said, the girls weren't much game, some lesbian couples, some girls with their boys glued to them, and lots of girls so drunk we had to distance ourselves from them a bit (they were throwing beer at each other and shit, some were tripping all over themselves). I stared some cuties hard and they were looking pretty receptive, but I was thinking about how to proceed about the whole girlfriend situation (I don't wanna cheat on her, specially since she suggested threesomes herself, and I like her a lot, but it's a bit confusing lol). I was trying to get girls to approach me but failed, we talked to some lesbian girl about threesomes and had fun dancing over all, but as far as girls goes, we got nada, so Stylez got us an Uber ride home and we jet.

That night I was texting my girl and I asked her if she wanted to go to the club the next day, though I knew I would have money only to pay to enter again, and she agreed, but by the night she said she didn't wanted to, she only wanted to come over to my appartment. She offered me for us to see each other Sunday, since I already told the boys we were going, and Jesus boy and Mr. P were going with us (actually, Mr. P's friend asked us if we were doing anything that night, and that got us all to go out, thank you sir). In the end I chose to go to the club, my girl already had declined to go to my gramma eat with my family, she said she had to work, I was like, whatever, but I was feeling like I needed some times with the boyz.

We go to the club kinda early, but the line was kinda big, my promoter friend told us we were at her list, but only confirmed after we were already inside (we didn't want to risk it because the normal line was getting big really quickly). There's lots of people inside already, lots of cute girls, initially it's just me and Jesus boy, but then Mr. P's friend joins us, and Mr. P himself appears later on the night (almost 3AM lol).

This night I was feeling more social and confident, there was some beer pong inside, there's plastic cups with water inside and your opponent get to drink a shot of some candy bizarre drink misture if you hit it. Me and Jesus boy are doing terrible, my promoter friend is playing against us, she manages to land one on the end and I drink a bit, I also land one and she drinks too. We keep playing there quite a bit, but on the second time, when I'm playing with Mr. P's friend, I see some people I know, a girl I once made out with there and her gay friend, they demand I come over, I tell them to wait because I'm playing, in a playful way (they weren't going anywhere anyway).

After I'm donne playing and drink quite a bit (Mr. P's friend is quite good at it, let's call him Sniper), I go over to talk to them, the girl is not giving me much attention, I talk to her gay friend, he's into one of my friends, I though it was Jesus boy, but he's not gay lol, we leave to the dancefloor.

There's some fine girls there, I think Jesus boy approaches one (can't remember if he got rejected or not, my memory from that night is a bit foggy already), there's three cute young girls in front of us, we dance around them and they seem kinda receptive, I ask Sniper what is his type, he tells me brunette with nice ass, the girl in front of him checks out lol, I tell him and he goes like, yup, I got my eye on her already... We dance a bit more, then Jesus boy wants to go to the smoking area, but Sniper tell him to wait a bit, as the next song is starting, he goes in on his girl, they start making out hard fast, nice one! I seize the opportunity to approach her hot friend with a beautiful face, I ask her if she kisses boys, she says yes, then I ask her if she kisses girls (my girl told me she wants to make out with the other girls I'm gonna bang in our 3somes), but as I'm asking, she tells me she just broke up with her boyfriend the week before, though then she seems a bit confused by my follow up question. I tell her it's fine, and that I just wanted to tell her she was beautiful, I kiss her hand, and me and Jesus boy leave (Sniper still making out with his girl lol).

We go to the smoking area, but there's not many girls there, we go back to the dancefloor, and Sniper still swallowing this girl alive lmao, we go back and fourth and he still there. I then see the gay guy again, the girl is talking to some grey haired dude there, he's got his fundies down but he looks like he could be older than her dad, I tell to her gay friend jokingly: "what is she doing talking to her dad there?", he laughs and says "Beck you are evil... He has a thingy with her", I'm like, whatever, she doesn't seem like much game, gay dude ask me where my hot friend is, and when I point to Jesus boy he said, no, the other one, I'm confused lol.

Anyway, after a while Sniper joins us again, he shows me his girl IG, then tell me "oh she's kinda ugly lol" (her face really wasn't the cutest, but it's quite funny that he approached and made out with her without even seeing it, maybe he was being dramatic). We go back to the dancefloor, but I see a fine Asian chick, great ass and cuteish face, she's dressed like a cheerleader, I compliment her on her costume, she tells me it's from Glee, never saw that shit, I ask her where she got it, she tells me it's from Glee, I think like bitch that's not what I asked, but whatever, I can tell she's into me, but I'm not super sure on how to proceed. I think again I ask her if she kisses guys, she goes yup, I ask her if she kisses girls, then she says nope, I'm like, too bad, I have a girlfriend, she seems a bit surprised, I can't quite remember, but I think shortly after I leave and meet the boys at the dancefloor.
After a while I see her talking to my promoter friend near the dancefloor, I ask her where do they know each other, she tells me it's from this club, makes sense they are friends, since both are dressed like cheerleaders, we talk a bit more, I tell her she looks fine but it's too bad I can't do anything to her, since my girlfriend is not there, she tells me she's fine with it, I tell her we looking for fine girls like her to have threesomes, she seems excited. I talk more to her and start touching her a bit, we get quite close, she stares me a bit and I turn my head, on an over the top way, and I go like "oh too bad I can't do anything". We talk about some random shit, and I'm getting closer, then I ask her if I can grab her ass, she complies, I grab it and it feels great, I'm getting a bit hard. Then Mr. P gets in, he greets me, then leaves with the boys kinda laughing, he knows I just got back with my ex. I keep on squeezing that ass a bit, then pulling away, touching all over her body, but not kissing her, I can tell she's getting horny. I ask her what she's doing on Carnival, she tells me she's gonna travel, I ask her if she's gonna be here afterwards, she goes yup, I'm like, we could arrange something, then... I ask her if she likes being spanked, she agrees, tells me she also likes being chocked, I tell her I got a thicc cock, she almost lick her lips and tells me she wants to do some stuff with me on her car, I'm like, too bad my girl isn't here... She tells me, well, you pretty much did everything with me but kiss me, I'm like, yeah, but I can't kiss you, that would be cheating, I like my girl, she acts like I already cheated on her, I'm like, what matter it's my conscience, unless I kiss you or my dick is inside of you, that's not cheating, she's even hornier... I squeeze her ass a bit more, then get her IG for later, tell her it's best I leave before I do something I'm gonna regret, then I join the boys again.

Mr. P is like, you doooog, I'm like, wuuut lol, he's like oh you're doing that Asian girl aren't you, I'm like, I think I got a threesome, he's like, but you made out with her, didn't you, I'm like, naaah, he's like, oh, I believe you ;), I'm like, I'm serious, I wouldn't cheat on my girl. Then he's like, does she really wants threesomes? I tell him she proposed it herself, he like, oh, and she lets you come here all by yourself? What kind of black magic did you do to this girl? I laugh and tell him, well, I don't know what her deal is, but I better enjoy it while I can. As we are going to the dancefloor, he's like "are you gonna rub your Johnnie on her again?", I laugh, last time she got me really hard and I was really close to her, I think we danced some song really close together and there was some grinding there.

We get to the dancefloor and she was there again, I wanted to approach a third girl, but there weren't many good options by that point, so I'm like, let's work a bit more on her, raise her floor and shit, we dance together a bit more, I turn her around and she rubs her ass on me a bit, it sounds fucking evil but it was surprisingly tame in a sense, we still haven't kissed, plus if I'm having a threesome with this girl, I'm gonna bang her, right? I was even thinking of asking for a "test drive" license from my gf, but that we'll take more time, I suppose lol.
Anyway, Jesus found a girl that's reaally into him and she's stradling him and eating him alive and shit, and the other guys are leaving, so I'm like, I'm gonna leave as well. I message him and head for the exit, but then I find that first girl that I approached, she's on the floor looking quite funny, I ask her what's up, she tells me her blood pressure is low, I ask her if they got salt there, then she just shows me her hand and she's a got a sache of salt lol, I'm really blind sometimes, I then ask her for her IG, she says it to me, still on the floor lol, this girl is so cute, my friends make fun of me for getting the IG of a girl while she's there almost passing out, but in my defense, she spelled it to me and everything, she wanted me to take it! lol

Next day my girl comes over, she's freaking mad (actually we were supposed to have lunch at my parents, but she tells me "we best not involve our families for now"), then she tells me, oh, you go twice to the club, barely even let's me know, and then I see you following two new girls on your IG (I deleted my personal one, but she was stalking me on the other one I had for my weird electronic music, where I followed the girls), what you want me to think? I very calmly explained that it was unplanned that I went out with Stylez, and that she agreed to go out on Saturday and she was the one that changed her mind. I also reassured her that I loved her and wouldn't cheat on her, she said something like "you act like you're single", so I told her I wouldn't get back with her if I wanted to be with other girl, ie leave her (you guys know how I wasn't doing that bad those last two months I was single lol, but I wouldn't rub on her face), I told her I only chatted those girls up proposing a threesome and didn't make out with them or anything (though I got a bit touchy with the Asian chick, but I don't think this matters much). She got calmer, then she gave me a present she made me, some candies on a box written "giri choco" (I sent her a site talking about Valentine's day on Japan and how girls give guys chicolate), we made some great sex, I asked her during it if she wanted to see me bang other girls (I had asked before but I thought it was better to make sure she was down again), she said yes, but only girls I approve, I was like, ok, you choose them, she seemed even more in love with me after all the drama, and honestly I don't even think she cares much if I bang other girls, as long as I value her and our relationship (last time I suggested one sided monogamy for her, her objection was "you gonna pass me DSTs", I was like, are you serious? lol).

I contacted both Asian girl and HBTall and, after I sent them a print of her IG, they said she was hot and they were down for a threesome. I'm more excited about the Asian hottie atm, but I already banged HBTall and she's a pretty cool chick, so maybe she would be a better choice for our first threesome, dunno. Anyway, I told them I gotta talk more with my girl and I would let them know, I'm thinking this weekend is ideal since I wanna get it started soon and Carnival is right over the corner so it's threesome time babyyyy!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
You have a HBTall as well? Are we synced or something? Haha.

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020