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Altair's journey, lets give it another go, help appreciated.

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
I am not serious about the daily approaches anymore, not enough volume in my area and I am starting to see the same faces over and over again.

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
Bad weather is significantly fucking up my game, go out and it is pouring rain with loud thunder this afternoon.

This has been the summer straight out of armageddon.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Altair said:
Bad weather is significantly fucking up my game, go out and it is pouring rain with loud thunder this afternoon.

This has been the summer straight out of armageddon.

Don't use the weather as an excuse - go to the mall, or a museum ETCTECT

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
backstory said:
Altair said:
Bad weather is significantly fucking up my game, go out and it is pouring rain with loud thunder this afternoon.

This has been the summer straight out of armageddon.

Don't use the weather as an excuse - go to the mall, or a museum ETCTECT

It does fuck up my mood severely, bleh!

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
So I went out last night and took an Uber pool, two girls joined and were kinda chatty with me but I kept the convo casual, was a great way to get the social attitude flowing because the girls were kind too. Arrived at the bar and got a drink, per Inbocca's suggestion I got the drink he recommended, and then I was back to square one, approach anxiety at the bar lol.

Instead of hopping to another bar, I just stayed at my current bar the whole time. Had a couple of drinks and then walked around a bit since it is a big bar. There it was, approach anxiety at the bar back in action. Somehow I feel like my approach anxiety is horrible when I am in closed environments like a bar or a grocery store, might need to look into that sort of thing.

Walked around the bar like a lost idiot and total misfit the whole time before accidentally bumping into this brunette who was heading towards the bar, heading back, and then was lost like me. Chatted for like a few short seconds in that crowded bar before I walked away, like wtf, why did I not stick around to chat with her?

Then continued on, saw these two latinas, approached one who looked at me weird and looked away, blam! Destroyed! Blown out!

Kept on going and was walking around like a fool once again, FML.

Bump into this tall blonde and almost fall but catch my balance so I am good to go, turn around and say excuse me but she looks at me, starts dancing for a few seconds to kinda mock me before turning around and walking away. Ouch?

Keep walking around this place and I run into this one girl sitting by herself, talk to her, and then find that she is looking for friends and don't go farther than that.

Then a moment of clarity happens, like something that I will keep in mind for a while.

Bar is about to shut down so I head on out but before ordering a ride, I approach these two blondes asking them how long it takes a taxi to arrive. One is being a bitch and ignores me while the other engages with me. I end up chatting with the one that engages with me, she is borderline nice and I ask her about the city, whole thing must have lasted a couple of minutes and had a good flow to it before I walked away from them.

Stand around and this one cute girl stands next to me, I chat with her a good bit about the taxis and ubers in the city too and she is good to me, a nice chat happens but I don't really escalate beyond that as my ride is about to come. The chat lasted a while and she was actually engaging with me, this was way better than trying to talk to girls at a loud as fuck bar.

Then I look around and these two guys, tall blonde and handsome, approach the same two blondes I approached and get blown out. LMAO, if even these guys can get blown out by these women then I should not feel bad for being rejected by a hot blonde for being a brown guy. One of them actually looked at me as he was heading past me and said "hoes can be savage bro", I nod and tell him "its a numbers game player!", fist bump and they head on their way.

So lesson learned is...

1. Try to approach girls outside of bars late in the night as they might be more approachable in those sorts of cases, the waiting on taxi game and talking to them that way might be a way to go.

2. Even the best looking guys (no homo) get rejected so keep your head up!

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
Talk about a long hiatus.

Hey guys so I am back and was back to approaching last night. I had chilled with some college friends at a bar for like 3 hours before they had to head out and then I went out to approach at some of the bars. IOIs were there throughout the whole freaking night.

Went up to a table of two girls, one black and one latina looking and asked them about the city and some nice spots. The latina looking girl was actually Persian and the chat went well, they both asked me to take a pic of them together. I did not go for a number close on the Persian girl, it was such an open signal I feel like, did not even try to escalate. The signs were there all night though and that I am grateful of but I could have tried to capitalize.

Then hopped over to another bar and ended up chatting with some random Asian dude about something random, anything to warm up my approach anxiety. Dude was a cool dude and I propositioned him to be my wingman, he said ya whatever. I walked up to a couple of blondes and approached, got an eye roll and walked away.

Went over to another bar with the dude, approached a cute blonde who was really smiley and nice to me. Asked her to guess the age of my friend, she said "well Asians look young even when they are old so who knows", lol. She told me she was actually part Israeli and part Russian, talk about an interesting mix. I told her "remind me not to fuck with you!". It was a good convo but I ended up not capitalizing on it once again, the aggression was just not there.

Hopped over on to another bar with my friend and approached these two girls, told them my friend was my college professor. Both of the girls were from Texas, the chat went on for a while but nothing came of it. Asian dude was a horrible wingman and then a couple of other Asian dudes approached him after the two girls had left, they confused him for someone else but a convo happened. I somewhat took part in it before finally saying whatever and heading out, told Asian dude I had to go meet somebody.

Got some fries and burger at a place, asked some random girls about a bar, one of them told me they want some of my fries, gave them a couple, chatted with them, and then I walked away.

Not a lot of blow outs, a lot of kind girls yesterday night, but I lacked the aggression due to being out of this shit for so long.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
So I went out again last night guys and after arriving, I decided to settle into a couple of drinks before finally deciding to run some game.

Approached these two blondes, one fat one and one was a cute skinny one. Convo went on and such:

Me: So where are you guys from?
Her: I am from Washington

At this point I am like alright, she is from a cool state and should be good to go for game because girls in Washington are cool with going for ethnic guys. We chat a bit.

Me: So what's your name btw?
Her: Simone (pronounced Italian)
Me: Oh are you Italian?
Her: No haha
Me: I would have thought you were
Her: Well that is a guy name in Italian
Me: Oh! (oh shit!)
Her: Oh btw my fiance is right there, we're getting married soon
Me: Well have fun!

And down we go lol.

Go around a bit more, awkwardly walking around the bar looking for the next girl to hit on, and it was awkward as fuck.

Go over on to around group of girls, two of them, and ask them a question, one was a cute brunette with glasses.

Me: Hi so what are some bars other than this one around this place?
Glasses: Oh well what are you looking for?
Me: Somewhere to party it up with some friends
Her: Well (goes on to tell me about the bars)
Me: Oh alright, so how long have you been in this city?
Her: A few months actually
(long as fuck convo about the city)
Me: Well it was nice meeting you guys, have a great night

And once again Altair failed to close.

I see this one insanely hot brunette but the thing is, I saw this same fucking chick when I went grocery shopping at Trader Joes a couple weeks ago and I approached her then too.

Me: HI, did you go (name of my alma mater)
Her: No (laughing)
Me: oh okay

I walked away and smiled at her, telling her to enjoy her night. She was insanely hot though, like close to a 9 sort of hot, she smiled back. Wonder what I do if I run into her again.

Then I went on and I see these two blondes. Approached them to ask a question, they gave a one word answer as they looked away, and then I went on about my way.

Walked around and this brunette, looked drunk but she was like really hot, put her hand on my shoulder and walked past me in this crowded bar. I made eye contact, she looked at me and nodded towards the bar.

Me: Hi so let me ask you this, I have a friend
Her: Huh! WHAT?

Put her hand on my jaw and literally pushed me away, wtf! Like wtf! IOI and then a fuck off?

Saw these two other girls standing around, one brunette and one sexy looking blonde with a foreign looking face, like Scandinavian or something, approach them.

Me: Excuse me, what country are you from? (looking at the blonde)
Her: Wait, why are you asking me that? (laughing)
Me: Well I had to know
Her: Do I look foreign?
Me: Yes, you don't look basic haha
Her: (laughing with her friend) I am from Denmark and she is too
Me: Oh that is awesome
(Long as fuck convo, like over 15 min about travels and life goals and all that)
Me: Hey guys it was nice talking to you, have a great day and hopefully we run into each other again!

And I didn't close, fucking didn't close! Shit! It is like I was there to chat them up which it was good for me to get that experience but I did not go for the number close. The second time comes for it, I pussy out.

Then the night just went on and I guess that was practically it.

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
I am really kicking myself for not closing the Danish girl, like really kicking myself for it, it seemed great and she was into it. Thought about what goes wrong for me and I realized what it is.

It is like I talk to girls for a while and I did that with those girls but after a while I run out of things to say and cannot really conjure up much of anything, it is like I do not know where to take the conversation. That is why I excused myself from those two girls who seemed warm to talking to me and because I am not used to girls being warm to me if they are that hot. But now my confidence has been built up more thanks to good experiences.

Today I took a small walk around the city, missed 3 approach opportunities but in one of them the girl did look up at me and smiled, I kept walking.

Still it felt great to get back into the routine after weeks of instability in regards to job and a host of other things, feels great to be back right into the routine itself.

Now I am almost thirsty to be back to the old lifestyle that I had when I started this journal, gym daily and finding the chance to approach. I feel somewhat more confident now, funny thing is I had a cute female coworker call me an attractive guy, that really lifted up my confidence.

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
Got my first number close! Lessons learned.

So I followed this article right here, it is the latest post:

https://www.girlschase.com/content/6-way ... meet-girls

Went out tonight and after arriving, went right into the bar. Had the usual anxiety but it was greatly reduced. Made my first approach of the night asking a couple of girls how my hair look, one blonde rolled her eyes as her redhead friend kept shouting "I can't hear you!".

Moved on from there and walked around to a few bars, saw some beauties but did not have the balls to approach them. Stood around for a bit and this one blonde clapped her hands in my face as I was looking down, I looked up and she shouted "wakey wakey!". I laughed and she did too, we made small talk but she was fat so I was not interested.

Moved on from her and tried to talk to one girl by asking her how her night is, she rolled her eyes and kept on walking.

I was like whatever so I kept on going from there, hopped over to another bar, and then realized it was a sausage fest. Hopped back and started looking around, still having awkward moments where I stand around looking out of place at a bar.

Said whatever and kept on moving but realized bars were somewhat empty so I decided to head out a bit early but used the uber pickup areas as a place to try my luck. See cute blonde by herself, chatted with her, and she led me to another part of the area where they had chairs we sat down on. Chatted with her a bit more but her Uber was there so I went in for the number close, got it.

Then walked around a bit more before getting my own but it was Lyft because Uber sucks! I ended up not really finding much quality outside of that though, seemed like an empty day.

Still happy to get that first number close though.

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
Well guys, Altair is back at it and he is back to where this thread started.

Went out for a walk today after a long break and it was a walk around the block. Ran into cute blonde with light hair on the way, looked at her, smiled, said hi whats up but she smiled and kept on walking.

Then saw another girl with dirt blonde hair, glasses, and a somewhat trashy but sexy look. Approached her to ask whats up, she gave one word answers, whatever, I kept on moving and walked a couple of miles back to my apartment.

Proud to have taken action and started the whole thing back up after going through a rough patch in life.

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
Went out last night and did some approaches on the bar scene.

Hopped into one bar, made an approach, got ignored.

Made another approach, got ignored AGAIN and she even laughed after I talked to her, looking at her friend while doing it.

Then I made another approach, she was receptive and we chatted but her friends got her.

Hopped to another bar, made an approach, chatted with her, but then got a NUMBER CLOSE, woot woot! Then she had to go about 30 minutes later, made another approach at the bar after that and got another number close.

Texted both of them the end of the night.

Woke up today and at around the afternoon, one of the girls actually texted back, I got a legit number haha!

Improvement feels great but most of all, that post I linked to is so legit, recommend it for all newbies!

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
So I've started reading Models by Mark Manson recently and in the book, he talks about intention. Like men judge everything more objectively while women judge it by intention meaning that the advice I was given on this thread about direct openers was legitimate. What I am finding to be more and more true is that going indirect is so much more comfortable and awesome compared to being ballsy with it so looks like I have a new goal now.

Went out again but this time I was a bit late in heading out.

Arrive and run into the usual problems when I first arrive at the bar. Arrive and I go in but it is crowded. I see this sexy as fuck brunette behind me and try to open her in the loud room, she kinda just ignores me, everyone was trying to get to the dance floor.

Spend a minute there to grab a drink and then I head to another bar nearby. I go there and see this really sexy looking chick I can't really tell where she is from. So I go up to her, ask her, she answers with a smile, I answer with how I thought she was from elsewhere, and we chat a bit but then they both go to get drinks.

See this one redhead by herself so I approach asking her how her night is going, she looks up, smiles, and then a second later says it is going good but by then I was moving along so I say something which I am not even sure she heard.

I then see this other girl at another bar, standing by herself, ask her how her night is going, she smiles saying good and all that. So what happens is we chat for like 2 minutes before some tall dude with a baseball cap comes up between her, she says "sorry this is my boyfriend, I have to go".

Was waiting on a ride so while waiting I approach these two girls, redhead and brunette, chat them up a bit and ask them how their night is going. Redhead ignores me but brunette smiles and chats me up. What I do next is I chat a bit with them but there wasn't that sort of excited chemistry there for some reason.

Now those are about all the approaches I did for the night and unfortunately, there were no number closes like there have been in the past two weeks.

What really did me was that whole day, I had to almost force myself to go out at night.