Could not make any approaches during the day due to being at work for so long on a Friday, like till 6:30, BLEH!
Decided to head out to a few bars tonight but my city has a shitty bar scene despite having a decent scene for people in their 20s, bars were like a few miles drive away so I had to get through piece of shit traffic to even get there, swear living in a high rise sucks balls sometimes. Finally arrive at the the bar strip but had to park like a fucking mile away, in case you guys are wondering I went by myself because I can't assemble a crew to go out with.
Arrive at a bar and decide on one goal,
come heaven or hell, I am not leaving this fucking area until I make some damn approaches!
About 30 minutes pass and
I am easily becoming that awkward guy at a bar all there by himself and standing there by himself, it is even worse because I am not buying a drink since I have to drive back home so I am sure the bartenders are pissed that I haven't spent a cent.
But not a fucking chance, I am not leaving the bar, as awkward as I might look, until I grow some balls and make a fucking approach. See a couple of latinas take a table next to me, both of them kinda cute but I don't have the balls to approach. Cannot handle the music so I finally go outside because I feel like I am having a slight nervous breakdown being in a bar all alone, fuck I wish I had some cool friends to go out to bars with, so many friends from university were lame fucks, bleh!
Then I go through and I see these two girls walking towards me, one is a cute brunette and the other is her fat ugly friend. Whatever, I am going to approach, even if I get brutally rejected who cares, it's just a brunette.
I approach the two
Me: Hi guys so that bar over there, what kind of a crowd are we talking?
Fat: Huh?
Me: I just moved to this city and was wondering what kind of a crowd is at that bar over there that is playing loud music, just checking out some bars before my friends get here to you know! Haha!
Cute: All kinds, like all kinds
Me: Your accent is kinda cute, where are you from?
Cute: Czech Republic
Fat: Connecticut (no wonder she was so ugly)
Me: Great, I am from Tennessee!
Cute: Nice nice!
Me: So guys how are you liking tonight?
Cute: Fun fun you know
Fat: Ya its fun
Me: So I am altair, nice to meet you guys!
Cute: Ora
Fat: Rebecca
Me: Nice nice so Ora what languages can you speak?
Cute: Italian, Spanish, German, French, and English
Me: I speak English....
The two laugh
And I run out of shit to say, I run out of shit to say, this is stuff I am going to talk about on a main thread I post in the general section. It faded from there, we went out separate ways.
Then I keep walking around and head back to the bar, see tall brunette ahead of me with her redhead friend who is like really short, as she heads into the bar I make the approach.
Me: Excuse me!
Redhead: (gets her friend)
Me: How tall are you if you don't mind me asking?
Her: Like 6 ft
Me: Oh wow, for a second I thought I got shorter, nice
Brunette: Uh uh okay, bye!
Lame approach! I deserved it.
Walk around a bit more and stumble into a redneck bar, like really really redneck. Walk around a bit, see some girls, and then I stand around awkwardly yet again. The rednecks are quite nice to me, showing courtesy, did not expect that. Then I see a couple of brunettes at a table, my mindset again, who cares if they end up being bitches to me when I approach because they are brunettes and therefore it won't really mean shit to me if I get rejected.
Me: Hi guys who is that guy in that picture hanging in the bar?
Brunette 1: Uh no idea really, who is it?
Brunette 2: It's Toby Keith
Me: Oh nice, is that his song playing right now?
Brunette 1: Yes
Me: Cool which one?
Brunette 2: Red Solo Cup
Me: Nice, I am altair by the way, nice to meet you
Brunette 1: Ya nice to meet you
Didn't give me her name or anything, whatever I walked away, no big deal, just a brunette.
Headed on over to another bar, once again a while of standing around until finally I approached this crowd of like 3 girls. Don't even remember what I said, maybe like what drink should I get? Saw one laughing, then I told them to have a great night and headed back home.
So still no number closes, should have had some at least since I spent the gas driving to the fucking bars but whatever, I had to stick to my plan of making an approach every single day and that was it.
Tomorrow I make approaches during the day walking around if I get the chance.