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Banging a 10

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
And this is why experience is so valuable. Your next "10" (a relative number that will change over the years) you will be prepared for the tests...Incidentally as you experience more with women, your idea of a "10" will move more toward the ideal that SHE will make it easier for you. Some of that is your skill, some of it is her attitude. As I've aged, I've discovered that a sweet, caring disposition adds more to a women's numerical score than her looks. I'll admit, I'm a lot more charming when I FEEL sexy than when I look sexy.

As for her looks she really just has to be Hot Enough...To tell the truth, The hottest sex was not with the most attractive women. And the Hottest women were NOT the best in bed. I became less influenced by her looks, and more attracted by actions with age...

Remember she ain't yours , it's just your turn...to learn .... and it will get easier and better.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
She was sweet as pie, EXCEPT for the testing.
I think it's because you probably were showing some signs of being unsure of yourself. That is what testing is for, to confirm you are the man you are trying to present yourself as.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
I think it's because you probably were showing some signs of being unsure of yourself. That is what testing is for, to confirm you are the man you are trying to present yourself as.

This seems on point. Except, I was rock solid. The interpetation I made is she saw an uncommonly confident man, and wanted to be sure he wasn't faking.

But again, i dont know. Have banged a lot of women, but first experience with one of this calibre. You may be correct


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Props on laying the hottie! Hope we get to see a report :)

There’s not a lot of info here so it’s hard to diagnose. That’s why you’re getting such broadly varying takes: there’s trauma, it’s a disorder, she’s a too-hot-too-high-maintenance girl and you should go for less cute ones who will submit to you more, etc.

Generally when you encounter heavy LMR, it’s a sign you goofed somewhere. It could be the girl wasn’t properly seduced. It could be something pulled her out of it when she reached your house or bedroom. It could be you were off-kilter being with a girl this hot and didn’t escalate in your usual smooth fashion, and she noticed and it triggered a test parade.

I will say there is a personality type of girl that is the “hard tester.” I suspect you get them more among hot, confident girls… a girl needs a certain level of confidence to behave that way and really hot girls usually have more of that:

But really, it’s a personality type. Like @ulrich says, you can find plenty of very hot girls who are sweethearts. Though you will also get the stone-buster ones.

IME, stone-buster hotties are typically used to being in total control of their lives and usually date nice, safe men who they more or less approached / hooked in. They are not used to a ballsy masculine man who approaches them himself and seduces them. It is a violation of their pattern that they keep trying to undo.

If she’s this type, the tests are never really going to stop. They’ll subside for a while, but sooner or later you’ll get hit with more brutal tests. You’ll just be standing there going, “Jesus, woman! WTF! lol.”

Then you need to decide if you like that or not.

Most guys are going to end up in the @Fuck This camp, where they will prefer the less cute but more controllable girl.

There’s an excellent argument to be made for the stubborn, confident, ball-buster hottie though.

I don’t want to derail your thread with that however. And that is just entirely down to preferences — different guys with different goals are going to have very different opinions on that one.

Anyway, as to your oneitis — as @Rakehell says, put your mind off her.

Then bang her again and see if you don’t calm down a bit.

I will say though… it is a normal thing to get hooked on the girl who is your new “hottest girl I’ve ever been with” after you’ve leveled up. A lot of guys take that girl as their girlfriend. Discussion of the phenomenon here:



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022


My critical red emergency problem rn is the oneitis. It has to go ASAP

EDIT has been years, not entirely sure i remember how to deal with it


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 24, 2021
Hi guys,

I banged a really, really hot girl. It was really difficult and took about 5hrs or more in bed.

The level of testing was absolutely brutal and kinda hurt my feelings. Everything was on the table. But I stuck it through.

1. I passed all tests really strongly and was firmly in control of myself. But the sex was bad bc I'm so out of shape. I'm assuming this chick is gone? She doesn't seem eager to come running back.

2. With women of this calibre (ie, the most beautiful women), is this level of testing common? Is this level of shit to be expected each time? It kinda seems not worth it, got me feeling bad about myself. Some of the things brought up, which was everything, were physical characteristics I cannot change like hair/bear, penis size, even goddamn moles. (After fucking (poorly) the girl became someone else altogether, stuff like rubbing my back/feet)

3. I seem to have a small degree of growing oneitis, which is weird, bc usually after sex I'm firmly out front. What to do? Why's this happen? How to fix? This is not something i've ever felt AFTER banging

I have banged lots of less beautiful girls that were nicer on the way down. What the fuck? :(
In my opinion, never take that amount of testing. It shows her that youre someone she can berate and walk all over and you'll still put out.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
In my opinion, never take that amount of testing. It shows her that youre someone she can berate and walk all over and you'll still put out.

Maybe so. I am however always up for a challenge. I just dont know.

I feel this has been good for me, in odd ways


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
In my opinion, never take that amount of testing. It shows her that youre someone she can berate and walk all over and you'll still put out.

No, that's not what it communicates.

Girls are used to a.) guys they choose and don't test much and get, because they chose the guy, and b.) guys they shut down / heavily resist, and those guys give up. They are used to controlling the frame and dictating which guys they end up with and which they don't.

A seducer takes a more active role. He takes an active lead, constructs scenarios, sets frames, and escalates. Unless he's a perfectly calibrated mPUA (and even if he's an mPUA, he still won't be perfectly calibrated all the time with every girl), he is going to run into obstacles and places where he doesn't perfectly sync with the girl, and she is going to test.

Depending on the guy's level of skill and the girl's level of "choosing him" plus her level of difficulty, a seduction can be a cakewalk or it can be a gauntlet.

There's been this movement of men since the manosphere emerged that reject a lot of the elements of pickup we learned in the old pickup community:

  • Getting around obstacles
  • Overcoming tests
  • Breaking past LMR

(the manosphere is the same place neo-direct game and the anti-seduction movement came from)

If a girl is testing, she is not sitting there going, "Ha! Only the WEAKEST of men will have the balls, experience, and strength of will to overcome my obstacles and get me! If he overcomes my tests, then I will KNOW he is a weak, controllable man -- unlike the mighty men who want to sleep with me but give up when I test. Those men are POWERFUL! Those men are STRONG!"

Quite the opposite.

I don't know why the red pill guys tell guys stuff like this.

Well, I do know why... it's auto-rejection. If you don't mentally reject the girls you couldn't get, it forces you to face not being able to get them, which is a threat to the guy's ego. It SHOULDN'T be a threat to his ego... he should just be able to say, "Look: I obviously didn't have the skills or experience yet to close that girl. So, if I want to get girls like that, I just need to go level myself up to the point where I can. Or maybe I don't care enough about laying girls like that to bother leveling up more, and I'll content myself with the girls who want me given the level I'm at."

But most guys just get their egos so wrapped up in women's reactions to them that they take it all personally. If she throws a bunch of tests at them and they give up, either that means she rejected them and they failed... or they can tell themselves it means they're just too good to put up with all that stuff and she must surely respect them more for walking away than she does the chads who actually soldier through it and lay some pipe on her.

But yeah, you need some pretzel logic to come up with, "A girl respects me more for giving up trying to get sex with her when she tested me than the guy who busted through her tests and put his dick in her."

The fact is there is only one way you can truly command deep and lasting respect from a woman, and it isn't giving up when she tests you.

Not to say you need to go for heavy testers. Not every guy likes that kind of chick. But... it's good not to kid oneself about them respecting you when you bail. Women don't respect guys who try to close them but fail. It doesn't matter the reason why the guy bailed. The girl KNOWS he wanted her, and KNOWS he couldn't get her. That's the only thing that matters to her. She doesn't care about male honor or principles or other stuff men tell each other in manosphere videos. That's stuff for men, for use when interacting with other men. Women just care if the man is capable of doing what he wants to do / getting what he wants to get -- or if he isn't.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Mar 2, 2022
No, that's not what it communicates.

Girls are used to a.) guys they choose and don't test much and get, because they chose the guy, and b.) guys they shut down / heavily resist, and those guys give up. They are used to controlling the frame and dictating which guys they end up with and which they don't.

A seducer takes a more active role. He takes an active lead, constructs scenarios, sets frames, and escalates. Unless he's a perfectly calibrated mPUA (and even if he's an mPUA, he still won't be perfectly calibrated all the time with every girl), he is going to run into obstacles and places where he doesn't perfectly sync with the girl, and she is going to test.

Depending on the guy's level of skill and the girl's level of "choosing him" plus her level of difficulty, a seduction can be a cakewalk or it can be a gauntlet.

There's been this movement of men since the manosphere emerged that reject a lot of the elements of pickup we learned in the old pickup community:

  • Getting around obstacles
  • Overcoming tests
  • Breaking past LMR

(the manosphere is the same place neo-direct game and the anti-seduction movement came from)

If a girl is testing, she is not sitting there going, "Ha! Only the WEAKEST of men will have the balls, experience, and strength of will to overcome my obstacles and get me! If he overcomes my tests, then I will KNOW he is a weak, controllable man -- unlike the mighty men who want to sleep with me but give up when I test. Those men are POWERFUL! Those men are STRONG!"

Quite the opposite.

I don't know why the red pill guys tell guys stuff like this.

Well, I do know why... it's auto-rejection. If you don't mentally reject the girls you couldn't get, it forces you to face not being able to get them, which is a threat to the guy's ego. It SHOULDN'T be a threat to his ego... he should just be able to say, "Look: I obviously didn't have the skills or experience yet to close that girl. So, if I want to get girls like that, I just need to go level myself up to the point where I can. Or maybe I don't care enough about laying girls like that to bother leveling up more, and I'll content myself with the girls who want me given the level I'm at."

But most guys just get their egos so wrapped up in women's reactions to them that they take it all personally. If she throws a bunch of tests at them and they give up, either that means she rejected them and they failed... or they can tell themselves it means they're just too good to put up with all that stuff and she must surely respect them more for walking away than she does the chads who actually soldier through it and lay some pipe on her.

But yeah, you need some pretzel logic to come up with, "A girl respects me more for giving up trying to get sex with her when she tested me than the guy who busted through her tests and put his dick in her."

The fact is there is only one way you can truly command deep and lasting respect from a woman, and it isn't giving up when she tests you.

Not to say you need to go for heavy testers. Not every guy likes that kind of chick. But... it's good not to kid oneself about them respecting you when you bail. Women don't respect guys who try to close them but fail. It doesn't matter the reason why the guy bailed. The girl KNOWS he wanted her, and KNOWS he couldn't get her. That's the only thing that matters to her. She doesn't care about male honor or principles or other stuff men tell each other in manosphere videos. That's stuff for men, for use when interacting with other men. Women just care if the man is capable of doing what he wants to do / getting what he wants to get -- or if he isn't.

Spot on !

If i knew where red pill headquarters existed, I'd frame this and hang it on their wall just to piss them off lol
Last edited:
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
She doesn't care about male honor or principles or other stuff men tell each other in manosphere videos. That's stuff for men, for use when interacting with other men. Women just care if the man is capable of doing what he wants to do / getting what he wants to get -- or if he isn't.

I have to agree, from experience, w everything that was said. It took me a long time to understand this. But i'm just a regular guy, not a 'redpiller.' A regular guy can make this mistake too.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 12, 2018
My critical red emergency problem rn is the oneitis. It has to go ASAP
Don't you think being averse to the oneitis will make it stay longer? If you accept it, welcome it, and get used to having it... then you'll be able to let it go?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Don't you think being averse to the oneitis will make it stay longer? If you accept it, welcome it, and get used to having it... then you'll be able to let it go?

There's gotta be truth to that.

From my younger years, I remember oneitis as a very scary thing. Can be quite painful.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Hi guys,

I banged a really, really hot girl. It was really difficult and took about 5hrs or more in bed.

The level of testing was absolutely brutal and kinda hurt my feelings. Everything was on the table. But I stuck it through.

1. I passed all tests really strongly and was firmly in control of myself. But the sex was bad bc I'm so out of shape. I'm assuming this chick is gone? She doesn't seem eager to come running back.

2. With women of this calibre (ie, the most beautiful women), is this level of testing common? Is this level of shit to be expected each time? It kinda seems not worth it, got me feeling bad about myself. Some of the things brought up, which was everything, were physical characteristics I cannot change like hair/bear, penis size, even goddamn moles. (After fucking (poorly) the girl became someone else altogether, stuff like rubbing my back/feet)

3. I seem to have a small degree of growing oneitis, which is weird, bc usually after sex I'm firmly out front. What to do? Why's this happen? How to fix? This is not something i've ever felt AFTER banging

I have banged lots of less beautiful girls that were nicer on the way down. What the fuck? :(

hoffhearted, if you were in a bed with a girl and it took you 5 hours in bed to fuck her, I don't know if you got her to bed doing BAIT AND SWITCH, for example false pretense and she was shocked, my first suspicion, i may be wrong but she was not there for sex.... The only long as seduction like this was with a transformer (and once i saw it was a transformer aka transvestite i ran the fuck out of there like a gold Olympic medalists) or again it was a super hot girl in clothing that was all bs in other words she had that stomach type surgury and she was doing that on purpose cause she was the one baiting and switching), or it was a girl that was told i had an std, i was friend with the ex and she was paranoid, or it was a girl that was in the i just found god stage...... See what they all have in common SUPER UNUSUAL... I personally think you got laid out of pure persistance and she was exhausted (for me with all due respect is one step close to pretty much that fra territory)..... Again, all of this is me speculating cause it should not take with a seduction 5 hours in your bed to fuck a girl (insanity)....In your defense don't know if you write like me with analogy exaggerations to make points clear "i explained this a million times"....

Back on the 10, first usually any guys saying is a 10 or onitis, it is a sign that you are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more invested in the girl that she is in you...... As things like this happens and you sleep and deal with more of this, you will develop a seduction callus, you will get hardened (seducer serial killer analogy), a 10 will affect you less and less/same with onitis, i did not say it does not affect you, i said affects you less and less..... Also one you seduce your own particular 10s/your onitis, you actually get kind of depress (all this mental energy wtf, she is just another girl).... Then you are like me, she is the one having the onitis and paying the bills.... But anyways i will explain why do you perceive soooo difficult:

- we all have a level of girls that we get and i used to the same patterns of reactions from those girls.
- you get this girl (your own perceive 10) that makes your adrenaline rush, your emotions go crazy, butterflies etc...
-as you are interacting with her your level of excitement, neediness, investment is off the radar even though you are hiding it the best you can (more veteran seducers can do this HIDDING part wayyyy better due to been there multiple times callus), but still she kind of can tell)....
- This subcommunication level of neediness and investment goes totally against her biology, she will totally go the opposite way in other words she is getting more turn off by this, she also can tell somewhere incongruencies, frustration and pedestalization....

^ now lets say you manage to destroy the above now you bang her through poor hustle and persistence("make the hoe say no"), and the sex is bad, now you get more needy, more invested, more subconscious, more helpless out of control, you come to forum and write a post.... = Game over....

Eventually the ideal situation is that you will encounter more of this, you will seduce her to the point were you can get her to invest, address her objections, callus to deal with the neediness and onitis (is never going to stop but the callus stronger), due a proper seduction were she now wants the sex and you pull under genuine curiosity or sexual desired vs pure persistence/plowing...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Reading your posts is like walking through a trailer park and picking up $50.

I mean yeah, it's 50 bucks, but couldnt you just hand it to me.

I stopped posting here because of assholes like you. Which is a shame because there's actually some very great people here.

Your input may be valid. I just don't want it.

It's so very strange to say thank you and fuck off troll and sincerely mean both at the same time. But here we are.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Reading your posts is like walking through a trailer park and picking up $50.

I mean yeah, it's 50 bucks, but couldnt you just hand it to me.

I stopped posting here because of assholes like you. Which is a shame because there's actually some very great people here.

Your input may be valid. I just don't want it.

It's so very strange to say thank you and fuck off troll and sincerely mean both at the same time. But here we are.
i don't understand why you have to disrespect, you are welcome....


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
i don't understand why you have to disrespect, you are welcome....

Yes you do.

Anyways, I'd like to thank everyone again for their replies. Clearly this event with this girl upset me to some degree, and a lot of the responses really helped. I really appreciate that.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Yes you do.

Anyways, I'd like to thank everyone again for their replies. Clearly this event with this girl upset me to some degree, and a lot of the responses really helped. I really appreciate that.
if i did, i would say i did, reason i wrote what i wrote is cause i have been there, in your exact same situation, again 5 hours in bed naked with a girl no having sex, something is off, she was not turn on, she was not ready, or something happened there... is not normal to be in a bed naked with a girl for 5 hours to have sex.....(i specifically ask for clarification if is you exaggerating as a way of speaking)

By the way if i would have known you would have answer in such disrespectful way and calling me names, by the way i could go down the path of actually trolling you and making you feel worst, but i won't.... When you cool off from emotions, come back to the post i wrote and then you will see.... Finally don't attack the person attack the subject, There is a pattern on the internet of instead of discussing subjects, attacking and name calling people, specially when they take time to write about their experiences and opinion on subjects vs attacking the person... You do not know me, you do not now my intentions (which was actually to help you based on my own experience).....

For you to be so uncalibrated and going down the path of attacking the person, vs the subject at hand, make me understand why it took you 5 hours in bed naked to bang a girl....

This is by the $50 dollar troll:

The worst type of newbies and intermediates pua/natural whatever you call it based on 5 years in the Secret Society Of Seducers (20+ gaming, 5 in the community):

#1. – The ones that waste your time and do not listen:
These dudes contact you, and then waste your time with their failures/problems and then you tell them what to do or who to contact and then they do not listen. Then they contact you back with the same problems, and you ask: Did you do what I told you? No, and they ask you the same problem.

#2. – The ones that are method robots: These ones are the ones that do not calibrate and follow any method without improvising and deviation as the situation requires it… Have the method adapt to you and your strength, no the other way around.

#3.- The instant gratification newbie: These dudes listen or follow someone that has been in the community for years and already got to the point were they are automatic/successful, and then in a weekend want to replicate what it took the other dude years of trial, error, and failures to achieve… Ain’t gonna happen… I call them “ the stellar groupies”.

#4. – The successful newbie/intermediate: These are the ones that achieve some type of success and think they know it all and they are mini gurus, failing to understand that there may be better ways, and what work for them may not work for someone else.

#5.- The keyboard jockeys: These are in some cases virgins, that read couple of books and post without having their own opinion or experience in the field.

#6.- The excuse makers: These ones will find any excuse not to fix their situation, especially when it comes to pick up. I do not have the looks, I do not like to read,I do not have the money, I live with my parents, I am Indian, I cannot go tanning cause I may get cancer (this one motivated me to write this post).

#7. – The fighter: There are 3 types:
A.-These newbies want to contradict and get into stupid ass fights because he think he is right cause he read something in a book without experiencing it.

B.- He has some experience and success but he cannot see himself relating or he does not think something someone else is doing can possibly work because he has never experience it or he says to himself “how can that be possible”.

c.- He gets into stupid fights for getting into stupid fights (usually validation), he fails to see that they are saying the same thing(these ones are actually the funniest fights), and/or his helping the person he is in fight with make his point.

#8.- The Taletent Mr. Repley: These are the ones that become someone else(they are not themselves at all) to achieve success, a lot of these guys become successful, but the problem is that they cannot keep a girl, once the girl find out they fell for someone else they are gone.

#9.- The routine Junkie: This guys want a line or routine for every type of situation. I remember when I was in the Chat room, guys posting a girl texted me “hi” what should I write back. True story.

#10.- The troublemaker: These are guys that put people that give them advise against each other, and like to talk crap behind others peoples back, this is the worst type of newbie/intermediate. A lot of these dudes end up in puahate.

Some solutions:
Be humble, create your on opinion, do research on the poster or guru, be humble again, go on the field and interact, go on the field and interact, go on the field and interact, did i say go on the fied and interact… Try as much as possible to incorporate aspects of the method to you and your personality, even if the guru says not to. For example, if I were to follow 60 yoc says no to be funny, no to makeout, no to text, my style is very similar to 60 I joke around a lot, I like to troll, I text, and I like to make out in the dance floor so I would incorporate some 60 but with my own stuff. Finally, DO YOU! That is what really works with women. There is no possible way you can fail if you interact with women and act as normal as possible, no way, it may take years, but there is no way it could fail, I guarantee it.

To the people giving advice: If you see any of these patterns do not waste your time. Very simple to do, you give advice, when they get back to you, you ask: ‘ did you do what i told you? if they happen to say no… I say “get back to me after you do what i told you”.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
It seems there exists an ignore function. As to why this poster doesn't get moderated, I cannot say.