No, that's not what it communicates.
Girls are used to a.) guys they choose and don't test much and get, because they chose the guy, and b.) guys they shut down / heavily resist, and those guys give up. They are used to controlling the frame and dictating which guys they end up with and which they don't.
A seducer takes a more active role. He takes an active lead, constructs scenarios, sets frames, and escalates. Unless he's a perfectly calibrated mPUA (and even if he's an mPUA, he still won't be perfectly calibrated all the time with every girl), he is going to run into obstacles and places where he doesn't perfectly sync with the girl, and she is going to test.
Depending on the guy's level of skill and the girl's level of "choosing him" plus her level of difficulty, a seduction can be a cakewalk or it can be a gauntlet.
There's been this movement of men since the manosphere emerged that reject a lot of the elements of pickup we learned in the old pickup community:
- Getting around obstacles
- Overcoming tests
- Breaking past LMR
(the manosphere is the same place
neo-direct game and the anti-seduction movement came from)
If a girl is testing, she is not sitting there going, "Ha! Only the WEAKEST of men will have the balls, experience, and strength of will to overcome my obstacles and get me! If he overcomes my tests, then I will KNOW he is a weak, controllable man -- unlike the mighty men who want to sleep with me but give up when I test. Those men are POWERFUL! Those men are STRONG!"
Quite the opposite.
I don't know why the red pill guys tell guys stuff like this.
Well, I do know why...
it's auto-rejection. If you don't mentally reject the girls you couldn't get, it forces you to face not being able to get them, which is a threat to the guy's ego. It SHOULDN'T be a threat to his ego... he should just be able to say, "Look: I obviously didn't have the skills or experience yet to close that girl. So, if I want to get girls like that, I just need to go level myself up to the point where I can. Or maybe I don't care enough about laying girls like that to bother leveling up more, and I'll content myself with the girls who want me given the level I'm at."
But most guys just get their egos so wrapped up in women's reactions to them that they take it all personally. If she throws a bunch of tests at them and they give up, either that means she rejected them and they failed... or they can tell themselves it means they're just too good to put up with all that stuff and she must surely respect them more for walking away than she does the chads who actually soldier through it and lay some pipe on her.
But yeah, you need some pretzel logic to come up with, "A girl respects me more for giving up trying to get sex with her when she tested me than the guy who busted through her tests and put his dick in her."
The fact is there is only one way you can truly command deep and lasting respect from a woman, and it isn't giving up when she tests you.
Not to say you need to go for heavy testers. Not every guy likes that kind of chick. But... it's good not to kid oneself about them respecting you when you bail. Women don't respect guys who try to close them but fail. It doesn't matter the reason why the guy bailed. The girl KNOWS he wanted her, and KNOWS he couldn't get her. That's the only thing that matters to her. She doesn't care about male honor or principles or other stuff men tell each other in manosphere videos. That's stuff for men, for use when interacting with other men. Women just care if the man is capable of doing what he wants to do / getting what he wants to get -- or if he isn't.