Me: 5'10" Asian male, in business/investing
Her: 5'6" Norwegian blonde, fashion designer
Another LR from last year, that I wasn't motivated to write about at the time. I think I was feeling somewhat hollow about it at the time. And I'm only now re-motivating myself to do more pickup.
The Meet
It was the end of a long day of cold approaching with little results. I decided to treat myself to a sushi dinner at one of my favorite restaurants nearby. I sat down where the hostess directed me to, and it happened to be near (1 empty seat between us) a platinum blonde white girl, wearing an edgy streetwear but very fashionable outfit. After I ordered, I turned to her and asked her if she's been here before, what's good here? After some chit chat, I moved one seat closer to her, and turned it into an instant date.
First Date
It turns out she's from Northern Europe, Norway, and owns a boutique fashion store here. We chatted about a lot of things, sushi, work, travel, etc. It was a pretty decent conversation, and I deep dived her successfully in many aspects. Towards the end, when it was time to pay the bill, I asked "Can I buy your dinner?". It just felt right to do so. I was doing it out of generosity and creating good vibes, and not from a place of "paying to try to be a provider". She initially didn't want to accept, but then did. Afterwards, I guess I could have tried to extend the date, but just decided to call it a night. She texted me very warmly that she had a great conversation.
I texted her back, and proposed we meet again at a wine bar next week. Until then, I kept the texting to a minimum.
Second Date
We met at a wine bar. She showed up dressed very stylishly again. Not too much to say here. The vibe continued, but it didn't really go further. I think at the time she was dealing with hangups of some family issues at the time. So I didn't feel like a pull could happen.
Third Date
We met at another sushi restaurant near my apartment this time. Had a similarly good date, and I invited her back to my place for some Japanese whiskey afterwards. She said sure.
I showed her around, put on some music, poured her a drink. We continued talking for awhile, until I kissed her and sexualized the vibe. I mentioned BDSM which really excited her. It was pretty straightforward to sex at this point. This is when I discovered how many private tattoos and private piercings she has, which were very very cool.
After Sex
After hanging out for a bit, she decided to take an uber home.
Key Lessons
- If you've followed my prior LRs, I mostly date Asian girls. European girls have been tough to crack for me, especially blonde Europeans with tattoos + piercings. This was a pretty cool data point.
- First LR from a fellow restaurant diner. I need to be on the lookout more whenever I'm dining solo.
- At this time, I was in a sort of weird emotional state. I had a recent negative sexual experience with a girl where she became weird/clingy afterwards, and I was leery of starting something new, hence the 3+ dates it took before we got together. This made me very not needy (I literally didn't want to have sex with anyone). This made her chase me harder. I think if I had pushed for a lay on date 1, it wouldn't have happened.
Me: 5'10" Asian male, in business/investing
Her: 5'6" Norwegian blonde, fashion designer
Another LR from last year, that I wasn't motivated to write about at the time. I think I was feeling somewhat hollow about it at the time. And I'm only now re-motivating myself to do more pickup.
The Meet
It was the end of a long day of cold approaching with little results. I decided to treat myself to a sushi dinner at one of my favorite restaurants nearby. I sat down where the hostess directed me to, and it happened to be near (1 empty seat between us) a platinum blonde white girl, wearing an edgy streetwear but very fashionable outfit. After I ordered, I turned to her and asked her if she's been here before, what's good here? After some chit chat, I moved one seat closer to her, and turned it into an instant date.
First Date
It turns out she's from Northern Europe, Norway, and owns a boutique fashion store here. We chatted about a lot of things, sushi, work, travel, etc. It was a pretty decent conversation, and I deep dived her successfully in many aspects. Towards the end, when it was time to pay the bill, I asked "Can I buy your dinner?". It just felt right to do so. I was doing it out of generosity and creating good vibes, and not from a place of "paying to try to be a provider". She initially didn't want to accept, but then did. Afterwards, I guess I could have tried to extend the date, but just decided to call it a night. She texted me very warmly that she had a great conversation.
I texted her back, and proposed we meet again at a wine bar next week. Until then, I kept the texting to a minimum.
Second Date
We met at a wine bar. She showed up dressed very stylishly again. Not too much to say here. The vibe continued, but it didn't really go further. I think at the time she was dealing with hangups of some family issues at the time. So I didn't feel like a pull could happen.
Third Date
We met at another sushi restaurant near my apartment this time. Had a similarly good date, and I invited her back to my place for some Japanese whiskey afterwards. She said sure.
I showed her around, put on some music, poured her a drink. We continued talking for awhile, until I kissed her and sexualized the vibe. I mentioned BDSM which really excited her. It was pretty straightforward to sex at this point. This is when I discovered how many private tattoos and private piercings she has, which were very very cool.
After Sex
After hanging out for a bit, she decided to take an uber home.
Key Lessons
- If you've followed my prior LRs, I mostly date Asian girls. European girls have been tough to crack for me, especially blonde Europeans with tattoos + piercings. This was a pretty cool data point.
- First LR from a fellow restaurant diner. I need to be on the lookout more whenever I'm dining solo.
- At this time, I was in a sort of weird emotional state. I had a recent negative sexual experience with a girl where she became weird/clingy afterwards, and I was leery of starting something new, hence the 3+ dates it took before we got together. This made me very not needy (I literally didn't want to have sex with anyone). This made her chase me harder. I think if I had pushed for a lay on date 1, it wouldn't have happened.