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Científico's Seduction Chronicles


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Date on Saturday with Little Bolivian

Nice date with this girl. Under 5 foot tall latina shortie that I found on Hinge. From the very start when she got into my car she was throwing shit tests and testing my frame as much as possible. First it was complaining about me chewing gum. Then it was about the music and how she wanted to change it. Then it was about the location of the bar and location of where we are seating inside the bar, then where we played pool, and on and on. Each time I held my frame and didn't take her seriously which is the way to handle it and no doubt her attraction increased.

But, she was determined not to bang on the first date. For a latina she has spent too much time in western Europe and America and she has the same disagreeable and generally pain-in-the-ass attitude as many women from the west, as evidenced by all the shit tests.

Still, we had a good time playing pool and dancing. It was quality time spent overall. There was a lot of sexual tension.

The problem is, I'm simply not that interested in following up too much to continue the connection. Physically she just isn't my type, she isn't high enough on the attraction scale to really make me be excited about her.

And, I'm starting to realize this is happening a lot with my online leads, where my own interest is lukewarm at best. I need to figure out how to increase the quality of my funnel. Going abroad will do that easily, but here in the States I need to think of different strategies.

The AI photos are helping increase the number of matches, but I do get a lot of women in their late 30's and 40's swiping right on me that I simply do not find too desireable. What do I need to do to get the younger and hotter ones more consistently?

Some ideas I have kicking around currently are:

1.) Gaming in places where these girls congregate, daygame on college campuses for example or other target rich environments.
2.) Instagram DMs
3.) Applying filters on dating apps.

Or is it simply the case that dating in America has reached a point where the returns are getting low and I need to be very selective about who I go on dates with? Certainly I will save some time and money if I reduce the number of dates. Food for thought.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Currently in Medellin on this New Years Eve-eve.

Every time I come to this country, I am blown away by the women. It’s an incredible place to meet, date, romance and have sex with incredibly beautiful Colombianas that are eager to meet a high quality man. Medellin appears to have a little more girls looking for pay for play interactions compared to Cali or Bogotá, and of course there are the stories of dudes getting drugged and robbed similar to what happened to me in Bogotá back in August. But if you can navigate this, the experiences you can have with beautiful Colombianas are second to none.

My programmed stay in Medellín is for five days. Today is my last day. In the time I was here, I met two women who I successfully romanced and took back to my hotel for sex.

I could have easily gone for more but decided to cap it at two and see both women again for repeat sessions. I prefer and find it more fulfilling to have deeper connections with these incredible females, and build it over repeat dates. This also decreases the chance of meeting the wrong girl who might not have the best intentions.

That being said, there is the dynamic in which they seem to know these interactions are shorter term, and that I am seeing other women as well. They will ask probing questions that I dodge until they stop asking. But never ask directly - are you seeing someone else? Problably because they know what the answer will be. They know they are sharing me and while it bugs them slightly it’s not enough for them to not see me.

I crave a longer term connection with one of these women. But I also crave sex with many women. It’s a conflict within me that explains the troubles with my ex and something I am exploring with my therapist.

Like I’ve stated before, my longer term vision is to figure out some way to maximize my time down here. There is almost no point in thinking too much about dating too much in the states now - western women are broken and the market down here is 10x higher quality. Not to say I will close myself off to women in the states, but I plan on being highly selective. More so than in the last.

It may take many more years. I ran into some other dudes that live in south Florida and have relationships with Colombian women - it works since the flight is pretty short. Could be another option on the future.

In the meantime, tomorrow I head back to Bogotá. And more travel is planned in 2025. The joys of having minimal responsibilities as an adult male!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Back from Colombia. Snowing outside. But my heart is full after connecting with these incredible Colombianas.

Bogotá was a little slower this time. It appears around New Years it is often a bit slower in the bigger cities, I also experienced this in Cali last year. People go out into the country to be with their families.

But it didn't matter. I saw one of the women I met back in August for repeat sessions. And had a date with a new girl that I didn't close, but despite how feminine and soft and cute she was I'm not sure the connection was as strong as it was with the ones in Medellín.

Modifying my planned trip to Istanbul later this year to make it shorter just so I can have more time to go back down to LaTam. One of the Medellín girls I even see longer term potential in, as crazy as that sounds.

Feeling much better after this trip to be honest. We will see if the post trip blues come back.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I had 14 lays in 2024. Which by total lay count is in fact the most successful year I've had since I started keeping track in 2019.

4 of these lays were in Colombia, and generally higher quality than the girls I banged in the United States. This again tells me about how I prefer latinas and the dating market in LatAm in general. 2025 will be a year in which I will be much more selective regarding who I go on dates with, since I no longer want to be in situations where I find myself on a date and spending my time and money with a girl I am not 100% into. My standards are high. 2025 will be about quality over quantity. Which may mean the number of dates/lays may decrease, and that is okay. Less dates means less time and money wasted.

I've only been on one date so far in 2025, with a Bolivian girl who is here on a tourist visa, speaks no English, and may in fact become an illegal "alien" soon if she doesn't go back to her country. Super cute though. I am a bit suspicious of her, she may be emotionally closed off, but I would be open to another date with her.

It's been a busy January with work. Leaning into my job as it keeps me busy and active with all the travelling. This weekend was chill though. Doing a better job adjusting to single life now in 2025. I miss my ex a lot less, especially after my last trip to Colombia in which I connected with some incredible women. I am already planning a return trip in June 2025.

Biggest sticking point is making sure I approach consistently. I am tired of being fleeced by dating apps so I am not paying for Premium anything for a bit. Not until I really sense I need the extra volume, and I am not there yet. Bumble is the only app in the United States which gives generally higher quality matches which may be worth paying for occasionally.

But, I will work on getting my approach volume up first. Got a few out at the airport on Thursday before my flight to Nashville. One woman was nervous and I didn't pursue after a few minutes, but the other I approached was a young Chinese college student sitting in the terminal by herself who seemed very happy I approached (uncharacteristic for Asians). Wasn't from my city unfortunately, only in the region for the weekend and was going to travel far with her friends. Got her IG.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Schmoozing today at a biotech conference since I got sent there by my company without a clear reason. I am taking it as a special challenge and not asking too many questions.

I was vibing with a young student at the exhibition hall after the next session/talk had already started. She was cute, but nothing spectacular that I haven't had before. Problably a 6 - 6.5 at most. Maybe a 7 on her best day.

She was super compliant. I could tell. She hung around with me in the mostly empty hall after everyone had gone back in to listen to the next talk. She was letting me lead the interaction, and the fact that she had not excused herself after almost every single other person had left communicated a lot to me. I could have gone to the next step, but I decided I wasn't interested in her. I am asking myself if I should have been.

On one hand, such a girl could be fun and practice. But I also don't really care anymore. At almost 40, it's a been-there done-that type of mentality.

The thing is, I have super high standards these days. I want the top 1% of women. There was a super stunner sitting at her laptop after a talk today. I don't know why I didn't open. Maybe the fear that it would be seen as too 'pick up' like, which is silly since it would have made little difference. Yes it may have come across as uncalibrated, but it wouldn't have had any impact even if that had been the outcome. It was absolutely a doable approach. Was hoping to catch her later, but unfortunately didn't see her at the reception. Just solidifies that one must open right away and not wait, especially if the girl is highly desirable.

In the meantime, will continue to take full advantage of the free food.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Two approaches missed today:

1.) Beautiful brunette that I saw TWICE downtown while in and out of the conference. The first time I was busy writing an email on my phone before I noticed her passing. We made eye contact. Would have required quickly changing my momemtum and making the decision to approach, while I failed to do.

Then, I saw her again, again unexpectedly. I was going into the metro station and began going down the moving escalator, and when I looked up there she was again going in the opposite direction (going up out of the station). It was unfortunate since if I had entered the station 20 seconds before it would have been perfect for the approach, but since I was already on the escalator approaching her at that point would have been mega awkward since it would have required quickly going against the escalator movement to get back up to her level. We made eye contact again and I gave her a smile and nod. If I had approached the first time, the second interaction may have been very different or not have happened at all.

2.) Gorgeous and stylishly dressed red head walking down the street in my neighborhood, in front of a busy string of bars. She was walking at a brisk pace. Approaching her would have required the old front stop, and overcoming my spotlight effect anxiety which I particularly struggle with (approaching in full view of multiple other people).

How do I banish this approach anxiety that even after years of approaching still persists to this day?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
>7 months post breakup with my ex, I feel the fire growing again in me. That killer instinct that only comes with singlehood/no access to a regular pussy that a relationship provides.

Perhaps it's also the restlessness from the missed opportunities last week (see above post). I've been approaching every day in February, at least one a day which is a nice start. It is easy once you committ to getting out at least one approach when you see a girl that is at least mildly attractive. Don't have to be stunners. No solid leads yet, as expected around here with the tougher market. More volume and refinement of technique is required. But it doesn't matter since I view the approaching itself as a success.

FR - Hot Latina MILF.

Also went on a date last night with a woman in her 30's that very much had the "hot latina milf" look. Found her through facebook dating. She looked kinda like Belanna Torres in Star Trek Voyager, but better. Had been married for 20 years before going through a bad divorce with a cheating husband, according to her story.

Since she lived over an hour away, I decided to try the two-date model, meeting halfway first date. I go back and forth about this strategy, it means the goal isn't sex on the first date and I am intentionally setting myself up with bad logistics. I've gotten friend zoned on these first dates before without ever getting a chance to set up a second, and I'm not entirely sure why.

Earlier in 2024, I tried something similar with the "Pacific Islander" girl. This one was a bit different since the vibe wasn't so overtly 'relationshipy', but there was some light touching and mutual attraction, projecting future dates, and no kiss close at the end (I did the cheek kiss close instead).

We will see if it works this time and I can secure a second date.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Last month or so has been busy with work and travel (as always), and a lot of self-care and reflection.

Two date model with "Hot Latina MILF" didn't work out. She ghosted, problably because I didn't fit the archetype of the guy she was looking for.

I really don't have a good track record with the two date model lately, if/when I attempt it next time will have to rethink it and make it into more of a quick 30 min coffee date rather than longer drinks at the rooftop bar.

Cute Nurse Blonde

This girl I found on Facebook dating. Very chatty and very invested. She lives about a 90 minute drive away from me. We met up a few weeks ago when I was close to her city for work.

While slightly taller, I did find her attractive. She had the scandinavian look and yet all-american blonde girl vibe. She was a fantastic dancer. And clearly, she was attracted to me. We met up at one dance venue close to her and then went (in seperate cars) to another venue. At the second venue, drinks at the bar escalated to make out and physical play, which then led to me pulling her to my car and trying to close there (since I didn't have logistics). Parking lot was nice and big and my car was isolated and away from any other car (parked deliberately like this as I was already thinking about the pull driving up to the place). Back seats were down which made it ok-enough for sex.

Put my fingers in her pussy and moved them around to discover a big tampon. Didn't put P in V, as I ran into some LMR in the car that I don't believe I handled properly (too dismissive).

Following the laws of female psychology about what happens in this situation (as in, when one escalates hard but DOESNT fuck on the first date) she was hesitant/unwilling to meet up and come to my city for another go. I think there is still potential for this one in the future especially if I convince her to go to a dance event with me, but I don't care either way.

Colombian Mami

This Colombiana I discovered with a vegan dating app local to me. Logistics are so ideal, they literally could NOT be better as she lives down the street from me.

And yet, this one has been coy. First date some local venues. Second date straight to the house cooking date. And, I just went on the third date with her and the furthest we have gone is kissing. My interest is lukewarm but I may give her one more go in an unprecedented fourth date. We will see.

Other Stuff

My daygame frequency has been pathetic, but I do get approaches out once in a while if they are optimal. Most of my leads still coming from online. I could complain about the market around here but I would sound like a broken record at this point. I plan to spend as much time abroad and LatAm as possible in the future.

Planning a trip to Istanbul for another dance congress. I have been building my Instagram lately with videos of me dancing with various women. Not only are the videos good for social media, but they also create an instant connection with the woman and mandatory instagram/whatsapp exchanges. It's a strategy I can't believe I haven't utilized in the past. If the connection is good, the second time we take a video.

The last event I went to was a lot of fun. Connected with some fabulous females on the dance floor that live in other places. These events are great for networking and meeting quality women, but not necessarily great for fast hookups. Istanbul will be amazing to connect with good women, especially Russians.

At the last event, I met a stunning Ukranian who I believe I matched with on Tinder years ago but never met up with her. She is still a beginner, but we did a video together and that has created a connection. Got her instagram and whatsapp and we have been exchanging flirty messages. She lives in Florida.

Speaking of, I may move to Florida shortly. It seems to make more financial sense. And it's closer to latin america. I am tapped out of the DC area. And why the fuck not, I'm a single 37 year old with minimal responsibilities outside of my job and I can do whatever the fuck I want.