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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
I'll also note a few daygame miletones I have achieved here, that can only happen in Colombia:

- Approached a two-set yesterday and got both of their numbers. Both numbers pinged me back. I have never done this before.
- Approached a cutie today who within 30 minutes was enthusiastically texting me back with pics of her and thanking me for approaching her and complementing her.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
More Post Date Analysis

I've been thinking more about my date last night and can only conclude that this was simply a case of me burning the house down by escalating far too fast without building sufficient comfort.

What threw me off was her highly sexual nature, since she is Colombian and she loved to make her interest known. However, this does not mean I can pull right away within 30 minutes of meeting her, since she did make it clear (mostly verbally, though there was a slight shift in her body language) that she wasn't comfortable enough yet. In fact she told me that in those exact words once back in my room, that she was not comfortable enough yet.

In hindsight, I could have taken her to another venue across the street once she stated her verbal objection to coming back to my room, and built more comfort there before pulling, and problably would have had it in the bag.

More Colombia musings.

Another observation I will note here is that Colombian women can be quite flaky. I just had my fourth flake of the trip (and problably soon to be fifth) and I haven't even been here four full days yet. This is why it's best to stack multiple dates on top of each other if you want to make sure something happens, even though it may lead to the unfortunate circumstance of you having to flake on women yourself (which I hate doing personally).

There may be other strategies to reduce the flake rate I will experiment with, including using voice notes for online leads or going for instant dates for daygame leads.

Today though, I am happy to be dateless and take a break since I have been drinking far too much alcohol!!

Speaking of daygame leads - I am still flaggergasted by the night and day difference between this place and my normal turf. Not only is the rate of positive responses to approaches on the street far higher, the daygame leads I get here are far, far less flaky - I get a number in the field here, and it seems highly likely she will text back. Unlike in DC where the numbers I get hardly text back at all.

This means that perhaps that daygame results are really, truly geography dependent to a large extent. If I approach in the USA or Europe, I get a lot of flakes and blowouts vs. here it is far more fruitful. The West is hard mode, Colombia is easy mode.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Colombia Update

Mistakes Were Made

Well, after my last post, the story takes a turn for the worst.

I had matched with this chica on Tinder that I went on a date with on August 13th, the day after I posted the last update. Little did I know that this chica had more nefarious intentions.

You hear stories about guys getting robbed in Colombia. I am Puerto Rican, I speak the language, and I connect well with latino culture with people in countries all over LatAm. I felt I would be able to detect fraudsters that intended to rob me pretty quickly.

But, I was wrong. This particular girl did a good job vibing with me over music, and we even shared stories about how Colombia is dangerous (I know of a guy - more a friend of a friend - that got robbed by two girls in Cali, and there are dozens of videos of such testimony you can find on youtube). She had her own stories to share. I felt I could trust her, despite the red flags, which included her clearly trying to get me drunk by ordering repeated shots of Tequila. I thought it was all in good fun.

In short, my mistake was letting my guard down quickly with this girl. You think it isn't going to happen to you - until it does, and then you make it easy for the person trying to take advantage of you. Once back in my hotel room, I am nearly certain she slipped some Scopolamine into my drink, which is the drug now famously used in Colombia to drug and rob tourists. Drunk and stupid, I had opened the hotel safe with all my valuable stuff in it and failed to close it properly.

I woke up with my computer, iPhone 12, and wallet with all my credit cards and cash gone. She also stole one of my favorite light jackets that I had bought in my Guadalajara trip 3 years ago. She decided to leave me my passport, which enabled me to fly back to the US pretty quickly the next day, after I convinced a good taxi driver to drive me to the airport for free.

Once back in the US, I replaced my phone and credit cards, and changed my financial information to make it more difficult for her gang to take advantage of my info. I was also fairly pissed off since I had so many other leads that wouldn't pan out now. However, I wasn't about to end my trip early. I took some time to reflect on my security protocols when on dates with women in Colombia. Then I planned my return to Bogotá.


I returned to Bogotá on the 24th of August, with some additional motives this time other than dating hot Colombianas. First, I had contacted the same cab driver that drove me to the airport for free and compensated him properly. Then, it was my intention to go to the police station so I could file a formal police report for the crime, so I could show it to my travel insurance to try to recoup some of the money this girl stole.

On the night of the 24th of August, I had a date with a cutie I had been talking to from Bumble. I will do a more detailed write up later. Two venues, by the second venue with semi-live salsa music it was very on, and once back at the new hotel sex was happening almost immediately. The sex was incredible, and the girl stayed the night and left the next morning after I lovingly brought her some breakfast from the hotel. Thus I was very fortunate the first night back.

The following Monday, on the 26th I went to the police station in Bogotá and got the document I wanted for the insurance.

Then, until I left early morning on the 1st of September (spending the last night with the girl I met on Aug 24th), I went on 5 other dates, closing one other insatiable Venezuelan shorty with a big booty. Another incredible session. And one close call with a beautiful vegetarian chef.

Moral of the story - be careful when traveling in Colombia and take the warnings seriously. There are girls looking to rob you. And they can be smart about it.

Back in the states now starting my new job, in a job I plan to be for the next 3-5 years. So once again time to get back in Hustle mode after all this travel. At least until early-mid 2025. But thankfully, this role involves travel down to Florida and other states in the southeast which I will undoubtedly enjoy.

And funny enough, less than 2 days after arriving back in the states, I went on a date with a freaky Mongolian Monday night who jerked me off. Not gonna lie, this girl is probably a 5 at best, but she makes up for it with her aggression and confidence. She wouldn't fuck saying she was on her period, but if we see each other again it's a certainly and she knows it, unless ASD gets her and she decides not to meet up. I don't really care either way - lol.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Whoa. I am sorry to hear that happened to you. Impressive comeback.

Wise.com may be a good option for you while traveling in the future. It is a physical card.

Less useful, but perhaps worth mentioning is privacy.com
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Job Transition Stuff/Drug Test

Top priority at the moment is to finalize my transition between companies. My current organization is an absolute mess with an idiot CEO and an unsustainable business model, hence my decision to leave and go back to a larger company I used to work at before where everyone loves me. The new (old) job will be comfortable and involve a lot of travel throughout the US, which I think will be favorable for seduction/pick up.

A small hiccup is the requirement to take a drug screen which is giving me some minor anxiety since I am a fairly frequent cannabis user, probably 4-6 times a week in the evening with 5-10 mg doses.

As soon as I saw the offer letter mentioned a drug screen I stopped my consumption and bought a ton of at home tests from different brands. Thankfully I am testing negative every time, which was the case even week 1 post last use - the strength of the negative test line varies depending on how dilute the urine is, but it’s there everytime. It’s possible that being low body fat and exercising frequently is helping me. The test is now scheduled for 14 days post - and I will do all the tricks with drinking water, creatine and B-vitamins to lessen the off chance of something happening. I am fairly confident there wont be a problem given my at home test results but will be very happy once that it’s over.

Meanwhile, I am currently planning my solo trip to Colombia after I give notice and leave my current org - mainly plan on sticking with Bogota just to avoid gringos but may stop by Medellin for a few days just to see the place.

Date Tonight

Being Friday night, I double booked myself tonight to ensure I had a date, with black IKEA girl who I cold approached inside the store weeks ago and with a late 30s cute Peruvian from Hinge.

Both of them ended up confirming, so I went ahead and cancelled on the Peruvian and now I am planning to meet the IKEA girl. I could not pass up on that amazing booty that made me approach her!

Will update later on how it goes.
Enjoying your journal man. If I may ask, What would you use as a text here when canceling on a girl you double booked?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Enjoying your journal man. If I may ask, What would you use as a text here when canceling on a girl you double booked?

Frankly, I do not remember for sure. I think I may have simply not reached out to the Peruvian the day of the date that we agreed to and just led the lead fall away. She didn't reach out that day and neither did I. I don't think I was too into her.

Women are funny like that.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Frankly, I do not remember for sure. I think I may have simply not reached out to the Peruvian the day of the date that we agreed to and just led the lead fall away. She didn't reach out that day and neither did I. I don't think I was too into her.

Women are funny like that.
Thanks, that helps. I always had a feeling double booking is smart, and suspect women do it all the time. My logistics IQ is generally too low to try that and I also feel bad.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
After my travels in the last few months, I have had a recent revelation in the last days/weeks. Especially after Colombia. It isn't new information really, but it has come to the forefront of my mind.

The single most important factor that determines a man's success with quality women is location. It isn't game, looks, money, or status. These are important of course. But the single most important factor is location.

This explains why all these PUA gurus end up going to south america, eastern europe, or southeast asia. These are simply the most optimal markets where any educated western man with resources can get the most high quality pussy for the least amount of effort.

I believe the reasons for this are multi-factorial. It has to do with the lesser amount of high quality male competition in these markets, average female value in the population in these markets, and culture/lack of feminism.

I love the latinas, but I also get attention from the slavic girls too. Just yesterday I went back out to my usual social scene - many dance regulars, but there was one girl there who was pretty fresh off the plane from Ukraine. You could tell she wasn't from around here. She acted quite feminine, and receptive to me. After investigating a bit in conversation she told me she arrived in the United States three months ago. Figures.

In fact, when I was in Germany last a few months ago my best Tinder matches who were receptive and pinging back were hot Ukrainian or Russian girls.

Alas, I am stuck living in the states and spending the majority of my time here for the time being. I had a fully remote job recently in which I could have worked abroad for several months of the year, but I left because I did not like the company and how it was managed, and I was with my girlfriend at the time so I didn't see working abroad for seduction as much of an option. Hindsight is 20:20 - perhaps I would have made different choices there and stuck around longer with the perspective I have now.

But, no sense in moping about it. I am a totally free man now, and my current gig will allow some more travel to latin america on the side. Ultimately the goal should be to find some kind of role that will allow me to work abroad at least a few months in the year, like the job I had previously, and hopefully for a better company. I could probably achieve this in the next five years, assuming I do not get roped into a committed relationship in the meantime.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Don't you want to level up and beat your competition here in the states?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Don't you want to level up and beat your competition here in the states?

That's one way of looking at it, and yes the goal is to level up as a man to be the most competitive as possible in any market.

But really, as a man why wouldn't you go to where conditions are best for you to find quality women. There is no rule that says you have to stay in your home city or home country. We create our own rules, and when it comes to game travel is one of the best hacks available to leverage your circumstances in your favor.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Need to take some steps to look after my mental health. Every time I come back from a trip there is a little bit of post-travel depression, but this weekend was particularly rough.

With the weather turning, no more girlfriend to provide me with support, and no more big international travel immediately on the horizon - I need to make sure I don't go to a dark place.

Laying off the cannabis for a while and taking steps to be more social to fill the void left by my girl should help.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Need to take some steps to look after my mental health. Every time I come back from a trip there is a little bit of post-travel depression, but this weekend was particularly rough.

With the weather turning, no more girlfriend to provide me with support, and no more big international travel immediately on the horizon - I need to make sure I don't go to a dark place.

Laying off the cannabis for a while and taking steps to be more social to fill the void left by my girl should help.
There you go, a major downside to travel. I've been avoiding it, one of my major sticking points is lacking stability- whenever things just start to get good, I move or travel...etc.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
The US Dating Marketplace is Suboptimal

The other problem with dating in the USA is not just the competition (taller men, men with more $$$).

It is also the women. This is the primary problem. Women in the USA (in general) are:

1.) More overweight.

2.) Less feminine/more combative.

3.) Have a generic distrust of men.

All of these factors make them more unpleasant to deal with. There are exceptions of course. But if one goes abroad to LatAm and then comes back to the US, one can clearly see and appreciate this difference. This is why ultimately LatAm is the place to be for dating IMO.

Yesterday I approached a hot Ukrainian chick on the street in my local neighborhood. The conversation was awkward initially, probably because my vibe was a little off since I had already smoked some cannabis but couldn't resist approaching anyway. She told me she was married (who knows if that is really the case), but then the conversation was grounded a bit and we discussed travel and languages. I got her Instagram anyway, and then she told me about a running club that meets in the neighborhood every Monday.

Today I decided to show up - there were easily 200+ people there. And guess what? Most of the women simply were not my type. Again, this would never happen in Colombia.

I hate to bitch and complain, but this is part of the reason I felt so depressed last night. This is probably the last time I will devote too much space to this topic in my journal since I have beaten it to death. I will make the best of things while I am here - and my new job will undoubtedly be fun with all the travel within the US racking up my hotel and airline points.

Ultimately though, the plan is to go back to LatAm for longer stints. Have to figure out the best way to make that happen.


This Mongolian girl has surprised me. She is in her 30's, a few years younger than me. She has a small, petite body, which is typically my type but unfortunately her face is lacking in the looks department - that is why I give her a 5, maybe a 6 if she puts on makeup and does her hair properly. On the apps she looks like a 7 due to her filters/angles.

However, this is an example of good female game. She found me on a dating app and has been persistent ever since. She even called me about 4 hours before the first date, which is uncharacteristic for a girl.

On Friday we had another date and we banged. The sex was good as she is quite sensual. Then we smoked weed and went out to some local neighborhood bars together. We had a great time.

She revealed she is bisexual and would be open to having threesomes with other girls, which has me planning/orchestrating how I could make that happen. She will probably be my first experiment with a joint profile on places like Feeld or Bumble.
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