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College Game Tactics & Techniques

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: College Game

Hey Kneeko thanks for the postive comment. If it feels awkward just walking up to them when they are off at a distance you could try something like this, when you get up to leave and your walking towards said girl, see if she looks at you, when she does give her a sexy smile as she will then smile back. then as you are about to walk past her say "if you are going to smile at me you should also at least say hello" Fantastic way to open and its also sort of a chase frame. I know ull get success with this no doubt about it ;) I Look forward to your feed back when that time comes.


The Tool


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2012
Re: College Game

The Tool said:
when you get up to leave and your walking towards said girl, see if she looks at you, when she does give her a sexy smile as she will then smile back. then as you are about to walk past her say "if you are going to smile at me you should also at least say hello"
I like that, I'll test it out n see what I can come up with.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: College Game

College starts in a little while. When any of you implament these tactics please post the results on here ;)

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: College Game

Hey Tool, I took your concept of having chairs facing you, and now when I'm on a date, when my girl and I get up to order coffee or food, I position her chair beside me to fit closer and face me at a more intimate angle, or I'll do this right as we're getting back.

If she doesn't seem too interested, the proximity helps so one can touch her more and get in a more intimate proximity.
Good stuff my man, Good stuff I myself just do the interview type style when on a date, across from eachother I will definately venture out and try this technique for once.

Got the idea from here, seems pretty basic, but I don't know, since I've been doing things to get my girls into close proximity with me, I've been having consistent make outs with little to no resistance. Probably time I start nutting up and pulling them to better locations and sealing the deal.. With no place to bring girls back to, my options are bathrooms and I got shot down last time I tried even kissing a girl in the bathroom haha she was fine bringing me to her apartment though.

Hey Tool, did you ever have the problem of not having a seduction location of your own, and so you had to rely on public places, like bathrooms? If so, how did you do it and what were your results like?
Yes my friend nutting up and pulling is extremely important and a big step but once you start doing it it will become natural. As to your question about the seduction locations, I typically always have my logistics down pat so I always have a place such as my car, home, girls place. There was really only one time I got a girl to a location such as a bathroom and that is posted in my FR++, I wish I had more experience with odd places for seduction but I generally steer clear of that because there are MANY walls you have to jump through to lay a girl in those types of locations. What I do is if I know there isnt a sound place for seduction I do not esclate and I wait untill my logisitics are good to go. So I guess my one time the results were perfect. (you can read about it in field reports I believe its on the 2nd page) As much as I would love to be able to help you on this topic I do not have enough experience with odd locations but im sure someone such as Just_Dave, Franco, Chase, Light, or RBT do. and hopefully they will post it here. So my advice is Just steer clear of odd locations and get your logistics down, even if its a car ;)

Cheers, The Tool


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Re: College Game

The Tool said:
you on this topic I do not have enough experience with odd locations but im sure someone such as Just_Dave, Franco, Chase, Light, or RBT do. and hopefully they will post it here. So my advice is Just steer clear of odd locations and get your logistics down, even if its a car ;)

Cheers, The Tool

lol, yeah my style is a bit unorthodox. Showers, offices in the College of Business (after office hours), parks, roof top gardens, beaches, rivers, mall parking lots after dinner, fingering girls going 80 MPH on highways (Fast and Furious technique). Banging girls in my car or top of my car, I especially love couches, and bathrooms (at parties). Even taking girls into dark corners at clubs or at parties. Also, hot tubs are my personal faves as well. (yes I love water both on and in my girl). ;)

If you're a musician to really get her wet play your guitar and have her strip for you. ;)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Two Birds Mod 1: Guitar Scream

My guitar screams so that I don't have to ;)

This all happened within the course of about 2-3 days.

For anyone who's read this college game post or any of my posts know that I endorse the hell out of "two birds" method. This mod is particularly for guitar players or other musicians for that matter. I was just playing my guitar in my suite just practicing my set list for shows. I get a knock at the door, "Must be the RA's with nothing better to do" I thought to myself. I opened the door to see a gorgeous light skinned black girl with long braided hair and incredible thighs. She also had amazing lips.

"I heard your playing you sound amazing." Kayla
*I showed her in* "Thanks I'm Dave"

For the record I still have my girlfriend and I used my "Finding out she has a boyfriend" frame to find out she does in fact have a boyfriend.
Either way the interest level was high and I did show her a thing on guitar where you can touch on you want and use eye contact like crazy.

For some that are disappointed don't be just last night Kayla through a party on our floor and when it was dying out she invited me to play guitar. I was able to stop and melt the hearts of multiple female passersby's. I was looking to teach guitar to tons of girls since I wanted to go work and work on hot tub game, but they were swooning. Especially, since I'm known on the floor as the mysterious guitar player.

I've also used the technique on street performing where I can lure girls in who are going home empty handed from night clubs. It's natural preselection when a girl sees a sexy man, who can sing, who can hold a crowd of at least 8 to 10 girls. After your song make chit chat and collect numbers or just go in for the kill.

Sound type: I come from a rich cultural heritage so I can play just about whatever. I play more Latin and Jazz these days in a full drop D tuning loaded with barre chords. Women fantasize about what else I can do with these hands ;)

Just Dave


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Two Birds Mod 2: Secret Shopper

It's not a secret that guys go to the mall to pick up girls. They go to the food court and just kind of stand around while girls shop and notice how creepy they look. I say forget that majorly!

Whenever I got to the mall I go there to actually buy stuff or attempt to buy stuff. Sometimes there just isn't anything good, unless I'm broke but that's another story. You'd be surprised sometimes how if you dress well girls who are trying to sell you stuff quickly switch to trying to flirt with you. Like gym pick up you can actually make solid friends with people who work at stores. I'm taken to the back in some stores and showed the collection of clothes that aren't even out yet. Girls who work there wonder just who the hell I am. (soon to be you!!!) ;)

Girl: *Curious* Do you work here?
Dave: Why do you ask?
Girl: Well sometimes I see them take you to the back. I just never knew who you were.
Dave: Oh, simple I'm Dave.
Girl: Dave?
Dave: Yes, Just Dave. And you? *extends hands*
Girl: Kelly *smiling* Just Kelly
Dave: *pats hands* beautiful nails, but I must be going. Bye Kelly *drops hand and leaves*

I've had thirty minute conversations chillen with people I met in stores like Journey or Underground Station (not sure if you guys have that). They have chairs and I intentionally go to the mall when it's not too busy or chaotic. When shopper girls see me and when I talk to them to compliment they're outfit they're warm and receptive because of my pre-selection. You also can encourage them to get food with you and chit chat. (Instant date) Then you can move them to your car. (Car sex)

Just Dave

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: College Game

lol, yeah my style is a bit unorthodox. Showers, offices in the College of Business (after office hours), parks, roof top gardens, beaches, rivers, mall parking lots after dinner, fingering girls going 80 MPH on highways (Fast and Furious technique). Banging girls in my car or top of my car, I especially love couches, and bathrooms (at parties). Even taking girls into dark corners at clubs or at parties. Also, hot tubs are my personal faves as well. (yes I love water both on and in my girl). ;)

If you're a musician to really get her wet play your guitar and have her strip for you. ;)
good shit dave I myself play a mean kazoo ;)

Excellent Mods on ym "two birds techniqe" Makes me want to learn an instrument. Or just put my kazoo to an amp lol. Your mall game you talk about it truely uniqe I just might have to use my mall connections to test this out this definatly seems to be an excellent way to meet women while having fun along the way ;) Thanks for posting these

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: College Game

This post has become extremely popular as I have noticed, Please post your thoughts and insights. myself and others who read this will greatly appreacite it :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Re: College Game

Is there anything that should be done to make you seem more approachable for this to work?

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: College Game

Essentially it comes down to you being an attractive man to be approached or have a girl sit in proximity to you and you have to look non threatening, so wear nice clothes.

Also sit "open like" legs not crosses, arms not crossed, even if your reading a book or studying look like your friendly but maintain that sexy vibe.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: College Game

I myself am often called a tool because of the way I dress (but only by other guys) typically a tight shirt that says something like #conductor of the swole train or weight lifting champ. I also wear aeropostle or american eagle but the shirts are skin tight to show off my muscular build. I also wear (because its winter a white visor beanie slightly cocked to the side. In addition I wear tight aeropostle jeans (not skinny) and a pair of slick kicks.

And the way I walk gets alot of attention as well ;) essentialy its the confident chest out walk discussed here


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Re: College Game

The Tool said:
I myself am often called a tool because of the way I dress (but only by other guys) typically a tight shirt that says something like #conductor of the swole train or weight lifting champ. I also wear aeropostle or american eagle but the shirts are skin tight to show off my muscular build. I also wear (because its winter a white visor beanie slightly cocked to the side. In addition I wear tight aeropostle jeans (not skinny) and a pair of slick kicks.

And the way I walk gets alot of attention as well ;) essentialy its the confident chest out walk discussed here

I don't have a problem with style. My friends say I'm preppy or fratty with the way I dress. (American Eagle, Abercrombie, etc.) I wonder if I shouldn't be so focused on my laptop when in the library..

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: College Game

Ive noticed when u have a laptop out the "two birds" doesnt work as much as normal


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Re: College Game

The Tool said:
Ive noticed when u have a laptop out the "two birds" doesnt work as much as normal

Looks like I have to change my "study" habits haha

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: College Game

Possible sticky? most popular post on tactics ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Re: STICKIED: College Game Tactics & Techniques

Hey I'd love to see a night game post here, it seems as though this has been mostly day game.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: STICKIED: College Game Tactics & Techniques

Hey cccrunner, To be honest I specialize in day game, I've tried night game and im not particularly fond of it, I even find it to be more of a challenge than day game.
But if I had to post any nightgame college tips it would be as such.

At parties, sit by a girl that is by herself on a couch and begin talking to her, eventually get her to move with you to a private room, to simply do this, grab her hand and say hey lets go talk some place private.

You can use the "two birds" technique with a couch as well, sit on a couch and look kind of bored, and a girl might just come sit next to you. If you see a girl giving you eye contact when your on the couch motion her over.

I try to be as low energy as possible if I am looking for girls at college parties, I'm usually the most chill guy in the place, I still play beer pong, smoke, and all that stuff but I dont get crazy.

Essentially I just wait for women to approach me and go from there, Which happens ALOT for me at parties.

Typically when I go out at night I dont go looking for women, I have found I find much more attractive women in day game and girls that are girlfriend material.
Plus when I party I like to get blazed and or balidgerent which is bad for pick up ;)

Cheers, The Tool


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 9, 2013
Re: STICKIED: College Game Tactics & Techniques

New to the game here, but about to go in my last semester of college. The above has been enlightening because I have experienced zero success on campus over the last four years. I especially can not wait to try the “two birds” technique at the library next week!

I would like to raise a question: How does one escalate with study buddies?

Two problems arise:

-Girls’ schedules are packing during the school year with constant fluctuations of mid-terms, quizzes, work, ect. Making yourself a priority and getting investment remains difficult with the college girl population.

-Girl study buddies are valuable assets and making a move creates risk. Loosing a study buddy through rejection could lower social reputation and grades in class.

Solution I typically see (and have done): Waiting until the end of the semester to ask a girl out.

Result: Moving too slow and getting friendzoned.