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College Game Tactics & Techniques

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: STICKIED: College Game Tactics & Techniques

Hey Barry. Thanks for commenting. on your question on "How does one escalate with study buddies?" Typically I ask a girl out to coffee or something and never ask for a study buddy. But since you are new to the game asking for a study buddy can feel like a safe thing and is less intimidating to ask. So if it gets you out there and approaching I say go for it!

Now if your going for study buddies or currently have them hopefully your not friend zoned and only study with these women (as in not too much social circle things) and hopefully its not too often.

But when that moment arrives where you are on a "study date" (Most of the time when you go on a study date You have 3 chances I.E three separate study dates to where you can successfully make a move. With each study date you don't escalate your chances significantly drop of getting anywhere but friend zoned with the girl.

If you campus is big enough your comment on
Girl study buddies are valuable assets and making a move creates risk. Loosing a study buddy through rejection could lower social reputation and grades in class.
this becomes null and void. You don't really need a study Buddie and if your fundamentals are down pat and you do not creep out the girl your social reputation will take zero hit as she will politely decline your advances and leave you on your way. REMEMBER THIS IS IF ANY ONLY IF YOUR FUNDAMENTALS ARE DOWN AND YOU DO NOT COME OFF AS CREEPY.

How to escalate. Simple.

You are somewhere where you too are alone. and you are sitting next to each other. This is Key.
Best case you are both nose deep into a book that one of you (preferably the girl) is holding.
While she is holding the book and you too are side by side implement the manhandle kiss technique (I.E you lightly take her chin with one of your hands and turn it towards you and lightly implant a kiss and then you slowly pull your face back and confidently look her into the eyes and slowly go in for another kiss. She should either A make out with you. B kiss you lightly again back. Or C be in shock and leave. P.s I have only once come across C and that's a whole nother story all together so you don't have to worry about it.

Then you take the makeout to the floor, to the bed, or wherever you are escalating and take it from there. Badda Bing Badda Boom my friend.

Cheers, The Tool


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 9, 2013
Re: STICKIED: College Game Tactics & Techniques

Typically I ask a girl out to coffee or something and never ask for a study buddy. But since you are new to the game asking for a study buddy can feel like a safe thing and is less intimidating to ask.

Good point about coming across too safe, but I am trying to find out ways of talking to girls in class. For guys like me without any interaction with those specific girls, being study buddies gives an opportunity of asking her out on a high note. In other words, if I only run into certain girls in class, becoming a study buddy is my only way of escalating.

New Question: Assuming one does not see the girl besides class, what is a better approach alternative ?

While she is holding the book and you too are side by side implement the manhandle kiss technique.

Creative suggestion! I could have used this in reserved library study rooms, outside benches, or dorms.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: STICKIED: College Game Tactics & Techniques

Indeed my friend ;) The manhandle kiss works almost every time ;)

Assuming one does not see the girl besides class, what is a better approach alternative ?

Chase has a post here that goes into better detail than I ever could and its here https://www.girlschase.com/content/cute-girls-class-stop-flirting-and-start-dating p.s dont go for the food in the bag things it suggests. No offense to Chase but that would really only work in highschool :) In college because you are allowed food you will come across as a creep/weirdo.

Cheers, The Tool


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
Re: STICKIED: College Game Tactics & Techniques

So I'm starting college again in a few days. There are some situations that I have to be ready for, and I am going to list them here and ask you guys: how do I open in these situations? I am going to list the situation and how I would go about approaching but I want your guy's ideas and feedback as well, as i have never laid a girl from college.

1. Class - See a hot girl in your class? Well just sit down beside her and go indirect/situational. Just make sure you talk with sexual undertones. Aka very slowly and sensually. And eventually show your interest in her with a direct compliment sonner or later. You never want to open direct because you are mostly going to be sitting beside her the rest of the class and hopefully the rest of the year if you make a good first impression. So go indirect/situational but make sure she knows you are interested, just don't tell her straight up until you guys are reasonably comfortable with each other already (or you will make things creepy). Chase has a couple articles on college approaching that address this issue of approaching girls in class.

2. Hot girl walking through the hallway/campus - So, in this post, you guys have been talking about how these approaches are best avoided because there are usually some people in the hallway, and they will probably see you open, meaning a lot of social pressure on the girl. But how about when there are a lot of people around her walking through the hallway. Like in the street, if you go up to a girl while she is surrounded by a lot of people, people aren't going to stop and look at you (they're too busy caught up with their own shit, like talking on their phone, talking with their friends, voices everywhere). It's only if she's walking with a couple people around her that the environment will be quiet, so they will hear or notice you approach, and it will make it awkward for the girl. So when you see a hot girl walking through the hallway, and she's surrounded by a ton of people, or surrounded by no one at all, I would say: go with a direct compliment, or just ask her if she's single, which I see as direct anyways because your signalling interest in her by asking. What do you guys think about going indirect direct here? Like asking where Tim Horton's is and then saying, "I'm kidding, I just thought you were cute and wanted to come say hi".

3. Hot girl sitting at a table in the cafeteria - Go with a direct compliment, then after she says: "Thanks", sit down beside her and talk. Same goes for when she's in a group. Just make sure you say the compliment to her. Then sit down and make sure you give her friends attention as well, like introduce yourself to her friends. Find out who the leader is of the group and give her 30% attention, said in a thread I read on this forum. Or if she's alone, I like to ask if the seat beside her is taken. When she says no, say: "Great, because I hate eating alone". Then sit down beside her and introduce, light banter, deep dive, and number close, or move her. Also, what do you guys think about going indirect direct in a situation like this? If she's sitting near Tim Hortons in the cafateria, like going up to her asking where Tim Horton's is and then saying, "I'm kidding, I just thought you were cute and wanted to come say hi".

4. Hot girl in library - I have yet to try out the two birds one stone technique. When I read it, I thought to myself: "Wouldn't this work only if you were really physically attractive?" I guess that's the point of putting yourself directly in her point of view. So she stares at you even if you're not physically attractive. But then when you say: "Hey, do we know each other? Or are you looking at me because you're curious to meet me?" she might deny it. After all, you are in front of her, and she can't help but look at you sometimes. As Ross said, eyes wander. So I'm not so sure about this technique. Then again, I have to try this before I judge. Has anyone else other than The Tool tried this? And are there better ways of doing this? If I see a hot girl in the library, I would say: Go direct, whether by a compliment or asking if she's single.

5. Hot girl in a line up - Go indirect direct here - "Hey can I budge ahead of you? Relax, I was just kidding. I thought you were cute and wanted to come say hi".

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: STICKIED: College Game Tactics & Techniques

And are there better ways of doing this?
Nope ;) my methods have been tested. trialed. and work.

So I'm not so sure about this technique. Then again, I have to try this before I judge.
perfect it. and you will see results greater than you have ever imagined.

(read through the comments and you will see people for example (Just Dave) who has tried it. And loved it. Just have confidence in it. and yourself.

Try it. You will thank me ;)

Cheers, The Tool


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Fraternity: Two Birds 1 Stone Mod

Hey Tool,

Been awhile, I've been modifying the two birds one stone technique for sometime now. This is particularly useful for fraternity guys who want to meet sorority girls easier. For whatever reason some guys just assume that just cause you're in a fraternity girls will just come up and talk to you. That's not the case. Here's a simple technique I've use to meet countless sororities at my school.

*Dave out and about sees a really cute sorority girl in the leggings, uugs, and sweatshirt with greek letters*
Dave: Let's see Alpha...Pi...Omicron
Girl: *Turning head*
Dave: Haha oh my bad, I was practicing my greek alphabet
Girl: haha you're fine, are you greek?
Dave: Yeah I'm a *insert fraternity here*
Girl: Wow that's cool I know a couple of them
Dave: Who do ya know?
Girl: blah blah blah
Dave: Now you gotta add one more *pause* I'm Dave
Girl: *excited* Hi Dave!

So from here you see you're already locked in a conversation when either walking to class the library and whatever have you. The best part is natural selection takes it's course, girls love cute guys who girls think are cute and cool. I'll go a bit more into fraternity parties in another mod soon, but this is the basic meet and talk to sorority girl mod.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Re: STICKIED: College Game Tactics & Techniques

I'll go a bit more into fraternity parties in another mod soon

I didn't know you were in a fraternity Dave, we have a lot of fraternity members here. I'd love to see a post about how to get laid at mixers. Those are always the most fun, and one of the best ways to meet girls.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: STICKIED: College Game Tactics & Techniques

Excellent Dave. Some awesome additions to the "two birds" Glad to see you back. I look forward to the other mods ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 1, 2013
Re: STICKIED: College Game Tactics & Techniques

I've been out of college almost 4 years, but here are my recollections. Keep in mind I went to a very small (2k students), conservative Christian school (restrictions on opposite-sex visits to dorm rooms, plenty of gossip flying around, etc). "Don't shit where you eat" was very good to live by. Also, at the time I was Christian and was not trying to get sex.

I tended to do some brazen day-game in the cafeteria. I'd really just walk up to a table with two or three girls, or maybe more, and introduce myself and ask if I could sit with them. Typically the answer was yes, even if they were uneasy about it. I did it mostly to force myself to meet new people, and I didn't necessarily try to get digits. I'd usually chat with them for 10-15 minutes, and then go back for another plate of food (I was a growing boy!) I'd often rejoin them for another brief chat a week later. Not many results, but I did manage to get a cheerleader to chase me very hard once, and another time the girls' dorm-mom (a total milf).

It helps to have good results with a girl at some point, news tends to get around and attract more interest. I was always afraid that if girls knew I'd been fooling around, they'd be turned off, but the opposite was true. I once got a call from a friend, saying that a girl at his party wanted me to come over and make out with her. I did in fact do that, but I wasn't really into her. Everybody started spreading my legend after that though, and I was approached a couple times by girls whom I think were inspired by hearing I was a hot kisser.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Fraternity Game

Hey Guys,

Brother Dave reporting for duty to enlighten many of you who are involved in Greek Life about some do's and don'ts about approaching particular girls in sororities. As well as adding from fashion highlights popular to greek life regions in whatever area you populate.

Please note: I will be editing this post since it's pretty high up on page 2

Pledging: Depending on your college this can be really fun or really a pain in the ass
*You will get cock blocked
*You alumni will get on your nerves, but all of them aren't bad
*You will be "tooled" (no pun intended) by the brothers
*You will be paired with the sorority pledges during various activities such as homecoming, philanthropy, and whatever else

Meeting Sorority Girls for first time:

Two-Ways: The best times for hook-ups,
+Most two ways have themes such as Classy, Fratty, or Anything but clothes
+Don't get too drunk at these
-Remember to introduce yourself to majority of the sorority girls, to not get cock blocked by them later
-Communicate with your Big and Brothers if you need help meeting a girl
*Your brothers are your best friends when you need a distraction!

Social Circle:

Inter fraternity relations:


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 23, 2013
It would be pretty interesting to see how this could be applied to small schools. I go to a small liberal arts school of about 2000 kids in a small town.... Still trying to figure out logistics and how to frame my skills around my environment. Bests,


The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
smaller schools the -2 birds one stone- would definitely be an excellent weapon to your arsenal. small schools you have to protect your reputation for word can spread around quickly this technique allows you discretion while going after girls you know are interested ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 9, 2013
Hey, Tool just wanted to add something since I've been going to college campuses a lot. I graduated a year ago, but went to another school a couple months ago to join a fun social circle.

I've had better success approaching direct on the outskirts of campus rather than anywhere else.

There's so many distractions in the middle of campus, I'm more likely to be interrupted by people the girl knows or a phonecall. In the middle of campus during busy hrs, students are saying hi to everyone they know. Never noticed it when I was in school, but when you pass by someone you know, its like you HAVE to talk. Say I'll open a girl directly and after 10 sec. of talking someone will recognize the girl, interrupt and drag her away. It's funny b/c I see this happening to other guys to, a girl will bump into a guy and she won't stay long to talk.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Excellent observation Barry. This is why if you approach a girl after class during busy hours you make it quick and for a number grab. The best time for approaching on campus is during the slow periods or a laid back space.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 9, 2014
I've been reading a book called Conquer Your Campus by Mark Redman. I recommend it to anyone in a college environment.. I learn to "give love" instead of focusing on the seductive process in a technical sense like some PUAs do. I find I become more confident, build a very large social circle (despite being first year, everyone knows me!), and meet an abundance of women, instead of focusing on taking (focused on the process too much) I give love. I recommend it to anyone!

I also agree on the part where you shouldn't build that reputation as that "weird pick up guy" who hits on women endlessly, Instead I encourage any college student to provide value, love, and meet anyone whenever possible (introduce urself to that girl with the cute smile, even that not so cute girl in science, and even that cool guy who is a bartender at the nicest club). Through this you will build connections, meet scores of females, friendships and a greater social circle = your social proof will have no end. Believe me ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 9, 2013
Hey ThrowDown, I downloaded the book and will give it a read. Its free from a link on bodybuilding.com. What is the most unique part of the book?

Skimming through the .pdf, I've been doing a lot of what they said like building connections, focusing on entertaining yourself when going out, and keeping your reputation in check. I'll give it a whirl and see if I note anything.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 9, 2014
The most unique part of the book, is the how to be a 20 % man, and giving love to everyone I meet. I personally meet on average of 10 people A day at school, and I feel like even when you build rapport with anyone, small talk regardless, these people will send love back to you anytime they see you..when others see this your social value sky rockets.

Conquer your campus lacks a "fundamentals" section, so I have personally implemented the fundamentals and useful skills I have learned on GC; with a combination of knowledge and practice, being that big man on campus is mine for the taking.. And yours too :)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 18, 2015
I hope it is okey that I take up on this post. Got really interested as I just started collage. I'm 23 and got my fundamentals at check. So girls are looking my way quite often. I live in Europe, so we don't have sororities like you have in America. Such a shame, sounds like a lot of fun. Really liked the Two-birds technique, def. gonna try that one out!

I have always been good at making a big social circle, and do it all the time. At his point I just do it with out realizing it, great way to meet girls. You see a acquaintance or a friend of you with some girls, go say hi to him and then introduce yourself to the girls. This happens more the bigger circle you have, so always expand. With this approach you already have some work done for you, as being a friend of their friend. So you get that "Ahh, he seems to be cool with the guy/girl I already trust, so he must also be cool. And indeed he's pretty handsome too, giggle."
We have a small and chill coffee bar at our campus, just made friends with the barista last week. Even got a free coffee, which is nice since its more expensive there than in the cafeteria. This just upped me, because the next day when I got me a coffee and talked a bit with him. A cute girl came along and wanted a coffee, just went with an indirect move here. Then asked her to sit down with me, and went with a compliment when we sat down so she knew the deal. Insta-date is really easy there. I have a date with her this week where I will pull.

I also have no problem sitting alone in class or at places, as this ups the mystical look I'm going for. Just be sure having that small smile in the corner of your mouth, so you have the "He knows something that everyone else doesn't know"-look. It also makes it seem like you still have friends. Even better when people in your class knows that you have friends there but choose to sit alone. "Why does he do that?" Makes them wonder ;)

When it comes to night-game/parties, I'm best at that part, but I really just do what Chase already have written. Can tell you some neat stuff tho.. If you have your fundamentals and your social circle straighten out, girls will more than often approach you. You also get invited to more parties and if you only know one person there, you can lean on this persons social circle. Which then leads to cute girls, sex and at the very least a bigger social circle. What girl doesn't want to get to know the cool guy who everyone likes? I've also found that people are more open to approaches in collage. Since they want to get to know people! And at the start of an semester its even easier, as all the new folks from other cities doesn't know anyone. And here comes a handsome motherfucker and saves this girls day, she should thank you ;)

I study to become an engineer, so as you probably guessed: only a few of the girls are cute there. What I have found is that when I tell girls at parties(or at campus) I study engineering, I almost always get a look like "What?! This handsome motherfucker is smart too?". (Have to point out; was not that sexy before I handled my fundamentals) I have even bluntly pointed out to some girls about the look they give me, they never know what to say! Really funny! If you study some kind of shit where a guy with strong fundamentals is not expected to be in life, really use this to your advantage. Because if you get that look.. well, lets say its the easiest chase-frames I have ever had to use. "Why do you look so surprised?", she will probably say something like "I'm not" or "I didn't expect that". Which you could will respond with "It's because you think I'm cute.." - and then look kinda disappointed. I'm still experimenting with a lot of chase-frames, as I get this look a lot. Even when she looks weird at you, you just know that was something she wasn't expecting. Why? Because you're handsome.. If you looked like a weak man or a geek, she wouldn't be surprised about what you study. Who says you can't be smart AND sexy?

That guitar stuff you got going sounds pretty awesome, really wish I could play.. Just got dancing going for me, and never get to use that since that really isn't my style anymore. Seems like we have a similar style going, except you have mastered the lady-magnet-instrument. I never do dance-floor game anymore, as I have found that girls rarely respond any good. I only do dancing when I can do a one on one with a girl when there is few people around. Do some light salsa moves and then get her really in close. Like your faces are almost touching each other -> sexual tension spikes sky high. And girls thinks its fun. Easy pull then ;) But this happens rarely..

Thanks for making this post tho, as I want to do more day game at campus! But at the same time keep that laidback, mystical look where people can't really me figure out. Works well for me. So some of these tricks will probably work great! I'm so glad I started to look at the forum on GC, a shame I didn't start earlier as I love the community here.
