Re: STICKIED: College Game Tactics & Techniques
Hey Barry. Thanks for commenting. on your question on "How does one escalate with study buddies?" Typically I ask a girl out to coffee or something and never ask for a study buddy. But since you are new to the game asking for a study buddy can feel like a safe thing and is less intimidating to ask. So if it gets you out there and approaching I say go for it!
Now if your going for study buddies or currently have them hopefully your not friend zoned and only study with these women (as in not too much social circle things) and hopefully its not too often.
But when that moment arrives where you are on a "study date" (Most of the time when you go on a study date You have 3 chances I.E three separate study dates to where you can successfully make a move. With each study date you don't escalate your chances significantly drop of getting anywhere but friend zoned with the girl.
If you campus is big enough your comment on
How to escalate. Simple.
You are somewhere where you too are alone. and you are sitting next to each other. This is Key.
Best case you are both nose deep into a book that one of you (preferably the girl) is holding.
While she is holding the book and you too are side by side implement the manhandle kiss technique (I.E you lightly take her chin with one of your hands and turn it towards you and lightly implant a kiss and then you slowly pull your face back and confidently look her into the eyes and slowly go in for another kiss. She should either A make out with you. B kiss you lightly again back. Or C be in shock and leave. P.s I have only once come across C and that's a whole nother story all together so you don't have to worry about it.
Then you take the makeout to the floor, to the bed, or wherever you are escalating and take it from there. Badda Bing Badda Boom my friend.
Cheers, The Tool
Hey Barry. Thanks for commenting. on your question on "How does one escalate with study buddies?" Typically I ask a girl out to coffee or something and never ask for a study buddy. But since you are new to the game asking for a study buddy can feel like a safe thing and is less intimidating to ask. So if it gets you out there and approaching I say go for it!
Now if your going for study buddies or currently have them hopefully your not friend zoned and only study with these women (as in not too much social circle things) and hopefully its not too often.
But when that moment arrives where you are on a "study date" (Most of the time when you go on a study date You have 3 chances I.E three separate study dates to where you can successfully make a move. With each study date you don't escalate your chances significantly drop of getting anywhere but friend zoned with the girl.
If you campus is big enough your comment on
this becomes null and void. You don't really need a study Buddie and if your fundamentals are down pat and you do not creep out the girl your social reputation will take zero hit as she will politely decline your advances and leave you on your way. REMEMBER THIS IS IF ANY ONLY IF YOUR FUNDAMENTALS ARE DOWN AND YOU DO NOT COME OFF AS CREEPY.Girl study buddies are valuable assets and making a move creates risk. Loosing a study buddy through rejection could lower social reputation and grades in class.
How to escalate. Simple.
You are somewhere where you too are alone. and you are sitting next to each other. This is Key.
Best case you are both nose deep into a book that one of you (preferably the girl) is holding.
While she is holding the book and you too are side by side implement the manhandle kiss technique (I.E you lightly take her chin with one of your hands and turn it towards you and lightly implant a kiss and then you slowly pull your face back and confidently look her into the eyes and slowly go in for another kiss. She should either A make out with you. B kiss you lightly again back. Or C be in shock and leave. P.s I have only once come across C and that's a whole nother story all together so you don't have to worry about it.
Then you take the makeout to the floor, to the bed, or wherever you are escalating and take it from there. Badda Bing Badda Boom my friend.
Cheers, The Tool