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Devilicious' Journal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Dude, I've only read your last entry and I'm already hooked.

How did I not see this journal before? *strokes stubble inquisitively*

Looks like you're employing advanced Gun-style game - SOTs (that's actually Bacc), rainbow ruses, inspired by Riker... In short, lots I can learn here.

(Basically, I'm gonna follow this one from now on).
Hey Bismarck!

First of all, thanks for your reply. I have to say I would still consider myself a beginner though. But the sense of progress is real and infinitely motivating.

You are quite advanced and experienced in your own right, so I dare not give you advice. Nonetheless, I've been following your journey as well and it seems like you're shifting from authority tourist-guide game to other types of influence game... and it's inspiring to see your will for progress and adaptability. It seems like you have the capability to hit this particular field running.

Fundamentally, I hope that we can both advance on this path and inspire each other, no matter to what extent. We're driven men with the same, great goals, after all.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Outing 1: 15.09

Came back from my holidays.

Two remarks: For one, Bucharest is an amazing city for nightlife. And for another, Scandinavian girls are hot!

I simply love blondes and blue eyes. The girls also seem to eye-fuck me a lot more there, maybe because I stand out more with my wavy brown hair.
Oh, and they don't speak so much English, I found out.

And it was a true shame I was with someone who can't see me approach. Came back home rather sleep-deprived.

Next day went on a date with HBHistory after she asked me out, didn't have any tech in mind and just went for the fun of it.

Girl was touchy and wanted to kiss me all the time. Sometimes I let her, sometimes I didn't. I had slight anchoring considerations in mind, where I only let her kiss me when there was a coversational high or she said something I liked.

Next date will be near hers, and I'll pull there.

Went out next day for errands, did some approaches as well:

Girl 1:
Cool pants. Open with a comment about that, she's sweet but turns to enter the elevator when it arrives. Rip.

Girl 2:
'Are you from the area' opener that doesn't stick after her 'no's'. She didn't even properly register the follow up.

Girl 3:
See her staring at me from where she's coming. Some positioning/timing from my part to catch her when she crosses the street. She's from Vienna but originally USA, starting to study here. She's ask me questions back quickly without properly answering mine, I think I need to give her more time to answer.

Seeded a close after some hesitation with the usual "you seem like an interesting person" and she soft rejects by quickly going "we'll see each other around" again. Oh well, I'm glad I tried.

Girl 4:
Really beautiful brunette. I time my transition from standing into walking and without looking at her again. We draw closer, she's slightly ahead of me.
"Wow, heyy," I say, and she turns more to me as we make eye contact. I want to try out a variation of what I've been doing.
I pause for a moment, before breaking out in a smile.
"Wow, you look EXACTLY... like someone I know!" I say, as if I had just mistaken her for someone else.

"Ohh," she smiles and giggles, then turns back and slowly continues after a moment.


Two things here. It's so casual it's too casual, because it's framed with a degree of finality when you put it like that.
Second, the way I said it with a more animated interested voice is not helpful. If I had spoken slowly, there would still be pacing her into my reality and have good potential transition into further stimulating conversation.

So I learned it's better to have an intrigue bait in there.

Girl 5:
Gorgeouuus blondie in the underground train station. She doesn't stop and just mirrors my "Hii" when continuing. I realized I was saying it very warmly and disarmingly, but am starting to feel that I need to do it more assertively and dominantly. Increases sexiness, too.


-Open with intrigue bait included, then quicker rainbow ruse/RPO
-Open more assertively when in more crowded space

It's great being back!

One thing I noticed was that due to my tired brain, it was more challenging to work the indirect angle well here, as is visible above. The engineered follow-up was simply lacking.

I almost wish I could just go back to opening girls direct and thus polarizing, as I'm sure it would at feel good in the moment.

Facts is, that gets me better instant reactions but less girls coming on actual dates. My indirect leads are much stronger when I manage them corrrectly.

Just goes to show I've learned more there now. The journey continues.

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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
Girl 3, 4 and 5 you have to be more assertive. Tell them "Wowow, wait, stop". I know you do the indirect influence style of thing, but look at it this way. You may lose the "battle" by persisting on her a second time in an assertive way, when you don't catch her the first time and make her stop. You might lose a few points or not (you won't if the girl literally was clueless about you the first time, which is most likely imo) but you will lose the girl entirely if you simply let her go at that (lose the entire war). Bold action my friend.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
For sure agree with @Phoenix that calibrated persistence is absolutely crucial. And it's not even really like a direct/indirect thing, it's like a "gotta keep working, I trust in my game and let's make this happen" type of thing. Like now that I think about it, some of the first "indirect influence" names that come to mind like Teevster, Gunwitch, and Bacchus are also the most skillfully persistent because they know that resistance is not rejection.
I had to learn this for myself, too, and I've noted before how I often build in things like "hey" and "wait" and "hold on" into the pre-opener and opener so that they naturally flow into the early phases as the hook is strengthened, perhaps the girl is stopped/isolated, and immersive liminality matriculates arounds us.

Also, you use that "reject" word in an unfair way to yourself... now personally I recommend tossing this word out of the seduction vocabulary and into the trashcan. We all know that female sexual psychology is a very complex matter and there's lots going on in the dynamics of every instant, so "reject" is an unfair simplification of what may have been going on with her because who knows, it's possible that she left because her socially imprinted self didn't know how to act in that moment... rather than it being about your presence. Moreover, whatever her state was can be altered for the better as well - isn't that why we do what we do?

Alright, onwards we keep going my friend!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015

Outing 24.09


Busy last two weeks with my new two jobs I've started. They're amazing and well paid, and I'm happy.

Went to grab lunch with a friend from Hungary/USA and went to approach after in the time I had before my next meeting.

Girl 1:​

HBChile. Standing at the tram station. Beautiful brunette.

I am on my phone, checking where to go to pick something up, before turning to her.

"Hey, for some reason..." I open and get her attention, "I get the feeling... that you are an energetic... and lively person. Would you say that's true?"

Then I find out she can only speak Spanish.

"Ah, ok," I say in Spanish, "You'll have to help me out then," and I say the opener again, using different words though. I've never gamed in Spanish.

Well, she pays attention to it, and then replies with a smile, "It might be because I'm pregnant!" And strokes her non-visible stomach.

"Oh wow," I state my feelings. "That might be. Where are you from?"

I get she's from Chilé and start a bit with SOT culture, asking her what she likes the most here, and making a parallel with order/chaos. Was about the spin it into a ying-yang, appreciating and needing both sides in life thing. She was furiously brushing her hair looking at me.

Then her tram comes, and I let her go obviously.

Gaming in Spanish is tricky but fun!

Girl 2: HBEyes​

Super cute brunette with attractive figure walking in front of me with over-ear headphones. Walking quickly, so I have to speed up.

Area opener, with punchline. Insert a small rainbow-ruse after interrupting her telling me what she does, in the guise of "let me guess".

She's Optician, and what she likes about it is being able to tell the people what to do lmao.

Elicit more on that, what made her do it... besides being fascinated by my beautiful eyes and wanting to go deeper.

Also elicit that she loves to people watch and be in the background, and I qualify on that. Set contrast of people who are in the moment, not aware of anything, and others who are aware of surroundings and happenings and general circumstance. Forgot to use linking.

We're standing close to each other and I touch her as much as I can get away with.

Then there's a pause, she's sticking around and hooked, so go into travel transition. Before that after golden question I fed back and expanded her answer of reading a good book.

Funny was her telling me she'll be going for 2 weeks, and do nothing at all. Just relax.

"Beach holidays, then?" I ask

"Yes," she replies.

"Spain?" I cold read, totally guessing and not expecting to be right.

"Yes!" she replies. Then I find out she's half Spanish. Honestly didn't want to be right, seems rather try hard. But maybe I'm overthinking it.

Close on high note, get her number enthusiastically.

Overall, good set but I ran through each topic rather quickly... because she wasn't the best conversationalist. Over text she would say she's rather antisocial.

When I leave, I walk back the way I came from. There's a guy sitting with his two friends, with him staring at me with that faraway impressed look on his face while subconsciously nodding slowly.

My grin widens and I give him a wink.

Girl 3:​

Half Swiss/Japanese girl. Petite with a mask, thankfully traffic light aligns us.

Familiar-opener, she's hooked but turns out she's too young. Aw man. She was real sexy though.

Girl 4:​

Half Indonesian/Sweden girl. Astonishing figure, can't help but approach after walking behind her.

Ex-gf opener, she's happy. But I do no rainbow ruse or anything and try to close after her indicating she has a meeting. She declines.

"Oh, but sometimes... when life presents you opportunities... you have to SEIZE the moment and be spontaneous, don't you think?" I say.

This makes her real pensive and nodding with a subconscious smile... but still being "not a good time".

I persist some more, tailoring it to "When IS a good time? All you have is the present moment,..." but I give up after two tries.

Probably could've gotten it with more persistence and insisting on it "just being a harmless", and us having "no pressure at all, super casual, seeing where it leads to with no expectations".

Girl 4:​

Taking the night bus home after having met with a friend. Cute blondie sitting opposite to me. Set some good frames, she's feeling good. Then she suddenly jumps up and apologetically says its her stop (hard to tell with it being dark outside) and off she goes.

I don't know how I would have proceeded anyway though, as it's before mine. Get off as well? Tell her to get off at mine? I have no logistics. Get a phone number?


What I did well​

-Opened girls I wanted to

-Was sufficiently assertive

-Persisted/stuck in set when needed

-Good SECT

What I can improve​

The biggest thing I've realized has been holding me back was the overt focus on using a technique, whilst lacking sexual frame. It really depended on my mood of the day. But being assertive and having strong sexual subcommunication is such a vital element to it that the difference is massive. Or at least a strong projection of some kind.

This outing I kept that in mind at it went far better. It's what I'll be focusing on in the future as well.

Outlook - Future Deliberate Practice​

I have two dates next week, one of which is girl 2.

One thing to get in order is my schedule, because that makes it so much easier to be able to go out to approach.




Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
girl 4, you screen for logistics beforehand, everytime a girl says she is waiting to get picked up or waiting for a bus or walking to work i ALWAYS ask her "when" to screen for how much time you have. "when's your bus coming?" "5 minutes".


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Update 03.10

My schedule is stabilising, which is good for my approaching.

This week I didn't have time for any long outings, so just scattered approaches here and there.

Nonetheless, I still feel like I'm making great strides.

I've been focusing strongly on both mindset and Riker. I feel like I have a nice voice, but too often speak from the mouth. Over the last two months I've been working on it, and this week I noticed how it turned automatic for me to speak from the chest! It's really encouraging.

The only 'challenge' there is that my voice fluctuates in resonance over the week. Because when you have that deep sexy purr coming from your vocal chords, it almost doesn't matter where you're speaking from... and when it's more blasé, it's an absolute must to speak from your chest.

One side effect of this is that I sometimes tend to speak softly, because it seems like when I match the purr with the volume, it creates a more intimate bubble. But when the purr is minor, and I still speak softly, it's just weak!

One other thing I've recently been inspired by is on the refined use of pregnant pauses. It came from listening to Major_Mark.

What I noticed he'll do is have the pauses at intrigue-bait moments, almost explicitly. After words such as:
  • To (You come to... the XYZ)
  • That (You find that... XYZ)
  • Than (It's almost better than... XYX)
  • Trance words (And then suddenly... XYZ)
So I'm integrating that into the way I speak now.

On the next note, I'm becoming more familiar with Riker-esque language. I'm still better at it in English than I am in the local language (or any language, for that matter), but that's fine.

Listing seems to be one of the key elements that I took to the fastest. It's when you suddenly realize you can be using this is your speech, and can start to work on it... and by now, I'm always looking for lists in the things I say.

The thing you realize is that it goes beyond seduction... it's just generally great and engaging rhetoric. I use it more in my daily life now than... in specific seductive settings. (Did you see what I did there?)

In the last weeks, I've been focusing on these elements strongly, and practicing them in my social circle. Which is really a fantastic way to get practice in, because you have plenty of time to do it and 'mistakes' are not even noticed.

But it's good for smaller settings. Larger groups are too high energy for all of this. In which case I just sharpen my wit.

The last thing to note down where I'm seeing progress is fractionation. In the last two weeks (and probably before that) I've developed a better feel for the flow and ebb of conversation and a better idea on how to steer it.

I'm finding it combines rather well with my previously built skills of banter and qualifying. Currently, I alternate between 'light' topics where I'll banter with the girl a bit or share stories, then go 'deeper' with SOT's and in the future I want more sex talk as the next 'deeper' theme. And then cycle back.

This reminded me of an old LR from Bacchus, where he does match wits with the girl. But also delivers his potent material.

It seems to fit well with the concept of fractionation.

This applies to dates/longer approaches. Since the way I open varies, it's different. Opening casual -> Progression, opening RPO -> Stay immersive.

FR+: Cockblocked by chatty roomie
Went on date with HBHistory. We met twice before, which I kept shorter because limited time and no logistics. This time we meet near her place at 8pm.

Arrive, and have her show me the area. Honestly, it's a great vibe. Dark night, lots of bars/restaurants with flickering lighting... the mood is on.

I find us a perfect intimate outside corner seat which I spied on as we passed it and have us sit down there. Move the table and seats so that we can sit right next to each other. One thing to be said, she was very touchy, as was I.

Noticeable topics I went into include music and sports. I tell her about my keyboard passion-fueled learning epica where I, as a beginner, came across this one song I just had to learn, and despite all odds my drive for it made me so focused and motivated that I learned it in 3 weeks.

It was prefaced by conversation about 'small things in life which represent true beauty and life', which is a genuine thought of mine and I spontaneously realized I could talk about. How life is about change, about the unknown... and the spontaneous opportunities presented right in front of you. Didn't say last part, but I will in the future.
Learned: SOT Small Things In Life.

It was continued by talking about urges, where you suddenly feel the need for something, be it learning something, getting something done, achieving something.

This time I did use something akin to the line above, where I end it with a statement like;

"...and sometimes, you have something right in front of you, and you can't help but notice how you wonderously want it, suddenly need it, and it just feels so right to you."

Soon after, I suggest we head out since it's getting cold, and she agrees. I tell her she has to show me that picture of hers in their living room she talked about, and she agrees.

"But I have to tell you... we're not having sex! This isn't an invitation," she says rather firmly.

"Oh, who said anything... about sex?" is my reply.

Nonetheless, when we get on the bus to hers I notice a visible spike in arousal in her, which continues on the ride and then walk.

Somewhere here she asked my what my favorite food was, and I steer it (not immediately, but incrementally) into a us-vs-them frame of us having the most delicious food ever... and then vividly describing the sensations you feel when eating it.

How it explodes into all sensations and flows into your entire body, making you feel bliss and warmth and desire... as your senses mix and fade and are enhanced so much, you start feeling like you never want it to stop... an orgasmic bliss exploding in your mouth...

...and then reference back to food.

"But maybe... it's a bad idea. Because then... we'll be completely immersed in the sensations and passion... and wouldn't ever step foot outside the house again. And that wouldn't be good, would it?"

Hehe. Nice double entendre with plausable deniablity. I'm happy I came up with that on the spot. Will note it down and reuse it in the future, more refined. Don't know how effective it was, but no harm in trying.

Well, now we reach her place... and her roomie is there, watching tv.

And boy, is she... chatty.

I charm the roomie a bit by asking her about what I know is her passion. And that was perhaps a mistake.

Because she did nothing else other than enthusiastically keep us in conversation with her. My girl was just tired and talking with her a bit while leaning on me. While her roomie, who she's known since they were 12 and is friends with, focuses on giving me random historical background to the names of their plants.

Let's take a moment to appreciate the absurdity.

She was... the ultimate cockblock.

I didn't know how to get us isolated, and since it was rather late my girl starts saying she needs to go to sleep soon. I have my last train coming relatively soon as well.

She walks me to the train station, telling me that her roomie is very interested in that and asking her about it will make her go on about it forever.

I have a super strong seed for next time, where we're meeting directly at hers so she can make me tea. (She loves tea).

When I'm already on the train, she texts me I could've slept over next time. In her bed.


I definitely fucked up there... but it's not terrible at least. Salvageable.

@Skippy then gave me the wonderful idea of seeding something in her room, and extracting that way. "Hey, you wanted to show me XYZ?" and then staying there and hoping the roomie takes the f*cking hint.

Another thing we discussed was me 'missing my last train', which actually happens since I don't live directly in the city.

Because that way, it's a gamble. If she likes you she won't kick you out (in which case I go crash at a friend's house I guess, but very unlikely) and let you stay. And then, worst case is couch (but tbh I'd rather go home than sleep at a girls place on her couch, even if it takes me longer), while best case is her just letting you sleep in her bed... where your odds are very high!

So maybe I just insist on her bed. Insist on my innocence.

Key Learnings​

- Fractionation works good!

- SOT Music & Passion Story

- SOT Small Things in Life

- SOT Urges

- Food-sex analogy sensation 'patterns' worth experimenting with

- Dealing with wildcard interferences at pull location: Seed another mini-extraction. Since I had never been in the situation before, I didn't think of it then. But on the bright side, I will now forever remember this lesson!

- Sleeping over at girl's viable option when all else fails. It's how I got my last lay with the feisty Romanian girl.

Future Outlook​

I'm going on a trip with a few friends next week and have to work before that, so approaching will be hard.
But will continue to practice all things I mentioned here. We're a small group and the charming hot girl I have fun with is coming as well!




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
LR: HBHistory

Finally converted this one. Used the seed from last time to go directly to hers to "drink tea", because she likes to make tea. I had gone on that trip with friends before, so this was 2/3 weeks later actually. It's a good thing she's such a slow texter and generally busy, so it worked out.

Have her pick me up from the train station. She shows up in sexy black leggins and a purple pullover. I'm looking my best in my blue coat that is direly needed because the temperature dropped and winter is coming.

We hold each other tightly as we walk to hers. There, no one is home. I later find out her roomie is not coming back that day... yeah, this was premeditated. Later when I ask, she tells me she decided to sleep with me... yesterday.

Go to the bathroom first, then pretty much escalate directly and bring her to her bed. Strap on the condom, and off we go.

Here I almost made a rookie mistake. I had left the condoms in my bag, which had been dropped by the entrance. Thankfully she had one nearby, or I would've had to get up to get it... oof, how cringe. Will always remember to have on in my pocket or nearby after this lesson.

I start slower but end up going extremely rough on her, just based off the way her body was begging for it. Deep grunts into her ear really brought her to new heights.

I was worried about coming quickly but then turned out the opposite was true. I didn't even come! Basically I just fucked her and enjoyed myself until at some point way in she said she had to stop, because she was feeling sore. We switched positions several times.

Tried to do some Eros technique and it went ok, definitely need more practice. Also realized my German dirty talk is way more limited than my English one. Will have to think more about that.

We then ended up cooking something together, me putting on some music, and then going to sleep as it was pretty late. Wanted to fuck her again but she was too sore... and here I was thinking, oh dear, I fucked up didn't I?

In the morning same thing. But she reveals she has bruises on her inner thighs and her pussy is sore still as well.

"Hmm, I wonder what terrible person... did that to you?" I smirk. But I don't know if it's a good thing. Kinda leaning yes, also leaning no. Hard to say...

One thing is that she was blowing me and at some point I got close and told her such. Then it faded away again, and probably left her feeling dejected that she couldn't make me cum. I just told her I have "difficulties" sometimes, and she's wonderful.

Well, fun experience.

Overall Analysis
I did several good things with her, namely good SECT and leading. Used great "tempt and arouse" SOT's in the first date that got her to straight up kiss me without me really wanting it lol. But far more than that, I was constantly physically escalating. Always pushing it as far as I could.

Which in her case was rather far, it turned out.

Add stimulating conversation to it... and it was all she needed.

When I later asked what she liked the most about me, she said it was my positivity and attitude. Also that it seemed like nothing could really faze me either.

Update 25.10.2021

Many things going on in this time. Went on the trip with friends, had some insights there and after, and had work and other parts of my life blow up in terms of time requirement. It's good for me so it's alright. But sadly that meant not much approaching in this time, which was sorely missed.

One interesting thing I'll document here. My style with girls is very touchy and inclusive; I notice I set a lot of us-vs-them frames when given the chance. The main point I'm reflecting here is touch though. It's something that comes extremely naturally to me by now, which is interesting considering I had to teach myself it. Started learning years ago, and by now it's become truly part of who I am.

The way I noticed myself acting was always progressing as far as I could, then proceeding with push-pull kind two-steps-forwards-one-step-back touch. Until the girl gets used to the new "level". And then go on to the next so to speak. Case in point for my female friend, who I'll call... HBSunshine.

She's super successful career-wise (leads global teams) and charming as hell. Lowkey had Oneitis for her lmao. But believes in "no sex before marriage", never even kissed a guy. Never went to bars or clubs, and her past suitors came from church or work. You know the type.

The actual point here is that by now she just smiles when I slap her ass after she says something silly. First few times I did in (when it's just us of course) she did the cute "Did you just slap my ass??" look with shocked expression, which I just ignored and continued talking like nothing happened.

Another interesting observation: You can judge her receptivity directly with nonverbals. If you want to move her around physically and she just stays rooted to her spot, she's not receptive. Then you back off and give her space, in my case I just go talk to someone else. But when she's malleable and just folds into you/ where you move her body to... then she's open. Just a small curious insight.

She was who made me become aware of the finer points of my touching style. Also calling me a big "flirt" because of it. I touch her lots and tease her plenty, but didn't show true interest. Nothing personalized, in that sense. Also in part because I'd be kicked in the head to give a validation-seeking creature like her compliments. But the point is that I realized I was lacking strongly in attainability.

So at some point soon after, made sure to "open up" and show vulnerability, and connect with her on that deeper level. That really was an enormous boost.

So I learned I have to be mindful of that when I touch girls more but keep it ambiguous otherwise.

Entire reason why I'm mentioning this with HBSunshine is because she turns out to be an amazing source of gambits and frames! I feel super inspired in the moment and come up with great gambits/frames when I'm talking to her, which I can more or less make up and deliver on the spot, in part thanks to Riker.

I have most of them documented: Here are some:

//Said at a café. Just us two (I invited her to join me for lunch). Vibe is on, with a certain undertone//
I tell her how it's interesting how you can have fun and be engaged and high-energy with someone. But now, picture this... you're with some random person, being social. And it's nice. But then, when you're with SOMEONE (pointing subtly to myself) where you have a deeper connection with, where you feel understood by the other person on a far deeper level... then, having fun with that person will mean so much more and be so much more engaging and interesting!

//Said when we were both lower energy//
I tell her how it's so nice... that we can be chill with each other. Like in the sense that we don't have to have a high-energy façade with each other, we can be real. And it's nice when you find someone you can trust and be like this with.

//We're group of 3, talk about relationships. This was back during the trip we did as a group//
Guys that pursue girls with flowers and gifts and attention. They're putting on a façade. And then in relationships, they feel like the "got" the girl and their true self shines through. So it's like a downwards parabola. [Her experiences with her controlling-type suitors]

Meanwhile, I show my genuine side, and thus have a higher starting point. And then it just becomes better, because you can grow together and create your own story...

Last one perhaps too relationship vibey used alone, so important to expand it and mention it holds true for all types of connections and experiences. Adds frames to why fast sex is ok.

Also have one that is too personalized to her, so I won't write it down here. But by far the one I liked the most.


Basically practiced what I could, where I could.

Had Oneitit for a few days, learned a lot in the past two weeks, got laid.

Will endeavor to approach more this week; in 2 weeks I'll be much freer. It'll also be colder, so we're entering "down" season... will have to see how I tackle it this year. Am thinking more train station approaches, where it's warmer. We'll see.

Main things I'm focusing on in terms of fundamentals is still voice and standing straight. Speak too fast sometimes, can still use better pregnant pauses. Made more difficult by having different languages I speak during the week with different people, where the natural speed of talking is also different. Plus different situations demand different speeds. So overall have a tendency to speak slightly faster than needed, especially because I have a lot of thoughts and ideas to express... it's work in progress, and extremely fun and rewarding.

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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
I don't think you fucked up by making her sore dude. She'll remember you for several days as a result, which can't be bad. Soreness tends to happen more, IME, when the girl is older and so less lubricated. Lube can help in these situations.

Also, when you don't cum it's a good idea to do lots of comfort building in post-coital chit-chat, to avoid that she feels unattractive (which will be her normal reaction, as girls feel validated by making guys cum).


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
UPDATE 06/11/2022

Let me begin with an overview of the past months.

To put it simply, I spent this semester hustling hard for financial goals - which I can confidently say I have reached. Had two jobs which were both great opportunities and I learned a lot. They are very useful for reference in the future, as well.

Seduction-wise, my approaches were more sporadic than the previous semester, but still got laid (HBHistory). Turns out she's perfect when it comes to being a fuck-buddy because she's busy herself and rather independent. As such, she has no issue with not seeing me for a month or what have you. Very slow-paced but perfect considering I was equally busy!

One fun thing she asked me in a oxytocin-rich state was whether "I have a girlfriend... or boyfriends... [she] should know about." So that she doesn't have to have a bad consciousness. Hahahaha. My answer was 11 boyfriends. Then I reassured her. Just found this interesting. Either baiting me for more or just an expression of how I come across.

What I have been practicing diligently is Riker. I thought I had adjectives & adverbs covered, but when I actually sat down to do the exercises it turns out I still have much room for improvement. Just reading through any of Lofty's posts (love you man) shows me I can improve the way I talk and interact with girls.

What has been practiced the most was embedded commands, actually. This is due to one of my two jobs that I got. Trance words are still working their way into my speech, but requires me to actively add them in rather than it happening naturally - so I still have work cut out for me!

The second thing I got increasingly better at was gambit creation. This was inspired by a combination of social circle and Riker. Where I wrote down some topics/stories that happened to me and suddenly felt inspired to write them down. Then I created a structure to put it down where one is the Riker exercise of making a list of adj&adverbs to use.

For reference, this is how it looks like:


  • T1
  • T2
  • ...

Main Idea​

  • I1
  • I2
  • ...

Adjectives & Adverbs to use​

  • Adjectives and Adverbs:​

Topics to transition into​

  • TR1
  • TR2
  • ...

And here, perhaps more interestingly, is an example:


  • Sports, volleyball
  • Blood, pain
  • Injury

Main Idea​

  • Noticed my left sport shoe has larger red mark/colouring at the tip
  • Had some pain in my foot when jumping during volleyball... but simply ignore it
  • Get home: Realize I had a cut somewhere... everything full of blood!

Adjectives & Adverbs to use​

  • Adjectives and Adverbs:
    For transition:
    • Cleansing
    • Rewarding
    • Therapeutic
    • Euphoric
    • Focused
    • Single-minded
    • Feeling free and open
    • Feeling engaged, alive
    • Relaxed

Topics to transition into​

  • When you're having fun... you don't feel any pain! →State of single-minded focus and energy →Very cleansing, rewarding, therapeutic, euphoric... which is why sports is a release and balance
    • Feeling relaxed and balanced in mind, body and spirit afterwards
  • Sports she likes to do, passions which would make her ignore time/discomfort/... to continue doing

  • Are you sensitive to pain?
    • Yes → People like that are also sensitive to pleasure
    • No → People like that usually find themselves focusing more on good feelings, and tend to ignore bad ones... and are much more open and have an easier time in feeling good... and pleasurable, when the situation arises

The last transition in particular I love. Was not expecting to be able to arrive to such a conclusion and transition from the topic of "my foot bleeding and me not noticing" but I found that I usually surprise myself when I with focus sit down and start thinking.

On top of that I feel like I have an increased awareness of the cycle of casual/fun -> Interesting/Engaging -> Exciting/Romantic ->Sex talk ->Back to casual / interesting

Admittedly I have trouble leading it to the last part of sex talk, but have no issue going to exciting/romantic. Need to expand my stories and gambits that I have there though, because some topics I'm not very experienced in talking about. But that's fine and it's good that I get to the point of recognizing it and thus being able to work on it!

But when in conversation, I am now much more aware of if we're on an SOT.

Noticed e.g. with previous one-itis girl how she would steer topics into her version of SOT's. Fascinating to watch. Walking through small gathered crowd of people -> She says "maybe they're here to meet new people" -> Then goes into SOT 'What do you look for in a partner'. Which is a fun topic, especially if you're geared with GC knowledge of... "praising the mind over the body". Hahahaha.

Kinda funny that comes to mind. She says the best is to get with someone who "you're friends with already" as a conclusion to the above-mentioned topic. Then two weeks later she says she wants someone who "can handle her behavior... and thinks it's cute", because this girl is PPP archetype to the extreme. And 30min before I had called her out on some of her bratty behavior... but also framing it as it being cute. She is super successful career-wise, manager of global teams... and still can act like a bratty girl. Girls are girls, eh? ;)

Moving on, I find myself in front on my last few days before I vanish for more than 4 months into forced Military service. Made a post about it asking for advice, because I am determined to make the best of it and make progress wherever I can.


Moving forwards with different aspects of my life. Focused on and got better at Riker, got better awareness of conversational flow and SOT management, found a great way to practice with my social circle inspired gambit structure. Hustled successfully for finances and increasing my CV value and desirability, which opens concrete new opportunities for the future.

Next up is Military service, where I will focus on continuing my ongoing mindset-building and have increased focus on visualization.




Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Just reading through any of Lofty's posts (love you man) shows me I can improve the way I talk and interact with girls.
My seducer heart is getting a little emotional... love you too man.

Don't discount what you've done yourself though! Give yourself some credit because what you do in this journal is beyond impressive... after the military service, I wouldn't be surprised at all if you quickly shake off the rust and see your results explode.


  • Sports, volleyball
  • Blood, pain
  • Injury

Main Idea​

  • Noticed my left sport shoe has larger red mark/colouring at the tip
  • Had some pain in my foot when jumping during volleyball... but simply ignore it
  • Get home: Realize I had a cut somewhere... everything full of blood!

Adjectives & Adverbs to use​

  • Adjectives and Adverbs:
    For transition:
    • Cleansing
    • Rewarding
    • Therapeutic
    • Euphoric
    • Focused
    • Single-minded
    • Feeling free and open
    • Feeling engaged, alive
    • Relaxed

Topics to transition into​

  • When you're having fun... you don't feel any pain! →State of single-minded focus and energy →Very cleansing, rewarding, therapeutic, euphoric... which is why sports is a release and balance
    • Feeling relaxed and balanced in mind, body and spirit afterwards
  • Sports she likes to do, passions which would make her ignore time/discomfort/... to continue doing

  • Are you sensitive to pain?
    • Yes → People like that are also sensitive to pleasure
    • No → People like that usually find themselves focusing more on good feelings, and tend to ignore bad ones... and are much more open and have an easier time in feeling good... and pleasurable, when the situation arises
Wow, this is a fantastic framework you've designed!

And I LOVE your final transition as well. This is some amazing stuff. The type of stuff that can elevate an interaction to a new level and illuminate the path to very pleasurable situations indeed.

You've probably seen that an ability to steer conversations like this is more than a tool - it's almost like a superpower. It's like a you-are-the-GPS type of superpower. So whether it's down the highway to sexyland or in-convo with some co-worker, the world really is an oyster if we have words to crack the shell, isn't it?


Moving forwards with different aspects of my life. Focused on and got better at Riker, got better awareness of conversational flow and SOT management, found a great way to practice with my social circle inspired gambit structure. Hustled successfully for finances and increasing my CV value and desirability, which opens concrete new opportunities for the future.
Reading about all of your progress in this post put a big smile on my face. Well-done Dev, really happy for you!

Best of luck in your military journey. Your four month absence is a big loss for the forum, and you'll be sorely missed. Hoping the forced service at least provides you some kind of fruitful takeaways in the end.

See you on the other side my friend.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015

UPDATE 23.05.2022​

So... and how time flies.

Military service is over. What a ride. Did lots, suffered lots, enjoyed lots, learned lots. Was not eager to go but in hindsight am grateful I had to.

Some things I wanted to focus on turned out to be impossible, whilst others ended up being more prominently doable.

Let me put down some lessons learned.


What I learned in this eventful time. In no particular order.

- Long distance marches are great for self-hypnosis

- Being too tired renders hypnosis useless because you fall asleep

- More people have tattoos than I thought

Being paramedics, there are actually some (strangely enough, cute) girls to be able to make some conclusions. Took it as my happy hobby to interact with them.

-Preselection is real. One girl becomes attracted to you - all girls start acting attracted to you

- Attention grabs and baiting with slightly-exaggerated sexy movements are fantastic to get into conversation with a girl with a strong frame.

- If anything, I developed a pretty good sense of hovering IOI's... because I used it so much in reverse. Practicing "it just happened" meet scenarios. Works so well.

- Reputation concerns can be fatal for girls

- Jealous betas will backstab you when possible if they feel threatened with “their” girl and they get the opportunity. Got backstabbed for the first time in my life this way. Found out and ground that guy to dust socially. Interestingly enough it didn't take much either since he was making himself unpopular anyway.

- Eye-contact game backfire? One thing I’ve been doing is when walking towards a person (girl), I wait until they make eye contact and then do the two-point jump Chase talked about in one old article. It’s where you are looking away, then your eyes move to a point about in the middle between the original viewpoint and her eyes, pause for a moment, and then move again to touch hers. For this case I did it once and it was very effective, but the unexpected consequence of it was the girl not being so eager at staring at me in these situations because she know she will be “caught”. Basically wanting control. Not sure what to draw from this.

- Different game for different girls (HBPolar). This one girl was very dynamic, super spontaneous and creative. Flower talk had rather neutral effects, but next time I went for more of my now-typical getting her off balance with witty yet unconventional replies… and it hit like a bomb. She got incredibly stimulated and it was a noticeable long-term boost in my favor. It’s like I played her game but just better than her. To elaborate how silly it would get, one conclusion after 5minutes of going down the rabbit hole was that the high-dimensional universe has the shape of a tomato. With carrot sticks as eyes and a cucumber as nose. To which I challenge her on it and then ask what happens when you cut it in half. Basically provoking something and then challenging her on her answer, making it even more silly and fun. I suppose we also hit off strongly on that since we both have similar high-running creative minds when there is an opportunity.

- In general, challenging girls was one of the things that worked best overall. Just subtly neg a cute female higher-up and watch her qualify herself… so awesome.

Had the chance to fuck at least 3 girls. One was almost safe then logistics fucked me up, the other was very doable but I had rather used the weekend to catch up on sleep, and the third happened too close to the end for logistics to work.

- Endurance is the main thing you are trimmed and trained for, overall

- Comradeship is truly forged under duress

- Lack of sleep combined with stress is greater “torture” and a test of resilience than heavy physical exercise

- Despite hard times, still strong feelings of loss and nostalgia when leaving. Saying goodbye to people you’ll rarely meet again, knowing you’ll never have the same constellation of people and vibe and dynamics in this special environment still hits you deeper than expected.

- I read Gulag Archipelago. And it is the perfect book to read under these conditions because you realize that no matter how bad things get, even if you exaggerate the worst-case scenario by magnitudes and imagine yourself on the miserable front of a new world war… you are still incredibly lucky in comparison to the poor souls at that time in that place.

- Guys need to goof around. Coming from a ‘tamer’ academic background and thrust together with people from literally all walks of life, you realize how much you goof around together and do stupid yet funny shit. We’d have phases where all we did was randomly tackle each other to the ground. And prank each other. And do harmless-yet-essentially-illegal things. And it simply feels wonderful. Boys are meant to play around… and the spirit of it is rather powerful. Men play around as well, just in different pursuits, but it’s a fantastic reminder and wake-up call. Really thankful of being able to realize this again. Maybe we who were busy struggling even getting a social life missed out a bit on the playing around with it part. So this was the perfect opportunity to re-internalize it.

- Way of insulting each other vs pushing each other up. Another consequence of having truly different people mixed together was the difference in how people and groups interact with each other. For one, ‘intellectuals’ communicate in a more win-win type way where you are in a boat together and push each other up, or at the very least don’t drag each other down. On the other side you have the classic “am I being bullied or am I getting closer to them” scenario where you insult each other and get into fun flame wars. What I did at first was the “being above it” vibe where if someone threw something my way I’d throw a blown kiss back. At some point that wasn’t enough and so I just started firing back. Since I’m not used to this I’m not at the high peak of this but am witty enough to make it count. Reminds me of what BodiPUA (thanks to @Skippy for recommending me the book) where he described the concept of value-tapping: Pushing someone down to push yourself up. I reckon this is what is happening here. Going for respect rather than rapport.

- Nlp saving my ass; Benjamin Franklin Effect, (”I am putting a lot of trust on you by telling you this”). Used this to great effect. Since they can force you to stay as a sergeant for another 18 weeks, it is imperative to stay either under the radar or in the good graces of your lieutenant. A person like me is prime plucking material so it was even more important to do this right. Thankfully I had an amazing lieutenant and I once caught up to them and under 4 eyes laid out a nlp-based rhetoric that started off with “First off, I wanted to ask if you meant what you said before…”. Continued by, “and I hope you realize how I’m taking a great risk standing here in front of you and talking to you,” since until then I had been completely silent in their vicinity and in the background. And then basically got them to help me not be mentioned in the ominous “list” of people to recommend. As for the results? It worked… and 3 months later when I was safe I asked them if I would’ve been put on it if it hadn’t been for them taking me under their protection (see how I framed it so juicily NARC?)… to which I got a wry smile and nodding head. It wasn’t the last time I’d use something like this to different people (e.g. getting away from weekend sentry duty). The lesson here is clear: Influence tech is something far more encompassing than just for seduction!

-[WM Det R] Sergeant of ours who had fantastic fundamentals. Great deep voice, reasonably tall, and a powerful relaxed walk. The guy you were afraid of even if you didn’t care about the rest.

- Rules are dead, people are alive. There are plenty of ways to circumvent rules if you want to. For example, my nonconformist ass strongly disliked the proper form of address you have to give higher ups. So what I’d do upon seeing the sergeant or lieutenant near me is ask the question out loud… in the general direction of other recruits but definitely timed such that the higher ups can feel helpful and needed by answering directly. Worked every time.

- Approaching higher ups within rules and respect (etiquette) required (can be downplayed with nonverbals) allows for being bolder within them interpersonally. Not everyone realized subtle frame grabs. Challenge them on something, then add, “I don’t believe that” to their answer if it’s suitable or some other subtle neg and off you go. Definitely the part of me that likes control doing the talking here. Also on the other side of the spectrum, you can do much more teasing and bantering than others would think. As long as you do it within the boundaries so that no one can directly say you did something wrong. Just stretching it a bit. :)

- Leadership. One thing you notice very quickly is the different leadership styles and more importantly, what works and what doesn’t. Since military authority is to be obeyed, some people abuse it terribly while others just operate within it. It is a great excursion in what true leadership means, because you directly feel the effects of what works and what doesn’t, also knowing the same lessons can be applied civilly. If you are a boss, how do you make your employees work for you? Ordering them around alone will not work, although both good and bad bosses must give their employees their tasks. So where lies the difference? The main points I noticed are these:
  • Abusing of power. Goes without saying, but senseless punishment invokes hatred. On the other hand, if you fucked up and then get equally smeared into the floor, you grit your teeth and go through with it with many complaints but no resentment. Operant conditioning at its finest: If you understand why it’s happening, you can accept it, because you can attribute it back to yourself.
  • ---
  • Being bipolar. A variation of the above. Had a sergeant for a while who was rather bipolar in the sense that he’d be all cool and chill and with us for some times, then randomly switch and we’d get punished since now it was suddenly not ok to be chill with him. You learn this the hard way and then stay away from them. A leader has to be congruent, no matter what the style is. And yet a not liked boss who sometimes is magically cool is better than a liked boss who suddenly punishes you.
  • ---
  • Protecting your people: This one is incredibly powerful. Our lieutenant was incredibly protective of us and would often go against higher-ups for us. A fierce wolfs-mother spirit and it showed. Probably the main factor that won our hearts.
  • ---
  • Being close to the troops. The difference between a leader and a boss. Doing the same shit we are doing draws us closer. Even for group punishments, they’d generally do the same thing. Exception are single-person punishments for someone who really earned a more hefty so-called Bürscht. Punishments are called a “Bürscht”, which comes from the word “bürsten”, which means scrubbing the floor. You can google it and look at the images of the not-for-hair ones. Then think of us recruits and understand why we call it that way.

Overall, what an experience. Also glad it’s over. And naturally glad to be back!! :)

As for my future plans, first I'll take some time to recover my sleep and enjoy the feeling of a tightly wound spring going loose again. After which... the future awaits.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Outing 1: 30.05


First outing since I’m back from the military! Goal is 4 approaches. Went sooner to the city to have enough time before I go to volleyball.

Goal is to kick off the self-imposed Training Week with momentum. In the approaching part of this, it’s not about any results of reactions, it’s entirely about me moving myself to a girl and opening my mouth and letting out sound waves in her direction!

  • Girl in white pants walked past. Didn’t look at me and I didn’t do anything.
  • Dark-haired girl in red skirt. She even smiled at me slightly as we passed!
  • Taller-than-me in yellow cotton blazer. What I did well was turn my path to cross hers at least.
  • Girl in dark green cotton top. Looked cute. Maneuvered next to her but then she was catcalled by a dude coming out of a shop (”Oy, whaaat a kyut litel layday”) and I somehow didn’t feel like approaching her. Utter BS! I know it would’ve been great.

Girl 1: HBSuitcase​

Am in train station at place I’m trying out. Underground but well lit, soft music playing, and at this time not too crazy pedestrian flow.

Tall gorgeous brunette walking past with suitcase. We make eye contact. She’s walking fast and passes me, and I spend 5 seconds debating before I find myself walking after her with the familiar increasing excitement. She goes up these small electrical stairs and I just almost squeeze next to her. Because she has a suitcase I open in English.

“Hey, this is very spontaneous,” I say while making sure to exit it without tripping, “but I couldn’t help but notice you as you passed me, and I thought you were lovely. So I had to come and say hi”. I smile at her. She’s still in the inertial fast pace, so I add, “Are you in a hurry?”

She processes it and in a lovely soft voice says, “Oh, I have to go to work. I’m so sorry!”

“At least tell me your name!” I reply. She smiles and tells me her name. “I’m HBSuitcase. Nice to meet you!”.

Then she hurries off and I let her go.

Maybe I could’ve told her I can walk with her, or just do a hardpush like: “But you have at least 10 seconds, right? So give me your number and we can figure this out together and not have to be in a rush.”

Yes, I will have to do that next time.

Overall, a pretty good first approach after the long break!

Girl 2:​

Black hair, white high-end jacket, black pants, and white shoes with black soles. Strikes me as fashionable. Has airpods on. A bit too old but still that milfy beauty. Again a fast pace so a quick jog after she passes me, and as I pass her I tap her shoulder with a big smile. She looks and takes off her airpods.

“Hey, just real quick… had to say… that… you have the best fashion I’ve seen… all day.” Because that is indeed the case.

She blushes and gets that spiked rush of excitement and adrenaline I remember from my direct-game days. Does that flushed giggle like “Oh wow, where did that come from? It’s so flattering I wasn’t expecting this at all!”

Because she’s a bit older and the point of this training is the approach and anything else is just a bonus, I eject here very naturally.

Left her better than I found her, for sure. It’s almost for certain she’ll remember this for a long time. And it only took 30 seconds on my part.

Spread the love! I believe you’ll get rewarded.

Girl 3:​

Now I’m on the top part of train station. Brunette walking past.

“Wow, hey… do you know who you look… EXACTLY like?” I ask with matching nonverbals. Did well because she mirroredy positive curious intrigued expression (I hope xd).

“… I don’t speak German,” she answers in accented English.

I hate when this happens. Because you can’t naturally deliver the same thing again in a different language with the exact same expressions…

“Oh,” I say and smile, “well, I was saying that… you look EXACTLY… like this one actress.” She smiles but is already starting to turn away to continue her path.

Upon writing this I thought of a way to salvage it better. I’ll say, “Oh, unfortunate. I had something VERY… important to tell you”.

Because I need a strong intrigue bait to counteract diminishing attention span.

Yes, I like the idea. Is what I’ll field test when it happens again.

Because I prefer dealing with this than opening everything in English and then the girl finding out I speak Swiss German just as she does. What kind of meta frame is that?

Girl 4:​

Cute freckled brunette with green eyes.

I time my walk next to hers, then fall back by a step for the setup, then catch up again and tap her arm. Same smile, she takes off her earphones.

“Hey, I have a VERY important question for you… are you from the area?”

“Oh, noo,’ she replies.

“Really? I thought so because you have a…” at this point I look away and start thinking because I forgot exactly how it went in German. “This peaceful… and confident way of walking. Like someone whose been here for 10 years already”.

Oof, it sounds so boring. Principally fine but last part has to change, plus the way I said it I know I can do better.

She laughs this rather social laugh.

I ask her where she’s from.

“20 minutes away. [PLACE],” she says.

“Ohh, [Place]…,” I do a mock ‘tsk tsk’ movement. She laughs again.

“So what’re you here for?” I ask.

“To study,” she replies. I notice she has really nice green eyes. She’s kinda looking at me but mainly away and to the front.

I eye her up and say, “You look like a student.”

Everything seems fine writing this but in person it felt so cringe. In my head I’m thinking, this is terrible! What am I doing! So boring! Going indirect unprepared is just asking for it!” so I eject soon after. (”Well, I was just curious, thanks. Have a great day!”) I don’t know how to feel about this, but I’m pretty good by now at ejecting gracefully.

Proud I approached this one though.

Maybe next time I’d inject Skills’ “Are you single” just to shake things up and be polarizing. In the case I don’t have indirect influence material prepared and at the ready.

Girl 5:​

Redhead BEAUTY. Tall, slim, well-dressed, gorgeous face. Goes in opposite direction as I’m taking escalators up. She’s so beautiful and has silky pants that highlight lithe legs and a perfect butt… I cannot help but turn around and walk after her after a few seconds.

She’s walking fast so I spend minute getting near, avoiding all the people, and feeling my heart pound.

I finally catch up.

“Hey, excuse me…” I start and she stops and turns to meet my eyes.

“I saw you from back there, and I couldn’t help but notice… how great your style is. So I simply couldn’t resist coming over and saying hi.” I am incomparably genuine, speaking from my heart. My voice almost shakes as I say it.

She breaks into a cute smile. “Oh, thanks!” she giggles, and I am in heaven.

Then, in a swift movement, she turns around again and showing me her back, continues walking briskly.

Wide-eyed, I open my mouth and a quiet squeak escapes it. Probably the most embarrassing sound I’ve ever made.

Within seconds I’m chuckling and moving again in another direction.

I’m also thinking, fuck direct! I should’ve just gone for a strong intrigue bait and built up from there! If just to get her out of autopilot she seemed to be in. Does she get stopped so much it’s nothing new to her?? I have to up my game…

No two minutes after I find a spot to sit down and write this.

Overall however, I’m proud that I went after her.

Girl 6 +7​

One didn’t react as I tapped her shoulder, and the last was after volleyball where I had to run to catch my train. Pass her cute brunette ass as she’s standing on escalator, squinty eyes and tell her she seems familiar with a curious smile. Bit back and forth and then I take my train.


Overall, one thing I realize is how going direct is order of magnitudes easier in terms of facilitating an approach. Because you don't think much, don't care much, and can simply rush over and tell her whatever you think of. Meanwhile going indirect you essentially analyze the surroundings, coordinate your timing with spacial awareness to match hers, and have to have strong and targeted verbals to hook her in. I am aware that this is because I'm going for moving targets in what can be more chaotic environments, and it surely is more effective for stationary sets. But the learning curve and calibration you acquire is undoubted!

As a side note, that's why Gun's deep focus openers are as fantastic as they are - you leverage the ease of the mechanisms of a direct approach while maintaining the advantages of indirect.

What I did well​

- Went for the beautiful girls I wanted

- My openers came semi-spontaneously.

What I can improve​

- Lots, but that doesn’t matter for now. The point is to train my approaching muscle, taking action. What happens is irrelevant

In the spirit of actually writing it down:

-Be prepared for up until hook when going indirect

-Persist more

Outlook - Future Deliberate Practice​

The entire point of this is to train my approach muscle. It doesn't matter what I say or how effective it is, what matters to me right now is tackling my probably biggest obstacle to success - simple volume in approaching. Yes I could be doing better but this is sacrificing short-term for long-term gains. And very exciting, I must add, to be back!

I treat myself as a beginner, since that's what I essentially am (upper beginner in my mind). So just approach everything with a novel, curious, and ambitious mind.

As a last side note, I became aware of how I am noticeably more action taking now. I attribute this in part to military, but mainly to Mark's hypnosis audios (Personal Ecology for Men; Foundation Series) that I endeavored to listen in the military when I had some spare time. Was consequent about it for the first 5-6 weeks of at least listening to it once a week. Studies show that it takes 21 times of listening to hypnosis for permanent, lifelong change! That is very doable... and I don't know if I hit that yet but even with what I have I notice a difference.

My multi-pronged approach of making progress even when away from the field seems to show its fruits. Great gains in mindsets and habits.

Now it's up to me to make even more out of it.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
UPDATE 29.07

So, time to update this again.

In short: Went to a pilot course, went on holidays, had an LR-, and had a very interesting TRE experience. Did some approaching but don't have the reports fully written down, and will probably not post them because nothing rather noteworthy.

Only thing I will add is a lesson learned from texting.

Here is the excerpt regarding the approach:

Girl 2​

Cute brunette with these tight sport shorts that highlight her sexy booty walks nearby. I get up and walk after her. It’s only us actually and I’m sure she saw me posted up so for a few seconds I wonder if that’s too obvious.

“Hey, do you know who you look EXACTLY like?” I ask.

Yes, it’s my ex gf, except this girl has a different energy behind her eyes. I forget the rainbow ruse though.

Ask where she’s from. She’s local but I stick to English. At some point she’s kinda pulling away so I tell her, “Yeah, but… this won’t work between us. Your glasses are… way too round for me.” Just Swinggcat’s idea tried here with a really lame reason. First thing came to mind so whatever. And it worked! She’s intrigued again.

Guess what she studies (food science), how she got into it (didn’t know what else to do), her coming back from holidays. She’s a very go-with-the-flow personality so I’m having trouble finding anything that sticks. But at this point I made sure to lock myself in against the wall behind us. I rush the golden question a bit and she has no answer, so I ask what her perfect day would look like. She’s like, why are you asking me this!

“I don’t know, because I’m curious? Don’t you think that’s a good thing? I can go right now otherwise,” and turn away, pause, then turn back. Got her again. Then say my fake time restraint because I felt it was needed. Then soon after, “Hey, I really wasn’t lying when I said I have to go. But you seem like a cool person.”

“Yeah, you too,” she smiles. Then I propose coffee and she agrees. Damn! Not strong interaction, didn’t hit like I wanted, but she still was up for giving me her number and just now texted me back. Lol.

And here is the texting:

Me: Heyy, you won’t guess what just happened
Me: -Devilicious

Her: You ran into your ex?

Me: Noo, just the nicer version
Me: I caught my tram due to a bro "tying his shoe" in front on it xd [fake]

Her: Haha thank you I guess [laughing emoji]
Her: Good for you [celebrating emoji]
Her: I should probably tell you that I have a boyfriend lol [monkey closing its eyes emoji]
Her: We can still grad a coffee (or hot chocolate [tongue out emoji]) if you want, I'm always up for a chat

My fuckup:

Me: That's fine :p
Me: Sure :) Well you already know what I'm getting xd
Me: How's next week for you? I'm on holidays until Sunday from tmrw [sun emoji]

Her: I'm working in [italian speaking part of the country] the whole next week so I can't hen

Me: Ohh, kk. What are you working as there?

Me: [sends pic of funny monument in the town in France]

After that I send her the eyes emoji 5 days later because she doesn't reply.

Her: I'm working in a food truck

Basically according to @Skills the timing of closing is bad, and it wasn't even a soft close. It was bad because it was going on nothing she gave me. So bad timing and no positive compliance. For next time, I should banter more and soft close properly.

The main reason for this post is the outing I had today... where I met up with another member of this forum that lives in the same city as me! I won't tag him yet because I haven't asked him and respect privacy, so I'll just refer to him as Blue.

Outing 2: 29.07 feat [Blue]!​

Best approach was Girl 6. Just skip to that if interested


Met with [Blue] for the first time! We met and went approaching together. Amazingly cool guy with a unique quiet intensity.

It was raining, after a while it opened up again.

Warmed up, did two dress compliments. Blue did one approach that was cool, he locked in expertly, sadly she didn’t stick.

Girl 1:​

Tall blondie with black pants and red jacket. Super sexy. Blue and I eye her pass us, but she has headphones on and is walking fast. We actually go after her direction and see she entered a shop! Blue is like, you wanna? I'm like... ok ok!

I wait until she exits shop, then open with ex-gf opener. Get her to take off her headphones. Was watching and listening to a video apparently. Except she has a different energy behind her eyes. She seems like a joyful person, would she say that’s true?

Here I’m on the spot because she flicks her hair back and agrees wholeheartedly to it. But sadly her train is coming and she has to run soon after.

Girl 2:​

Cute petite black girl walking past with an umbrella. Red top, black pants, sexy as hell. I smile at Blue and rush off to her, and navigate her umbrella.

“Excuse me, I have a very important question…” I start with. “Are you single?”

“I am!” she replies quickly.

“Noooo wayyy… reeeeeeaaally?” I exaggerate, à là @Skills

Get her name (HBUmbrella), some questions ensue. I compliment her top and style, she compliments my hair. “Oh, don’t make me blush,” I say, waving my hand. Then ask what else she’s up to.

“I’m eating,” she says. Well I can see that.

“Oh, really. Wow, that must be soo hard… can you manage?” I tease. Because I feel like this type of humor works better on her. She picks up on it and banters back.

At one point I see her focus her eyes to something behind me and I turn to look. And lo and behold, what do I see… in the distance, a black girl in a yellow dress is pole dancing around a street sign. And it looked good, too!

“Wow, she’s awesome,” I say. “I love people like her. Isn’t it amazing… how when you can be totally free to do what you want, when you want, without caring what others thing… with an open and spontaneous energy,” I say. She lights up and agrees.

Then she tells me she’s 17.

“No way,” I say. Damn. So unfortunate. But she’s hot as hell… actually age of consent here in 16 I found out later.

“So… what now?” I ask.

I will never forget what comes next.

She looks me up and down, and then shrugs with a very nonchalant expression on her face.

“Well, I think you’re hot,” she says casually.

So I get her number on the premise of getting coffee or beer together. She lights up at the mention.

“But you’re paying,” she says offhandedly while putting her number in my phone.

“I got first if you got second round,” I retort.

Doubt I'll really meet up with her. Maybe for the practice.

Girl 3:​

Two Asians. One in pretty pink dress.

“Excuse me, I have an important question…” I open, “how does it feel to be the best dressed person in a radius of 10 meters?”

She giggles and thanks me.

“Except for me, of course,” I add, then we talk a bit and I introduce them to Blue. We actually stopped before and discussed how to open them.

She was asking questions like where we’re from, and when she guesses our ages (24 and 23 is her guess), we just confirm and she’s like, “ok, bye!” and turns around and they leave.

She wasn’t hot enough to merit persistence, but that was weird. Plus English was not so good.

Girl 4​

Standing at lake, cutie with brown hair. Catch her turning her head our way and as we pass her, she turns to other side to still see us.

“Hey… we were just admiring how much of a tourist you are,” I open with boldly, walking towards her. Confirm it with saying how locals don’t stop to appreciate scenery.

We get into conversation, I’m teasing her, and we find out she’s from same place as Blue grew up. Lmao, what are the odds! But her parents are sitting nearby and I see her dad stare at us. Lol.

Then at one point she asks Blue a question and I’m like, aight I’ll dip out and make it one-on-one, and act like I just received a phone call and leave them alone.

A bit after that I see them part ways, and we meet up again and discuss and analyze what we could have done better and what we did well.

Girl 5:​

Girl walking in front of us. Super sexy ass swaying back and forth. Off I go. At the traffic lights I stand next to her.

“Excuse me, I have a very important question… are you from the area?” I ask.

“I am, just from over here,” she replies quickly.

“Oh, I knew so! Because me and my friend were walking behind you and I told him you were from here. Because you have this peaceful way of walking…”

“I have what?” she asks really intrigued.

“A peaceful and… comfortable way of walking. Like you just know the area, feel comfortable in it, and it just expresses itself in the way you walk,” I say.

“Oh… well yes, but it could also be because I’m really high right now,” she says.


Walk with her over the two streets, then don’t want to leave Blue too far behind because he stood still and just close her. Ask if she’s single, she’s not, well actually yes but not in her heart.

Nice booty and face is just ok, so...

Well ok then. Have a great day.

Girl 6:​

Going home, get off train and see beautiful dark-haired girl in deep red dress. Time it so we’re walking next to each other.

“Hey… it’s a really nice color! It’s very… summer like” I say. She smiles and thanks me. I started in German but switched to English.

“It matches the weather,” she adds.

“Oh, so even when it’s raining, it’s good… because it has it’s own aura. Such that no matter what weather it is, it doesn’t matter, because you’ll make your own weather and bring your own mood,” I say. She likes it.

I continue by asking where she’s from (because she obviously doesn’t speak local language). Morocco! I tell her that’s awesome, one of my good friends is from there. She asks his name and I tell her. She can confirm it’s a Moroccan name.

“What about you, do you have a typical Moroccan name?” I ask. And thus smoothly get her name.

Then it’s familiar conversation path of what brought her here, what she likes, etc. She actually gets on the same bus as me (I tell her beforehand, this is my bus. And she says it’s hers too. “Nice. Don’t stalk me,” I tell her).

In the bus I get how she’s starting her own beauty product business and it’s genuinely a deep passion of hers. She asks my name, and wants to know what I do. I have her guess.

She also asks my age. “What do you think?” I ask. She says 25. “Well it’s actually 26,” I reply, and she says, “oh, that’s my age too! Actually I’m turning 27 next week,” she goes. Bingo!

“Ooh, that’s exciting. Do you have any plans? In fact, if I asked you… imagine you have a day off and can do whatever you want… what would you do?”

She wants time for herself. Going to gym and whatnot.

Contrast how work is always people, so time alone is important too.

Here I should’ve added how it’s important to take time for yourself and do what YOU truly desire and want… and not care what others think!!

Also we talk about how she had an interest, but it changed. And I go into how it’s interesting… because no matter if you aren’t interested in it anymore, you found something else you moved on to. In fact, it’s fascinating how there are certain people (gesture to us) who always have something they love, they are interested in, they are engaged in… and stay ALIVE. I can see that spark in your eyes.” This gets to her and she flushes.

Then go into how her startup is her real passion. How she can spend time on it and it doesn’t feel like work. I more heavily qualify her on that.

Of course, we’re in the moving bus and due to experience I know I have to find out where she’s getting off. Do so, it’s one before mine actually. Perfect.

Time it such that we have time when I interrupt her and say she seems like an interesting and cool person, and we should grab coffee sometime because I’d love to hear more. She agrees, and gives me her number.

Adds her name as well. “If you forgot,” she teases. “Well, you totally forget mine already,” I counter. Then she says my name. I just laugh and lightly push her. “You’ll forget when we meet again,” I say, and she replies, “I won’t, I’m very good with names.”

Hahahaha that improvised setup is awesome.

I watch her booty sway as she gets off at her stop.


What I did well​

- Opened the few girls we came across. Good energy while doing so

- Always pushed for a close when interested in the girl. Just went rather direct at times, but used indirect SOT learnings and all during conversation. Covert hypnosis is the end goal here.

- Best indirect approach was last one with red dress. Of course can be even more indirect but I like blaming her choice of clothes for my attention. I take care to frame it that way!

What I can improve​

- Can be more calibrated with energy verging and conversational management

- At times wasn't quite sure what to say. Have stories / gambits at the ready! E.g. @fog s herd gambit or @Lofty s my friend LISA are truly excellent for this.

Outlook - Future Deliberate Practice​

Next week is holidays again (travel is fun. We'll see how much approaching I can do, I'm going for a week with old friends from school to Italy. Road trip style. Will gladly dip them to approach some hottie, so we'll see!

After that... well. I'll surely write about it here when it comes to it. One person reading this knows what I mean ;)

Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
UPDATE for NY Trip

Well, here comes a preface for the pending update. Sitting in the airport, reflecting, as I start writing this.

What characterizes this trip was how it was the first time I really had a longer block of time to dedicate to pickup. Otherwise busy with studies, or hiatus with military. Let's see what came out of it.

What will be the TLDR:
-Went to New York for 12 days
-Met with incredible, amazing people
-Got 3 lays!! HBFlower, HBModel, HBBrazil

Did mainly daygame, but nightgame lays as well. One of which was truly crazy.

HBModel I approached in daygame indirect, she didn't reply to my text. And then, against all odds, in a city of millions... I show up at a venue at night and who is standing there?

I did not even recognize her, but opened with some casual comment. And she recognized me. And I did not recognize her, not sure which model she was I approached xd.

Prob my tightest, most calibrated game there. Good verbals, but mainly good adherence to SMMA principles and use of body language to give space and pull in as needed. And after, holding her naked against me in the AirBnB bed, I get the feedback of what went on in her mind when meeting me, and why she didn't text back. Fascinating stuff.

Let's take a look at the statistics of this trip.


Numbers: 33
Dates: 7 (+5 +1) = 13
LR-: 1
Lays: 3

About half of the approaches led to hooks, which means around 60-80 approaches. 80% of the hooks turned to numbers. A bit less than half came out or were down for dates. 5 girls were down to meeting at some point but fell off or I ran out of time to meet them since I leave already. Some girls left the next day and had no time to meet.

One girl I instadated in the evening that wanted me to walk her to her appartment - but she didn't let me up. I pushed through 'messy appartment' objection but the 'I don't let strangers into my house' threw me off. And had no time to set up date anymore, and she declined the bootycall.

Of the 7 dates, 3 resulted in sex, and overall had 4 back at the airbnb. The three that I didn't manage to pull back were not ideally logistically set up. But I got to see new parts of the city and have my food paid for me, so all's well.

As for spread, on average I got 2-3 numbers each day. Had two noticeable ‘even better’ days, the first Friday where I got 5 numbers, and the last Sat where I got 7, plus that near-miss instadate, as well as the next lay in the end.

The LR- was the korean girl. Double date with @Skippy , we pulled to our airbnb, and got targets isolated. And I got the most ridiculous LMR I've ever gotten. I'll write a report, but in short: ("Do you have the std test result? I'll fuck you right now if you do!!") I'm like, girl... yes of course I have it right here, in my pocket... ??? Got her to the point of saying "I'm cautious, but I'll fuck you anyways," but we were cut short about 10min before it would've happened. Grrr!


Gamewise, my go-to opener was Gun's "Are you from the area", prefaced always by an "important question" for her. Sometimes just go "are you single" after the 'important question' if I felt like it. Simple, easy. Great for warmups.

Then rainbow ruse or cold read, often how she seems creative or how she has part that's quiet and peaceful, and a part that's open an adventurous.

Then usually bait how it's my first time in the US. Have her guess. Got great advice in giving her a hint when she has no clue or seems not so compliant yet.

Then go into NY big city gambit, then into LA gambit (just replace LA with my hometown) and get her two best qualities. The hotter she was, the liklier I'd use it.

Then qualify, probably golden question at some point, or the new modified version I learned and really liked!

After if I haven't closed already I'd perhaps go into my best gay friend, and go into nonjudgemental frames.

At latest here she’d usually ask for my name, and I’d milk the intro by holding her hand for as long as she’d leave it. And also not have it as a business handshake (two girls tried that, I showed them the better way), but where I hold out my hand with my palm up, and she essentially places her hand on mine and I hold it. Akin to as if I were about to kiss her hand.

Always seed date first (and add urgency to close by saying I have to get going to find my friend, and oh I leave soon too) and then do a twist to getting numbers. I realized I have trouble finding Whatsapp of US numbers for whatever reason, so I quickly switched to putting my contact in whatsapp, am then already automatically on my profile so I'd have them text me something creative on the spot. Pinged this idea and got advice that I should just have her text me her name instead. Don't know if it made a difference, but last numbers were nicely consistent in texting back so perhaps it helped.

A few girls reinstalled whatsapp right there on the spot for me, which I found great. And two girls even closed me!! What is up with New York <3

Overall I leveraged tourist frame and urgency rather strongly. Is this applicable to my hometown? Less so, but I'm confident in replacing the tourist frame and corresponding implications with other ways to set it to the same effect. Will have to field test! But here was in my favour, and I suppose I leveraged it well.

Also liked my overall SECT and learned better body language and tonality when approaching. Did SOT talk well and got more practice at it.

I will note that all approaches except two were moving sets. And I got basically all of them to stop. And I learned that I can really walk up to a meter in front of them before turning head and opening - I was overestimating girls peripheral visions. Before I'd tap them on the shoulder, and placate them with body language if I startled them. Which works remarkably well but of course should be avoided. It's funny though how when they act startled, I mirror them and act even more startled then they are, while lightly waving my hand in a 'calm down' fashion - and it works!

And what I noticed is how most girls I opened and stopped would usually give me warm smiles and good positive energy. Mirroring my own smile and state projection, getting the mirror neurons firing. I really practiced it and it's showing results! On top of that, I was closed twice by the girl herself, which I’ve never have happen before. One turned into a date, the other was the first lay of the trip HBFlower. Will write the LR and the other ones once I find time!

Overall, I doubled my laycount from three to six within the span of a week! First lay was Tue last week, last one Tue a week later on my last night. I had two dates scheduled for that night and sadly didn't manage to fuck both. I fucked up 6pm date, but 10pm ended up successful. Quite a new feeling of having two dates for one evening. Overall, I get the feeling that New York is simply paradise for a visiting daygamer!

One interesting thing to note is how me and Skippy texted all our ‘dead’ numbers an essential ball-in-your-court ‘let’s have no-strings attached sex’ by Gun. Two girls actually responded! One said I was too young for her, the other that she doesn’t to ONS’s. Then sent @Skills ‘low pressure meet and greet’ adressing objection, and they did not reply until after I had already left. But a very strong tone of ‘if you’re back here I’d love to meet you’. Was admittedly nervous sending something so bold and as such was very positively surprised by the warm responses. Definitely expanded my worldview there.

The AI's in NY are so abundant and obvious compared to my hometown. I wonder whether it's because NY is way bigger and thus much more volume, has an open culture, or it's simply a limiting belief on my part! Had the same thought in Paris. In NY girls are so open and forwards! Compared to my by international standards small city. At least feels that way.

Whatever the case, it simply does not matter.

Maybe I prefer if it's harder, because that hones my skills more... I get very inspired by that thought.

Overall, I learned a lot, experienced a lot, and slayed a bit.


What a great life.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
You're an inspiration my guy. Can't wait to read the reports in more detail :)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
closed me!! What is up with New York <3

Overall I leveraged tourist frame and urgency rather strongly.
Nice dude love to see it. If you're down would love to exchange dms about things that helped you and stuff I could implement for myself. Maybe I should pretend to be a tourist in my own city!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Update Bruxelles

So, went to Brussels from Friday to Monday alone. Also gamed quite a bit.

Am frustrated. Very, deeply, frustrated.

Got a shit ton of numbers. Almost none even replied or panned out.

Also got four closer-misses (wanted to say near misses, but what do I know), and two more promising situations. The near misses especially frustrate me.


1) Gorgeous Japanese girl
Walked past at night and opened her situationally, soon we're very close. Soon walk with her 15-20 minutes through the rain as I whisper hypnotic things into her ear. Then we arrive, and... she doesnt want to let me in. At all. Has a roommate.

In desperation, I find out she has a boyfriend in Japan and I presume cannot allow her roomies to catch any wind of me at all. I live in 6er dorm (mistake!!) Which is cheap but makes pulling unlikely :( Also made mistake, my persistance at some point was just 'come on come oon, it'll be fine' and addressing the objections, which I feel didn't help in this situation. She wasn't on the edge, she was entirely apprehensive.

2) Mexican dancer
Met at hostel after coming back from Jap girl, asked if the seat was taken. We vibe very well, I have us walk around outside looking for a place to escalate, but it's freezing and raining. Do sex talk, set non-judgemental frames, she's reciprocating touch. But in the end still doesn't want to escalate and vanishes in her dorm room. Dammit... I feel like had I been able to arouse her more, it would've been hot sex with this sexy dancer... it was her last night too.


3) Local girl from NG
Went to bar alone, had good convos, then opened three set with two girls and dude. Sadly dude fucks off soon, which will bite me. I hook my girl strongly, run strong SOT's, really intense eye contact she comments on repeatedly.

One thing I loved her saying: "You know, I'm normally not a confident girl... but with you, I feel like one". I honestly find that beautiful and means I'm doing something right.

Well then go for pull, she doesnt want to leave friend so they go bathroom for The Talk. Come back, sadly have to go home. :(( Her friend was cute too, why couldn't dude have stayed!

So got number and seeded Sunday date. Which doesn't pan out since she's feeling tired (BS) and I call her and push through several objections (was interesting how she gives me one, I think oh man could be, but then pace and lead and suddenly she's like 'oh.. ok, yes then yes'). But wasn't enough.

4) Girl from my country met at hostel.
So by now I realized just non-judgemental frames aren't enough, that just makes her feel allowed - but what I want is also making her want it.

She's sitting on single couch on phone, I sit on larger couch next to her. Then ask if she sees any electrical sockets on her side.
She asks me where I'm from (easiest opener ever at a hostel omg, love it) and I have her come sit next to me. By now we switched languages so I improvise my gambits on the spot. Connection gambit, etc.

Because this is a personal focus for this trip, I make sure to exude strong sexual aura and move and speak correspondingly.

She has trouble unlocking her phone, when it does... it shows Tinder.

She's embarrassed, I jump on it to set strong non-judgemental frames, be free, you deserve it, holidays are great for fun. Also contrast weirdo online dudes that you don't know what you're getting into with meeting sexy charming people im real life where you just feel the vibe naturally and deeply, even without knowing the details of the person. She agrees, she downloaded it extra for here, wants to try it out. She also prefers meeting people in real life. In fact, she asks excitedly if I met anyone here, and I act coy and bait it and just paraphrase another lay. She wants a pic, so I show her the profile picture of the hottest girl I got the number from in this trip (a real hottie bartender on her way to work).

She tells me story of how her two friends once hooked up with the two guys from their room, top and bottom bunk bed...

So I'm thinking, man she's DTF and going on Tinder to fuck, and she's responding well to me. But soon she's like oh she has to go to prepare (and has been occasionally texting the guy). We've talked for 10-15 minutes.

Now, influenced by one Brussel PUA from a group I saw cold approaching and cold approached one dude myself ("Hi! I saw you cold approaching from over there, and I couldn't help but say hi," I say. Without missing a beat, he puts out his hand and we shake firmly. "A fellow field daygamer, nice to meet you," he says. Yes, we number closed each other. LR may or may not be coming soon ;)

But they are all super big on sexual prizing, to ridiculous heights (and DHV, for that matter. I'm not convinced). Well their top dog has been at it for 2 years and gets 4-10 lays a month, and he seemed to hook every set he opened. Nice to see! It inspired me to up my own sexual prizing for my style of indirect game.

Well anyways, in the moment I though, well lets just go for it. After qualifying her I tell her, "You know, you're cool... now I'm not sure if I should ask you whether you want to go to your room... and we enjoy our last night here together. No strings attached."

She's like hmm noo she has to get ready and I go ok let's just walk to your room and decide then.

We go to her room (where she is actually alone currently!) but she doesn't let me in. I try to persist but doesn't work.

As I walk back, I'm very pissed at myself. If I spike like that, I should do it properly, in exquisite arousing detail how I'd pull her hair, tease her mercilessly, and make her want to cum like crazy... but not allow her. Not half-ass that shit.

And in retrospect, it's also a bad frame. I should have done more sexual prizing, and as a very astute person mentioned, social frame was lacking if she left me for some random online Tinder dude. I mean yes she was out for having the experience of getting with someone from Tinder, but still... I can't believe it.

Frustrated beyond belief!!

In the morning I actually meet up with her again because we both check out at same time and she wanted to get waffles with me. Well, fine.

I do pretty much nothing else other than heavy sex talk, good sex, prize on Tantra sex and really sell it hard, how healthy it is getting many orgasms, walking through world flushed and great and feeling amazing, how important it is to find someone like that... it's funny doing it not in English. Never tried it. Get what she likes (choking, public sex, dominant guys) and she wants to know what I like. Being dominant, and not allowing her to cum are my answers (funnily she only said choking, then asked me and I said being dominant, then turned it back on her and she said she liked dominant guys).

Another good news, I'm moving out! Between Oktober and November. Not logistically perfectly incredible but at least I can conceivably pull home soon!

Oh and had two instadates with genuinely beautiful women.

It seems like I was much more successful with attempted-SDL's than I was with my normal process of getting numbers. Don't know why, but almost no number responded... including really good interactions. Is it because my time here js so short? I got like 15 numbers on my first day.

Also had situation with Georgian girls I met again and we signed up for same walking tour. My target was coy but interested and called me at 1:30am on Saturday night (so Sunday morning) to see where I was but wouldn't leave her friends, and their hotel is 30min by train away.
Was eye-opening to me how when we met (waffle shop line) and sat together, when I have them tell me words in their language I make the remark that dirty talk must sound so funny in their language. And without skipping a beat these petite innocent-looking girls are talking about how they prefer English in bed. Seems like a good transition into sex talk for foreign girls, so wanted to write it down here.

Am in general introducing sexual topics much more often and deliberately now, and the results are truly opening my eyes and propelling my game (I think?). I am undoubtedly too tender still.

Also it was incredibly easy to stop girls here. Like, strong eye contact with a smile as they walk past was sometimes already enough. But I'm also getting way better at positioning myself for 'accidentally noticing her'.

First day I went touristy route where I open asking if they're from the area, then maybe getting recommendations, but I stopped doing that because I disliked how easy it was to get numbers that way, that would be correspondingly unresponsive. So went for situational openers about the city that I noticed (e.g., sooo easy to ask if the insanely temperamental rain is normal here after you set yourself up near her), or the normal DFO. Much better results that way. Interesting, because in NY the first also worked.

Approached the MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL I have ever seen. Ukrainian blondie in a twoset walking the streets.
And then... technical issues. She has no whatsapp, her calling me somehow doesn't work.
@Skippy remarked that exchanging email might be only good solution then xD But that was a very frustrating experience as well. GORGEOUS!!! And reacted well to me!!!

Now I know what to aim for. Holy moly guacamole. I can see how men fought entire wars over women now...

Oh and one hot blondie with a dog I walked back home to her appartment on Sunday evening, talking about love

Going back home now for the new semester. Will be busy with that, sports, and my jobs. But game has to be part of it!

After the waffles today, I was walking towards a café and spotted a beautiful tall dirty blonde Belgium girl standing under shelter as it rained. I walked past, looped around inside, and positioned myself next to her. Opened on the rain, get she's from nearby, deep dive a bit on what she does and her passions, and run the connection gambits. Then put my number on her phone and have her text me. She replies very happily to my response.

And I just think... how amazing is that? Seeing, admiring, and sniping for the beautiful women I want in my life... and in my bed?

How far I've come. I can meet girls rather consistently now and get numbers. So now... ready for the next step.

Overall, I quite liked Brussels. I was just here for the longer weekend and still had a good amount of opportunities.

Even though... I'm so frustrated at the same time.

Let that be my drive forwards.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Update 11.10

Best line from my female friend yesterday: "Sorry, are you a date? Because you're a 10/10."

Came back from Brussels and was immediately busy with the new semester. Spent the last 3 weeks getting everything on track, getting ahead of things, and making new friends.

Here's the drawback of indirect game.

It's exceptionally easy to open girls from lecture and exchange numbers. And then become friends.

So you find yourself... just talking to and being around... girls. And they all see me with the other girls. I legit started to start talking to guys too just to show I have guy friends too xd.

I have no interest in opening guys! Although I do make new connections when I have to. Yet I just seem to open girls wherever I go!

I almost forgot what social circle game felt like. Way too easy in terms of social key. But I don't want to shit where I eat, so will keep it at a low.

Speaking of which...

I've gotten my cuban female friend smitten. Didn't really mean for it to happen, but of course I practice all my gambits and sexual framing on her and... she's legit the most promiscuous girl I've ever met. And it seems I've gotten good enough for it to hit in this case.

Working strong anti-logistics, when I was at hers I got her objections handled and horny... she nearly jumped me then and there. Must say I liked the way I paced and led her all the way.

Kissed but nothing more because I had to leave. She'll text me and try to set up logistics, saying she wants me and my kisses, but I'm a busy man and totally happy to leave it in the air until I happen to have time. If it fizzles out, even better - she's too valuable a willing subject for my erotic hypnosis training (she loves the idea and is super eager to try it).

Love this girl. I even met her ex husband recently, had this tall dominant dude in mind... turned out to be the opposite.

She is the type of girl that married young, got divorced now over 35, still looks like 25 max but is overall hungry to catch up. Also means she plays no games whatsoever, is just completely honest.

Quite a refreshing creature. Maybe I'll decide to sample her sexy ass.

Moving on, I finally could go approach today for the first time. Did 4 approaches, all stopped, 3 hooked, got two numbers. What I'm field testing is setting up date and then giving number under my now voiced premise of, "I'm giving you my number because I feel like I can trust you... I can trust you, right?"

On another note, there are two other things I'm experimenting with. For one, whether having a relaxed / intense facial expression while walking, or whether to have a smile. There seem to be merits for both.

Secondly, in line with the concept of priming and trance, I've been using this with female friends. Where I pace and lead the moment, the activity, the positive emotions it makes you feel... and then ask, and how do you feel?

Much like how Major Mark does when he takes subjects out of trance, when he like, "eyes open, wide awake, feeling wonderful and relaxed... and how do you feel?"

Because for these moments, they are still under trance and susceptible to commands. So you command them to feel good, making it real, and then ask how they feel... simply cements it in their minds and makes it their decision.

And I did find it work! Now whether it's because the priming, or the pacing and leading, or abundant social key, I don't know. Will integrate it into cold approach and see the results.

Am still busy, but can now make a bit of time again. Will be moving soon, am in the process of it now actually, in November I should be in my new home.
