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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Teeny Tiny Update (14.10)

Literally that.

Went out Wed too, despite being tired as hell. Went to the gym as well during the day. Thought about going home directly but then also knew I simply had to go approach anyways. Am carrying around my heavy bag as well, like in the good old days. No excuse to not go.

5 approaches, 1 number. One two-set - I feel like it's actually rather easy to get numbers when it's a group, but the response rate is way worse. Was like that in Brussels anyway. Especially going indirect. So didn't go for number because they weren't properly hooked. Mistake?

And first 3 were honestly more warm-up. Last one (number) was me asking her if she knows any good smoothie places (I had one in my hand since I had decided to splurge) - and then just go into Discovering New Aspects About a City SOT I came up rather naturally on the spot. She also replied eagerly to my text. Important to quickly qualify her on being awesome for seeing things the way she does to cememt hooking frame. Can't have her fall in the tourist-response autopilot.

Of the two numbers from day before, one didn't reply but other did, delayed, after my ping. We'll see what comes out of it.

Thursday was international. Just did 2 on my way home, one only spoke Italian and I do not, the other I opened on the train because she spoke Spanish and I wanted to practice! She was hella cute too.
Went very well, but of course I misjudge time until her stop and I don't manage to close... ugh I should've remembered.

One funny thing though was that she sounded incredibly sweet in Spanish. Then when she switched to English to say some things... it would somehow sound very bitchy! So I switched us back because I want to hear her sweet voice xd.

Today, just did one approach on campus and also got her number. Wasn't sure if I wanted to because she's just ok face-wise but then I looked at her sexy legs in tight jeans, and knew the answer (I love female legs so much! Don't know why, it's what I look at after her face. Leads to a great ass and simply turns me on all around).

Also replied well to intrigue-bait second text.

Overall, I've been going either Gun's DFO 'Are you from area', or just open with general situational question and immediately go into SOT from there.

Seems to have been working well this week.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Update 18.10

Went on a date yesterday. With girl whose number I got last week. Almost fucked up texting by jumping too quickly on the soft close, but thankfully I left a good impression when we met and she came back after a good morning ping with logistics.

Super cute and sexy blonde that reminds me immediately why I love them so much the moment I see her walking and smiling to meet me. Total OCP type, very active and likes to do things, you give her one topic and she'll continue with it to something she just thought of - so SOT's had to be done really well to have them hit properly.

My goal for the date (was at 2pm, had lecture at 4) was to set sexual frames, which I managed to do in a rather nice fashion:

Went from asking her how she felt she is perceived by others, and how she perceives herself. She really loved this topic and I notice a strong interest from her about cold reading herself. Will do this in the future then, nicely NARC.

Then when she asks me back I tell her how I used to be really shy due to how I grew up, and learned to be introverted. And then at one point, I decided I wanted to know how to connect with interesting, select people, and be able to talk and share with them, so I learned how to do so (I frame it like this). And in the process, you learn a lot, learn a lot about yourself, about other people... in fact, you learn about societal things you hadn't realized before that may surprise you. Like for example, one thing you learn... is about female sexuality. Like how society somehow judges girls for being sexual? Like if I sleep with 10 girls, I get high-fives, but you sleep with 10 guys, get judged? How unfair is that...

She tells me she hasn't really experienced any of that judging, always had good experiences. Nice!

Also lead towards how connection is important, also for good sex... actually. I don't even like sex! Nope. Only... good sex ;)

Then transition into some mundane topic again for fractionation.

She's a medicine student doing internship here until November, currently working night shifts. Let's see.

Moving on, went out yesterday after the lecture as well despite feeling incredibly tired. Did around 7 approaches but was in new area where honestly the women were on the older side so I'd eject relatively quickly. Did get one number from a tall blonde foreign girl that was also older and didn't speak much English. Opened her because I wanted to demonstrate the group opener to my new wing that @Skippy and I used successfully in NY. She soon straight up asks me how old I am (I tell her 25), interrupts me if I am a student, asks soon after if I have a girlfriend. I want to leave while it's hot so do a false time constraint soon after and exchange numbers - maybe I should have just figured out if she was free then and there. But had to wake up early the next day, so who knows. Something to keep in mind. I'm a bit too used to just getting the number and going from there to be honest. Probably a limiting belief hidden there!

Today (19.10) went of date with girl from Uni, French, somehow turns me on so much despite being rather skinny. Got a bit too bf / gf at the end (her asking: You hug just me? After I qualified her with another hug, just because, and us holding onto each other.) So had to tell her I just got out of a relationship and wasn't looking for anything (made up story. I honestly am not too sure how to bf disqualify properly, besides framing freedom and non-commitment as good. Which I did after as well). We have a group project together this semester so actually am hesitant. But still find myself making moves.

Oh yes, this girl told me she loved my voice. I "made a mistake" when I sent her a voice message once, because "you don't know how many times I listened to it," in her words. Also the "deep way I look at her" (state projection. She just gets me so horny).

I realized I have this problem in social circle. Where up until now I'd always just game the girls as usual, because it was not enough for anything to happen anyway and it's great practice.

Well now after this summer I came back and am faced with the fact that... it is indeed working. Almost too well - I don't want drama! Plus social circle kind of implies getting together afterwards and I do not want a girlfriend now. At least not with these girls, lovely as they may be. Honestly don't know what I'll do when I sleep with a personal 10 here in my hometown... because I know I'll want to fuck her more but also know I have seduction goals I have to work towards and love working towards, so how could I commit? Maybe I just have to get burnt playing both angles to learn, who knows.

Mental masturbation perhaps. Just go out and actually fuck 10 more women, only then think about trivia like this.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015

TLDR: Went out anyways and got a number from 5 approaches.

Was so tired today. Somehow fatigued. So busy with semester and my two jobs that I just feel more lethargic somehow.

To the point where even my new female friend texted me after parting if everything is ok... because I seem down.

I thought about it and realized that one part may be due to a lack of sports recently. Since I was so busy. So I decided to go play volleyball in the evening.

Then I get the option of going out for approaching before sports... and I stick to it. Not despite being tired, but because of it - it's actually a nice feeling going out and doing what you have to do for your goals with a certain level of grit and commitment. So pushing through the harder days like now and this week in general cements it deeper and more effectively.

Did like 5 approaches in the hour, got 1 number. She replied as well! Even though I probably wasn't quite on point. 19yo film student, real cutie.

It seems I did get a number every time I went out, ranging from 1-8 approaches per outing.

Moving on, have a dinner tomorrow and on Saturday am meeting with my latina female friend that invited me for "late night drinks and perhaps a movie" on Saturday... she's somewhat of a nympho since her divorce and I framed my way through her objections last time. So we'll see! Again, I don't even mind not doing anything because she's more valuable as a willing erotic hypnosis subject. Have to get back into continuing learning about that from Major Mark.

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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Update 30.10

LR HBCuba happened.

Besides that I finally finished moving today! Am sitting in my new room, at my new desk, with a new view, writing this old and familiar journal.

Last week I went heavy on sports and it really helped me a lot. Was so much fun and just gives you an incredibly freeing, powerful feeling overall.

Not so much approaching thus but one I will like to note down here. Was standing at bus station late at night, close to home, and this girl with the perfect body stands close to me. I had masturbated to a girl just like her just the day before, so I really had no choice.

Sadly she doesn't really hook and we end up drifted apart in the packed bus. But before it's my stop I think to myself, ok to hell with it all, and stand up to maneuver next to her. Now, in daygame I've gotten past the phase of being stopped by others seeing what I do, but here I was in the bus literally surrounded by people sharing the same air and most didn't have headphones. I stare this guy right next to us in the eyes for a bit before I turn back to the girl, and basically tell her I realized she seems pretty interesting actually, and it's my stop next, but if she would be up for a coffee sometime...

Has a boyfriend. But it's not about the results, it's about me doing the best action I could've. For next time I should go faster into an SOT because I was too long too casual; and when closing I could experiment with asking for a "low key" coffee.

This Saturday, went to a Halloween party with my two new female friends. Of course we're a bit dressed up (they more than me) and I get big preselection boost by having these two sexy girls in my arms whilst dancing and outside. Get two promising leads, one is a girl that I met once 1.5 years ago at their flat party and she literally remembered my name... I was genuinely stunned. She said I left an impression on her, being "social, open, and... seductive". She said it almost exactly like this. Got her number before leaving, we'll see.

So now I'll have to finish setting myself up in my new place, get behind some things for studies, and go approach as well.

Oh, went on a date last week too with one of those number-closed girls from 2 weeks ago, and 15min in she tells me about her boyfriend. Definitely the type that is not really good with people and would misunderstand situations.
Well, totally ramped up lover behavior with her, got into sex talk but must admit I won't retake that particular angle I approached it from again (different cultures = different perceptions of what's good. E.g., alcohol USA - Europe, also sex... ; but my mistake was to link it to drugs somehow via listing and that immediately frames it as something potentially harmful. Then it got into how each person decides for themselves what's good for them, which sounds good now writing it out, but then the frame was just not so perfect because I'm going for let's-have-discreet-sex frames and this one implies she can decide that it wouldn't be good for her. Hmm. Oh well).

Also was as touchy as I could get away with.

Now I'm not even sure if I want to invite her again, she lives 2h away and commutes on certain days, maybe I will invite her for coffee or beer relatively close to mine and just go for the pull. If she's down, well perfect, but won't expect anything. Might as well give life a chance to surprise me!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Update 01.11

Went out today with my wing. Five approaches, three numbers. Was frustrating, because...

Girl 1: Gorgeous girl from Peru. Married for 3 months, came here for boopsie. Still close and get her number and she responds. Opened with "area" opener and this time kept eye contact intense, because I realize if I don't my chances go down by a lot.

Girl 2: Married. Doesn't give me number.

Girl 3: Waiting for boyfriend. She's Italian, here for a week. Gives me number, but I don't expect her to even reply.

Girl 4: Single (?), hooks, but doesn't want to give her number. "She's good," she says. And here I thought it was going well.

Girl 5: Close successful, but asks me what my intentions are because "I'm taken". I reply, "You know, I felt like you seem like an interesting person, and sometimes you just feel the curiosity to see where things lead to."

She actually replied, let's see.

All girls were super hot.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Update 09.11

So, both unfortunate and weird moments.

For one, went on second date with blondie nurse. Total OCP mixed with SUB in hindsight. She was leaving soon after, but I had no logistics since I promised my roomie to not bring home anyone until the finish their thesis end of November. What I did do was pull to my backup plan, a certain room at Uni I have keys to, and I do indeed pull by telling her I need to pick up a USB drive, but once there she had closed off body language and I don't manhandle kiss her. Mistake... because afterwards she was super spiked emotionally. Even drives me home, the sweetie.

God damn it OCP types. Although I feel I did a pretty good job nonetheless and if I could've pulled her home, my chances would've been much better. Oh well. Perhaps more and better sex talk to get her super aroused via verbals would have been the thing I lacked here. Since I did stimulate her emotionally and set good frames.

Secondly, the first girl HBPeru from last journal entry actually came out on a date! I was experimenting with spicy hot chocolate as a texting soft close (will scrap this again), and she responds 2 days later suggesting wine instead.

Well when we meet, she shows up... with her husband in tow. I'm like... wtf... but of course don't show anything and just act social and nice. Then he leaves after a few minutes and me and his wife go to buy some wine to drink together. What is happening. It seemed like he was jealous and wanted to meet me, but since I went fully indirect and the girl was excited (she's still waiting for working permit and has a lot of free time) he couldn't find grounds to refuse.

Well my goal was to transition into sex talk, which I do. I'm getting better at the non-judgemental frames and living for yourself, but still lack sexual prizing gambits like 8 orgasm routine or other options which I can't think of right now. At most I will go for the "I don't even like sex. No... I like good sex" gambit, and how feeling free and allowed to be yourself fully results in best sex with strong connection.

Overall definitely need to work on this.

Today went out again, was raining, got 2 numbers. Will experiment with texting them, "Hey, I just noticed something about you," and then "~Dev", and then when they reply just say that I will have to say it in person. We'll see how it works.

One funny thing I did today was talk to my wing here what the most cringe opener you could possibly do would be. Like if you could go, open a girl, and then rewind back time 3 minutes so it never happened... what would you say?

In the moment, I thought, hmm, something completely ridiculous, like... "Hey, I'm an orange banana".

Well. There are two girls standing by the same light as we are. And I think to myself, isn't this a great time for pushing myself? I turn to them and say, "Excuse me," and get their attention. They are two hot girls. Their eyes lock with mine, and I say slowly and intently, "I am... an orange banana."

With a serious and intent expression, I hold the silence and stare them in the eyes as they process what I just said. This seems to draw out for infinity.

"Just kidding, you know those moments where... you push yourself, to learn? It's what I'm doing right now," I laugh, stumbling over my words a bit as I find whatever excuse. Just to see how I would explain something like that. The light turns green, they, still giggling, walk off as I ejected preemptively. Maybe momentum but I did not feel any anxiety at all, just fun. Goes to show how far I've come already.

What a fun life.

Overall, I seem to be getting a date every week so far with going out once or twice a week. Now it's about refining sex talk and my escalation. Can't wait to reap the results of my work with all these sexy passionate girls in my bed.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Update 22.11

So in the past 2 weeks I was mainly busy with studies and sports. Nonetheless, still went out at least once every week and got some phone numbers. Had a date last weekend with Italian girl that tested me super hard, and even indirectly told me she likes to "test" people to see what they do.

She's actually from extended social circle, and we went for beers. My goal for all dates this month has been to transition into sex talk, which I do here as well. In fact, I went from connection gambit into erotic hypnosis as something I'm learning, and found it actually sets some really good frames because the girl assumes you can do it. But won't do it in the future unless I actually learn in properly xD Was just feeling experimental.
Well then I get her to invite me home with the premise of "bottle of wine" but as we get off the bus she goes, "actually, I'm not going to open a bottle of wine for you. You're not worth it," as an example of the tests she would do. I'm basically just non-reactive, saying, "Oh yes totally. That's fine, I'll have water then," but back at hers her roomies are there and she ends up kicking me out by suddenly mentioning her boyfriend and then saying I should go back.

Since I see her sometimes for sports I really don't care to rock the boat and make a bold move. Next weekend she actually invites me to what is framed as a demanding "give me pleasurable conversation," which I decline since I'm busy and don't like the frame. She answers with, "I'll go find pleasure elsewhere then," and I reply ,"Great. Pleasure is always good." Boyfriend and somewhat social circle - sorry girl, I'd rather just pass.

This weekend had date with number from last week, a simply gorgeous brunette with large blue eyes. HBTeacher. She shows up dolled up and looking fantastic. She is 28 and a teacher, and was in a 10 year relationship that ended 2 years ago. I peg her as SUB. Again go into non-judgemental frames with the Easy Girl gambit which I quite like since it's so easy to transition into. "You know, recently we had some drama. Two people dating. One point, guy tells us 'she was so easy'. Us going wtf man, she trusted you and felt comfortable, and you judge her for it??"

This one had tested me more via text prior to meeting up. Oh and she paid for the smoothies! And in fact, Italian girl had paid for my beer as well... I'm getting the hang of this.

The funniest thing though, was how during the date my phone started vibrating in my pocket. Someone was calling me. I did not pick up and only checked after seeing HBTeacher off. Then I see who it is... and it was this one girl I approached 3/4 weeks ago! It was when the guy I was winging with had a date after our session and literally already had bought a wine bottle to bring to the restaurant, with the idea of pulling home to drink it. I'm not so convinced but he wanted to try it out and I respect that. Field testing above all else! Well I told him to give me the wine bottle so he could approach better (still has AA) and then open this girl passing by, "Hey, important question... my friend has a date tonight and I bought him this wine since he needs one. Do you think it's a good one?" Just came up with it on the spot!

Well I get the girls number but she's busy and meeting up falls through, especially since she says she has a boyfriend and I'm too lazy to persist. Well... this girl is the one that called me now! And when I call back she tells me how we dropped off, maybe because she said she had a boyfriend, but if I want to get drinks sometime. I say, "oh, you're boyfriend is no problem at all," and she just goes, "oh, reeeallyyy..." rather sensually. Scheduled her for Saturday to come over to mine but am expecting her to get ASD and have it fall through. But I'm coming home late from a trip and don't really have time for a 3bounce or anything. But mainly laziness on my part too, which is not good. No skipping steps! Soon December comes around and I'll be able to bring girls home. Since now I promised by roomie not to since it's his thesis' deadline and he needs to work on it. Kinda BS but prefer stability and having him on my side.

Wanted to add this. Went out today again despite it being freezing! And found a new area that's good for approaching, especially after 6 when everyone comes from work. All the super sexy foreign finance girls seem to be here. Got one number from the shorter outing, she was gorgeous and petite... and just as freezing as I was xd.


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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Update 30.12

Time to do another short update! Can't believe it's been a month.

For one, got injured, was in crutches, and got laid despite it. HBItalian.

Did a lot of meditation, body awareness, and state polarity exercises. I must say this is one of these things where the more you do it and the deeper you go, the deeper you realize all the benefits in all sorts of ways you couldn't imagine. The power of the subconscious (and one aligned with your consciousness and goals!) is out of this world and I feel like a real accelerated path towards maximum effectiveness and simply flexibility, resilience, and power of mind.

Plus it's incredibly fun, too. It's fun anyway to work on seduction as a skill where you change yourself accordingly, and this is one step above that where you change your literal thought patterns, mindsets and worldview for the better. At least at this point in time it feels like it to me. Has great benefits for game but is not the main point, it's more personal and tackling life as a whole.

Anyway, now am in deep study phase for exams because I have way to many exams in way too short of a time. I am doing nothing else other than studying. Will go out in New Year but that is it.

Another interesting observation to me are my two female friends. I hang out with only them basically. HBTennis in particular is an interesting case. She's super cute and has the biggest, and I truly mean biggest, natural boobs I have ever seen. I still don't believe they're fully natural. Well she's kind of short and thus is into really tall guys. But the thing is, I have never seen her give any AI or even attention to guys she liked. She gets a lot of attention and guys coming after her at parties - and she will completely ignore them. I have not seen her in a man-to-woman conversation in all the time she has been here. But then a random hot tall guy walks past and she whispers with an excited look in her eyes to the second girl.

Plus she is actually a very... sensual girl. The way she moves, talks, and acts is very sensual in a sense. I have even noticed myself mimicking some of it - it's crazy how you pick up things unconsciously. Need to be more deliberate with it.

And... she is always on her phone. Way too much. Scrolling insta or whatever, doing some snapchat pic to send with one tap to the 20+ people she corresponds with there (I was shocked), or just browsing and texting... she's almost always on her phone. And I know a lot of girls are too. I don't fully know what this means for future generations... but I don't think it's too good of a thing. Massacred attention spans, for one. Worse social skills? For us seducers this may not even be such a bad thing, since if our competition (I never think about competition but here it may make sense in a macro perspective) is also on phones and getting limiting beliefs, worse social skills, and worse attention spans than us... makes girls more receptive to real game.

Or it may be total kj. Who knows, who cares, as long as we go out and seduce these pretty minxes into our lives and beds, as we always have.

Or at least get through exam season intact.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Oh my. Next update!

Update 25.01.2023

I remember reading through other members' journals here and being incredibly impressed when their journal update started off with an, "Another lay, HBXyz."

Well. Lay HBSmile!

Started off the year on a good note!

Finally finished exams; and actually had a chance to bang my friend (female - hahahahaha). HBPiano. Where HBTennis had already flown back to their home country but HBPiano was still here one day longer, and we went out together. We always have had some fun tension and touch between us.

There came a point where it was completely on and I just knew I could have pulled her home. But I didn't, because... this would be so messy. We literally see each other almost every day- so no thank you!

Was honestly hard but in the end I believe I made the right choice. But nonetheless, I remember looking at her when I met her, especially looking at her legs in tight light blue jeans, and wondering how it would feel like in bed. And now, I got to the point I could actually have tasted it... incredible!

Beyond this, I am going on vacation for a week and when I come back will have three weeks of freedom (unprecedented). Will be resuming gaming, I'm already excited. This leads me to the next big thing that has recently occupied me.

It turns out... I have a lot of pursuits. Academia, seduction, sports, self-development (mind; state; skills), other (social) - in that order. And now I need to find a way to balance it properly for the next semester.

The answer from our productivity guru @Skippy is that it is impossible to focus on so many things. Very much like the analogy of Steve Jobs, who got together his A-team and had them brainstorm for the ten most important things to focus on. They discussed, added and removed, rearranged and argued, until they finally had a list from one to ten in the order of most important things. Then, taking a pen, Steve Jobs crossed out the bottom seven, saying, "We can only do three".

Right now, the only two areas with true goals attached are academia and seduction. Anything else is something I like spending time on but am not pursuing a concrete goal per se. This means splitting the week into these two fields and filling in the blanks with the others is what is most likely to wield best results. If I am making a faulty assumption here it is on me and not on the guru.

After writing this all out, I sat down and thought about what kind of synergies I can create between the fields. Such that I get highest ROI overall. And one thing I realized was that state exercises, which I have been falling in love with the past two months, is such a field that has positive benefits for basically all other fields! For example, my favorite polarity exercises, can be done in a public transport ride. However, exercises like body awareness and energy cycling (as Major Mark calls it, Microcosm), can be done during sports (and enhancing my capabilities during sports! had moments like this before) and even in field out gaming.

Last week, I created what I dubbed the "Advancement Board", where on a piece of paper I wrote down the five categories (State - Mind - Study&Learning - Health&Fitness - Misc&Fundamentals) and for each wrote down things I could do that would advance me in that category. So every time I felt the urge to do something productive and beneficial, which I got recently a lot more with freed up time, I could just take a look at the board and at random choose one thing and do it - knowing it would be advancing me in some way. Problem here is split focus admittedly, but it is a start for sure.

Also started NoFap last Saturday with the goal of 90 days. This will serve as a complete reset and directly address my slight ED problems. This cannot be a limiting factor in my seduction life especially because I expect to be getting laid more and more. First thing I consulted when looking into what to do was @Lofty 's ED Guide. I know @Chase has some good stuff on it too. Then I got wind that Skippy is doing a 90 day NoFap too and boom, I had no choice but to hold myself accountable and do it as well. To be honest I have not even gone longer than a week for a long time - so excited to see and feel the effects it will have on me!

Because I met with HBSmile right after my exams at hers to have sex - how amazing is it I can do something like that btw - and I was kinda soft with the condom on up until I managed to get into her. Then, after a while, we were in a different position which HBModel made me discover where she is on her side and has a leg pulled up so you enter her sideways. It makes you go so deep and I love it except for the fact that after a while her pubic bone ends up almost hurting you xD But HBSmile said it made her want to pee, so I told her to go to the bathroom. When she came back, I was already soft and didn't manage to get back in. Plus I had to leave soon. But this cannot be possible, not getting hard having a hot naked girl with me waiting and willing??

The reason I get angry is because the next day, I fapped for two hours and was as rock hard as I could possible get. And the contrast to half-hard with an ACTUAL WET PUSSY is just unacceptable to me!! And I canceled on HBItalian who wanted to come over on the weekend because for one my roommate was home, and for two in the back of my mind I was wondering if I could even get hard after the fapping. Which is pathetic! And makes me angry and most of all realize something has to change.

So, maca powder and NoFap it is. Still looking into nitric oxide powder. Long-term, will finish reading Multi Orgasmic Man and learn tantra for this as well. Because I am still horny, it's just my dick is not hard enough. Super weird feeling.

Moving on.

Today I spontaneously wanted to go travel and went to a city/village in the French speaking part. Did some few approaches to practice my French, but my French is not fluent enough to approach anything like my game style in my other languages. Makes me also wonder if for French-speaking girls I should open in French and then switch to English (but, my French is not even fluent conversation, hooking is entirely done via nonverbals and some premise I opened with); or open in English from the start (stereotype French people don't like talking English, and in fact many don't even really speak it at all...).

Actually, upon reflecting I think opening French and then switching to English the moment I'm not sure is the best way here. Yep. Will keep it in mind. And if I meet a girl that truly knows no English I will stick to basic French and just lead lead lead.

Game-wise, I find a form of direct openers nice as warmup, especially coming from a break. Because the big thing with indirect I learned is that it is much more effective overall, but requires strong state game (SECT, if you will) to leverage properly - otherwise it flops. But this is something I've made great improvements at, and am thus also seeing breakthroughs this last half year in terms of results!

Main things moving forwards is going out enough to sediment my learning's and crystallize new ones. I find myself having really good ideas and things to say, which I then put into gambits to properly juice in the future. And there are a lot of things I can still be doing better, my conversations are good but not at the point where I have girls trying to jump me or completely enthralled and horny. Which I know is possible. So, am sitting down at drawing board and in a Riker-esque exercise making a conversational roadmap together with @Skippy which is the breeding ground for creative thoughts and interesting ideas. We (two STEM guys, eh; from different parts of the world but still the same it seems <3) divided conversation into different levels.

  • Level 1: Casual
  • Level 2: Fun & Interesting
  • Level 3: Emotionally stimulating
  • Level 4: Sexual

You can see Riker's shadow there. Of course the idea is to get fractionation going with it. But the main idea is that as we make a list with all the main themes we can think of of each category (e.g., there are only so many "small-talk" things you can possibly talk about [work; holidays/weekend; food; etc...], and it gets really interesting in the SOT category. We came up with some really good ones! Helps build awareness. Plus, for the sexual level, I currently just listed the five 2nd gen principles:

  • She won't be judged as a slut
  • You are sexually competent
  • She will be safe
  • You won’t use her - pump and dump
  • You won’t be a clinger

What is now the next step is to transfer the best frames and gambits into the field and field test what works best. Long term project but on theoretical grounds this helps provide an overview and strategy platform for our game. Super fun!

And of course priorities might change and focus might shift to what turns out to be more important and effective - that is fine too. But no one ever died of being over prepared ;)

Overall, shaping my life and pursuits into concrete plans and implementing them into action... and it feels amazing. This is the Truth as a man, I almost begin to feel.

After all... comfort is a False God. Heard this from Stirling Cooper out of all people and have been chanting it to myself before every end-of-shower coldest-water-setting part.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Outing 31.01 [& 01.02]


First time out since exams and foot healthy. It’s 6°C out, warmer than expected! Still have full winter gear on - hat, scarf, pullover, jacket and winter jacket.

And yet, I came across one girl who had a jacket on - open - revealing a crop top and plenty of midriff. I walk past, bug-eyed, feeling slightly cold even with all my thick layers on. How is this possible!

The goal of this outing was to get back into the habit of approaching - it has been like 3 months because of both injury and exams consecutively - so I wanted to get back into it. Doing the approach was more important that getting far along in it. Am following the little system @Skippy and I created in NY where in line with prudent goal setting, we say an approach gives you one point, and going for the close (number) counts as three - whether you get it or not. The point is to incentivize pushing forwards as much as possible, without caring or feeling pressure for results. So for every outing I go out here, my goal has been 10 points. Worst case that means 10 approaches, best case one approach and three numbers.

Girl 1:​

Cute brown coat and pants at main station. Walk after, when it becomes clear she’ll enter train I jog the last bit and compliment her style. Kinda eject after too, could’ve asked if she was single

Girl 2:​

She's walking confidently, so area opener.

She stops says she’s she’s working, but do I need anything? But with smile and good vibe - mirroring me.

Finish opener and then let her go. Could’ve just continued as nothing was though!

Girl 3: HBBlondie​

Super cute gorgeous blondie on other side of street. She crosses as I am at cross walk so I take out phone and stop for timing. Area opener.

She isn’t, I finish it, ask where she’s from (not far actually), ask if she works here then. She says oh, she studies, with a smile. A go, “oooh…” and am thinking if I want to directly cold read because I just asked a few questions already, albeit she is smiling and receptive.

Pause, she says, “But I’m meeting someone, and I’m already late,” since right behind us is a café. I let her go. STUPIID.

What I should’ve done is cold-read statement her like, “Hmm, well if you study… I feel like you’d be doing something… creative”. And then golden question. Which gives me basis to close already if she mentions being in a rush again.

But she was this beautiful girl walking confidently. Glad I approached!

Girl 4:​

No two-punch but just one-punch compliment on her hair as we get close. Super sweet accented “thanks” but we don’t stop. Retarded xd

Girl 5:​

Blondie coming out of building I was wondering about what it was for. She tells me but is not hooked.

Should’ve cold read her e.g., after what she was doing there then.

Girl 6:​

By now am deeper in banking sector. Hot brunette walking towards me obviously vibing to the music on her headphones.

Area opener, she laughs and agrees, then show the Niki Minaj song she’s playing.

“Well it’s always interesting how… when you have a good vibe, good energy… you can feel how it somehow exudes into the world,” I say.

She agrees happily.

Then she goes, “well, I wish you a great day!” and somehow I find myself ejected.

Girl 7:​

Am posted up, see this girl in red jacket and a really hot booty walk by nearby. I just look at her for a bit before I think to myself, screw it, I’ll just go ask if she’s single.

Walk/jog after her, she’s walking fast. At some point she stops at a traffic light just before I get to her, and I know traffic light approaches have strong jarring effect it turns green, so I wait and walk after.

Then actually do area opener, this time I focus on being more intent and sexual in my vibe since I was reflecting how my previous approach probably failed to hook due to too social of a vibe.

Then go into how interesting it is how knowing a surrounding can MAKE YOU FEEL comfortable.

Then get what she does (studies), I cold read it’s something creative (”I wish”). Go into if she would do it again. Do the golden question (Would work at a beach), I do a brief description of it. Then soon add false time constraint and close.

“Can I trust you with my number?” I ask. She mirrors the question. Then puts in her number, and says, “And do you trust I’ll put in my real number?” (Bad sign I feel). I am just nonchalant and say it’s up to her.

Then do a small reaffirmation with her of how spontaneous… but interesting this was.

She says, “Wow. First time I was approached where it was not creepy”:


Girl 8:​

Blondie walks past, I rush after and just shoot a are you single line. She says no, also not very enthusiastically. Overall uncharacteristically rushed and thus unrefined but something in me went, “Just do it!” And so I went and did it. Something I’ve been training specifically, action-taking uninhibited moments.

So this was my 10 points (1x per approach, 3x for a close)

Then went to gym and fitness, also to do exercises for my foot. After, decided to go down to center again for some more approaches

Girl 1: HBRedShoes​

She’s waiting for tram in my direction. Red shoes. Open on it, compliment how it needs bravery to wear, and lead into cold read how she probably is the type of person that has neon colored shirts for sports. She hooks.

Then tram comes, I enter and chase frame her as “following me already” since luckily she is taking the same one. “Haha yes seems so,” she says. We find seats and then I golden question her, SOT music since she started playing eGuitar and dances (which I find super sexy), find out early where she gets off. She says her buddy joins at x station, so I say I am getting off there. Close when we almost get there, somehow one of us accidentally calls her apparently because once I’m outside walking, after a minute I see her number calling me… and I didn’t have time to give her my number…

Me, wondering how in the seven heavens she got my number: “???”

But super good sign she even called me! Overall very receptive. Beautiful brunette with very curly hair.

Girl 2: HBStairs​

Me walking down, her walking up. The path has both stairs and smooth incline.

“Hey, I have a VERY important question for you,” I ask. She stops and takes out her headphones.

“Because we had a discussion recently amongst friends. Which one is easier to go up… left or right?” [Big long stairs or the smooth incline]

She laughs and we agree both are bad! And she is out of breath so I mini cold-read on it, turns out she came here by bike too, so I say, “don’t tell me you’re here to do sports too”. She is. Gym, for the gains (in my eyes she was already fit and perfect though). Cold read whether she does teamsports (opposite), how she gets focused and aggressive in sports (I know her type, ex-gymnast. But she disagrees, interestingly enough).

She mentions her friend is waiting, I golden question her a bit, she says she has no time (studies medicine and works on the side), soon initiate closing sequence.

“But just as friends,” she says, “I just came out of a relationship so I have no intentions.”

“Oh, no absolutely,” I say, “Anyways, expectations are BS, no matter what.” Could’ve done this better:

“Yes, well have to say it, otherwise people get expectations, then get disappointed,” she says as she types in her number.

I somehow like this frame, because it seems to easily lead into a no-expectations gambit.

Girl 3​

Standing outside at supermarket. Walk past, then act like I got a call, wander back past her again without looking at her.

Then open once ‘call finished’, compliment style, she is actually super sweet. Taller than me, and takes her hand to wave goodbye when I eject. It's weird how I will go in with the thought of, "Ok whatever, let me do this approach, I'll just compliment/open and then eject". And then when she's receptive I'm in this autopilot. Should add the contingency for when she's receptive!! Hahhahaa.

Girl 4: HBFrench​

Petite brunette with blue eyes. Open with who she looks like, except I say like heroine actress in 1900s spy movie. Express fascination, then ask what she’d do if she met her double!

I had to switch to English since she didn’t understand. From French speaking part.

Found out she’s here for working, does architecture. I do a setting-up qualifier where I say there are two types of people from where she comes from. Does she know this? And then frame one as super boring and lame, and the other as fun and adventurous. Which one is she? ”I don’t know,” she says. Oh man.

Well I close, she tells me she’s ‘not confident in these things’ but gives me her number. It’s close with the tram though so I actually enter and ride with her one stop since it suits me anyway. In these minutes I setup by saying how people who moved always find themselves missing something the most, perhaps unexpectedly, and ask what she misses the most from home. It’s a restaurant. But not missing much.

Which in hindsight was a missed opportunity to frame her as forwards-looking and open for new things. Oh well.

Last girl did not respond to texts but all other three did. Although HBRedShoes, by far the most receptive one, postponed the date twice already by the time I’m writing this a few days later. So we’ll see…

Outing 2: 01.02 & HBUk


Go out at 2:30pm, feeling tired for some reason

Missed Opportunities​

  • Light blue jeans swaying ass girl: I was seated, she rushed past, waited too long
  • Autumn colored girl, great fashion: Walks fast, I walk after but she turns into building
  • Side cut girl RUSHING past me as I was going after fast-walking girl. Gorgeoouuuus but really speeding away!!
  • Blondie bstr. PIVOT AND GO AFTER
  • Blue eyed tram stop: Stop immediately, act fast!

Field Thoughts & Ideas​

  • 3pm good for leisure areas. Where I went was BS
  • [PLACE] 4pm Wed is just Ghetto. Wack people, not even hot girls

Girl 1:​

Blue coat, knee high boots. Compliment on outfit, but said super weakly. She walks on but after 2 seconds I see her (from the corner of my eyes) snap out of autopilot and turn around abruptly to thank me - I had already chuckled and continued walking

Girl 2:​

Lots of makeup, dressed up, not super my type but I think why the hell not, good practice for approach muscle.

Area opener, but she continues walking saying she doesn’t speak the language.

Girl 3:​

Blondie with sexy body. Walk after, she enters this passage and I go too, then open to ask where bathrooms are with idea of going “omg you know who you look exactly like” after.

Well a way too young face looks back at me, nervously. Takes off her headphones. Quick eject! What a trap.

Girl 4:​

Hot brunette walks past my bench I am now sitting at and thinking. It’s 3pm. I first think she’s not so cute but when she gets close and I open it turns our she is super beautiful…

Open with style compliment; ask if she’s from area (not really but nearby) and pace on how when someone is from somewhere and feeling comfortable and at ease… it shines through.

“Ooh, how cute,” she beams, then motions to continue walking. Dammit.

Should’ve just brute force rainbow ruses her, goddammit.

Girl 5:​

Autumn coat, area opener, don’t RR and she moves on. Dammit

Girl 6: HBNIreland​

-area approach

-Switch to EN

-RR nature

-What surprised her here

-Nr close weak

Girl 7: Confident HBAsian​

Asian woman walking very confidently. Am back in banking/rich area so I can already feel where she’s coming from.

Bitch face on, I think to myself, alright… out of principle I’m doing this.

Area opener, she laughs, says, “Because I’m not SWISS?”

She’s indeed speaking in that haughty bossy tone of someone who has been in authority. I like the challenge in general.

Well asking where she’s from (she only spoke English) is not the winning move here because she thinks about it and says it’s complicated, but technically American.

But the thing with this is that while it’s the easiest transition in the world… it also has a degree of finality to it.


Girl 8​

Lakeside approach. She took my pic, I went through entire process including RPO lake. Didn’t close since was not as cute as hoped from front.


Lastly, just wanted to mention how I love how social circle inspires you to up your game. There is this one girl I do sports with that literally has a personality and body straight out of my vision board. (Face is ok). If I weren't cold approaching I would for sure get oneitis for her. Literally models globally, is here because of the war.

And now, I have this feeling that I do not believe that in one month of diligent cold approach, I cannot meet a girl just like her.

And this... is very freeing.

On a sidenote, I realized I really love athletic girls. Not buff gym bunnies but the type of girl that loves to go to cardio and do body-weight workouts - makes them nicely toned and lithe - and gets me very aroused. So every time I to the gym or sports, I will likely see one girl I really like the body of.

And while I do not do approaches there (why would I)... I realized I can just camp in the area of the university sports halls (which are all right by campus) and catch them coming or going to sports! In fact HBStairs is exactly this. Hot body, on her way to do sports. Perfect!

On another note; I noticed that going out at 2:30pm, while nice that I put in the effort, is not so fruitful for the areas I went to. Makes much more sense to go out later, or to go to different spots. 3pm is a good time for leisure spots, but the issue right now is that it is freezing and windy outside, which makes no one go to leisure spots outside now... so might think about either going later or going to the main station where there really should be enough people. Means I'll have to open with the ex-gf DFO more often and really be precise and fast, because people have actual trains to catch.

And planning for the next semester, I actually prefer approaching under the week in the late afternoon/evening after academic obligations and before my sports, rather than approach on the weekend. Saturday and Sunday I don't remember being as such great days for approaching, but I may be just going about it wrongly. Hmm.

Outlook - Future Deliberate Practice

Overall, I fulfilled my goals of going out and getting the number of approaches (points) I wanted; 20 and 10 respectively. The main learning I made was that I remembered how vital a Rainbow Ruse is quickly after the opener, as shown by all the approaches were it seemed to go very well fast but then the girl just ejected. Which is actually unusual at first, but then you remember the difference between approaching students and working women - latter need more tech and calibration to hook. Or so it seems as of now. Is great, because it's not far off and just makes your game more solid overall. Which drives me a lot actually.

And perhaps I was a bit too remembering of my approaches in NY and Brussels, where as a tourist I have a really nice stack and super hook rates. Made me remember how culture might flow into it; my country is very well known for aloof people (coconut people - hard shell but warm soft inside) where expats have big difficulties making friends. Of my international friends, I am often their only local friend. And going to any other country it is much more normal to have small-talk with random people. Rather unusual here.

But then again. Personally I scoff a bit at any "my country is harder bro" victim-mentality whining thoughts, because humans are humans and girls are girls. There will always be a way to make it work! In fact, I get this thought when I hear people from other parts of the country complain about my city having the most aloof and bitchy women. Well... I get along with them just fine, and for me they are amazing, lovely, incredible creatures. So this reaffirms my belief. And I even like it much more if this is the case, because it means I can cut my teeth in tougher training grounds!

But this last paragraph was just kj, so never mind. Just keep my dedicated focus and goal, and take action to get there. Conceptually, easy as pie. Now just be the man and work for your own vision, goals, and life.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Updaaaaate 28.02

Let's get this bigger update out of the way! Some outing reports, then the actual current standing.
Oh, and this FU report.

Outing 14.02


Valentines day I realized. Lots of people holding roses. Walking around with small folder in hands since I did not think I would need a bag… oh well.
Goal: 10-15 points!

Result: 12 points, 1 number

Field Thoughts & Ideas​

  • The first approach put off “just first approach, fine to miss this girl” - but actually I should be focused intently on getting it done!!! Swallowing the frog!!

Girl 1:​

Super cute, well dressed.

Warmup approach and she simply ignores me smilingly.

I’m in a bit busier area so makes sense, because it’s rare I get flat out ignored like this. Usually only when it’s my warmup and I’m saying it too spontaneously (we’re about to walk past each other) and not assertively enough.

Girl 2:​

Walking on bridge.

I get ignored again xd In fact my “Hey” seemed to make her jump and startle her out of her thoughts, she slows down and looks at me distraught.

“I have a very important question for you,” I speed out because from the analysis of last time I realize directly going into “are you from area” gets them into tourist answer-and-eject a bit too much.

Well, said it badly it seems speeding it out, because she turns and accelerates again. Oof!

Girl 3:​

Super hot figure blondie.

Too hot to pass up. Open, she’s so startled with headphones I eject immediately. Wasn’t fast enough in setting it up.

And, area openers seem uncomfortable for such busy place like [PLACE]. Let me try ex-gf opener 2x today here!

Girl 4:​

In grocery store. Compliment on style, focuses on being intent and powerful, eject.

Girl 5:​


Walks past, I think to myself, damn I love her figure! Ponder for a few seconds, the pivot after her.

Open with ‘very important question’, then say I saw her walk past (we had made eye contact) and thus… is she single?

She is, but going on a world tour next week for half a year. Says will be busy this week and half a year is a long time. Still try to close but she’s elsewhere in her thoughts.

Should have persisted more to meet this week, lowkey no pressure, see if vibe is there. Time constraint leads to good frames for hookup after all.

Proud I pivoted and went for her!

Girl 6 HBGreek​

Ex gf opener, vibe where she’s from, cold read she studies here, is doing English and German for teacher. Deep dive on it a bit, golden question, actress or dirigent, qualify on it and SOT music. Then time constraint and close, she’s down!

One blunder was in silence after close I click my tongue with a smile and a wink. Habitually from how I’d be with friends. But stupid here!! Total ASD trigger for “he got my number” it’s just ATROCIOUS. Huge mistake I will never do again.

Girl 7​

Compliment on hair and eject

Outing 3: 18.02


Just came from intense sports, hair still wet and ruffled, holding big pile of my winter jackets in hand because it’s uper warm unexpectedly.

It’s Saturday and really warm, so lots of people out! Couples and groups mostly.

Missed Opportunities​

  • Blonde curly hair, sexy lithe form. Super tall dude with gf walking right behind her, somehow makes me not approach

Girl 1:​

Open in sports center. She has thin jacket on. “You knew… that the weather would be warm, it seems,” I open, gesturing to all the stuff I’m carrying. Have to switch to English. We walk down together and I run my usual stuff. Am a bit on the "asking many questions" side though but thankfully she hooked early and asked me questions back. Get her number but in the end I do not pursue it because she actually lives in same building as my friends and I don't want any leaks. She was Romanian.

Girl 2:​

Holding purple drink. Maneuver myself to intercept her, open how I was intrigued on what the drink is (vegan something), pace that she seems like she knows city well (been here 7 years), cold read if she studies (wrong cold read - she says it’s long ago, and in fact not too many people study - so should change it to “like you do something creative”) do mini pacing on how getting to know city, discover, and feel comfortable…

She’s cooler and more easygoing than I thought she’s be (big bitch face on, sharp vibe, that specific expensive clothing)!

Then she looks at watch and says she has to continue, but was a pleasure, and I DO NOT CLOSE. My chances of closing were probably 60% and chances of getting her out like 15% - but now that I write this if I had used the premise of emphasized LOW KEY and standard closing procedure chances would have actually been better than this… maybe 60% of getting her out?

All based on gut feeling so completely kj.


Girl 3: HBBulgarian​

Bulgarian girl in tight jeans. Walk up next to her in red light and do same opener as girl1.

She’s really quiet, doesn’t ask me much, gives one word responses. But asks my name, asks if we should walk (after intersection). I’m just running my things, doing SOT sports, she asks me if I do this all the time. “Yes, every Saturday, after sports, when my hair is completely messed up (wind made it worse), and it’s the first day of summer”.

Do the quiet girl cold read where I say she’s the type of person that isn’t extravagant or does crazy things, but the things she does sue enjoys a lot and can do it for herself. How it’s a strength.

She misunderstands golden question into what she’d do right now if she could - “skydiving”.

Should have integrated “but has crazy adventurous side” to her that she lives out in her mind.

Girl 4:​

Milf is gorgeous blue colored windbreaker and funny socks. We vibe but then it's a bit too much of a "happy mom being social" so I feel uncomfortable and don't close xd

Girl 5:​

BANGING body blondie from back.

Open, turns out she’s not so pretty from front. But my opening vibe is straight fire, my voice super purry, and although I eject since I prerrered her form from behind a lot, it was a great interaction that left her flushed too.

Girl 6 HBcurly​

Girl in underground of train station. Beautiful wavy hair. Compliment on it; lead on how I used to have. I like how I got the vibe well here too.

Get what she does (psychology), what got her into it, listen and feed it back to her, have her guess what I do when she asks.

Around here she crosses her arms though despite being facing me fully, I am turned away a bit but my head is facing her.

Do golden question, when it comes back I go into SOT music and use the high note created to close. She texted very enthusiastically back.

Overall, I did 6 approaches and got three numbers!

Outing 1: 28.03


It’s below freezing again. Damn! Came from date with HBGreek where I wanted to go out just to test my newly created gambit. Will mention below.

Girl 1: HBPsychology​

I walk to intercept, she then stops at shop though and looks at outside clothes. I stop close to her, open on what the store is, easy transition into what she does when she says it was the ‘sale’ attracting her because she can’t afford it otherwise. Psychology student, my cold read hits perfectly (her wanting to really understand things and people), we have some interesting conversation. Golden question, she asks me, go into music SOT. Set false time constraint and close.

She is nervous. “Oh, I… have a boyfriend, if you mean it like this.” Is smiling oddly excitedly saying this. I still close. She has not responded to text yet.

Should’ve used a line saying it doesn’t bother me!

Girl 2:​

White coat compliment

Girl 3:​

Look like friend open & eject

Girl 4:​

Gorgeous blondie with glasses. She hooks and is so sweet and gorgeous but when I close she nervously says she’s already taken. I don’t take her number. Damnnn she was so fine!

Girl 5:​

Neon orange jacket

Girl 6​

White coat in supermarket


I have a lot of approaches where I just open because I want to train myself fully to open whenever I want. Which I do not regret one moment. And then when I actually am doing it properly and pushing myself I have a rather high hook rate and number closing rate! About half of my hooks lead to numbers, maybe even slightly higher. Of which about 1/3 come out on a date.

One thing I wanted to mention was the new gambit I brainstormed with @Skippy after being inspired talking to the Ukrainian model in my social circle. She's super fun and interesting to game; this opportunity lets me figure out her archetype, get insights, and see what works best.

Currently strong sensual nonverbals seem to have the biggest impact. The only time I really got her in a liminal space for longer than a moment was when I got her talking about herself (deep diving).

The second thing with noticeable impact was her seeing my walk when I had headphones on listening to really powerful music. After which she called me "handsome" and everything all night.

Next time was reset to default semi-indifferent interaction. Although I find it fun seeing the base level always be upped by a tiny bit.

She also texts back instantly but does not expand and engage back at all.

Chase frames just make her go silent with a sort of smile in person and ignored over text. Signs of disinterest I suppose?

Preselection is still unclear. It's what got HBItalian and HBCuba really riled up when I engineered it (have my hot female friends come and take care of me when I got injured) but nothing with HBUk I could really pinpoint. It's an observation of mine that PPP's (Pretty petty princess) seems to respond much more powerfully to preselection. Compared to the other archetypes. Good learning!

The point of the gambit is to:
1) Convey lover traits
2) Convey non-judgemental frames
3) Perhaps some indirect sexual prizing

Here is the current version:

  1. "Hey, so I need your female opinion on something!”
  2. "So one of my good friends, she's this cool passionate girl. [Add beautiful or some dhv looks?] - MATCH DESCRIPTION TO GIRL DELIVERED TO"
  3. Recently, she met a guy: "Recently, she met this guy. He was fun and nice, and she felt like they were on the same wavelength, so they hooked up. But then he started getting clingy and needy, and chasing her for a relationship. So she distanced herself again”

  4. Contrast: "And then, she met this other guy in this time. And this guy, he was charming, with passion in his eyes, you know what I mean? When you just feel fully attracted and gravitated to this person? Well, they hooked up too, and it was wonderful”
  5. Bf dq / non-judgment frames: "So she was hooking up with both guys, which is great. But the first guy is pushing her for more. To make it worse, when she then she openly told him of some of her experiences in Cancun, he started getting weird about it... whereas the second one is giving her the space to be herself fully. And is fully non-judgemental in bed and accepts and encourages her totally.”
  6. Wrapping up: "So now the first guy was pushing her for full commitment, and she asked me what she should do. And I told her she should dump the first guy and keep enjoying the fun, pleasure and experience with the second, because what is better than being able to have hot, completely free sex with no expectations? So would you say agree with this?”

Idea nested loop “wild Cancun experience”:

Eaten out for long time and came so much her legs were jelly and mind was blank with bliss at the end of it...

Actually tried it out today and I must say, it was exactly what I needed. The only thing needing amendment to version one was the wrapping up, I did not say the first guy was pushing and just asked what she should do, which made the girl go "What question is this?!" because it's so obvious.

This is the first of my push to get dates figured out. Now I'm combining both verbal and conversational management tools and skills with state training. One thing right now I like to work on is incorporating "The Other Side of You" into my verbal mini-gambits (currently working very well I feel).

Main thing to do: Practice riffing and keep field testing my ideas and advice given to me!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015

Update 23.03

Outing 1: 21.03​


Finished studying. Heavy math, somehow feels like it makes me be in my head much more.

Girl 1:​

Cute blonde, I stop her as she’s coming towards me with just body language. 'She looks like just someone I know. Isn’t it crazy, just imagine you had a clone of you walking around? Would you be the good or bad clone?'

Came up with it on the spot haha, just riffing.

Forgot what she did, but her dream is to become a health coach, which she’s on track of becoming. To truly help people, long-lastingly, not just three weeks.

False time constraint, then I close she says she has a boyfriend. How some people get weird because of it. Says story of how she went for drinks with a guy, then offhandedly mentioned her bf and he went wide-eyed, shocked, and she felt bad.

“Doesn’t bother me,” I say. “In fact, I don’t believe in expectations. Like, when you meet someone, why would you pin it down as something, and be locked in a box? It is much more natural to go in with no expectations… and see how things develop naturally, whatever it is, friends or more.

She responds to my icebreaker but I don’t plan on getting her out. Easy date yes but would rather approach in that time and get a better lead.

Thing is, I know for a fact some girls with boyfriends are down to cheat. So how do I know which ones they are? How to screen them? I don’t know but dearly would like to.

Otherwise, if I’m not too crazy about her, will establish communication over text but then leave it be.

Girl 2: HBFreak​

Super sexy blondie with over-ear headphones, sexy walk and figure. Go after her, have to jog last steps.

Area opener, deliver very intently, she’s from here, cold read studying.

She does psychology, to help people, golden question and reply is she’d do the same.

I do a few (clumsy?) Qualifiers since I want to add NARC fine flattery to my game. Make them feel special.

Close at the end, get her number, wait for her to ask me my name but she never does. Bad sign. Also just answered my questions briefly. But was fully facing me.

Most likely a number I won’t hear from or get out, but she was beautiful so no regrets.


So what was interesting here was the texting afterwards.
I text her:
Me: "Hey [name], nice meeting you today :) You will never guess what just happened right after xd ~Dev"
Her: "Hey, yes will be hard to guess"


Then I proceed with soft close, she just goes, "Okay?" like as in why am I selling this place to her. To meet up, I say. "Don't we have to get to know each other first?" she asks.


Then she asks me the first question of the entire interaction, from hello as a matter of fact, which is what I mean with my status. I tell her, then ask her about hers, because I of course checked it out: Her status is just, "LITTLE FREAK" in a different font.

She says it's because it's the name of her favorite song by Harry Styles, she likes the lyrics, and... that the title suits her '😅' <- Her emoji used.

Hahahahhahahahaha this is so interesting, not gonna lie! Fun to play around with challenges like these.

Girl 3:​

Cute girl in pinkish coat.

Area opener, she says no, and actually hates this train station.


I pace and lead, contrast, other and include in a nice improvisation. Keyword trees, weird masses and close friends.

Golden question, she says she doesn’t know, needs to find herself. I frame it as a strength, being able to take the time and stay open and look.

Close but she only wants me to put in my number, refuses other way round. I do so, will never hear from her again.

Should have spent little bit more at end pacing and framing to up my chances at her wanting to do so.

Girl 4: EE​

Blowout! But did weak opener too, so ofc.

Girl 5:​

See her walking, think to myself: I want to meet her!!

Stopped, super sweet, face less attractive than though tho. So when she says she has to catch train (true) I let her go.

Should have still closed!!!

“Hey, you know… this is super spontaneous. But you seem like a really cool, interesting person. You want to grab a coffee sometime, all super lowkey?”

Girl 6 Accountant​

Super cute brunette with green eyes. Ex-gf opener, do a half-assed rainbow ruse I pulled out of my ass where i try to make one based off of my impression of her. She agrees, I ask if she does something creative (although I could feel no, so should’ve went with something else) and find out she’s an accountant. Golden question - still bookkeeping. Oh man.

“Oh, that’s good too! Hmm, is it because the feeling of knowing exactly what to do, this sense of comfort and familiarity… of knowing the structure and how to do it.”

Well she agrees. Remembers she’s in a rush (we’re surrounded by bustling crowd, kinda cool bubble created) and I go for close. Gives me one of the funniest, “No, thank you,” picture a cute girl at a restaurant have a waiter come and offer more water, and her saying it exactly in this way.


What I did well​

  • Went after the girls I wanted!!!!!!!
  • Hooked surprisingly well despite it being it packed busy main station
  • Good using qualifiers / fine flattery to practice and NARC her a bit
  • Really good nonverbal and verbal pacing and state projection, main reason I hooked like I did

What I can improve​

  • The fine flattery / NARC can be done much better and effectively

Outlook - Future Deliberate Practice​

14 points! In less than one hour. Personal record! Did all in [busy train station].

For the fact that it's a crowded place I hooked remarkably well. Besides the one blowout all stopped and basically hooked. Realized that crowds are not even that bad in the sense that once the hard thing of getting her to stop is done, you are forced to stand close and it creates a subtle liminal bubble.


Girl 7​

This was one day later. On my way to a match and dressed in grey sweatpants and sports clothes / jacket. And in this other train station I'm walking behind this girl with a fantastic ass and over-ear headphones. I get the urge to just open her for the sake of it.
Speed up next to her, look, she looks back. I tap her on her shoulder and smile. We stop and she takes off her earphones. A real cutie.

Tell her I really somehow loved her style. So... open... and seasonal. Great vibe.

"I'm flattered," she says, genuinely. I wave it off, do a faux takeaway. "Are you from here?"

She's not, but commutes. The vibe is incredibly warm and comfortable. Truly so pleasant.

Her train rolls up.

"This is my train," she says, still smiling.

"Oh, nice," I say. Comfortable vibe is seemingly humming in the air. "You know, next time you're in the city, we should grab coffee sometime."
She smiles sweetly. "Oh, totally!" Puts in her number as her train is standing next to us. Wave her off.

We spoke so little, barely at all in fact. And yet it was so pleasantly warm and comfortable. Such nice experiences we create for ourselves. What opportunities are just lying in wait around the corner for us, you can't help but wonder?




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015

Update 01.12

So am very surprised to realize... it has been a while since I updated this journal!

In fact, have stopped writing so many field reports, but still journal a bit here and there for myself. Let me update this journal with the main broad strokes of what has happened.

For one, I moved to Stockholm, Sweden, for 6 months! The home of some of the most beautiful women on the planet. I have made some observations about them too that differentiates them in ways I have not seen in other countries.

Observations Swedish Girls

The first observation is... the hot Swedish women walk with long, fast and confident strides. Like, very noticeably so... and have never seen this so marked elsewhere. Super cool.
Secondly, I met with a super master PUA here who told me that negs (and direct) don't work here because Swedish girls know their self worth. Rather, cocky funny works best.

Hooking has been harder here. It is like girls stop and are nice, but often have a "deer in headlights, out of their depth" feeling to having being stopped on the street. And this is with me opening indirect. The ones that hook hard are more often than not these girls who have lived elsewhere or are not from here.

This is overall such an amazing opportunity and chance, because master hooking here and boy... you will be able to hook wherever in the world with ease. Love it!

Only thing is, I have not have had tooo much time to do daygame, because at the recommendation of the respected pua, I downloaded Tinder to supplement my lays (me coming here with only 10 notches). And it has been working really well!

In the last 2.5 months, I got 10 lays! 9 of which came from Tinder. Some weeks had two lays. Which is quite crazy. Did not expect online to actually work...

Hit lay number 20 last week. Which means I have doubled my lays since coming here 3 months ago. Let's see how long it takes me to double this one 😈

My pictures are all screened by always trusted @Skippy and my process is the one by @Skills and @TomInHo

Nonetheless, it has been a good learning opportunity for many things, especially dates. But it is definitely different from daygame in important regards and I feel like it is important to at least realize this.

First two dates I ran the same way I would my daygame dates and... both told me they "feel no sexual connection". Oof! Lethal. Took it to heart and added much more sexual projection, and then next two dates got laid.

It is like the girls that come out already are down to fuck you on some level, and a more conscious level than a daygame approach perhaps might (who would also come out on some level ready to fuck you). This means that you can get away with things (or should do things even) that you wouldn't necessarily otherwise.

Interestingly enough, Asian girls have really loved me on Tinder. 3 of the 10 lays are Chinese. To the point where if I swiped on an Asian girl, I was rather confident we'd match. This phase ended with Tinder starter boost finishing but still interesting. Had never been with an Asian girl before!
The girls in general were actually of good quality, with one Swedish girl in particular being super great. Hot body, blue eyes, blonde, and submissive. This is also not what I was expecting from online.

In total, I have been focusing on state projection a bit, but mainly using SOT's proficiently and especially being in the moment, present, and focusing on the girl and what she needs. I got a lot of player objections from girls because I would start too strongly, so recently I dialed it down completely and am more in the 'too basic' part at the start before I get to actual juice. Also am not systematic with 2nd Gen verbals and frames, which I should completely focus on more. Because I know I got two lays because I had simply done an "easy girl" gambit version. At least three girls made me wait for 2nd date for sex (but came straight over to mine for it - was just "a rule" that I did not manage to push through with them. I did manage for some others).

Also, on dates I have discovered a physical escalation ladder that lets me hold their hands and at least make it feel like we might kiss, and I have been doing it almost every date to some extent. I do not know if this is a very good thing or not because it can trigger FSC. But with Tinder girls it works very well, daygame dates are more reserved about it. So my theory is Tinder girls expect it to a certain extent, while daygame dates should need more incidental and anchoring touch in general. Nightgame physical touch is different anyways and more present as is. Have not been doing so much of it though, which I should. Now it is -10C at night and snowy so is definitely a new kind of challenge! Also DG circumstances are very similar. Very fun honestly, is something very primal about going out in freezing weather to get pussy and forge your skills as an action-taking man...

The few situational campus approaches I did have been 100% number close rate and very low response or meetup rate. Student housing bus stop approaches can be both. Main central station metro approaches have low hook rate but at least have volume. Streets in darkness and winter are quite empty. Luckily city is well lit.

Been starting with cold read openers, but still run into "deer in headlight" response of girls feeling out of depth of being talked to. In Scandinavian culture rather unimaginable in daylight. Nighttime is completely different, which is why most pua's and guys here do nightgame. But Gunwitch's DFO opener like area opener runs into setting up internal ejection frames in the girl by same sentiment.
I'm beginning to think cold read openers or RPO's are what work best here, followed by strong follow-ups. This is CRUCIAL. Some rainbow ruse, or golden question, or travel gambit. But no "so are you from here?"!!!!!! Because they will not be hooked most likely yet.

On the other hand, sexual liberation is a real thing here, where girls are actually much pickier due to this but then much less LMR if you do finally manage to get her to decide yes. Is a good conversation topic to bring up and set good frames too. Will for sure use this in the future back home as a gambit and story to set frames.

An interesting concept Major Mark talked about in a different context was how to put ideas into other people's minds. The idea is that 1) you take a concept, 2) give it a narrative, and 3) root it in context. So for instance (my interpretation):

Idea: Fast sex is good
Narrative: Similar person having fast sex and it being amazing
Context: My friend Jada/Lisa, connected to what we were talking about, had this experience... so XYZ

This, in a hypnotic setting, lets people unpack one concept and apply it to all situations... so they will completely think it is their idea.

Why is this interesting? Because it is basically the idea behind gambits, and is interesting to unpack. And so once you know what you are missing in your seductions, you can targetly create a gambit to address this with this principle.

Other occurences
  • Had this one girl from university, HBSpain, that had a 2 month seduction that ended with her saying "she thought about it and was indecisive for so long that... the fact she cannot make a decision, is a decision in of itself". She was inexperienced but had been with guys before... so I am still completely baffled what the fuck happened here. However, this experience taught me to focus more on the girls themselves and really get their views and perspectives because with SOT's it is easy to "monologue". With this girl this learning came from other happenings (me escalating, her breaking off and saying she should go home. Me telling her to talk to me, her saying she "likes to keep her thoughts to herself"...) So set frames but get her involvement!! So am happy for this learning.

  • One of my favorite daygame girl date that ended up not working out. Because she had health issues, was in hospital apparently, and... her cousin got killed. So she moved back to Australia, where she had been living before (Swedish girl). WTF!

  • A Russian daygame girl that was very hard to set any frames on. She bulldozed through everything, was even hard to get in a word! She ended up taking a really good picture of me that for sure contributed to my Tinder success. God bless her. She was even saying she is great at taking pics for dating apps for her friends. Should've made her take more then!! Hahahahahha.

  • A bit of ED issues, but now am back to nofap and has solved it mostly.
And other things, that I will put in more detail for sure! Some crazy girls, some amazing girls, some frustrating, all of them worthy and to be grateful for! Learnings amongst learnings.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
Update 20.02

This will be just a quick update, more elaborate one I'll make later on. Noticeable events and achievements that have happened since last update:

New Years Nightgame:
-Fucked a girl in the club bathroom just as clock struck midnight (hence no people around because everyone was in freezing Stockholm balcony) after talking to her like 10 minutes. She had grabbed my hand to open.
-Then pulled another girl to her place same night, but no sex (some kind of vaginal pain disorder), but made her cum from slapping my dick on her face - twice (was her kink, I was suprised to learn this exists). She sucked cock super well too.

Then returned to my home country, spent 2 weeks just reading novels because of no logistics in this time, then went to Spain jaunt with @Skippy @Kvothe and last weekend joined by @Bismarck .

We spent one week in Madrid and Barcelona respectively. In total, I got 6 lays in these 2 weeks!

Lay 1: Online, hot dutch girl taller than me xd
Lay 2: Daygame, DNA-tug Spanish girl
Lay 3: Daygame, French girl

Fun fact that all lays happened in three consecutive days after arriving.

-Lay 1: Nightgame, narcissistic but hot British girl (helped out a lot logistically by Kvothe and Skippy for this one, dealing with friends)
-Lay 2: Daygame SDL, hot Turkish dance instructor
-Lay 3: Online, 18yo Spanish I literally had meet me at 8:30am since had to leave AirBnB at 11am.

Other for me notable experiences was one instadate-pull, one instapull (daygame near home, and pull straight to airbnb) but no sex from either.

Funniest approaches off the top of my head:
#1: The Squawk (approach and she SCREAMS and jumps back. I have a heart attack!! Then she's cool. Lol)

#2: The NPC (Last day, was just goofing around because wanted to spend day with Skippy and Kvothe. Tell her she has a confident walk. Three times... she's like, 'huh?', 'no?'. Then I sigh resignedly and do the actual opener. "Are you from the area?" Then she suddenly turns and takes off her headphones, and smiles widely at me. After I repeat the same, and this time she is, "OH wow, thank you!!" and beaming widely. Wtf!

#3: The hot mom (did not see husband and kid further ahead - and I wave at them hahahha)

Overall for daygame I did around 100-120 approaches, got 71 phone numbers, around 10 dates, and 3 lays.

In Madrid numbers were much less responsive, but then I got frustrated and added SOT's to the conversations, and the response rate jumped.

In terms of openers, I alternated on the fly between Gunwitch openers (area, ex-gf) and direct. Got laid from all three. Cold read openers are what I should be doing too but since we approached in more active places the others are easy to do.

Now am back home, moving back to my flat end of week so actually have some form of logistics. Will have to do minimum of 20 approaches a week to keep progress trajectory.


Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
Tearing it up! What are SOTs?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 11, 2015
LR HBSingapore

First lay being back home!

Since this is kinda a social circle lay, not decided if needs an actual LR in field section report, where I'd just do day- or nightgame lays.

HBSingapore I met in a class a year ago, we had a project together and vibed but nothing happened. I later found out she had come to my country because of her boyfriend at the time.

There is a party in summer where we meet again, and this time it's much more on. I'm with my two close female friends though and go with them.

She went back to Singapore in summer and since I also left for exchange right after, we did not have time to meet up.

Once I get back, I hit her up, and we have lunch together twice. Each time the vibe is more and more there, touch escalation is happening, and am mainly running 3 keys.

Also, she had broked up with her bf, and was moving out (they were living together). And she leaves for Singapore, potentially for good, in not too far in the future.

Then, I moved back to my flat this weekend and told her to help me organize my things. She invites me out the night before with her friends, which I accept.

There, I am basically just a cool and social guy, who easily adds good vibe and conversation. She later tells me she really loves and appreciates this about me.

Am not sitting next to her at start but as night goes on, which turns out to be a game night before heading out, maneuver closer. It ends up with me stroking her spine (I love this move) and her neck (super good sign she lets you do this).

In the end, it's 3am and now people want to head out. The group has changed - from the 6 or so friends, 4 left, but the host had like 8 more GIRLS come. I end up chatting to this Malaysian girl next to me who turns out to be married... but said her only regret (my question was if she'd do everything the same) was not meeting the dude later and being able to experiment more. They've been together 9 years! I do a divorce story of a female friend just for the sake of it and potential future gains.

In the end, they want to go dance, but I tell HBSingapore I will be taking the bus... and that she can join me if she wants. She asks, "Do you want me to?" To which I confirm because feels like right move. Also for attainability. She agrees.

Saying goodbye takes 10min, then we wait for bus, but area is crowded and rowdy as hell. When the bus does arrive, drunks enter and sit opposite us. She had sat down facing the direction of driving, but I got two seats next to each other and have her sit with mr obviously. But then she tells me she gets carsick if not facing direction... so I have us stand up.

It's a 20min ride, we get seats, and there is an incident where a lady close to us yells, "OPEN THE DOOR" to the driver. He stops and does, and she yells out this drunkard who apparently had spilled some alcohol on her.
He actually does exit, but starts banging on the walls of the bus.

"Excuse me," the girl next to us says to the lady, "are you crazy?" The guy keeps banging the window, it's really a random location somewhere in city.

Then, the doors, which were closed... open again. Everyone does a silent gasp.

The drunkard does not enter.

Finally bus continues, this entire time I'm holding my girl, thinking what the actual fuck is going on.

Finally we get to my stop, get off, and she starts bring like, "I'm feeling hesitant"

She had voiced something similar but I always had said how I would not force her to do anything, and she can leave at any time. Which really worked.

Then, as we walk through quiet path, and me asking, she says she feels she's being "easy".

I like this.

"What the hell is that word, easy," I say. "Only people who are judgemental and jealous use it."

She agrees.

"When two people who like each other, can feel comfortable, and open and free together... then there is no such thing as being easy, because going with what feels best and right, no matter the speed, is completely pure and what matters."

Then, a few minutes after assuaging her, I qualify her on her sincere and open nature, and it goes so well she wants to hug me on the spot.

Get home, undress, great sex - she had SUCH A GREAT BODY. Ridiculous. Does my sports, is flexible and lithe, big tight ass, sensual af. Long black silky hair, full lips, and incredibly smooth skin I only felt similar from HBCuba. Loved it!

She did ask me if I had salient solution for her lenses, whithout which she sees very little. I don't have, but tell her I'll bring her home if necessary. This gets her to agree. In the end, the next morning I walk her to tram stop.

Overall, there were definitely potential disruptions, but luckily nothing severe and could handle the ones that came up.

Last edited:


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Awesome that you’re still riding that positive momentum, especially considering the aggro vibes on bus ride back home.

When you say you were running three keys over the two lunch dates, do you mean social frame, emotional stimulation, and sexual arousal and if so could you give the cliffnotes of what you were telling her, if you remember.