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Drugs: do you HAVE to use them in order to be attractive?


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Except that in a martial arts gym, conflict is consensual. Noone will ever beat you out of anger without your consent, as that is illegal.

I could be all argumentative in a martial arts gym and noone could attack me beyond the scope of the training.

Being rough around the edges is not an excuse to be rough to everyone. This is a place on the internet like any other, it's not an underground club with no moral rules.

And not liking argumentative people here is a red flag. It means that what you really want is that people accept your advice (ego boost), not engaging ina discussion where you might find out you were wrong.

Anyway, the core of the conflict is here:

Your (everyone's) advice and claims are a danger to how I see the world.

I don't like that certain behaviors and traits are more attractive than others.

Because that makes the world albeist = better for healthy, strong men.

Attractive men shouldn't have more chances with women than unattractive ones. Its unfair.

And you working with how the world is, as opposed to how it should be, makes you a part of the problem.

I missed out on many girls because there were better men around me. That's just not fair. Life shouldn't be a competition.

I still want to learn seduction here, and this place is great for it. But the fact remains, we shouldn't have to learn anything. So much effort while others have it easier. Unfair. And I'm NOT being a victim for you who want to comment that. I'm being real.

You know what I find amazing, you have all this awareness of your 'issues' and the reality of things, and yet you use all of your processing power to defend and seek validation for the very things that prevent you from succeeding. This tells me more than anything that you don't want to change.

At the end of the day someone can only change when their desire for something (or to avoid something) overwhelms their desire to live in comfortable illusion. You're clearly not there yet.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
I could be all argumentative in a martial arts gym and noone could attack me beyond the scope of the training.
Tell me you have never being in a martial arts gym without telling me.

And not liking argumentative people here is a red flag. It means that what you really want is that people accept your advice (ego boost), not engaging ina discussion where you might find out you were wrong.
It only means we have standards. And standards come from experience.

Most people here have experienced and experimented what works with women and what doesn’t.

We have no interest in validating a world view we have proved wrong multiple times over the years. Why would we do that?

You are wrong on how life and love work… and until you accept you are wrong, validating your view is an exercise of futility.

Anyway, the core of the conflict is here:

Your (everyone's) advice and claims are a danger to how I see the world.

And how you see the world is simply wrong.

Why do you like to cling to an untrue and unproductive view of reality?
That is something to unpack with your therapist.

Because that makes the world albeist = better for healthy, strong men.
It is

Attractive men shouldn't have more chances with women than unattractive ones. Its unfair.
Why? Why would women need to conform themselves with a bad partner?

Just because it makes you feel better?

You’re wiling to put innocent women through a life of subpar and terrible partners just to fell validated?
Dude, that’s next level pettiness.

And you working with how the world is, as opposed to how it should be, makes you a part of the problem.
What problem?

Dude, you’re the one feeling miserable everyday and hoping to get chosen by a drug addicted girl.

How are we in the wrong here when we are telling you that what you do is self destruction?

Look at a mirror, for god sake.

I missed out on many girls because there were better men around me. That's just not fair. Life shouldn't be a competition.
It is. Just grow up and accept the reality.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 5, 2022
At the end of the day someone can only change when their desire for something (or to avoid something) overwhelms their desire to live in comfortable illusion. You're clearly not there yet.

True. I hope that one day I'll get there. Because now, every time I try to change, it turns into this inner fight and need for validation. It's not my decision to be like this btw, I would also like me to just change and succeed.

But I need to work with what I have, brute-forcing it never works with me.

I've been in so much discomfort, that now my reality is the only comfort I have, and I get angry when people take this away from me. They have no idea what I went through and what kind of result could changing my mindset have. I mean I'm glad I'm still keeping alive.

People often find it amazing that I have so much awareness and knowledge and yet can't change. Frok the outside it seems like I don't want to. I do, but my brain doesn't let me - and when I try, it switches and I suddenly don't want to change anymore. It's difficult.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 5, 2022
Tell me you have never being in a martial arts gym without telling me.

So martial arts gyms are places where laws about assault don't apply? Where you can't say "no" or "stop"?

Why? Why would women need to conform themselves with a bad partner?

Just because it makes you feel better?

Why do we pay taxes that go towards the less fortunate? Why do countries accept refugees? Why do we build infrastructure for disabled people? Why is it illegal to ignore a badly injured person on the street?

We all conform to make the less fortunate feel better.

It's difficult to find a solution when it comes to women - but maybe there could be a service where they would connect the dating-unlucky men with unlucky women. With a guaranteed match.

We will have Universal Basic Income soon, and having a "stock girlfriend" given by the state would help many people with the stress of dating.

I know it's not exciting to not be able to fight for things in life and win, but this is the new society.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
This dude is sooo exhausting... no way he will ever get laid, ever, drugs, drug dealer... nada! nope.... waste of time... Hopefully a ban will happen.... put him out of his misery... jesus! we haven't had one like this in a while.... He makes the indian race troll look like Tony Robbins... Cringe maxing! Join a blackpill forum, you will fit right in...

I got a hand it to you i seen all the copes in 20 plus years, old, ethnic, young, short, black, small dick,live at home etc.... never seen the wanna be drug dealer cope, totally new one... Copers will cope and will always find new cope ways, amazing...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
So martial arts gyms are places where laws about assault don't apply? Where you can't say "no" or "stop"?

They are places where guys you rub off the wrong way can get you into an unfriendly “sparring session” and teach you a lesson.

It's difficult to find a solution when it comes to women - but maybe there could be a service where they would connect the dating-unlucky men with unlucky women. With a guaranteed match.

We will have Universal Basic Income soon, and having a "stock girlfriend" given by the state would help many people with the stress of dating.

Please put your money where your mouth is.

Go look for the ugliest and fattest woman you can find and ask her to be your girlfriend.
Show us the new generous world you’re building.

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
This dude is sooo exhausting... no way he will ever get laid, ever, drugs, drug dealer... nada! nope.... waste of time... Hopefully a ban will happen.... put him out of his misery... jesus! we haven't had one like this in a while.... He makes the indian race troll look like Tony Robbins... Cringe maxing! Join a blackpill forum, you will fit right in...

I got a hand it to you i seen all the copes in 20 plus years, old, ethnic, young, short, black, small dick,live at home etc.... never seen the wanna be drug dealer cope, totally new one... Copers will cope and will always find new cope ways, amazing...
Agreed. I thought that Indian Race Troll guy was bad, but this guy is next level.

Mental illness.

People like this have no interest in learning anything here. Everyone please, just report him and ignore this thread.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
It's difficult to find a solution when it comes to women - but maybe there could be a service where they would connect the dating-unlucky men with unlucky women. With a guaranteed match.

We will have Universal Basic Income soon, and having a "stock girlfriend" given by the state would help many people with the stress of dating.

This is either trolling or the wildest cope I've ever seen.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 6, 2019
You know what I find amazing, you have all this awareness of your 'issues' and the reality of things, and yet you use all of your processing power to defend and seek validation for the very things that prevent you from succeeding. This tells me more than anything that you don't want to change.

At the end of the day someone can only change when their desire for something (or to avoid something) overwhelms their desire to live in comfortable illusion. You're clearly not there yet.

damn this hit me deep


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 6, 2019

seduction is learnable art

if you've really done 3,000 approaches with zero results, then I highly HIGHLY recommend that you take an in-person bootcamp.

I've heard stories of dating coaches who encounter people like you and immediately the issue is quite obvious such as your vocal projection sucks or you smell terrible.

I'm not saying your solution is that simple but there are certain dating coaches that specialize in
hard cases like you.

I think you would find a lot more value with infield coaching than you do with your therapy.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Maybe it's your lack of understanding about psychology, but from what I wrote, it's clear that the symptoms come from trauma, not autism.

So it's CPTSD and a lot of BPD traits. These can present as autism, but they are acquired in childhood.

Ah. That makes sense then. Thanks for the correction.

I was well acquainted with a BPD seducer who'd been heavily traumatized in his youth. He was incredibly talented with girls, but he could often seem autistic-like with the long rants he'd get into, the total obliviousness to others' true motivations, and his constant suspicion of others, extreme sensitivity to any criticism whatsoever, and relentless focus on getting everyone around him to continually validate and reassure him.

Major differences between you and him: he kept it together enough to not fight with absolutely everyone all the time, he worked his ass off to master seduction and approach it methodically, and the only people who knew there was something off about him were those who got close enough. To everyone else he was just magnetic and charismatic and maybe a little bit too girl-crazy.

(come to think of it, from the other BPD seducers I have known less well than that individual, but also gotten to see a lot, they also had behaviors that made me say, "Wait, is he autistic? How does he not know this is a faux pas? I thought BPDs had scary social intuition?" Interesting. I guess the catch there is that BPDs like autists are both normal/high sympathy but low empathy, and struggle to understand the motives and intentions of others. Autists because they psychologically can't, or only can with great mental effort; BPDs because they're constantly in such a stress state that they have enormous trouble focusing on anything other than their own insecurity / incessant inner fear & neediness)

And the way you listed all my shortcomings here.. makes me think you (or most people here) really aren't equipped to help me (which everyone should be - we aren't trying to create an ableist society where healthy people are better off, are we?).

  1. You specifically asked for what behaviors were causing others to view you as looking/sounding autistic.

  2. You're right, we are not equipped to be your therapists. That's why I wrote this post and referred you to it last time we did this.

Anyway, from the previous CPTSD/BPD dudes melting down we have had on here, I know where this inevitably goes, and it isn't anywhere good, nor is it conducive to either you learning to be a better seducer or socializer, or anyone else on here being able to focus on what he is here to focus on or just generally exist without constant dramatic outbursts.

Therefore, I bring down the ban hammer -- but with a parting well wish:

I hope you will investigate dialectical behavioral therapy, if you have not already; it is the only repeatedly scientifically validated approach for resolving the difficulties you are dealing with. You can get the handbook to self-teach, and seek out a therapist who specializes in this (it will be way, way more productive than any other therapist following any other approach).

I would also suggest you read @Carousel's post on trauma releasing exercises, if you have not seen that one yet.

I would cool it on the approaches for now.

Get your basic social aptitude up first.

Accept that with BPD you are going to regularly burn down social circles due to a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy: you predict that people will leave you, so behave in ways that burn through your relationships with others, exhaust them, and force them to have to cut you off. So, until you have fixed that issue (which you will only do via DBT), you must work on your charm, which you are also lacking in right now, so that at least you can quickly get set up with new girls and new friends every time you burn a relationship out.

Sorry to ban you. I'm sure you will feel victimized. Please understand:

People with your spectrum of issues, once they go on a validation rampage like the one you're on (demanding everyone focus on them, tend to them, and set aside everything else in their lives to make the CPTSD/BPD individual the center of their universes), destroy any circle they're a part of if they are not removed, simply because other people have lives, loads of problems of their own, and limited bandwidth to devote to any individual other person -- especially if that person is not also contributing value back to them.

It is a sorry state -- and again, it is why you need specialized help.

I hope you get it, man.


KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
And don't do drugs!

The sperm point was just to inject some fear, but if you give into smoking pot and aren't even into it, the girls will be able to tell you are just following the crowd. Unattractive. Then you're left with only the negative effects of that decision.

Given your mental state, if you get into pot and start liking it, that could take you down a really harrowing path. I have seen people end up in mental hospitals. Weed and bad mental health don't mix. It's a serious risk given your existing challenges. So I wanted to hammer that in out of genuine concern.

Good luck dude.